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Curriculum VitaeAndreea VescanCatedra de Limbaje şi Metode de ProgramareDepartamentul de InformaticăFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>Str. M. Kogălniceanu nr. 1400084, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, RomâniaTel: +4.0264.405.325Fax: +4.0264.191.960E-mail: avescan@cs.ubbcluj.rohttp://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~avescanDate personaleCetăţenia: Română.Data naşterii: 16 Mai 1980.Starea civilă: căsătorită.Funcţia şi locul de muncă: Lector universitar, <strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>.Address: 24A, Castanilor401079, Turda, <strong>Cluj</strong>, RomaniaPreocupări profesionaleDezvoltarea bazată pe componente.Metode formale.Verificarea şi Validarea Sistemelor Soft.Educaţie• Research - Johannes Kepler University (2 Iuliee – 16 Iulie, 2010),Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation,Departments of Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University in Linz,Mobilitate de Cercetare prin grant PNCDI–IDEI 550/2007 (Romania).• Research Scholar–Wayne State University (26 Iunie – 21 Iulie, 2008),Wayne State University, Detroit, USA,Mobilitate de Cercetare prin grant PNCDI–IDEI 550/2007 (Romania).• Participant–Marktoberdorf Summer School (August 1–12, 2006),Software System Reliability and Security, Germania.• Studii doctorale, octombrie 2004–octombrie 2008,FacultateadeMatematicăşiInformatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong>Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>,<strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca,Titlul lucrării de doctorat: Abordări în Construcţia Sistemelor Bazate pe Componente,Coordonator ştiinţific: Prof. dr. Militon Frenţiu.Distinction: Cum laude.

• Studii masterale, octombrie 2003–iunie 2004,FacultateadeMatematicăşiInformatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong>Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>,<strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca,Secţia: Programare bazată pe componente,Titlul lucrării: Software Specification Methods.Media anilor de studii: 10.Media examenului de dizertaţie: 10.Coordonator ştiinţific: conf. dr. Simona Motogna.• Departamentul pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic, octombrie 1999–iunie 2003.• Studii universitare, octombrie 1999–iunie 2003,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca,Specializarea: Informatică,Titlul lucrării: Modele formale pentru componente soft.Media anilor de studii: 9,22.Media examenului de licenţă: 9,55.Coordonator ştiinţific: prof. dr. Bazil Pârv.Experienţă profesională• 1.10.2009–prezent–Lector universitar,Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare,Departamentul de Informatică,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, România.• 1.10.2007–1.10.2009–Asistent universitar,Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare,Departamentul de Informatică,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, România.• 1.10.2004–1.10.2007 –Student la doctorat - cu frecvenţă,Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare,Departamentul de Informatică,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, România.• 1.11.2003–30.06.2004–Laborant la plata cu ora,Departamentul de Informatică,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş–<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, România.• 1.09.2003–30.09.2004–Profesor de informatică,Catedra de Informatică,Liceul de Informatică Tiberiu Popoviciu,<strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, România .2

• 1.11.2002–1.05.2003–Programator,S.C. Info World S.A.,<strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca,România.Activitate didacticăDisciplina - Curs, Seminar şi Laborator An An universitardestudiuVerificarea şi Validarea Sistemelor Soft III 2007–2010, 2012–20132009-2010 (Curs);2012-2013 (Curs)Computational Models for Embedded Systems Master 2012–2013 (Curs)Ingineria Sistemelor Soft II 2007–2008Programare Orientată Obiect I 2006–2009Sisteme Integrate de Proiectare şi Programare III 2006–2007Fundamentele programării I 2004–20102009-2010 (Curs);Metode Evoluate de Programare II 2004–2006Proiect Individual II 2004–2005, 2008–2010Aplicaţii Client/Server IV 2003–2004Interfaţă cu calculatorul şi Comunicare în Internet I 2003–2004Concediu ingrijire copil - 2010–2012Conduceri lucrări de licenţă• 2008 - 2 students;1. Iancu Mihai Caputa,Co-supervised with Associate Professor Simona Motogna,Title: New form of parametric polymorphism in object oriented programminglanguages.2. Denis-Leontin Salanta,Co-supervised with Prof. Dr. Bazil Parv,Title: .NET Technologies in Mobile Phones.• 2009 - 2 students.1. Stoenoiu Ana-Georgiana,Title: Studiu comparativ intre programarea orientata pe obiecte si programareabazata pe componente.2. Pod Andreea,Title: Studiu comparativ. Modele de componente soft.• 2010 - 4 students.1. Placintar Bogdan-Cristian (from 2009),Title: Programarea orientata obiect in ingineria programarii.3

2. Berar Roxana,Title: Verificarea si validarea softului: concepte si metode.3. Rus Adina,Title: Web Applications(Metode de verificare a softului. Studiu comparativ).4. Fodor Raluca,Title: Dezvoltarea sistemelor soft folosind paradigma bazata pe componente.• 2011 - 10 students.1. Ciucas Ovidiu (from 2009),Title: Modelarea comportamentului sistemelor bazate pe componente.2. Roman Veronica (from 2009),Title: Modele formale pentru programarea bazata pe componente.3. Lazea Anamaria (from 2010),Title: Modelarea sistemelor bazate pe componente (in February)4. Pop Flavia,Title: Verificarea si validarea sistemelor soft.5. Dumitras Vlad,Title: Constructia sistemelor soft prin compunerea componentelor.6. Plotuna Anda,Title: Studiu comparativ: Programarea orientata obiect si programarea bazatape componente.7. Preata Adriana,Title: Testarea black-box versus Testarea white-box.8. Tirean Anca,Title: Test-driven development (Dezvoltarea dirijata de testare a sistemelorsoft).9. Boldan Naomi,Title: Reutilizarea sistemelor soft.10. Bala Liliana,Title: Dezvoltarea sistemelor soft folosind paradigma bazata pe componente.Participări la programe finanţate din sursă naţională• Director grant: TD CNCSIS 272/2007 grant (Romania), 2007–2008Titlu: Studii asupra modelării formale a componentelor soft. Aplicaţii în problemereale.• Membru proiect: PNCDI–IDEI 2008 grant (Romania), 2008–2011Titlu: Calcul stiintific si optimizare pentru aplicatii iterdisciplinare.Director grant: Lect. dr. Crina Groşan.• Membru proiect: PNCDI–IDEI 550/2007 grant (Romania), 2007–2010Titlu: Modele şi metode robuse de prelucrare a datelor cu aplicaţii în ştiinţelenaturii.Director grant: Prof. dr. Horia F. Pop.4

• Membru proiect: Programul Cercetare de Excelenţă CEEX PC-D11-PT00-147(România), 2005–2008Tehnici noi în rezonanţa magnetică nucleară pe solide: dezvoltări metodologice şiaplicaţii.Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Izotopice şi Moleculare,Romania.Director grant: Prof. dr. Horia F. Pop.• Membru proiect: AT CNCSIS 31/2005 grant (România), 2005–2007Dezvoltarea unor metode computaţionale avansate în cercetarea sistemelor mezoscopice:framework, repozitoriu şi GRID computaţional.Director grant: Lect. dr. Zsolt Lazăr.Vizite didactice şi de cercetare internaţionale• Research - Johannes Kepler University (2 Iuliee – 16 Iulie, 2010),Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation,Departments of Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University in Linz,Mobilitate de Cercetare prin grant PNCDI–IDEI 550/2007 (Romania).• Research Scholar–Wayne State University(26 Iunie – 21 Iulie, 2008),Wayne State University, Detroit, USA,Mobilitate de Cercetare prin grant PNCDI–IDEI 550/2007 (Romania).• Marktoberdorf Summer School Scholarship,Marktoberdorf, Germany, August 2006 ( 2 săptămâni).• Bursă CEEPUS, <strong>Universitatea</strong> Eotvos Lorand,Budapesta, Hungary, Iunie 2006 (1 lună).• Bursă CEEPUS, <strong>Universitatea</strong> “Paisii Hilendarski”,Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 2003 (1 lună).PublicaţiiCărţi• Vescan, A., Pintea, C. M. Component-based Ant Systems in Modern Paradigms inComputer Science and Applied Mathematics,AHandbookforPhDStudentsandRe-searchers,(Eds.B.Patrut,G-C.Crisan),AkademischeVerlagsgemeinschaftMünchen-AVM-GmbH andCo.KG, München, Germany, 2011 (ISBN 978-3-86306-757-1)• Pintea, C. M., Vescan, A., Vescan,C., Grafică în Delphi, Editura EduSoft, Bacău,cod CNCSIS 157, 2008, 121 pg., ISBN 978-973-8934-92-4• Vescan, A., Construction Approaches for Component-Based Systems. PhD Thesis,<strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca : <strong>Universitatea</strong> ”<strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong>”, 2008 (<strong>Romanian</strong> National Library)http://aleph.bibnat.ro:8991/F5

Articole în publicaţii din ISI Web of Knowledge• Articole în publicaţii din ISI Science Citation Index Expanded1. Vescan, A., Optimal component selection using a multiobjective evolutionaryalgorithm, International Journal on non-standard computing and artificial intelligence:Neural Network World, no. 2, pp. 201- 213, 2009.http://www.nnw.cz/2. Fanea, A.,Diosan,L.,EvolutionaryApproachfor Behaviour ComponentComposition,Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communicationsand Control, 1 - 2 June, Baile Felix-Oradea, Romania, Eds.:IoanDzitac, Florin-Gheorghe Filip, Misu-Jan Manolescu, Publisher CCC PublicationsAgora University, ISSN: 1841-9836, pp. 480–485, 2006.http://www.iccc.univagora.ro/iccc-20063. Fanea, A., Diosan, L., Computational Intelligence-based Model for ComponentComposition Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers,Communications and Control, 1 - 2 June, Baile Felix-Oradea, Romania,Eds.:Ioan Dzitac, Florin-Gheorghe Filip, Misu-Jan Manolescu, Publisher CCCPublications Agora University, ISSN: 1841-9836, pp. 474–479, 2006.http://www.iccc.univagora.ro/iccc-2006• Articole în publicaţii din ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index1. Serban, C., Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., A conceptual framework for componentbasedsystem metrics definition, the 9th RoEduNet International Conference,pp. 73-78, 2010.http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro/2. Serban, C., Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., A new Component Selection AlgorithmBased on Metrics and Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, Proceedings of the 4th InternationalConference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 10 - 12 June,Salamanca, Spain, LNCS Vol. 5572, Corchado, E.; Wu, X.; Oja, E.; Herrero,A.; Baruque, B. (Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-02318-7, pp. 621 – 628, 2009.http://gicap.ubu.es/hais2009/3. Chisalita-Cretu,C., Vescan, A.,The multi-objective refactoring selection problem,Conference on Knowledge Engineering Principles and Techniques, <strong>Cluj</strong>Napoca, Romania, JUL 02-04, 2009, pp: 291-298.4. Vescan, A., A Metrics-based Evolutionary Approach for the Component SelectionProblem, the 11th International Conference on Computer Modelling andSimulation (UKSim 2009), pp. 83-88, 2009.http://www.uksim2009.org.uk/5. Vescan, A., Grosan, C., Pop, H. F., Evolutionary Algorithms for the ComponentSelection Problem, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop EvolutionaryTechniques in Data Processing, 1 - 5 September, Turin, Italy, pp.509-513, 2008.http://www.dexa.org/previous/dexa2008/index.html6. Vescan, A., Grosan, C., A Hybrid Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach forthe Component Selection Problem, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshopon Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 24 - 26 September, Burgos,6

Spain, LNCS/LNAI 5271, Eds.: Corchado, Emilio; Abraham, Ajith; Pedrycz,Witold, ISBN: 978-3-540-87655-7, pp, 164-171, 2008.http://www2.ubu.es/hais2008/7. Vescan, A., Grosan, C., Two Evolutionary Multiobjective Approaches for theComponent Selection Problem, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshopon Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization – Design and Applications,26 - 28 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Eds: Jeng-Shyang Pan,AjithAbraham,Chin-Chen Chang, Vol 2, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3382-7, pp. 395 - 400,2008.http://bit.kuas.edu.tw/~isda08/8. Vescan, A., Component Adaptation Architectures. A Formal Approach, Proceedingsof the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based IntelligentInformation and Engineering Systems, Invited session on Evolvable Hardwareand Adaptive Systems - Advanced Engineering Design Methodologies andApplications, 3 - 5 September, Zagreb, Croatia, LNCS/LNAI 5179, Eds.: Lovrek,Ignac; Howlett, Robert J.; Jain, Lakhmi C., ISBN: 978-3-540-85566-8,pp. 319-326, 2008http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/kes/kes_adaptive.htm9. Vescan, A., An evolutionary multiobjective approach for the Component SelectionProblem, Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference onthe Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT),4 - 6 August, Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp. 252-257, ISBN: 978-1-444-264-9,2008.http://www.dirf.org/diwt2008/10. Vescan, A., Restraint Order Component Model Execution, Proceedings of theInternational Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for ScientificComputing, 26 - 29 September, Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer SocietyPress, pp. 195 - 200, ISBN: 0-7695-2740-X, 2006.http://www.computer.org11. Lazar, Z., Fanea, A., Petrascu, D., Ciobotariu-Boer, V., Parv, B., COMODI:On the Graphical User Interface, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposiumon Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SY-NASC?05), 25 - 29 September, Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer SocietyPress, pp 109 - 113, ISBN: 0-7695-2453-2, 2005.http://www.computer.orgReviste internaţionale1. Vescan, A., Pop, H.F., Automatic Criteria-based Configuration for the ComponentSelection Problem, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and IndustrialManagements Applications, Vol. 4, pp. 641-647, 2012 ( ISSN 2150-7988[indexed INSPEC]http://www.mirlabs.net/ijcisim2. Pintea, C. M., Vescan, A., Bio-inspired components for a bandwidth problem,Scientific Studies and Research, Seria Mathematics and Informatics, 21(1), 185-1927

http://creative-mathematics.ubm.rohttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/12. Serban, C., Vescan, A., Metrics for Component-based Development, Creatives mathematicsand informatics, ISSN: 1843-441X, vol. 16, pp. 143–150, 2007.http://creative-mathematics.ubm.rohttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/13. Vescan, A., Motogna, S., Syntactic analysis of component composition, Journalof Pure Mathematics and Applications, Proceedings of the 6 th Joint Conference onMathematics and Computer Science, Pecs, 12 - 15 July, Hungary, Vol. 17, No. 3 -4, pp. 527–537, 2006.http://www.bke.hu/puma/index.html14. Fanea, A.,Diosan,L.,ComponentBased ModelUsing P Systems,TheInternationalJournal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing, ISSN: 1895-8648,vol.1 no.3, pp. 499–508, 2006.http://itic.wshe.lodz.pl/15. Diosan, L., Fanea, A., Dumitrescu, D., Genetic algorithms based on Ising machine,The International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing,ISSN 1312-885X, vol.1 no.3, pp. 585–594, 2006.http://itic.wshe.lodz.pl/16. Fanea, A., Motogna, S., Diosan, L., Automata-Based Component CompositionAnalysis, Studia Universitas <strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, Seria Informatica, Vol. LI, No. 1, pp.13–20, 2006.http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/2006-1/index.phphttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/17. Fanea, A., Diosan, L., Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms,Studia Universitas <strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, Seria Informatica, Volume L, No. 2, pp. 23–32,2005.http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/2005-2/index.php18. Fanea, A., Pintea, C. – M., A component based-model for a NP-hard problem,Annals of Oradea University, Fascicola Matematica, Vol.XII, pp. 91–100, 2005.http://stiinte.uoradea.ro/en/auofm\_contents.htmhttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/19. Lazar, Z., Parv, B., Fanea, A., Heriga, J. – R., De Leeuw, S. W., COMODI: Guidelinesfor a Component-Based Framework for Scientific Computing, Studia Universitatis<strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, Informatica, Vol. XLIX, No. 2, pp. 91–101, 2004.http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/2004-2/index.phphttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/9

Conferinţe internaţionale1. Vescan, A.; Grosan, C.; Shengxiang Yang, A hybrid evolutionary multiobjectiveapproach for the dynamic component selection problem, 11th International ConferenceonHybridIntelligentSystems(HIS),Malacca, Malaysia, 5–8December2011,ISBN: 978-1-4577-2151-9, pp. 714-721, 2011, (indexed IEEE)http://www.mirlabs.org/his11/2. Pintea, C. M., Vescan, A., Bio-inspired components for a bandwidth problem, abstractbook Gheorghe Vranceanu National Conference on Mathematics and Informaticswith international participation NCMI2011 Bacau, pp.15, 20113. Serban, C., Vescan, A., Pop, H. P., A Formal Model for Component-Based SystemAssessment, Second international conference on Computational Intelligence, Modellingand Simulation, Bali, 28 – 30 September 2010, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4262-1, pp.261-266, 2010, (indexed IEEE)http://uksim.info/cimsim2010/cimsim2010.htm4. Vescan, A., Pop, H. P., The Component Selection Problem as a Constraint OptimizationProblem, The 3rd IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference onSoftware Engineering Techniques CEE-SET 2008, published in Software EngineeringTechniques in Progress, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland,Eds: Tomas Hruska, Lech Madeyski, Miroslaw Ochodek, ISBN: 978-83-7493-421-3,pp. 203-211, 2008http://cee-set.put.poznan.pl/2008/?q=node/35. Vescan, A., Pareto dominance - based approach for the Component Selection Problem,Proceedings of the 2nd UKSim European Symposium on Computer ModellingandSimulation, 8-10September, Liverpool, England, ISBN:978-0-7695-3325-4, pp.58-63, 2008.http://www.ems2008.org.uk/6. Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., Automatic configuration for the component selection problem,In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft computing astransdisciplinary sicence and technology, Paris, France, Eds: Richard Chbeir, YouakimBadr, Ajith Abraham, Dominique Laurent, Fernando Ferri, ACM, ISBN:978-1-60558-046-3, pp. 479-483, 2008.http://ocm.ensm-douai.fr/conf/ASBS2008/7. Pintea, C. – M., Vescan, A., The Labyrinth Problem: Component Model withPharaoh System, Proceedings of International Conference on Fundamental Science,ICFS 2007, Applied mathematics and computer science section, 9 - 10 November,Oradea, Romania,ISBN 978-973-759-367-2, pp. 82–86, 2007.http://stiinte.uoradea.ro/conf2007/8. Vescan, A., Modeling component compositions and assembly execution, Proceedingsof the Second Annual International Conference of Students, Post-graduatesand Young Scientists, Computer Science and Engineering, 4 - 6 October, Lviv,10

Ukraine, Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, ISBN: 978-966-553-649-9, pp. 20–24, 2007.http://www.cse-2007.ridne.net9. Vescan, A.,Components ordered assembly construction based on temporal restraint,Proceedings of the 3rd Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methodsin Computer Science, 26 - 28 October, Znojmo, Czechia, Eds.: Ludek Matyska,David Antos, Milan Ceska, Mojmir Kretinsky, Petr Hlineny, Publisher Ing.Zdenek Novotny CSc., ISBN: 978-80-7355-077-6, pp. 249–256, 2007.http://www.memics.cz/10. Vescan, A., Pintea, C. – M., Ant System. A component based-model, Proceedingsof the 2 nd International Conference on Intelligence Computer Communication andProcessing, 1 - 2 September, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, Romania, IEEE Press, Vol. 2, ISBN(10)973-662-235-5, pp. 23–28, 2006.http://cs-gw.utcluj.ro/~iccp06/11. Vescan, A., Motogna, S., Syntactic automata-based component composition, Proceedingsof the Work in Progress Session held in connection with the 32 nd EURO-MICRO Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 29 August - 1September, Cavtat, Croatia, ISBN 3-902457-11-2, pp. 13–14, 2006.http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/euromicro2006/12. Fanea, A., Pintea, C. – M., Comparative models for a combinatorial problem,Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference Communications, 8 - 10 June,Bucharest, Romania, IEEE Press, ISBN 978-973-718-479-5, pp. 253–256, 2006.http://cs-gw.utcluj.ro/~iccp06/Conferinţe naţionale1. Vescan, A., Serban, C., Metrics-based approach for multilevel component composition,Proceedings of the National Symposium ZAC2012, pp. 20-25, 2012.2. Frentiu, M., Vescan, A., Problems with teaching model checking to undergraduates,Proceeding of the Symposium Zilele Academice <strong>Cluj</strong>ene, pp. 48 - 54, 2010.3. Vescan, A.,Component Protocol Compatibility,Proceedingsof<strong>Cluj</strong>AcademicDaysNational Symposium, pp. 55–60, 2008.4. Vescan, A., Modeling Aspects of the Real World, Proceedings of <strong>Cluj</strong> AcademicDays National Symposium, pp. 61–65, 2006.5. Fanea, A.,Specification, Construction and Execution of a Component-Based Model,Proceedings of <strong>Cluj</strong> Computer Science Academic Colloquium, pp. 87–92, 2005.6. Fanea, A., Diosan, L., Designing a Component-Based Machine Using Multi ExpressionProgramming, Proceedings of <strong>Cluj</strong> Computer Science Academic Colloquium,pp. 93–98, 2005.7. Fanea, A., Motogna, S., A Formal Model For Component Composition, Proceedingsof <strong>Cluj</strong> Academic Days National Symposium, pp. 160–167, 2004.11

Technical reports1. Vescan, A., Pintea, C. – M.,Modeling Ant System for TSP, Computational IntelligenceReports (CIR), September 2006.http://www.cir.cs.ubbcluj.ro2. Fanea, A., Pintea, C. – M.,Classical approach on a combinatorial optimizationproblem, Computational Intelligence Reports (CIR), December 2005.http://www.cir.cs.ubbcluj.roServicii AcademiceReviewer - International Conference• DMIN 2009 - The 5th International Conference on Data Mininghttp://www.dmin--2009.com/• HAIS 2009 - The 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial IntelligenceSystemshttp://gicap.ubu.es/hais2009/• ICADIWT 2009 - The Second International Conference on the Applications of DigitalInformation and Web Technologieshttp://www.dirf.org/diwt2009/• ICICS 2009 - The international Conference on Information and CommunicationSystems, Amman, Jordan, December 20, 2009http://www.icics.info/• ICSECS 2009 - International Conference on Software Engineering and ComputerSystems, Kuantan, Malaysia, October 19 - 21, 2009http://icsecs.ump.edu.my/• KEPT 2009 - nternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering: Principles andTechniques, <strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, Romania,July 2-4, 2009 http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/kept2009/• NDT 2009 - The First International Conference on Networked Digital Technologieshttp://arg.vsb.cz/ndt2009/• DMIN 2010 - The 6th International Conference on Data Mininghttp://www.dmin-2010.com/• HAIS 2011 - The International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systemshttp://hais.pwr.wroc.pl/• IEEE ICCSIT 2011 - International Conference on Computer Science and InformationTechnology, Chengdu, China, June 10 - 12, 2011www.iccsit.org• International Journal Studia Universitatis <strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong> - Informaticahttp://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/12

• HAIS 2012 - The International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systemshttp://hais.usal.es/• ICAISC 2012 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,November 28-29, 2012 Paris, Francehttps://www.waset.org/conferences/2012/fr/icaisc/• ICAISC 2013 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,June 9-13, 2013, Zakopane, Polandhttp://icaisc.eu/Reviewer - International Journals• <strong>Romanian</strong> Journal of Information Science and Technologyhttp://www.imt.ro/romjist/• CEJCS - Central European Journal of Computer Sciencehttp://link.springer.com/journal/13537• Journal - Engineering Optimization http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/geno20/current• Journal of Information Technology Research http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.4945v1Member in Program and Organizing Committees• July 13 - 16, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USAMemberin Program Committee ofthe5th InternationalConference on Data Mining(DMIN 2009), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13 - 16, 2009http://www.dmin--2009.com/• June 10 - 12, 2009, Salamanca, SpainMember in Program Committee of The 4th International Conference on HybridArtificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2009), Salamanca, Spain, June 10 - 12, 2009http://arg.vsb.cz/ndt2009/• August 4 - 6, 2009, London, United KingdomMember in Program Committee of The Second International Conference on theApplications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009), London,United Kingdom, August 4 - 6, 2009http://www.dirf.org/diwt2009/• December 20, 2009, Amman, JordanMember in Program Committee of The international Conference on Informationand Communication Systems (ICICS 2009), Amman, Jordan, December 20, 2009http://www.icics.info/13

• October 19 - 21, 2009, Kuantan, MalaysiaMember in Program Committee of International Conference on Software Engineeringand Computer Systems (ICSECS 2009), Kuantan, Malaysia, October 19 - 21,2009http://icsecs.ump.edu.my/• July 28 - 31, 2009, Ostrava, The Czech RepublicMember in Program Committee of the First International Conference on NetworkedDigital Technologies (NDT 2009), Ostrava, The Czech Republic, July 28 - 31, 2009http://arg.vsb.cz/ndt2009/• July 12 - 15, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USAMemberin Program Committee ofthe6th InternationalConference on Data Mining(DMIN 2010), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 12 - 15, 2010http://www.dmin-2010.com/• 23 - 24 May, 2011, Wroclaw, PolandMemberinProgramCommitteeofTheInternationalConferenceonHybridArtificialIntelligence Systemshttp://hais.pwr.wroc.pl/• 28 - 30 March, 2012 Salamanca, SpainMemberinProgramCommitteeofTheInternationalConferenceonHybridArtificialIntelligence Systemshttp://hais.usal.es/• June 4, 2008, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, RomaniaMember in Organizing Committee (secretariat) of the National Conference ZileleAcademice<strong>Cluj</strong>ene, SecţiuneaInformatică, ZAC2008, organizatădeDepartamentulde Informatică, <strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, Romania http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/zac2008/Editorial activity• Member in the Editorial Board al International Journal of Web Applications.http://www.dirf.org/ijwa/• Editorial Board for the Journal of Information Technology Review (JITR)http://www.dline.info/jitr/eb.php• Associate Editor of <strong>Romanian</strong> Journal of Information Science and Technology (sincedec. 2011)http://www.imt.ro/romjist/Membru in Organizaţii ştiinţifice• Association of Computing Machinery,ACM Member since August 2007, 2008www.acm.org14

• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE Member since November 2007, 2008IEEE Computer Society Membership,IEEE Computer Society Digital Library,www.ieee.orgwww.computer.orgParticipări la conferinţeConferinţe internaţionale• 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), Malacca, Malaysia,5 8 December 2011,http://www.mirlabs.org/his11/• Gheorghe Vranceanu National Conference on Mathematics and Informa- tics withinternational participation NCMI2011 Bacau.• The 9th RoEduNet International Conference, 24-26 June, Sibiu, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca,http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro/• Second international conference on Computational Intelligence, Mode- lling andSimulation, Bali, 28 30 September 2010http://uksim.info/cimsim2010/cimsim2010.htm• The 4th International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 10 - 12June, Salamanca, Spain, 2009.http://gicap.ubu.es/hais2009/• The 11th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 25 - 27March, Cambridge, England, 2009.http://www.uksim2009.org.uk/• The 3rd IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference on Software EngineeringTechniques CEE-SET 2008, 13-15 October, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008.http://cee-set.put.poznan.pl/2008/?q=node/3• FirstIEEEInternationalWorkshoponAutonomousandAutonomicSoftware-BasedSystems, October 27-31, Cergy Pontoise, Paris, France, 2008http://ocm.ensm-douai.fr/conf/ASBS2008/• First IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information andWeb Technologies (ICADIWT), 4 - 6 August, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2008.http://www.dirf.org/diwt2008/• The 2nd International Workshop Evolutionary Techniques in Data Processing, 1 -5 September, Turin, Italy, 2008.http://www.cs.vsb.cz/etid/2008/• The 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information andEngineering Systems, Invited session on Evolvable Hardware and Adaptive Systems- Advanced Engineering Design Methodologies and Applications, 3 - 5 September,15

Zagreb, Croatia, 2008.http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/kes/kes_adaptive.html• The 2nd UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, 8- 10 September, Liverpool, England, 2008.http://www.ems2008.org.uk/• The 3rd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 24 - 26September, Burgos, Spain, 2008.http://www2.ubu.es/hais2008/• The Fourth International Workshop on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization– Design and Applications (EMODA), 26 - 28 November, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2008.http://bit.kuas.edu.tw/~isda08/• InternationalConferenceonFundamentalScience, ICFS2007, Appliedmathematicsand computer science section, Oradea, Romania, November 9–10, 2007.http://stiinte.uoradea.ro/conf2007/• 3rd DoctoralWorkshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in ComputerScience, Znojmo, Czech Republic, October 26–28, 2007.http://www.memics.cz/• Second Annual International Conference of Students, Post-graduates and YoungScientists, Computer Science and Engineering,Lviv, Ukraine, October 4–6, 2007.www.cse-2007.ridne.net• The First International Conference on Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques,KEPT2007, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, România, 6 - 8 iunie 2007.http://cs.ubbcluj.ro/kept2007/• The8 th InternationalSymposiumonSymbolicandNumericAlgorithmsforScientificComputing, Timişoara, România, 26 - 29 Septembrie 2006.http://synasc06.info.uvt.ro/• The 5 th International Conference on Applied Mathematics ICAM5, Baia-Mare,România, 21 - 24 Septembrie 2006.http://www.ubm.ro/ro/icam5/• The 32 nd EUROMICRO Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA),Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croaţia, 29 August - 1 Septembrie 2006.http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/euromicro2006/• The 2 nd International Conference on Intelligence Computer Communication andProcessing, <strong>Cluj</strong>-Napoca, România, 1 - 2 Septembrie 2006.http://cs-gw.utcluj.ro/~iccp06/• The 6 th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Pecs, Hungary,12 - 15 iulie 2006.http://www.ddkkk.pte.hu/~macs6/16

• The 8 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,Zacopane, Polonia, 25 - 29 iunie 2006.http://www.icaisc.pcz.czest.pl/icaisc2006/• The 6 th International Conference Communications, Bucureşti, România, 8 - 10 iunie2006.• InternationalConferenceonComputers,Communications&Control,Oradea,România,1 - 3 iunie 2006.http://www.iccc.univagora.ro/iccc-2006/index.html• The7 th InternationalSymposiumonSymbolicandNumericAlgorithmsforScientificComputing, SYNASC, Timişoara, România, 25 - 29 Septembrie 2005.http://synasc05.info.uvt.ro/Conferinţe naţionale• <strong>Cluj</strong> Academic Days National Symposium, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, June 2, 2010• <strong>Cluj</strong> Computer Science Academic Colloquium, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, Romania, June 4,2008.• <strong>Cluj</strong> Academic Days National Symposium, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, Romania, June 5, 2006.• <strong>Cluj</strong> Computer Science Academic Colloquium, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, Romania, June 1–2,2005.• <strong>Cluj</strong> Academic Days National Symposium, <strong>Cluj</strong>–Napoca, Romania, June 14–22,2004.Premii şi distincţii• Premiu pentru articol ISI, Octombrie, 2009, CNCSIS.Etapa II, 1 aprilie 2009 - 15 octombrie.http://www.cncsis.ro/articole/1942/Etapa-II-2009.html– Vescan, A., Optimal component selection using a multiobjective evolutionaryalgorithm, International Journal on non-standard computing and artificial intelligence:Neural Network World, no. 2, pp. 201- 213, 2009.http://www.nnw.cz/Citari• Vescan, A., Component Adaptation Architectures. A Formal Approach, Proceedingsof the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Informationand Engineering Systems, Invited session on Evolvable Hardware and AdaptiveSystems - Advanced Engineering Design Methodologies and Applications, 3 - 5 September,Zagreb, Croatia, LNCS/LNAI 5179, Eds.: Lovrek, Ignac; Howlett, RobertJ.; Jain, Lakhmi C., ISBN: 978-3-540-85566-8, pp. 319-326, 2008http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/kes/kes_adaptive.htm17

1. Fahmi, Syed Ahsan; Choi, Ho-Jin, A Study on Software Component SelectionMethods, 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology,Location: Phoenix Pk, SOUTH KOREA, FEB 15-18, 2009 ,pp. 288-292,2009 (source: from Web of Science)• Serban, C., Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., A new Component Selection Algorithm Basedon Metrics and Fuzzy Clustering Analysis, Proceedings of the 4th InternationalConference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 10 - 12 June, Salamanca,Spain, LNCS Vol. 5572, Corchado, E.; Wu, X.; Oja, E.; Herrero, A.; Baruque, B.(Eds.), ISBN: 978-3-642-02318-7, pp. 621 – 628, 2009.1. Boulehouache Soufiane, Maamri Remdane, and Sahnoun Zaidi,, Utility-basedRoles-Fulfillers Selection,Proceeding of Parallel and Distributed Computingand Networks: Software Engineering, February 15 – 17, 2011, Innsbruck, pp.226-231, Austria.2. MV PUSCA, HF POP, NM ROMAN, V IANCU, PROCESSING ECG DATAUSING MULTIVARIATE DATA ANALYSIS,Annals of the Academy of <strong>Romanian</strong>Scientists Series on Science and Technology of Information,Volume 3,Number 2/2010, pp 23 -38.3. Torres, R., Improving the Component Discovery Process by Leveraging AutomaticSensitive Analysis, Fifth Brazilian Symposium onSoftware Components,Architectures and Reuse (SBCARS), pp. 81-89, 20114. Indika Meedeniya, Architecture Optimisation of Embedded Systems under Uncertaintyin Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation Model Parameters, Faculty ofInformation and Communication Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology,Phd Thesis, July 2012.5. Muhammad Ali Khan Sajjad Mahmood, A graph based requirements clusteringapproach for component selection, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume54, pp.1–16, 2012• Vescan, A., A Metrics-based Evolutionary Approach for the Component SelectionProblem, the 11th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation(UKSim 2009), pp. 83-88, 2009.http://www.uksim2009.org.uk/1. Indika Meedeniya, Architecture Optimisation of Embedded Systems under Uncertaintyin Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation Model Parameters, Faculty ofInformation and Communication Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology,Phd Thesis, July 2012.• Vescan, A., Pareto dominance - based approach for the Component Selection Problem,Proceedings of the 2nd UKSim European Symposium on Computer ModellingandSimulation, 8-10September, Liverpool, England, ISBN:978-0-7695-3325-4, pp.58-63, 2008.http://www.ems2008.org.uk/1. Boulehouache Soufiane, Maamri Remdane, and Sahnoun Zaidi,, Utility-basedRoles-Fulfillers Selection,Proceeding of Parallel and Distributed Computingand Networks: Software Engineering, February 15 – 17, 2011, pp. 226-231,Innsbruck, Austria.18

2. Cortellessa,V.,SelectingOptimalMaintenancePlansBased on Cost/ReliabilityTradeoffs for Software Subject to Structural and Behavioral Changes, 14th EuropeanConference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), pp.21-30, 20103. Arvind Kumar, Pradeep Tomar and Deepak Panwar, CHALLENGES FACEDDURING SOFTWARE COMPONENT SELECTION,International Journal ofComputer Science Engineering Research and Development (IJCSERD), Volume1, Number 1, pp. 10-14, 2011.• Vescan, A., Grosan, C., A Hybrid Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach for theComponent Selection Problem, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop onHybridArtificialIntelligenceSystems,24-26September,Burgos,Spain,LNCS/LNAI5271, Eds.: Corchado, Emilio; Abraham, Ajith; Pedrycz, Witold, ISBN: 978-3-540-87655-7, pp, 164-171, 2008.http://www2.ubu.es/hais2008/1. Boulehouache Soufiane, Maamri Remdane, and Sahnoun Zaidi,, Utility-basedRoles-Fulfillers Selection,Proceeding of Parallel and Distributed Computingand Networks: Software Engineering, February 15 – 17, 2011, pp. 226-231,Innsbruck, Austria.2. Indika Meedeniya, Architecture Optimisation of Embedded Systems under Uncertaintyin Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation Model Parameters, Faculty ofInformation and Communication Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology,Phd Thesis, July 2012.• Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., Automatic configuration for the component selection problem,In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Soft computing astransdisciplinary sicence and technology, Paris, France, Eds: Richard Chbeir, YouakimBadr, Ajith Abraham, Dominique Laurent, Fernando Ferri, ACM, ISBN:978-1-60558-046-3, pp. 479-483, 2008.http://ocm.ensm-douai.fr/conf/ASBS2008/1.2. MV PUSCA, HF POP, NM ROMAN, V IANCU, PROCESSING ECG DATAUSING MULTIVARIATE DATA ANALYSIS,Annals of the Academy of <strong>Romanian</strong>Scientists Series on Science and Technology of Information,Volume 3,Number 2/2010, pp 23 -38.3. Lamb, D., Global Observation for Distributed Autonomic Networks, 2010 SeventhIEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Autonomicand Autonomous Systems (EASe),pp. 79 - 88 , 2010.• Vescan, A., Grosan, C., Pop, H. F., Evolutionary Algorithms for the ComponentSelection Problem, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop EvolutionaryTechniques in Data Processing, 1 - 5 September, Turin, Italy, pp. 509-513, 2008.http://www.dexa.org/previous/dexa2008/index.html1. Muhammad Ali Khan, Sajjad Mahmood, Optimal Component Selection forComponent-Based Systems,Innovations in Computing Sciences and SoftwareEngineering 2010, pp 467-47219

2. Agarwal, A. , A System-Level Modeling Methodology for Performance-DrivenComponent Selection in Multicore Architectures, IEEE Systems Journal, Volume:6 , Issue: 2, Page(s): 317 - 328, 2012.• Serban, C., Vescan, A., Pop, H. F., A conceptual framework for component-basedsystem metrics definition, the 9th RoEduNet International Conference, pp. 73-78,2010.http://roedu2010.ulbsibiu.ro/1. Majdi Abdellatief, , Abu Bakar Md Sultan , Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, ,Marzanah A. Jabar, A mapping study to investigate component-based softwaresystem metrics, Journal of Systems and Software Volume 86, Issue 3, March2013, Pages 587–603• Vescan, A., Grosan, C., Two Evolutionary Multiobjective Approaches for the ComponentSelection Problem, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop onEvolutionary Multiobjective Optimization – Design and Applications, 26 - 28 November,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Eds: Jeng-Shyang Pan,Ajith Abraham,Chin-ChenChang, Vol 2, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3382-7, pp. 395 - 400, 2008.http://bit.kuas.edu.tw/~isda08/1. Boulehouache Soufiane, Maamri Remdane, and Sahnoun Zaidi,, Utility-basedRoles-Fulfillers Selection,Proceeding of Parallel and Distributed Computingand Networks: Software Engineering, February 15 – 17, 2011, pp. 226-231,Innsbruck, Austria.• Vescan, A., Component Adaptation Architectures. A Formal Approach, Proceedingsof the 12th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Informationand Engineering Systems, Invited session on Evolvable Hardware and AdaptiveSystems - Advanced Engineering Design Methodologies and Applications, 3 - 5 September,Zagreb, Croatia, LNCS/LNAI 5179, Eds.: Lovrek, Ignac; Howlett, RobertJ.; Jain, Lakhmi C., ISBN: 978-3-540-85566-8, pp. 319-326, 2008http://www.bel.utcluj.ro/ci/kes/kes_adaptive.htm1. Fahmi, S.A. , A study on software component selection methods, 11th InternationalConference on Advanced Communication Technology, ICACT 2009, pp.288 - 292• Vescan, A., Pintea, C. – M., Ant Colony Component-based System for TravelingSalesman Problem, Journal of Applied Mathematical Science, ISSN 1312-885X, vol.1, no. 28, 1347–1357, 2007.http://m-hikari.com/ams/index.htmlhttp://www.ams.org/mathscinet/http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/1. Khode, Sandeep G., Ant Colony Optimization Based Software Component Retrieval,AntColonyOptimizationBasedSoftwareComponentRetrieval,MasterThesis, June 2009• Fanea, A., Diosan, L., Components Execution Order using Genetic Algorithms,Studia Universitas <strong>Babes</strong>-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, Seria Informatica, Volume L, No. 2, pp. 23–32,20

2005.http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/2005-2/index.php1. Kavita Choudhary,GA Based Optimization of Software Development EffortEstimation, IJCST Vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2010, ISSN: 0976-8491, pp.38-40, Source: SCOPUS.Awards• Award for an ISI paper, Octomber, 2009, CNCSIS.Stage II, 1 April 2009 - 15 October.http://www.cncsis.ro/articole/1942/Etapa-II-2009.html– Vescan, A., Optimal component selection using a multiobjective evolutionaryalgorithm, International Journal on non-standard computing and artificial intelligence:Neural Network World, no. 2, pp. 201- 213, 2009.http://www.nnw.cz/Limbi străine• engleză - scris, citit, vorbit: bine.• italiană - scris, citit, vorbit: satisfăcător.• franceză - scris, citit, vorbit: satisfăcător.Alte informaţiiLimbaje de programare: Pascal, C/C++, Java, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic.Sisteme de operare: Microsoft Windows, UNIX.Referinţe• Prof. Dr. Militon Frenţiu,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>,Str. M. Kogălniceanu nr. 1,400084, <strong>Cluj</strong> - Napoca, România,Tel: +40.64.405.325,Fax: +,Email : mfrentiu@cs.ubbcluj.ro.• Prof. Dr. Bazil Pârv,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>,Str. M. Kogălniceanu nr. 1,400084, <strong>Cluj</strong> - Napoca, România,21

Tel: +40.64.405.325,Fax: +,Email : bparv@cs.ubbcluj.ro.• Prof. Dr. Horia–F. Pop,Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică,<strong>Universitatea</strong> Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>,Str. M. Kogălniceanu nr. 1,400084, <strong>Cluj</strong> - Napoca, România,Tel: +40.64.405.325,Fax: +,Email : hfpop@cs.ubbcluj.ro.Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt în conformitate cu realitatea.Andreea Vescan22

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