Civil Engineering - Shridhar University

Civil Engineering - Shridhar University Civil Engineering - Shridhar University
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Transforms, Vector Calculus and Functions of a complex variable including contour integration and able to apply to all their Engineering problems. M ULT IPLE I N TEGRALS Double integration in Cartesian and polar coordinates - Change of order of integration - Area as a double integral - Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates. LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Transforms of simple functions - Basic operational properties - Transforms of derivatives and integrals - Initial and final value theorems - Inverse transforms - Convolution theorem - periodic functions - Applications of Laplace transforms for solving linear ordinary differential equations up to second order with constant coefficients only. VECTOR CALCULUS Gradient, divergence, curl - Solenoidal and irrotational fields - Vector identities (without proof) - Directional derivatives - Line, surface and volume integrals - Statements of Green's, Gauss divergence and Stroke's theorems only - Verification and applications to cubes and parallelopipeds only. ANALYT IC FUNCT IONS Definition of Analytic Function - Cauchy Riemann equations - Properties of analytic functions - Determination of harmonic conjugate - Milne-Thomson's method - Conformal mappings: 1/z, az az+b and bilinear transformation. COMPLEX I N TEGRATION Line integral - Cauchy's integral theorem (without proof ) - Cauchy's integral formulae (with proof) - application of Cauchy's integral formulae - Taylor's and Laurent's expansions (statements only) - Singularities - Poles and Residues - Cauchy's residue theorem (with proof) - Evaluation of line integrals. TEXT BOOKS 1. Grewal B.S, Higher Engg Maths, Khanna Publications, 38th Edition 2. Veerajan, T., Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,2000 3. Dr.V.Ramamurthy & Dr. Sundarammal Kesavan, Engineering Mathematics - Vol I & II Anuradha Publications, Revised Edition 2006 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kreyszig.E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons. Singapore,2001

2. Kandasamy P etal. Engineering Mathematics, Vol.I (4th revised edition), S.Chand &Co., New Delhi,2000 3. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering students, Volume I (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992 4. Venkataraman M.K., Engineering Mathematics - First Year (2nd edition), National Publishing Co., Chennai, 2000 BT202 Physics-I I 3 1 2 4 Crystal Structure Space lattice, unit cell and translation vector, Miller indices, simple crystal structure. Laue’s treatment to Bragg’s law, powder method, Point defects in solids – Schottky and Frenkel defects. Bonding in solids- Ionic and covalent bonds. Quantum Physics Difficulties with Classical physics, Introduction to quantum mechanics-simple concepts. Black Body radiations Discovery of Planck’s constant, phase velocity and group velocity. Schrodinger wave equations-time dependent and time independent, Expectation value, Ehrnfest Theorem, particle in a one-dimensional box. Quantum Statistics (Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics). Elementry ideas of quark, gluons and hadrons. Nano-Science Features of nanosystems, concept of quantum size effect, quantum dots and their applications. F ree Electron Theory Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations. Drude’s theory of conduction , quantum theory of free electrons. Fermi level, density of states. Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Thermionic emission, Richardson’s equation. Band Theory Of Solids Origin of energy bands, Kronig-Penny model (qualitative), E-K diagrams, Brillouin Zones, concept of effective mass and holes. Classification of solids into metals, semiconductors and insulators. Fermi energy and its variation with temperature. Hall Effect and its applications. Photoconductivity & Photo voltaics

2. Kandasamy P etal. <strong>Engineering</strong> Mathematics, Vol.I (4th revised edition), S.Chand &Co., New<br />

Delhi,2000<br />

3. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for<br />

<strong>Engineering</strong> students, Volume I (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992<br />

4. Venkataraman M.K., <strong>Engineering</strong> Mathematics - First Year (2nd edition), National Publishing<br />

Co., Chennai, 2000<br />

BT202 Physics-I I 3 1 2 4<br />

Crystal Structure<br />

Space lattice, unit cell and translation vector, Miller indices, simple crystal structure. Laue’s treatment<br />

to Bragg’s law, powder method, Point defects in solids – Schottky and Frenkel defects. Bonding in<br />

solids- Ionic and covalent bonds.<br />

Quantum Physics<br />

Difficulties with Classical physics, Introduction to quantum mechanics-simple concepts. Black Body<br />

radiations Discovery of Planck’s constant, phase velocity and group velocity. Schrodinger wave<br />

equations-time dependent and time independent, Expectation value, Ehrnfest Theorem, particle in a<br />

one-dimensional box. Quantum Statistics (Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics). Elementry ideas<br />

of quark, gluons and hadrons.<br />

Nano-Science<br />

Features of nanosystems, concept of quantum size effect, quantum dots and their applications.<br />

F ree Electron Theory<br />

Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations. Drude’s theory of conduction , quantum<br />

theory of free electrons. Fermi level, density of states. Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Thermionic<br />

emission, Richardson’s equation.<br />

Band Theory Of Solids<br />

Origin of energy bands, Kronig-Penny model (qualitative), E-K diagrams, Brillouin Zones, concept of<br />

effective mass and holes. Classification of solids into metals, semiconductors and insulators. Fermi<br />

energy and its variation with temperature. Hall Effect and its applications.<br />

Photoconductivity & Photo voltaics

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