GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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72 Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2ItemItem No.Roll1st Framela, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Grenzverlegung.Nov 18 - Dec 18, 1942.Change of boundaries between military units.28499/801257371599la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Ablb'sung, Orders transferring the 17th Pz Div from Orel, andboundary alignment between Army Group Center and Pz. AOK 2. Nov 12 - Dec 8, 1942.28499/811257371618la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Lehrgange. Training schedule and roster of instructors forsupply training courses. Sep 28 - Dec 6, 194-2.28499/821257371661la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Winterkriegslehrgang in Finnland. Winter training courses forski troops to be given in Finland. Oct 13 - Dec 31, 194-2.28499/831257371683la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Karten. Situation maps showing enemy and German positions,and partisan situation in rear areas. May - Aug 194-2.28499/841257371726la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Partisanenunternehmen. Reports and maps on partisan warfare nearBryansk and in rear areas. Jun 13 - Dec 10, 194-2.28499/851257371820la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Zufuhrung und Verteilung. Distribution of heavy antitank gunsand equipment pursuant to Hitler's wishes. Mar 9 - Sep 23, 194-2.28499/861257371972la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reports on changes in boundaries between military units.Operational maps (1:100,000) of the Orel area. May 31 - Jul 4-, 194-2.28499/871257372058la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Operation "Vogelsang." Orders and reports on "Vogelsang," anoperation against partisans at Djatkovo-Ivot-Star. May 25 - Jul 4-, 194-2,28499/881257372089la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Auffrischung. Reorganization of the 29th Inf Div. Apr 8 -Jun 3, 194-2.28499/891257372194la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Material relating to action against partisans on the Russianfront by the Royal Hungarian 108th Light Infantry Division. Jun 194-2.28499/901257372303la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Marschbewegungen. Orders, charts, maps and route surveys onreassignment of the 16th, 82d, 336th, 383d and 385th Inf Div, and Div. Grossdeutschland.May 4- - Jul 3, 194-2.28499/91 126 7372387

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