VX One Sail Trim-2013Nas.pdf - North Sails - One Design

VX One Sail Trim-2013Nas.pdf - North Sails - One Design

VX One Sail Trim-2013Nas.pdf - North Sails - One Design


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<strong>VX</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Sail</strong> <strong>Trim</strong>NAs Rush Creek TXNovember 8, 2013Prepared by Ched Proctor

<strong>VX</strong> <strong>One</strong> Speed ReportPictures from the first day of racing at the <strong>VX</strong> <strong>One</strong><strong>North</strong> American Championship at Rush Creek YachtClub with a few comments.Please feel free to contact meif you’d like to discuss.Ched Proctorched@od.northsails.com

1404Doolittle #125Tuning up prior to race- Wind still light

David Reich 1546- 20 degrees heel- Tiller angle inducing heelJib carabove ½ in

Brian Bennett 1511- Jib car well down- Main and jib twistedfor puff- To maintain heel at15 degreesPotter-Guggenheim1515- Jib further in

1519Bennett 1508- Greater leech twistfrom looser trim- 15 degree heel angleJohn PotterDave Guggenheim- Tighter trim

Norris 1509Start of race 3Jib twist hasmiddle telltaleliftingLight wind afterstart of race #3Bennettconsistentheel angleNorrisneedingmorepower toinduceheel andpointingGnav onportside!

1467Contrast in crewposition Fore-aft1465

1460131 BrennanShowingsubstantial heel- Main and jibtrim look tighterthan Bennett’sBennett.Later in lighter windCar over #3 refLooks likethey broughtjib carfurther in.

BennettLuff straps adjusted long.Allows draft to moveback in lower mainBow quite farout of water

1459Maintains 15degree or lessheelDoolittleSkipper hiking withback foot over vangcleat. Crew close infront

1446Brian Bennett hikingaft of Vang cleat.- Is the vang cleatfurther forward on thisboat?148 seemed tosail with moreheel than othertop boats.Bow stillin thewater

Jim Myersdownwind withlooser vang thananyone else

Helmsman sitting in.Affect is to allow lowerangle and keep boatheeled to leeward

124 showing vang andweight placement1482

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