GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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68 Panzer ^Armeeaberkommando 2ItemItem No,la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Teil-1. General operations material which includes a chartshowing 1 Russian bomb drops in the army area, a report of Russian air activity, andGerman estimate of damage. Aug 1 - 15, 194-2. 284.99/15la, Anlagen z. KTB Mr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, Soviet air force activityand damage inflicted, activity of intelligence and air force liaison units, and maps(1:300,000). Aug 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/16la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, information on enemyair attacks, overlays showing enemy artillery, and activity of intelligence and airforce liaison units. Sep 1 - 15, 1942. 28499/17la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, information on enemy airattacks, overlays showing enemy artillery, reports of intelligence and air forceliaison units, construction of igloos and maps of the Shisdra area. 3ep 16 - 30, 194-2. 284-99/18la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special reports on operations at Rosslavl-Livny,estimate of the overall enemy situation, v. Kluge's telephone conversations, andinformation reports from Army Group Center. Oct 1 - 14, 194-2. 28499/19la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily reports on operations at Orel, information on enemyartillery and activity of intelligence units and air force liaison officer.Oct 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/20la, Anlagen z. ?TB Nr. 2. Daily operations reports, translated diary of a partisan,antitank warfare, activity reports of intelligence and engineer units and. air fortseliaison officer. Nov 1 - 15, 1942. 28499/21la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily activity reports, action of Soviet air force and artillery,intelligence reports, and a situation map of the Shisdra area. Nev 16 - 29, 1942. 28499/22Roll 1st Frame113 7359261114 7360190115 7361341116 7362117116 7363007117 736369411711873644157364927la, Anlagen z. XTB Nr. 2. Daily activity reports, action of Soviet air force and artillery,organizational charts, and reports of intelligence and OM units. Dec 1 - 15, 1942. 284°9/23la, Anlagen z. T xTB Mr. 2. Daily activity reports and directive for handling Sovietprisoners of war. Dec 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/2411811873653657365865

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