GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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64 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagen Al-R z. KTB Nr. 1, Tell 4, Tages-Zweitagesmanpen. Daily, morning, eveningand special <strong>com</strong>bat operations reports covering the campaign in central Russia atOrel, and offensive operation at KLinzy and Uljanowo. Memos on conferences of Hitlerand Gen. v, KLuge, Gen. Schmidt and other <strong>com</strong>manders. Soviet breakthrough at Maljareslawez,and Hitler's order authorizing withdrawal to new positions, approving air supportfor front line units. Intelligence reports on enemy units, partisan warfare inthe Nawlja area and anticipated attacks of the enemy. Information on personnel shortage,casualties and replacements, assignment of Ukrainian volunteer units, appointmentof Gen. Brand as <strong>com</strong>mander of rear areas, handling and interrogation of prisonersof war and partisans, evacuation of Karatschow and Bryansk and Hitler's special ordersto hold positions, losses of weapons, supply problems and reorganization of 112 Inf.Div. and Regiment Deutschland. Included are reports from Army Group Center, GroupUsinger and XXIV Pz Corps. Orders to subordinate units, organizational charts,sketches of fortifications at Bryansk and miscellaneous situation maps, Jan 1 -Mar 31, 1942.Ila/IIb, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Correspondence onfurloughs, personnel assignments, awards and decorations, and officers' senioritylist. Jan 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Ic, Anlagenband 3 z, KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports on advance preparationsand actual activities during <strong>com</strong>bat operations. Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 29, 1942.A.Na.FU., Anlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-4, Tatigkeitsberichte.ports. Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Daily activity re-A.Pi.FU., Anlagenband 5a z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports on preparationsfor crossing the Bug River, the thrust to the Dnieper and operation against Moscow.Organizational charts and maps on condition of roads and bridges over the Bug.Feb 15 - Nov 30, 1941.A.Pi,FU., Inlagenband 5b z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports concerningStellungsbau, Briickenbau liber Desna, Oka und Ptucha, Einsatz der Baukra'fte, Auffrischung'von Briickenkolonnen, Vorbereitung der Zerstbrung von Orel. Dec 1, 1941 -Mar 31, 1942.Item No. Roll 1st Frame25034/163-25034/20725034/20825034/20925034/21025034/21125034/21298- 7340518-102 7346102103 7346236103 7346432103 7346455103 7346601

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