Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...

Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections - Applied Research Center ...


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<strong>Seed</strong> Infection by Bacteria 179TABLE 6.1<strong>Seed</strong> Infecting Bacterial PathogensBacteria Host (Disease) <strong>Seed</strong> PartImportantReferencesXanthomonas axonopodispv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye(X. phaseoli (Smith)Dowson; Bacteriumphaseoli (Smith) Smith)X. a. pv. phaseoli var.fuscans Vauterin et al.X. a. pv. malvacearum(Smith) Dye(X. malvacearum(Smith) Dowson)X. a. pv. cajani (Kulkarniet al.) Vauterin et al.(=X. cajani Kulkarniet al.)X. campestris pv.campestris (Pammel)Dowson (X. campestris)(Pammel) Dowson)X. oryzae pv. oryzae(Ishiyama) Swings et al.(X. oryzae (Uyeda andIshiyama) Dowson; X. c.pv. oryzae (Ishiyama)Dye)X. oryzae pv. oryzicola(Fang et al.) Swingset al. (X. c. pv. oryzicola(Fang et al.) Dye)Phaseolus, Lablab(bacterial blight)Phaseolus (fuscusblight)Gossypium (bacterialblight, angular leafspot)Cajanus (leaf spot,canker)Brassica (black rot)Oryza (bacterial leafblight)Oryza (bacterial leafstreak)Xanthomonas<strong>Seed</strong> coat, embryo Burkholder, 1921;Zaumeyer, 1930;Weller and Saettlar,1980<strong>Seed</strong> coat, hilum Weller and Saettler,1980<strong>Seed</strong> coat, embryo Tennyson, 1936;Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f andHunter, 1963<strong>Seed</strong> coat, embryo<strong>Seed</strong> coat, endosperm,embryoSharma, 1996, Sharmaet al., 2001Cook et al.,1952;Sharma et al., 1992Glumes, endosperm Fang et al., 1956;Srivastava and Rao,1964; Mukerjee andSingh, 1983Glumes, endospermsurfaceShekhawat et al., 1969Pseudomonas savastanoipv. phaseolicola(Burkholder) Gardenet al.P. s. pv. glycinea(Coerper) Gardan et al.(P. glycinea Coerper)Phaseolus (bacterialhalo blight)Glycine (bacterialblight)Pseudomonas<strong>Seed</strong> coat, surface <strong>of</strong>cotyledons<strong>Seed</strong> coat, embryoTaylor et al., 1979Parashar and Leben,1972(continued)

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