Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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33.EXT. SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATERAt their CAR, Stephen’s mom fumbles with her keys. Dropsthem. She just stares at them on the ground. Frozen.MARLAI’m sorry, Stephen. But I justcan’t do this again... What I wentthrough with your father -- hisdelusions and his deception -- Iknow how it ends. And I just can’tbear to see you go through it.STEPHENI’m sorry. I didn’t mean ---He tries to comfort her. It’s not working. She tears up.MARLAI thought that if I just found youthe right doctors and medications Icould spare you. But we just can’tgo on like this, honey. Can’t yousee it’s breaking our family apart?Her PHONE BEEPS. She checks it. Shakes her head.MARLA (CONT’D)I have get back to work.STEPHENIt’s fine. I can walk home.(off her hesitation)Mom, it’s five blocks... I’m sure Ican manage to stay out of trouble.As Stephen’s mother gets in the car. And drives off... RACKFOCUS ON A CAR PARKED IN THE DISTANCE.INT. CAR - DAYCUT TO JEDIKIAH, in passenger seat, Damian at the wheel.LONG POV OF STEPHEN, alone and on foot.INT. SUBWAY STATION - TRAINING ROOM - DAYCara taking out her frustrations on John -- sparring -- kicksand punches combined with teleporting and telekinesis.JOHNYou shouldn’t have let him leave.

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