Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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34.CARAIt was his choice. Those are therules.JOHNHe doesn’t get a choice yet. Notuntil he has the whole picture.He lays a roundhouse kick on her -- she just barely teleportsout of the way.JOHN (CONT’D)You’re getting better.CARADon’t patronize me.JOHNLearn how to take a compliment.She flings out her arm -- a nearby 5 lb weight flies at John.He catches it mid-air.JOHN (CONT’D)Wow. Testy.CARAWe shouldn’t have sprung the stuffabout his father on him. Did yousee his face? His scars need time.JOHNHe needed to know -- and why areyou so protective of him?CARAProtective? Not any more than anyof the others --JOHNNone of the others were allowed toleave before they got the wholepicture.WHAM. His next kick connects with her. She stumbles.JOHN (CONT’D)Stay focused.CARA(fuming)Stop distracting me...

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