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16 Panzer-Armeecberkommando 1ItemItem, Anlage 1? z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Taganrog, Rostov, Mariupol and Stalino areas.Oct 8-13, 1941. 16910/19la, Anlage 18 2. KTB Nr. 6, Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Orestopol area, the occupation of Taganrog,Stalino, and oil installations. Also a situation map of Dnepropetrovsk. Oct 14 - 21, 16910/, Anlage 19 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Mariupol and Rostov areas. Oct 22 - 31, 1941. 16910/21la, Kartenanlagen I z. KTB Nr. 6. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaJ disposition of Panzergruppe1 in the Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodsershinsk and £apcrozhe areas. Jun 23 - Jul 31,1941. 16910/22la, Kartenanlagen II z. KTB Nr. 6. 31 Lagenkarten. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaldisposition of Panzergruppe 1 in the Kiev, Kirovograd, Krementschug, Kherson,Mirgorod and Lubry areas. Aug 1-31, 1941. ' 16910/23la, Kartenanlage III z. KT.B Nr. 6. 30 Lagenkarten. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaldisposition of Panzergruppe 1 in the Krassnograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhe,Alexandria, Kirovograd, Kharkov areas. Sep 1-30, 1941. 16910/24la, Kartenanlage IV z. KTB Nr. 6. Maps (n.s.) showing tactical disposition ofPanzer AOK 1 in the Dnepropetrovsk, Melitopol, Stalino, Mariupol, Taganrog, Rostovareas. Oct 1-31, 1941. 16910/25Ic/AO', TEtigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen, Consolidated unit activity reports, enemyorder of battle, and a report of the propaganda section in the areas of Kiev andRostov. Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941. 16910/26Ic/AO, Anlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Morning and evening intelligence reports concerningenemy operations in the Dnieper area, PoW interrogations, and reconnaissanceactivities, and reports on the conversion to Pz. AOK 1. Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941. 16910/27Roll • ; 1st Frame723377272343059 7234782723521272353197235422723551472356287235653

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item Item No. Rollla, Ic, Beilagen 1,Teil" I z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstellten Truppen.Daily operations and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, and appraisal of thesituation. PoW and deserters' interrogations with information on Russian operationsin the Ingulets River and Zhitomir areas, and inventories of captured equipment.Jun 18 - Aug 13,, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil II und III z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operations and intelligence reports on own and enemy activities, losses,order of battle, interrogation reports of Poto? and deserters, partisan activity, capturedequipment, reconnaissance information and evaluation of the enemy in the areas of Nikopol,Novgorod and the Dnieper. Also a report on a new Russian army in the Kharkov area.Aug 14 - Set 22,, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil IV und V z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operation and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, interrogationof prisoners of war, reports on partisan warfare, reconnaissance informationon areas of Stalino and the Don River, and the capture of Taganrog. Sep 23 - Oct 31,, Ic, Beilagen 2, Teil 1-IV z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Kd. d. Horch-Truppen, Funklagemeldungen.Reports and messages on intercepted Russian radio communications regardingenemy mission, losses, ammunition, rations and fuel supply, troop identification andmovements on the Transcaucasus and North Caucasus front. Order of battle of enemyforces and overlays showing disposition of enemy units in the Kiev, Summy, Odessa,Kursk, Kharkov and Rostov areas. Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941.Ia,Ic, Beilagen 3, Teil I-1II z. Tfetigkeitsbericht, Gefangenen Vernehmungai. Interrogationreports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters concerning enemy units,location of strong points, situation in Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalino, Kiev andRostov. Also information on armament industry at Taganrog and on the industrialregion of Stalino. Jun 22 - Oct 29, 1941.Ic, Beilage z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Feindlagekarten. Maps (1:300,000) showing the dispositionof enemy forces in the Krementschug, Dnepropetovsk, Relitopol, Zaporozhe, Poltava,Kherson, Mariupol, Taganrog, Isjum, Stalino &. Rostov areas. Aug 30 - Oct 31, 1941.171st FrameI6910/28a-b 10 723597816910/29-30 11 723744116910/31-32 11 723812816910/33-36 12-13 7238892, 723991916910/37-39 13-14 7240238, 724064616910/40 14 7240918

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item Item No. Rollla, Ic, Beilagen 1,Teil" I z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstellten Truppen.Daily operations and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, and appraisal of thesituation. PoW and deserters' interrogations with information on Russian operationsin the Ingulets River and Zhitomir areas, and inventories of captured equipment.Jun 18 - Aug 13,, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil II und III z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operations and intelligence reports on own and enemy activities, losses,order of battle, interrogation reports of Poto? and deserters, partisan activity, capturedequipment, reconnaissance information and evaluation of the enemy in the areas of Nikopol,Novgorod and the Dnieper. Also a report on a new Russian army in the Kharkov area.Aug 14 - Set 22,, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil IV und V z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operation and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, interrogationof prisoners of war, reports on partisan warfare, reconnaissance informationon areas of Stalino and the Don River, and the capture of Taganrog. Sep 23 - Oct 31,, Ic, Beilagen 2, Teil 1-IV z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Kd. d. Horch-Truppen, Funklagemeldungen.Reports and messages on intercepted Russian radio <strong>com</strong>munications regardingenemy mission, losses, ammunition, rations and fuel supply, troop identification andmovements on the Transcaucasus and North Caucasus front. Order of battle of enemyforces and overlays showing disposition of enemy units in the Kiev, Summy, Odessa,Kursk, Kharkov and Rostov areas. Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941.Ia,Ic, Beilagen 3, Teil I-1II z. Tfetigkeitsbericht, Gefangenen Vernehmungai. Interrogationreports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters concerning enemy units,location of strong points, situation in Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalino, Kiev andRostov. Also information on armament industry at Taganrog and on the industrialregion of Stalino. Jun 22 - Oct 29, 1941.Ic, Beilage z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Feindlagekarten. Maps (1:300,000) showing the dispositionof enemy forces in the Krementschug, Dnepropetovsk, Relitopol, Zaporozhe, Poltava,Kherson, Mariupol, Taganrog, Isjum, Stalino &. Rostov areas. Aug 30 - Oct 31, 1941.171st FrameI6910/28a-b 10 723597816910/29-30 11 723744116910/31-32 11 723812816910/33-36 12-13 7238892, 723991916910/37-39 13-14 7240238, 724064616910/40 14 7240918

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