The development of strategies for terpenoid structure determination

The development of strategies for terpenoid structure determination

The development of strategies for terpenoid structure determination


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<strong>The</strong>se methods are not constrained by ring size and maycope with a diversity <strong>of</strong> skeletal types. An illustration <strong>of</strong> thisinvolves the elucidation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>structure</strong> <strong>of</strong> a sester<strong>terpenoid</strong>,nitiol 87, 138 which was isolated from a Peruvian folk medicine,hercampuri (Gentianella nitida). This <strong>terpenoid</strong> contains atwelve-membered ring. Interpretation <strong>of</strong> the 1 H– 1 H COSY andHMQC spectra led to the identification <strong>of</strong> the part <strong>structure</strong>sshown in 88. <strong>The</strong> HMBC spectrum revealed the connectivity <strong>of</strong>these partial <strong>structure</strong>s illustrating the way in which the HMBCspectrum can bridge quaternary centres. <strong>The</strong> relative stereochemistryfollowed from the NOESY spectrum.However reviewing <strong>strategies</strong> <strong>of</strong> this type sometimes leavesan impression <strong>of</strong> a <strong>structure</strong> that is consistent with the data butnot necessarily proven by it to the exclusion <strong>of</strong> other possibilities.<strong>The</strong>se approaches may be linked to computer assisted<strong>structure</strong> elucidation programs 139 which have as their objectivethe generation <strong>of</strong> all possible <strong>structure</strong>s that are consistent withthe spectroscopic data, minimizing the impact <strong>of</strong> human prejudicefavouring particular <strong>structure</strong>s but at the same time takingaway the intellectual challenge posed by this aspect <strong>of</strong> naturalproduct chemistry.20 References1 J. 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