Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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43.RUSSELLOur powers don’t work up here.CARAThen neither do theirs.Off Cara, undaunted, leading the charge to rescue Stephen.INT. LABORATORY - INTERCUTBACK WITH STEPHEN, strapped in chair. Watching. Helpless.ON MONITOR: CARA AND RUSSELL RUN DOWN A HALL.ON SECOND MONITOR: FOUR AGENTS, MOVING TO INTERCEPT THEM.BACK IN THE HALLWAY: AS CARA AND RUSSELL RUN HEADLONG INTOTHE FOUR ULTRA AGENTS. RUSSELL TAKES THE FIRST ONE OUT,soon, he’s swarmed by the other three. HE TAKES A PUNCH.CARA JOINS THE FIGHT, TAKES OUT AN AGENT, then another one.But when she turns another AGENT BLIND-SIDES HER WITH APUNCH. Sends her down hard. Momentarily dazed.The agent who hit her, turns, coming face to face with JOHN,who CLOCKS HIM with a vicious punch, knocking him out.He shoots a look to Cara, who smiles through the throbbingpain in her face.CARANice shot.JOHNDon’t patronize me.But he gives her a sexy grin as he helps Russell to his feet.RUSSELLI’m good. Let’s go...BACK WITH STEPHEN. WATCHING THE MONITORS. His friends don’tknow what’s waiting for them... PULL BACK to show A DOZENSECURITY ANGLES: ULTRA AGENTS SWARMING FROM EVERY DIRECTION.Stephen closes his eyes. Tries to reach Cara telepathically.STEPHENYOU GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE.PLEASE... CARA...But it’s no use. CUT TO CARA: She can’t hear Stephen. She,John, and Russell, continue straight into the trap.

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