Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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41.JOHNThey’re going to get themselveskilled.TIM’S VOICECausing me to repeat my question:Do you care?Off John, his survival instincts fighting his emotions...INT. LABORATORY - DAYBACK UPSTAIRS WITH STEPHEN AND JEDIKIAH. Damian ENTERScarrying a medical tray with a SYRINGE. Stephen fixes on theneedle. A look of horror.STEPHENWhat are you doing?JEDIKIAHNo one’s going to hurt you.Jedikiah begins PREPARING A SYRINGE. Drawing from a vial.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)Actually, it might hurt a little.STEPHENWhat is it?JEDIKIAHI could give you a boring lectureabout recombinant DNA therapy...But the short answer is this: It’sphase one of a clinical trial. Myhope is, in time, it will fix you.Repair your genetic code. Returnyou to the way you used to be.STEPHENLet me go... There’s nothing wrongwith me...JEDIKIAHYou’re so much like your father.So much promise... So muchpotential... But you don’t want toend up like him, do you?STEPHENWhat does that mean?

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