Not all hydrophobic IOLs are AcrySof® IQ IOLs

Not all hydrophobic IOLs are AcrySof® IQ IOLs

Not all hydrophobic IOLs are AcrySof® IQ IOLs


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<strong>Not</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>hydrophobic</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> <strong>are</strong> AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong>

Unmatched biocompatibilityThe highest capsular adhesion…Even when comp<strong>are</strong>d to similar materials, the unique <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic compositionof AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> demonstrates superior adhesion to the lens capsule. 9AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> IOL Bioadhesion Comp<strong>are</strong>d toSimilar Hydrophobic Materials 1080%70%Surface Occupied by LECs (%)60%50%40%30%20%10%0%HydrophilicMaterialAMOHydrophobicHybridMaterialAcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> SN60WF…for the lowest incidence of Nd:YAG rates.Clinical evidence shows that improved capsule adhesion correlates to:• Excellent IOL stability 10• Lower incidence of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) 10Treatment by Nd:YAG Laser 1236-Month Postoperative Follow-UpPatients Treated by Nd:YAG Laser (%)60%50%40%30%20%10%0%Acrysof ® SA60ATAMO Sensat*XL-Stabi*HydrophilicLOWEST Nd:YAG Rates*All trademarks <strong>are</strong> the property of their respective owners.

Smarter composition, superior outcomes<strong>Not</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic lenses perform the same. While many <strong>IOLs</strong> <strong>are</strong> technic<strong>all</strong>ymade of <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic material, their over<strong>all</strong> chemical compositions may differconsiderably. These differences can impact many aspects of IOL performance, such ascapsular adhesion and stability, which can significantly affect patient outcomes. 1,2Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL Characteristics Comparison 2-5Manufacturer Material Composition Refractive IndexAcrySof ® IOL(Alcon)Tecnis *(AMO)AF-1 *(HOYA)Copolymer of phenylethyl acrylate and phenylethylmethacrylate, cross linked with butanediol diacrylate 2 1.55 2,3Copolymer of ethyl acrylate, ethyl methacrylate,2,2,2-trifluorethyl methacrylate, cross linked with ethylene 1.47 2,4glycol dimethacrylate 2Cross linked copolymer of phenylethyl methacrylate andn-butyl acrylate, fluoroalkyl methacrylate 2 1.52 2,5Water content: A critical factorClinical evidence shows a correlation between higher IOL water content andincreased incidence of adverse effects, such as posterior capsule opacification andmaterial calcification. 6,7 Water Content Comparison 8IOL Brand * Model Number Polymer Water Content (%)AcrySof ®† SN60WF Hydrophobic 0.2%Tecnis *† ZA9003 Hydrophobic 0.69%HOYA *† AF-1 Hydrophobic 0.77%EnVista * MX60 Hydrophobic/4.6%Hydrophilic HybridAkreos ®* M160 Hydrophilic 26%*All trademarks <strong>are</strong> the property of their respective owners.†There has not been a study to show that the differences betweenthese water content values <strong>are</strong> clinic<strong>all</strong>y significant.

Proven performanceAcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic lenses <strong>are</strong> the most widely studied in the world. 8The proprietary material has continu<strong>all</strong>y demonstrated:• Unsurpassed bioadhesion 2 :– Low PCO formation– Excellent stability and centration• Exceptional biomechanics 1 :– Unmatched refractive stability– Patented STABLEFORCE ® haptics• Blue-light filtration:– Increased macular pigment density 12– Improved photostress recovery 13– Reduced gl<strong>are</strong> disability 14

Exclusive biomechanical advantagesThe proprietary single-piece design of AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> isengineered for stability and strength within the capsular bag.Featuring a unique STABLEFORCE ® haptic configuration withhighly consistent compression forces, AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> havebeen shown to 15 :• Minimize axial displacement• Provide excellent positioning stability• Deliver predictable refractive outcomesVersatility forunique eyesThe STABLEFORCE ®haptic design ofAcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong>provides stable lenspositioning over awide range of lenscapsule diameters. 16Long-term refractive stabilityAcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> demonstrate exceptional refractive stabilityover time. This makes them particularly well suited fortoric and multifocal IOL implantation, where precision andconsistency <strong>are</strong> vital.10.5 mmRefractive Outcomes Over Time 11.510 mm1.0Spherical Equivalent (D)0.50.0-0.5-1.02 days 1 week 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 monthsn=40 patientsPostoperative Period9.5 mm9 mm

The power of a proven platformAs the world’s most widely implanted family of intraocular lenses,AcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong> also deliver:Advanced Optics• Proven aspheric design for image quality 17• Thin edge profileEase of Implantation with MONARCH® Delivery Systems• Consistent delivery• Multiple delivery system options• Predictably unfoldsTrusted Leadership• Over 60 million AcrySof ® IOL implants 16• Backed by the Alcon network of supportAcrySof ® <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>IOLs</strong>: Engineered with exceptional material so youcan implant with confidence.1. Nejima R, et al. Prospective intrapatient comparison of 6.0-millimeter optic single-piece and 3-piece <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic foldable intraocular lenses. Ophthalmology. 2006;113(4);585-590.2. Linnola RJ, Sund M, Ylonen R, et al. Adhesion of soluble fibronectin, laminin, collagen type IV to intraocular lens materials. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1999;1486-1491.3. Directions for Use. Model <strong>AcrySof®</strong> <strong>IQ</strong> IOL. Alcon, Inc.4. Directions for Use. Model The TECNIS 1-Piece IOL. Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.5. Directions for Use. Model AF-1 iSymm Acrylic Lens. HOYA Corporation.6. Nanavaty MA, Spalton DJ, Boyce JF. Influence of different acrylic intraocular lens materials on optical quality of vision in pseudophakic eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011;37(7):1230-8.7. Drimtzias EG, Rokidi SG, Gartaganis SP, Koutsoukos PG. Experimental investigation on mechanism of hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens calcification. Am J Ophthalmol. 2011;152(5):824-33.e1.8. Data on file.9. Pagnoulle C, Bozukova D, Gobin L, Bertrand V, Gillet-De Pauw MC. Assessment of new-generation glistening-free <strong>hydrophobic</strong> acrylic intraocular lens material. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2012;38(7):1271-7.10. Reijo J, Linnola, Sandwich theory: Bioactivity-based explanation for posterior capsule opacification. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.1997;23:1539-1542.11. Boreau C, et al. Incidence of Nd:YAG laser capsulotomies after cataract surgery: comparison of 3 squ<strong>are</strong>-edged lenses of different composition. Can J Ophthalmol. 2009 Apr;44(2):165-70.12. Obana, et al. Macular pigment changes in pseudophakic eyes quantified with resonance Raman spectroscopy. Ophthalmology. 2011 Sep;118(9):1852-8.13. Hammond B, et al. Contralateral comparison of blue-filtering and non-blue-filtering intraocular lenses: gl<strong>are</strong> disability, heterochromatic contrast, and photostress recovery.Clinical Ophthalmology. 2010;4:1465–1473.14. Gray R, et al. Reduced effect of gl<strong>are</strong> disability on driving performance in patients with blue light-filtering intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Jan;37(1):38-44.15. Wirtitsch MG, et al. Effect of haptic design on change in axial lens position after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2004;30(1);45-51.16. Independent third party research; Data on file, December 2011.17. Results of a controlled, randomized, double-masked, multicenter, contralateral implant clinical study of the <strong>AcrySof®</strong> <strong>IQ</strong> IOL versus a spherical control lens(<strong>AcrySof®</strong> Single-Piece IOL Model SA60AT). See <strong>AcrySof®</strong> <strong>IQ</strong> IOL Directions for Use.© 2013 Novartis 1/13 N<strong>IQ</strong>12407FC

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