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GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com


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<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA.No. 51. Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Armies (Part I)The National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1966

This finding aid has been prepared by the National Archives as part of its programof facilitating the use of records in its custody*The microfilm described in this guide may be consulted at the National Archives,•where it is identified as Microcopy No* T-313* A price list appears on the last pages*Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and PublicationsDivision, National Archives. Washington, D*C* 20U08*Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guidesof the same series may have been of private origin* The fact of their seizure is notbelieved to divest their original, owners of any literary property rights in them* Anyone,therefore, who publishes them in -whole or in part without permission of their authors maybe held liable for infringement of such literary property rights*

GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIONROUTING SLIP<strong>TO</strong> CO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RIONAME AND/OR SYMBOL^&»x- t^£a?~~s,«a.3.C' /^^-^f^ ^/ BUILDING, ROOM, ETC V j'44u£«

<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA.No. 51. Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Armies (Part I)The National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1966

R E A EThis Guide is one of a series of finding aids describingthe declassified seized German records deposited in the NationalArchives. The series was initiated by the Microfilming Projectof the Committee for the Study of War Documents of theAmerican Historical Association in cooperation with the NationalArchives and the Department of the Army. With the terminationof the Microfilming Project in July 1963, the National Archivesassumed sole responsibility for the reproduction of records andthe preparation of Guides,This is one of a number of Guides describing the recordsof one German Army field <strong>com</strong>mands. These records fall intofive categories: Records of Army Groups, Records of Armies,Records of Corps, Records of Divisions, and Occupational andOther Records.This Guide, which constitutes Part I of records of thepanzer armies, describes the contents of 227 rolls of microfilmreproducing the records of Panzer Armies 1 and 2. Includedis material on the campaigns in the West in 194-0, inthe Balkans in 194-1, and in Russia in 194-1-45. Part II willcover the records of Panzer Armies 3-5 and Africa.The provenance to which the documents are attributed isthe army headquarters that originally kept the file, althougha large proportion of the items had in fact been retired bythe units to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam for permanent retention.There an accession number was stamped or written on the cover,and it is by this numbering system that the folders were organize-din the World War II Records Division and its predecessor,the Departmental Records Branch of the Department of the Army,which offices administered the records prior to the assumptionof these duties by the Archival Projects Division, Office ofMilitary Archives. All folders accessioned by the Heeresarchivwere assigned numbers in sequence and logged in by unit in theso-called Potsdam Catalog, All such folders bear numbers below75000. Folders that had not gone through the Heeresarchiv accessioningprocess before capture or had never been retired to theHeeresarchiv were given folder numbers in an extension of theHeeresarchiv system using numbers above 75000, but otherwise followingthe Potsdam pattern. Considerable information on the fate ofall German military records during World War II, and especially onseveral fires with subsequent efforts to reconstruct the files, maybe found in the records of the Chef des Heeresarchivs in the GermanArmy High Command. (These records were filmed in T-78, Rolls 1-38,and are described in Guide No. 12 of this series.)The descriptive material for the panzer armies was preparedon cards and each card has been filmed before the folder it describes.The cards for all folders on one roll of film are alsofilmed at the beginning of that roll. This Guide contains thetext of the cards.A short unit history and an organization index by staff section(Abteilung) precede the file item listing for each panzerarmy. The unit history has also been filmed at the beginning ofeach roll of the unit's records.The term "Roll" in the Guide refers to the sequence of thefilm. "1st Frame" gives the frame number of the first page ofthe folder. The "Item No." is the identification symbol on theoriginal folder. The "Item" provides (a) the abbreviation ofthe staff section that originated the document, and (b) the titleappearing on the document cover or other information providinga general idea of the contents of the item.The original records have been returned to the Federal Republicof Germany. The Microfilm has been deposited asill

TABLE OF CONTENTSPagePrefaceGerman Military Symbols and AbbreviationsOrganization of German Army StaffsillviixRecords of Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 (First Panzer Army)Organization Index 1File Item Listing . . 13Records of Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 (Second Panzer Army)Organization Index ....................................... 4-3File Item Listing 60Previously Published Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va. . ,~. . . . 107Price ListIll

<strong>GERMAN</strong> MILITARY SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONSlaIcIc/A.O.IdHalibIIIIVaIVbIVcIVdIVd/Ev.IVd/Kath.VVIVIIAbt.Abw.A.K.allg.A.Na.Ftt.Anl.Anordn.A.O.AOKA.O. KraftA. Pi. FBi.Arffc.ArkoArmeegeb,Art. )Artl.)Aufkl.A.V.L.Batl.OperationsabteilungFeindnachri chtenabteilungFeindnachrichtenwesen u. AbwehroffizierAusbildungsoffizier1. Adjutant2. AdjutantRichterIntendantArztVeterin'arGruppe SeelsorgeEvangelischer KriegspfarrerKatholischer KriegspfarrerKraftfahrwesenoffizierNationalsozialistischer F&hrungsoffizier (NSFO)Chef der ZivilverwaltungAbteilungAbwehrArmeekorpsallgemeinArmeenachrichtenf\!ihrerAnlageAnordnungAbwehroffizierArmeeoberkommandoAbwehroffizier des KraftfahrwesensArmeepi onierf\lhre rArtillerieftohrerAr tilleriekommandeurArmeegebietArtillerieAufkl'arungArmeeverpflegungslagerBataillonBattr.BaupiBd.Beob.bes.betr.Betr.St.Brig.Bt.B.V.Bv.T.O.bzuCh.d.GenSt,Div.Eisenb.Fahrtr.Fallsch.feindl.Feldgend.Feldkdtr.Feldlaz.Feld.V.St.Fest.FKFl.FlakFlivoFPMfreiw.Fft.GaboGeb.Gen.d.Inf.Gen.Kdo.Genlt.Gonmaj.BatterieBaupioniereBandBeobachtungbesonderebetreffendBetriebsstoffBrigadeBataillonBetriebsstoffversorgungBevollm&chtigter TransportoffizierbeziehungsweiseChef des GeneralstabesDivisionEisenbahnFahrtruppenFallschirmfeindlicheFeldgendarmerieFeldkommandanturFeldlazarettFeldvorschriftenstelleFestungFeldkommandanturFliegerFliegerabwehrkanoneFliegerverbindungsoffizierFeldpo s tme i s te rfreiwilligFtthrerGasabwehroffizierGebirgs-General der InfanterieGene ralkommandoGeneralleutnantGeneralmaj or

<strong>GERMAN</strong> MILITARY SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (cont'd.)Genobst.Genstb.d.H.G. F. P.Grenztr.grdlg.Grz.Tr.HarkoH.Gr.H.Gr.Kdo.H.Mot.HH>h.Hfi>h.Art.Kdr.H.O.KraftHptm.H.Qu.H.Streif.Dst.I.D.Inf.Insp.I.E.I. u. A.G.Kampfw.Kan.Kav.Kdo.Kdr,Kdt. d. H.Qu.Kdtr.Kfz.Kgf.Kodeis.Kofeld.Kogend.Kol.Koluft.Komp.Kor&ck.GeneraloberstGeneralstab des HeeresGeheime FeldpolizeiGrenztruppengrandlegendGrenztruppenBbherer ArtilleriekommandeurHeeresgruppeHeere sgruppenkommandoHeere smotorisie rungH&hererBbherer ArtilleriekommandeurHlbherer Offizier des KraftfahrwesensHauptmannHauptquartierHeere s streifendienstInfanterie DivisionInfanterieInspektionInfanterie RegimentInfanterie u. Artillerie Ger&tKampfwagenKanoneKavallerieKommandoKommandeurKommandant des HauptquartiersK ommandan turKraftfahrzeugKri e g s gefangene rKommandeur der EisenbahntruppenKommandeur der FeldgendarmerieKommandeur der GendarmerieKolonneKommandeur der LuftwaffeKompanieKommandant des r&ckw£rtigen ArmeegebietesKp.Kps.KradKTB, KtbLkw.Lt.Lw.Mess.M.G.mil.Mob.mot.Mun.MVONachr.Nachsch.Nahaufkl.Gr,NDnorweg.NSFONT01OBOb.d.H.Obit.Ob st.Obstlt.Offz.OKHOKLOKMOKWO.Qu.O.Qu./Qu.lO.Qu./Qu.2O.Qu./IV Wi.O.Qu./VIIKompanieKorpsKraftfahrradKriegstagebuchLastkraftwagenLeutnantLuftwaffeKarten- u. VermessungswesenMaschinengewehrmilit&rischeMobilmachungmotorisiertMunitionMarine vertindungsoffizierNachrichtenNachschubNahaufkiarungsgruppeNachrichtendienstnorwegischNationalsozialistischer Ftthrung soffizierNachschubtransportl.Ordonnanzoffizier des StabesOberbefehlshaber, order of battleOberbefehlshaber des HeeresOberleutnantOberstOberstleutnantOffizierOberkommando des HeeresOberkommando der LuftwaffeOberkommando der Krie§s marineOberkommando der WehrmachtVersorgungsabteilungAllgemeiner VersorgungsoffizierSicherungsoffizierArmeewirtschaftsftthrerMili t^rve rwaltung

<strong>GERMAN</strong> MILITARY SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS (cont'd.)VlllO.Qu./Qu.L.O.Qu./Qu.Ro.O.Qu./Cu.T.O.Qu./W.Ing.ostw.PakPanz.Panzertr.Pi.Pi.F'a.Pion.Pk.Po.Prop.Pz.Qu.Reg. )Regt.)Res.Ro,rftckw.San.Schw.Stabsoff.f.Pz.Bek&iipfStb.stellv.Sto., R. u. F.StoartStofeldStoluftStomViStopakStopitaktoTBOberquartiermeister der LuftwaffeGruppe RohstoffeGruppe TechnikWehrmachts-Ingenieurostw&rtsPanzerabwehrkanonePanzerPanzertruppenPionierePionierfiihrerPioniereParkPolizeiPropagandaPanzerPuartiermeisterRegimentReserveRohstoffer\!ickw£rtigSanit'ats-SchwadronStabsoffizier f&r PanzerbekSinpfungStabstellvertretendStabsoffizier, Reit- u. FahrausbildungStabsoffizier der ArtillerieStabsoffizier der FeldgendarmerieStabsoffizier der LuftwaffeStabsoffizier f&r Marsch&berwaehungStabsoffizier f\!ir Panzerbek&npfungStabsoffizier der PionieretaktischeT'atigkeit sberichtTransp.Trp.V.St.u c a.uswVerb.Kdo.d.Luftfl.Verb.Offz.d.Luftfl.Vers.Verw.Vet.W.B.K.i^fehrersWehrm.W.Geol.W.G.O.Wi.W.O.W.Pr.WStb.WuGz.b.V.TransportTransportvorschriften stelleund anderej unter anderemund so weiterVerbindungskommando der LuftflotteVerbindungsoffizier der LuftflotteVersorgungVerwaltungVeterinS.rVerbindungsoffizier OKW/Wehrwirtschaftsu.R&stungsamtWehrbe z i rks kommandoWehrersatzWehrmachtWehrgeologeWehrmachtsgr&beroffizierWirtschaftWehrwirtschaftsoffizierWehrmachtspropagandaWehrwirtschaftsstabWaffen u. Geratzur besonderen Verwendung

ORGANIZATION OF <strong>GERMAN</strong> ARMY STAFFSFfthrungsabteilung (Operations Group)Operationsabteilung (Operations Branch)Karten- u, Vermessungswesen (Map and Survey Officer)Bbherer Artilleriekommandeur (Artillery Staff Officer)Pionierf\!ihrer (Engineer Staff Officer)Nachrichtenfiihrer (Signal Staff Officer)Stabsoffizier fftr Panzerbek&npfung (Antitank Staff Officer)Stabsoffizier fto MarschUiberwachung (March Control Officer)Gasabwehroffizier (Chemical Warfare Officer)Kommandeur der Luftwaffe (Air Support Commander)Kommandant des r&ckw&rtigen Armeegebietes (Commander of Army Rear Areas)Kommandant der Eisenbahntruppen (Commander of Railway Troops)Bevollm'achtigter Transportoffizier (Transportation Officer)Kommandant des Hauptquartiers (Headquarters Commanding Officer)Technischer Offizier des Stabes (Technical Staff Officer)1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes (Special Missions Officer)Ausbildungsoffizier (Training Officer)Feindnachrichtenabteilung (Intelligence Branch)Feindnachrichtenwesen Abwehroffizier (Intelligence Officer)Quartiermeisterabteilung (Supply Group)H. Gr t *laMessStoartGen d FiNa FftStopakGen TrIdIcAOK* AK* Div.*laMessHarkoPi FftNa FttStopakStomftGaboKoluftKoruckKodeisBv.T.O.Kdt.d.H.la/T.la/01IdIcIc/A.O.Qu.laMessArkoStopiNa FttStopakIclaMessStopiNa FttStopakIcVersorgungsabteilung (Supply Branch)Allgemeiner Versorgungsoffizier (General Supply Officer)Sicherungsoffizier (Security Officer)Armeewirtschaftsf*Ahrer (Army Economics Officer)Milit&rverwaltung (Military Occupation Officer)Wehrmacht-Ingenieur (Armed Forces Engineer)Betriebsstoffversorgung (Fuel Supply Officer)Abwehroffizier d. Kraftfahrwesens (Security Officer for Motor Transportation)Gruppe Technik (Technical Group)O.Qu.O.Qu. Qu.O.Qu./Qu.lO.Qu./Qu.2O.Cu./IV WiO.Qu./VIIO.Qu./W.Ing.B.V.A.O. KraftO.Qu./Qu.T* Omission of symbols in the H.Gr., AOK, AK and Div. columns indicates that either there was no <strong>com</strong>parable office for that echelonor information is not available at this time concerning the existence of an office on that level.IbIX

ORGANIZATION OF <strong>GERMAN</strong> ARMY STAFFS (cont'd.)H.Gr. AOK AK Div.Waffen u. Ger'at (Ordnance Group)Feldgendarmerie (Military Police)Intendant (Administrative Officer)Arzt (Medical Officer)Veterin&r (Veterinary Officer)Kraftfahrwesenoffizier (Motor Transport Officer)Feldpostmeister (Postmaster)FeldgendFeldgendWuGFeldgendIVaIVbIVcVFPMWuGFeldgendIVaIVbIVcVFPMAdjutantur (Personnel Group)1. Adjutant (for officer personnel)2. Adjutant (for enlisted personnel)Richter (Judge Advocate)Gruppe Seelsorge (Chaplain)Nationalsozialistischer Fllinrungsoffizier (Nazi Guidance Officer)Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Chief of Civilian Administration)HalibIIIIVdVIVIIHalibIIIIVdVIHalibIIIIVdVIHalibIIIIVdVI

<strong>RECORDS</strong> OF <strong>GERMAN</strong> FIELD OTMANDS; PANZER ARMIES (PART I)Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 (First Panzer Army)The first predecessor of the First Panzer Army, the XXII Army Coros (XXII. Armeekorps),* was formedin the summer of 1939 and took part in the campaign in Poland. In March 1940 it was redesignatedPanzer Group Kleist (Panzergruppe Kleist) for its <strong>com</strong>mander, General Ewald von Kleist, and foughtin the campaign in the West. It was subsequently engaged in the Balkan campaign and was renamedPanzer Group 1 (Panzergru'ope 1) in June 194-1. From the Balkans it was <strong>com</strong>mitted to the southernsector of the eastern front and in October 1941 was renamed First Panzer Army (Panzer-AOK 1).Early in 1944 it moved from the lower Dnieper bend to the northern Ukraine. It subsequently withdrewthrough the Ukraine to southern Poland and the S-lcyakian sector. 'It was disbanded on May 8,1945. Commanders after von Kleist was relieved on November 21, 1942, were Generals Eberhad vonMackensen, Hans Hube, Erhard Raus, Gotthard Heinrici, and Walter Nehring.Organization IndexAbteilungenAbteilung laKriegstagebuch d. Panzergrur>pe von Kleistauf dem BalkanAnlagenheft 1 z. KTB**Anlagen Nr. 12-23 aus Anlagenheft 2 z. KTBAnlagen Nr. 24-46 aus Anlagenheft 2 z. KTBAnlagenheft 2 (Teilstiick) z. KTBAnlagenheft 3 z. KTBAnlagenheft 5 z. KTBAnlagenheft 6 z. KTBErkundungen im BalkanAngriff gegen Jugoslavien (Restakte)Aufmarschanweisung Barbarossa IAufmarschanweisung Barbarossa IIKriegstagebucher, Bd. 2-5, Feldzug in RusslandGefechtstande d. 1. Panzerarmee im Ostfeldzug 1941Hit Kleist durch die Ukraine. Die Operationender 1. Panzerarmee im OstfeldzugDec 7,Jan 10Jan 31Feb 2 -Feb 8Feb 19Mar 19Apr 8 -Dec 12,Apr 5 -Feb 15Apr 11Jun 22,Jun 9 -Dates1940 - Apr 28, 1941- 27, 1941- Feb 1, 19417, 194118, 1941- Mar 6, 1941- Anr 3, 194110, 19411940 - Jan 7, 19418, 1941- Jun 18, 1941- Jun 18, 19411941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 31, 1941Jun 22 - Dec 31, 1941Item No,75119/111057/2a11057/3b11057/3c11057/3d11057/411057/611057/7E 94E 13017478/la17478/lb75119/2-575119/775119/8b* The records of the XXII Army Corps are on T-314, rolls 665-669.** The basic Kriegstagebuch for Anlagen Nr. 11057/2a-7 is Item No. 75119/1.

Panzer-Armeeoberkonnnando 1AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)TagesbefehleKriegstagebuch Nr. 6, Teil I: Vorbereitung der.Operation Barbarossa; Teil II; Feldzug in RusslandAnlage 1 u, 2 z. KTB Nr. 6Anlage 3 z KTB Nr. 6, OperationsaktenAnlage 4 zAnlage 5 z,Anlage 6 z,Anlage 7 zAnlage 8 zAnlage 9 zAnlage 11 zAnlage 12 z.KTB NrAnlage 13 z.KTB NrAnlage 15 z.KTB NrAnlage 16 z.KTB NrAnlage 17 z.KTB NrAnlage 18 z.KTB NrKTB Nr. 6, OperationsaktenKTB Nr.KTB Nr,KTB Nr,KTB Nr,KTB Nr,KTB Nr,6, Operationsakten6, Oberationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Operationsakten6, Opsrationsakten6, Operationsakten6, OperationsaktenAnlage 19 z.KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 6, Nachgereichte Chefsachen,Balkan-RusslandAnlage z, KTB Nr. 6Kartenanlagen 1 z. KTB Nr. 6Kartenanlagen II z.KTB Nr. 6Kartenanlagen III z.KTB Nr.6Kartenanlagen IV z. KTB Nr.6Beilagen 1, Teil I z. T&tigkeitsbericht d. Abt. Ic,Erdmeldungen der unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 1, Teil II und III z. Tatigkeitsbericht d«Abt. Ic, Erdmeldungen d.unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 1, Teil IV und V z. T&tigkeitsbericht d.Abt. Ic, Erdmeldungen d. unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 2, Teil I-IV z. Tatigkeitsbericht d. Abt.Ic, Kd. d. Horch-Truppen, FunklagemeldungenDatesJun 22 - Nov 20, 1941Feb 5 -Feb 15Jun 22Jun 27Jul 3 -Jul 10Jul 19Jul 27Aug 4 ~Oct 31, 1941- Jun 21, 1941- 26, 1941- Jul 2, 194110, 1941- 18, 1941- 26, 1941- Aug 3, 194111, 1941Aug 18 - 22, 1941Aug 23 - 31, 1941Sep 1 - 10, 1941Sep 21 - 30, 1941Oct 1 - 7, 1941Oct 8 - 13, 1941Oct 14 - 21, 1941Oct 22 - 31, 1941Feb 20 - Aug 30, 1941May 1 - Nov 21, 1941Jun 23 - Jul 31, 1941Aug 1-31, 1941Sep 1 - 30, 1941Oct 1-31, 1941Jun 18 - Aug 13, 1941Aug 14 - Sep 22, 1941Sep 23 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Item No.75119/916910/116910/3-416910/516910/616910/716910/816910/916910/1016910/1116910/1316910/1416910/1516910/1716910/1816910/1916910/2016910/211886416910/216910/2216910/2316910/2416910/25I6910/28a-b16910/29-3016910/31-3216910/33-36

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Beilagen 3, Tail I-III z. Tatigkeitsbericht d« Abt. Ic,Gefangenen VernehraungenBeilage 6 z. Tatigkeitsbericht d.Abt. Ic, FeindnachrichtenblfttterBeilage 7 z. Tatigkeitsbericht dBeilage 8 z. TWtigkeitsbericht dund BeutemeldungenChefsachenChefsachenKriegstagebuch Nr. 7Nachtrag z. KTB NrAnlage 1 z,, KTB NrAnlagen Bd. 3-12 zBefehle7,7KTB NrAnlage Nr. 6 z. KTB Nr. 7Anlage z. KTB Nr. 7Anlagekarten z. KTB Nr. 7Kriegstagebuch Nr. 8Anlagenmappe 1 z.Anlagenmappe 2 z.Anlagenmappe 2a zAnlagenmappe 3 z.Anlagenmappe 4 z.gruppeAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 8Abt. Ic, RundsprucheAbt. Ic, GefangenenKTB Nr. "Fridericus 1"KTB Nr. 8, "Fridericus 2"KTB Nr.8, "Fridericus 2"KTB Nr. 8, "Blau 2," Befehle d.ArmeeKTB Nr. 8, "Blau.2," Befehle d.Heeres-Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 8, Allgemeines UcGsfechtsberichtePropaganda und TruppenbetreuungVernichtungsschlacht im DonezbogenMit Kleist in den Kaukasus, die Opera tionen der1. Panzerarmee im zweiten Kriegsjahr gegen RusslandAnlage z. Schreiben Oberst Zimmer, Kdr. Geb.Pi.Rgt.Stb.620Lagekarten •LagekartenRundbilderJun 22 - Oct 29, 1941Jun 20 - Oct 29, 1941Jun 24 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Sep 9, 1941 - Apr 15, 1944Oct 1, 1941 •- Jul 13, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Oct 23 - Nov 7, 1941Aug 11, 1941 - Mar 17, 1942Nov 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 16, 1941 - Feb 27, 1942Dec 20, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Mar 27 - May 16, 1942May 29 - Jun 25, 1942Apr 17 - May 8, 1942Apr 21 - Jul 7, 1942May 5 - Jul 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942May 1942 - Jan 1943Apr 6-12, 1942May 17 - 27, 1942Jul - Aug 1942Jul 2, 1942Apr 1-28, 1942Jun 1 - Oct 31, 1942Oct 10- 22, 1942Item No.16910/37-3916910/43586825868119194/125179/219194/319194/5-1425179/119194/2019194/15-1924906/125179/325179/425179/525179/625179/724906/3-924906/275119/lOa75119/6856022237624906/1024906/12-1624906/17

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Kriegstagebuch Nr ft 9Kriegstagebuch Nr. 10Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 10Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10, LagekartenAnlagen (Nachtrage) z, KTB Nr. 9 u. 10Kriegstagebuch Nr. 11Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 11, OperationsaktenAnlage z. KTB Nr. 11Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 11, KartenKriegstagebuch Nr. 12Anlage z. KTB Nr. 12Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 12Anlage z. KTB Nr. 12, LagekartenKriegstagebuch Nr. 13Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13, Meldungen u. BefehleAnlage z. KTB Nr. 13, ChefsachenAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 13, BrodyAnlage z KTB Nr, 13, Gruppe StemmermanAnlage z KTB Nr. 13, Gruppe MattenklottAnlage z KTB Nr. 13, Einsatz d. Kgl.Ung,201.1eichte.Div. u Ung. VII. A.K.'Anlage z KTB Nr. 13, Lagekartenmessages and reporte__ on <strong>com</strong>bat activities near_ Gleboka and Kashpirovka/_j/Radi-o messages and reports/_,,/^liscellaneous maps of European .Russia/ArmeenachrichtenfuhrerT&tigkeitsberichteAnlagenband 1 and 2 zu den T&tigkeitsberichtenBeilage z. KTB Nr. 7 > TatigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. TatigkeitsberichtTfetigkeitsberichtNovFebFebFebJanMayMayMayMaySepSepSepSepJanOctJanJanFebFebFebDates1, 19421 - Apr1 - Apr1 - Apr1 - Apr1 -1 - Aug1 - Aug1 - Aug1 - Dec4 - Dec1 - Dec1 - Dec1 - Jun20, 19401 - Jun6 - Jul4 - Jul1517- Jan 31, 1943309194330 t 194330,194330t1943Aug.31t194331J194331t194331 , 194331 t 194329 > 194331 > 194331 ? 194330 t 194430 y 19444, 19441, 1944-28, 1944- Mar 22, 1944Feb 28 - Mar 27, 1944Mar 18 - Apr 20, 1944Jan 5 - Sep 6, 1944Mar 6 - Apr 17, 1945no dateApr 28 - Dec 15, 1941Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 16, 1941.- Mar 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Item No.28280/131555/131555/2-431555/544652/19-2044652/144652/2-544652/6U652/7-1845393/1-445393/545393/6-945393/1058683/1-358683/2658683/4-1858683/2558683/22-2358683/2158683/208560375119/127585116910/51-5216910/53-5419194/3619194/3724906/31

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenArmeenachrichtenf\hhrer (cont T d.)Anlagen z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Teil I u. II, "Der Krieggegen die U.S.S.R."T%tigkeitsberieht rait AnlagenT&tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenTatigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenTatigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenTatigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. T'atigkeitsberichtT&tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenArmeepionierf^ihrerT&tigkeitsberichte mit AnlagenT'atigkeitsbericht mit Beilagen 1-39Beilagen 2a-2e z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Strassen I-IVBeilagen 3a-3d z. T&tigkeit sbericht, Bracken I-IVBeilage 3e z. Tltigkeitsbericht, QJbersicht der gebautenKriegs- u. Behelfsbr&ckenBeilage 5 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, BautruppenBeilage 6 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, ReichsarbeitsdienstBeilage 8 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Leistungen "Pioniere."Beilage 1? z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Dnieper ?Jberg&ngeBeilage 22 z. T&tigkeitsberieht, PioniereinsatzDnepropetrovskBeilage 28 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Grossffthrbetrieb2aporo snjeT&tigkeitsberichtAnlage 1 u. 2 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 3 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 4 z. T£tigkeitsbericht: Bautruppen EinsatzAnlage 5 z. T&tigkeitsberichtj ReichsarbeitsdienstEinsatzAnlage 6 z. T&tigkeitsberichtAnlage 7, Teil I u. II z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 8, Teil I u. II z. T&tigkeitsberichtDatesApr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1942Jan 1-31, 1943Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943May 1-Aug 31, 1943Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944Jan 5 - Apr 22, 1941Apr 21 - Oct 16, 1941Jun 26 - Dec 11, 1941Jun 13 - Dec 15, 1941Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941Sep 9 - Dec 13, 1941Jun 18 - Dec 11, 1941Jul 23 - Dec 5, 1941Jun 23 - Dec 10, 1941Aug 10 - Dec 12, 1941Oct 5 - Dec 9, 1941Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 17, 1941 - Apr 28, 1942Dec 17, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Dec 18, 1941 - Mar 28, 1942Dec 20, 1941 - Mar 29, 1942Dec 2, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 29, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942Item No.24906/32-3328280/528280/631556/1-236835/9^-1045393/2845393/2958688/1-411057/1316910/5516910/56-5916910/60-6316910/6416910/6516910/6616910/6816910/6916910/7016910/7119194/3819194/3919194/4019194/4119194/4219194/4319194/44-4519194/46-47

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenArmeepionierf\!ihrer (cont' d.)Anlage 9 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 10 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 11 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 12 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 13 z. T%tigkeitsbericht, Pionier-Ausbildungs-Batl. u. Pionier-ErsatzAnlage 14 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, ErfahrungenAnlage 15 z, T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage 16 z, TatigkeitsberichtTatigkeitsberichtAnlagen Nr. Al u. 2 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagen Nr. Bl-6 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Vorbereitungen,Planungen, FfthrungsunterlagenAnlagen Cla-b z. T&tigkeitebericht, Allgemeine EinsatzbefehleAnlage C2a-d z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Einsatz Heerespioniere,Br&ck e nkol onnenAnlage C3a-f z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Einsatz BautruppenAnlagen C4 u. 5 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlage C6 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Einsatz Kriegsgefangene,Freiwillige u. ZivilistenAnlage D 1-3 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Br&ckenlage,StauanlagenAnlagen Ela-e z. T'atigkeitsbericht, PanzerstrassenAnlage E2a-b z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Panzerstrassenu. BrackenAnlage E3 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Karten, PanzerstrassenAnlage G z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenbl&tterNr. 50-72Anlage H z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Leistungs&bersichten u.PionierberichteAnlage J z. T%.tigkeitsberichtAnlage Kl u. 2 z. Tfetigkeitsbericht, ErfahrungenT'atigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenDatesDec 27, 1941 - Jun 2, 1942Mar 2 - May 22, 1942Oct 7, 1941 - May 2, 1942Dec 31, 1941 - Mar 17, 1942Mar 16 - May 20, 1942Dec 11, 1941 - Jun 2, 1942Nov 25, 1941 - Apr 9, 1942Dec 17, 1941 - Mar 21, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943Item No.19194/4819194/4919194/5019194/5119194/5219194/5319194/5419194/5524906/3424906/3524906/5124906/3624906/3724906/3824906/39-4024906/4124906/4224906/43a-b24906/4424906/4524906/4724906/4824906/4924906/5028280/4

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenArmeepionierJPihhrer (cont'd.)T&tigkeitsberichteAnlage A z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlage B z. T&tigkeitsbericht, EinsatzAnlage C z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlage D z. T&tigkeitsbericht, MinenAnlage El u. 2 z. T£tigkeitsbericht, Strassen u.BrackenAnlage E3 z. T£tigkeitsbericht, KartenanlageAnlage F z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ausbildung, ErfahrungenT£tigkeits berichtAnlage A z. T&tigkeitsberichtAnlage B z a T&tigkeitsbericht, EinsatzAnlage 01 z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlagen C2 u. 3 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, KartenmappeAnlage D z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Strassen u. BrackenAnlage E z. T&tigkeitsbericht, MinenAnlage G z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Dnieper tJbergangAnlage HI u. 2 z. Tatigksitsbericht, KartenT&tigkeitsberichtAnlage A z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Stellenbesetzungenu. KriegsgliederungenAnlage B z. T&tigkeitsbericht, EinsatzAnlagen C z, Tatigkeitsbericht, Akte Nr. 1 u. 2,ZaporozheAnlage C z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Akte Nr. 3,ZaporozheAnlage C z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Akte Nr. 4,ZaporozheAnlage D z. Tatigkeitsbericht, StrassenAnlage E z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Akte Nr. 1, Ausbaurfeckw&rtiger StellungenAnlage E z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Akte Nr, 2, AdlerStellungAnlage F z. Tatigkeitsbericht, EinsatzAnlage F z. Tatigkeitsbericht, ZersttbrungsvorbereitungenFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayOct1 - Apr1 - Apr1 - Apr1 - Apr11111111111111- Apr- Apr- Apr- Apr- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Sep- Dec30 » 30 >30>30t30 r30 y30t30 930930t3030 930930930 930930 931)9194319431943194319431943194319431943194319431943194319431943194319431943Oct 20 - Dec 22, 1943Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 16 - Dec 26, 1943Oct 26, 1943Oct 10-20, 1943Sep 28 - Dec 31, 1943Nov 7 - Dec 7, 1943Nov 11, 1943Oct 1, 1943 - Jan 2, 1944Nov 24 - Dec 17, 1943Item No.31557/131557/231557/331557/431557/531557/631557/731557/836835/1136835/1236835/1336835/1436835/15-1636835/1736835/1836835/2036835/21-2245393/30 .45393/3145393/3245393/33-3445393/3545393/3645393/3745393/3845393/3945393/4045393/41

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenItem No«Bevollm'achtipter TransportoffizierT'atigkeitsberichtT'atigkeitsberichtT&tigkeitsberichtT'atigkeitsberichtAbteilung Ic. Ic/AOAnlagenheft 6 z. KTBTatigkeitsberichte mit AnlagenBeilagen 1, Teil I, z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Erdmeldungender unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 1, Teil II und III z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Erdmeldungender unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 1, Teil IV und V z. TAtigkeitsbericht, Erdmeldungender unterstellten TruppenBeilagen 2, Teil I-IV z. TAtigkeitsbericht, Kd. d.Horch-Tr., FunklagemeldungenBeilagen 3, Teil I-III z. T'atigkeitsbericht, GefangenenVernehmungenBeilage 6 z. TAtigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenbl'atterBeilage 7 z. TAtigkeitsbericht, Rundspr&cheBeilage 8 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Gefangenen- und BeutemeldungenAnlage z, T'atigkeitsberichtBeilage z. T'atigkeitsbericht, FeindlagekartenT'atigkeitsberichtBeilage 1 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Meldungen der unterstelltenTruppen.Beilage 2 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, FeindfunklageBeilage 3 z. TAtigkeitsbericht, Ergebnisse GefangenenVernehmungen u, BeutematerialBeilage 4 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, FeindlagekartenBeilage 5 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Morgen- u. AbendmeldungenBeilage 6 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, FeindnachrichtenbiatterBeilage 7 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Beute u. GefangenenmeldungenMar 1 - May 31, 1942Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1943Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944Apr 8-10, 1941Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941Jun 18 - Aug 13, 1941Aug 14 - Sep 22, 1941Sep 23 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 29, 1941Jun 20 - Oct 29, 1941Jun 24 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Aug 30 - Oct 31, 1941Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 2 - Dec 13, 1941Nov 1,1941 - Mar 31, 194211057/716910/26I6910/28a-b16910/29-3016910/31-3216910/33-3616910/37-3916910/4116910/4216910/4316910/2716910/4019194/2119194/2219194/2319194/2419194/2519194/2619194/2719194/28

AbteilungenPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Abteilung Ic. Ic/AO (contM.)Beilage 8 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, PropagandaFeindlagekartenT&tigkeitsbericht mit 5 AnlagenAnlage 1 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Meldungen ,.Anlagen 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, FeindlagekartenAnlage 3 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, FeindnachrichtenblatterAnlage 4 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, GefangenenvernehmungT£tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenT£tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenAnlage 1 z, T'atigkeitsbericht, KartenAnlage 2 z. TStigkeitsberichtAnlage 3 z. Tfttigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenbl&tter•Patigkeit sberi chtAnlage z. T£tigkeitsbericht, FeindlagekartenAnlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Luftaufkl&rungAnlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, EisenbahnaufkilningAnlage z, T&tigkeitsbericht, MeldungenAnlage z. T£tigkeitsberichtAnlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenblaettei'T^tigkeitsberichtAnlage z. TS.tigkeitsbericht, LagekartenAnlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, MeldungenAnlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenbl^tterNr. 11-17Anlage z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Luftauf kl&rungAnlage r z. T%.tigkeitsberichtTfetigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-6Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, MeldungenAnlage z, T£tigkeitsbericht"Anlage z. Tfttigkeit sberi cht, FeindnacihrichtenblS.tterAnlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Meldungen aus demKessel Kamenez PodolskAnlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, FeindlagekartenJan 24 - May 18, 1942Jan 1.- Mar 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr'l .- Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 29, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct .31, 1942Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31," 1943FebFebFebFebMayMay-MayMayMayMayApr 30, 1943Apr 30, 1943Apr 30, 1943Apr 30, 1943Aug 31, 1943 .Aug 31,Aug 31,Aug 31,194319431943Aug 31, 1943Aug 31, 1943May 17 - Aug 30, 1943Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 1

10 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1AbteilungenAbteilung Ic. Ic/AQ (cont'd.)T'atigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-7Anlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht, MeldungenAnlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Luftaufkl&rungAbteilung Q.Gu.Kriegstagebuch u, Erfahrungsbericht f\hr denFrankrei&i feldzugKriegstagebuch mit Anlagen, Tatigkeitsberichte derunterstellten AbteilungenAnlagenband I z. KTBAnlagenband II z.- KTBAnlagenband III z. KTBChefsacheTatigkeitsbericht d. Abt. KommandantKriegstagebuchAnlagenband, Anl. 1 z. KTBAnlage 2 z. KTB, T&tigkeitsberichteKriegstagebuchAnlagenband A z. KTBAnlagenband B z. KTB, VersorgungskartenKriegstagebuchAnlagenband 1 z. KTBAnlagenband 2 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Tatigkeitsberichteder unterstellten AbteilungenAnlagenband 3 z, KTB, VersorgungslagemeldungenAnlagenband 4 z,Anlagenband 5 z,Anlagenband 6 z,KriegstagebuchAnlage 1 z. KTBKTB, Unternehmen Fridericus IIKTB .KTBAnlage 2 z. KTB, T&tigkeitsberichte der unterstelltenAbteilungenAnlage 3 z. KTB, VersorgungslagenkartenVersorgungslagenkartenMay 1 - Jun 30, 1944May 1 - Jun 30, 1944May 1 - Jun 30, 1944May 9 - Jul 8, 1940Nov 3, 1940 - May 1, 1941Jul 27, 1940 - Feb 18, 1941Feb 16 - May 2, 1941Jan 15 - Mar 4, 1941 .Feb 10 - Jun 28, 1941May 1 - Oct 31, 1941,May 1 - Oct 31, 1941Mar 28 - Oct 30, 1941May 20, 1941 - Jan 3,Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31,Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31,Nov 1,AprApr1941 - Mar 31,1 - Oct 31, 19421 - Oct 31, 19421942194219421942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943Nov 3, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jul 22, 1943Item No.58684/258684/758684/837788/811058/211058/311058/411058/517478/216910/5016910/4616910/4716910/4819194/3319194/3419194/3524906/5224906/5324906/5824906/5424906/5524906/5624906/5728280/728280/828280/1028280/975119/11

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 11AbteilungenAbteilung Q.Qu.Kriegstagebuch Nr. 10Nachtr'age z. KTB Nr. 10 .Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 10Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10, TagesmeldungenKriegstagebuch Nr. 11Anlagen 1-4 z, KTB Nr. 11, SchriftverkehrAnlage 5 z. KTB Nr. 11Anlage z. KTB Nr. 11, VessorgungslagenKriegstagebuch Nr. 12Anlagen 1-4 z. KTB Nr. 12, SchriftverkehrAnlage 6 z. KTB Nr. 12, T£tigkeitsberichte derAbteilungenAnlage 7 z. KTB Nr. 12, VersorgungslagemeldungenKriegstagebuch Nr. 13ArJiang z. KTB Nr. 13, KTB m. Anl. \iber T&tigkeitausserhalb d. Kessels Kamenez-PodolskAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 13, T&tigkeitsberichte derunterstellten EinheitenAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 13, SchriftverkehrAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 13, VersorgungslagenmeldungenAbteilung IVbT'atigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenT£tigkeitsberichtAbteilung Ila/IIbT&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-10Anlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht, laufende Wbersichtslistenuber eingetretene Verluste nach DivisionengetrenntAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 7 der Abt. la, AOK 1Beilagen z. KTB Nr. 7, T£tigkeitsberichte der Abt.Ila/IIb, Kdt.H.Cu., IVd and IIIT&tigkeitsberichtFeb 1 - Apr 30, 1943Nov 1, 1942 - Apr 30, 1943Jan 30 - May 3, 1943Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943Feb 2 - May 2, 1943May Aug 31, 1943May Aug 31, 1943May Aug 31, 1943May Aug 31, 1943Sep Dec 31, 1943Sep Dec 29, 1943Aug 29 - Dec 31 1943Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944Mar 23 - Apr 9, 1944Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944Jan 7 - Jun 30, 1944Jan 7 - Jul 1, 1944Jun 22, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942Apr 4 - Nov 20, 1942May 1 - Nov 1, 1941Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942Item No.31555/631555/831555/10-1231555/731555/937788/137788/2-537788/637788/7 -45393/2145393/22-2545393/2645393/2758687/1-258687/358687/10-1158687/4-958687/12-14242152488216910/4416910/4519194/219194/3224906/18

12 Panzer-Armeeoberkoxnmando 1AbteilungenAbteilung Ila/IIb (cont'd,)l%tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenT£tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenTfetigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenT&tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenT&tigkeitsbericht mit AnlagenAbteilung IIIAnlage z. KTB,T£tigkeitsberichteBeilagen z. KTB Nr. 7, TktigkeitsberichteAbteilung IVdAnlage z. KTB, TfetigkeitsberichteBeilagen z. KTB Nr. ?, TktigkeitsberichteJan 1-31, 1943Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943May 1 - Aug 31, 1943Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944May 6 - Dec 31, 1941Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942May 6 - Dec 31, 1941Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Item No.28280/331555/1736835/854393/2058686/1-216910/4919194/32.16910/4919194/32

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 113File Item ListingItemItem No.Roll1st Fraila, Erkundungen im Balkan. Reconnaissance reports on roads and transportation facilitiesin Bulgaria. Dec 12, 1940 - Jan 7, 1941.E 9417223770la, Angriff gegen Jugoslavien (Restakte). Orders of Panzergruppe 1 for the attack againstYugoslavia. Maps showing disposition of Yugoslavian forces. Apr 5-8, 1941.E 13017223850la, Anlagenheft 1 z. KTB*. Daily activity reports and orders concerning preparations forthe invasion of Bulgaria. Jan 10 - 27, 1941.11057/2a17223933la, Anlagen Nr. 12 - 23 aus Anlagenheft 2 z. KTB. Reports and orders covering operationsin Rumania, and reconnaissance reports on road conditions in Bulgaria. Jan 31,Feb 1,1941.11057/3b17224114la, Anlagen Nr. 24 - 46 aus Anlagenheft 2 z. KTB. Keitel's order for the occupationof Bulgaria. Feb 2 - 7, 1941.11057/3c17224170la, Anlagenheft 2 (Teilstuck) z. KTB. Reconnaissance reports on road conditions inBulgaria, daily orders, and unit order of battle. Feb 8 - 18, 1941.11057/3d17224223la, Anlagenheft 3 z. KTB. Orders for the invasion of Bulgaria, unit organizationalcharts, and maps showing disposition of Bulgarian, Greek, Rumanian and Turkishforces. Feb 19 - Mar 6, 1941.11057/47224429la, Anlagenheft 5 z. KTB. Daily reports and orders covering the occupation ofBulgaria and mobilization of German forces for the Balkan offensive. Mar 19 - Apr 3?1941.11057/617224702la, Ic, Anlagenheft 6 z. KTB, Operation reports of Abt. la covering the campaign inYugoslavia, Ic reports on enemy movements, and order of battle, Apr 8-10, 1941.11057/717224909A.Pi.Fu., T&tigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen. Activity and experience reports of theBalkan campaign, maps of Bulgaria and of rivers and bridges in the Balkans. Jan 5 -Apr 22, 1941.11057/137225012* The basic Kriegstagebuch for Anlagen Nr. 11057/2a-7 is item no. 75119/1.

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen, Tatigkeitsberichte der unterstellten Abteilungen. KTBmit Anlagen relating to preparations for the Balkan campaign. Operation "Marita" (againstGreece), and for the invasion of Yugoslavia. Nov 3, 1940 - May 1, 1941. 11058/2O.Qii., Anlagenband I z. KTB. Orders' and reports dealing with activities of Qu during theoccupation of Rumania and Bulgaria, an operative study on the Italian-Greek campaign,and overlays. Jul 27, 1940 - Feb 18, 1941. 11058/3O.Cu., Anlagenband II z. KTB. Supply orders and directives covering the Balkan campaignand Operation "Marita" (against Greece)j maps and overlays showing disposition ofenemy forces. Feb 16 *- May 2, 1941.O.Qu.,Anlagenband III z. KTB. Road atlas "Southeast" on roads in areas borderingRumania. Jan 15 - Mar 4, 1941.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 6. Teil I: Vorbereitung der Operation Barbarossa.Feldzug in Russland. Feb 5 - Oct 31, 1941.Teil II:la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 6. Contains Kriegsrangliste, Verlustliste, and Gefechts-mndVerpflegungsst'arke. Also 1 Lagekarte Russland. May 1 - Nov 21, 1941.la, Anlage 1 u. 2 z. KTB Nr, 6. Orders and directives on reorganization and troop movementsin preparation for Operation "Barbarossa." Feb 15 -. Jun 21, 1941. 16910/3-4la, Anlage 3 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Brief operational reports covering the 16910/5first days of the Russian campaign in southern Poland and the western Ukraine.Jun 22 - 26, 1941. • •la, Anlage 4 z. KTB Nr. 6, Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Rovno and Zhitomir areas. Jun 27 - Jul 2, 1941. 16910/6la, Anlage 5 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orders covering 16910/7the campaign in Russia in the Zhitomir area and penetration of the Stalin Line. Jul 3-10,1941.Roll1st Frame7225210722531972257087226163722622072268237226853722788872283967228850

Panzer-ArmeeoberkoiDmand© 1 15ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameJa, Anlage 6 z, KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Zhitomir and Kiev areas. Jul 10 - 18, 1941*722940la, Anlage 7 z. KTB Nr, 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Ostropol and Zhitomir areas, and <strong>com</strong>batefficiency reports of the SS Division "Wiking." Jul 19 - 26, 1941.7229971la, Anlage 8 z. KTB Nr. 6, Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Jampol and Alexandrovke areas, and directiveson preparations for the attack along the Dnieper River. Jul 27 - Aug 3, 1941.16910/107230430la, Anlage 9 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia near the Dnieper, the Black Sea coast, and the BugRiver areas. Aug 4-11, 1941.16910/117230910la, Anlage 11 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia, the occupation of NikolajeV and Zaperozhe, and on<strong>com</strong>mitment of Italian and Hungarian air force units. Aug 18 - 22, 1941.16910/137231494la, Anlage 12 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia, the Dnieper area. Aug 23 - 31, 1941.16910/147231899la, Anlage 13 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia, the Dnepropetrovsk area. Sep 1-10, 1941.16910/157232323la, Anlage 15 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Donez industrial area and the encirclementof enemy forces east of Kiev, and a <strong>com</strong>mendation letter from v. Brauchitsch on thesuccess of the operation. Sep 21 - 30, 1941.7232742la, Anlage 16 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten,der Panzergruppe 1 (First Panzer Armysince Oct 5? 1941). Daily operational reports and orders covering the campaign inRussia in the Kharkov area. Oct 1-7, 1941•16910/187233284

16 Panzer-Armeecberkommando 1ItemItem No.la, Anlage 1? z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Taganrog, Rostov, Mariupol and Stalino areas.Oct 8-13, 1941. 16910/19la, Anlage 18 2. KTB Nr. 6, Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Orestopol area, the occupation of Taganrog,Stalino, and oil installations. Also a situation map of Dnepropetrovsk. Oct 14 - 21, 16910/201941.la, Anlage 19 z. KTB Nr. 6. Operationsakten. Daily operational reports and orderscovering the campaign in Russia in the Mariupol and Rostov areas. Oct 22 - 31, 1941. 16910/21la, Kartenanlagen I z. KTB Nr. 6. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaJ disposition of Panzergruppe1 in the Dnepropetrovsk, Dneprodsershinsk and £apcrozhe areas. Jun 23 - Jul 31,1941. 16910/22la, Kartenanlagen II z. KTB Nr. 6. 31 Lagenkarten. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaldisposition of Panzergruppe 1 in the Kiev, Kirovograd, Krementschug, Kherson,Mirgorod and Lubry areas. Aug 1-31, 1941. ' 16910/23la, Kartenanlage III z. KT.B Nr. 6. 30 Lagenkarten. Maps (n.s.) showing tacticaldisposition of Panzergruppe 1 in the Krassnograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhe,Alexandria, Kirovograd, Kharkov areas. Sep 1-30, 1941. 16910/24la, Kartenanlage IV z. KTB Nr. 6. Maps (n.s.) showing tactical disposition ofPanzer AOK 1 in the Dnepropetrovsk, Melitopol, Stalino, Mariupol, Taganrog, Rostovareas. Oct 1-31, 1941. 16910/25Ic/AO', TEtigkeitsberichte mit Anlagen, Consolidated unit activity reports, enemyorder of battle, and a report of the propaganda section in the areas of Kiev andRostov. Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941. 16910/26Ic/AO, Anlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Morning and evening intelligence reports concerningenemy operations in the Dnieper area, PoW interrogations, and reconnaissanceactivities, and reports on the conversion to Pz. AOK 1. Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941. 16910/27Roll • ; 1st Frame723377272343059 7234782723521272353197235422723551472356287235653

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item Item No. Rollla, Ic, Beilagen 1,Teil" I z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstellten Truppen.Daily operations and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, and appraisal of thesituation. PoW and deserters' interrogations with information on Russian operationsin the Ingulets River and Zhitomir areas, and inventories of captured equipment.Jun 18 - Aug 13, 1941.la, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil II und III z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operations and intelligence reports on own and enemy activities, losses,order of battle, interrogation reports of Poto? and deserters, partisan activity, capturedequipment, reconnaissance information and evaluation of the enemy in the areas of Nikopol,Novgorod and the Dnieper. Also a report on a new Russian army in the Kharkov area.Aug 14 - Set 22, 1941.la, Ic, Beilagen 1, Teil IV und V z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erdmeldungen der unterstelltenTruppen. Daily operation and intelligence reports, enemy order of battle, interrogationof prisoners of war, reports on partisan warfare, reconnaissance informationon areas of Stalino and the Don River, and the capture of Taganrog. Sep 23 - Oct 31,1941.la, Ic, Beilagen 2, Teil 1-IV z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Kd. d. Horch-Truppen, Funklagemeldungen.Reports and messages on intercepted Russian radio <strong>com</strong>munications regardingenemy mission, losses, ammunition, rations and fuel supply, troop identification andmovements on the Transcaucasus and North Caucasus front. Order of battle of enemyforces and overlays showing disposition of enemy units in the Kiev, Summy, Odessa,Kursk, Kharkov and Rostov areas. Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941.Ia,Ic, Beilagen 3, Teil I-1II z. Tfetigkeitsbericht, Gefangenen Vernehmungai. Interrogationreports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters concerning enemy units,location of strong points, situation in Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalino, Kiev andRostov. Also information on armament industry at Taganrog and on the industrialregion of Stalino. Jun 22 - Oct 29, 1941.Ic, Beilage z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Feindlagekarten. Maps (1:300,000) showing the dispositionof enemy forces in the Krementschug, Dnepropetovsk, Relitopol, Zaporozhe, Poltava,Kherson, Mariupol, Taganrog, Isjum, Stalino &. Rostov areas. Aug 30 - Oct 31, 1941.171st FrameI6910/28a-b 10 723597816910/29-30 11 723744116910/31-32 11 723812816910/33-36 12-13 7238892, 723991916910/37-39 13-14 7240238, 724064616910/40 14 7240918

18 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No, Roll 1st Framela, Ic, Beilage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenblatter. Enemy informationbulletins identifying Soviet Army units, training, morale and movements, locationof enemy strong points, treatment of German prisoners and violations of internationallaw by the Soviets, Roster of Red Army <strong>com</strong>manders and overlays showing disposition ofenemy forces in the Rostov area. Jun 20 - Oct 29, 1941.147241124la, Ic, Beilage 7 z. T%tigkeitsbericht. Rundspr&che, Intelligence reports dealing withthe enemy tactical situation and operationsj troop identification and movementsj unitstrength, armament and equipment^ prisoners of war and booty captured in the Vilna,Rovno, Ostrog, Dubnov, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Melitopol and Stalino areas. Jun 24 -Oct 31, 1941.16910/42147241335la, Ic, Beilage 8 z. T'atigkeitsbericht, Gefangenen u. Beutemeldungen, Daily reports onthe number of prisoners of war and booty captured by Panzergruppe 1, Jun 22 - Oct 4,1941, and Panzer AOK 1, Oct 5 - 31, 1941.16910/43147241477Ila, lib, T'atigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-10. Consolidated activity reports and ordersdealing with personnel replacement, casualties, and security of troon movements.May 1 - Nov 1, 1941.16910/44157241598Ila, lib, Anlage z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Laufende < Ubersichtslisten \iber eingetretene Verlustenach Divisionen getrennt. Daily and consolidated personnel casualty reports.Jun 22 - Oct 31, 1941.16910/45157241643O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch* War diary covering Operation "Barbarossa," preparation for theRussian campaign, the invasion, advances to Kiev, the coastal area of the Sea of Azovand to Rostov. May 1 - Oct 31, 1941.16910/46157241714O.Qu., Anlagenband, Anlage 1 z. KTB. Directives and policies relating to furnishingsupplies to various units during the first phase of the Russian campaign, treatmentof prisoners of war, and exploitation of the local economy*,and maps showing the mainhighways in the Ukraine. Mar 28 - Oct 30, 1941.16910/47157241786Qu,, Anlage 2 z. KTB. T&tigkeitsberichte der Abteilungen. Consolidated activityreports of Abt. IVa, IVb and Feldpostamt 422. May 20, 1941 - Jan 3, 1942.16910/48157242387

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 19III, IVd, Anlage z. KTB.May 6 - Dec 31, 1941.ItemT&tigkeitsberichte.Monthly consolidated activity reports.O.Qu., T&tigkeitsbericht. Monthly activity reports of Kommandant des Hauptquartiersdealing with the training of rear service personnel, ordnance and equipment inspections,billeting, confirmation of civilian government employees, and other administrativematters. May 1 - Oct 31, 1941.A.Na.Ftt., T£tigkeitsberichte. Consolidated activity reports dealing with signal <strong>com</strong>municationduring the preparation for Operation "Barbarossa," and the campaign inRussia. Also instructions for maintenance of signal equipment and sketches of the<strong>com</strong>munication networks in Silesia and Poland. Apr 28 - Dec 1$, 194-1.A.Na.F\!u, Anlagenband 1 u. 2 z. Tatigkeitsberichten, Activity reports and instructionsrelating to operation and maintenance of signal <strong>com</strong>munication installations during thefirst phase of the Russian campaign. Also overlays showing the <strong>com</strong>munication networksin the Ukraine. Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941.A.Pi.FUu, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Beilagen 1 - 39. Unit activity reports dealing withoperations before and during the first phase of the invasion of Russia. Maps showingrivers, bridges, and roads in the area from Dnepropetrovsk to Rostov, reconnaissanceon road and river conditions and directives for construction of winter fortifications.Apr 21 - Oct 16, 1941.A.Pi.FUi., Beilagen 2a - e z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Strassen I-IV. Activity reports onmaintenance of supply roads during the first phase of the Russian campaign, constructionof reinforced highways (Panzerstrassen) and bridges, and reconnaissance onroads and bridges in the Stalino,. Taganrog, and Mariupol areas. Also sketches andoverlays showing roads and waterways, Jun 26 - Dec 11, 1941*A.Pi.FUi., Beilagen 3a-d z. T£tigkeitsbericht, Bracken I-IV. Detailed information onbridges in Russia prior to the invasion, and on repairs and construction of bridgesduring the campaign. Also maps and overlays showing areas of Kharko^, Melitopol,and crossing points of the Dnieper, Mius, Bug and Don Rivers. Jun 13 - Dec 15, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame16910/4916910/5015157242422724246216910/51-52 1516910/53-54 15 724269716910/55 16 724299016910/56-59 16 724311816910/60-63 16-17 7243854

20 Panzer-ArmeeOberkommando 1ItemA.Pi.Fu. , Beilage 3e z, Tatigkeitsbericht. ?Jbersicht der gebauten Kriegs- u. Behelfsbr\!icken.Reports and surveys un all military and emergency bridges over the Bug, Don,Dnieper and Mius Rivers. Jun 22 - Dec 15, 1941.A.Pi.F\!i. , Beilage 5 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Bautruppen. Reports and charts dealing withactivities of construction units for road and bridge service in the Dnepropetrovsk,Stalino and Mariupol areas during the firdb phase of the Russian campaign, Sep 9 —'Dec 13,A.Pi.Fu., Beilage 6 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) . Reports on constructionand maintenance of roads, bridges and field fortifications by the Reichsarbeitsdienstduring the first months of the Russian campaign. Also overlays of theStalino, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhe areas. Jun 18 - Dec 11, 1941.A.Pi.Fu., Beilage 8 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Leistungen "Pioniere." Reports by war correspondentsof Panzer Propaganda Company 691 for the Panzernachrichtenblatt PanzerVoran . on the performance and ef ficiency " of engineer and construction units on theStalin line and the Dnieper-Dnepropetrovsk areas. Also some daily corps orders and<strong>com</strong>bat reports of Panzer AOK 1 units. Jul 23 ;- Dec 5, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame16910/64 17177244495724468216910/66 17 724490216910/68 7245037A.Pi.Ftt. , Beilage 17 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Dnieper 'JJberg&nge ($berlegungen) . Informationconcerning crossing the Dnieper River at Kiev. Detailed description of theDnieper River, including crossing points and bridges with sketch (1:2,500,000); alsomaps (1; 1,000, 000) showing main crossing points from Kiev to Kherson, and directivesfor construction of emergency and permanent bridges. Jun 23 - Dec 10, 1941 •A.Pi.Fto. , Beilage 22 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Pioniereinsatz Dnepropetrovsk. Reportsgiving detailed information on the tasks of engineer units during operations A thebridgehead at Dnepropetrovsk, including type of equipment used and losses of personneland material. Aug 10 - Dec 12, 1941.A.Pi.Ftt. , Beilage 28 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Grossffthrbetrieb .Zaporozhe. Detailedinformation on ferrying operation over the Dnieper at Zaporozhe and constructionof bridges by Organisation Todt, Also reports on security of roads and rivercrossing operations. Oct 5 - Dec 9 1941.16910/6916910/7016910/7117 724524917 724541118 7245630

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 21Itemla, Aufmarschanweisung Barbarossa I. Organizational and operational orders and directiveson preparation for Operation "Barbarossa," including order of battle, mission, supply,march movements and information about the Russian Army, fortifications, conditions,situation, land and climate. Also maps (1:1,000,000) of rivers, bridges and roads in the<strong>com</strong>bat area. Feb 15 - Jun 18, 1941.< - . ,, •>la, Aufmarschanweisung Barbarossa II. Reports and orders on preparations for Operation"Barbarossa," order of battle, road conditions, supply situation, time table andoperational objectives. Special directives for signal <strong>com</strong>munication and on the conductof the troops in Russia. Also maps and overlays showing assembly area of H.Gr. SCid.Apr 11 - Jun 18, 1941.C.Cu., Chefsache. Special orders and reports relating to supply activities in connectionwith Operation "Barbarossa," information on position of enemy units, and location ofairports in Kiev. Also overlays on Luftlage of USSR* Feb 10 - Jun 18, 1941.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 6. Nachgereichte Chefsachen p Balkan-Rus.sland. Orders and detailedinformation for the attack on Yugoslavia, and on preparation for Operation"Barbarossa." Also charts showing German <strong>com</strong>mand posts and location of Yugoslavianmobilized units. Feb 20 - Aug 30, 1941.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7. War diary covering the campaign in Russia, detailed militayoperations in the area of Mariupol. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Ha, lib, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 7. Officers* register, casualty and personnel strengthreports. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.la, Anlage 1 z. KTB Nr. 7. Reports on <strong>com</strong>mand shifts and orders for reinforcements,operations in the Rostov area and orders to withdraw behind the Mius sector. Alsotactical situation maps. Aug 11, 1941 - Mar 17, 1942.la, Anl. Bd. 3-12 z. KTB Nr. 7. Daily operational reports and orders covering the campaignin Russia from the western Ukraine to the area of Rostov. Included are alsooperational reports of the 1st Rumanian Inf.Div., "Befehle fur die Einstellung vonUkrainischen Freiwilligen im Rahmen der Deutschen Wehrmacht," and <strong>com</strong>bat experiencereports of various units. Nov 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Item No. Roll 1st Frame17478/la174'78/lb17478/21886419194/119194/219194/31818181818181972460257246157724639772465297246948724704119194/5-14 19-22 7247087-7251868

22 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item , Item No* Rollla, Anlagekarten z. KTB Nr. 7. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing positions of variousunits during the campaign in Russia, from the western Ukraine to the area of Rostov.Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942. 19194/15-19 22-23la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 7. Akten liber die Auffrischung u. Umgliederung der verschiedenenEinheiten. Dec 20, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942. • ' '. 19194/20 23Ic/AO, Tfetigkeitsbericht. Unit activity reports on Abwehr, espionage, censorship, identifyingRussian units, and directives for employment of Ukrainian volunteers. Nov 1,1941 - Mar 31, 1942. 19194/21 23Ic, Beilage 1 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Meldunggn der unterstellten Truppen. Reconnaissancereports, statements of PoWs and deserters of intelligence value on Russian operations.Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Ic, Beilage 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feindfunklage. Daily information reports on activityof enemy units. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Ic, Beilage 3 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Ergsbnisse Gefangenen Vernehmungen u. Beutematerial,Interrogation reports of Russian prisoners of war and deserters. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31,1942.Ic, Beilage 4 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Feindlagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) containingdetailed information on position of enemy units. NOT 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.19194/2219194/2319194/2419194/25 'Ic, Beilage 5 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Morgen- u. Abendmeldungen. Daily information andreconnaissance reports relating to identifying enemy units, resistance to be expected,and military operations in the Rostov area, Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942. 19194/26 25Ic, Beilage 6 z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenbl&tter. Information on Russianfront line units, equipment and operational methods, and other intelligence on theRussian Army. Nov 2 - Dec 13, 1941. 19194/27 25Ic, Beilage 7 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Beute u. Gefangenen Meldungen. Daily statisticalreports on Russian prisoners of war, captured or destroyed guns, tanks, planes andother equipment. NOY 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942. 19194/28 2624 ....2425251st Frame7252267-725283472530237253120725423172546407255204725538472557887255889

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 23Ic, Beilage 8. z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Propaganda. Information on German and Russian propaganda.Jan 24 - May 18, 1942.Ic, Feindlagekarten./64 iaap.s/ Situation maps (1:300,000) containing detailed informationon enemy positions. Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942.Ila, lib, Beilagen z. KTB Nr. 7, T&tigkeitsberichte der Abt. Ill, Kdt. H.Cu. and IVd.Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.O.Qu,, Kriegstagebuch.War diary covering supply operations in southern Russia in the areaof the Don and the Sea of Azov. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.O.Qu., Anlagenband A z. KTB. Reports and directives on furnishing supplies to frontline units during the winter months in the area of Dnepropetrovsk, and informationon exploitation of local areas. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.O.Qu., Anlagenband B z. KTB. Versorgungskarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showingsupply bases in the southern sector. Nov 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Na.Ffc., Beilage z. KTB Nr. 7. T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on <strong>com</strong>municationsactivities covering military operations in the southern sector of the Russian front.Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Na.Fft,, Anlagen z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on <strong>com</strong>munications activities on thesouthern sector. Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fft., T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports of engineer activities in connection with militaryoperations in the southern sector of the Russian front. Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Pi.Ffc., Anlage 1 u. 2 z. Tfttigkeitsbericht. Gesch&ftseinteilung u. Stellenbesetzungendes Stabes. Dec 16, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Pi.Ftl., Anlage 3 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Orders and activity reports of bridge constructionunits. Dec 17, 1941 - Apr 28, 1942.Item No.19194/2919194/30-3119194/3219194/3319194/3419194/35 :19194/3619194/3719194/3819194/3919194/40Roll26262626262626262626261st Frai72560197256072725633972564127256506725669872567117256724725683072568427256853

24 Panzer-Araeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.A.Pi.Ffc., Anlage 14 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Erfahrungen. Information on special engineerequipment and experience reports concerning construction of fortifications,roads, bridges, antitank defenses, and mine clearance. Also information on icebridgesacross the Dnieper. Dec 11, 1941 - Jun 2, 1942. : ! 19194/53A.Pi.Fu., Anlage 4 z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Bautruppeneinsatz. Activity reports of road andbridge construction and maintenance work. Dec 17, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.A.Pi*F\l., Anlage 5 z. T&tigkeitsbericht, RAD Einsatz. Activity reports of the Reichsarbeitsdienst.Dec 18, 1941 - Mar 28, 1942.A.Pi.F\l., Anlage 6 z. Tfetigkeitsberieht. Reports on employment of prieoners of war withengineer units. Dec 20, 1941 - Mar 29, 1942.19194/4119194/4219194/43A.Pi.F\!u, Anlage 7, Teil I u. II z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Reconnaissance reports on roadconstruction, repair and maintenance. Dec 2, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.19194/44-45A.Pi.RSt., Anlage 8, Teil I u. II z. TMitigkeits bericht. Reconnaissance reports on bridgeconstruction, repair and maintenance. Nov 29, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942.A.Pi.Fti.., Anlage 9 z. T£tigkeitsbericht, Stellungsbau. Reports on construction andmaintenance of fortifications in tb.3 southern sector. Dec 27, 1941 - Jun 2, 1942.A.Pi.Ftt., Anlage 10 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Detailed information on the construction offortifications in Melitopol. Mar 2 - May 22, 1942.19194/46-4719194/4819194/49"•^•v --A.Pi.5% 6 , Anlage 11 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on flood, mud and ice conditions insouthern Russia. Also charts on rivers and bridges. Oct 7, 1941 - May 2, 1942.A.PicFtt.., Anlage 12 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Minen. Information on mine warfare and mapsshowing mine fields near the Mius River. Dec 31, 1941 - Mar 17, 1942.19194/5019194/51A.Pi.Ffo., Anlage 13 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Information on training of engineer personneland transferring personnel from Reichsarbeitsdienst to army engineer units.Mar 16 - May 20, 1942.19194/52Roll 1st Frame27 725710727 725732827 725743127 725754427 725826328 725860328 725885928 725898028 725921128 725927128 7259366

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1 25ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameA.Pi.F^., Anlage 15 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on efficiency of engineer units. Nov 25,19U - Apr 9, 1942.A.Pi.FVi., Anlage 16 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Information on Russian engineer equipment and PoWstatements on new Russian weapons, Dec 17, 194-1 - Mar 21, 1942.Bv.T.O., T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on transportation activities in the southern sector ofthe Russian front. Mar 1 - May 31, 1942.la, Anlage z. Schreiben Oberst Zimmer, Kdr. Geb. Pi. Rgt. Stb. 620 v. Jul 2, 1942.Reports concerning the battle for Ossadtschij.IVb, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Detailed information on medical activities, movinghospitals and evacuating wounded men by air in the southern sector of the Russian front.Jun 22, 1941 - Apr 1, 1942.IVb, Tttigkeitsbericht. Reports on the medical situation in field and general hospitals,and on organization of medical units. Apr 4 - Nov 20, 1942.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 8. War diary covers military operations in the area of Taganrog,Kharkov, and the Caucasus Mountains. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.la, Anlagenmappe 1 z. KTB Nr. 8. "Fridericus 1" Contains "Die Vernichtungsschlacht imDonez-Bogen westlich Isjum," maps of battle around Kharkov, May 1942, "Notizen zur Bewegungder 1. Panzerarmee .vom Terek zum Don, Januar 1943." May 1942 - Jan 1943.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 8. Monthly detailed operation reports and orders covering the Russiancampaign in the areas of Sslawjansk, Kharkov, and Terek. Also included are various mapsshowing position and movements of enemy and own units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.la, Lagekarten. Twenty-eight daily situation maps (1:100,000) showing position of Armeegruppev. Kleist. Apr 1 - 28, 1942.la, Lagekarten, One hundred fifty-nine situation maps (1:300,000) showing position ofPB^ZT AOK 1, Armeegruppe v. Kleist and other units in the southern sector of the Russianfront. Jun 1 - Oct 31, 1942. •19194/5419194/552000122376242152488224906/124906/228282829292929297259503725960272596887259709725977472598627259988726050824906/3-9 30-35 7260567-726629924906/10 35 726698824906/12-16 35-36 7267159-7267731

26ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1la, Rundbilder. Panoramic photographs taken during the Russian campaign of areas near Terek,Mozdok and Cstdorf, Oct 10-22, 1942.Ila, lib, Tatigkeitsbericht* 1* Verlustliste, 2. Kriegsrangliste, 3. Kdt. Hauptquartier,4. Abt. Ill (Kriegsgericht). Apr 1 - Cct 31, 1942.Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht mit 5 Anlagen. Reconnaissance information reports on enemy units.Apr 1 - Cjt 31, 1942.Ic, Anlage 1 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Meldungen, Detailed daily intelligence reports on enemyunits, interrogations of prisoners of war, and inventories of captured materiel* Apr 1 -Cct 31, 1942.Ic, Anlagen 2 $, Tlatigkeitsbericht. Feindlagekarten. Cne hundred sixty-seven situationmaps (1:300,000) giving positions cf enemy units in the southern sector of Russia,Apr 1 - Oct 29, 1942.Ic, Anlage 3 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenbl&tter. Information on enemy frontline units, technical data on Russian weapons and equipment and signal codes.Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.Ic, Anlage 4 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Gefangenenvernehmung. Interrogation reports ofprisoners of war. Apr 1 - ©ct 31, 1942.A.Na.Fu., Tatigkeitsbericht, Reports on <strong>com</strong>munications activities. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Na.Fft., Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Teil I u. II. "Der Krieg gegen die U.S.S.R."Detailed information on radio and other signal <strong>com</strong>munications during the campaign insouthern Russia. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fft., Tatigkeitsbericht. Engineer's activity reports covering military cperationsin southern Russia. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fu., Anlagen Nr, A-l u. 2 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. A-l: Geschaftseinteilung undStellenbesetzung; A-2: Pioniergliederungen. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.Item No. Roll 1st Frame24906/17 36 726793124906/18 36 726801324906/19 36 726813024906/20 37 726833024906/21-27 37-38 7268815-726938724906/2924906/3024906/3138383972694947269700727050624906/32-33 39 727054724906/34 39 727096224906/35 39 7270981

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1A.Pi.Fu., Anlagen C la-b z, T£tigkeit sbericht. Allgemeine Einsatzbefehle. Orders forassignment of Reichsarbeitsdienst, Organisation Todt, Landeseinwohner and prisoners of warfor duties with engineer units. Apr 1 - Oct 31,A. Pi. 5%., Anlage C 2a-d z. T&tigkeit sbericht. Einsatz Heerespioniere, Brmckenkolonnen.Orders for assignment of Reichsarbeitsdienst, Organisation Todt, Landeseinwohner andprisoners of war for duty with engineer bridge construction units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 194-2.A.Pi.Fft. , Anlage C 3a-f z. T&tigkeitsbsricht. Einsatz Bautruppen. Reports on employment ofReichsarbeitsdienst, Organisation Todt, Landeseinwohner and prisoners of war as Bau- u.Strassenbautruppen. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 194-2.A.Pi.Fft. , Anlagen C 4 u. 5 z* T£tigkeib sbericht. Reports on employment of Reichsarbeitsdienst,Organisation Todt, Landeseinwohner and prisoners of war with engineer constructionunits. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.F\l. , Anlage C 6 z, T&tigkeitsbericht. Einsatz Kriegsgefangene , Freiwillige u.Zivilisten. Information reports on employment of prisoners of war, volunteers andcivilians as engineer helpers in road and bridge construction. Included areefficiency reports. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fto.. , Anlage D 1-3 z. T&tigkeit sbericht. Br&ckenlage , Stauanlagen, Reports on conditionsof bridges and dams, reconstruction and security. Special information onbridges across the Donez. Apr 1 - Oct. 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fu. , Anlagen E 1 a-e z. Tatigkeit sbericht. Panzerstrassen. Information reports andmaps (1:1,000,000) . on roads suitable for tanks. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.Fu. , Anlage E 2 a-b z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Panzerstrassen u. Bracken. Informationreports on roads and bridges suitable for tanks in the Dnieper and Don area. Apr 1 -Oct 31, 1942.A.Pi.FUi. , Anlage E 3 z. Tat igkeit sbericht. Panzerstrassen. Karten. Maps (1:500,000and 1:1,000,000) on roads and bridges suitable for tanks in the southern sector ofRussia. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.Item No.24906/3624906/3724906/38Roll393940271st Frame72710267271026727202524906/39-4024906/4241414172727467273033727329224906/43a-b 41-42 7274018-727423824906/4424906/45424272745357274803

28 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameA.Pi.in!u, Anlage G z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenbl&tter Nr. 50-72. Informationon Russian engineer weapons and technical data on engineer equipment. Apr 1 -Oct 31, 1942.24906/47427274870A.Pi.Fft., Anlage H z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Leistungs&bersichten u. Pionierberichte. Informationand survey reports on performance of duties of Reichsarbeitsdienst and OrganisationTodt while assigned to engineer construction units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 194-2.427275025A.Pi.F\l., Anlage J z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Personalfragen u. Ausbildung. Apr 1 - Oct 31,1942.437275810A.Pi.F\i,, Anlage K, 1 u. 2 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Erfahrungen-. Unit experience- reports andinformation on Russian <strong>com</strong>bat engineer units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/50437275872A.Pi.FUi., Anlagen B 1 - 6 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Vorbereitungen, Planungen, Ftthrungsunterlagen.Operational orders and directives on preparation of engineer units for the battlesof Kharkov, Izyum, Rostov, Maikop and Terek. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/51437276091O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch, Detailed information on QM activities during the campaign in thesouthern sector of Russia. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/52437276552O.Qu., Anlagenband 1 z. KTB. Orders and directives for supply units, inventories of Russianindustrial installations, and information on exploitation of occupied areas in southernRussia. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/53447276738O.Qu., Anlagenband 3 z. KTB. Versorgungslagenmeldungen. Detailed information on supplies,ammunition, food, fuel and weapons. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/54447277435O.Qu., Anlagenband 4 z. KTB, Unternehmen Fridericus II. Information on QM activities inconnection with Operation "Fridericus II" (battle near Izyum). Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/55'•*7277643O.Qu., Anlagenband 5 z. KTB. Kriegsgliederungen, Lagenkarten u. tlbersichtskarten. Chartsand maps showing location of supply units. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/56447277687O.Qu., Anlagenband 6 z. KTB. Schematische Darstellungen, Einsatz d. Versorgungstruppen u.Einsatz d. Arbeitskr&fte. Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/57447277743

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item No.Ro^J.291st FrameO.Qu., Anlagenband 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Tatigkeitsberichte der unterstellten Abteilungen.Apr 1 - Oct 31, 1942.24906/58457277763la, Anlage Nr. 6 z. KTB Nr. 7. Anweisungen f&r den Winter 1941-42, a&ckwartige Stellungen.Dec 16, 1941 - Feb 27, 1942.25179/1457278369la, Nachtrag z. KTB Nr. 7. Befehle. Orders for Operation "Wintersport," the capture of theMaikop oil fields. Oct 23 - Nov 7, 1941.25179/2457278498la, Anlagenmappe 1 z. KTB Nr. 8, "Friderieus 1". Weismgen, Ftohrerbefehle, orders, and correspondenceconcerning Operation "Friderieus 1" aimed at removing the Russians from thebreak-in area near Izyum. Mar 27 - May 16, 1942.25179/3457278549la, Anlagenmappe 2 z. KTB Nr. 8. "Fridericus 2." Reports, orders, maps and charts onOperation "Fridericus 2," the battle of Izyum. May 29 - Jun 25, 1942.25179/4457278732la, Anlagenmappe 2a z. KTB Nr. 8. "Fridericus 2." Orders and directives on preparationof various units for the Operation "Fridericus 2," the battle of Izyum. Included aresituation maps. Apr 17 - May 8, 1942.25179/57278830la, Anlagenmappe 3 z. KTB Nr. 8. Orders, maps and detailed information on Operation "Blau,"offensive action in the Kursk area. Apr 21 - Jul 7, 1942.25179/67278879la, Anlagenmappe 4 z, KTB Nr. 8. Orders of H.Gr., maps and detailed information on Operation"Blau," offensive action in the Kursk area. May 5 - Jul 1942.25179/77279008la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 9. War diary covering military operations from Terek to the Don.Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943.28280/1 ,7279081Ic, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. 2. Ausfertigung. Daily activity reports on prisonersof war, captured equipment and counterintelligence. Russian troop identification andinformation on Russian volunteers for the German Army. Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943.467279422Ha, lib, T£tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Officers' register, casualty list and materialon decorations and replacement. Jan 1-31, 1943.467279511

30 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemA,Pi,F\!u, T£tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Reports and orders on road and bridge constructionin the Caucasus and destruction of important installations. Also maps on roads, bridges andwaterways in the Caucasus, Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 194-3.A.Na.Fft., T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen, Information on signal activities and <strong>com</strong>municationsnetwork in the Pjatigorsk area. Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1942.A.Na.Fn., T£tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity reports of signal units and plans forand actual destruction of signal installations in Pjatigorsk. Jan 1-31, 1943.O.Qu,, Kriegstagebuch. War diary on supply situation, distribution points, and utilizationof captured material. Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31* 1943.O.Qu,, Anlage 1 z. Kriegstagebuch. Orders and reports dealing with distribution of suppliesand evacuating supply depots, Nov 3, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943.O.Qu., Anlage 3 z, KTB, Versorgungslagenkarten. Situation maps showing position ofsupply troops and distribution points* Nov 1, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943.O.Qu., Anlage 2 z. KTB. T&tigkeitsberichte der untersteHten Abteilungen. Nov 1, 1942 -Jan 31, 1943.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 10. War diary covering military operations in the area of Taganrog-Gorlosoka. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 10. Operational <strong>com</strong>bat reports, orders and information on conditionof units. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10. Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing position of Germanunits and strong points, Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch Nr. 10. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.Item No.28280/428280/528280/628280/728280/828280/928280/1031555/131555/2-431555/531555/6O.Qu., Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10. T&tigkeitsberichte der unterstellten Abteilungen. Feb 1 -Apr 30, 1943. 31555/7Roll 1st Frame46 727954746 727986546 727989646 727991846 727998346 728021146 728022346 728042147-48 • 7280608, 728220148 728268549 728314649 7283207

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 131ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameO.Qu., Nachtr&ge z. KTB Nr. 10. Supplement to war diary dealing with evacuation ofsupplies, and information on the condition of tanks, weapons and motor vehicles.Nov 1, 1942 - Apr 30, 194-3.31555/8497283439O.Qu., Anlage z. KTB Nr. 10. Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports of supply situation, expenditureof ammunition, and condition of weapons and equipment. Feb 2 - May 2, 1943.31555/9- 497283464O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 10. Supply reports. Operational reports of supply units, destructionof depots, reports on captured materials and equipment, treatment of civilian populationand seizure of horses in occupied southern Russia. Jan 30 - May 3, 1943.31555/10-12497283753Ic, I&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Enemy information bulletins, counterintelligence reportson enemy units, and own and enemy propaganda. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.31555/13507284244Ic, Anlage 1 z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Karten. Feindlagekarten and overlays showing positionof enemy units and Luftaufkl'arung. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.31555/14507284348Ic, Anlage 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Daily activity reports, information on enemy units,guerilla warfare and air reconnaissance. Feb 3 - Apr 30, 1943.31555/15507284649Ic, Anlage 3 z. Tfetigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenbl'atter. Counterintelligence activities,handling of Russian agents and spies, and information on military security.Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.31555/16507284947Ila, lib, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Personnel replacement, decorations, furloughsand casualty lists. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943. . . •;•••••.31555/17507285037A.Na.Ffc., Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity reports of signal units, and informationon destruction of <strong>com</strong>munication facilities in the Caucasus.. j..,Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943.A.Pi.F\!u, TStigkeitsberichte. Activity reports of engineer units covering the campaignin the southern sector of Russia. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943. . . ... ....31556/1-231557/1A.Pi.Ffc.^ Anlage A z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Stellenbesetzungen, Gliederungen* Feb 1 - Apr 30,1943. 31557/2505051728507572852137285226

32 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.A.Pi.FVu, Anlage B z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Einsatz* Activity reports of bridge constructionunits and Organisation Todt in the area of Navratil. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943. 31557/3A.Pi.F\i., Anlage C z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on construction of fortifications alongthe Mius River, with maps and overlays. Feb 1 - Apr 30, 194-3. 31557/4A.Pi.Ffc., Anlage D z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Minen. Reports and maps on mine warfare.Feb 1 - Apr 30, 1943. 31557/5A.Pi.F\!u, Anlage E 1 u, 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Strassen u. Bracken. Information on constructionand maintenance of roads and bridges in the Caucasus Mountains and Donez Riverareas. Feb 1- Apr 30, 1943. 31557/6A.Pi.Ffo., Anlage E 3 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Kartenanlage. Maps on roads, bridges, fortificationsand mine fields in the Caucasus Mountains and Donez River areas. Feb 1 -Apr 30, 1943. 31557/7A.Pi.F\!u, Anlage F z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Ausbildung, Erfahrungen. Activity and experiencereports of engineer units in the Caucasus Mountains and Donez River areas. Feb 1 - Apr 30,1943. 31557/8Bv,T.O., Tfetigkeitsbericht. Reports on transportation during the campaign in the CaucasusMountains and on the Donez River, and destruction of rail installations during withdrawals.Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1943. 32519Ic, T£tigkeitsbericht. Reconnaissance reports, inventory of captured materials, interrogationof prisoners of war, Wehrgeistige Betreuung and other security measures in the operations onthe Donez front and the battle near Izyum. May 1 - Aug 31, 1943. 36835/1Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feindlagenkarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing enemypositions and fortifications. May 1 - Aug 31, 1943. 36835/2Ic^ Anlage z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Luftaufkl&rung. Overlays on air reconnaissance on theDonez front and near Izyum. May 1 - Aug 31, 1943. - : . 36835/3Roll 1st Frame51 728541451 728586151 728630552 728646152 728687852 728693652 7287412728747672875227287737

34 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameA.Pi.Fk,, Anlagen G 2 u, 3 z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Kartenmappe. Situation maps (1:300,000)showing military position at Mius, 1941-42, Donez defense position, and other fortifiedpositions in southern Russia. May 1 - Sep 30, 1943.36835/15-16557290310A.Pi.F\!i., Anlage D z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Strassen u. Bracken. Information on roads andbridge construction and maintenance in the Donez and Dnieper areas. May 1 - Sep 30, 1943.36835/17557290763A.Pi.EVu, Anlage E z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Minen. Information on mine fields, technicaldata on Russian mines, antitank weapons and engineer equipment. May 1 - Sep 30, 1943.36835/18567291107A.Pi.Fft., Anlage G z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Dnieper ?Jbergang. Information on crossing ofthe Dnieper River by ferry and emergency bridges at Dnepropetrovsk, construction andmaintenance of highways and reconnaissance on inland waterways. May 1 - Sep 30, 1943.36835/20566587605A.Pi.Piu, Anlage H 1 u. 2 z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Karten. Maps (various scales) on roadsand bridges, Dnieper crossings, and waterways in the Donez and Dnieper areas. Also somecity plans. May 1 - Sep 30,1943.36835/21-22567291417O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch Nr. 11. War diary covering QM activities in the Dnieper and theDonez areas of the Russian campaign May 1 - Aug 31, 1943.37788/1577292068O.Qu., Anlagen 1 - 4 z, KTB Nr. 11. Schriftverkehr. Monthly activity reports on supplysituation on the Donez front and the battle near Izyum. May 1 - Aug 31, 1943.37788/2-5577292159O.Qu., Anlage 5 z. KTB Nr. 11. Tfetigkeitsberichte der unterstellten Einheiten. May 1 -Aug 31, 1943.37788/6577292707O.Qu., Anlage z. KTB Nr. 11. Versorgungslage. Consolidated statistical reports on supplies,ammunition, weapons, fuel, food and equipment. May 1 - Aug 31, 1943.37788/7577292930O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch u. Erfahrungsbericht f\ir den Frankreichfeldzug.May 9 - Jul 8, 1940.Gruppe v. Kleist.37788/8587293359la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 11. War diary covering military operations on the Donez front andthe defensive battle near Izyum, May 1 - Aug 31, 1943.44652/1587293519

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 1Item No.la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 11. Operationsakten. Monthly reports on military operations on the Donezfront and near Izyum relating to reconnaissance activities, fortification lines, and informationon enemy units. Included are situation maps (1:100,000). May 1 - Aug 31, 1943. 44652/2-5la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 11. Reports on preparations by German units to stop the progress of theRussian offensive in the Donez area. May 1 - Aug 31> 1943. 44652/6la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 11. Karten, Situation maps (1:300,000) showing German and enemypositions and fortification lines during the Russian offensive in the Donez area.May 1 - Aug 31, 1943. 44652/7-18la, Anlagen (Nachtr'age) z. KTB Nr. 9 u. 10. Operational orders and reports, materialconcerning unit reorganization and replacement of equipment, and maps. Jan 1 - Apr 30,1943.44652/19-20 61la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 12. War diary covering the military operations on the DnieperRiver front. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/1-4la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 12. Operational orders,"Beurteilung des inneren Kampfwertes der 45393/5Division," and situation maps. Sep 4 - Dec 29, 1943.Roll351st Frame58-59 7293766, 729528460729587160-61 7295999, 7296708729678261-62 7297204,729765562 7297748la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 12. Operational reports and orders covering the withdrawal fromthe Dnieper front and the Russian offensive. OB charts and personnel strength reports.Included are overlays and maps. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/6-9la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 12, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing position ofGerman units. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. . 45393/10 .Ic, T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports from various counterintelligence units on the withdrawalfrom the Donez region to the Dnieper River and the battle for the Nikopol bridgehead.Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/11Ic, Anlagen z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Luftaufkl&rung. Map overlays of air reconnaissanceshowing positions of Russian units and fortification lines, Sep 2 - Dec 19, 1943. 45393/12-1362-64 7297772, 729996364 730057465 730127265 7301294

36 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.Ic, Anlage z. T%tigkeitsbericht. Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing positionsof enemy units, fortification lines and presumable plans of enemy operations. Sep 1 -Oct 31, 1943. 45393/14-15Ic, Anlage z. Tfctigkeitsbericht. Feindlage, Vortragsnotizen mit Skizzen. Sep 7 - Dec 22,1943* 45393/16Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsberichti, Meldungen. Reports on enemy situation during theengagement along the Dnieper River, intelligence information from prisoners of war anddeserters, intercepted correspondence and captured documents, and information on partisanactivities and enemy casualties. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/17Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feindnachrichtenblaetter Nr. 11-17. Information bulletinson enemy situation, statements of Russian deserters and prisoners of war on enemy <strong>com</strong>batmethods, <strong>com</strong>bat strength, weapons, equipment, casualties and losses of material. Sep 1 -Dec 31, 1943. 45393/18Ic/AO, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Activity reports of Abwehrtrupp 103, 203 and 303 onespionage and other counterintelligence activities. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/19Ila, lib, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Personnel casualty lists,replacements, decorations,and furloughs. Information on courts-martial and Geistige Betreuung. Sep 1 -Dec 31, 1943, 45393/20O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch Nr. 12. War diary on CM activities during the campaign in thesouthern sector of Russia, Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/21O.Qu., Anlagen 1-4 z. KTB Nr. 12. Schriftverkehr. Detailed reports on supply situationin the southern sector of Russia and instructions for evacuating depots in areas of theRussian offensive. Sep 1 - Dec 29, 1943.O.Cu., Anlage 6 z. KTB Nr. 12. Tatigkeitsberichte der Abteilungen. TBs der unterstelltenAbteilungen on activities during withdrawals to new positions in the areas of Gruschevskij,Kut and Krivoe. Aug 29 - Dec 31, 1943. 45393/26Roll1st Frame65-66 7301408, 730152966667301601730167066 730218066 730223466 730243966 730247345393/22-25 66-67 7302571, 730289267 7302983

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 137ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameO.Qu., Anlage 7 z. KTB Nr, 12, Versorgungslagemeldungen.situation, Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943.Statistical reports on the supply45393/27677303293A.Na.Fk,, T&tigkeitsbericht. Activity reports covering the withdrawal from the Donez areato a fortified winter position. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943.45393/28677303820A.Na.Ffc., Anlagen z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Reports on signal operations and information ondestruction of signal installations and withdrawal from the Donez area due to the Russianoffensive. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943.45393/29677303839A.Pi.Ffc., T&tigkeitsbericht. Activity reports covering the withdrawal from southern Russia,crossing the Dnieper, demolition of dams, and construction of rear fortification lines.Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1943.45393/30677304031A,Pi.P&., Anlage A z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Stellenbesetzungen u. Kriegsgliederungen. Unitorganizational charts. Oct 20 - Dec 22, 1943.45393/31677304047A.Pi.M., Anlage B z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Einsatz. Activity reports covering the withdrawaland the crossing of the Dnieper near Nikopol. Included are tactical maps,Oct 1 - Dec 31, 1943.45393/32687304062A,Pi.F&., Anlagen C z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Akte Nr. 1 u. 2, Zaporozhe. Detailed informationon preparations for demolition of the storage dam and power station at Zaporozheand construction of an emergency bridge near Nikopol. Sep 16 - Dec 26, 1943.A.Pi.F&., Anlage C z. TSitigkeitsbericht. Akte Nr. 3, Zaporozhe. Detailed informationon preparations for and demolition of the storage dam and power station at Zaporozheand construction of an emergency bridge near Nikopol. Oct 26, 1943.45393/33-34 6845393/356873042817304588A.Pi.Ffc., Anlage C z. T£tigkeitsbericht. Akte Nr. 4, Zaporozhe. Maps, overlays andcharts on demolition of the storage dam and power station at Zaporozhe. Oct 10 - 20,1943.45393/36687304819A.Pi.Fft., Anlage D z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Strassen. Overlays and maps on roads and bridgesof military importance in the Dnepropetrovsk-Krivoi Rog area.Sep 28 - Dec 31, 1943.45393/37687304841

38 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemRoll1st FrameA.Pi.Fft., Anlage E z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Akte Nr. 1, Ausbau r\Jickw&r tiger Stellungen.Information on construction of fortified positions in rear areas. Nov 7 - Dec 7, 1943.687304871A.Pi.F\i., Anlage E z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Akte Nr. 2, Adler Stellung. Information onconstruction of the Adler Stellung on the western bank of the Dnieper. Included aremaps and overlays. Nov 11, 1943.45393/39687304899A.Pi.Ffc,, Anlage F z. TS.tigkeitsbericht. Einsatz. Information on mine warfare, statisticson construction of engineer units and Organisation Todt during the campaign in southernRussia, and the withdrawal over the Dnieper. Oct 1, 1943 - Jan 2, 1944.45393/40687304997A.Pi.F\!u, Anlage F z. T&tigkeitsbericht. ZerstVbrungs-Vorbereitungen. Reports on preparationsand plans for the demolition of the iron ore and manganese ore pits nearAlexandrovski, Ssuchaja Balka, and Krivoi Rog. Nov 24 - Dec 27, 1943.45393/41697305286Bv.T.O., T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on rail transportation in the southern sector ofRussia. Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1943.50615697305301Bv.T.O., T&tigkeitsbericht. Reports on rail transportation. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.53466697305322la, Chefsachen. Reports on development of the campaign in Russia, <strong>com</strong>bat principles, navaloperation in the Sea of Azov end reorganization of German Army units in Russia in thespring of 1942. Oct 1, 1941 - Jul 13, 1942.58681697305500la, Chefsachen. Reports on development of the campaign in southern Russia, Stammtafeln ofvarious infantry <strong>com</strong>panies and other subordinate units. Included is an item "Besprechungbei Panzer AOK 1 anl&sslich der Berufung von Generalleutnant Lieb, Gruppenftohrer Gille u.Obersturmflhhrer Degrelle in das F\!ihrerhaup>tquartier, 20. 2. 44, wegen Ausbruch aus einemKessel." Sep 9, 1941 - Apr 15, 1944.58682la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 13 (zweimonatliche B&nde), War diary on military operations in theareas of Tarnopol, Beremiany and Servery. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58683/1-3la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. Meldungen u. Befehle. Reports on military operations in southernRussia in the areas of Antonowka-Krassnyj to Tarnopol, the German withdrawal from the BugRiver area, and the Russian offensive at the Dniester. Includes maps showing positions

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 139ItemItem No.Roll1st Frameof German and Russian units. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58683/4-18- 69-727306128, 7310174Ja, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Einsatz d. Ky/rdglich Ungarischen 201. Leichten Division u.Ungarischen VII. A.K. Reports on preparation for demolition of bridges across theDniester. Feb 28 - Mar 27, 1944-58683/19727310333la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Gruppe Mattenklott. Operations reports of Gruppe Mattenklotton escaping Russian encirclement and withdrawal from areas in southern Russia. Feb 17 -Mar 22, 1944.58683/20727310387la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Gruppe Stemmerman. Gefechtsbericht toer den Ausbruch der GruppeStemmerman and progress of the Russian offensive. Feb 15 - 28, 1944.58683/21727310483la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. Brody. Detailed information on fortified position Brody,location, strength of garrison and planned improvements. Feb 4 - Jul 1, 1944.58683/22-23737310672la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Lagekarten. Maps (1:500,000) on the fortified strong pointBrody. Mar 18 - Apr 20, 1944.58683/24737310945la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Chefsachen. Orders and reports on German withdrawals fromareas in southern Russia. Jan 6 - Jul 4> 1944.58683/25737310992la, Anlage z. KTB Nr. 13. Richtlinien f&r die F^hrung Schneller Truppen. Oct 20, 1940.58683/26737311095Ic, Tfetigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen 1-6. Armeegruppe Raus.Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1944-Schilderung der Feindlage.58684/1737311146Ic, T'&tigkeit sbericht mit Anlagen 1-7. Reports on German offensive operations, anticipatedenemy defense, information bulletins and situation maps. May 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58684/2737311228Ic, Anlage z. T'atigkeit sbericht. Meldungen.Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1944.Detailed information on enemy units.58684/3737311287Ic, Anlage z. T'atigkeit sbericht. Meldungen aus dem Kessel Kamenez Podolsk. Detailedinformation on operations in the Kamenez Podolsk pocket, enemy losses of personnel andequipment and anticipated enemy counteroffensive. Mar 23 - Apr 6, 1944.58684/4737311700

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemItem No.RollIc, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsberieht. Feindnachrichtenbl£tter. Information on enemy units andanticipated plans of operation. Jan 22 - Apr 23, 1944.Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht. Feinlagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showingenemy positions, fortification lines, and anticipated plans of operation. Apr 17-30,58684/6Ic, Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Meldungen. Reports on enemy operations, personnel casualties,captured prisoners and equipment, and evaluation reports on the Russian offensive. May 1-Jun 30, 1944.58684/7Ic, Anlage z. T%tigkeitsbericht. Luftaufkl'arung. Situation maps (1:300,000) and overlayson enemy positions, movement of troops, fortification lines and anticipated enemyoffensive. May 1 - Jun 30, 1944 •Ic/AO, Anlage z. Tfetigkeitsbericht. Unit activity reports on cooperation with the secretfield police, army censorship, and SS security service. Also information on guerillawarfare, sabotage, and propaganda. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58684/858685/1-273-737374747311812731183973120527312355Ha, lib, T&tigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Unit activity reports, casualty lists, personnelreplacements, decorations, military justice and spiritual guidance. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.O.Qu. , Kriegstagebuch Nr e 13. War diary of QM activities in the areas of Uman, Gaiworon,Vinniza and Rohatzn,as part cf the unit was encircled by the enemy. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.58686/1-258687/1-2O.Qu., Anhang z. KTB Nr. 13. KTB mit Anlagen ftber T^tigkeit ausserhalb des KesselsKamenez-Podolsk. Reports on reorganization and replacement of supplies and equipment.Mar "23 - Apr 9, 1944. 58687/3 74O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. Schriftverkehr. Reports on supply problems during the encirclementat Kamenez-Podolsk, and on re-equipping units after the breakthrough. Jan 7 - Jun 30,1944. 58687/4-9O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 13. T&tigkeitsberiehte der unterstellten Einheiten. Jan 1 - Jun 30,1944. 58687/10-11 75747473126267312698731278474-75 7312824, 73132597313324

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1ItemO.Qu., Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 13, Versorgungslagen Meldungen. Statistical reports on supplies,expenditures and losses during the campaign in southern Russia. Jan 7 - Jul 1, 1944.A.Na.FMu, Tfttigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Activity reports on signal operations during thecampaign in southern Russia. Also charts on <strong>com</strong>munication networks. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1944.la, Kriegstagebuch der Panzergruppe v. Kleist auf dem Balkan. Dec 7, 1940 - Apr 28, 1941.la, Kriegstageb&cher, Bd. 2 - 5. Der Feldzug in Russland. War diaries on the successfuladvances in the southern sector of Russia. Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.la, Vernichtungsschlacht im Donezbogen. Detailed information on the battle near the Donez,by the 17th Army, III Panzer Corps and XI Army Corps. Included are situation maps.May 17-27, 1942.la, Gefeehtsst&nde der 1. Panzerarmee im Ostfeldzug 1941. Detailed description and photosof all <strong>com</strong>mand posts during 1941 in southern Russia. Jun 9 - Dec 31, 1941*la, Mit Kleist durch die Ukraine. Die Operationen der 1. Panzerarmee im Ostfeldzug. Jun 22 -Dec 31, 1941,la, Tagesbefehle. Daily orders issued during the advances in the Ukraine. Jun 22 - Nov 20,1941*la, Propaganda u. Truppenbetreuung.zum Donez. Apr 6-12, 1942.Ein Jahr mit der Panzerarmee v. Kleist, vom Balkan bisItem No. Roll 1st Frame58687/12-14 75-76 7313744, 731425458688/1-475119/175119/2-575119/675119/775119/8b75119/975119/lOa767676-7777777777777314567•73148307315112, 731584073160567316069731611773161427316192O.Qu., Versorgungslagenkarten (1:300,000). Jan 1 - Jul 22, 1943.75119/11777316209la,/Radio messages & reports/. Reports on the encirclement of Pz AOK 1 and the last months onthe eastern front. Newspaper clippings on the decoration of Generaloberst Hube by Hitler andhis fatal airplane accident. Included are situation maps. Mar 6 - Apr 17, 1945.75119/127773162^0la,/Miscellaneous maps of European Russia./ Various maps (1:30 ,000) on roads, bridges,waterways and railroads of European Russia. No date.75851777316300

42 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 1la, Mit Kleist in den Kaukasus. Die Operationen der 1. Panzerarmee im 2. Kriegsjahrgegen Russland. Jul - Aug 1942.ItemItem No..85602Roll1st Frame77 7316383la, Radio messages and reports on <strong>com</strong>bat activities near Gleboka and Kashpirovka.Jan 5 - Sep 6, 1944. 85603 77 7316405

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 (Second Panzer Army) 43The predecessor of the Second Panzer Army, the XIX Motorized Corps (XIX. Armeekorps /mot./),was formed in May 1939, and took part as such in the Polish campaign. It fought in theWest as Panzer Group Guderian (Panzergruppe Guderian), and in early May 1941, it was designatedPanzer Group 2 (Panzergruppe 2). It fought as Panzer Group 2 in the early stagesof the campaign on the eastern front. From July 28 to August 3, 194-1, it was known asArmy Group Guderian (Armeegruppe Guderian), On October 5, 1941, it became the SecondPanzer Army (Panzer-AOK 2). It continued to operate on the central sector of the easternfront until the middle of August 1943, when it was transferred to the Balkans for antiguerillaoperations. It was engaged in the Brod area in eastern Croatia in December1944, and subsequently against the Soviets in southern Hungary. Commanders of the Armyfrom May 1941 until its disbandment in May 1945 were Generals Heinz Guderian, RudolfSchmidt, Walter Model, Lothar Rendulic, Franz Bbhme, and Maximilian de Angelis.Organization IndexAbteilungen Dates Item I'o.Abteilung laZustandsberichte Oct 24, 1939 - May 1, 1941 75118/8T&tigkeitsbericht Jun 25 - Dec 24, 1940 10001/1Anlagen zum T&tigkeitsbericht Jun 25 - Dec 17, 1940 10001/2-8Meldungen Jul 12, 1940 - Jun 7, 1941 85424/5Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht* Dec 27, 1940 - Feb 27, 1941 10001/9-10Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht Mar 1-28, 1941 10001/15Anlagen z. Tfctigkeitsbericht Mar 25 - Jun 3, 1941 10001/19-21Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Planspiel Mar 1941 10001/17Sonderanlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht Feb 4, 1941 10001 11Besondere Anlage z. T&tigkeitsberichtAufmarschanweisung Barbarossa for H.Gr. B Feb 13, 1941 10001/12Sonderanlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Planspiel Mar 14, 1941 10001/13Sonderanlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht, Planspiel,Feindlage Feb 4 - 10, 1941 lOOOl/USonderanlage z. T£tigkeitsbericht Mar 14, 1941 10001/16* The basic T&tigkeitsbericht for item-. Nos. 10001/9-22 was never in the custody of the National Archives

44 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Sonderanlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht,BarbarossaBesondere Anlage z. T&tigkeitsbericht.AusbildungVerschiedenesUmgliederungUnterkunft u. TruppenverlegungenPlanspielBe sichtigungsreisenUnterstellungsverh'altnisseLehrkommandoKraftfahrzeuglage bei der 18Nachrichten&bungPlanspiel LuftflotteKriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 1Anlagen A-P2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1Anlagen Q1-Z2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1Kartenanlagen 1-3 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 2Aufmarschanwei sungPanzer-DivisionAnlagen A1.-B2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2. TagesmappenAnlagen B4-P4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2. TagesmappenKartenanlagen 1-4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 3Anlagen A1-V z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 3Gruppenbefehl Nr.lKartenanlagen 1 u. 2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 3Anlagenband z, KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3Anlagenband z, KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3Anlagenband z, , KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Befehle, MeldungenAnlagenband z , KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, UnterstellungskalenderAnlagenband z, , KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3Anlagenband z, , KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3Anlagenband z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3DatesMar 1941Jun 8, 1941Dec 28, 1940 - May 10, 1941Jan 6 - Apr 1, 1941Jan 6 - Jun 6, 1941Jan 9 - Jun 7, 1941Mar 1-18, 1941Mar 28 - May 17, 1941Apr 13 - May 27, 1941Apr 22 - May 3, 1941May 14 - Jun 8, 1941May 26, 1941May 1941Jun 22 - Aug 20, 1941Jun 21 - Jul 13, 1941Jul 20 - Aug 20, 1941Jun 21 - Aug 31, 1941Aug 21 - Oct 31, 1941Aug 21 - 26, 1941Aug 28 - Oct 31, 1941Aug 21 - Oct 30, 1941Nov 1 - Dec 26, 1941Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1941Nov 1 - Dec 19, 1941Mar 15 - Jun 14, 1941May 20, 1941 - Jan 15, 1942Jun 7 - Jul 20, 1941Jun 20, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Jun 21, 1941 - Feb 12, 1942Jun 22 - Aug 3, 1941Jul 7-20, 1941Item No.10001/1810001/2285424/57599085424/285424/4751l8/29a75H8/29b75118/2875118/2675118/2775118/3275118/1325034/125034/2-2425034/25-5625034/57-5925034/6025034/61-6625034/68-12425034/125-12825034/12925034/130-15925034/160-3,6125035/125034/21725034/21925034/22325034/22525034/21625034/218

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 45AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Anlagenband z KTB Nr.Anlagenband z KTB Nr.Anlagenband z KTB Nr,Anlagenband z KTB Nr.Anlagenband z KTB Nr.Anlagenband z KTB Nr.1, Teil1, Teil1, Teil1, Teil1, Teil1, Teil1-31-31-31-31-31-3VerlustmeldungenLageberichteKriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 4Anlagen Al-R z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4Kriegstagebuch NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB NrAnlagen z. KTB Nr2, Teil 1-52, Schriftverkehr2, Schriftverkehr22, Schriftverkehr .22222,Unterstellungen2, Unterstellungskalender22, Erfahrungsberichte2, AuffrischungAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, MarschbewegungenAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Nachtrag z. KriegstagebuchDatesJul 8 - 19, 1941Jul 14 - 19, 1941Oct 7, 1941 - Jan 20, 1942Oct 17 - Dec 13, 1941Dec 23, 1941 - Feb 14, 1942Feb 7 - Mar 22, 1942Jul 5, 1941 - Mar 25, 1942Aug 18 - 24, 1941Dec 27, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942Dec 16, 1941 - Dec 2, 1942Feb 3 - Aug 14, 1942Mar 9 - Sep 23, 1942Mar 24, 1942 - Jul 16, 1943Mar 30 - Jul 26, 1942Apr 15, 1942Apr- May 26, 1942Apr- Jul 25, 1942Apr- Dec 31, 1942Apr Dec 31, 1942Apr- Dec 31, 1942Apr- Dec 30, 1942Apr 8 Jun 3, 1942Apr 15 - 30, 1942Apr 15 - Aug 25, 1942Apr 18 - Jun 17, 1942Apr 22 - Aug 4, 1942May 1 - 15, 1942May 4 -•Jul 3, 1942May 10 - Dec 22, 1942Item No.25034/22025034/226-23125035/225034/22125034/22225035/325202/275118/225034/16225034/163-20728499/25-2728499/1-537075/537075/728499/8637075/928499/6728499/728499/6328499/7137075/428499/628499/28-4637075/228499/8928499/828499/5128499/6828499/6528499/928499/9137075/10

46 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2,Anlagen z. KTB Nr,Anlagen z. KTB Nr."Wirbelwind"Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen zAnlagen zAnlagen zAnlag'on zxzixvnAnlagen zAnlagen zAnlagen zAnlagen zAnlagen z.Anlagen z.Anlagen z.KTB NrKTB NrKTB NrKTB NrPanzer -KorpsKTB Nr. 2KTB Nr.KTB Nr.KTB Nr.KTB Nr.KTB Nr.KTB Nr.KTB Nr.2, Aufl^sung Panzer J£ger Abt. 5292, Marschbewegungen2, Panzerlage2, EvakuierungOperation "Vogelsang"KartenErfahrungsberichtePartisanen-Unternehmungen2, Versorgung Trubtschewsk2. Mitgeh&rte Spr&che Unternehmen2, Gefechtsbericht Bedrinzy22, Akte "Wirbelwind", Teil I-III2, Gefechtsbericht d. LIU. Armee-Korps2, Bericht fcber die Abwehrschlacht des2, Berichte ttber Unternehmen "Vogelsang"22222, GefechtsberichtDatesMay 16 -May 16 -May 18 -May 18 -May 23 - Sep 5, 1942May 23 - Dec 2, 1942May 25 - Jul 4, 1942May 28 - Jun 26, 1942May 29, 1942May 29 - Jul 2, 1942May 31 - Jun 22, 1942May 31 - Jul 4, 1942May - Aug 1942Jun 1 - 15, 1942Jun 3 - Nov 28, 1942Jun 13 - Dec 10, 1942Jun 17 - 24, 1942Jun 17 - Aug 22, 1942Jun 28 - 29, 1942Jun 1942Jun - Aug 1942Jul 5-10, 1942Jul 5 -Jul 9 -Jul 11,Jul 16 -13, 1942Aug 19, 19421942• 28, 1942Jul 16 - • 30, 1942Aug 1 - 15, 1942Aug 1 - 15, 1942Aug 11 - • 24, 1942Aug 16 - • 31, 1942Item No.28499/1028499/9428499/9228499/6128499/7228499/6628499/8828499/9328499/9728499/5328499/6928499/8728499/8428499/1137075/128499/8528499/7028499/5028499/5528499/9028499/47-4928499/5728499/5628499/7328499/5828499/1228499/1428499/1528499/1328499/5928499/16

Panzer-Anne eoberkonunando 2 47AbteilungenAbteilung la (eont'd.)Anlagen z KTB Nr. 2Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, WinterlehrgangAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 22222222222222222222222 , Neuartige MinenfelderAnlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Abschnittseinteilung f . WinterstellungAnlagen z. KTB Nr. , St'arkernel dungenAnla^n z. KTB Nr. , Lehrg'angeSep 28 - Dec 6, 1942Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Meldungen der Korps be tr . WinterstellungSep 1942Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Merkbl'atter u. ErfahrungsberichteAnlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Winterkriegslehrgang in FinnlandAnlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , AlarmierungAnlagen z. KTB Nr. , Verlegung u. Abl^bsung d. 19.Panzer-Div.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Unternehmen "Zeisig"Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , Abl^sungAnlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. , GrenzverlegungAnlagen 2. KTB Nr. , Akte "aizdpol"Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr.Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2Tagesbe. rehle. Kdtr. OrelMeldung enMitgehlbrte PunksprlicheTage smeldungenKriegstagebuch Nr. 3, Teil 1-3Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ferngespr&cheSep 1-15, 1942Sep 6-28, 1942Sep 9 - Oct 29, 1942Sep 15 - Oct 30, 1942Sep 16-30, 1942Sep 21, 1942Sep 24, 1942 - Jan 3, 1943Oct 1-14, 1942Oct 8, 1942 - Apr 16, 1943Oct 9-29, 1942Oct 13 - Dec 31, 1942Oct 16 - 31, 1942Oct 20, 1942 - Mar 6, 1943Oct 27 - Nov 27, 1942Nov 1-15, 1942Nov 12-26, 1942Nov 12 - Dec 3, 1942Nov 16-29, 1942Nov 18 - Dec 18, 1942Nov 26 - Dec 15, 1942Dec 1 - 15, 1942Dec 16 - 31, 1942Dec 21, 1942May 21 - Dec 31, 1942Apr 4 - Aug 30, 1942May 1-31, 1942Jun 17 - Dec 31, 1942Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942Jan 1 - Aug 13, 19431943Jul 12 - 29, 1943Item No.28499/1728499/7728499/7628499/7528499/1828499/95-9637075/828499/8228499/5228499/1937075/328499/7428499/8328499/2037075/628499/7828499/2128499/7928499/8128499/2228499/8028499/5428499/2328499/2428499/6228499/6428499/10828499/9928499/103-10428499/10737075/11-1337075/1437075/15

48 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd)Anlagenband 3 ;. KTB Nr. 3, FunksprVicheAnlagenband 4 i. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenb&nde 5-17z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenb&nde J>\ :-36 z. KTB NrAnlagenband 37 z•KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 38 z•KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 39 zzzzzzzz • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 40 • K-T& Nr. 3Anlagenband 41 • KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 42 • KTB Nr. 33,Anlagenband 43 • KTB Nr.Anlagenband 44 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 45 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 46 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 47 z•KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 49 zzzzzzzz • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 50 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 51 * KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 52 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 53 * KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 54 • KTB Nr. 3,Anlagenband 55 • KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 56 • KTB Nr. 3,"Freisch&tz"Anlagenband 57 z.Anlagenband 58 z.Anlagenband 59 2.Anlagenband 60 z.KTB Nr. 3,KTB Nr. 3,KTB Nr. 3,KTB Nr. 3,. 3LagekartenLagekartenSperrung u. ZerstfbrungFeindlagePak LageBefehleDur chf^ihrung sbe fehleUnternehmen " Zigeunerbaron"Sommerschlacht urn den OrelbogenRechte FlankeLinke FlankeFeindeinbruchUnternehmen " Zitadelle"Hagen BewegungBericht fober UnternehmenUnternehmen "Frei sch&tz"WinterschlachtHagen BewegungAbsetzbewegungenAnlagenband 6la z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 61 b z. KTB Nr. 3, AbsetzbewegungenAnlagenband 62 z. KTB Nr. 3, AbsetzbewegungenAnlagenband 63 z. KTB Nr, 3, AbsetzbewegungenAnlagenband 64 z. KTB Nr. 3, AbsetzbewegungenAnlagenband 65 z. KTB Nr. 3, AbsetzbewegungenJulJanJanJanJanJanJulJulJanFebJanSepDecFebMayJulFebFebJunMarJulJulDates10 - Aug 9, 19432 - Aug 13, 19431 - Aug 13, 19432_ _ Aug 13, 19431 - Aug 13, 19431 - May 18, 1943Jul 12, 19431942 - Apr 21, 19431942 - Apr 9, 194320 - Aug 4, 194328-- Aug 7, 194318 - 30, 194324 - Apr 5, 19432 -22,24,11 - 14, 19437 - Jun 4, 19435 - Aug 12, 194314 - Mar 15, 194321 -- Mar 21, 194312 -- 13, 194330 -- Apr 19, 194328 -- Aug 16, 194314-- Aug 11, 1943Jun 7 •- 12, 1943May 8 Jun 21, 1943Mar 12 - 25, 1943Jul 28 - Aug 9, 1943Aug 4, 1943Jul 19 - 24, 1943Aug 8, 1943Aug 9, 1943Jul 31 - Aug 12, 1943Aug 7, 1943Aug 1 •- 31, 1943Item No.37075/1637075/1737075/18-3037075/45-4937075/5037075/5137075/5237075/5337075/5437075/5537075/5637075/5737075/5837075/5937075/6037075/6237075/6337075/6437075/6537075/6637075/6737075/6837075/6937075/7037075/7137075/7237075/7337075/6137075/7437075/7537075/7637075/7737075/78

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 49AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Anlagenband 66 z. KTB Nr,Anlagenband 6? z. KTB Nr,Anlagenband 68 z. KTB Nr,Anlagenband 69 z. KTB Nr,3, Osteinheiten3, Osteinheiten3, PanzerbekJ&npfungAnlagenband 70 z. KTB Nr. 3, Flak SchutzAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenbandAnlagenband7273747576777879808182838485868788919293949596979899100z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.z.zżKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTBKTB. KTBNr. 3, Flak KartenNr. 333333333333, 3, AuffrischungNr. 3, Korps JaschkeNr. 3, Juli K'ampfeNr. 3, GrenzenNr, 3, BandenlageNr. 3, BandenlageNr. 3, Geplante UnternehmenNr. 3, Abl'

50 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung la. ( cont'd.Anlagenband 101 z. KTBAnlagenband 104 z. KTBAnlagenband 105 z. KTBAnlagenband 106 z. KTBAnlagenband 107 z. KTBAnlagenband 108 z. KTBAnlagenband 109 u. 110Anlagenband 111 z. KTBAnlagenband 112 z. KTBAnlagenband 113 KTBAnlagenband 114 KTBAnlagenband 115 KTBAnlagenband 116 KTBAnlagenband 117 KTBAnlagenband 118 KTBAnlagenband 119 z. KTBAnlagenband 120 z. KTBAnlagenband 121 z. KTBAnlagenband 122 z KTBAnlagenband 123 z KTBAnlagenband 124 z KTBAnlfrgenband 125 z KTBAnlagenband 126 u. 127Anlagenband 128 u. 129Anlagenband 130 z. KTBAnlagenband 131 u. 132Anlagenband 133 z. KTBAnlagenband 134 KTBAnlagenband 135 KTBAnlagenband 136 KTBAnlagenband 137 KTBAnlagenband 138 KTBAnlagenband 139 z. KTBAnlagenband 140 z. KTBNr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.z.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.z.z.Nr.z.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.Nr.3333,33KTB333^3Annee Reit- u.FahrschuleNr. 3, Sonderbefehle3KTB Nr. 3KTB Nr. 33KTB Nr. 373333333, NachbarhilfeMar 9 - Apr 2, 1943Aug 12 - Nov 10, 1943Mar 26 - Aug 1, 1943May 30, 1943Apr 23Apr 27Dec 2,Apr 21Jan 25Apr 24 - Jun 11, 1943Oct 21,Jan 2 -May 3 -Jan 18May 10Dec 12,- Jul 21, 1943- Jul 24, 19431942 - Jul 13, 1943- Jul 9, 1943- Apr 7, 19431942 - Apr 15, 1943Jul 24, 1943Jul 31, 1943- Feb 5, 1943- Aug 4, 19431942 - Jun 8, 1943May 13 - Jul 10, 1943Jan 26 - Feb 28,Jan 11 - Jul 23, 19431943Feb 21 - Mar 26, 1943Feb 13 - Jun 10, 1943Feb 16 - Jul 20, 1943Mar 9 - Jul 11, 1943Apr 3 - Jul 20, 1943Mar 6 - Aug 7, 1943Apr 9 - Jul 19, 1943Apr 18 - Aug 7, 1943Mar 31 - May 23, 1943May 5 - Jun 16, 1943Jun 2 - 27, 1943Jun 12 - 18, 1943Jun 16 - 18, 1943Jan 19 - Jul 11, 1943May 10 - 18, 1943Item No.37075/11437075/11737075/11837075/11937075/12037075/12137075/122-12337075/12437075/12537075/12637075/12737075/12837075/12937075/13037075/13137075/13237075/13337075/13437075/13537075/13637075/13737075/13837075/139-14037075/141-14237075/14337075/144-14537075/14637075/14737075/14837075/14937075/15037075/15137075/15237075/153

Panzer-Armeeoberkoinmando 3 51AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Anlagenband 141 z. KTB Nr. 3Anlageriband 142 z, KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 143 z, KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 144 z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 145 z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 146 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr, 3Sonderaniagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, WintervorbereitungenSonderanlagenband . 3 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlagenband . 4 z. KTB Nr. 3, Luftschutz u. GasabwehrSonderanlagenband , 5 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlagenband. 6 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlagenband [ 7 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlagenband I 8 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlage A z, KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlage B 1 z, KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlage B 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Karten u. PausenSonderanlage C z, KTB Nr. 3, Akte "Bfoffel"Sonderanlage D z, KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlage D 2 z. KTB Nr. 3Sonderanlage E z. KTB Nr. 3, Akte "Kirow"Sonderanlage F z. KTB Nr. 3, Akte"Hagen Bewegung"Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlagenb&nde 3-5 z KTB Nr, 4 , TagesmeldungenAnlagenband 7 z. KTB Nr. 4, Be spre chungspunkteAnlagenband 8 z. KTB Nr. 4, BandentatigkeitAnlagenband 14 z. KTB Nr. 4, , Eisenbahnsicherung i.KroatienAnlagenband 15 z. KTB Nr. 4, KartenAnlagenband 16 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlagenband 17 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlagenband 18 z. KTB Nr. 4, Verwendung d. ItalienerDatesDec 22, 1942 - Apr 26, 1943Feb 8 - Jul 16, 1943May 24-31, 1943Dec 3, 1942 - Jim 6, 1943Apr 11-30, 1943Jan 25 - Apr 8, 1943Jun 13 - Jul 24, 1943Jun 6 - Jul 3, 1943Sep 1 - Nov 2, 1942Jun 27 - Jul 16, 1943Feb 18 - Jul 28, 1943May - Aug 1943Jan 17 - Jun 29, 1943Oct 13, 1942 - Jun 17, 1943Feb 4 - Aug 6, 1943Feb 18 - Jun 12, 1943Feb 18 - Jun 12, 1943Feb 7 - Jul 7, 1943Apr 16 - Jul 4, 1943Apr 16 - Jul 4, 1943May 3 - 24, 1943Jul 14 - Aug 10,Aug 23 - Dec 31,Aug 23 - Dec 31,Aug 23 - Nov 29,1943194319431943Aug 26 - Dec 31-, 1943Aug 25 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 25 -.Nov 14, 1943Sep 16 - Dec 30, 1943Sep .16 - Dec 30, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Oct 2 - Dec 23, 1943Item No.37075/15437075/15537075/15637075/15737075/15837075/15943407/3443407/3543407/3643407/3743407/3843407/3943407/4043407/4136468/136468/236468/336468/436468/5 '36468/636468/736468/843407/143407/243407/343407/4-643407/843407/943407/1543407/1643407/1743407/1843407/19

52 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung la (cont'd.)Anlagenband 19 z. KTB Nr,Anlagenband 20 z,Anlagenband 21 z,Anlagenband 22 zAnlagenband 23 zAnlagenband 24 zKTB Nr. 4KTB Nr. 4KTB Nr. 4KTB Nr. 4KTB Nr. 4,Unternehmen "Herbstgewitter"Anlagent&nde 25-27 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlagenband 28 z. KTB Nr. 4, Unternehmen "Achse"Anlagenband 29 z, KTB Nr, 4Anlagenband 30 z. KTB Nr. 4,Einsatz aidestAnlagenband 31 z. KTB.Nr. 4, LagebeurteilungenAnlagenband 32 z. KTB Nr. 4Ein-Mappen LVIII-LXX z. KTB Nr. 3Banden bekSmpfungKartenMeldungenLage- u. T'&tigkeitsberichteAbteilung la/MessT£tigkeitsberichtT^tigkeitsberichtT&tigkeitsbericht m. Anlagenla/HarkoAnlagenband 6 z. KTBAnlagenband 102 z. KTB Nr. 3Anlagenband 11 z. KTB Nr. 4ArmeepionierflithrerAnlagenband 5a z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, T&tigkeitsberichtAnlagenband Nr. 5b z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4,T T atigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. KTB Nr. 3, T&tigkeitsbericht, Teil 1-6Anlagenband 103 z. KTB Nr. 3DatesOct 7 - Dec 23, 1943Aug 30 - Dec 7, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Nov 14 - Dec 19, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Dec 4, 1943 - Jan 4, 1944Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 7 - Oct 4, 1943Aug 13 - Nov 20, 1943Aug 20 - Dec 30, 1943Sep 15 - Nov 1, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1943Feb 26 - Apr 6, 1943Jun 18, 1943Aug 27 - Nov 9, 1943Sep 23, 1943 - Aug 12, 1944Jan 29 - Feb 2, 1942Jan - Jul 1943Dec 1943May 19 - Aug 25, 1941Mar 29 - Aug 4, 1943Sep 1 - Dec 27, 1943Feb 15 - Nov 30, 1941Dec 1, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Jan 1 - Aug 16, 1943Mar 31 - Jul 4, 1943Item No.43407/2043407/2143407/2243407/2343407/2443407/2543407/26-2843407/2943407/3043407/3143407/3243407/3337075/31-4385424/985424/107587475118/925034/21125034/21237075/176-18137075/116

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 53AbteilungenArmeepionierf\!ihrer (cont'd.)TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 13 z. KTB Nr. 4Armeenachrichtenf^hr erT&tigkeitsberichteAnlage z. KTB Nr, 2T'atigkeitsberichteFunkpl'aneBefehleBefehleTTatigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. T'atigkeitsberichtAnlagenb'ande 2-5 z. KTBT'atigkeitsberichtAnlagen z. T&tigkeitsberichtAbtellung Ia/Stom&MeldungenAbteilung la/GabpT'atigkeitsberichtT&tigkeitsberichtTatigkeitsberichteAug 17 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 2 - Dec 22, 194.3Jun 22, 19^1 - Mar 31, 1942Apr 22 - Nov 27, 1942Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942Apr - Dec 1942Apr - Dec 1942Apr - Dec 1942Aug 25 - Dec 31,Aug 25 - Dec 31,19431943Oct 19, 1942 - Aug 13, 1943Jan 1 - Aug 17, 1943Jan 18 - Aug 13, 1943Aug 5, 1940 - May 24, 1941Mar 13, 1942 - Feb 4, 1943Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943Aug 14 - Dec 31, 1943.Afctffilimg,, Ia/Kolu£tAnlagenband Nr. 16 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Leistungs&bersicht Jun 22 - Sep 21, 1941Anlagenband Nr. 8 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3 Nov 22, 1941Aolagenband Nr. 7 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3 Jun 22 - Aug 5, 1941Abteilung la/KcrttckAnlagenband 89 z. KTB Nr. 3Beyollm&chtifter TransportoffizierM-erkbl&tterMar 28, 1943Apr 21 - May 13, 1941Item No.43407/6443407/1425034/21028499/6028500/128500/228500/328500/443407/6543407/6637075/184-18737075/18237075/18328499/10537075/16043407/6325034/22425034/21525034/21437075/10275118/30

54 Panzer-Armeeoberkoffimando 2AbteilungenBevollirfaohtigter Transportoffizier (cont'd.)T&tigkeitsberichte, Bd. 1-4MeldungenAnlagenband 90 z. KTB Nr. 3, MeldungenAnlagenband 10 z. KTB Nr. 4Abteilung IcErinnerungsbuch "Schnelle Truppen"TM-igkeitsberichteTaktische Ein-Mappe I, RusslandTaktische Ein-Mappe IITaktische Ein-Mappe IIITaktische Ein-Mappe 17Taktische Ein-Mappe VTaktische Ein-Mappe VITaktische Ein-Mappe 711Taktische Ein-Mappe IXTaktische Ein-Mappe ITaktische Ein-Mappe XITaktische Ein-Mappe XIITaktische Ein-Mappe XIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XIVTaktische Ein-Mappe XVTaktische Ein-Mappe XVITaktische Ein-Mappe X7IITaktische Ein-Mappe XVIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XIXTaktische Ein-Mappe XXTaktische Ein-Mappe XXITaktische Ein-Mappe XXIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXIVRussland AusgfengeRussland AusgfengeRussland Ausg&ngeDatesItem No.Jun 20, 1941 - Jul 31, 1943 34545/1-4Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942 28499/101Jan 1 - Aug 14, 1943 37075/103Aug 29 - Dec 6, 1943 43407/11May 10 - Jun 23, 1940 75118/31Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 29, 1942 25034/209Jun 22-30, 1941 30233/5Jul 1 - 9, 1941 30233/6Jul 10-18, 1941 30233/7Jul 19-25, 1941 30233/8Jul 26 - Aug 2, 1941 30233/9Aug 3 - 9, 1941 30233/10Aug 10-17, 1941 30233/11Aug 25-31, 1941 30233/13Sep 1 - 7, 1941 30233/14Sep 8 - 15, 1941 30233/15Sep 16-21, 1941 30233/16Sep 22-28, 1941 30233/17Sep 29 - Oct 6, 1941 30233/18Oct 7-15, 1941 30233/19Oct 16-24, 1941 30233/20Oct 25 - Nov 2, 1941 30233/21Nov ^ - 11. 1941 30233/22Nov 12-19, 1941 30233/23Nov 20-27, 1941Nov 28 - Dec 5, 194130233/2430233/25Dec 6-13, 1941Dec 14-21, 194130233/2630233/27Dec 22-31, 1941Jul 1 - Dec 31, 194130233/2830233/62Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1942Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1942JJ0233/6330233/64

Panzer-Armeeoberkoramando 2 55AbteilungenAbteilung Ic. Ic/AO (cont'd.)Taktische Ein-Mappe XXVTaktische Ein-MaDpe XXVITaktische Ein-Mappe XXVIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXVIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXIXTaktische Ein-Mappe XXXTaktische Ein-Mappe XXXITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXIVTaktische Ein-Mappe XXXVTaktische Ein-Mappe XXXVITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXVIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXVIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XXXIXTaktische Ein-Mappe XLTaktische Ein-Mappe XL,ITaktische Ein-Mappe XLIITaktische Ein-Mappe XLIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XL IVTaktische Ein-Mappe XLVTaktische Ein-Mappe XLVITaktische Ein-Mappe XLVIITaktische Ein-Mappe XLVIIITaktische Ein-Mappe XLIXTaktische Ein-Mappe LTaktische Ein-Mappe LITaktische Ein-Mappe LIITaktische Ein-Mappe LIIITaktische Ein-Mappe LIVTaktische Ein-Mappe LVTaktische Ein-Mat>pe LVITaktische Ein-Mappe LVIIFeindlagepausen, Ic/AOGefangene und Beute Meldungen, Ic/AODatesJan 1 - 8, 1942Jan 9 - 17,::.i9$2Jan 18 - 26, 1942Jan 27 - Feb 5, 1942Feb 6-16, 1942Feb 17-26, 1942Feb 27 - Mar 3, 1942Mar 10 - 19, 1942Mar 20 - 31, 1942Apr 1 - 10, 1942Apr 11 - 20, 1942Apr 21 - 30, 1942May 1 - 10, 1942May 11 - 20, 1942May 21 - 31, 1942Jun 1 - 10, 1942Jun 11 - 20, 1942Jun 21 - 30, 1942Jul 1 - 10, 1942Jul 11 - 20, 1942Jul 21 - 31, 1942Aug 1 - 10, 1942Aug 11 - 20, 1942Aug 21 - 31, 1942Sep 1-10, 1942Sep 11 - 20, 1942Sep 21 - 30, 1942Oct 1 - 15, 1942Oct 16 - 31, 1942Nov 1 - 15, 1942Nov 16 - 30, 1942Dec 1-15, 1942Dec 16 - 31, 1942Aug 17, 1941 - Mar 22, 1942Nov 1941 - Mar 1942Item No.30233/2930233/3030233/3130233/3230233/3330233/3430233/3530233/3630233/3730233/3330233/3930233/4030233/4130233/4230233/4330233/4430233/4530233/4630233/4730233/4830233/4930233/5030233/5130233/5230233/5330233/5430233/5530233/5630233/5730233/5830233/5930233/6030233/6175118/3,475118/17,18

56 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung Ic. Ic/AO (cont'd.)Meldungen, Ic/AOErsatzlage der Roten Armee, Ic/AOErsatzlage der Roten Armee, Ic/AOMeldungenMeldungenMeldungen, Ic/Lw.Vernehmungen, Ic/AOVer ne hmungs ber i chteKeldungenMeldungen, Ic/AOBriefprufstelle, Ic/AOMeldungen, Ic/AOMe Idunge n, Ic/AOAnlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, BandenmeldungenAnla^e z. Titigkeitsbericht, BandenmeldungenAnlare z. Tetigkeitsbericht, FeindflugblatterTatigkeitsberichtTatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOAnlagenbande 1-4- z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOAnlagenband 5 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 6 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 7 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenbande 8 u. 9 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 10 z. TatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 11 z. TatigkeitsberichtTatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOAnlagenbande 1-12 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOAnlagenband 13 z. Tatigke its ber icht, Ic/AOAnlagenbande 14 u. 15 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOAnlagenband 16 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Ic/AOKTB Nr. 4-, Tagesmeldungen, ICTB Nr. 4DatesJun 13, 1941 - Dec 28, 1942Mar 1 - Jun 1942Jul 1 - 31, 1942Mar 16 - Dec 31, 1942Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942Apr 21 - May 31, 1942Apr 23 - Sep 20, 1942Jun 13 - Aug 27, 1942Aug 21 - 31, 1942Dec 3, 1942 - May 25, 1943Dec 1942 - Aug 1943Apr 12 - Jul 14, 1943Aug 30, 1939 - May 1, 1943Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942May 1 - Dec 31, 1942Aug - Sep 1943Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943Jan 1 - Jul 31, 1943Jan 1 - May 31, 1943May 2 - Jun 25, 1943Jun 1 - Jul 31, 1943Aug 1941 - Aug 1943Mar 1 - Aug 1, 1943Jan 1 - Aug 8, 1943Aug 15 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 26 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 26 - Oct 16, 1943Oct 15 - Dec 31, 1943Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 26 - Dec 31, 1943Oct 29 - Dec 5, 1943Aug 27 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943Item No.75118/34a75118/575118/730233/1-475118/1928499/10275H8/34b75118/217599275915843878538375118/630233/6530233/663553328499/9837075/16237075/163-16637075/16737075/16837075/16937075/170, 17137075/17237075/17343407/4243407/43-5443407/5543407/5743407/5843407/5943407/6043407/743407/33

Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2 57Abteilungen , .Abteilung 0,nu.TatigkeitsberichtMeldungenBesondere Anordnungen fiir die VersorgungKriegstagebuch .TagesmeldungenBeurteilungen der Versorgungsla??eUnterstellung auf dem Gebiet der HeeresversorgungKriegstagebuchAnlagenband z. KTBR^umung - -Anlagenband 105 z. KTB Nr. 3KriegstagebuchAnlagenband z. KTBKriegstagebuch mit KartenanlagenTatigkeitsbericht, Anlage I z. KTBAnlagenband 12 z. KTB Nr. 4Anlage II z. KTB, Tatigkeitsberichte derUnterabteilungenKriegstagebuch, Qu, 1Abteilung O.Qu./Qu. 2LageberichteAnlagen z. KTB, EvakuierungKampfzoneWarenausfuhr aus BulgarienAnlagen z. KTB, Ernteeinbringung SyrmienAnlage z. KTB, Deutsche VolksgruppeR'iumungAbteilung O.Qu./IV Wi.Chromerz in AlbanienErkundungChr omerz forderungLage- und TatigkeitsberichteBerichteDatesOct 3, 1939 - Jul 2, 1940Jul 12, 1940 - Jun 7, 1941Apr 7, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942Jun 21, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Jun 22, 1941 - Feb 23, 1943Aug 9, 1941 - Jan 24, 1942Aug 28, 1941 - Jul 23, 1942Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942Jan 3 - Mar 31, 1943Feb 12, 1943 - Jan 6, 1945Mar 26 - Aug 1, 1943Apr 1 - Aug 15, 1943Apr 1 - Aug 15, 1943Aug 16 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 27 - Dec 31, 1943Aug 30 - Dec 29, 1943Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943Sep 13, 1943 - May 18, 1944Feb 13 - Oct 18, 1944War 20 - Dec 12, 1944Apr 15 - Jul 11, 1944Jul 5, 1944 - Jan 1, 1945Sep 16 - Oct 22, 1944Sep 17, 1944 - Jan 6, 1945Sep 9, 1943 - Jul 9, 1944Sep 16, 1943 - Aug 17, 1944Sep 20, 1943 - Sep 2, 1944Sep 23, 1943 - Aug 12, 1944Sep 30, 1943 - Jul 13, 1944Item No.51594/185424/325123/1-61938151594/4-751594/251594/32256030578/28540237075/11837081/137081/243407/6743407/6843407/1343407/6930578/15511664838/164838/45717064838/264838/364838/5

58 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2AbteilungenAbteilung O.Qu./IV Wi. (cont'd.)Chromerzgebiet PogradecOrganisation und VersorgungLageberichteErdol in AlbanienErdol in AlbanienTatigkeitsberichtMeldungenAbteilung IVaBeihilfenLohnskalaBeihilfe AntrageKassenpriifungFrontzulagenBewilligte BeihilfenAkte BeihilfeOf fiziers tellenbes etzungenAbfindung von HilfswilligenAbs chreibungenAbteilung V/Reports/Abteilung Ila/IIbPer s onalveranderungenTatigkeitsberichtAnlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 1, TeilTat igke its ber i chteStabsbefehleVerlus tmeIdungenAuszeichnungQffizierstellenbesetzungslisteTatigkeitsberichtTb* t igke its ber icht mit AnlagenDatesSep 30, 1943 - Jul 17, 1944Oct 1, 1943 - Jul 27, 1944Oct 25, 1943 - Aug 20, 1944Nov 23, 1943 - Aug 8, 1944Nov 26, 1943 - Aug 15, 1944Mar 9 - Aug 12, 1944May 2 - Aug 20, 1944Jan 1, 1940 - Dec 31, 1943Jun 1 - Dec 31, 1941Sep 9, 1941 - Jan 12, 1942Nov 27, 1941 - War 23, 1943Jan 1, 1942 - Jul 12, 1943Jan 13 - Feb 28,May - Jun, 1942Jan 25 - Apr 28, 1942Feb 1.- May 15, 1942Jan 19 - Jun 14, 1943Jul 1 - Dec 1, 1943Aug 19 - Dec 24, 1941Mar 1940 - Apr 1942May 10 - Jun 24, 1940Jan 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942Jan 25 - Jun 5, 1941Jul 7, 1941 - Mar 25, 1942Aug 27, 1941 - Sep 20, 1942Apr - May 1942Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942Jan 1 - Aug 15, 1943Item No.75118/1675118/147580175118/1175118/2475118/1275118/2385417-8542175118/2585423854228541485412,854138538485424854158541625034/208 °85424/625202/185424/7, 875118/2228499/10037075/174, 175

Panzer-Armeeoberkoimnando 2 59AbteilungenAbteilung Ila/IIb (cont'd.)T'tigkeitsbericht als Beilage z. KTB Nr.Armee und Korr>s TagesbefehleDatesSep 1 - Dec 31, 1943Sep 14., 1943 - Feb 27, 19UItem No.43407/6175118/1

60 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2File Item ListingItemIla/IIb, Tatigkeitsberichte. Unit activity reports, Panzergruppe Guderian, during theinvasion of the West, losses, awards and decorations. May 10 - Jun 24, 194.0,la, Tatigkeitsbericht des Kommandos der Panzergruppe Guderian. Reports on operations ofPz Gruppe Guderian in France and reassignment to occupied Poland. Jun 25 - Dec 24, 194,0.la, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Orders and reports on reorganization, <strong>com</strong>bat experienceduring the western campaign, transfer of units to the eastern front, bordersecurity duty and instructions for winter warfare. Included are situation maps showingposition of German units along the German-Russian line of demarcation.Jun 25 - Dec 17, 1940.la, Anlagen z, Tatigkeitsbericht. Orders, reports and operational studies on maneuversof Army Groups North, South, and Center and Pz AOK 2, and on preparation for the invasionof Russia. Dec 27, 1940 - Feb 27, 1941.Plans for the eastern campaign and maps indi-la, Sonderanlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht.cating assembly area. Feb 4, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame832110001/110001/2-878787873164217316430731645710001/9,1° 78 731705710001/11 78 7317098la, Besondere Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht.Feb 13, 1941.H.Gr. B Aufmarschanweisung Barbarossa.10001/12797317140la, Sonderanlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Planspiel. Study plan, orders, directives, overlaysand maps on repelling a Russian invasion into Germany and German-held territoryprior to Operation "Barbarossa." Mar 14, 1941.10001/13797317254la, Sonderanlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Planspiel, Feindlage. Map exercise on anticipatedenemy resistance near Leningrad, Moscow, Kharkov, Rostov and on the Don, and on occupationof the industrial region in the Ukraine. Included are maps and sketches,Feb 4 - 10, 1941.10001/14797317340la, Anlage z, Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports and training order for maneuver on tank warfare,and directives for camouflage of preparations for the eastern campaign.Mar 1 - 28, 1941.10001/15797317394

Panzer-Armeeoberkoromando 2 61Itemla, Sonderanlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on preparation for eastern campaign anda Planspiel "Gegenangriff im Falle eines feindlichen Angriffs." Included are situationmaps. Mar 14, 1941.la, Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Planspiel. Map exercise covering the invasion of Russiaand mil-geo information on the Soviet Union and areas of Poland. Mar 1941.la, Sonderanlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Aufmarschanweisung Barbarossa. Orders and instructionsfor the final preparation of the eastern campaign. Included are maps.Mar 1941.la, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Orders and reports on reorganization for Operation"Barbarossa,"troop transportation tables, and maps on Soviet fortifications, locationof German units and routes of anticipated invasion. Mar 25 - Jun 3, 1941.la, Besondere Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Gruppenbefehl Nr. 1 f.d. Angriff. GeneralGuderian's special order for Operation "Barbarossa," with overlays showing routesof the invasion. Jun 8, 1941.O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch. Jun 21, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942,Item No. Roll10001/16 7910001/17 7910001/18 7910001/19-21 7980801st Frame731744673174987317575731770873179157317958O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch. Apr 1 - Jul 31, 1942.807318304la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 1. War diary covering the battles of Bialystock-Minsk,the capture of Brest-Litovsk, the breakthrough of the Dnieper positions, andbattles near Gomel. Jun 22 - Aug 20, 1941.25034/1807318372la, Anlagen A-P2z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1. Daily, morning, noon and evening operations reports,messages, orders and instructions covering the invasion and progress in centralRussia, the crossing of the Dnieper River and advances to east of Smolensk. Minuteson meetings of <strong>com</strong>manding generals, information reports from H.Gr. Mitte, AOK 4 andother neighboring units. Interrogation of captured Russian generals and other prisonersof war. Included are activity reports of engineer, QM, and AA units, operational sketchesand overlays. Jun 21 - Jul 13, 1941.25034/2- 80-25034/24 837319045-7322139

62 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagen Q1-Z2 z. XTB NT. 1, Teil 1. Daily, morning, noon and evening operations rereports,messages, orders and instructions covering the progress of the campaign in..central Russia, the battles of Stary Bychov, near Roslavl and in the area of Smolensk,the Dnieper bridgehead and the encirclement of enemy units north of Smolensk. Thecritical situation in the Jelnja area, the battle at Rattschino and the breakoutof German units near Jelnja. Meetings of Gen. v. Greifenberg, Gen. Guderian, FieldMarshal v. Kluge, Col. Blumentritt and other ranking <strong>com</strong>manders relating to opinionson the conduct of the campaign, due to Hitler's criticism of progress. Included areorders and information reports of H.Gr. Mitte, Pz AOK 4, Fliegerkorps, Inf Div Grossdeutschland,overlays, and situation maps. Jul 20 - Aug 20, 1941.la, Kartenanlagen 1-3 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1. Situation maps of various scales coveringoperations on the eastern front, position of Pz AOK 2, VII Army Corps, 10th Pz Div.,H.Gr. Mitte and other neighbouring units. Railroad lines near Moscow, fortificationsin the Dnieper area, and positions of enemy units. Jun 21 - Aug 31, 194-1.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 2. War diary covering the campaign in central Russia,in areas near Bryansk, Orel and Kursk. Aug 21 - Get 31, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame25034/25-25034/5625034/57-25034/5980-8585-86732223073249347325952-73261427326228la, Anlagen A1-B2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2, Tagesinappen, Daily, morning, evening and special<strong>com</strong>bat activity reports, radio messages and orders covering progress of the campaignin central Russia, crossing the Desna and Sejm Rivers, offensive operations nearBachmatsch, Konotop and Belopole, and tactical situation of Pz AOK 2 in the areasof Roslavl, Bryansk and Orel, Telephone conversations between Gen. v. Greifenbergand Gen. Guderian. Special supply directives, enemy information bulletins, andrailway maps of European Russia. Aug 21 - 26, 1941.25034/61-25034/6686-877326870-7327407la, Anlagen B4-P4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2, Tagesmappen. Daily, morning, evening and special<strong>com</strong>bat operations reports and radio messages covering progress of the campaign incentral Russia at Tscheridow, Snowsh, the Orel-Bryansk line, at Sseminowka, Romnyand Dmitrujewo, offensive actions southwest of Moscow and the capture of Tula. Telephoneconversations between Gen. v. Greifenberg, Gen. Guderian and other <strong>com</strong>mandinggenerals relating to improvement of operational plans. Interrogations of prisonersof war, inventory of captured equipment and number of prisoners. Information on industrialinstallations in the Tula-Stalinogorsk area, and overlays showing strength

Itemof enemy forces in the Novgorod-Severski area and fortifications on the Moscowfront. Included are some situation maps (1:300,000), reports from H.Gr. Mitteand Sud, German air force units used against enemy infantry, and other supportingand subordinate units. Aug 28 - Oct 31, 1941.Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 63la, Kartenanlagen 1-4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 2. A collection of situation maps of theeastern front (1:100,000 and 1:300,000) showing position of Pz AOK 2 and XXXXVIIPz Corps, objectives of Pz AOK 2, and position of enemy units. Aug 21 - Oct 30, 1941,la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Teil 3. War diary covering the campaign in central Russia,the battles for Aletein, Jefenon, and Tula, the capture of Stalinogorsk, movementto winter positions, withdrawal to the Don and Upa defense line, and breakthroughof enemy units on the entire front of Army Group Center. Nov 1 - Dec 26, 1941.la, Anlagen Al-V z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 3, Zeitagesmappen. Daily, morning, evening andspecial <strong>com</strong>bat operations reports and radio messages covering the campaign incentral Russia at Orel, Tula, Bolchov, Bryansk and Dumschino; information on winterwarfare, transportation, <strong>com</strong>munications and supply problems | partisan warfare and securityagainst Russian sabotage, and withdrawal from Tula and establishment of winterpositions by Army Group Center. Review of the military situation by <strong>com</strong>mandinggenerals on personnel strength, casualties and estimate of enemy situation. Reportsof telephone conversation between Hitler and Gen. Guderian on improvement in resistanceto enemy offensive near Orel, Hitler taking over <strong>com</strong>mand of the Army, andhis attitude on conduct of operations and ideas for improvement, and Stalin's order . ; 'that no German POW's are to be taken. Included are sketches and maps. Nov 1 -Dec 31, 1941.la, Kartenanlagen 1 u. 2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 3. A collection of daily situation mapsof the eastern front (1:300,000) showing division boundaries, roads, fortificationsand position of German and Russian units in areas near Ssenwski, Kamenka and Mzensk.Nov 1 - Dec 19, 1941.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr e 1, Teil 4. War diary covering the campaign in central Russia inthe Bryansk, Roslavl and Orel areas. Dec 27, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Item No.25034/68-25034/12425034/12525034/12825034/129Roll87-9292-931st Frame93 733509125034/130- 93- 7335466-25034/159 96 733959425034/160,161 97 733974325034/162 98 7340017

64 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagen Al-R z. KTB Nr. 1, Tell 4, Tages-Zweitagesmanpen. Daily, morning, eveningand special <strong>com</strong>bat operations reports covering the campaign in central Russia atOrel, and offensive operation at KLinzy and Uljanowo. Memos on conferences of Hitlerand Gen. v, KLuge, Gen. Schmidt and other <strong>com</strong>manders. Soviet breakthrough at Maljareslawez,and Hitler's order authorizing withdrawal to new positions, approving air supportfor front line units. Intelligence reports on enemy units, partisan warfare inthe Nawlja area and anticipated attacks of the enemy. Information on personnel shortage,casualties and replacements, assignment of Ukrainian volunteer units, appointmentof Gen. Brand as <strong>com</strong>mander of rear areas, handling and interrogation of prisonersof war and partisans, evacuation of Karatschow and Bryansk and Hitler's special ordersto hold positions, losses of weapons, supply problems and reorganization of 112 Inf.Div. and Regiment Deutschland. Included are reports from Army Group Center, GroupUsinger and XXIV Pz Corps. Orders to subordinate units, organizational charts,sketches of fortifications at Bryansk and miscellaneous situation maps, Jan 1 -Mar 31, 1942.Ila/IIb, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Correspondence onfurloughs, personnel assignments, awards and decorations, and officers' senioritylist. Jan 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Ic, Anlagenband 3 z, KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports on advance preparationsand actual activities during <strong>com</strong>bat operations. Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 29, 1942.A.Na.FU., Anlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-4, Tatigkeitsberichte.ports. Jun 22, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942.Daily activity re-A.Pi.FU., Anlagenband 5a z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports on preparationsfor crossing the Bug River, the thrust to the Dnieper and operation against Moscow.Organizational charts and maps on condition of roads and bridges over the Bug.Feb 15 - Nov 30, 1941.A.Pi,FU., Inlagenband 5b z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 4, Tatigkeitsberichte. Reports concerningStellungsbau, Briickenbau liber Desna, Oka und Ptucha, Einsatz der Baukra'fte, Auffrischung'von Briickenkolonnen, Vorbereitung der Zerstbrung von Orel. Dec 1, 1941 -Mar 31, 1942.Item No. Roll 1st Frame25034/163-25034/20725034/20825034/20925034/21025034/21125034/21298- 7340518-102 7346102103 7346236103 7346432103 7346455103 7346601

5 anzer-Armeeoberkoirffiiando 2Item . . . . . . . Item No.la/Harko., Anlagenband 6 z. KTB. Auszug aus Tatigkeitsbericht u. Kriegstagebuch des HoherenArt. Kdr. 302, daily activity reports. May 19 - Aug 25, 194-1. 25034/213la, Ia/Koluft,, Anlagenband 7 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Abschlussbericht iiber Einsatz, Aufgaben,Schwerpunkt und Erfolgsmeldungen des 1. Operationsabschnittes des Kommandeursder Luftwaffe bei der Panzergruppe 2, Abt. la. Jun 22 - Aug 5, 1941. 25034/214-Ia/Koluft., Anlagenband 8 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Proposal to reorganize Luftaufklp'rungsverbande.Wov 22, 1941. 25034/215la, Anlagenband 9 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Reports of FlakkorDS I, indicating daily missions,sorties, distribution of forces, and results of operations. Jun 22 -Aug 3, 1941. 25034/216la, Anlagenband 10 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Zustandsberichte. Situation reports of subordinateunits on materiel and personnel losses and <strong>com</strong>bat capabilities. .May 20, 1941 -Jan 15, 1942. 25034/217la, Anlagenband 11 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. War diary of special task force "Streich" onthe seizure of Orscha bridgehead for crossing the Dnieper. Jul 7 - 20, 1941.la, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Operational orders, directives, and organizationalcharts. Jun 7 - Jul 20, 1941. 25034/219la, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Situation maps (1:100,000) and daily activityreports. Jul 8 - 19, 1941. 25034/220la, Anlagenband 12 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Lehrgange fur Winterausbildung durch Heereshochgebirgsschule.Oct 17 - Dec 13, 1941. 25034/221la, Anlagenband 13 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3.of Orel. Dec 23, 1941 - Feb H, 1942.Preparations for evacuation and destructionla, Anlagenband 14 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Unterstellungskalender. Indicates to whichunits the elements of Pz AOK 2 were subordinate at various times j breakdown to battalionand <strong>com</strong>pany level. Jun 20, 1941 - Mar 31, 1942. 25034/223Roll 1st Frame103 7346745103 7346782103 7346843103 7346968103 7346986104 7347661104 7348034104 7348112104 7343266

66 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemItem No,Roll1st FrameIa/Koluft., Anlagenband 16 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3, Leistungsiibersicht. Survey of missions,sorties, enemy targets hit or destroyed, personnel casualties, and organizational charts.Jun 22 - Sep 21, 1941. " 25034/224la, Anlagenband 18 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Inventory of secret and top secret documents.Jun 21, 1941 - Feb 12, 1942. 25034/225la, Anlagenband z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Daily, morning, evening and special <strong>com</strong>bat reportscovering military operations in areas near Orscha, Orel and Smolensk. Includedare reports from Ic, Flakkorps, Pionier und Qu. Abteilungen, situation maps and overlays.Jul 14 - 19, 1941.la, Anlagenband 15 z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Appendices to basic orders for Operation"Barbarossa." Mar 15 - Jun 14, 1941. 2503-5/1la, Anlagenband 17a z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Hitler's and Field Marshal Bock f s orders onOperation "Barbarossa" and the drive on Moscow and Bryansk. A report of telephoneconversation of Hitler with Guderian, and a study of economic situation in Russia.Included are organizational charts and maps showing armament industries in Russia.Oct 7, 1941 - Jan 20, 1942. " 25035/2la, Anlagenband 17b z. KTB Nr. 1, Teil 1-3. Orders and reports on reorganization, personnelstrength, casualties and estimate of the enemy situation. Organizationalcharts and information on H.Gr. Mitte. Feb 7 - Mar 22, 1942. 25035/3O.Qu. , Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung. Special supply regulations, munitions, 25123/1-lubricants and clothing. Apr 7, 1941 - Apr 30, 1942. ' ' 25123/6Ila, Verlustmeldungen. Officers' casualty reports. Jul 7, 1941 - Mar 25, 1942. 25202/1104 734-8294104 734-832125034/226- 104- 7348339-25034/231 105 7349052105 7349185105105105108108734925773493937349478-73512507352562la, Verlustmeldungen. Casualty reports. Jul 5, 1941 - Mar 25, 1942. 25202/2la, Kriegstarebuch Nr. 2, Teil 1-5. War diaries covering military operations in centralRussia, at Roslavl, Bryansk and Orel, partisan warfare near Dubrovka, and Russian offensiveat Orel. Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942. 28499/1-510810873527647352816

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 67Itemla, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Unterstellungskalender.Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942.Assignment of subordinate units.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Morning, evening, daily and special operations reports onthe ^sineserki bridgehead, and activity of artillery, engineer, and other loverechelon units. Apr 1 - 15, 1942,la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Morning, evening, daily and special unit operations reports,reports of telephone conversations of Field Marshal v. Kluge, and maps (1:300,000)of Bryansk-Orel areas. Apr 15 - 30, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Morning, evening, daily and special reports on military operationsat Uljanowo, information on activities of intelligence and engineer units, recordof telephone conversation of v. Kluge, and reports on situation in rear areas.May 1 - 15, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily reports on ©Derations at Bryansk-Orel, record of telephoneconversations of v. Kluge, and reports of increasing action involving partisansin rear areas. May 16 - 30, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2. Daily operations reports, aerial photos of bridges across theOka River, map overlays showing enemy positions, partisan warfare, and activities ofintelligence and artillery units. Jun 1 - 15, 1942,la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, material on Soviet airforce activity, record of v. Kluge teleDhone conversations, and overlay maps of Russianpositions. Jul 16 - 28, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operation reports, including reports on actionof Soviet air force, activity of intelligence and air force liaison units, and overlaysof rear areas. Aug 1 - 15, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, enemy air activity, informationon intelligence and air force liaison units, overlays showing-enemy artilleryunits, and a memo on the severe labor shortage in Germany. Jul 16 - 30, 1942.Item No.28499/6£499/728499/828499/928499/1028499/1228499/1328499/14Roll 1st Frame109 7353871109 7353900109 7354648110 7355333110 7356004111 7356566111 7357162112 7358658

68 Panzer ^Armeeaberkommando 2ItemItem No,la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Teil-1. General operations material which includes a chartshowing 1 Russian bomb drops in the army area, a report of Russian air activity, andGerman estimate of damage. Aug 1 - 15, 194-2. 284.99/15la, Anlagen z. KTB Mr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, Soviet air force activityand damage inflicted, activity of intelligence and air force liaison units, and maps(1:300,000). Aug 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/16la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, information on enemyair attacks, overlays showing enemy artillery, and activity of intelligence and airforce liaison units. Sep 1 - 15, 1942. 28499/17la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special operations reports, information on enemy airattacks, overlays showing enemy artillery, reports of intelligence and air forceliaison units, construction of igloos and maps of the Shisdra area. 3ep 16 - 30, 194-2. 284-99/18la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily and special reports on operations at Rosslavl-Livny,estimate of the overall enemy situation, v. Kluge's telephone conversations, andinformation reports from Army Group Center. Oct 1 - 14, 194-2. 28499/19la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily reports on operations at Orel, information on enemyartillery and activity of intelligence units and air force liaison officer.Oct 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/20la, Anlagen z. ?TB Nr. 2. Daily operations reports, translated diary of a partisan,antitank warfare, activity reports of intelligence and engineer units and. air fortseliaison officer. Nov 1 - 15, 1942. 28499/21la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Daily activity reports, action of Soviet air force and artillery,intelligence reports, and a situation map of the Shisdra area. Nev 16 - 29, 1942. 28499/22Roll 1st Frame113 7359261114 7360190115 7361341116 7362117116 7363007117 736369411711873644157364927la, Anlagen z. XTB Nr. 2. Daily activity reports, action of Soviet air force and artillery,organizational charts, and reports of intelligence and OM units. Dec 1 - 15, 1942. 284°9/23la, Anlagen z. T xTB Mr. 2. Daily activity reports and directive for handling Sovietprisoners of war. Dec 16 - 31, 1942. 28499/2411811873653657365865

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 69la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Teil 4.Orel. Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1942.ItemDaily situation maps showing positions at Bryansk-la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2. Daily situation maps shoving positions at Bryansk-Orel toRosslavl-Livny. Apr 1 ~ Dec 31, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Teil I-III, Akte "Wirbelwind." Reports, orders and maps for"Wirbelwind," code name for a planned operation to annihilate enemy forces in theSsuchinitschi sector. Jun - Aug 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Mitgehorte Spriiche Unternehmen "Wirbelwind." Monitored Sovietbroadcasts relating to Soviet and German operations. Jun 17 - Aug 22, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Messages and orders of Army Group Center for conduct offurther operations. Apr 15 - Aug 25, 1942,la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Reports and maps indicating winter dispositions on thecentral front in Russia. Sep 1942.la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Akte "Kreml." Orders, messages, studies, charts and maps forOperation "Kreml," code name for anticipated attack on Moscow. May 29 - Jul 2, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Akte "Sudppl." Messages, orders, charts and maps on <strong>com</strong>batoperations at Karatschev-Belev, Nov 26 - Dec 15, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Gefechtsbericht. Reports on the attack on Bedrinzy, participatingunits, experiences, and enemy actions. Jun 2$ - 29, 1942,Item No, Roll 1st Frame28499/25-27 119 736635328499/28-28499/4628499/47-4928499/5028499/5128499/5228499/5328499/5428499/55119-1221221221221221221231237366668-736801473681437368581736878973688087368826736898473690831%, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Bericht uber die Abwehrschl^cht des XXXXVII. Pz. Korps.Commendations; for outstanding participation in a defensive action near Orel.Included are maps and overlays, Jul 5-13, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Gefechtsbericht des Lilt. Armeek

70P anzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Bericht uber Unternehmen "Vogelsang." Report by the 339thInf Div on preparation and execution of a drive against Russian partisans. Includessketches showing the division's tactics. Jul 11, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Gefechtsbericht iiber die Angriffs- u. Abwehrk?mpfe des LIU. A.K.Development of the situation before and during the battle in the vicinity of Retschniza.Included are overlays and situation maps. Aug 11 - 24, 1942.A.Na.Fti., Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2. Charts, maps and reports on Erfahrungen beim Kampf anfesten Fronten. Apr 22 - Nov 27, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Panzerlage. Reports on available Panzer and the assault gun.situation. May 18 - Dec 26, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Unterlagen fur geplante Umstellung der Inf. Div. auf Zweigliedrigkeit.Dec 21, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reports and overlays on enemy artillery positions over entirefront, charts and maps of 707th Inf Div at Bryansk-Orel. Apr 1 - May 26, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reports on Dartisan activities in the Michailovka area,interrogation of Drisoners of war, and court-martial proceedings. May 21 - Dec 31, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Operations reports, including material on interrogation ofprisoners of war, partisan activities, and action of enemy air force in the Dorogobush-Qrelarea. Included are some reoorts of engineer units and situation maps.Apr 22 - Aug 4, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Operations reports, including material on partisan warfare,<strong>com</strong>bat experiences, information on Russian antitank rockets, activities of intelligenceand engineer units, and of XLVII Pz Corps in the Klinzy-Pogot sector.May 23 - Dec 2, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. General operations material, reports on personnel shortagesand a memo on handling prisoners of war, partisans, and civilian population inRussia. Mar 30 - Jul"26, 1942.28499/5828499/5928499/6028499/6128499/6228499/6328499/6428499/6528499/6628499/67Roll 1st Frame123 7369202123 7369246123 7369302123 7369508123 7369642123 7369653123 7369899124 7370076124 7370401124 7370919

Itemla, Anlagen z. KTB Nr.2. Orders and directives for reassignment of the 10th Mot.Inf Div. Apr 18 - Jun 17, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reassignment of the 350th Tnf Regiment. May 31 - Jun 22, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Versorgung Trubtschevsk. Reports dealing with the problemof supplying partisan surrounded units at Trubtschevsk. Jun 17 - 24, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Messages of <strong>com</strong>mendation from Hitler on the defense ofSzuchinitschi and reports and orders for deactivation of the 406th Inf. "Regiment.Apr 1 - Jul 25, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Evakuierung. Reports on evacuation of partisan infestedareas. May 23 - Sep 5, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Reports on handling and losses of horses. Jul 9 - Aug 19, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Distribution on troops in trenches along the German-Sovietfront. Oct 9 - 29, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reassignment of Jager und Sicherungs Btl., Pz. Ja.gerKompanie und Schnelle Abteilungen. Sep 15 - Oct 30, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Neuartige Minenfelder. Reports and overlays on minefields.Sep 9 - Oct 29, 1942,Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 71Item No. Roll 1st Frame28499/6828499/6928499/7028499/7128499/72'28499/7328499/7428499/7528499/76124124124125125125125125125737117273712157371232737126773713567371375737140373714237371457la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Winterlehrgang. Instructions and orders for winter training ofski troops in Arys and in Finland. Sep 6 - 28, 1942.28499/771257371472la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Verlegung u. Ablosung d. 19. Pz. Div. Messages, orders andtransportation table for the movement of the 19th Pz Div from reserve at Bryansk tofront-line at Smolensk. Oct 27 - Nov 27, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Unternehmen "Zeisig." Reports on "Zeisigj 1 an operation againstpartisans in the Lusunki-Ostov area. Nov 12 - 26, 1942. 28499/79 125 7371546

72 Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2ItemItem No.Roll1st Framela, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Grenzverlegung.Nov 18 - Dec 18, 1942.Change of boundaries between military units.28499/801257371599la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Ablb'sung, Orders transferring the 17th Pz Div from Orel, andboundary alignment between Army Group Center and Pz. AOK 2. Nov 12 - Dec 8, 1942.28499/811257371618la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Lehrgange. Training schedule and roster of instructors forsupply training courses. Sep 28 - Dec 6, 194-2.28499/821257371661la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Winterkriegslehrgang in Finnland. Winter training courses forski troops to be given in Finland. Oct 13 - Dec 31, 194-2.28499/831257371683la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Karten. Situation maps showing enemy and German positions,and partisan situation in rear areas. May - Aug 194-2.28499/841257371726la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Partisanenunternehmen. Reports and maps on partisan warfare nearBryansk and in rear areas. Jun 13 - Dec 10, 194-2.28499/851257371820la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Zufuhrung und Verteilung. Distribution of heavy antitank gunsand equipment pursuant to Hitler's wishes. Mar 9 - Sep 23, 194-2.28499/861257371972la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Reports on changes in boundaries between military units.Operational maps (1:100,000) of the Orel area. May 31 - Jul 4-, 194-2.28499/871257372058la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Operation "Vogelsang." Orders and reports on "Vogelsang," anoperation against partisans at Djatkovo-Ivot-Star. May 25 - Jul 4-, 194-2,28499/881257372089la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Auffrischung. Reorganization of the 29th Inf Div. Apr 8 -Jun 3, 194-2.28499/891257372194la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Material relating to action against partisans on the Russianfront by the Royal Hungarian 108th Light Infantry Division. Jun 194-2.28499/901257372303la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Marschbewegungen. Orders, charts, maps and route surveys onreassignment of the 16th, 82d, 336th, 383d and 385th Inf Div, and Div. Grossdeutschland.May 4- - Jul 3, 194-2.28499/91 126 7372387

Itemla, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Marschbewegungen. Orders, charts, and maps on reassignmentof the 537th and 539th Inf Div. May IB - Jun 13, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2. Orders authorizing movement of troops through Pz. AOK 2 area.May 28 - Jun 26, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Auflosung der Pz. J*ager-Abteilung 529. Disbandment of a selfpropelledantitank unit and its reassignment. May 16 - Aug 19, 1942.la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Abschnittseinteilungen fur Winterstellung. Maps showing supplyroutes and billeting areas for the winter in the Ludinovo-Podbushje-Grel region.Sep 21, 1942.Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 73Item No. Roll 1st Frame28499/92 126 7372611126 737273928499/94 126 737277828499/95,96 126 7372841la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Marschbewegung. Charts, maps and diagrams showing march routesand billeting areas of subordinate units. May 29, 1942.Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports of intelligence branch, translators' gcoup and politicalindoctrination officer. Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942.la, Meldungen. Information on enemy units and partisan activities in rear areas.May 1 - 31, 1942.Ha, Tatigkeitsbericht. Awards and decorations, court-martial proceedings, furloughsand orders of the day. Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942.Bv.T.O., Meldungen. Daily reports of transportation officer on movements of units,time of arrival and departure. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942.28499/9728499/9828499/9928499/10028499/101126 7372877126 7372907126 7373001126 7373058126 7373564Ic/Lw., Meldungen der Luftwaffe. Daily reports from air intelligence officer on Germanand enemy air activities. Apr 21 - May 31, 1942.la, Kitgehorte Punkspruche. Monitored Russian operational radio messages. Jun 17 -Dec 31, 1942. ' 'Ia/Gabo., Tatigkeitsbericht. Directives pertaining to precautions against pas andchemical attacks. Mar 13, 1942 - Feb 4, 1943.28499/102 126 737387128499/103,104 127 737456128499/105 127 7374657

la/Mess., T~tigkeitsberichte.Jan 29 - Feb 2, 194-2.ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Daily activity reports of map survey officer.la, Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports of the <strong>com</strong>mander of the Orel repion pertaining toenemy activity in rear areas. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1942.la, Tagesbefehle, Kommandantur Orel. Daily orders and reports on enemy activity inthe Orel area, estimated Soviet losses and damage in the city of Orel. Apr 4 -Aug 30, 1942.A.Ma.Fu., THtigkeitsberichte. Reports on partisan action and damage to signal equipmentin the Orel area. Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942.A.Na.Fu., Funkplane. Information on signal network and wave length. Apr - Dec 1942.A.Na.FU., Befehle. Orders for security of signal operations and monitoring enemy <strong>com</strong>munications,and tables of equipment. Apr - Dec 1942.A.Na.Fu,, Befehle. Orders for signal units and information on Soviet <strong>com</strong>munications.Apr - Dec 1942.Ic, Meldungen. Unit morning and evening reports on enemy ground and air activities,partisan warfare in rear areas, and identifying enemy units, and list of prisoners ofwar and inventories of captured equipment. Mar 16 - Dec 31, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe I, Russland. Contains Feindlagemeldungen, Kriegsgefangenenaussagenand reports of Einsatzgruppe Oberleutnant Schader. Jun 22 - 30, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Maape II, Russland. Contains Abendmeldungen, Feindunterlagen andcorrespondence with Einsatzgruppe Oberleutnant Schader. Jul 1-9, 1941.Item No.28499/10628499/10728499/10828500/128500/228500/328500/430233/1-4Roll1st Frame127 7374708127 7374737127 7374859128128128128128- 7375623-130 7377641130 7378350130 7378500Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe III, Russland. Contains Feindlagemeldungen, telegrams, andsome copies of correspondence between Oberkommando der 4. Panzerarmee Ic andHeeresgruppe Mitte Ic concerning maps and information obtained from Russian POWofficers. "Jul 10 - 18, 1941.30233/7 130 7378659

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 75ItemIc, Taktische Ein-Mappe IV, Russland. Contains Feindlagemeldungen based on Russianmaps and information from POW's, lists of men and ammunition taken by HeeresgruppeFitte and propaganda material to be distributed to Russian trnooris. Jul 19 - 25, 194-1.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe V, Russland. Contains Allgemeine Feindbeurteilungen, translationsof Russian propaganda material, and Gefangenen Verne hmungen. Jul 26 -Aug 2, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe VI, Russland. Contains translations of Russian orders taken fromPOW^s, translations of Russian propaganda material, Einsatzmeldungen des Nahaufklarungsfuhrers2 und II. Fliegerkorps, and maps of Feindlage stand. Aug 3 - '9, 194-1.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe VII. Unit activity reports, translations of captured .documents,and interrogations of prisoners of war. Aug 10 - 17, 1941. "Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe IX, Russland. Feindbeurteilungen with maps and Soviet orderstaken from Russian POW's, with German translations. Aug 25 - 31, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe X, Russland. Contains Ic Meldungen, Feindbeurteilungen andFeindnachrichtenblatter as well as translations of Russian orders, Sep 1-7, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XI, Russland. Contains Feindnachrichtenblatter, Feindbeurteilungenand copies of reports prepared by Heeresgrur>pe Mitte on Lage Heeresgruppe Slidund Nord. Sep 8 - 15, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XII, Russland. Contains Feindnachrichtenblatter, Ic Meldungenand Russian instructional material. Sep 16 - 21, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XIII, Russland.Sep 22 - 28, 1941.Contains Ic Meldungen and copies of Russian orders,Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XIV, Russland, Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Feindlagenachrichtenand translations of Russian orders. Sep 29 - Oct 6, 1941.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XV, Russland. Contains Feindnachrichtenbl^.tter, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Oct 7-15, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame30233/8 131 737890230233/9 131 737912530233/10 131 737936130233/11 131 737966230233/13 132 738009430233/14 132 738048530233/15 132 738086030233/16 133 738138030233/17 133 738178330233/18 133 738212230233/19 134 7382487

76 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemItem No.Roll1st FrameIc, Taktische Ein-Maape XVI, Russland. Contains Gefangenenvernehimingen, Feindbeurteilungenand Feindnachrichtenblatter, Oct 16 - 24, 1941.30233/201347383043Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XVII, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Ic Meldungen, reportson Russian war industry and Lageberichte. Oct 25 - Nov 2, 1941.30233/211347383484Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XVIII, Russland, Contains Gefangenenvernehmungen, Feindbeurteilungen,Ic Meldungen, copies of Russian orders and leaflets with translationsand reports on Russian industry around Gorki. Nov 3-11, 1941.30233/221357383883Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XIX, Russland. Contains Feindnachrichtenblatter, Gefangenenaussagenand Feindbeurteilungen. Nov 12 - 19, 1941.30233/231357384384Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XX, Russland.Nov 20 - 27, 1941.Contains Feindbeurteilungen and Ic Meldungen.30233/241357384778Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXI, Russland. Contains Taktische Nachrichten liber den Feind,Feindnachrichtenblatter and Ic Meldungen. Nov 28 - Dec 5, 1941.30233/251367385238Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXII, Russland. Contains Meldungen, translations of Russianorders and Feindnachrichtenblatter, Dec 6 - 13, 1941.30233/261367385664Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXIII, Russland. Contains Ic Meldungen. Dec 14 - 21, 1941.30233/271367386127Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXIV, Russland.Meldungen. Dec 22 - 31, 1941.Contains Feindlagen, Feindbeurteilungen and Ic30233/281377386547Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXV, Russland.Russian orders. Jan 1-8, 1942.Contains Ic Meldungen and translations of30233/291377387010Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXVI, Russland.Jan 9 - 17, 1942.Contains Feindbeurteilungen and Ic Meldungen.30233/301387387463Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXVII, Russland.Jan 18 - 26, 194.2.Contains Feindnachrichtenbl'ltter and Ic Meldungen.30233/311387387929

Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2 77ItemIc, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXVIII, Russland. Contains weather reports, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen, Jan 27 - Feb 5, 194-2.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXIX, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Feindnachrichtenblatterand Ic Meldungen. Feb 6-16, 194-2.Ic, Taktische Ein-MaDpe XXX, Russland. Contains Gefangenenvernehmungen, Feindlageberichteand Ic Meldungen. Feb 17 - 26, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXI, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Feindnachrichtenblstterand maps. Feb 27 - Mar 3, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXII, Russland. Contains Gefangenenaussagen, Feindbeurteilungen,FeindnachrichtenblHtter and Ic Meldungen. Mar 10 - 19, 194-2.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXIII, Russland.Russian orders. Mar 20 - 31, 1942.Contains Ic Meldungen and translations ofIc, Taktische Ein-Mat>pe XXXIV, Russland. Contains Gefangenenaussagen of capturedpartisans and Ic Meldungen. Apr 1-10, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXV, Russland, Contains Vernehmungsberichte, Feindnachrichtenblatter,translations of Russian orders and Ic Meldungen. Apr 11 - 20, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXVI, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Feindnachrichtenblatter,Mitteilungen liber Gaskriegsvorbereitungen im Ausland and Ic Meldungen.Apr 21 - 30, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXVII, Russland. Contains Gefangenenvernehmungen, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. May 1 - 10, 1942.Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXVIII, Russland. Contains orders of Heeresgruppe Slid on Behandlungvon liberriufern der russ. Fliegertruppe, Gefan^nsnvernehmungen and Feindnachrichtenblatter.May 11 - 20, 1942.30233/4030233/4130233/42Roll 1st Frame138 738B363139 7388970139 7389439140 7389867140 7390324140 7390742141 7391177141 7391623141-142 7392006142 7392438142 7392873

78 Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2ItemItem No. Roll 1st FrameIc, Taktische Ein-Mappe XXXIX, Russland. Contains Vernehmungsberichte, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. May 21 - 31, 1942.1437393301Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XL, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Ic Meldungen andGefangenenaussagen. Jun 1-10, 1942.1437393710Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLI, Russland. Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Feindnachrichtenblx tter, Gefangenenaussagen and Ic Meldungen. Jun 11 - 20, 1942.1437393917Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLII, Russland.Meldungen. Jun 21 - 30, 1942.Contains Feindlagebeurteilungen and Ic1437394184Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLIII, Russland. Contains nberlaufervernehmungen, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Jul 1 - 10, 1942.1437394446Ic, Taktische Ein-MapDe XLIV, Russland. Contains Gefangenenvernehmungen, Feindnachrichtenblatterand Ic Meldungen. Jul 11 - 20, 1942.1447394781Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLV, Russland. Contains Gefangenenaussagen, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Jul 21 - 31, 1942,1447395120Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLVI, Russland.and maps. Aug 1 - 10, 1942.Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Ic Meldungen1447395468Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLVII, Russland. Contains Abwehrnachrichtenblatter, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Aug 11 - 20, 1942.30233/51Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XL7III, Russland. Aug 21 - 31, 1942. Renumbered Item No. 75992,30233/52209Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLIX, Russland.and maps. Sep 1 - 10, 1942.Contains Feindbeurteilungen, Ic Meldungen30233/531457396250Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe L, Russland. Contains ^eindnachrichtenbl"tter, Jeindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Sep 11 - 20, 1942.30233/541457396538Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LI, Russland. Contains Ic Meldungen. Sep 21 - 30, 1942.30233/551457396778

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 79ItemItem No,Roll1st FrameIc, Taktische Ein-Mappe LII, Russland.Meldungen. Oct 1- 15, 1942.Contains Feinddarstellung with maps and Ic30233/56 ,145Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LIII, Russland.Oct 16 - 31, 1942.Contains Ic Meldungen and Partisanenvernehmungen.30233/57146Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LIV, Russland. Contains Gefangenenaussagen, Feindbeurteilungenand Ic Meldungen. Nov 1 - 15, 1942.30233/58146Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LV, Russland.Nov 16 - 30, 1942.Contains Feindbeurteilungen and Ic Meldungen.•30233/59146Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LVI, Russland.Ic Meldungen. Dec 1 - 15, 1942.Contains translations of Russian leaflets and30233/60146Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe LVII, Russland.Meldungen. Dec 16 - 31, 1942.Contains Feindbeurteilungen with maps and Ic30233/61147Ic, Russland Ausgange. Contains Auswertung von Feindunterlagen for Heeresgruppe Mitteand Ic Meldungen. Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1941.30233/62147Ic, Russland Ausgange. Contains Auswertung von Feindunterlagen for Heeresgruppe Mitte,correspondence with subordinate units, correspondence with Russian civilians andmonitor reports on Russian radio broadcasts. Jan 1 - Jun 30, 1942.Ic, Russland Ausgange. Contains Auswertung von Feindunterlagen for Heeresgruppe Mitteand German propaganda material in German and Russian. Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1942.Ic, Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Bandenmeldungen. Contains Ic Meldungen on partisan activitiesand propaganda material for the Russian civilian population. Jan 1 -Mar 31, 1942.30233/6330233/6430233/65Ic, Anlage z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Bandenmeldungen. Contains Ic Meldungen on partisanactivity. May 1 - Dec 31, 1942. 30233/66147-148 7399849148-149 7400643149 7401780

80 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemItem No. Roll 1st FrameQu. 1, Kriegstagebuch. War diary covering unit operation in the Bryansk, Orel,Koratschen and Shisdra areas. Jan 1 - Mar 31, 1943.30578/11507403197O.Qu., Anlagenband z. KTB. Contains Tatigkeitsberichte of Abteilungen IVb, IVc, V andArmee-Feldpostmeister. Jan 3 - Mar 31, 1943.30578/21507403301Bv.T.O., Tatigkeitsberichte, Band 1-4. Information on troop movements and rail transportationproblems. Jun 20, 1941 - Jul 31, 1943.34545/1-41517403899Ic, Anlagen z. T'atigkeitsbericht. Translations of enemy leaflets. Aug - Sep 1943.355331517404915la, Sonderanlage A z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders and reports on the situation at Bryansk-Orel,withdrawal to new positions, and operations against partisans in rear areas.Feb 4 - Aug 6, 1943.36468/11517405083la, Sonderanlage Biz. KTB Nr. 3, Ausweichbewegung. Reports on Operations "Buffel" and"Morgenstern," major withdrawal to new Desna positions, Feb IB - Jun 12, 1943.36468/21517405140la, Sonderanlage B 2 z. KTB Nr. 3. Karten und Pausen, Anlagen z. B 1, Maps and overlayson unit withdrawals, over-all situation and new defensive positions near Orel.Feb 18 - Jun 12, 1943.36468/31527405261la, Sonderanlage C z. KTB Nr. 3, Akte "Buffel." Reports on "Buffel," strategic withdrawalto new positions. Feb 7 - Jul 7, 1943.36468/41527405314la, Sonderanlage D z. KTB Nr. 3. Reports on Operation "Zitadelle," German offensive inBryansk-Orel area. Apr 16 - Jul 4, 1943.36468/51527405349la, Sonderanlage D 2 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reports and maps on nrer>arations for "Zitadelle."Apr 16 - Jul 4, 1943.36468/61527405438la, Sonderanlage E z. KTB Nr. 3, Akte "Kirow." Reports on Operation "Kirow," German offensivein Bryansk-Orel area. May 3 - 24, 1943.la, Sonderanlage F z. KTB Nr. 3, Akte "Hagen Bewegung." Reports, maps and overlays onOperation "Hagen Bewegung," a strategic withdrawal from Orel to new defensive DOSItionsat Bryansk. Jul 14 - Aug 10, 1943.36468/7 152 740547336468/8 152 7405510

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 81ItemItem No.Roll1st Framela, Anlagen z, Tf TB Nr. 2, Erfahrungsberichte. Combat experience gained during theRussian campaign, conduct of battle at Kerch and Kharkov, and information on theRussian summer offensive in 1942. Jun 3 - Nov 28, 1942.37075/11527405617la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2, Erfahrungsberichte. Reports on <strong>com</strong>bat experience of subordinateunits, partisan warfare, and use of flame throwers and rifle grenades againstRussian tanks. Apr 6 - Dec 30, 1942.1527405749la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Merkblatter und Erfahrungsberichte. Training pamphlets andexperience reports of the 4th Pz. Div. Get 8, 1942 - Apr 16, 1943.1527405981la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2, Unterstellungen.units. Apr 1 - Dec 31, 1942.Charts showing assignments of subordinate1527406099la, Anlagen z, KTB Nr. 2, Schriftverkehr. Correspondence from the <strong>com</strong>mandant of Orel,charts and maps showing landing fields, transportation routes, artillery positionsand established security stations near Orel. Dec 16, 1941 - Dec 2, 1942.37075/51527406170la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Alarmierung, Orders and organizational charts of militarysecurity units at Orel, Karatschev and Bryansk. Included are maps showing areas ofresDonsibility. Oct 20, 1942 - Mar 6, 1943.37075/61527406295la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Schriftverkehr. Directives for preparation of evaluation reportsand extracts from experience reports. Feb 3 - Aug 14, 1942.37075/71527406349la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Stb'rkemeldungen, Divisional strength reports and evaluation ofPz AOK 2 strength and readiness. Sep 24, 1942 - Jan 3, 1943.37075/81537406555la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, 3chriftverkehr. Instructions for preparation of weekly andspecial reports. Mar 24, 1942 - Jul 16, 1943.37075/91537406607la, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Nachtrag. Instructions for air photographs evaluation, Ausbildungvon Jagdkommandos and reassignment of uersonnel. May 10 - Dec 22, 1942.37075/101537406679la, Kriegstagebuch Nr, 3, Teil 1-3. War diary covering military operation in centralRussia at Bryansk-Karaschev and Orel. Operations "Zitadelle," "Wolf" and "Zigeunerbaron,"offensive action by H.Gr. Mitte. Also Operation "Biiffel," withdrawal to new

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itempositions, and Operations "Klette II" and "Eisbar I-III," against partisan groups.Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 3. Organizational charts. 1943.Vla, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ferngesprache, Records of telephone conversationsbetween Field Marshal v. Kluge and <strong>com</strong>manding officers. Jul 12 - 29, 1943.la, Anlagenband 3 z. KTB Nr. 3, Funkspriiche. Radio mesaages on the progress of operationsand identification of enemy units, Jul 10 - Aug 9, 1943.la, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 3. Combat reports of the 299th Inf. Div. and preparationsfor the attack at Krassnogorsje. Jan 2 - Aug 13, 1943.la, Anlagenbande 5-17 z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily <strong>com</strong>bat reports, interrogations of prisonersof war, and telephone conversations between Field Marshal v, KLuge and unit <strong>com</strong>manders.Information on Soviet air activity, anticipated enemy panzer attack andpartisan warfare at Bryansk. Operations reports of engineer, transportation andintelligence units, and air force liaison officer. Included are situation maps(1:300,000). Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943.la, Ein-Mappen LVIII-LXX z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily and special <strong>com</strong>bat reports, interrogationsof prisoners of war and Russian deserters, translations of captured documents andmonitored British and Soviet broadcasts. Operations reports of subordinate units,German agents, and on partisan warfare at Lokot-Buda and Navlya. Charts and mapsshowing enemy air operations and position of front line units. Jan 1 - Jul 15, 1943.la, Anlagenbande 32-36 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps on positions of German andSoviet front line units at Roslavl-Livny-Staryj-Oskol-Konotop. (1:300,000). Jan 1 -Aug 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 37 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:25,000, 1:100,000) showingposition of subordinate corps and divisions at Mzensk-Bolchov-Shisdra, and areasof partisan warfare. Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 38 z. KTB Nr. 3, Lagekarten.Situation maps (1:300,000) showing GermanItem No. Roll 1st Jrame37075/11-13 153 740681437075/14 153 740756937075/1537075/1637075/1737075/18-37075/3037075/31-37075/4337075/45-37075/4937075/50153 7407688154 7407909154 7408354154- 7408555-163 7418875164-170170-1711717419616-74272787427917-74283257428409

Panzer-Armeeoberkoimnando 2 83ItemItem No.troop disposition in the Roslavl-Livny sector. Jan 1 - May 18, 194-3.37075/51la, Anlagenband 39 z. KTB Nr. 3, Sperrung u. Zerstbrung. Correspondence on demolitionwork to be done prior to retreat from Karatschev and Orel. Jul 20 - Aug 4, 1943.37075/52la, Anlagenband 4-0 z. KTB Nr. 3. Report, photographs and maps on the destruction ofOrel prior to evacuation. Jul 28 - Aug 7, 1943.37075/53la, Anlagenband 41 z. KTB Mr. 3» Correspondence on assignment of front line areas.Jan 18 - 30, 1943.la, Anlagenband 4-2 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and organization of newly formedsubordinate units. Feb 24 - Apr 5, 1943.la, Anlagenband 43 z. KTB Nr. 3, Feindlage. Reports, charts and maps (1:300,000) ondisposition of Soviet artillery units. Jan 2 - Jul 12, 1943.la, Anlagenband 44 z. KTB Nr. 3. Pak Lage. Weekly reports on conditions of heavyantitank guns of Pz AOK 2 and subordinate units, ^ep 22, 1942 - Apr 21, 1943*la, Anlagenband 45 z. KTB Nr. 3, Befehle. Orders and methods of <strong>com</strong>bating partisanactivities and sabotage. Included are overlays and situation maps (1:300,000) ofthe Roslavl-Akulitschy sector. Dec 24, 1942 - Apr 9, 1943.37075/58la, Anlagenband 46 z. KTB Nr. 3, Durchfuhrungsbefehle. Orders for Operation "Blucher,"withdrawal of German units to new positions. Feb 11 - 14, 1943.37075/59la, Anlagenband 47 z. KTB Nr. 3, "Zigeunerbaron." Orders, instructions, and reports onthe conduct of Operation "Zigeunerbaron," partisan warfare at Bryansk. Included aremaps (1:100,000) showing destr^ssyed villages. May 7 - Jun 4, 1943.37075/60la, Anlagenband 6la z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders, instructions and maps on German defensiveactions against the Russian attack at Orel. Jul 19 - 24, 1943. ; 37075/61Roll 1st Frame171 7428454172 7428586172 7428622172 7428661172 7428746172 7428760172 7428849172 7428933172 7428984172 7429019172 7429257la, Anlagenband 49 z. KTB Nr. 3, Sommerschlacht urn den Orelbogen. Charts and maps on thesummer campaign in the Orel area. Jul 5 - Aug 12, 1943. 37075/62 172 7429288

84 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2la, Anlagenband 50 z. KTB Nr. 3, Rechte Flanke, Reorganization and dispositionof units on the right flank. Feb 14 - Mar 15, 1943.Itemla, Anlagenband 51 z. KTB NT, 3, Linke Flanke. Reorganization and disposition ofunits on the left flank, messages of Korps Scheele u. H.Gr. Mitte. Feb 21 -Mar 21, 1943.la, Anlagenband 52 z. KTB Nr. 3, Feindeinbruch, Orders and reports covering the enemybreakthrough in the sector of the 112th Inf. Div. Jun 12 - 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 53 z. KTB Nr. 3, "Zitadelle." Orders and messages for Unternehmen1! Zitadelle," a German offensive operation. Mar 30 - Apr 19, 1943.la, Anlagenband 54 z. KTB Nr. 3, Hagen Bewegung. Orders, messages and reports on Unternehmen"Hagen," German withdrawal from Orel to new defensive position, and informationon destruction of the city of Karachev, Included are maps and overlays.Jul 28 - Aug 16, 1943.la, Anlagenband 55 z. KTB Nr, 3. In<strong>com</strong>ing and outgoing orders and reports on thebattles at Bryansk, Bolkhov, and Karachev during July. Jul 14 - Aug 11, 1943.la, Anlagenband 56 z. KTB Nr. 3, Bericht iiber "Freischutz." Reports on Operation"Freischutz," a German attack against Soviet forces in the Bryansk area. Includedare operation maps (1:100,000). Jun 7 - 12, 1943.la, Anlagenband 57 z. KTB Nr* 3, "Freischutz." Orders and instructions to participatingunits on Operation "Freischutz," a German attack against Soviet forces. May 8 -Jun 21, 1943.la, Anlagenband 58 z. KTB Nr. 3, Winterschlacht. Reports and situation maps on thedefensive battle at Bryansk-Orel. Mar 12 - 25, 1943.la, Anlagenband 59 z. KTB Nr. 3, Hagen Bewegung. Orders, reports and overlays on theGerman retreat from the Orel area to the Hagen line of defense at Bryansk-Kirov.Jul 28 - Aug 9, 1943.Item No.37075/6337075/6437075/6537075/6637075/6737075/6837075/7037075/7137075/72Roll 1st Frame172 7429303173 7429767173 7429871173 7430055173 7430368173 7430683174 7430708174 7430793174 7430846

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 2la, Anlagenband 60 z. KTB Nr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. A map (1:100,000) of the withdrawaloperation of LV Army Corps. Aug 4, 1943.la, Anlagenband 6lb z, KTB Mr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. Maps (1:100,000) and charts onthe withdrawal of the XXIII Army Corps. Aug 8, 1943.la, Anlagenband 62 z. KTB Nr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. Maps (1:100,000) and overlays onthe withdrawal of Group "Harpe" towards Bryansk-Karachev area. Aug 9, 1943.la, Anlagenband 63 z. KTB Nr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. Radio messages and memoranda ofphone conversations on withdrawal of units from Pz AOK 2 area of responsibility.Jul 31 - Aug 12, 1943.la, Anlagenband 64 z. KTB Nr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. Operational maps (1:100,000) andoverlays showing the withdrawal of the XXXV Army Corps from Orel. Aug 7, 1943.la, Anlagenband 65 z. KTB Nr. 3, Absetzbewegungen. Aerial photographs and maps showingdegree of destruction of airports, rail installations, bridges and buildings in theOrel area prior to the German withdrawal. Aug 1 - 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 66 z. KTB Nr. 3. Combat reports of the 258th Inf. Div. pertaining tothe defensive battle at Orel. Included are situation maps. Feb 10 - Mar 20, 1943.la, Anlagenband 67 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ost Einheiten. Reports on units consisting of Russianvolunteers performing military duties in eastern occupied areas. Apr 14 -Jun 24, 1943.la, Anlagenband 68 z. KTB Nr. 3, Ost Einheiten. Reports on units consisting of Russianvolunteers performing military duties in eastern occupied areas, partisan warfare,awards and decorations, and correspondence with subordinate units. Mar 27, 1942 -Mar 18, 1943.la, Anlagenband 69 z. KTB Nr. 3, Panzerbekampfung. Experience reports on antitank warfareand losses of enemy tanks. Jun 14 - Jul 19, 1943.Item No.37075/7337075/7537075/7637075/7737075/7837075/7937075/8037075/8137075/82Roll 1st Frame174 7430913174 7430918174 7430927174 7430942174 7431054174 7431068174 7431175174 7431258174 7431530174 7431702

86 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagenband 70-71 z. KTB Nr. 3, Flak Schutz. Orders and reports of antiaircraftunits at Bolkhov, Voroshilov and Orel. Included are organizational charts andmaps. Apr 1 - May 31, 194-3, and Jul 4 - Aug 8, 1943.la, Anlagenband 72 z. KTB Nr. 3, Flak Karten. Maps and overlays showing positionsof antiaircraft units at Orel and Semenovka. Jun 12 - 21, 1943.la, Anlagenband 73 z. KTB Nr. 3, Auffrischung. Orders, instructions and tables onreorganization of Pz AOK 2, replacement, training of personnel, and casualties.Feb 19 - May 15, 1943.la, Anlarenband 74 z. KTB Nr. 3, Korps Jaschke. Orders, messages and assignmentdata pertaining to Corps Jaschke. Mar 3 - May 21, 1943.Item No. Roll 1st Frame37075/83-84 175 743182937075/8537075/8637075/87175175175743207174320897432368la, Anlagenband 75 z. KTB Nr. 3, Juli Kampfe. Orders, messages and reports on theSoviet breakthrough at Novosil and encinclement of German forces at Orel.Jul 11 - 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 76 z. KTB Nr. 3, Grenzen. Reports on assignment of area of responsibilityto the 4th Army and transfer of subordinate units to Army GroupCenter. Dec 21, 1942 - Jan 27, 1943.la, Anlagenband 77 z. KTB Nr. 3, Bandenlage. Reports on enemy situation and partisanwarfare in the vicinity of Denau. Aug 16, 1942 - Feb 28, 1943.la, Anlagenband 78 z. KTB Nr. 3, Bandenlage. Orders, reports, and charts on partisanwarfare in the area of Bryansk, Roslavl and the Desna River. Aug 11, 1942 -Jul> 1, 1943.la, Anlagenband 79 z. KTB Nr. 3, Geplante Unternehmen. Orders and reports for plannedoffensive operation for January 1943. Dec 31, 1942 - Jan 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 80 z.KTB Nr. 3, Ablosung.Jun 18-27, 1943.Reassignment of the 112th and 201st Inf. Div.la, Anlagenband 81 z. KTB Nr. 3. Combat experience reports. Nov 13, 1942 - Apr 16, 1943.37075/8937075/9037075/9137075/9237075/^337075/94175 7432431175 7432925175 7432952176 7433098176 7433279176 7433395176 7433422

Itemla, Anlagenband 82 z. KTB Nr. 3, Organisation. Correspondence on reassignment andtraining of personnel, and charts for reorganization of divisions and other subordinateunits". Dec 16, 1942 - May 28, 19-43.la, Anlagenband 83 z. KTB Nr. 3, Erfahrungsberichte, Experience reports of antiaircraftand antitank units during <strong>com</strong>bat at Orel and Bryansk. Jan 4 - Aug 4, 1943.la, Anlagenband 84 z. KTB Nr. 3, Unternehmen "Osterei." Reports on "Osterei," partisanwarfare in the forest near Karachev and Bryansk. Apr 26 - May 1, 1943.la, Anlagenband 85 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reports, messages and orders on reorganization andassignment of newly formed units. Included are maps showing areas of responsibilityof Corps Scheele. Mar - Apr 1943.la, Anlagenband 86 z. KTB Nr. 3.Feb 6 - May 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 87 z. KTB Nr. 3.Dec 11, 1942 - May 1, 1943.Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 87Charts showing movements of subordinate units,Tables of organization and TDersonnel replacement.la, Anlagenband 88 z, KTB Nr. 3, Stellungsbau. Reports from various units on the progressof construction of fortifications at Bryansk. May 24 - Jun 30, 1943.la, Koriick., Anlagenband 89 z. KTB Nr. 3. Disposition of troops in Army rear areas,and reports on partisan units. Mar 28, 1943.Item No.37075/9537075/9637075/9737075/9837075/9937075/10037075/10137075/102Roll1st Frame176 7433575176 7433827176 7434176177 7434424177 7434732177 7434925177 7435018la, Bv.T.O,, Anlagenband 90 z. KTB Nr. 3, Meldungen von Bv.T.Q.transportation. Jan 1 - Aug 14, 1943.Daily reports on troop37075/103177 7435055la, Anlagenband 91 z. KTB Nr. 3, Standortbefehle. Daily orders and reports on evacuationof civilian population, listing of prisoners of war and Russian deserters, andinformation on public utilities. Jan 24 - Jul 23, 1943«178 7435398la, Anlagenband 92 z. KTB Nr. 3. Radio messages and <strong>com</strong>bat instructions to subordinateunits and H.Gr. Mitte. Aug 8 - 12, 1943. 37075/105 178 7435606

88 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemItem No.Roll1st Framela, Anlagenband 93 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization of security units in rear areas.Feb 15 - Mar 5, 1943.la, Anlagenband 94 z. KTB Nr. 3. Handling of Russian sabotage units, deserters,spies and partisans. Mar 3 - Jul 16, 1943.37075/10637075/107178 7435659178 7435851la, Anlagenband 95 z. KTB Nr. 3. Messages and directives on the employment of assaultunit Kallner. Feb 12 - Jun 24, 1943.37075/1081787435936la, Anlagenband 96 z, KTB Nr. 3. Reports on establishing and supplying fortified frontline position at Bryansk. Dec 10, 1942 - Jul 8, 1943.37075/1091787435958la, Anlagenband 97 z. KTB Nr. 3. Army instruction courses. Sep 22, 1942 - May 9, 1943.37075/1101787436016la, Anlagenband 98 z. KTB Nr. 3. Assignment of administrative personnel to the GarrisonCommand at Orel. May 1 - Jul 11, 1943.37075/1111787436110la, Anlagenband 99 z. KTB Nr. 3. Conferences between Commanding General Pz AOK 2 andstaff officers of intelligence, engineer and other subordinate units. Jan 26 -Jun 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 100 z. KTB Nr. 3, Bandenunternehmen. Orders, reports and maps on partisanwarfare in rear areas. Mar 24 - Jul 5, 1943.la, Anlagenband 101 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reports with charts, drawings and overlays on thedestruction of bridges at Wygonitschi to hinder the Soviet advance. Mar 9 -Apr 2, 1943.Ia/Harko., Anlagenband 102 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence of artillery unit 308, reorganizationand employment of XXIII Army Corps. Mar 29 - Aug 4, 1943.la, A.Pi.Fu., Anlagenband 103 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and maps on construction ofantitank emplacements, roads and bridges in the Bryansk area. Mar 31 - Jul 4, 1943.37075/11237075/11337075/11437075/11537075/116178 7436264178 7436421178 7436525179 7436546179 7436673la, Anlagenband 104 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and directives for construction ofheated shelters for tanks and motorized vehicles. Aug 12 - Nov 10, 1943. 37075/117 179 7436786

ItemPanzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Item No.la, O.Qu., Anlagenband 105 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence on recruiting and transportingRussian workers to Germany, control of the civilian population, and partisan warfare,and information on the political and economic situation. Included are mapsof the Roslavl-Orel area, (1:100,000). Far 26 - Aug 1, 194-3. 37075/118la, Anlagenband 106 z. KTB Nr. 3, Armee Reit u, Fahrschule. Correspondence, instruction,and activity reports on cavalry schools. May 30, 1943. 37075/119la, Anlagenband 107 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and instructions for regulating Armytraffic on highways. Apr 23 - Jul 21, 1943. 37075/120la, Anlagenband 108 z. KTB Mr. 3. Orders and instructions on security of airfieldsand evacuating villages to provide quarters for Air Force units. Apr 27 - Jul 24, 1943. 37075/121la, Anlagenband 109 and 110 z. KTB Nr. 3. Organizational charts and reports on conditionof various security battalions. Dec 2, 1942 - Jul 13, 1943.la, Anlagenband 111 z. KTB Nr. 3. Security of supply installations. Apr 21 - Jul 9, 1943.la, Anlagenband 112 z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders and reoorts of p z AOK 2 and training unitsduring <strong>com</strong>bat operations in the Orel area. Jan 25 - Apr 7, 1943. 37075/125la, Anlagenband 113 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization, training and refitting of alertbattalion "Huzel." Apr 24 - Jun 11, 1943. 37075/126la, Anlagenband 114 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization of training units. Oct 21, 1942 -Apr 15, 1943. 37075/127la, Anlagenband 115 z. KTB Nr. 3. Observation reports of front line infantry and artilleryunits, and re<strong>com</strong>mended improvements. Jan 2 - Jul 24, 1943. 37075/128Roll1st Frame179 7436840179 7436986179 7437009179 743709937075/122,123 179 743712037075/124 179 7437246179 7437271179 7437315179 7437403179 7437465la, Anlagenband 116 z, KTB Nr. 3, Sonderbefehle. Special orders for training and improvementof <strong>com</strong>bat in the Bolkhov area. May 3 - Jul 31, 1943, 37075/129179 7437548la, Anlagenband 117 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization of the 5th Machine Gun Battalion.Jan 18 - Feb 5, 1943. 37075/130 179 7437586

90 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagenband 118 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization and assignment of the 56lst antitankunit. May 10 - Aug 4, 1943.la, Anlagenband 119 z. KTB Nr. 3. Aufstellung and authorization of personnel andweapons for sruard <strong>com</strong>panies in Orel. Dec 12, 1942 - Jun 8, 1943.la, Anlagenband 120 z. KTB Nr. 3. Directives and instructions for maintaining securityof army rear areas. Included are maps of the Roslavl-Orel area (1:300,000). May 13Jul 10, 1943.la, Anlagenband 121 z, KTB Nr. 3. Orders and instructions for security of hospitaland fulough trains. Jan 26 - Feb 28, 1943.la, Anlagenband 122 z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders for defense of Orel, evacuation of troops,and security against enemy attacks. Jan 11 - Jul 23, 1943*la, Anlagenband 123 z. KTB Nr. 3.area. Feb 21 - Mar 26, 1943.la, Anlagenband 124 z. KTB Nr. 3.Feb 13 - Jun 10, 1943.Assignment of special police units to the OrelCorrespondence on subordinate Hungarian divisions.la, Anlagenband 125 z. KTB Nr. 3. Instructions for clearing villages to providequarters for Air Force personnel and subordinate units. Included are overlaysand maps. Feb 16 - Jul 20, 1943.Item No.37075/13137075/13237075/13337075/13437075/13537075/13637075/138179 7437663179 7437703180 7437768180 7437823180 7437833180 7437953180 7437990180 7438018la, Anlagenband 126 and 127 z. KTB Nr. 3. Directives for security on highways and railroads,protection of bridges and historical buildings in the Orel area, and measuresagainst partisan activities. Charts and maps. Mar 9 - Jul 11, 1943.la, Anlagenband 128 and 129 z. KTB Nr. 3. Instructions for the organization and expansionof special guard units. Apr 3 - Jul 20, 1943.la, Anlagenband 130 z. KTB Nr. 3. Training of armored maintenance personnel and organizationcharts of p z regiments and Pz divisions of Army Group Center. Mar 6 -Aug 7, 1943.37075/139,140 180 743808537075/141,142 180 743825537075/143 180 7438288

Panz er-ATmee oberkommando 2 91Itemla, Anlaf enband 131 and 132 z. KTB Nr. 3.units. Apr 9 - Jul 19, 1943.Reorganization and assignment of artilleryla, Anlagenband 133 z. KTB Nr. 3. Intelligence reports and information bulletins onSoviet operations, and overlays on presumed enemy strength and unit positions.Apr 18 - Aug 7, 1943.la, Anlagenband 134 z. KTB Nr. 3.Mar 31 - May 23, 1943.Refitting and reassignment of the 208th Inf. Div.la, Anlagenband 135 z. KTB Nr. 3. Charts indicating <strong>com</strong>bining of units of Pz AOK 2for special operations. May 5 - Jun 16, 1943.la, Anlagenband 136 z. KTB Nr, 3. Maps and correspondence on the location of units inrear areas at Roslavl-Bryansk. Jun 2 - 27, 1943.la, Anlagenband 137 z. KTB Nr. 3. Orders for the construction of strong points ofresistance, warnings against air attacks and partisan infiltration. Jun 12 - 18, 1943.la, Anlagenband 138 z. KTB Nr. 3. Directives for the reorganization of panzer regimentson the eastern front. Jun 16 - 18, 1943.la, Anlagenband 139 z. KTB Nr. 3. Reorganization of infantry divisions on the easternfront. Jan 19 - Jul 11, 1943.la, Anlagenband 140 z. KTB Nr. 3, "Nachbarhilfe." Operations orders for "Nachbarhilfe,"a code name for partisan warfare in the forest near Mamajewka, May 10 - 18, 1943.la, Anlagenband 141 z. KTB Nr. 3. Instructions for the use of distinctive insignia ofunits involved in special operations. Dec 22, 1942 - Apr 26, 1943.:37075/144,145 180 743844837075/146 1801807438474743857537075/14837075/14937075/15037075/15137075/15237075/15337075/154180180180180180180743860574386397438679743869274386997438747la, Anlagenband 142 z..KTB Nr. 3. Instructions for preparing morning, evening, andspecial unit operations reports. Feb 8 - Jul 16, 1943.37075/155180 7438840la, Anlagenband 143 z. KTB Nr. 3. Instructions on.the priorities and time at whichvarious reports were to be received. May 24 - 31, 1943. 37075/156 180 7438894

92 Panz er-Armee oberkommando 2ItemItem No.Roll1st Framela, Anlagenband 144 z. KTB Nr. 3. Instructions for proper reporting of daily activities,and reDorts on strength of enemy units. Dec 3, 194-2 - Jun 6, 1943.la, Anlagenband 14-5 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence on "Nachbarhilfe," Apr 11 - 30, 1943.la, Anlagenband 14-6 z. KTB Mr. 3. Monthly situation reports, enemy informationbulletins., translations of Russian propaganda, personnel casualty reports andestimate of enemy.strength. Included are charts and maps of the eastern front.Jan 25 - Apr 8, 1943.37075/15737075/15837075/159180 7438910130 7438933181 7438951Ia/Gabo., Tatigkeitsbericht.Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943.Training instructions of the gas security officer.la/Mess., T'a'tigkeitsberichte. Monthly activity reports of the survey and maps operationsstaff, showing total production and types of maps. Jan - Jul 194-3.Ic/A.O., Tatigkeitsberichte. Daily and bi-monthly activity reports of the counterintelligenceofficer. Jan 1 - Aug 13, 1943.Ic/A.O., Anlagenband 1-4 z. T'itigkeitsbericht. Morning, evening, daily and specialreports of the counterintelligence officer on enemy air raids, and partisan operations.Also information on prisoners of war and captured materiel. Jan 1 -Jul 31, 1943.Ic, Anlagenband 5 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on partisan warfare at Bobruisk,enemy activities in rear areas, and captured enemy letters with translations.Jan 1 - May 31, 1943.\Ic, Anlagenband 6 z. Tatigkeitsbericht. Interrogation reports of prisoners of war,Russian deserters and captured partisans. May 2 - Jun 25, 1943.Ic, Anlagenband 7 z. T*atigkeitsbericht. Reports of counterintelligence officer onpartisan warfare. Jun 1 - Jul 31, 1943.Ic, Anlagenb'inde 8 u. 9 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Feindnachrichtenbl^tter. Enemy informationbulletins on Russian Army <strong>com</strong>bat tactics, employment of various types of tanks,unit identification and personnel strength, and front line propaganda. Included37075/16037075/16137075/16737075/16837075/169181 743907 r181 743908337075/163- 181- 7439267-37075/166 182 7440296183 7441368183 7442320184 7442595

Panz er-Arme e oberkommand o 2 93ItemItem No.Roll1st Frameare interrogation reports of prisoners of war and Russian deserters, and sketchesof Russian rockets. Aug 1941 - Aug 194-3, Mar 1 - Aug 9, 1943.37075/170,171184.7442841Ic, Anlagenband 10 z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Feindlagenpausen. Overlays on enemy situation,strength and weapons, and location of partisan units in rear areas. Mar 1 -Aug 1, 1943.37075/1721857443671Ic, Anlagenband 11 z. T"tigkeitsberieht. Reports of the intelligence officer, includinginterrogations of prisoners of war, on bomb damage in Gorki, operations of GermanAir Force, Russian preparations for gas warfare, handling of German prisoners bythe Soviets, and information on the Soviet armaments industry. Jan 1 - Aug 8, 1943«37075/173185744-3740Ila/IIb, THtigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Operational reports of personnel officers pertainingto awards and decorations, furloughs, and casualties. Jan 1 - Aug 15, 1943.37075/174-37075/175185-1867444544-7444819Ia/A.Pi.Fu., Tatigkeitsberichte, Teil 1-6, Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 3. Daily activity reportsof engineer unit on laying mine fields, construction of tank obstacles,bridges, fortifications and underground shelters, plans for destruction of installationsin the Orel area, and instructions for protection of bridges against ice.Included are overlays and maps (1:300,000) showing fortifications and highways inthe areas of Bryansk, Karohev and Bolhov. Jan 1 - Aug 16, 1943.37075/176-37075/181186-1877445071-74A6195A.Na.Fu., Tatigkeitsberichte. Operations reports of the Signal Officer. Jan 1 -Aug 17, 1943.37075/1821877446325A.Na.Ftu, Anlagen z. T'?.tigkeitsbericht. Daily unit activity reports, experiences during thewinter campaign at Orel, overlays and maps (1:300,000) of signal installations atRoslavl and Livny. Jan 18 - Aug 13, 1943.37075/1831877446418A.Na.Fii., Anlagenb^nde 2-5 z. KTB. Daily unit operations reports, information on enemyunits, plans for coded radio messages, unit organizational charts, diagrams andmaps of <strong>com</strong>munication network at Orel and Shisdra. Oct 19, 1942 - Aug 13, 1943.37075/184.-37075/187187-1887446790-7^47437O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch. Daily reports covering unit operations at the front near Orel.Included are situation maps (1:300,000). Apr 1 - Aug 15, 1943. 37081/1188 7447561

94 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemO.Qu., Anlagenband z. KTB. Orders, directives and activity reports, pertaining topersonnel casualties, status of vehicles and munition, and organizational charts.Included are operations reports of Feldpostmeister and Veterinary Officer.Apr 1 - Aug 15, 1943.la, Kriegstagebuch Nr. 4.T> /ar diary on unit operations against partisans in Albania,Montenegro, Dalmatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 1 z. KTB Nr. 4. Survey and evaluation of Anlaeen to war diary no. 4.Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 4. Reports and conference notes on operations in theBalkans, clearing areas at Istria, Goerz, Leibach, and Fiume to permit land operationsbetween northern Italy and Croatia. Aug 23 - Nov 29, 1943.la, Anlagenb'inde 3-5 z. KTB Mr. 4, Tagesmeldungen. Daily morning, evening and specialreports on operations in the Balkans. Included are reports of intelligence unitand air force liaison officer. Aug 26 - Dec 31, 1943.Ic, Anlagenband 6 z. KTB Nr. 4, Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports on operations of theAllies in Greece and Italy, and on partisan warfare in Albania, Bosnia, Croatia,and Montenegro. Aug 27 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 7 z e KTB Nr, 4 ? Besprechungspunkte. Minutes of meeting between <strong>com</strong>mandingofficers cf subordinate units, reports on desertion of Croatian Maj. BradacMilan, security of historical buildings, and personnel replacement in CroatianArmy units. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 8 z. KTB Nr. 4, Bandentatigkeit. Reports on partisan activities inthe Balkans and maps showing disposition cf German and Croatian units and fortificationsalong the Danube. Aug 25 - Nov 14., 1943.Bv.T.O., Anlagenband 10 z. KTB Nr. 4. Reports on partisan sabotage, and instructionsfor security of railroad lines in Croatia and Albania, Aug 29 - Dec 6, 1943.Item No.37081/243407/143407/243407/343407/4-43407/643407/743407/8Roll1st Frame188 7447699189 7448661189 7448937189 7448972189- 7449084-190 7449802190 745C656191 7450929

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 95ItemIa/Harko., Anlagenband 11 z. KTB Nr. 4-. Reports of Artillery Unit 305, on partisanwarfare, coastal defenses, and disposition of coastal batteries on the east coastof the Adriatic. Included are situation maps (1:200,000). Sep 1 - Dec 27, 194-3.O.Ou., Anlagenband 12 z. KTB Nr. 4. Reports and instructions for security of supplytrains, harbors, airfields, and other transportation facilities. Aug 30 - Dec 29,1943.A.Pi.Fii., Anlagenband 13 z. KTB Nr. 4. Operational file of engineer unit on flamethrower units, mine laying, engineer training schools, and operation of railroadsin the Balkans. Sep 2 - Dec 22, 194-3.la, Anlagenband 14- z. KTB Nr. 4-, Eisenbahn Sicherung in Kroatien. Reports, instructionsand charts on security of railroad lines in Croatia. Included are maps (1:500,000)of Zagreb and Banja. Sep 16 - Dec 30, 1943.la, Anlagenband 15 z. KTB Nr. 4, Karten. Situation maps (1:200,000) showing fortificationsand disposition of V SB Army Corps in Yugoslavia, overlays on location ofcoastal batteries, and areas of responsibility of German and Croatian units.Sep 16 - Dec 30, 1943.la, Anlagenband 16 z. KTB Nr. 4. Reports on rail and ship transportation and securityunits. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 17 z. KTB Nr. 4. Correspondence of Regiment Brandenburg on operationsagainst Chetniks in Yugoslavia. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 18 z. KTB Nr. .4, Verwendung der Italiener. Employment of Italian manpowerby the German Army, refusal of Italians to swear allegiance to Hitler, andinformation on Italian soldiers of German descent serving in German military units.Oct 2 - Dec 23, 1943.la, Anlagenband 19 z. KTB Nr. 4. Correspondence on liaison with neighboring armies andstrength reports of Army Group B on the Dalmatian coast. Oct 7 - Dec 23, 1943.la, Anlagenband 20 z. KTB Nr. 4. Reorganization of antitank brigades. Aug 30 -Dec 7, 1943.Item No.43407/1243407/1343407/1443407/1543407/1643407/1743407/1843407/1943407/2043407/21Roll 1st Frame191 7451274191 7451457191 7451592191 7451749192 7452035192 7452090192 7452260192 7452384192 7452514192 7452562

96 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2Itemla, Anlagenband 21 z. KTB Nr. 4. Operations file of the Naval liaison officer,employment of Croatian units, and reorganization charts of Leibgarde Poglavnik.Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 22 z. KTB Nr. 4-. Correspondence and reports on the evacuation of theIII S3 Corps, <strong>com</strong>bat actions against Tito's units by the Brandenburg Regiment, andinformation on partisan warfare, Nov 14 - Dec 19, 1943.la, Anlagenband 23 z. KTB Nr. 4. Correspondence and reports on Operation "Panther,"antipartisan action in the Balkans, security of historical buildings, and reportsof air force liaison officer. Included are situation maps (1:200,000). Aug 23'-Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 24 z. KTB Nr. 4, Unternehmen "Herbstgewitter," Correspondence and reportswith maps on Operation "Herbstgewitter," defense of the Dalmatian coast.Dec 4, 1943 -^Jan 4, 1944.la, Anlagenb'inde 25 '-• 27 z. KTB Nr. 4. Correspondence and reports on the defenseand security of Yugoslavia, Albania, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 1943.la, Anlagenband 28 z. KTB Nr. 4, Unternehmen "Achse," Correspondence on Operation"Achse," occupation of the Adriatic coast, and the re-arming of the Italian Army.3ep 7 - Oct 4, 1943.la, Anlagenband 29 z. KTB Nr. 4» Unit reassignment and reports of air force liaisonofficer. Aug 13 - Nov 20, 1943.la, Anlagenband 30 z. KTB Nr. 4, Einsatz Siidost. Correspondence on German operations ,.and <strong>com</strong>bat experience in the Balkans, distribution of armored units and mans on areaof responsibility and disposition of German and attached foreign units. Aug 20 -Dec 30, 1943.la, Anlagenband 31 z. KTB Nr. 4, Lagebeurteilungen. Reports on the political, military,and partisan situation in Montenegro, Albania, and Italy. Sep 15 - Nov 1, 1943Item No.43407/22 192 745265843407/23 192 745293943407/24 193 745305043407/25 193 ' 7453340434Q7/26-28 193 745343543407/29 193 745401643407/30 194 745414843407/31 194 745418243407/32 194 7454515

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 97Itemla, Ic, Anlagenband 32 z. XT3 Nr. 4. Combat situation reports, training memos,orders, and overlays showing location of Chetnik, Communist and North Albanianunits, and organizational charts of Tito forces. Aug 23 - Dec 31, 194-3.Ta, Sonderanlagenband 1 z. KTB NT. 3. Instructions for <strong>com</strong>munications between Armyand Air Force units. Jun 13 - Jul ?4, 1943.la, Sonderanlagenband 2 z. KTB Nr. 3, Wintervorbereitungen.for winter warfare. Jun 6 - Jul 3, 1943.Orders and instructionsla, Sonderanlagenband 3 z. KTB Nr. 3. Initial organization of Jagdkommandos forpartisan warfare in rear areas. Set) 1 - Nov 2, 1942.la, Sonderanlagenband 4 z. KTB Nr. 3, Luftschutz u. Gasabwehr. Instructions for airraid protection, defense against gas warfare. Jun 27 - Jul 16, 1943.la, Sonderanlagenband 5 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and directives for improvementof security and discipline in <strong>com</strong>bat areas and on highways. Feb 18 - Jul 28, 1943.la, Sonderanlagenband 6 z. KTB Nr. 3. Correspondence and instructions for establishingmilitary training schools. May - Aug 1943.la, Sonderanlagenband 7 z. KTB Nr. 3. Training instructions for close panzer <strong>com</strong>bat.Jan 17 - Jun 29, 1943.la, Sonderanlagenband 8 z. KTB Nr, 3. Reorganization of heavy weapons and securityunits. Oct 13, 1942 - Jun 17, 1943.Ic/A.O,, Tatigkeitsbericht, Reports on unit activities, handling of prisoners of warand enemy deserters, army censorship and propaganda. Aug 15 - Dec 31, 1943.Ic/A»0., Anlagenbande 1-12 z. TB. Daily reports on the <strong>com</strong>bat situation, partisanwarfare, own and enemy casualties, Croatian deserters to partisan units, and reviewof Chetnik operations. Aug 26 - Dec 31, 1943.Item No. Roll 1st Frame43407/3343407/3443407/3543407/3643407/3743407/3843407/3943407/4043407/4143407/4243407/43-43407/54482194194194194194194194194194482-48717454674745474774548407454860745491774549847455115745516574552593381

98 Panz er - Arme e ober kommand o 2ItemIc/A.O., Anlagenband 13 z. TB. Correspondence and reports of air force liaisonofficer and subordinate units on Italian partisan and Goiranunist activities inBilogora. Aug 26 - Oct 16, 1943.Ic/A.O., Anlagenbande 14. u, 1$ z. TB. Messages and reports on activities of Tito'spartisans and other enemy units, information on the persecution of Moslems byChetniks, and translations of partisan propaganda leaflets. Oct 15 - Dec 31, 1943.Ic, Anlagenband 16 z. TB. Reports on the inefficiency of Croatian units, partisan warfare,and spread of Communism in Yugoslavia. Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943.Ic/A.O., Anlagenband 17 z. TB. Daily reports on unit operations in Croatia, Bosnia,Montenegro, Albania, and the Dalmatian coastal area. .Aug 26 - Dec 31, 1943.Ic/A.O., Anlagenband 18 z. TB. Interrogation reuorts on captured partisans, translationsof partisan propaganda leaflets, and activity reports of partisan units.Oct 29 - Dec 5, 1943.Ila/IIb, Tatigkeitsbericht als Beilage z. KTB Nr. 4. Unit casualty reports anddirectives for court-martial and disciplinary procedure. Sep 1 - Dec 31, 1943.la/Mess., Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Operations reaorts on types and quantity ofmaps printed. Included are maps of the Balkan campaign (1:25,000 and 1:200,000).Dec 1943.Ia/Gabo., Tatigkeitsbericht. Unit operational reports and training instructions onbiological warfare. Aug 14 - Dec 31, 1943.A.Pi.FU., Tatigkeitsbericht. Correspondence and reports on construction of coastalemplacements and mountain obstacles in Montenegro, and plans for destruction ofinstallations in the event of a retreat in the Balkans. Included are maps andoverlays. Aug 17 - Dec 31, 1943.A.Na.Fu., Tatigkeitsbericht. Unit daily operational reports. Aug 25 - Dec 31, 1943.Item No.43407/5543407/6243407/6343407/6443407/65Roll1st Frame195 7456469487-488 703, 1488 193196 7456751488 668196 7457254196 7457396196 7457424196 7457446196 7457593A.Na.Fu., Anlagen z. TB. Instructions for signal operations, sketches of <strong>com</strong>municationsnetworks and unit organization charts. Aug 25 - Dec 31, 1943. 43407/66 196 7457647

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 99ItemO.Qu., Kriegstagebuch mit Kartenanlagen.. Daily operations reports and maps showingrailroads and supply depots. Aug 16 - Dec 31, 1943.O. c ;u., Tatigkeitsbericht d. Abteilungen, Anlage I z. KTB. Supply operations reports,organizational charts, and monthly activity reports of subordinate units.Aug 27 - Dec 31, 1943.O.Qu., Anlage II z. KTB, Tatigkeitsberichte d. Unterabteilungen. Reports on productionin the Balkan States for the German war economy, special supply regulations,maps and overlays on highways and supply depots. Nov 1 - Dec 31, 1943.O.Qu., Tatigkeitsberichte. Experience reports of the 19th Army Corps on replacingsupplies during the Polish campaign and activity reports of Panzer Group Guderianon the western front. Included are instructions for treatment of prisoners of warand personnel casualty reports. - Oct 3, 1939.- Jul 2, 1940.O.Qu., Beurteilungen der Versorgungslage. Special orders and evaluation reports ofthe supply situation of Panzer Group Guderian and Pz AOK 2 in the early stage ofthe Russian campaign. Aug 9, 1941 - Jan 24, 1942.O.Qu., Unterstellung auf dem Gebiet der Heeresversorgung. Activity reports of subordinatesupply units. Aug 28, 1941 - Jul 23, 1942.0.^., Tagesmeldungen. Daily reports of subordinate supply units on food, ammunition,and transportation problems. Jun 22, 1941 - Feb 28, 1943.O.^u. 2, Lageberichte. Reports on the supply situation of the Italian 9th Army,statistical inventories of confiscated Italian military equipment and supplies,evacuating and issuing confiscated materials to Italian and German units.Economic and political situation reports on Albania and Montenegro, informationreports on Albanian military units and attitude of the civilian population towardthe German military occupation. Sep 13, 1943 - May 18, 1944.O.Qu. 2, Warenausfuhr aus Bulgarien. Instructions and special regulations for controllingexport of goods from Bulgaria, and on material taken out by German soldiers.Apr 15 - Jul 11, 1944.Item No.43407/6743407/6843407/6951594/151594/251594/351594/4-51594/75511657170Roll1st Frame197 7457875197 7458074198" 7459018198 7459123198 7459168198- 7459243-199 7460849200 7461952200 7461833

100 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemO.Ou.,2, Anlagen z. KTB, Evaktiierung. Directives, operational plans, and timetablesfor evacuation of the Balkan peninsula area in event of Allied landings.Maps (1:200,000) showing zones of anticipated evacuation. Feb 13 - Oct 18, 1944,O.Qu. 2, Anlagen z. KTB, Ernteeinbringung Syrmien. Reports on harvesting in theSyrmia area and military significance of the Croatian harvest. Jul 5, 1944. -Jan 1, 194-5.O.Qu. 2, Anlage z. KTB, Deutsche Volksgruppe. Correspondence and reports on evacuationof German nationals from Croatia. Sep 16 - Oct 22, 1944*O.Qu. 2, Kanrofzone, Correspondence on establishment of a main line of resistance incase of Allied landings in the Balkans, and regulations for civilians in case ofmilitary evacuation. Mar 20 - Dec 12, 1944.O.Qu. 2, Raumung. Correspondence on the possible evacuation of the Balkan area, tripreport of German Attache, report on grain and other materials shipped to Germany,and information on evacuated German troops. Sep 17, 1944 - Jan 6, 1945.Ila, Armee und Korps Tagesbefehle. Administrative matters of personnel office, includingpromotions and reassignment. L ~^ep 14, 1943 - Feb 27, 1944.la, Ic, Lageberichte und Meldungen. Daily and special reports covering the Russiancampaign, enemy information bulletins, interrogation reports of prisoners of war,Russian deserters and the Commanding Officer of the Soviet 6th Army, Included aresituation maps. Aug 18 - 24, 1941.Ic/A.O., Feindlagepausen. Sketches and overlays showing disposition of Russian armyunits, areas of partisan activities, and strength and disposition of Russian AirForce. Included are maps (1:1/500,000) showing the <strong>com</strong>bat line from Finland to theBlack Sea. Aug 17, 194-1 - Mar 22, 1942.Ic/A.O., Ersatzlage der Roten Armee. Interrogation of Russian prisoners of war anddeserters on the personnel replacement system of the Russian Army. Mar 1 - Jun 1942.Ic/A.O., Meldungen.Personnel rosters of <strong>com</strong>manding officers, interrogation reportsItem No.64838/164838/264838/364838/464838/575118/175118/275118/3,475118/5Roll 1st Frame199 7460972200 7461233200 7461413200 7461493200 7461690200 7462245201 7462280201 7462626201 7462670

Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 101ItemItem No.Roll1st Frameof Soviet deserters and informers, statistics of enemy sabotage in occupied areas,and reports on partisan activities. Hug 30, 1939 - May 1, 194-3.75113/62017463072Ic/A.O., Ersatzlage der Roten Armee, Interrogation reports of Russian prisoners ofwar and deserters on the personnel replacement system of the Russian Army.Jul 1 - 31, 19-42.75118/72017463183la, Zustandsberichte. Instructions for preparation of correspondence and reports.Oct 24, 1939 - May 1, 1941.75118/82027463539la, A.Wi.Fii., Lage- und Tatigkeitsberichte. Monthly reports on Chrome Ore productionin the Balkans, and statistics on shipments to Germany. Sep 23, 1943 - Aug 12, 1944*75118/92027463771A.Wi.Fii., Erkundung. Reports on discovery of petroleum in Albania and on Italianworkers in Tirana. Sep 16, 1943 - Aug 17, 1944.75118/102027464025A.Wi.Fii., Erdol in Albanien. Monthly reports on production and deliveries of petroleum,diesel oil, gasoline and lubricants from Albania. Nov 23, 1943 - Aug 8, 1944.75118/112027462242A.Wi.Fii., Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on mining and on the gasoline situation atDevoli. Mar 9 - Aug 12, 1944.2027464549la, Planspiel Luftflotte. Correspondence on transportation of personnel. May 1941.2027464636A.Wi.Fii., Organisation und Versorgung. Correspondence on exploitation of petroleum inthe Balkans and reports on captured Italian arms and equipment. Oct 1, 1943 -Jul 77, 1944.75118/142027464651A.Wi.Fii., Chromerz in Albanien,Sep 9, 1943 - Jul 9, 1944.Correspondence on chrome ore mining in Albania.75118/157464690A.Wi.Fii., Chromerzgebiet Pogradec. Correspondence on the geographical, political, andmilitary situation in the Skroska area, and mining in Albania. Sep 30, 1943 -Jul 17/1944.75118/16203'7464945

102 Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemIc/A-iO., Gefan> ; ene und Beute Meldungen. Daily reports on prisoners of war, enemycasualties, and captured equipment. Nov 194-1 - Mar 194-2.Ic,. Meldungen. Drily enemy information reports. Apr 1 - Jul 31, 194-2.V, /Reports_/. Correspondence and reports on repair of motor vehicles. Aug 19 -Dec 24-, 1941.Ic, Vernehmungsberichte. Interrogation reports of prisoners of war and Russiandeserters. Jun 13 - Aug 27, 19-42.JIa, Offizierstellenbesetzungsliste.units, Apr - Fay 194-2.Reports on officers' assignments in subordinateA.Wi.Fii., Meldungen. Correspondence on the operation of the Dfevoli oil fields.May 2 - Au£ 20, 1944.A.Wi.Fii.., Erdb'l in Albanien. Correspondence on the expansion of the oil refinery atDevili and reports on bomb damage to the oil fields at Devoli and Patos.Nov 26, 1943 - Aug 15, 1944.IVa, Lohnskala. Correspondence on pay scale for Soviet workers in German-occupiedareas, ration allowances, and confiscating of Russian cash assets. Jun 1 -Dec 31, 1941.la, Lehrkommando. Correspondence on requests for training personnel for heavy Wurfgerate.Apr 22 - May" 3, 1941.la, Kraftfahrzeug Lage bei der 18. Panzerdivision. Reports on the status of motortransport of the 18th Pz Div. May 14 - Jun 8, 1941.la, Unterstellungsverhaltnis. Lists of subordinate units. Apr 13 - May 27, 1941.la, Planspiel. Listing of units participating in map exercises. Mar 1 - 18, 1941.la, Besichtigungsreisen. Reports on inspection trips of subordinate units. Mar 28 -May 17, 1941.Item No. Roll 1st Frame75118/17,1875118/1975118/2075118/2175118/2275118/2375118/2475118/2575118/2675118/2775118/2875H8/29a203203204204205205206206. 20620620620674650597465671746610474662167466158746705874672477467594746769974677127467730746776275H8/29b 206 7467769

ItemIa/Bv.T.O., Merkbl'itter. Instruction pamphlet "The Liaison Staff of the Army StaffTransportation Officer with an Army Group." Apr 21 - May 13, 194.1.Ic, Erinnerungsbuch "Schnelle Truppen." Unit campaign bork and a map of France.May 1 0 - Jun 23, 1940.la, Nachrichtenubung. Correspondence on maneuver of signal units. Included are mapsof the area north of Berlin. May 26,- 1941.A.Wi.Fii., Chromerzfb'rderung. Monthly reports on production and shipment of chromecxide to Germany from north Albania. Sep 20, -1943 - °-ep 2, 1944.Ic/A.O., Meldungen. Correspondence and reports on security measures against sabotage,captured Russian partisans, and interrogation of Russian radio monitors. Alsoreports on German deserters, censorship of army mail and a survey of Field SecurityPolice Group 639. Jun 13, 1941 - Dec 28, 1942.Ic/A.O. Vernehmungen. Proceedings against officers and soldiers suspected of sabotage,and security directives. Apr 23 - Sep 20, 1942.A.Wi.Fu., Berichte. Correspondence and reports on the oil refinery at Devoli and asurvey of industrial installations on the Dalmatian coast. Sep 30, 1943 -Jul 13, 1944.A.Wi.Fu., Lageberichte. Situation reports on Albania and Montenegro, and maps showingindustrial installations and refineries in the Valona and Devoli oil field are$.§.Oct 25, 1943 - Aug 20, 1944.la, Meldungen. Daily reports of subordinate units in the Balkans on partisan warfare,enemy activity, sabotage and prisoners of war, Aug 27 - Nov 9, 1943.Ic/A.O., Meldungen. Reports on Russian partisans caught and executed as well as onGerman soldiers and civilians suspected of sabotage. Dec 3, 1942 - Fay 25, 1943,la, Verschiedenes. Correspondence and a variety of orders on Nachrichtenwesen andKraftfahrbetrieb as well as maps showing the battles of the 4th Army in FrancePanzer-Armeeoberkommando 2 103Item No,75118/3075118/3175118/3275118/3375118/35758017587475915Roll1st Frame206 7467789206 7467815206 7467828206 7467877206 7467993207 7468'+55207 7469304208207-20820974705767469554-74697377470844

104. Panzer-Armeeoberkommando 2ItemRoll1st Frameand a day by day description. Jan 6 - Apr 1, 194-1.2097471491Ic, Taktische Ein-Mappe XLVTII, Russland, Meldungen. Reports on enemy situation,interrogation of prisoners of war and Russian deserters, enemy information bulletinsand information on Russian weapons. Included are maps (1:300,000) showingdisposition of enemy units at Novosil. Aug 21 - 31, 194-2.759922097471596la, Ic/A.O., Meldungen. Reports on partisans shooting German soldiers and evacuationorders for Russian civilians. Apr 12 - Jul 14-, 1943.853832097471995IVa, Akte Beihilfe, Accounts of losses of personal possessions due to em.my action,reauests for settlement, supporting statements, and final settlements. Jan 25 -Apr 28, 194-2.85384-2107472057Ha, Personalveranderungen. Officers' assignments and promotions. Mar 194-0.85385-85386211-2127473405-7474409Ic/A.O., Briefprufstelle. Reports on mail censorship. Dec 194-2 - Aug 194-3.843877475465O.Qu. , R'.iumung. Instructions for evacuation of areas in Yugoslavia, reports andcorrespondence on conscription of Volksdeutsche , security of railroad facilitiesin Greece and Yugoslavia, and on partisan warfare. Feb 12, 194-3 - Jan 6,854022127475606IVa, Bewillip.te Beihilfen. Correspondence on reimbursement to members of German unitswho suffered personal property losses during Russian attacks. Jan 13 - Feb 28,1942, May - Jun 1942.84512-854132137475652IVa, Frontzulagen. Correspondence on front line duty pay. Jan 1, 1942 - Jul 12, 1943.854142137476933IVa, Abfindung von Hilfswilligen. Correspondence on the pay rates of Hilf swillige .Jan 19 - Jun 14, 1943.854152147477085IVa, Abschreibungen. Correspondence on shipment of rations and rendering of rationaccounts. Jul 1 - Dec 1, 1943.854162147477253IVa, Beihilfen.Correspondence on payments to members of German units who suffered

Panzer-Armeeoberkornmando 2 105Itempersonal property losses on the Russian front. Jan 1, 194.0 - Dec 31, 1943.IVa, Kassenpriifung. Auditors 1 reports of the finance office. Nov 27, 1941 - Mar 23, 1943.IVa, Beihilfe Antrrge. Approved requests for payments to members of German units whosuffered personal property losses on the Russian front. Sep 9, 1941 - Jan 12, 1942.IVa, Offizierstellenbesetzung.Feb 1 - May 15, 1942.Officers' assignment rosters of subordinate units.la/Stomii., Meldun^-en. Correspondence on Marschtiberwachung. Au? 5, 1940 - May 24, 1941.la, UmglMerung. Correspondence on the reorganization of units and new chains of<strong>com</strong>mand. Jan 6 - Jun 6, 1941.la, O.Qu., Meldungen. Correspondence and reports on improvement of security alongthe eastern border, and instructions for maintaining sufficient supplies for theanticipated invasion of Russia. Jul 12, 1940 - Jun 7, 1941.la, Unterkunft und Verlegungen. Correspondence and orders for transfer of units tothe eastern front in preparation for the anticipated invasion of Russia. Includedare situation maps. Jan 9 - Jun 7, 1941.la, Ausbildung. Richtlinien and Verfiigungen on training, especially on cooperationof various parts of the Army and Air Force. Dec 28, 1940 - Fay 10, 1941.Ha, Stabsbefehle. Personnel transfer orders, and personnel strength reports of units.Jan 25 - Jun 5, 1941.Ha, Auszeichnung. Correspondence on awards decorations. Aug 27, 1941 - Sep 20,1942.Item No.85417-8542185422la, Bandenbekampfung. Reports on partisan warfare. Feb 26 - Apr 6, 1943. 85424/9854238542485424/185424/285424/385424/485424/585424/685424/7-85424/8Roll214-218218218219219219220220220220220-2211st Frame7477988-74824007482670748297874834937484023748419774845237484764748493474853037485422-7485722221 7486304la, Karten. Maps and overlays showing positions and fire power of Gruppe Wiecher andThomass. Jun 18, 1943.

PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED <strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 107Guides to records of Reich Ministries and OfficesRecords of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschafts-Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Recordsministerium). 1953. 75 p. (Guide No. 1) Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East.Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strength- 1958. 161 p. (Guide No. 6)ening of Germandom (Reichskommissar fur die Festigung deutschen Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 1958. 15 p.Volkstums). 1958. 15 p. (Guide No. 2) (Guide No. 5)Records of the Organisation Todt. 1958. 2 p. (Guide No. 4.) Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II). 1959. 203 p.Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Guide No. 8)(Reichsministerium fur Riistung und Kriegsproduktion). 1959. Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part III). 1962. 61 p,109 p. (Guide No. 10) (Guide No. 36)Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices.1959. 19 p. (Guide No. 11)Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium).1959. 34- p. (Guide No. 13)Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.1961. 41 p. (Guide No. 22)Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt fur Bodenforschung).1961. 11 p. (Guide No. 26)Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories(Reichsministerium fur die besetzten Ostgebiete), 1941-4-5.1961. 69 p. (Guide No. 28)Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the BalticStates (Reichskommissar fur das Ostland), 1941-4-5. 1961.19 p. (Guide No. 31)Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the GermanPolice (Reichsfiihrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei)(Part I). 1961. 165 p. (Guide No. 32)Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the GermanPolice (Reichsfiihrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei)(Part II). 1961. 89 p. (Guide No. 33)Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the GermanPolice (Reichsfiihrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei)(Part III). 1963. 198 p. (Guide No. 39)Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen SS,and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 34- p. (Guide No. 27)

108Guides to records of German military organizationsRecords of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) (Part I). 1959. 222 p.(Guide No. 7)Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) (Part II). I960. 213 p.(Guide No. 17)Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) (Part III). I960. 118 p.(Guide No. 18)Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) (Part IV). I960. 76 p.(Guide No. 19)Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommandodes Heeres/OKH) (Part I). 1959. 19 p.(Guide No. 12)Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommandodes Heeres/OKH) (Part II). 1961. 154- p.(Guide No. 29)Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommandodes Heeres/OKH) (Part III). 1961. 212 p.(Guide No. 30)Records of Headquarters, German Air Force High Command(Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). 1961. 59 p.(Guide No. 24)German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, DeutscheLuftwaf fenmission in Rumanien. 1961. 41 p.(Guide No. 25)Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Command (OKM).1962. 5 p. (Guide No. 37)Records of German Army Areas (Wehrkreise). 1962. 234 p.(Guide No. 34)Records of German Field Commands: Army Groups (Part I).1963. 126 p. (Guide No. 40)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part I). 1959.61 p. (Guide No. 14)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part II). 1964.110 p. (Guide No. 42)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part III). 1964.108 p. (Guide No. 43)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part IV). 1964.96 p. (Guide No. 44)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part V). 1965.162 p. (Guide No. 47)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part VI). 1965.85 p. (Guide No. 48)Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part VII). 1965.124 p. (Guide No. 49)Records of German Field Commands: Armee-Abteilungen. 1966.45 p. (Guide No, 50)Records of German Field Commands: Corps (Part I). 1965.156 p. (Guide No. 46)Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (Part I). 1963.160 p. (Guide No. 41)Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (Part II). 1964.118 p. (Guide No. 45)Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories,and Others. 1963. 200 p. (Guide No. 38)Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS,and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 34 p. (Guide No. 27)Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and RecordsPertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East.1958. 161 p. (Guide No. 6)Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 1958. 15 p.(Guide No. 5)Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II). 1959.203 p. (Guide No. 8)Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part III). 1962,61 p. (Guide No. 36)

109Other GuidesRecords of the National Socialist German Labor Party(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)(Part I). 1958. Ml p. (Guide No. 3)Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)(Part II). I960. 45 p. (Guide No. 20)Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)(Part III). 1962. 29 p. (Guide No. 35)Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions,and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interestsin the Far East. 1958. 161 p. (Guide No. 6)Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates,1890-1945. I960. 63 p. (Guide No. 15)Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart.Part I: Records on Resettlement. I960. 105 p.(Guide No- 16)Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart.Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p.(Guide No. 21)Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises,1917-1946. 1961. 119 p. (Guide No. 23)Records of Private German Individuals. 1959. 23 p.(Guide No. 9)

Price List for Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Armies (Part I)National Archives Microcopy No. T-313, Rolls 1-221 and 482-488.Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may be purchased at the prices listed below. The prices are based on a chargeof 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, with all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A 10-percent discount is given on orders formore than $1,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than 43,000.Checks or money orders for microfilm should ac<strong>com</strong>pany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration(NCE) and should be sent to the Cashier, National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D. C. 20408. Persons ordering microfilm fromoutside the United States or its possessions should make their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United Statesdollars on a bank in the United States and payable to the General Services Administration (NClu). Each order should specify the microcopynumber (T-313), the roll number or numbers, and the price. .Roll Price Roll Price1 $7 21 $102 8 22 83 7 23 74 9 24 95 9 2 5 86 8 2 6 87 8 2 7 78 8 28 99 9 2 9 510 8 30 411 8 31 712 6 32 813 3 33 814 8 34 615 8 35 916 8 36 917 8 37 718 8 38 1119 7 39 520 9 40 8Roll4142434445464748495051525354555657585960Price Roll Price•$ 8 61 o98 62 78888887878987967788 63699996889788 646566676869707172737475118888 7677787980Roll81£28384858687888990919293949596979899100Pri#8 889 8888889888965888

112Ron101102103105106107108109110111102113in115116117118119120121122123125126Price$ 991078610998896751089689899910Price4 89998971010971179791098999611910Price* 98106775999999Roll17918018118218318418518618718818919011997789889888191192193194195196197198199200201202203204Price Roll^ 8205898888888 206207208209210211212213214108 2152169 217899988798 2182192202214824834844854869 4878 48897Price¥888789789789977847787878Total llMiiQ.:03A-WASH DC 66-12875

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