Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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45.But when the doors open, JEDIKIAH STEPS OUT OF THE ELEVATOR.Flanked by more AGENTS. Holding a gun. Game over. Jedikiahlocks on John... His white whale.JEDIKIAHAfter all this time, you decided tocome back. For him...(re: Stephen)You thought he was going to helpyou find to your promised landdidn’t you? Doesn’t exist, John.Jedikiah raises the gun. Aiming it at John. John staresback at Jedikiah. Defiant, knowing it’s over.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)And even if it did. You’re nevergonna see it --JEDIKIAH PULLS THE TRIGGER, Stephen leaps forward to stophim. Too late.NO -- !STEPHENBOOM, JEDIKIAH FIRES. AS TIME STARTS TO MOVE IN SLOW-MOTION.THEN EVERYTHING STOPS COMPLETELY... Jedikiah, the bullet, theclock. It’s like the world is paused. Everything except --THE FOUR TOMORROW PEOPLE. ANGLE ON JOHN who stares at theBULLET suspended in mid-air, inches away from him.ANGLE ON STEPHEN, hand extended. That’s when we realizeSTEPHEN IS CAUSING TIME TO STOP!CARAHow are you doing that?RUSSELLI thought you said our powersdidn’t work -- ?STEPHEN(urgent)Move.AS SLOWLY, TIME RAMPS BACK TO NORMAL SPEED.OUR GUYS DASH ONTO THE ELEVATOR. TIME RETURNS TO FULL-SPEED.The bullet continues its course. Missing John completely.Jedikiah looks around. Bewildered. Where did he go?

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