Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan

Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan


Part A ‐ Ideas for ImprovementFrom April 2011 to March 2012, we will:• Continue to monitor adherence to practice guidelines for ventilatorassociatedpneumonia and central line infection.• Use physician champions to promote hand hygiene among staff.Encourage patients to ask staff if they’ve washed their hands yet. Monitorcompliance monthly and post results on each ward.• Update our clinical information system so that we can track compliance on25 key clinical best practices for heart attack, sepsis and VTE prophylaxisand feed information on individual physician performance back tophysicians.• Enhance the medication reconciliation process and ensure all patientsleave knowing, for each drug, the dosage, purpose, and changes made tomedications while in hospital.42

Ideas for Improvement cont.From April 2011 to March 2012, we will:• Enhance the medication reconciliation process and ensure all patientsleave knowing, for each drug, the dosage, purpose, and changes made tomedications while in hospital.• Use database‐driven discharge summaries to eliminate delays in sendingout discharge summaries.• Implement LEAN to reduce turn‐around times for lab and diagnosticimaging• Update our bed tracking system in the ED and hospital to ensure beds aremade available as soon as possible after they are vacated• Train 10 additional staff on LEAN process improvement at the green‐beltlevel43

Ideas for <strong>Improvement</strong> cont.From April 2011 to March 2012, we will:• Enhance the medication reconciliation process and ensure all patientsleave knowing, for each drug, the dosage, purpose, and changes made tomedications while in hospital.• Use database‐driven discharge summaries to eliminate delays in sendingout discharge summaries.• Implement LEAN to reduce turn‐around times for lab and diagnosticimaging• Update our bed tracking system in the ED and hospital to ensure beds aremade available as soon as possible after they are vacated• Train 10 additional staff on LEAN process improvement at the green‐beltlevel43

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