GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 25ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameA.Pi.F^., Anlage 15 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on efficiency of engineer units. Nov 25,19U - Apr 9, 1942.A.Pi.FVi., Anlage 16 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Information on Russian engineer equipment and PoWstatements on new Russian weapons, Dec 17, 194-1 - Mar 21, 1942.Bv.T.O., T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on transportation activities in the southern sector ofthe Russian front. Mar 1 - May 31, 1942.la, Anlage z. Schreiben Oberst Zimmer, Kdr. Geb. Pi. Rgt. Stb. 620 v. Jul 2, 1942.Reports concerning the battle for Ossadtschij.IVb, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Detailed information on medical activities, movinghospitals and evacuating wounded men by air in the southern sector of the Russian front.Jun 22, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942.IVb, Tttigkeitsbericht. Reports on the medical situation in field and general hospitals,and on organization of medical units. Apr 4 - Nov 20, 1942.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 8. War diary covers military operations in the area of Taganrog,Kharkov, and the Caucasus Mountains. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.la, Anlagenmappe 1 z. KTB Nr. 8. "Fridericus 1" Contains "Die Vernichtungsschlacht imDonez-Bogen westlich Isjum," maps of battle around Kharkov, May 1942, "Notizen zur Bewegungder 1. Panzerarmee .vom Terek zum Don, Januar 1943." May 1942 - Jan 1943.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 8. Monthly detailed operation reports and orders covering the Russiancampaign in the areas of Sslawjansk, Kharkov, and Terek. Also included are various mapsshowing position and movements of enemy and own units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.la, Lagekarten. Twenty-eight daily situation maps (1:100,000) showing position of Armeegruppev. Kleist. Apr 1 - 28, 1942.la, Lagekarten, One hundred fifty-nine situation maps (1:300,000) showing position ofPB^ZT AOK 1, Armeegruppe v. Kleist and other units in the southern sector of the Russianfront. Jun 1 - Oct 31, 1942. •19194/5419194/552000122376242152488224906/124906/228282829292929297259503725960272596887259709725977472598627259988726050824906/3-9 30-35 7260567-726629924906/10 35 726698824906/12-16 35-36 7267159-7267731

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