Adolescent Brain Development - the Youth Advocacy Division

Adolescent Brain Development - the Youth Advocacy Division Adolescent Brain Development - the Youth Advocacy Division
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6. Hillary Massey, 8 th Amendment and Juvenile Life Without Parole after Roper, 47 B. C. L. REV. 1083 (2006). 7. Staci Gruber & Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Neurobiology and the Law: A Role in Juvenile Justice? 3 OHIO ST. J. OF CRIM. L. 321 (2006). 8. Margo Gardner & Laurence Steinberg, Peer Influence on Risk Taking, Risk Preference, and Risky Decision-Making in Adolescence and Adulthood: An Experimental Study, 41 DEV. PSYCHOL. 625 (2005). 9. Press Release, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Adolescent Brains Show Reduced Reward Anticipation, (Feb. 25, 2004). 10. Laurence Steinberg & Elizabeth Scott, Less Guilty By Reason of Adolescence: Developmental Immaturity, Diminished Responsibility, and the Juvenile Death Penalty, 58 AMER. PSYCHOL. 1009 (2003). IV. Reports and Other Advocacy Resources 1. CHILD. LAW CTR. OF MASS., UNTIL THEY DIE A NATURAL DEATH: YOUTH SENTENCED TO LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE IN MASSACHUSETTS (2009). 2. Wendy Paget Henderson, Life After Roper: Using Adolescent Brain Development in Court, 11 A.B.A. CHILD. RTS 1, 1 (2009). 3. Connie de la Vega & Michelle Leighton, Sentencing Our Children to Die in Prison: Global Law and Practice, 42 U.S.F.L. REV. 983 (2008). 4. HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, THE REST OF THEIR LIVES: LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE FOR YOUTH IN THE UNITED STATES IN 2008 (2008). 5. A.B.A. RECOMMENDATION 105C, Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing Youthful Offenders (2008). 6. Allstate Advertisement, WALL STREET JOURNAL, May 17, 2007. 7. Less Guilty By Reason of Adolescence, Issue Brief (MacArthur Found. Res. Network on Adolescent Dev. & Juv. Just., 2006. (last visited May 19, 2010) 8. National Institute of Mental Health, Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress, 2001. V. Expert Testimonies/Briefs Addressing Expert Evidence 1. Amici Curiae Brief of the American Psychological Association, et al., Graham v. Florida and Sullivan v. Florida (2009) 2. Affidavit of Dr. Staci A. Gruber (2009) 3. Declaration of Ruben C. Gur, Ph.D., Patterson v. Texas (2002) 4. Testimony of Ruben C. Gur, Ph. D., People v. Clark, (Illinois) 5. Testimony of David Fassler, M.D., New Hampshire State Legislature (2004) 6. Interview with Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, PBS Frontline (2002) VI. Supreme Court Opinions 1. Graham v. Florida – Majority opinion given by Justice Kennedy. Full opinion available at 2. Graham v. Florida Quotes 3. Roper v. Simmons – Majority opinion given by Justice Kennedy 4. Atkins v. Virginia – Majority opinion given by Justice Stevens 5. Thompson v. Oklahoma – Majority opinion given by Justice Stevens

VII. Legal Motions from MA 1. Motion to dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2009 2. Memo of law to dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2009 3. Motion to Dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2007 4. Massachusetts Exhibit Appendix (Jack Cunha) – 2007 5. Memo of Law to Dismiss (Jack Cunha) – 2007 6. Motion to Dismiss YO (Ken King) – 2007 7. Memo to Dismiss (Ken King) – 2007 8. Motion for Evidentiary Hearing (Ken King) – 2007 9. Motion to Dismiss (Patricia Downey) – 2005 VIII. Legal Motions from Other States 1. Petitioner Brief, Sullivan v. Florida (2009) 2. Petitioner Brief, Graham v. Florida (2009) 3. Pennsylvania – Amici Brief 4. Pennsylvania – Cover Sheet 5. Alabama – Juvenile LWOP Brief 6. Alabama – Sentencing Transcript 7. Colorado – Flakes v. People 8. Colorado – Apprendi Motion 9. Colorado – Cert Petition 10. Illinois – Motion Transfer Unconstitutional 11. Illinois – Reply Brief 12. Illinois – Appellant Brief 13. New Mexico – Motion to Dismiss 14. Washington, D.C. – Motion to Dismiss 15. Washington, D.C. – Reply Letter 16. Washington, D.C. – 2 nd Reply Letter IX. State Statutes 1. 50 State Chart of JLWOP Law (National Conference of State Legislators) X. Helpful Websites 1. List of helpful websites

VII. Legal Motions from MA<br />

1. Motion to dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2009<br />

2. Memo of law to dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2009<br />

3. Motion to Dismiss YO (Jack Cunha) – 2007<br />

4. Massachusetts Exhibit Appendix (Jack Cunha) – 2007<br />

5. Memo of Law to Dismiss (Jack Cunha) – 2007<br />

6. Motion to Dismiss YO (Ken King) – 2007<br />

7. Memo to Dismiss (Ken King) – 2007<br />

8. Motion for Evidentiary Hearing (Ken King) – 2007<br />

9. Motion to Dismiss (Patricia Downey) – 2005<br />

VIII. Legal Motions from O<strong>the</strong>r States<br />

1. Petitioner Brief, Sullivan v. Florida (2009)<br />

2. Petitioner Brief, Graham v. Florida (2009)<br />

3. Pennsylvania – Amici Brief<br />

4. Pennsylvania – Cover Sheet<br />

5. Alabama – Juvenile LWOP Brief<br />

6. Alabama – Sentencing Transcript<br />

7. Colorado – Flakes v. People<br />

8. Colorado – Apprendi Motion<br />

9. Colorado – Cert Petition<br />

10. Illinois – Motion Transfer Unconstitutional<br />

11. Illinois – Reply Brief<br />

12. Illinois – Appellant Brief<br />

13. New Mexico – Motion to Dismiss<br />

14. Washington, D.C. – Motion to Dismiss<br />

15. Washington, D.C. – Reply Letter<br />

16. Washington, D.C. – 2 nd Reply Letter<br />

IX. State Statutes<br />

1. 50 State Chart of JLWOP Law (National Conference of State Legislators)<br />

X. Helpful Websites<br />

1. List of helpful websites

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