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Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itempositions, and Operations "Klette II" and "Eisbar I-III," against partisan groups.Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 3. Organizational charts. 1943.Vla, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ferngesprache, Records of telephone conversationsbetween Field Marshal v. Kluge and commanding officers. Jul 12 - 29,, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB Nr. 3, Funkspriiche. Radio mesaages on the progress of operationsand identification of enemy units, Jul 10 - Aug 9,, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 3. Combat reports of the 299th Inf. Div. and preparationsfor the attack at Krassnogorsje. Jan 2 - Aug 13,, Anlagenbande 5-17 z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily combat reports, interrogations of prisonersof war, and telephone conversations between Field Marshal v, KLuge and unit commanders.Information on Soviet air activity, anticipated enemy panzer attack andpartisan warfare at Bryansk. Operations reports of engineer, transportation andintelligence units, and air force liaison officer. Included are situation maps(1:300,000). Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Ein-Mappen LVIII-LXX z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily and special combat reports, interrogationsof prisoners of war and Russian deserters, translations of captured documents andmonitored British and Soviet broadcasts. Operations reports of subordinate units,German agents, and on partisan warfare at Lokot-Buda and Navlya. Charts and mapsshowing enemy air operations and position of front line units. Jan 1 - Jul 15,, Anlagenbande 32-36 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps on positions of German andSoviet front line units at Roslavl-Livny-Staryj-Oskol-Konotop. (1:300,000). Jan 1 -Aug 13,, Anlagenband 37 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:25,000, 1:100,000) showingposition of subordinate corps and divisions at Mzensk-Bolchov-Shisdra, and areasof partisan warfare. Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Anlagenband 38 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten.Situation maps (1:300,000) showing GermanItem No. Roll 1st Jrame37075/11-13 153 740681437075/14 153 740756937075/1537075/1637075/1737075/18-37075/3037075/31-37075/4337075/45-37075/4937075/50153 7407688154 7407909154 7408354154- 7408555-163 7418875164-170170-1711717419616-74272787427917-74283257428409

Panzer-Armeeoberkoimnando 2 83ItemItem No.troop disposition in the Roslavl-Livny sector. Jan 1 - May 18, 194-3.37075/51la, Anlagenband 39 z. KTB Nr. 3, Sperrung u. Zerstbrung. Correspondence on demolitionwork to be done prior to retreat from Karatschev and Orel. Jul 20 - Aug 4, 1943.37075/52la, Anlagenband 4-0 z. KTB Nr. 3. Report, photographs and maps on the destruction ofOrel prior to evacuation. Jul 28 - Aug 7, 1943.37075/53la, Anlagenband 41 z. KTB Mr. 3» Correspondence on assignment of front line areas.Jan 18 - 30,, Anlagenband 4-2 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and organization of newly formedsubordinate units. Feb 24 - Apr 5,, Anlagenband 43 z. KTB Nr. 3, Feindlage. Reports, charts and maps (1:300,000) ondisposition of Soviet artillery units. Jan 2 - Jul 12,, Anlagenband 44 z. KTB Nr. 3. Pak Lage. Weekly reports on conditions of heavyantitank guns of Pz AOK 2 and subordinate units, ^ep 22, 1942 - Apr 21, 1943*la, Anlagenband 45 z. KTB Nr. 3, Befehle. Orders and methods of combating partisanactivities and sabotage. Included are overlays and situation maps (1:300,000) ofthe Roslavl-Akulitschy sector. Dec 24, 1942 - Apr 9, 1943.37075/58la, Anlagenband 46 z. KTB Nr. 3, Durchfuhrungsbefehle. Orders for Operation "Blucher,"withdrawal of German units to new positions. Feb 11 - 14, 1943.37075/59la, Anlagenband 47 z. KTB Nr. 3, "Zigeunerbaron." Orders, instructions, and reports onthe conduct of Operation "Zigeunerbaron," partisan warfare at Bryansk. Included aremaps (1:100,000) showing destr^ssyed villages. May 7 - Jun 4, 1943.37075/60la, Anlagenband 6la z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders, instructions and maps on German defensiveactions against the Russian attack at Orel. Jul 19 - 24, 1943. ; 37075/61Roll 1st Frame171 7428454172 7428586172 7428622172 7428661172 7428746172 7428760172 7428849172 7428933172 7428984172 7429019172 7429257la, Anlagenband 49 z. KTB Nr. 3, Sommerschlacht urn den Orelbogen. Charts and maps on thesummer campaign in the Orel area. Jul 5 - Aug 12, 1943. 37075/62 172 7429288

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itempositions, and Operations "Klette II" and "Eisbar I-III," against partisan groups.Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 3. Organizational charts. 1943.Vla, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ferngesprache, Records of telephone conversationsbetween Field Marshal v. Kluge and <strong>com</strong>manding officers. Jul 12 - 29,, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB Nr. 3, Funkspriiche. Radio mesaages on the progress of operationsand identification of enemy units, Jul 10 - Aug 9,, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 3. Combat reports of the 299th Inf. Div. and preparationsfor the attack at Krassnogorsje. Jan 2 - Aug 13,, Anlagenbande 5-17 z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily <strong>com</strong>bat reports, interrogations of prisonersof war, and telephone conversations between Field Marshal v, KLuge and unit <strong>com</strong>manders.Information on Soviet air activity, anticipated enemy panzer attack andpartisan warfare at Bryansk. Operations reports of engineer, transportation andintelligence units, and air force liaison officer. Included are situation maps(1:300,000). Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Ein-Mappen LVIII-LXX z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily and special <strong>com</strong>bat reports, interrogationsof prisoners of war and Russian deserters, translations of captured documents andmonitored British and Soviet broadcasts. Operations reports of subordinate units,German agents, and on partisan warfare at Lokot-Buda and Navlya. Charts and mapsshowing enemy air operations and position of front line units. Jan 1 - Jul 15,, Anlagenbande 32-36 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps on positions of German andSoviet front line units at Roslavl-Livny-Staryj-Oskol-Konotop. (1:300,000). Jan 1 -Aug 13,, Anlagenband 37 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:25,000, 1:100,000) showingposition of subordinate corps and divisions at Mzensk-Bolchov-Shisdra, and areasof partisan warfare. Jan 1 - Aug 13,, Anlagenband 38 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten.Situation maps (1:300,000) showing GermanItem No. Roll 1st Jrame37075/11-13 153 740681437075/14 153 740756937075/1537075/1637075/1737075/18-37075/3037075/31-37075/4337075/45-37075/4937075/50153 7407688154 7407909154 7408354154- 7408555-163 7418875164-170170-1711717419616-74272787427917-74283257428409

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