Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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39.JEDIKIAH (CONT'D)The human race would cannibalizeitself -- out of fear and paranoia -- we’d wipe ourselves out beforeyour kind ever had the chance to doit for us.STEPHENBut they don’t want to be found out-- the tomorrow people -- they justwant to be left alone...JEDIKIAHAnd you think all tomorrow peopletake their orders from John? LastI checked he had what, a dozen ofyou? Do you know how many morethere are out there who we can’tfind, can’t catch? Do you thinkall of them will choose to stayhidden? That all of them will usetheir powers for the good of man?Because I have plenty of evidencethat says otherwise.(then)I’m not the bad guy, Stephen. Notby a long shot.Off Stephen, stumped.INT. LOBBY - NIGHTANGLE ON Cara and Russell ENTERING. Looking badass. Theyapproach a CHECKPOINT and THREE GUARDS. Guard #1 steps outto block them. Suspicious.GUARDI’m gonna need to see your --IN A FLASH, Russell lifts his hand, SENDING A TELEKINETICSHOCK-WAVE WHICH SWEEPS THE GUARD ACROSS THE ROOM, INTO AWALL. CRUNCH. Meanwhile, guard #2 DRAWS HIS GUN.GUARD #2Freeze -- !BUT CARA HAS ALREADY DISAPPEARED. TELEPORTING. SHEREAPPEARS behind guard #2 who spots her out the corner of hiseye. Too late. Cara GRABS THE GUN, CLOCKS him with it.RUSSELLYou’ve been practicing.

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