Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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9.ASTRIDI don’t want you to be normal.(taking Stephen’s hand)I just want you to get better.ESTABLISHING SHOT: UNIVERSITY CAMPUS.ANGLE ON A SIGN announcing a “visiting lecture series.”INT. AUDITORIUM - DAYCUT TO a CLASS listening to DR. JEDIKIAH PRICE (40) handsome,charismatic. ON SCREEN, the famous “Evolution of Man” IMAGE.JEDIKIAHWhat this slide suggests is thatover the last two-million years weevolved slowly, from primitive maninto who we are today. But ourevolution has been marked by suddengenetic shifts, random mutationswhich happened in the blink of aeye, resulting in new species...(re: slide of Neanderthal)40,000 years ago, this guy wasking. Until we came along.(re: slide of a person)We must have seemed like anevolutionary joke. Smaller,weaker, we even had smaller brains.And yet we managed to wipe themout. Because of just one uniquecompetitive advantage. Love. Don’tlaugh. Love between individuals whounlike Neanderthals mated for life.Love for family. We are hard-wiredto care of our own...Just then, Jedikiah SPOTS SOMEONE -- he looks like a collegeTA (DAMIAN, 20s) -- standing off to the side of the stage.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)And it’s because of our collectivestrength we survived. Excuse me.Walking offstage to speak with DAMIAN, Jedikiah’s easygoingattitude changes during the PRIVATE BEAT.JEDIKIAH (CONT’D)What happened?DAMIANThey lost him. He was in New York.

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