Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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22.LEAD AGENTI can explain --JEDIKIAHI said sit.(then calm)You had John, you lost John, end ofstory. That’s not why you’re here.Jedikiah clicks a REMOTE CONTROL.ANGLE ON MONITOR: The security guard from the TEASER.FOOTAGE FROM HIS POLICE INTERVIEW. The guy is freaking out.SECURITY GUARD (ON MONITOR)I know it sounds nuts, but it waslike he was controlling it with hismind -- making my gun float like hehad some kinda superpowers --Jedikiah CLICKS off the MONITOR.JEDIKIAHAs you know, our program cannottolerate any loose ends.LEAD AGENT(re: security guard)I’ll take care of him...JEDIKIAH(ominous)Already taken care of.Jedikiah pulls out a GUN, sets it on his desk.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)You have a gift. You, and the restof your species, you’re superior toours in almost every way. You cantalk without words, travel throughspace, and move objects just bythinking about them... Me? I haveto do things the old-fashioned way.(picking up gun)I must seem primitive to you.The agent shakes his head. Eyes fixed on the gun.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)You’re reading my mind now... Soyou know what I’m going to do.

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