GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.RollIc, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Feindnachrichtenbl£tter. Information on enemy units andanticipated plans of operation. Jan 22 - Apr 23, 1944.Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feinlagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showingenemy positions, fortification lines, and anticipated plans of operation. Apr 17-30,58684/6Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Meldungen. Reports on enemy operations, personnel casualties,captured prisoners and equipment, and evaluation reports on the Russian offensive. May 1-Jun 30, 1944.58684/7Ic, Anlage z. T%tigkeitsbericht. Luftaufkl'arung. Situation maps (1:300,000) and overlayson enemy positions, movement of troops, fortification lines and anticipated enemyoffensive. May 1 - Jun 30, 1944 •Ic/AO, Anlage z. Tfetigkeitsbericht. Unit activity reports on cooperation with the secretfield police, army censorship, and SS security service. Also information on guerillawarfare, sabotage, and propaganda. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58684/858685/1-273-737374747311812731183973120527312355Ha, lib, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Unit activity reports, casualty lists, personnelreplacements, decorations, military justice and spiritual guidance. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.O.Qu. , Kriegstagebuch Nr e 13. War diary of QM activities in the areas of Uman, Gaiworon,Vinniza and Rohatzn,as part cf the unit was encircled by the enemy. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58686/1-258687/1-2O.Qu., Anhang z. KTB Nr. 13. KTB mit Anlagen ftber T^tigkeit ausserhalb des KesselsKamenez-Podolsk. Reports on reorganization and replacement of supplies and equipment.Mar "23 - Apr 9, 1944. 58687/3 74O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. Schriftverkehr. Reports on supply problems during the encirclementat Kamenez-Podolsk, and on re-equipping units after the breakthrough. Jan 7 - Jun 30,1944. 58687/4-9O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. T&tigkeitsberiehte der unterstellten Einheiten. Jan 1 - Jun 30,1944. 58687/10-11 75747473126267312698731278474-75 7312824, 73132597313324

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