Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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57.CARA (CONT'D)Can’t you see, Stephen? He onlywants to use you --STEPHENYeah? Well, so do you.(off Cara)You say you’re fighting some“shadow war,” but what are youfighting for? I mean, what’s theworst that will happen if we allturn ourselves in and give up ourpowers and live like normal humanbeings? What if Jedikiah’s right?What if it makes the world safer?CARAYou want to admit that we’remistakes, freaks of nature who needto be “cured?”(shaking head)Nature doesn’t make mistakes. YetJedikiah will stop at nothing --turning evolution on its head --driving us extinct -- just topreserve the human race.STEPHENWhich -- I’m sorry, Cara -- I stillconsider myself a part of.CARAOf course you do. But to them...We’re not.(off Stephen)The tomorrow people -- the oneswe’ve found and the ones we’regoing to find, they’re my family.I won’t let anything happen tothem. And I won’t let anythinghappen to you. Come with me,Stephen. Please.She reaches out her hand. He looks at it, struggling withhis choice.STEPHENWhen you first started talking tome, the mysterious voice in myhead, I trusted you. I don’t knowwhy, I just did. But now I needyou to trust me.(meeting her gaze)I’m gonna find out what happened tomy dad, Cara.(MORE)

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