Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan

Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan Completing Yo r Q alit Completing Your Quality Improvement Plan


Patient Experience SurveyThis coming year's score would have toreach this level before you could sayyou’ve made a statistically significantimprovement:If last year's score was:if collect 100surveys / yr)if 300surveys / yr50% 64% 58% 54%60% 73% 68% 64%70% 82% 77% 74%80% 90% 86% 83%if 1000surveys / yrAssuming same sample size each year.10

More Advanced Analyses• Run chart & run chart rules• Statistical process control charts• Oh Other statistical i tests (e.g. Chi‐sq for trend)11

More Advanced Analyses• Run chart & run chart rules• Statistical process control charts• Oh Other statistical i tests (e.g. Chi‐sq for trend)11

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