Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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19.He grins at her. He loves the tease. Then, to Stephen --RUSSELLYou coming or what?INT. SUBWAY STATION - CORRIDOR - MOMENTS LATERRussell leads Stephen down a DARK CORRIDOR, through LIVINGQUARTERS; couches, rugs. Small rooms with BEDS. We see aCOUPLE TOMORROW PEOPLE hanging out.STEPHENYou guys live here?RUSSELLFor now. We’re taking the wholeunderground thing literally...Why?STEPHENRUSSELLThat’s chapter two, man. We’restill in the prologue. Here --INT. SUBWAY STATION - RUSSELL’S ROOM - MOMENTS LATERThey arrive at a large room.RUSSELLPretty sweet digs, huh?STEPHEN’S POV: The room has been outfitted with everything ateenage runaway might need -- computers, furniture, art --the world’s coolest dormitory.STEPHENWhere’d you get all this -- ?RUSSELLHeard of the five-finger discount?Russell nods to his dresser, fixing his gaze, a ROLEX FLOATSup as he reaches out his arm, slides it onto his wrist.RUSSELL (CONT’D)We get the no-finger discount.STEPHENYou steal?

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