GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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104. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemRoll1st Frameand a day by day description. Jan 6 - Apr 1, 194-1.2097471491Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLVTII, Russland, Meldungen. Reports on enemy situation,interrogation of prisoners of war and Russian deserters, enemy information bulletinsand information on Russian weapons. Included are maps (1:300,000) showingdisposition of enemy units at Novosil. Aug 21 - 31, 194-2.759922097471596la, Ic/A.O., Meldungen. Reports on partisans shooting German soldiers and evacuationorders for Russian civilians. Apr 12 - Jul 14-, 1943.853832097471995IVa, Akte Beihilfe, Accounts of losses of personal possessions due to em.my action,reauests for settlement, supporting statements, and final settlements. Jan 25 -Apr 28, 194-2.85384-2107472057Ha, Personalveranderungen. Officers' assignments and promotions. Mar 194-0.85385-85386211-2127473405-7474409Ic/A.O., Briefprufstelle. Reports on mail censorship. Dec 194-2 - Aug 194-3.843877475465O.Qu. , R'.iumung. Instructions for evacuation of areas in Yugoslavia, reports andcorrespondence on conscription of Volksdeutsche , security of railroad facilitiesin Greece and Yugoslavia, and on partisan warfare. Feb 12, 194-3 - Jan 6,854022127475606IVa, Bewillip.te Beihilfen. Correspondence on reimbursement to members of German unitswho suffered personal property losses during Russian attacks. Jan 13 - Feb 28,1942, May - Jun 1942.84512-854132137475652IVa, Frontzulagen. Correspondence on front line duty pay. Jan 1, 1942 - Jul 12, 1943.854142137476933IVa, Abfindung von Hilfswilligen. Correspondence on the pay rates of Hilf swillige .Jan 19 - Jun 14, 1943.854152147477085IVa, Abschreibungen. Correspondence on shipment of rations and rendering of rationaccounts. Jul 1 - Dec 1, 1943.854162147477253IVa, Beihilfen.Correspondence on payments to members of German units who suffered

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