Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...


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26 <strong>Histopathology</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Seed</strong>-<strong>Borne</strong> <strong>Infections</strong>ptzABcaqcbmqEIciii′mnn′FJmciii′mnn′Gii′mciHcotsiCDKLMFIGURE 2.9 Development <strong>of</strong> endosperm and embryo. A, B, Arachis hypogaea. Embryo sacswith two and several endosperm nuclei (nuclear type). C, D, Sesamum indicum. Ls embryosac to show initial stages in cellular type <strong>of</strong> endosperm development. E to K, Development<strong>of</strong> embryo in Viola tricolor. Note the bilateral symmetry in cordate embryo (dicotyledon type).L, M, Late stages from the development <strong>of</strong> embryo in Najas lacerata (monocot) showingdifferentiation <strong>of</strong> shoot initials on one side and single cotyledon in terminal position. (Abbreviations:cot, cotyledon; pt, pollen tube; si, shoot initials; z, zygote; the rest are the usualabbreviations used for terms that trace embryo development.) (A, B, From Prakash, S. 1960.Phytomorphology 10: 60–64; C, D, From Singh, S.P. 1960. Phytomorphology 10: 65–82; Eto K, Singh, D. 1963. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 42: 448–462; L, M, Redrawn from Swamy, B.G.L.and Krishnanurthy, K.V. 1980. From Flower to Fruit — Embryology <strong>of</strong> Flowering Plants.Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.)

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