Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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3.INT. HALLWAY - INTERCUTThe guard surveys the EMPTY HALLWAY. Huh. That’s weird. Heholsters his gun. Relaxing, raising his walkie...SECURITY GUARD (INTO WALKIE)False alarm.But when the guard turns around towards the elevator, hefinds THREE SUITED MEN standing behind him. Dressed likegovernment agents. Where the hell did they come from?SECURITY GUARD (CONT’D)(reaching for gun)Hold it right there...ONLY TO FIND HIS HOLSTER EMPTY.PULL BACK from his confused expression as WE REVEAL HIS GUNFLOATING IN MID-AIR. Next to his head. Just... Levitating.SECURITY GUARD (CONT’D)What the -- ?CLOSE ON THE LEAD AGENT, flanked by the other two. Staringat the levitating gun... Like he’s controlling it.LEAD AGENTLet me help you with that --Before the guard can react, lead agent plucks the gun out ofmid-air and CLOCKS THE GUARD in the head. He’s out cold.BACK WITH CARA. Reacting to the live feed. She goes ashen.CARASomething’s wrong...INT. MEDICAL RECORDS OFFICE - CONTINUOUSMeanwhile, we CUT TO JOHN flipping through a file cabinet.He finds what he’s looking for, a MEDICAL RECORD. Bingo.CARA (V.O.)(”get out of there”)ULTRA’s in the building...BACK WITH JOHN. Cara’s warning comes too late. A VOICE --VOICE (O.S.)I’ll take that file.John slowly turns. The agents fan out. Surrounding him.

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