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ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMI am a fan of collectors who buy parcels. You never run the risk of running out of your favorite wines. Lots 544-662 proveyet again why you should buy a lot of what you love and know to be great. Parcels of 1989 Cos, 2009 Ducru, 2010 Montrose,1995 Lafleur, 1983 & 1994 Mouton, 2009 Lynch Bages and 1997 Yquem halves make that point emphatically. Asdo magnums of 1998 Le Pin and 2005 Petrus. I suggest you pay sopecial attention to the case lots of rare Haut BrionBlanc and Laville Haut Brion, two very special wines, as should Burgundy lovers the 1989 Rousseau Beze, 1999 VogueMusigny and 1990 Henri Jayer Echezeaux. This intelligent collector made sure Champagne would never be an issue norshould you. So he is offering parcels of 1996 Dom Perignon Oenotheque, 2002 Dom Perignon Rose, 2002 Cristal 2000and 2002 Taittinger Artist Collection, along with brilliant wines from Clos Ste. Hune, Solaia, Masseto and Sassicaia.I am very fortunate. I love what I do and the friendships we have created. Like so many of you, my work is a labor of loveand hard work alike. As I said at the beginning having two significant verticals of Europe’s great estates would be awonderful achievement. We have Nine (!) in this single auction. Amazing! Within these pages you will find far moreinformation about what are, for you our friends and clients, rare chances to acquire Europe’s greatest, from early vintages tothe present, thanks to ‘The Great Curator.’ In the Art World, this gentlemen would be director of the Met or the Louvre,but thankfully, he lives for wine.Dig into each vertical within the catalog, as I know you will enjoy the insights we have about:• A spectacular 24 vintage vertical of Romanée Conti (lot 512)• A Lucky 8 case, vintage vertical of increasingly rare DRC assortments (lot 513)• An incredible 63-vintage vertical of Lafite (lot 349)• A rare 40 vintage vertical of Petrus (lot 445A)• A 68-vintage vertical of monumental Mouton (lot 349A)• A 61-vintage vertical of the beautiful Chateau Margaux (lot 445)• A 23-vintage vertical celebrates every single vintage of Masseto (lot 540)• A monumental 10-vintage vertical of Sassacaia in Double Magnums (lot 539)• A near-complete 14-vintage vertical collection of Sassicaia in Magnums (lot 538A)These are once-in-a-lifetime lots, instant collections of the greatest of the great, showpieces for the best of cellars, and opportunitiesto conduct some of the greatest tastings of all-time! Saturday, October 26 th in Grissini at the Grand HyattHotel is the date. Join me for this special day at 10am, it’s going to be another wild weekend here in Hong Kong!In Vino Veritas,John KaponCEO, Acker Merrall & ConditAcker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com5

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM場 外 出 價欲 透 過 傳 真 、 電 郵 或 電 話 方 式 參 與 競 投 的 人 士 請 注 意 以 下 事 項若 閣 下 有 意 透 過 傳 真 作 出 競 投 :請 於 2013 年 10 月 25 日 ( 星 期 五 ) 香 港 時 間 晚 上 9 時 前 把 場 外 出 價 表 格 傳 真 至 +852.2525.0598。若 閣 下 有 意 透 過 電 郵 作 出 競 投 :請 於 2013 年 10 月 25 日 ( 星 期 五 ) 香 港 時 間 晚 上 9 時 前 把 場 外 出 價 表 格 電 郵 至 info@ackerasia.com。在 發 送 傳 真 或 電 郵 前 , 請 確 保 閣 下 已 填 妥 場 外 出 價 表 格 上 各 項 的 所 需 資 料 。請 勿 郵 遞 閣 下 的 場 外 出 價 表 格 。若 閣 下 有 意 透 過 電 話 作 出 競 投 :請 於 香 港 時 間 星 期 一 至 星 期 五 上 午 10 時 至 下 午 6 時 致 電 我 們 的 香 港 辦 事 處 +852.2525.0538 或紐 約 辦 事 處 +1.212.787.3655 以 出 價 。 請 閣 下 在 致 電 時 準 備 好 出 價 以 及 信 用 卡 。若 閣 下 有 意 在 進 行 拍 賣 時 透 過 電 話 作 出 競 投 :我 們 只 接 受 已 預 約 的 電 話 競 投 。 請 於 2013 年 10 月 25 日 ( 星 期 五 ) 香 港 時 間 晚 上 9 時 前 把 場 外 出 價 表 格 傳 真至 +852.2525.0598。 請 於 場 外 出 價 表 格 的 上 方 註 明 「 電 話 」 二 字 , 並 註 明 閣 下 希 望 參 與 競 投 時 所 選 用的 語 言 。有 關 電 話 競 投 的 限 制 :• 電 話 競 投 只 是 出 於 好 意 提 供 ,Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd 並 不 保 證 能 夠 成 功 聯 絡 上 電 話 競 投 者 。• 如 有 可 能 , 電 話 競 投 者 應 盡 可 能 留 下 一 個 「 緊 急 競 投 價 」, 以 應 付 電 話 無 法 接 通 的 情 況 。• 參 與 所 有 競 投 的 人 士 必 須 附 上 信 用 卡 號 碼 、 到 期 日 及 簽 署 。6 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

Office Use OnlyABSENTEE BIDS 場 外 出 價• 名 貴 稀 有 葡 萄 酒 ~ SALE HK 135A• 10 月 26 日 ( 星 期 六 ) 上 午 10 時 假 香 港 君 悅 酒 店 Grissini 餐 廳 舉 行• 請 清 楚 填 寫 此 表 格 , 並 按 拍 賣 品 編 號 依 次 列 出 閣 下 之 出 價 。 本 公司 保 留 將 未 符 合 下 列 出 價 增 額 的 出 價 根 據 下 一 出 價 增 額 更 改 的 權 利書 面 競 投電 話 競 投姓 名 ( 先 生 / 女 士 / 太 太 )地 址ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM電 話 競 投 時 用 之 聯 絡 號 碼 : _________________________進 行 電 話 競 投 時 所 選 用 的 語 言 : 英 文 普 通 話本 人 以 美 元 競 投 ( 如 下 ), 本 人 明 白 以 美 元 計 的 競 投 價 將 四 捨五 入 至 下 一 個 以 港 元 計 最 接 近 的 增 額 。貨 批 編 號或 ( 請 用 括 弧 )廣 東 話港 幣 出 價( 請 留 意 下 列 出 價 增 額 )日 間 聯 絡 電 話傳 真電 郵信 用 卡屆 滿 日 期保 安 編 號( 信 用 卡 號 碼 後 的 3 至 4 個 數 字 )簽 名競 投 者 必 須 提 供 信 用 卡 查 詢 備 考 資 料 。本 人 清 楚 明 白 , 如 本 人 成 功 競 投 , 須 支 付 的 購 買 價 包 括 最 終 出 價 、 加 上 最終 出 價 23% 的 佣 金 以 及 任 何 適 用 的 國 家 、 當 地 或 彌 償 使 用 稅 項 。 如 本 人 未有 在 三 十 個 工 作 天 內 以 支 票 或 電 匯 付 款 , 請 從 我 的 信 用 卡 帳 戶 扣 除 所 有 應付 費 用 。Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Limited 經 授 權 以 不 高 於 “ 港 幣 出 價 ” 欄 的 出 價競 投 表 格 內 列 出 的 貨 批 。 所 有 出 價 必 須 於 2013 年 10 月 25 日 ( 星 期 五 ) 香 港 時 間晚 上 9 時 前 送 抵 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Limited 辦 事 處 , 以 便 作 售 前 處理 。 閣 下 必 須 在 表 格 內 提 供 信 用 卡 資 料 。Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 不 會 為 此 出 價 服 務 收 取 任 何 費 用 。 閣 下 清 楚明 白 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 或 其 員 工 不 會 為 任 何 未 有 作 出 競 投 或 競投 其 間 發 生 任 何 錯 誤 而 負 上 任 何 責 任 。如 閣 下 成 功 競 投 , 必 須 在 收 到 帳 單 後 立 即 付 款 。買 方 參 與 競 投 , 即 代 表 買 方 同 意 其 已 閱 讀 本 銷 售 目 錄 之 買 方 購 買 協 議 條 款以 及 由 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 編 印 標 題 為 (i) 葡 萄 酒 收 取 及 付 運 、(ii)酒 瓶 描 述 及 (iii) 場 外 出 價 的 資 料 , 這 些 資 料 不 時 生 效 , 並 在 此 附 上 作 參 考 ,作 為 這 協 議 的 一 部 份 。 買 方 亦 同 意 上 述 條 款 將 成 為 買 方 的 合 法 、 有 效 及 具約 束 力 的 責 任 , 並 可 按 照 其 條 款 執 行 。閣 下 有 否 參 與 過 本 拍 賣 行 之 競 投 : 有 沒 有拍 賣 編 號 競 投 牌 號 碼 _______以 港 幣 計 算 之 出 價 增 額0-8000................ 4008000-16000................ 80016000-40000................ 200040000-80000................ 400080000-160000................ 8000160000-400000................ 20000400000 and up................ 40000客 戶 可 透 過 以 下 網 址 競 投www.ackerasia.com這 是 我 首 次 參 加 AMC / Acker Asia 拍 賣 會 。 現 附 上 有 效 之 中 華 人 民 共 和 國 / 香 港 身 份 證 副 本 ( 底 及 面 )或 由 其 他 政 府 簽 發 之 有 效 身 份 證 明 文 件 副 本 ( 底 及 面 ), 例 如 護 照 、 車 牌 等Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com7

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMABSENTEE BIDSFor those who wish to bid by fax, e-mail, or phone:If you wish to bid via fax:Please fax your bids to +852.2525.0598 prior to 9:00pm Hong Kong time on Fri., Oct. 25th, 2013.If you wish to bid via e-mail:Please e-mail your bids to info@ackerasia.com prior to 9:00pm Hong Kong time on Fri., Oct. 25th, 2013.Be sure to include all information required on the Absentee Bid Form in your transmission.DO NOT SEND YOUR BIDS BY REGULAR MAIL.If you wish to phone in your bids:Please contact our office between the hours of 10:00am and 6:00pm Hong Kong time, Monday throughFriday, at +852.2525.0538 (Hong Kong) or +1.212.787.3655 (New York) and ask to place some bids.Please have your bids ready, as well as a credit card.If you wish to bid by phone during the auction:Phone bids will be accepted on an appointment basis only. Please fax your Absentee Bid Formto +852.2525.0598 by 9:00pm Hong Kong time on Friday, October 25th, 2013. Please print the wordTELEPHONE at the top of your Absentee Bid Form and all LANGUAGES in which you wish to bid.Restrictions regarding phone bidding:• Phone bidding is offered as a courtesy, and no guarantee of successfully contacting the phonebidder is made by Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd.• When possible, phone bidders are urged to leave “emergency bids” in the event phonecontact cannot be established.• All bids must be accompanied by a credit card number, expiration date and signature.8 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

Office Use OnlyABSENTEE BIDS• Fine and Rare Wines ~ Sale HK 135A• Saturday, October 26th, 2013 at 10:00am HKT at Grissini, Grand Hyatt.• Please print clearly, and place bids in sequential order. We reserve theright to round any off-increment bid to the next highest increment, asoutlined below.I am submitting written bidsI am submitting phone bids. Tel #_________________Please select your language preference below:ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820Name Mr./Ms./Mrs.(Please circle one)Last Name/SurnameWWW.ACKERASIA.COMEnglish Mandarin CantoneseI am bidding in US dollars and understand that all my bids will berounded to the next highest HK dollar increment.Lot #Either/Or (Please Bracket)Bid in HK$(note increments)AddressDaytimeTelephoneFaxE-mailCredit CardExpiration Security Code #(3 or 4 digit number located on back of card)Signature*Credit Card References must be included on this formI understand that if my bid is successful, the purchase price payable will be the sum of thefinal bid, plus premiums of 23% of the final bid, together with any applicable state, localor compensating use tax. Please charge all purchases to my credit card account if I do notremit payment by check or wire transfer within thirty business days.Acker Merrall & Condit is authorized to bid on these lots up to the price listed in the “Bid/$”column. All bids must be received at the Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. office by 9:00pm HKT on October 25th, 2013 to allow for proper processing before the sale. Credit cardreferences must be included on this form.Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. does not charge for this confidential bidding service withthe understanding that any failure to exercise bids or error in doing so shall not be theresponsibility of Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. or its staff.Payment for successful bids must be forwarded upon receipt of invoice.By bidding at auction, Buyer agrees that he or she has read the Buyer’s Conditions of SaleAgreement in this catalogue, and the instruments captioned (i) Collection and Shipment ofWines, (ii) Bottle Description, and (iii) Absentee Bids published by AMC and in effect fromtime to time and which are incorporated herein by reference as part of this Agreement, andthe Buyer agrees that the above shall become the legal, valid, and binding obligation of theBuyer, enforceable in accordance with its terms.Have you bid with us before? Yes NoSale Number:Paddle Number:Bidding Increments in HK$0-8000................ 4008000-16000................ 80016000-40000................ 200040000-80000................ 400080000-160000................ 8000160000-400000................ 20000400000 and up................ 40000Bids are also accepted on our website atwww.ackerasia.comThis is my first time bidding with AMC / Acker Asia. I have attached a copy (front & back) of my valid People’sRepublic of China / HK Identity Card or other government issued identification (passport, license, etc)Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com9

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM我 們 在 香 港 的 第 29 場 拍 賣 會共 701 批 總 估 值 逾 4 千 萬 港 元世 上 最 珍 貴 和 稀 有 的 葡 萄 酒2013 年 10 月 26 日 , 星 期 六 ,GRISSINI 餐 廳第 1 至 701 批香 港 時 間 上 午 10 時 開 始( 比 紐 約 市 快 12 小 時 )午 宴 於 中 午 12 時 開 始香 港 君 悅 酒 店香 港 灣 仔 港 灣 道 1 號午 宴 及 一 般 的 場 內 座 位 均 需 預 訂閣 下 如 欲 參 加 拍 賣 會 , 請 以 電 郵 告 知INFO@ACKERASIA.COM__________________除 非 另 作 表 明 , 所 有 酒 的 筆 記 均 取 自 Wine Advocate 雜 誌 。IWC 代 表 Steve Tanzer,BH 代 表 the Burghound,WS 代 表 Wine Spectator, MB 代 表 Michael Broadbent,CC 代 表 Clive Coates, RJ 代 表 Richard Juhlin,以 及 JK 代 表 John Kapon 。10 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMHONG KONGAUCTIONXXIX701 LOTS AND POTENTIALLY$40+ MILLION HONG KONG DOLLARSOF THE WORLD’S FINEST AND RAREST WINESATURDAY, OCTOBER, 26TH 2013 - GRISSINILOTS 1-701BEGINNING AT 10:00AMHONG KONG TIME,(12 HOURS AHEAD OF NYC)LUNCH WILL BE SERVED FROM 12:00PM ONWARDSGRAND HYATT HONG KONG1 HARBOUR ROADWAN CHAIHONG KONGRESERVATIONS IN ADVANCEMANDATORY FOR LUNCHAND GENERAL SEATINGPLEASE EMAIL INFO@ACKERSIA.COMIF YOU PLAN ON COMINGTO THE AUCTION__________________All notes taken from the Wine Advocate unlessotherwise indicated. IWC is Steve Tanzer,BH is the Burghound, WS is the Wine Spectator,MB is Michael Broadbent, CC is Clive Coates,RJ is Richard Juhlin and JK is John Kapon.Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com11

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMSTILL THE FIRST首 屈 一 指These cases come from one of the best collections of Bordeaux in America that was also one of the first to sell in Hong Kong!This month he graces us with several different parcels of his favorite Bordeaux as well as quantities of 2009 La Chapelle and2002 Dom Perignon. The collection starts with Cheval Blanc, Haut Brion and La Mission Haut Brion from the 1998 and 2000vintages followed by several vintages of Lafite. There is flurry of Lafleur as well cases of 1982 Leoville las Cases and Margaux.Parcels of 2005 and 2008 Pavie help firm up the Right Bank along with some Vieux Chateau Certan and 1998 Trotanoy. All winesremoved from professional storage.此 窖 藏 精 選 來 自 美 洲 其 中 一 個 最 優 秀 的 波 爾 多 酒 藏 , 其 主 人 亦 是 早 期 香 港 拍 賣 會 上 , 其 中 一 位 早 著 先 機 委 託 我 們 釋 出 珍品 之 藏 家 。 本 次 帶 來 的 珍 品 包 括 波 爾 多 組 合 、2009 年 La Chapelle 及 2002 年 Dom Perignon, 焦 點 計 有 1998 至 2002 年 之 ChevalBlanc、Haut Brion 與 La Mission Haut Brion, Lafite 與 Lafleur 精 彩 年 份 , 多 箱 1982 年 Leoville las Cases 及 Margaux, 來 自 右 岸 的2005 與 2008 年 Pavie 組 合 , 以 至 Vieux Chateau Certan 及 1998 年 Trotanoy。 所 有 藏 品 均 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出 。1 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 1998St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“Subtle, complex and refined, with aromas of cherry,licorice, mineral, berry and other sweet, ripe fruit. Fullbodiedand compacted, with masses of fine, silky tannins.Long, long finish.”(98pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-560002 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$40000-560003 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 2000St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“...saturated purple color along with a reticent but strikingbouquet of blackberries, blueberries, truffles, andmocha. In spite of its tightness, aeration reveals scentsof licorice, menthol, and saddle leather. Opulent and fullbodied,with low acidity, sweet tannin, and a 60-secondfinish, it is unquestionably as profound as the 1990 and1982. I still believe the 2000 has the potential to be themost compelling Cheval Blanc since the mythical 1947and 1949...”(100pts)... 飽 和 的 紫 色 , 帶 著 含 蓄 而 動 人 的 黑 莓 、 藍 莓 、 松露 菌 和 莫 加 咖 啡 香 。 儘 管 仍 然 年 輕 緊 密 , 透 氣 後 滲出 甘 草 、 薄 荷 和 馬 鞍 皮 革 的 味 道 。 富 饒 和 醇 厚 的 酒身 、 低 酸 度 、 甘 甜 的 單 寧 和 長 達 60 秒 的 收 結 餘 韻 ,此 酒 無 疑 有 1990 和 1982 年 份 相 同 的 深 度 。 我 深 信 2000年 份 極 有 潛 質 , 可 能 直 迫 神 話 般 的 1947 和 1949 的Cheval Blanc...(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$8000-12000per lot HK$64000-9600012 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 4-54 Château Clinet - Vintage 2009Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“...boasts an opaque, moonless night inky/blue/purplecolor in addition to a gorgeous perfume of blueberrypie, incense, truffles, black raspberries, licorice andwood smoke. Viscous and multi-dimensional with silky,sweet tannin, massive fruit concentration and full-bodiedpower...”(100pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-280005 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-280006 Château Cos d’Estournel - Vintage 1982St. Estephe1x12 bottle owc“Cos d’Estournel’s 1982 exhibits a dark ruby/purplecolor with light pink at the rim. Sweet aromas of jammyblack fruits intermixed with roasted espresso and vanillinjump from the glass of this young, concentrated, fullbodied,succulent effort.”(96pts)1982 年 的 Cos d’Estournel 帶 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 在 杯 邊留 下 一 抹 粉 紅 。 黑 漿 果 的 甜 美 混 和 蒸 餾 咖 啡 和 香 草芬 芳 撲 鼻 而 來 , 密 集 醇 厚 , 活 力 十 足 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-380007 Château Grand Puy Lacoste - Vintage 1996Pauillac2x12 bottle owc’s“...reveals an essence of creme de cassis character whichsets it apart from other Pauillacs. The wine is displayingplenty of tannin, huge body, and sweet black currantfruit intermixed with minerals and subtle oak. Massive,extremely structured...”(93pts)24 bottles per lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-220008 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1996Gravesbsl, scl, 1x1 Imperial owc“The Haut Brion was the best showing of this wine thatI can remember. It flirted with being outstanding and ultimatelygot there. It was full, fleshy and big-bodied withthe classic smoke and charcoal. Big, long and gritty, it wasa clear step up from almost everything prior.”(95pts JK)1 Imperial per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-320009 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1998Graveslbsl, lscl, 1x1 Imperial owc“As reported over the last two years, this is a prodigiousHaut-Brion. It exhibits a dense ruby/purple color in additionto a tight, but incredibly promising nose of smoke,earth, minerals, lead pencil, black currants, cherries, andspice. This full-bodied wine unfolds slowly, but convincinglyon the palate, revealing a rich, multi-tiered, stunninglypure, symmetrical style with wonderful sweetness,ripe tannin, and a finish that lasts for nearly 45 seconds.It tastes like liquid nobility.”(96pts)據 過 去 兩 年 的 報 告 , 已 說 明 這 瓶 98 年 的 Haut-Brion 是如 何 優 越 。 在 濃 稠 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 之 下 , 細 緻 緊 密 卻瀰 漫 著 令 人 難 以 置 信 的 怡 人 煙 熏 、 泥 土 、 礦 物 、 鉛筆 、 黑 加 侖 子 、 櫻 桃 和 香 料 味 , 細 味 之 下 , 醇 醲 隨涓 滴 瓦 解 , 漸 漸 浮 現 出 豐 饒 、 如 層 巒 疊 嶂 的 層 次 、超 然 純 淨 、 骨 肉 均 稱 , 甜 度 美 妙 , 單 寧 醇 和 成 熟 ,以 及 一 個 持 續 將 近 45 秒 的 收 結 , 餘 韻 裊 繞 。 讓 人 在口 舌 之 間 體 會 出 高 尚 的 滋 味 。(96 分 )1 Imperial per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200010 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 2000Graves6lscl, 3vlwasl, 6lbsl, 6lscl“Yet, like a great diplomat, it is a wine of intensity, authority,and measured restraint. A supremely elegantoffering, its dense ruby/purple color, and burgeoningperfume of scorched earth, liquid minerals, plums, blackcurrants, cherries, lead pencil, and subtle spicy oak arefollowed by a delicate yet powerfully flavorful, multilayered,highly nuanced, and extraordinarily pure andseamless wine.”(98pts)有 如 一 個 偉 大 的 外 交 家 , 這 是 一 款 混 合 了 密 集 、 權威 及 克 制 的 佳 釀 。 優 雅 脫 俗 , 呈 濃 厚 紅 寶 石 的 色 ,散 發 出 源 源 不 絕 的 焦 土 芳 香 、 輔 以 礦 物 質 、 李 子 、黑 加 侖 子 、 櫻 桃 、 鉛 筆 及 帶 點 辛 辣 的 橡 樹 味 道 ,精 緻 濃 郁 而 又 層 次 豐 富 , 同 時 清 純 無 比 , 異 常 順滑 。(98 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-6400011 Château L’Eglise Clinet - Vintage 1998Pomerol6lbsl, 6lwrl, 4nl, 1x6 magnum owc“Truly gorgeous. Rich and thick yet refined and precise.Crushed raspberry and berry character rises from theglass. Full-bodied, with loads of fruit, fine tannins and anextremely long finish.”(96pts WS)6 magnums per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-2800014 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

12 Château L’Evangile - Vintage 1998Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“Captivating aromas of wild raspberry, cherry, mineraland grilled meat mark this full-bodied wine, along withhuge,silky tannins and an extra-long, caressing finish.Envelops the palate like a perfectly tailored silk shirt. Incredibleclass, with everything in wonderful proportions.The greatest L’ vangile ever made.”(98pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-2800013 Château La Conseillante - Vintage 2000Pomerol3lwrl, 1x3 double magnum owc“A tremendous effort, and certainly the best La Conseillantesince the marvelous duo of 1989 and 1990, thisdeep ruby/plum/purple-colored wine offers up notes ofblackberries and kirsch liqueur intermixed with licorice,incense, spice box, and copious amounts of toasty oak. Itis a relatively powerful effort for La Conseillante, withmore tannin and structure than most vintages possess.As the wine sits in the glass, black raspberries, blueberries,smoke along with floral notes emerge. There is tremendouspurity, medium to full body, great precision andconcentration.”(96pts)3 double magnums per lot US$2000-2600per lot HK$16000-2000014 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1995Graves1stc, 1x12 bottle owc“...obviously high-class, exhibiting a dense ruby/purplecolor, and a reticent but promising nose of roasted herbs,sweet, peppery, spicy fruit, medium to full body, and admirablepower, depth, and richness.”(91pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000PARCEL LOTS 15-1715 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1998Graves1x12 bottle owc“A candidate for the wine of the vintage from this somewhatforgotten year, consumers should be seeking outwines from the Right Bank and Graves as 1998 was agreat vintage in those appellations. La Mission’s 1998exhibits a healthy, opaque blue/purple color with nolightening at the edge. Thirty minutes of aeration bringsforth a sensational bouquet of chocolate, cedar, truffles,graphite, blackberries, cassis and incense. La Mission’sso-called scorched earth/charcoal/hot rocks characteristichas not yet appeared. Full-bodied with superb purity,a multilayered texture, sweet tannin, good acidity anda fabulously long finish, this great, young La Mission-Haut-Brion’s finest days are yet to come.”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200016 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-3200017 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-3200018 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2000Graves1x12 bottle owc“...possesses everything I could ever want from a terroirthat has given me as much hedonistic and intellectualpleasure as any other wine in the world.”(100pts)卓 越 風 土 的 完 美 典 範 ! 為 我 帶 來 無 比 歡 愉 及 精 神 上的 享 受 , 絕 對 是 不 可 多 得 的 佳 釀 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-6400019 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2003Graves2x6 bottle owc’s“Gravelly, smoky, scorched earth, and sweet berry fruit(black currants and blueberries) characteristics as wellas surprisingly delicate nuances are followed by a layered,medium to full-bodied wine with sweet fruit, lowacidity, fine power, and a luscious...”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com15

PARCEL LOTS 20-2220 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2004Graves2x12 bottle owc’s“Aromas of fruit and spices, with black pepper andcumin and undertones of forest floor. Full-bodied, with asolid core of fruit, a silky texture and a medium-to-longfinish.”(91pts WS)24 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200021 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$24000-3200022 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$24000-3200023 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2005Graves1x12 bottle owc“...a blend of 69% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, anda touch of Cabernet Franc. While there is little differencebetween La Mission and Haut-Brion s terroirs (their vineyardsare only separated by a two-lane road), La Missionpossesses more fat, texture, and intensity. An enormouslyendowed wine with huge tannin and structure, the 2005offers a quintessential Graves bouquet of burning embers,charcoal, blackberries, truffles, black currants, anda meaty character. Reminiscent of the 1989, with morestructure as well as a longer window of drinkability, the2005 may be a modern day, improved version of a vintagesuch as 1955, which was well-endowed, very tannic, andtook a long time to come around.”(97pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-4800024 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2006Graves2x6 bottle owc’s“From bottle, it reminds me of the 1998, given its structureand backward style. Dense ruby/purple-colored, itpossesses a boatload of tannin, but with coaxing, tobaccoleaf, sweet black currant, burning ember, and blue fruitcharacteristics emerge.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-2600026 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1995Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“It exhibits a dark ruby purple color, and a sweet,powdered mineral, smoky, weedy cassis-scented nose.Beautiful sweetness of fruit is present in this mediumbodied,tightly-knit, but gloriously pure, well-delineatedLafite.”(95pts)此 酒 呈 現 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 帶 著 甘 甜 、 礦 物 粉 末 、 煙燻 味 道 , 並 散 發 加 侖 子 的 芳 香 。 甜 美 的 果 味 完 美 地與 中 度 醇 厚 的 酒 身 濃 密 交 織 在 一 起 , 馥 郁 純 正 , 絕對 是 一 款 優 雅 複 雜 的 Lafite(95 分 )12 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-8000027 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2000Pauillac“...has an opaque ruby/purple color, followed by anextraordinary aromatic expression of liquid minerals/stonesinterwoven with the tell-tale graphite notes,mulberry, black currants, caramel, and tobacco. In themouth, it is remarkably light on its feet, but somehowseems to pack intense flavors into layer upon layer offruit and richness that cascade over the palate. A compellingwine, with extraordinary precision, great intensity,and a seamlessness...”(100pts)... 深 邃 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 交 織 着 礦 物 / 石 墨 、 桑 子 、黑 加 侖 子 、 焦 糖 和 煙 草 的 芳 香 。 口 感 非 常 輕 盈 , 一層 接 一 層 的 豐 腴 果 香 在 口 中 縈 繞 。 迷 人 , 準 確 , 濃郁 , 簡 直 天 衣 無 縫 ...(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600028 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2003Pauillac2x6 bottle owc’s“Dense purple-colored, with classic notes of graphite intertwinedwith melted licorice, Crème de cassis, smoke,and flowers, it reveals extraordinary richness, opulence,power, purity, intensity, and viscosity.”(100pts)濃 厚 的 紫 色 , 帶 有 經 典 的 石 墨 味 , 交 織 融 滙 甘 草 、黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 、 煙 燻 及 花 香 , 展 露 異 常 出 色 的 濃郁 、 豐 盛 、 勁 度 、 純 和 、 密 集 及 黏 度 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600025 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 2008Graves1x12 bottle owc“This glorious offering possesses sweet tobacco leaf,black currant, mocha, white chocolate, scorched earthand burning ember-like characteristics.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-2000016 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

29 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2004Pauillac1x1 Imperial banded owc“This beautiful, stunningly dense purple-colored effortoffers up precise notes of graphite, black cherries, cassis,scorched earth, and minerals. Medium to full-bodiedwith fabulous fruit, impressive richness, refreshing acidity,and sweet tannin, this beauty should be approachablein 4-5 years, and last for three decades.”(95pts)1 Imperial per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-5600030 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2005Pauillac1nl, 1lscl“...boasts a dark ruby/purple color in addition to thatexceptional Lafite perfume of graphite, spring flowers,crushed rocks, and sweet black cherry and blackcurrant fruit that exudes class and nobility. The wineis medium-bodied with extremely high levels of tanninin addition to sensational purity, length, and overallharmony.”(96+pts)... 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 加 上 Lafite 獨 有 的 石 墨 、 春 天 的 鮮花 、 碎 石 及 甜 黑 櫻 桃 和 黑 加 侖 子 果 香 , 散 發 出 高 尚格 調 和 貴 族 氣 派 。 此 酒 酒 身 屬 中 等 , 不 過 單 寧 含 量特 高 , 清 純 迷 人 , 收 結 悠 長 , 整 體 十 分 和 諧 。(96+分 )2 magnums per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-4000031 1 double magnum per lot US$3500-50001x1doublemagnum banded owc per lot HK$28000-4000032 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1996Pomerol2x6 bottle owc’s“...is a highly-extracted, high acid, opaque purple-coloredwine that has totally closed, and difficult to assess.The fruit is admirably pure, but the high level of astringent,hard tannin may be excessive for the wine’s size.This is a masculine, excessively muscular, structuredLafleur.”(90pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200033 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1998Pomerol2x6 bottle owc’s“There was one last wine to the weekend, and it was a1998 Lafleur. The Lafleur had a deep, intense nose full ofchunky, meaty Pomerol fruit. Chocolate, graham crackercrust and black and blueberries were present as well.There was a balancing beam of anise with an exotic edgeto its fruit, almost tropical but not quite. The nose wasalso full of iron, complementing its meat and game. Thepalate was huge, enormously endowed, wound and a bitunforgiving. In another twenty years, it will be forgivenfor sure! Game, twisted t n a, plum, anise, mineral, thatPomerol kink and that exotic Lafleur edge to the fruitwere all there. It was another spectacular, 50-100 yearwine.”(96+pts JK)這 瓶 1998 年 的 Lafleur 深 沉 層 次 分 明 : 葡 萄 肉 、 巧 克力 、 餅 乾 碎 、 黑 色 及 藍 色 漿 果 、 大 茴 香 、 熱 帶 水果 、 鐵 及 野 味 肉 等 芳 馨 紛 陳 , 酒 味 亦 相 當 豐 富 緊湊 , 即 使 存 放 二 十 年 , 相 信 仍 可 能 保 持 其 最 佳 飲 用狀 態 。 相 信 在 往 後 的 50 至 100 年 間 , 此 酒 也 定 能 在 經典 佳 釀 排 行 榜 中 佔 一 席 位 。(96 分 + JK)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-6800034 Château Lafleur - Vintage 2001Pomerol2x6 bottle owc’s“The 2001 Lafleur had a classic nose with excellent balancebetween its fruit and finish components. The fruithad gorgeous plum, earth, bacon, and molasses qualitiesand great balance with its mineral, earth and t n’a qualities.The nose was both open and aromatic but structuredas well. The palate was very tasty with its mirabelle, mineral,earth and slate flavors. Pungent, rich and fleshy,this was another great Lafleur. When Jacques said, ‘itwill be interesting to compare the 2000 and 2001 overtime, and no one talks about 2001,’ I knew it just wasn’tme. The 2001 won the ‘Miss Congeniality’ award of themorning.”(95pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com17

35 Château Leoville Las Cases - Vintage 1982St. Julien1x12 bottle owc“ This huge wine is, in many ways, just as massive asLeoville Barton, but it possesses a greater degree ofelegance as well as unreal concentration. Classic leadpencil, cassis, kirsch, cedar, and spice characteristics areabundant in both the nose and full-bodied flavors. Thetannins are still there, and, at least from my cellar, this1982 does not appear to have changed much in the last10-12 years.”(95pts)這 酒 之 壯 麗 , 可 媲 美 Leovill Barton 的 魁 宏 , 然 而 在某 些 方 面 更 勝 一 籌 , 如 那 既 深 且 廣 的 優 雅 , 又 如 那淵 深 如 幻 的 濃 郁 。 鉛 筆 、 黑 醋 栗 、 櫻 桃 、 雪 松 和 香料 充 斥 著 於 香 氣 與 繁 密 的 酒 體 中 。 雖 經 年 月 洗 禮 ,但 單 寧 仍 在 , 至 少 在 我 地 窖 , 這 瓶 1982 年 的 ChâteauLeoville Las Cases, 在 過 去 10-12 年 幾 乎 沒 產 生 任 何 重大 變 化 。(95 分 )12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-4800036 Château Leoville Las Cases - Vintage 1996St. Julien1x12 bottle owc“...a spectacular nose of cassis, cherry liqueur, paingrille, and minerals. It is powerful and rich on the attack,with beautifully integrated tannin, massive concentration,yet no hint of heaviness or disjointedness It is a remarkable,seamless, palate-staining, and extraordinarilyelegant wine - the quintessential St.-Julien.”(98pts)... 散 發 著 巧 妙 精 緻 的 黑 醋 栗 、 櫻 桃 及 礦 物 味 的 酒 香 ,單 寧 結 實 沉 厚 , 給 你 一 種 豪 壯 爽 勁 的 感 覺 , 酒 勁 連貫 充 實 又 不 突 兀 。 這 絕 對 是 一 瓶 優 雅 味 美 纏 綿 流 暢的 St.Julien 代 表 之 作 。(98 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200037 1 Imperial per lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-2200038 Château Leoville Las Cases - Vintage 2002St. Julien2x12 bottle owc’s“The wine exhibits pure black currant, licorice-infusedfruit, huge body, a viscous mid-palate, and a long, headyfinish. I suspect this wine won t be nearly as charming asthe 2003 in its youth, but it hasn t yet closed down, andI am amazed at just how rich, intense, and full-bodied ittastes even after bottling. This is certainly one of the halfdozen or so candidates for wine of the vintage.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000PARCEL LOTS 39-4039 Château Leoville Poyferre - Vintage 2003St. Julien2x12 bottle owc’s“It is a colossal success and a potential legend in themaking. Its saturated, dense inky/blue/purple color offersup notes of crushed rocks, acacia flowers, blueberries,black raspberries, and Crème de cassis. A synthesis ofpower and elegance, this multi-layered wine has spectacularconcentration, sweet but high tannin, and lowacidity A stunning effort that showcases this legendaryterroir, it is a brilliant, brilliant success.”(98pts)24 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200040 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12bottle owc,2x6bottle owc’s per lot HK$24000-3200041 Château Margaux - Vintage 1982Margaux2bn, 2ts, 1x12 bottle owc“We transitioned to the remaining four First Growthsin the next flight, beginning with a phenomenal bottle of1982 Margaux (sourced from Château). The Margauxhad a pungent nose, and its t n a jumped out at first. Italso had cinnamon, iron, rock and gorgeous perfume. Itwas beyond licorice according to Dan, and AustralianJohn admired its cherry liqueur. The palate was rockywithout the horror but with the picture show, not its usualfeminine self, Ray observed. Though spiny and long, theMargaux was still stylish with a touch of that Margaux elegance.This was a great bottle of this wine, and it endedup being wine of the flight, outshowing all the other FirstGrowths.”(97pts JK)繼 而 我 們 要 品 試 的 是 另 一 組 波 爾 多 頂 級 酒 莊 , 首 瓶便 是 從 酒 莊 引 入 的 1982 Margaux, 此 酒 有 像 肉 桂 、礦 石 及 香 水 般 的 酒 香 ,Dan 說 有 股 比 甘 草 還 要 強 的味 道 , 來 自 澳 洲 的 John 則 對 那 陣 像 櫻 桃 酒 般 的 味 道讚 不 絕 口 ,Ray 更 感 覺 到 它 堅 實 而 起 伏 不 定 的 精 妙口 感 。 一 瓶 如 此 優 雅 高 貴 的 Margaux, 被 一 致 認 為冠 絕 此 品 試 組 合 的 其 他 頂 級 酒 莊 佳 釀 , 確 是 實 至 名歸 .(97 分 JK)12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600018 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


42 Château Montrose - Vintage 2003St. Estephe2x12 bottle owc’s“The enormous 2003 Montrose is built along the lines ofthe 1989 rather than the 1990. It boasts a dense black/purple color in addition to an extraordinary bouquet ofscorched earth, blackberries, and cassis, fabulous purity,a skyscraper-like texture, and substantial tannin in thefinish. This superb, huge, ripe wine is one of the vintage smost prodigious offerings.”(97pts)24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-3800043 Château Montrose - Vintage 2005St. Estephe17vlbsl, 2x12 bottle owc’s“...is an exceptionally tannic, broodingly backward offeringdisplaying a dense ruby/purple color along witha provocative perfume of crushed rocks, flowers, cassis,black raspberries, and blueberries. It continues toadd weight and richness, good traits considering thesubstantial, forbiddingly high tannin levels and zestyacidity. If you are over the age of fifty, this backward,powerful wine will probably be more enjoyable to yourdescendants.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-2800044 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1996Pauillac1x1 Imperial owc“Incredible nose of ultraripe fruit, it’s yet subtle andcomplex. Full-bodied, with very ripe, almost sweet fruitand a long, long caressing finish. Superb.”(96pts WS)1 Imperial per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200045 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1998Pauillac1x6 magnum owc“It is an extremely powerful, super-concentrated wineoffering notes of roasted espresso, creme de cassis,smoke, new saddle leather, graphite, and licorice. It ismassive, with awesome concentration, mouth-searingtannin levels, and a saturated flavor profile that gripsthe mouth with considerable intensity. This is a 50-yearMouton.”(96pts)6 magnums per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$46000-5600046 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 2003Pauillac“Backward, powerful, and extremely tannic, the densepurple-colored 2003 Mouton-Rothschild, a blend of 76%Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Merlot, 8% Cabernet Franc,and 2% Petit Verdot, fashioned from yields of 28 hectolitersper hectare, with a finished alcohol of 12.9%,improves dramatically with aeration. With full-bodied,meaty, powerful, dry flavors as well as a huge finish,this high class wine should be at its finest between 2012-2040+. During its sojourn in barrel, it reminded me of ahypothetical blend of the 1982 and 1986 Moutons, butsince bottling, it appears different, and even more tannicthan those two vintages. I still believe the finest recentMouton-Rothschild is the 2000.”(95pts)單 寧 強 勁 , 後 勁 凌 厲 , 這 瓶 有 著 紫 色 、 緊 密 的 2003年 Mouton-Rothschild, 薈 萃 了 76% Cabernet Sauvignon、14%Merlot、8% Cabernet Franc 和 2% Petit Verdot,這 些 葡 萄 經 過 嚴 格 挑 選 , 每 公 頃 土 地 只 能 生 產2,800 升 , 當 中 12.9% 始 能 釀 成 佳 釀 。 隨 著 濃 郁 、 肉感 、 十 足 份 量 和 乾 口 而 來 的 , 是 一 個 壯 麗 的 收 結 ,預 估 這 一 流 美 酒 的 流 金 歲 月 , 應 在 2012 至 2040 年 之間 。 正 當 這 些 瓊 漿 瑤 液 還 在 木 桶 中 蘊 釀 之 時 , 讓 我想 到 : 2003 年 可 能 就 像 是 Moutons 1982 和 1986 這 兩年 份 的 混 合 結 晶 吧 ? 但 從 裝 瓶 那 刻 開 始 , 這 2003 就顯 示 出 當 中 的 差 異 , 甚 至 有 更 厚 重 的 單 寧 。 我 始 終堅 持 , 近 年 最 好 的 Mouton-Rothschild 是 2000 年 。(95分 )1 Imperial per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200047 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 2004Pauillac1x1 Imperial owc“Beautiful aromas of crushed berries and chocolate, withhints of Indian spices. Full-bodied, with silky, velvety tanninsand a long, caressing finish. A lovely wine for thevintage. This is the first wine from the new winemakingteam at Mouton and is showing really well.”(93pts WS)1 Imperial per lot US$2400-3500per lot HK$20000-2800048 Château Palmer - Vintage 2004Margaux2x12 bottle owc’s“Displaying a rare combination of power and elegance,this dense purple-colored offering exhibits notes of blackberries,truffles, flowers, incense, and camphor. Long,classic, and medium to full-bodied with stunning textureand richness, this superb effort is a candidate for the finestMargaux of the vintage.”(94pts)24 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200020 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

PARCEL LOTS 49-5049 Château Pavie - Vintage 2005St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“...exhibits a thick-looking purple color to the rim aswell as an exquisite perfume of blueberry and blackberryliqueur, unsmoked cigar tobacco, crushed rocks, dampearth, and hints of truffles and incense. The vineyard slimestone soils have provided massive concentration, alaser-like precision, fresh, zesty acidity, and massive tannin.Despite the wine s enormous concentration and intensity,there is a lightness to its style.”(98+pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200050 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 51-5351 Château Pavie - Vintage 2008St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“A blend of 70% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc and 10%Cabernet Sauvignon, with an atypical (for a 2008) alcohollevel of 14.5% that is higher than in its 2010 counterpart,the opaque purple-colored 2008 exhibits sweet,smoky barbecue notes intermixed with creme de cassis,black cherry, toast and crushed chalk.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-2000052 12 bottles per lot US$1800-24001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$14400-2000053 12 bottles per lot US$1800-24001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$14400-20000PARCEL LOTS 54-5654 Château Pavie Macquin - Vintage 1998St. Emilion3x12 bottle owc’s“Nearly exaggerated levels of intensity, extract, andrichness are apparent in this opaque blue/purple-coloredwine. Sumptuous aromas of blueberries, blackberries,and cherries combine with smoke, licorice, vanillin, andtruffles to create a compelling aromatic explosion. Thewine is fabulously dense, full-bodied, and layered, withmultiple dimensions, gorgeous purity, and superbly integratedacidity as well as tannin. One of the most concentratedwines of the vintage, it possesses immense potential,but patience is required.”(95pts)36 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-2800055 36 bottles per lot US$2600-35003x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$20000-2800056 36 bottles per lot US$2600-35003x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$20000-2800057 Château Pichon Baron - Vintage 2003Pauillac2x6 magnum owc’s“Wow. This shows so much ripe fruit and berry characterwith just the right hint of lead pencil and spice. Fullbodiedand very chewy. Big and powerful. Beautiful wine.Superb.”(95pts WS)12 magnums per lot US$2400-3000per lot HK$20000-2400058 Château Pape Clement- Vintage 1996 Graves lbsl, 1x1 Imperial owc(90pts) (1)Château Pichon Lalande- Vintage 1996 Pauillac 1x1 Imperial owc (96pts) (1)Above 2 Imperialsper lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com21




82 Château Latour - Vintage 1990Pauillac4lbsl, 4lwrl“This is one of my favorite wines ever. Full-bodied, withlayers of silky fruit and masses of currant, mineral andberry character. Amazing. It is a wine with perfect structure,perfect strength. It s 1961 Latour in modern clothes.It is hard not to drink it now.”(100pts WS)一 直 深 得 我 心 的 佳 釀 之 一 。 酒 身 豐 厚 濃 郁 , 柔 滑 如絲 的 果 香 , 以 及 層 出 不 窮 的 醋 栗 、 礦 物 和 漿 果 的 酒味 , 雄 運 有 勁 , 酒 感 強 烈 。 此 酒 是 1961 年 Latour 的 現代 版 本 , 叫 人 難 以 抗 拒 。(100 分 WS)4 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-28000PARCEL LOTS 83-8583 Château Latour - Vintage 2000Pauillac1nl, 1x12 bottle owc“A young wine that electrifies every taste bud in yourmouth. Compacted aromas of crushed currants and minerals,with roses and lilacs. Full-bodied, with masses ofsilky, refined tannins and a finish that lasts for minutes.Stunning. Best Latour since 1990.”(100pts WS)這 年 輕 的 酒 香 刺 激 着 每 個 味 蕾 。 緊 湊 的 香 氣 夾 着 葡萄 碎 粒 , 礦 物 , 玫 瑰 及 紫 丁 香 氣 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 單 寧如 絲 細 膩 , 收 結 悠 長 , 餘 韻 可 持 續 數 分 鐘 之 久 。 這是 一 瓶 十 分 優 秀 的 佳 釀 。(100 分 WS)12 bottles per lot US$10000-14000per lot HK$80000-11200084 12 bottles per lot US$10000-140001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$80000-11200085 12 bottles per lot US$10000-140001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$80000-112000PARCEL LOTS 86-8886 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2001Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“A tremendous effort, this 500-case cuvée (one of Bordeaux’soriginal garage operations) is even better in2001 than it was in 2000. Its deep ruby/plum/purple coloris accompanied by an extraordinary perfume of Crèmede cassis, cherry liqueur, plums, licorice, caramel, andsweet toast. This flamboyant, opulently textured, rich,concentrated Pomerol is a brilliant success as well asone of the wines of the vintage for 2001.”(98pts)6 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-12000087 6 bottles per lot US$10000-150001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$80000-12000088 6 bottles per lot US$10000-150001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$80000-12000089 Château Margaux - Vintage 1995Margaux1x6 magnum owc“Dark color. Black licorice, coffee, currants and blackolives. Complex nose. A full-bodied, chewy blockbusterof a wine that is not giving anything at all away. It is likeburied treasure still; you have to search for the gold. Andit’s there. Fabulous.”(100pts WS)在 深 沉 的 酒 色 中 , 摻 雜 了 甘 草 、 黑 醋 栗 、 咖 啡 和 黑欖 的 酒 香 , 酒 感 豐 滿 沉 厚 充 滿 深 度 。 這 瓶 頂 級 佳釀 與 眾 不 同 之 處 , 正 是 一 個 「 深 」 字 , 就 像 一 個寶 藏 , 有 待 冒 險 家 去 把 箇 中 寶 藏 發 掘 出 來 。(100分 ,WS)6 magnums per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-5600028 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 90-9290 Château Margaux - Vintage 2000Margaux1nl, 1x12 bottle owc“The 2000 possesses a saturated ruby/purple color tothe rim as well as an extraordinarily promising nose ofcreme de cassis intermixed with white flowers, licorice,and hints of espresso and toasty oak. There is great intensity,compelling purity, a multi-layered, full-bodiedpalate, and a finish that goes on for nearly 70+ seconds.Bottled naturally, with no filtration, it is a monumentalexample of the elegance and power that symbolize thisextraordinary vineyard. A tour de force in winemaking,many of my colleagues predicted, far earlier than me,that it would be the wine of the vintage.”(100pts)2000 年 份 在 杯 邊 留 下 飽 滿 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 異 常 顯著 的 黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 氣 味 , 與 白 色 花 卉 、 甘 草 和 輕 微的 特 濃 咖 啡 及 烘 橡 木 香 氣 相 融 合 。 密 度 甚 高 , 純 度迷 人 , 層 次 豐 富 , 口 感 醇 厚 , 收 結 差 不 多 長 達 七 十多 秒 。 它 的 入 瓶 方 法 是 天 然 的 , 沒 有 過 濾 , 典 雅 有勁 , 由 此 彰 顯 此 葡 萄 園 的 超 然 地 位 , 以 及 卓 越 的 釀製 技 術 。 我 的 同 行 遠 比 我 更 早 已 預 測 到 此 酒 為 這 年份 的 經 典 佳 釀 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600091 12 bottles per lot US$9000-120001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$72000-9600092 12 bottles per lot US$9000-120001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$72000-9600093 Château Mouton RothschildPauillac- Vintage 1999 (93pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 (97pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 (94pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2002 (94pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 2003 (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2004 (93pts WS) (1)Above 6 bottlesper lot US$2400-3500per lot HK$20000-2800094 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1995Pauillac3 bottles different importer“In the mouth, the wine is great stuff, with superb density,a full-bodied personality, rich mid-palate, and a layered,profound finish that lasts for 40+ seconds outstandingpurity...”(95pts)酒 味 無 與 倫 比 , 香 氣 醇 和 、 瑰 麗 豐 碩 , 充 滿 層 次 感的 酒 質 , 有 長 達 40 秒 繾 綣 餘 韻 , 更 令 人 讚 嘆 不 已 。(95 分 )6 bottles per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-2400095 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 2000Pauillac1x6 bottle owc“The wine offers a saturated ruby/purple color in additionto reticent but promising aromas of toast, coffee, licorice,Crème de cassis, and roasted nuts. Dense, chewy,and backward, with tremendous purity and density in additionto obvious toasty oak, it is full-bodied, powerful,tannic, and backward. Twenty-four to 48 hours of aerationonly hints at its ultimate potential. This blockbusterwill be exceptionally long-lived.”(97pts)從 其 紅 寶 石 般 的 酒 色 中 散 發 出 烤 麵 包 、 咖 啡 、 甘草 、 黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 及 堅 果 的 酒 香 , 結 構 緊 密 堅 實 ,口 感 細 膩 纏 綿 , 清 純 細 緻 而 又 帶 著 明 顯 的 燻 橡 木 香味 , 酒 身 宏 厚 , 酒 勁 充 沛 。 開 瓶 醒 酒 24 到 48 小 時 之後 飲 用 , 你 自 會 發 現 它 的 陳 年 潛 能 有 多 高 。 此 酒 將會 是 一 瓶 異 常 「 長 壽 」 的 珍 品 。(97 分 )6 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-6400096 Château Mouton RothschildPauillac- Vintage 2002 3vlwrl, 1nl (94pts IWC) magnum (3)- Vintage 2007 (92pts) (6)Above 6 bottlesper lot US$3500-4800and 3 magnumsper lot HK$28000-3800097 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2005Pomerol“A sleeping giant. Dark ruby in color, showing aromas ofblackberry, c pe and green olive, with a hint of mineral.Full-bodied, with ultrafine tannins and a supercaressingmouthfeel. Turns to coffee, dark chocolate and berry.Chewy yet balanced. Very, very long in the mouth. Thefinish is absolutely breathtaking.”(100pts WS)仍 是 沉 睡 的 巨 人 。 深 紅 寶 石 色 , 帶 有 黑 莓 、 牛 肝 菌和 青 橄 欖 , 以 及 微 微 的 礦 物 氣 味 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 單 寧極 之 幼 細 , 口 感 柔 滑 無 比 。 稍 後 轉 為 咖 啡 、 黑 巧 克力 和 莓 子 味 。 非 常 黏 口 但 平 衡 , 收 結 非 常 長 久 , 幾令 人 透 不 過 氣 。(100 分 WS)3 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600098 1 magnum per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-6400030 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

Lots: 97-98ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 445, 465-466, 583

99 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1988Sauternes1x12 bottle owc“...displays more richness and unctuosity than any youngd’Yquem I have tasted. It should have 40-60 years of positiveevolution, although one suspects that much of theproduction will be consumed within the next 4-5 years.If my instincts are correct, this is the most profoundd’Yquem since the legendary 1959. It may not prove astimeless as the 1975, but I believe it to be even moreconcentrated.”(99pts)...... 比 我 嚐 過 任 何 年 輕 的 d’Yquem 更 為 豐 饒 柔 潤 。我 相 信 此 酒 應 還 有 40 至 60 年 蘊 藏 潛 力 , 儘 管 有 人 懷疑 過 , 他 們 大 部 分 的 產 物 , 將 在 未 來 4 至 5 年 全 被 喝掉 。 假 如 我 的 直 覺 無 誤 , 這 將 會 比 d’Yquem 那 傳 奇的 1959 年 還 來 得 有 深 度 。 可 能 無 法 證 明 1988 年 能 像1975 年 般 能 擁 有 永 恒 的 光 環 , 但 我 相 信 此 酒 會 更 為濃 郁 集 中 。(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000100 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1989Sauternes1x12 bottle owc“...extremely alcoholic and rich, with a huge nose ofsmoky, honey-covered coconuts and overripe pineapplesand apricots so highly extracted and rich yetapproachable.”(97pts)12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000101 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1990Sauternes1x6 magnum owc“An extraordinary effort, Yquem s 1990 is a rich and fabulouslysuperb, sweet wine. This wine also possesses lotsof elegance and finesse. The wine s medium gold coloris accompanied by an exceptionally sweet nose of honeyedtropical fruits, peaches, coconut, and apricots. Highquality, subtle toasty oak is well-integrated...”(99pts)經 過 特 別 努 力 去 釀 製 而 成 的 效 果 , Yquem 1990 成 為了 非 常 濃 厚 及 壯 麗 的 甜 酒 。 而 此 酒 亦 充 滿 優 雅 和 幼細 的 一 面 。 酒 呈 中 等 金 黃 的 顏 色 , 伴 隨 著 異 常 甜 的氣 味 , 甜 蜜 的 熱 帶 水 果 、 香 桃 、 椰 子 和 新 鮮 杏 脯 。細 膩 的 烘 橡 木 味 和 此 高 質 量 的 酒 結 合 得 恰 到 好 處 ...(99 分 )6 magnums per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000102 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 2001Sauternes2x6 bottle owc’s“...with airing, it offers up honeyed tropical fruit, orangemarmalade, pineapple, sweet creme brulee, and butterednut-like scents. In the mouth, it is full-bodied with gorgeouslyrefreshing acidity as well as massive concentrationand unctuosity. Everything is uplifted and givenlaser-like focus by refreshing acidity. This large-scaled,youthful Yquem appears set to take its place among themost legendary vintages of the past...”(100pts)經 透 氣 後 , 逐 漸 滲 出 蜜 糖 般 的 熱 帶 水 果 、 橘 子 醬 、菠 蘿 、 焦 糖 燉 蛋 及 牛 油 堅 果 的 香 氣 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 酸清 新 美 妙 , 質 感 異 常 濃 密 油 潤 。 清 爽 的 酸 度 令 所 有的 感 覺 更 為 顯 著 集 中 , 此 雄 渾 年 青 的 Yquem 將 名 列傳 奇 佳 作 之 一 ....(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000103 1 Imperial per lot US$4500-6000bn, 1x1 Imperial owc per lot HK$36000-48000104 La Tâche - Vintage 1993Domaine de la Romanée Conti2x6 bottle owc’s“The 1993 DRC La Tâche is the forgotten, great youngvintage of La Tâche. It really needed some time to openup, at first a bit herbal, very tight and structured. Aftersome time, its density, balance and tannins took over, andits palate and acidity were enormous, even longer thanthe 99 although not as dense. Rose, iron and tea all reluctantlyemerged in the mouth in this Frankenstein of aLa Tâche, a Frankenstein that graduated from Harvard,that is.”(97+pts JK)1993 可 說 是 個 不 太 受 注 目 的 上 佳 「 年 青 」DRC LaTâche 年 份 。 的 而 且 確 , 開 瓶 後 需 待 較 長 的 時 間 才 能把 它 「 喚 醒 」。 在 「 甦 醒 」 之 初 , 酒 香 中 會 帶 有 小許 草 藥 味 , 整 體 亦 較 為 拘 謹 , 多 待 一 會 , 平 衡 的 單寧 、 緊 密 細 膩 的 結 構 、 甘 美 的 果 香 及 果 酸 便 會 慢 慢浮 現 , 口 腔 內 還 會 堆 滿 像 由 玫 瑰 花 、 鐵 及 香 茶 交 織成 的 酒 香 , 收 結 還 好 像 要 比 99 還 要 悠 長 , 雖 然 感 覺沒 有 那 麼 濃 厚 。 容 我 以 「La Tâche 的 科 學 怪 人 」 來 形容 它 吧 , 不 過 , 這 是 個 溫 文 爾 雅 的 「 科 學 怪 人 」,還 要 是 哈 佛 狀 元 呢 !(97+ 分 JK)12 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-20000032 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


105 La Tâche - Vintage 2002Domaine de la Romanée Conti“...The broad, expansive and powerful flavors are quitestrict on the mid-palate with massive depth yet the finish isround, generous, sappy and superbly complex with a finishthat lasts for minutes. Despite the aromatic fireworks andopulent character, there is an underlying tenderness herethat suggests that this will be approachable relatively earlybut the balance is so fine that this should easily age for 30years, perhaps longer.”(96pts BH)擁 有 典 型 La Tâche 那 細 膩 精 確 的 多 重 美 味 酒 香 : 茴香 、 丁 香 、 李 子 幽 香 加 上 黑 色 櫻 桃 、 紅 桑 莓 碎 等 香味 , 清 晰 而 有 條 不 紊 地 逐 一 散 發 出 來 , 令 人 有 種 晶瑩 剔 透 的 感 覺 , 酒 身 雄 厚 強 勁 , 像 有 股 清 冽 的 香 味直 透 你 的 口 腔 , 複 雜 豐 富 的 各 種 味 道 縈 迴 不 散 , 餘韻 甚 至 長 達 數 分 鐘 。 除 了 上 述 的 雄 渾 剛 強 風 格 外 ,其 實 它 也 有 柔 和 細 緻 的 一 面 , 不 但 可 以 再 儲 存 多 30年 ( 甚 至 更 長 ), 趁 現 在 「 年 輕 」 飲 用 , 亦 無 不可 。(96 分 BH)3 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000106 La Tâche - Vintage 2003Domaine de la Romanée Conti3lscl, 1nl“The 2003 La Tâche reveals aromas of milk chocolate,violets, roses, and dark cherries. Suave, displaying massiveamplitude and a full-bodied, velvety-textured character,this behemoth s flavor profile brings to mind chocolate-coveredblack cherries. Immensely powerful andnoble, it offers an interminable finish that is packed withflawlessly ripe, sweet tannin.”(99pts)2003 年 的 La Tâche 的 香 氣 帶 有 牛 奶 巧 克 力 、 紫 羅 蘭 、玫 瑰 和 黑 櫻 桃 , 充 腴 甜 美 。 宏 偉 、 醇 美 , 如 絲 絨 般柔 滑 , 猶 如 一 個 温 柔 的 巨 人 , 讓 人 想 起 巧 克 力 覆 蓋的 黑 櫻 桃 。 壯 麗 華 貴 , 經 歷 幾 乎 是 延 綿 無 盡 的 收 結之 後 , 留 下 一 個 圓 潤 、 甜 美 的 單 寧 餘 韻 。(99 分 )3 bottles per lot US$5500-7500per lot HK$44000-60000107 La Tâche - Vintage 2007Domaine de la Romanée Conti“A reserved yet equally kaleidoscopic nose of red, blueand violet aromas that is wonderfully broad, spicy, fresh,airy and layered leads to intensely floral, mineral infusedand focused medium weight plus flavors that possess astrikingly attractive mouth feel and while in the contextof the pantheon of great vintages of this storied wine, the‘07 will be viewed as one of the lighter examples, thefocus and balance here is nigh on perfect as the finish explodesinto a hugely long finale, all underpinned by firmtannins and bright acidity.”(95pts BH)2 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000108 La Tâche - Vintage 2008Domaine de la Romanée Conti“After aggressive swirling, a highly expressive and kaleidoscopicnose offers up a dazzling breadth of aromas withmore rose petal and violet notes combining with those ofkirsch, herb and humus, all of which are reflected by theripe, pure and extremely fresh silkily-textured big-bodiedflavors that possess firm tannins that are completely enrobedby the impressive amount of extract that also coatsthe mouth on the hugely long and ever-so-slightly mintyfinish.”(96pts BH)3 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000109 Richebourg- Vintage 2007 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (3)(93+?pts IWC)Romanée St. Vivant- Vintage 2007 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (2)(94pts BH)Above 5 bottlesper lot US$3800-5000per lot HK$30000-40000110 Côte Rôtie - Vintage 2003La Landonne, E. Guigal2lscl, 2x6 bottle owc’s“...the primordial, full-bodied, monumental 2003 Côte-Rôtie La Landonne is amazing stuff. I suspect this is moreakin to a dry vintage port than most Côte-Rôties evertend to be, but the purity, the richness, the texture, thelength are all out of this world.”(100pts)這 是 一 瓶 非 常 細 緻 高 雅 的 極 級 佳 釀 , 擁 有 集 春 天 花卉 、 黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 、 黑 桑 莓 、 咖 啡 、 焦 糖 及 可 樂 於一 身 的 香 氣 , 酒 身 豐 滿 宏 厚 , 但 口 感 卻 如 天 鵝 絨 般幼 滑 , 結 構 細 密 。 其 獨 一 無 二 的 風 格 , 叫 人 一 喝 難忘 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$4800-6500per lot HK$38000-52000PARCEL LOTS 111-112111 Côte Rôtie - Vintage 2005La Mouline, E. Guigal1x12 bottle owc“...offers a stunning perfume of espresso roast, licorice,pepper, blackberries, and black cherries intermixed withhints of chocolate and spring flowers. Powerful, superconcentrated,and ruggedly-constructed with a boatloadof tannin, this is a wine to forget for 4-5 years, and drinkover the following 25-30. It is the densest, most tannicvintage of La Mouline since 1988.”(100pts)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000112 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$36000-4800034 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

113 Côte Rôtie - Vintage 2003La Turque, E. Guigal1nl, 10sdc“A pure aromatic smorgasbord is offered by the 2003Côte-Rôtie La Turque, which has an amazing aromaticprofile of espresso coffee interwoven with scorched earth,tar, truffle, incense, blackberry, bacon fat, and flowers.Powerful, thick flavors ooze across the palate with a viscoustexture, amazing purity, and just enough acidity andtannin to give uplift and precision to this remarkable tourde force in winemaking.”(100pts)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000PARCEL LOTS 114-120114 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 19901nl“...is a creamy-textured, full styled offering that losesnone of its elegance in spite of its flavor authority.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-28000115 12 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-28000116 12 bottles per lot US$2800-35001tlper lot HK$22000-28000117 12 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-28000118 12 bottles per lot US$2800-35005vlsclper lot HK$22000-28000119 12 bottles per lot US$2800-35002nlper lot HK$22000-28000120 12 bottles per lot US$2800-35001nlper lot HK$22000-28000121 Krug Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1990“An aristocrat. Big-boned and intense, yet with finesseand complex flavors of coconut, whole-grain bread, ginger,citrus and honey. Waves of flavor saturate the palateand the long finish picks up a mineral and smoke note.Very harmonious from start to finish.”(97pts WS)122 Krug Vintage Champagne - Vintage 19962x6 bottle ocb’s“Remarkably perfumed nose projects an exotic bouquetof deep, leesy yellow fruit, minerals, honeycomb, smokedmeat and flowers, with Asian spices building expandingin the glass. Almost painfully concentrated, offering asurreal parade of orchard and pit fruits, smoked meat,toasted brioche and marrow braced by intensely salty,stunningly incisive minerality. Imagine a Frankenstein’smonster of Chablis Le Clos and Clos Ste. Hune-but onewith perfect balance, of course-and you get an idea ofwhat I found in my bottle. The energetic, stony characterbuilds exponentially on the finish, which didn’t seem to,well, finish. The best analogy I can come up with for theintensity, focus and clarity of this Champagne is liquefiedbarbed wire. Utterly hallucinatory and one of themost amazing wines I’ve ever been fortunate enough todrink.”(99+pts IWC)香 氣 濃 烈 , 散 發 出 奇 特 的 黃 色 水 果 、 礦 物 、 蜂 窩 、 煙燻 肉 和 百 花 的 香 氣 , 亞 洲 香 料 也 在 杯 中 不 斷 擴 展 。 高度 濃 縮 , 展 示 了 超 現 實 的 果 園 和 有 核 果 樹 香 氣 、 煙 燻肉 、 烤 法 國 奶 油 麵 包 和 胡 蘆 瓜 的 氣 味 , 輔 以 非 常 顯 著的 鹹 鹹 的 礦 物 味 。 試 想 象 由 Chablis Le Clos 和 Clos SteHune 合 成 的 科 學 怪 人 , 當 然 , 二 者 要 完 美 地 平 衡 ─那 麼 你 就 會 知 道 我 對 這 酒 的 感 覺 。 充 滿 活 力 、 硬 朗 的特 質 在 收 結 上 不 斷 增 強 , 歷 久 不 散 。 就 這 香 檳 酒 的 濃郁 、 集 中 和 清 澈 特 質 , 我 想 到 的 最 佳 比 喻 乃 是 「 溶 化了 的 帶 刺 鐵 絲 網 」。 我 很 幸 運 能 有 機 會 喝 到 這 瓶 完 全難 以 想 像 的 好 酒 。(99+ 分 IWC)12 bottles per lot US$3200-4200per lot HK$26000-34000PARCEL LOTS 123-124123 Salon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1995Le Mesnil6x1 bottle owc’s“This is assertive and grainy in texture, a big-bonedChampagne that’s powerful and intensely flavored. Biscuit,graphite, honeysuckle, peach and floral notes cometogether, defined by the firm structure, and last throughoutthe complex finish.”(96pts WS)6 magnums per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000124 6 magnums per lot US$3000-40006x1 bottle owc’sper lot HK$24000-32000的 確 是 香 檳 中 的 貴 族 。 結 構 緊 密 , 輪 廓 清 晰 , 滲 著精 緻 的 椰 子 、 全 麥 麵 包 、 生 薑 、 柑 橘 和 蜂 蜜 的 味道 , 複 雜 多 變 的 酒 香 令 你 可 在 口 腔 中 逐 層 玩 味 , 在悠 長 的 收 結 中 亦 透 著 礦 物 與 煙 燻 的 香 味 。 由 始 至 終都 散 發 著 和 諧 的 風 韻 。(97 分 WS)6 bottles per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com35

PARCEL LOTS 125-131125 Salon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1996Le Mesnil2x6 bottle owc’s“The 1996 Salon was like the razor s edge; there was somuch vim, vigor and acidity here it was like being in theeye of a storm. One could see the greatness of the 1996vintage in the Salon, which was fresh as a baby s bottom.It was white meaty underneath that 1996 greatness;so balanced, so long, so stylish and deeply penetrating.Rob gave it 6 stars. Incredible. Pure Blanc de Blanc LeMesnil. No dosage. It was probably the greatest youngChampagne that I have ever tasted.”(97+pts JK)Salon 1996 就 如 刀 片 的 刀 鋒 一 樣 ; 充 沛 的 活 力 和 酸度 , 讓 人 仿 如 置 身 暴 風 眼 中 。 在 Salon 中 我 們 能 夠 領會 1996 年 份 的 美 妙 之 處 , 那 清 新 的 感 覺 仿 如 嬰 孩 的肌 膚 。1996 年 份 蘊 含 白 肉 的 質 感 , 那 麼 均 勻 , 收 結很 長 , 非 常 有 格 調 , 深 具 滲 透 力 。Rob 給 它 6 顆 星 。難 以 置 信 。 清 純 的 Blanc de Blancs le Mesnil, 沒 有 加入 添 加 劑 。 它 可 能 是 我 試 過 最 好 的 年 輕 香 檳 。(97+分 JK)12 bottles per lot US$3200-4200per lot HK$26000-34000PARCEL LOTS 132-133132 Veuve Clicquot Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1990La Grande Dame2x3 magnum ocb’s“Rich, multidimensional, highly aromatic nose of pear,red berries, apple, honey, toast and spice. Extremely richand concentrated, with its medium to full body leavenedby bright citrus notes and compelling minerality. Greatinner-mouth aromas. Conveys an impression of powerfulyet remarkably fine raw materials. The spicy finish offersexceptional persistence and richness.”(96pts IWC)6 magnums per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000133 6 magnums per lot US$1800-24002x3 magnum ocb’sper lot HK$14400-20000_____________________________126 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-34000127 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-34000128 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-34000129 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-34000130 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-34000131 12 bottles per lot US$3200-42002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$26000-3400036 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMBIG BOOK BORDEAUX AND BURGUNDY重 量 級 波 爾 多 及 布 根 地 名 釀We are delighted to have a significant selection of recent vintages from the cellar of one of the world’s most internationally renownedand longstanding collectors. Remarkably, he has kept expanding his serendipitous wine collection growing vintage aftervintage while writing a 1000 page scholarly treatise. This month, he focuses on Bordeaux and Burgundy, starting off with 2003Ausone and 2000 Cheval Blanc. Several recent vintages of Lafite are available in magnum, backed by 2005 Lafleur in both magnumand double-magnum. A touch of Yquem and Haut Brion Blanc light up White Bordeaux, before we rocket into Burgundywith a 1999 DRC Assortment supported by mini-verticals of the various DRC Grand Crus. Dujac and Rouget are knightedas well single bottles of 1988 Jayer Cros Parantoux, 2005 Romanee Conti and its Montrachet are not to be missed! All winesremoved from professional storage.這 位 資 深 藏 家 享 譽 國 際 , 在 他 四 出 網 羅 珍 品 , 孕 育 出 藏 量 澎 湃 的 名 釀 寶 庫 , 與 此 同 時 又 撰 寫 了 長 達 一 千 頁 的 論 文 , 令 人 敬佩 。 本 次 帶 來 其 窖 藏 中 之 年 輕 美 酒 , 如 2003 年 Ausone,2000 年 Cheval Blanc,Lafite 近 年 傑 作 之 1.5 公 升 裝 ,2005 年 Lafleur 1.5 及 3公 升 裝 ,Yquem 與 Haut Brion 白 酒 精 選 。 布 根 地 代 表 則 有 1999 年 DRC 套 裝 , 以 及 DRC 特 級 葡 萄 園 之 迷 你 垂 直 酒 款 。 此 外 , 他 亦帶 來 Dujac,Rouget,1988 年 Jayer Cros Parantoux,2005 年 Romanee Conti 及 其 Montrachet 等 。 所 有 藏 品 均 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出 。134 Château Ausone - Vintage 2003St. Emilion“The 2003 Ausone is off the charts in terms of richness.While I gave a 3-digit score to the 2000, I think this profoundlyconcentrated wine may be even more sublimeand exotic. Its inky/blue/purple color is followed by anextraordinary perfume of flowers, crushed rocks, sweetraspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and God knowswhat else. The impression is one of extraordinary richnessand purity, and a multilayered texture yet a surreallightness as well as laser-like precision.”(100pts)2003 Ausone 的 豐 滿 程 度 可 以 說 是 卓 絕 超 群 的 。 當 我給 它 的 2000 年 份 滿 分 時 , 我 認 為 此 酒 的 濃 密 甚 至 更獨 特 而 且 出 眾 。 帶 墨 籃 紫 色 , 緊 隨 其 後 是 異 樣 的 花香 、 壓 碎 岩 石 、 甜 楊 莓 、 黑 莓 、 藍 莓 ... 只 有 天 曉 得 它還 藏 著 甚 麼 多 樣 的 香 氣 。 它 異 常 的 濃 厚 和 天 然 的 味道 、 那 多 層 次 的 質 感 、 超 現 實 的 輕 盈 和 那 份 精 確 程度 , 都 給 我 刻 骨 銘 心 的 印 象 。(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000135 Château Bellevue Mondotte - Vintage 2008St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“Michel Rolland has been the consultant for all the Perseestates since their acquisition, and the 2008’s fruit washarvested very late, October 20. The result is a backward,dense purple-colored wine revealing a crushedrock-like liqueur along with highly extracted, massiveflavors of black currants, sweet cherries, licorice andtoast.”(95+pts)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-2000038 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


136 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 2000St. Emilion1x3 bottle owc“...saturated purple color along with a reticent but strikingbouquet of blackberries, blueberries, truffles, andmocha. In spite of its tightness, aeration reveals scentsof licorice, menthol, and saddle leather. Opulent and fullbodied,with low acidity, sweet tannin, and a 60-secondfinish, it is unquestionably as profound as the 1990 and1982. I still believe the 2000 has the potential to be themost compelling Cheval Blanc since the mythical 1947and 1949...”(100pts)... 飽 和 的 紫 色 , 帶 著 含 蓄 而 動 人 的 黑 莓 、 藍 莓 、 松露 菌 和 莫 加 咖 啡 香 。 儘 管 仍 然 年 輕 緊 密 , 透 氣 後 滲出 甘 草 、 薄 荷 和 馬 鞍 皮 革 的 味 道 。 富 饒 和 醇 厚 的 酒身 、 低 酸 度 、 甘 甜 的 單 寧 和 長 達 60 秒 的 收 結 餘 韻 ,此 酒 無 疑 有 1990 和 1982 年 份 相 同 的 深 度 。 我 深 信 2000年 份 極 有 潛 質 , 可 能 直 迫 神 話 般 的 1947 和 1949 的Cheval Blanc...(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$4000-5000per lot HK$32000-40000137 Château Ducru Beaucaillou - Vintage 2008St. Julien2x12 bottle owc’s“Spring flowers, crushed rocks, creme de cassis and somesubtle oak are followed by a full-bodied, concentratedwine that transcends the vintage character in its power,richness, and aging potential. It also exhibits tremendousprecision, purity, and depth of character.”(95+pts)24 bottles per lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000138 Château Croix De Labrie- Vintage 2009 St. Emilion 1x12 bottle owc (95pts) (12)Château Fombrauge- Vintage 2009 St. Emilion 1x12 bottle owc (92pts) (12)Château Gracia- Vintage 2009 St. Emilion 1x12 bottle owc (98pts) (12)Above 36 bottlesper lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000139 Château Haut BrionGraves- Vintage 2000 3lscl, 3lstl (98pts) (3)- Vintage 2003 vlscl (95pts) (1)Above 4 bottlesper lot US$1900-2600per lot HK$15200-20000140 Château Hosanna- Vintage 2006 Pomerol 1x6 bottle owc (94pts) (6)- Vintage 2009 Pomerol 1x3 bottle owc (99pts) (3)Château L’Eglise Clinet- Vintage 2005 Pomerol (100pts) (3)Château L’Evangile- Vintage 1990 Pomerol vlbsl, nl, scc magnum (1)- Vintage 2001 Pomerol (91pts) (2)Above 14 bottlesper lot US$2000-4200and 1 magnumper lot HK$16000-34000141 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2001Pauillac1x6 magnum owc“The 2001 Lafite Rothschild s deep, saturated plum/purple color is accompanied by lead pencil liqueurlikenotes intermixed with sweet red and black currants,plums, and cedar. This blend of 86.5% Cabernet Sauvignonand 13.5% Merlot is a classic example of Lafite.Extremely elegant, medium-bodied, with intense concentration,richness, and sweet tannin...”(94pts)6 magnums per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000142 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2003Pauillac1x6 magnum owc“Dense purple-colored, with classic notes of graphite intertwinedwith melted licorice, Crème de cassis, smoke,and flowers, it reveals extraordinary richness, opulence,power, purity, intensity, and viscosity.”(100pts)濃 厚 的 紫 色 , 帶 有 經 典 的 石 墨 味 , 交 織 融 滙 甘 草 、黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 、 煙 燻 及 花 香 , 展 露 異 常 出 色 的 濃郁 、 豐 盛 、 勁 度 、 純 和 、 密 集 及 黏 度 。(100 分 )6 magnums per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000143 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2004Pauillac1x6 magnum owc“This beautiful, stunningly dense purple-colored effortoffers up precise notes of graphite, black cherries, cassis,scorched earth, and minerals. Medium to full-bodiedwith fabulous fruit, impressive richness, refreshing acidity,and sweet tannin, this beauty should be approachablein 4-5 years, and last for three decades.”(95pts)6 magnums per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-7200040 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


144 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2005Pauillac3x1 magnum owc’s“...boasts a dark ruby/purple color in addition to thatexceptional Lafite perfume of graphite, spring flowers,crushed rocks, and sweet black cherry and blackcurrant fruit that exudes class and nobility. The wineis medium-bodied with extremely high levels of tanninin addition to sensational purity, length, and overallharmony.”(96+pts)... 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 加 上 Lafite 獨 有 的 石 墨 、 春 天 的 鮮花 、 碎 石 及 甜 黑 櫻 桃 和 黑 加 侖 子 果 香 , 散 發 出 高 尚格 調 和 貴 族 氣 派 。 此 酒 酒 身 屬 中 等 , 不 過 單 寧 含 量特 高 , 清 純 迷 人 , 收 結 悠 長 , 整 體 十 分 和 諧 。(96+分 )3 magnums per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000145 Château Lafleur - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x3 magnum owc“Exhibits a complex nose of crushed blackberry, driedflowers and dark chocolate. Full-bodied, with a rich,powerful palate. Tannic and muscular, with great length.Superracy. Builds and goes and goes. So fine and beautiful.Mythic. Best after 2017.”(100pts WS)有 壓 碎 的 黑 莓 、 乾 花 和 黑 巧 克 力 的 複 雜 氣 味 , 入 口酒 身 濃 厚 强 勁 , 富 單 寧 和 肌 肉 感 , 收 結 非 常 持 久 ,活 力 十 足 ! 內 涵 與 日 俱 增 , 幼 細 完 美 , 有 如 神 話 ,宜 於 2017 年 後 享 用 。(100 分 WS)3 magnums per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000146 3 double magnums per lot US$10000-150003x1 double magnum owc per lot HK$80000-120000147 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1985Pomerolbn“Wonderful lychee and berry fruit character on the nose.Full-bodied and soft-textured, with caressing tannins.Long and beautiful. More friendly than the 1986. Lovely,open, inviting and seductive.”(94pts WS)1 bottle per lot US$1300-1700per lot HK$10400-13600148 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2004Pomerol2x3 bottle owc’s“There are 580 cases of the exotic, flamboyant 2004 LePin. Its dense plum/ruby color is accompanied by sweetaromas of kirsch, cassis, smoke, earth, and roasted herbs.Super-opulent for the vintage, it possesses wonderfulfruit and glycerin, medium to full body, and a fleshy personality.It should drink well young, yet age nicely for twodecades or more. The Pomerol of the vintage?”(95pts)在 其 紅 寶 石 般 的 酒 色 中 蘊 含 著 的 , 是 甜 美 的 櫻 桃 、黑 醋 栗 、 煙 燻 , 泥 土 及 香 草 的 酒 香 。 此 2004 確 是 個甚 佳 的 年 份 , 酒 感 華 麗 平 衡 , 酒 體 略 見 豐 滿 , 擁 有像 甘 油 的 香 味 及 精 緻 的 果 香 , 並 帶 有 鮮 嫩 的 獨 特個 性 。 趁 新 鮮 飲 用 相 當 不 錯 , 亦 可 再 陳 存 20 年 或 以上 。(95 分 )6 bottles per lot US$7000-10000per lot HK$56000-80000149 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“The 2005 Le Pin lived up to the hype and ultimatelywas wine of the afternoon for me. It had a great nose,t n a city yet still refined but also with so much stuffing.There was noticeable citrus with decadent fruit cranberry,blueberry, blackberry, cassis, boysenberry everyonewas invited! There was great spine and length, but the2005 was still so elegant. Jef called it a lip smacker andnoted kirsch and strawberry. The 2005 was all that andthen some.”(97pts JK)這 瓶 2005 年 的 Le Pin, 確 為 這 個 下 午 帶 來 了 無 限 生氣 , 它 的 酒 香 出 眾 , 擁 有 恰 到 好 處 的 果 酸 , 酒 感 細緻 而 豐 滿 , 充 斥 著 像 小 紅 莓 、 黑 醋 栗 、 藍 莓 及 黑莓 等 果 香 味 , 結 構 堅 實 而 且 餘 韻 非 常 悠 長 , 這 2005年 的 Le Pin 無 疑 是 一 瓶 相 當 優 雅 的 佳 品 。Jef 以 「 親吻 的 對 象 」 稱 之 , 並 以 「 櫻 桃 白 蘭 地 」 來 形 容 它 。〈97 分 JK〉6 bottles per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-128000150 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2007Pomerol1x1 magnum owc1 magnum per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-2400042 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


151 Château Montrose- Vintage 1995St. Estephe 1x12 bottle owc (93pts) (12)- Vintage 2005St. Estephe (3)- Vintage 2008St. Estephe (95pts) magnum (4)- Vintage 2009St. Estephe 1scl (100pts) (6)Above 21 bottlesand 4 magnumsper lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000151A Château Pétrus - Vintage 2002Pomerol“Gorgeous subtle aromas of crushed raspberries andlight vanilla, with hints of spices. Medium- to full-bodied,with wonderfully seductive, silky tannins. Beautiful slinkyfinish.”(93pts WS)3 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000152 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2003Pomerol“Extraordinary nose of berry, chocolate and flowers.Amazing, jaw-dropping quality. Full-bodied, with supersilky,seductive tannins and a finish that lasts for minutes.Out of this world.”(98pts WS)帶 有 不 同 凡 響 的 莓 子 、 巧 克 力 和 花 香 味 。 令 人 驚 歎的 酒 質 。 酒 身 濃 郁 , 單 寧 極 度 柔 滑 及 誘 人 , 令 收 結長 達 數 分 鐘 , 簡 直 無 與 倫 比 。(98 分 WS)4 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000153 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2004Pomerol1x3 bottle owc“...possesses high acidity as well as copious amountsof sweet cherries and black currants intermixed withhints of cola, earth, and truffles. Deep, medium-bodied,concentrated, ripe flavors are excruciatingly firm andtannic.”(93pts)3 bottles per lot US$3800-5000per lot HK$30000-40000154 6 bottles per lot US$7500-100001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$60000-80000155 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2008Pomerol1x3 bottle owc“A wine of great intensity (possibly the most concentratedwine of the vintage), this 100% Merlot boasts adark purple color as well as a sweet perfume of mocha,caramel, black cherries, black currants, earth and forestfloor.”(97pts)3 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000156 Château Ausone- Vintage 1998 St. Emilion 1nl, different importers (2)- Vintage 2003 St. Emilion (100pts) (1)Château Cheval Blanc- Vintage 1998 St. Emilion nl (98pts WS) (1)Château La Mondotte- Vintage 2000 St. Emilion lscl (98pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 St. Emilion vlscl (94pts) (1)Château Pavie- Vintage 1998 St. Emilion vlscl (95pts) (1)Château Troplong Mondot- Vintage 2003 St. Emilion (92+pts) (2)Above 9 bottlesper lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000157 Château Belair-Monange- Vintage 2009 St. Emilion (94+pts) (3)Château Clos de Sarpe- Vintage 2009 St. Emilion (6)Château Larcis Ducasse- Vintage 2008 St. Emilion 1x12 bottle owc (93pts) (12)Château Moulin St. Georges- Vintage 2009 1x6 bottle owc (90pts) (6)Château Troplong Mondot- Vintage 2008 St. Emilion 1x12 bottle owc (96pts) (12)Château Valandraud- Vintage 2003 St. Emilion (93pts) (6)Above 45 bottlesper lot US$2800-3800per lot HK$22000-30000158 Château Calon Segur- Vintage 2005 St. Estephe (92+pts) (3)Château Cos d’Estournel- Vintage 2000 St. Estephe (96pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2001 St. Estephe (93pts) (2)- Vintage 2005 St. Estephe (98pts WS) (3)Château Leoville Barton- Vintage 2005 St. Julien (96pts WS) (3)Château Lynch Bages- Vintage 2000 Pauillac (96pts WS) (6)Château Palmer- Vintage 2005 Margaux (97pts) (3)Above 21 bottlesper lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-3200044 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


159 Château Pape Clement- Vintage 2009 Graves (95pts) (9)Château Pichon Lalande- Vintage 1989 Pauillac nl (94pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2003 Pauillac (95pts) (3)- Vintage 2005 Pauillac (93pts WS) (3)Château Smith Haut Lafitte- Vintage 2003 Graves (6)Above 22 bottlesper lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000160 Château La Fleur Pétrus- Vintage 2006 Pomerol 1x12 bottle owc (92pts WS) (12)Château Trotanoy- Vintage 2006 Pomerol 1x6 bottle owc (6)Above 18 bottles161 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 2000Sauternes2x6 bottle owc’sper lot US$2000-2600per lot HK$16000-2000012 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000162 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 2001Sauternes1x12 half bottle owc“...with airing, it offers up honeyed tropical fruit, orangemarmalade, pineapple, sweet creme brulee, and butterednut-like scents. In the mouth, it is full-bodied with gorgeouslyrefreshing acidity as well as massive concentrationand unctuosity. Everything is uplifted and givenlaser-like focus by refreshing acidity. This large-scaled,youthful Yquem appears set to take its place among themost legendary vintages of the past...”(100pts)經 透 氣 後 , 逐 漸 滲 出 蜜 糖 般 的 熱 帶 水 果 、 橘 子 醬 、菠 蘿 、 焦 糖 燉 蛋 及 牛 油 堅 果 的 香 氣 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 酸清 新 美 妙 , 質 感 異 常 濃 密 油 潤 。 清 爽 的 酸 度 令 所 有的 感 覺 更 為 顯 著 集 中 , 此 雄 渾 年 青 的 Yquem 將 名 列傳 奇 佳 作 之 一 ....(100 分 )12 half-bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000163 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 2003Sauternes1x12 half bottle owc“Subtle and racy, with lemon rind, vanilla cream anddried pineapple. Very spicy and intense. Full-bodied,with great length and flavor. Electrified yet refined, withmedium sweetness and a wonderful finish. I love the classof this, and the length. Has afterburners.”(98pts WS)Above 12 half-bottles per lot US$2600-3500and 6 bottlesper lot HK$20000-28000164 Château Haut Brion Blanc - Vintage 2005Graves“...a fleshy, racy, hypothetical blend of the 1994 and 1998Haut-Brion, only better. It boasts a gorgeous perfume ofcitrus oil, lime, honeyed grapefruit, flowers, spicy smoke,and earth, followed by terrific definition, purity, and fullbodiedpower...”(95+pts)3 bottles per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000165 Musigny - Vintage 2002Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue1x6 bottle owc“Expansive and very open on the nose with a fantasticarray of spices, flowers and fruit aromas leading to veryserious, exuberantly fresh and impressively deep flavorsthat also have a wonderfully tactile texture to them mindboggling complexity coupled with perfect balance andthis just dances across the palate yet stains it with notablyripe pinot extract. The finish is all silk and velvetbut with a deeply buried, very firm and chewy backboneof tannins that lasts for minutes. This is greatness in themaking.”(96pts BH)10 bottles per lot US$5500-8000per lot HK$44000-64000166 DRC Assortment - Vintage 1999Domaine de la Romanée Conti1x12 bottle banded owc12 bottles per lot US$35000-50000per lot HK$280000-400000167 ÉchézeauxDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 1990 scl (97pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1999 lscl (92pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2002 (93pts BH) (3)- Vintage 2004 lscl, hstl (90pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2005 (94pts BH) (4)Above 10 bottlesper lot US$7000-10000per lot HK$56000-80000168 Grands ÉchézeauxDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 2002 lscl, stl (93pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2004 (91pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2005 lgsl (96pts BH) (1)Above 3 bottlesper lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-2600046 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


169 La TâcheDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 1972 lbsl, lscl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition (91pts BH)- Vintage 1990 lscl, sdc (100pts) (1)- Vintage 2005 lscl (99pts BH) (1)Above 3 bottlesper lot US$7000-9500per lot HK$56000-76000170 Richebourg- Vintage 2004 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (1)lscl (94pts BH)- Vintage 2005 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (1)(97pts BH)Romanée St. Vivant- Vintage 2004 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (1)nl (92pts BH)- Vintage 2005 Domaine de la Romanée Conti (1)(97pts BH)Above 4 bottlesper lot US$4200-5500per lot HK$34000-44000171 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2002Domaine de la Romanée Conti1x1 bottle owc, scl“...superbly detailed nose of dried rose petals, kirsch andplenty of spice taut, focused, very backward, powerfuland very punchy flavors are more discreet with seriouslyimpressive detail and layer after layer of sappy extractand incredible depth impeccably balanced spiritual senseof harmony.”(97pts BH)... 滲 透 著 玫 瑰 花 瓣 、 櫻 桃 酒 及 香 料 般 的 酒 香 , 酒 味厚 重 濃 郁 含 蓄 但 香 味 卻 層 出 不 窮 , 酒 感 跳 躍 流 利 卻別 具 深 度 , 而 且 相 當 平 衡 細 緻 , 整 體 感 覺 美 妙 和諧 。(97 分 BH)2 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-200000172 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2004Domaine de la Romanée Conti“A supremely beautiful if very reserved nose with a stunningmelange of spice notes, floral notes, particularlyviolets, red and black berry fruit aromas plus nuances ofearth, game and smoke combine to perfectly complementthe equally reserved, pure and unbelievably precise andpure medium full flavors underpinned by sophisticatedtannins and huge length while other wines have class,Romanée-Conti defines the term... the most remarkable ofall is the wine s ability to aggregate attributes unlike anyother... one of the very finest in terms of the delicacy andharmony of expression.”(94pts BH)酒 香 秀 麗 優 雅 , 擁 有 混 合 香 料 、 花 卉 、 紫 羅 蘭 、 紅色 和 黑 色 漿 果 、 泥 土 、 野 味 肉 及 煙 燻 味 的 香 氣 , 稍微 豐 厚 的 酒 身 蘊 含 純 粹 而 精 準 的 氣 質 , 單 寧 成 熟 穩重 不 慍 不 火 , 收 結 宏 厚 悠 長 。 這 確 是 一 瓶 極 度 精 緻和 諧 的 逸 品 。(94 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000173 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Conti“An exceptionally floral yet restrained nose with aromasof both rose and violets that combine with a panoply ofspice notes yet the overall impression is classic young RCas the nose is both cool and reserved yet aristocratic. Thesweet, intense, focused, detailed and vibrant flavors offersuperb drive and punch though there is not the sheer scaleof the LT yet they’re finer and somehow even purer, indeedabsolutely crystalline though I kept asking myself how thiswas possible as the purity of the La Tâche is itself mindblowing. The descriptor of ‘power without weight’ came tomind again and again as the flavors slide down the throatwith no sense of heaviness yet the impact and precision ofthe presently somewhat austere finish is quite simply hardto believe. In a word, this is mind bending and in a visceralsense, this is a monumental wine that of real emotionalimpact. Genius in a glass.”(99+pts BH)非 常 芬 芳 的 花 香 味 , 但 以 玫 瑰 和 紫 蘿 蘭 最 突 出 , 並混 和 著 一 系 列 的 香 料 味 , 不 過 , 整 體 印 象 仍 是 典 型年 青 的 Romanée Conti, 氣 味 含 蓄 沉 靜 , 不 失 高 雅 。那 甘 甜 、 濃 郁 、 集 中 、 細 緻 和 充 滿 生 氣 的 味 道 給人 一 種 極 好 的 力 量 感 , 只 不 過 跟 一 貫 的 La Tâche 比較 , 感 覺 上 並 不 一 樣 ; 比 起 醇 淨 的 La Tâche, 它 更 清醇 , 更 晶 瑩 通 透 。 氣 味 在 口 腔 內 感 覺 極 為 輕 盈 , 然而 收 結 的 衝 擊 力 和 精 確 度 卻 又 令 人 難 以 置 信 , 叫 人不 禁 反 覆 想 起 「 無 重 量 的 力 量 」 這 個 形 容 詞 。 總 而言 之 , 它 非 常 出 眾 , 讓 人 一 試 難 忘 , 絕 對 是 杯 中 極品 。(99+ 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-12800048 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

174 Bonnes Mares - Vintage 1985Dujacnl, lstl, sdc“...my tasting notes contained the word great three timesand extraordinary twice...”(97pts)1 bottle per lot US$1200-1600per lot HK$9600-12800175 Échézeaux- Vintage 2005 E. Rouget (91-94pts BH) (2)- Vintage 2006 E. Rouget 1nl (3)- Vintage 2006 E. Rouget (G. Jayer) (3)Nuits St. Georges- Vintage 1990 E. Rouget vlbsl (1)- Vintage 2006 E. Rouget (G. Jayer) (3)Vosne Romanée- Vintage 2006 Cros Parantoux, E. Rouget (2)(92-94pts BH)Above 14 bottlesper lot US$3200-4500per lot HK$26000-36000176 Bonnes MaresG. Roumier- Vintage 2003 (93pts) (2)- Vintage 2005 (96pts BH) (2)Above 4 bottlesper lot US$2200-3200per lot HK$18000-26000177 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 1988Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer4cm bc, wisl, nl, wc“The 1988 was the first and only wine to show a hint ofgamy maturity, that kinky, fleshy style that Jayer transformsinto after age twenty or so, plus or minus dependingon the quality of the vintage. The 1988 was very sexy,just starting to show some flesh, sweet in its purple andwith a splash of vitamins as well. The classic Jayer muskand kink were there, and the palate was chewy and fleshy,no easy task to achieve in 1988, which is a rugged, tannic,structure first vintage. The 1988 was tasty as well. Itsdelightful drinkability and approachability stood out inthis first flight. While the 1988 might not get much better,score one for Jayer. The 88 should still have a reasonablylong plateau ahead of it, to be clear.”(94pts JK)在 陳 存 二 十 多 年 之 後 的 今 天 才 能 讓 我 們 領 略 到 , 這1988 年 份 , 原 來 是 Jayer 釀 酒 生 涯 中 第 一 個 及 唯 一 一個 年 份 , 在 其 作 品 中 呈 現 出 那 種 既 成 熟 又 清 新 的 獨特 酒 感 的 。 此 酒 令 人 感 覺 相 當 性 感 , 亦 甚 為 清 新 甜美 。 典 型 Jayer 出 品 的 麝 香 味 當 然 不 會 缺 少 , 在 口 腔內 更 有 如 吃 肉 的 感 覺 , 因 為 1988 年 是 很 粗 獷 、 單 寧 強勁 的 一 年 , 要 達 到 這 個 效 果 殊 不 容 易 。1988 年 亦 是 很好 喝 的 , 不 單 適 合 飲 用 , 又 平 易 近 人 。 這 1988 年 份 已經 好 得 不 能 再 好 了 , 也 正 是 Jayer 的 皇 牌 。 明 顯 地 , 此1988 年 份 仍 可 陳 存 一 段 頗 長 的 時 間 。(94 分 JK)1 bottle per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$34600-48000178 Romanée St. Vivant- Vintage 2005 N. Potel 1x6 bottle owc (97-98pts) (6)Vosne Romanée- Vintage 2004 Leroy (95pts BH) (6)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$4000-5000per lot HK$32000-40000179 Montrachet - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Contilscl“An opulent, ripe and moderately oaked in-your-facenose explodes from the glass, bringing incredibly complexand layered aromas that run from floral, citrus,spice and a full range of white and yellow fruit notes thatcomplement to perfection the lush, rich and amazinglyconcentrated broad-scaled flavors that are underpinnedby an intense minerality and a palate staining finish ofsimply unbelievable length. At this young stage, this isa massive Montrachet that is long on power and muscleand while it’s not as elegant as say the 2000, 2002 or2004 versions, I believe that the refinement one typicallyfinds in this wine will come in time. In sum, for sheer vinousfireworks, this is hard to beat and to call it a “wow”wine would be a considerable understatement. However,note that plenty of time will be required and it will be oneof the longest-lived vintages in recent memory. A great,great effort.”(98pts BH)氣 味 豐 饒 , 熟 透 的 果 實 和 中 度 橡 木 味 從 杯 中 撲 鼻 而上 , 帶 來 無 比 複 雜 和 有 層 次 的 香 氣 , 包 括 花 香 、 檸檬 果 類 、 香 料 和 一 系 列 的 黃 色 和 白 色 的 樹 果 , 在 大家 的 互 相 輝 映 下 , 將 豐 厚 、 濃 郁 及 異 常 濃 縮 的 多 種味 道 帶 到 最 完 美 境 界 , 同 時 還 帶 緊 密 的 礦 物 味 , 餘韻 連 綿 , 齒 頰 留 香 。 這 瓶 魁 偉 的 Montrachet 在 如 此 年青 的 的 階 段 已 經 展 露 出 它 的 力 量 和 酒 身 , 雖 然 不 及2000、2002 和 2004 優 雅 , 但 假 以 時 日 , 定 能 出 類 拔萃 。 總 括 來 說 , 當 這 瓶 酒 全 部 的 潛 質 都 爆 發 出 來 時必 定 很 震 撼 。 可 是 , 它 需 要 時 間 陳 年 , 將 會 是 最 長壽 的 佳 釀 之 一 , 偉 大 的 傑 作 。(98 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000180 Châteauneuf du PapeHommage a Jacques Perrin, Château de Beaucastel- Vintage 1995 (97pts WS) (2)- Vintage 1998 (100pts) (3)- Vintage 1999 nl (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 lstl, scc, 2x1 bottle owc, (97pts) (2)Above 8 bottlesper lot US$2200-2800per lot HK$18000-22000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com49

180A Châteauneuf du Pape - Vintage 2003cuvée Inspiration, Domaine du Pegau1wisl“…is one of the greatest wines I have ever tasted. Thiscurrent tasting revealed that it has developed considerablecomplexity and shed some of the tannins it showedearly in life. Only available in magnum, it is a superexpensive,limited cuvée that is impossible to find, butif any readers ever have the chance to taste it, don’thesitate.”(100pts)3 magnums per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000181 Condrieu- Vintage 2000 La Doriane, E. Guigal 3scl, 1spc (3)- Vintage 2001 La Doriane, E. Guigal lscl, sdc (1)Côte Rôtie- Vintage 1998 Château d’Ampuis, E. Guigal (2)lscl, lscl (92-5pts)- Vintage 1999 Brune et Blonde, E. Guigal 2nl (2)Château d’Ampuis, E. Guigal wisvl, sos (95pts) (3)La Landonne, E. Guigal nl, nl (100pts) (2)La Mouline, E. Guigal (100pts) (2)- Vintage 2000 La Landonne, E. Guigal nl (93pts) (1)La Mouline, E. Guigal (96pts WS) (1)La Turque, E. Guigal (97pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2001 Brune et Blonde, E. Guigal 2nl (2)La Mouline, E. Guigal 2nl (96pts IWC) (2)Côtes du Rhône- Vintage 1979 E. Guigal 3lscl,1sdc, (3)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1998 E. Guigal (2)- Vintage 2000 E. Guigal lwrvl, 4vlscl, (6)Hermitage- Vintage 1999 E. Guigal (2)Above 35 bottlesper lot US$4000-5500per lot HK$32000-44000184 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon- Vintage 1997 Herb Lamb Vineyard (99pts) (2)- Vintage 1998 Herb Lamb Vineyard (94pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 1999 Herb Lamb Vineyard (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 Tychson Hill (96 WS) (2)- Vintage 2002 Tychson Hill (100pts) (1)- Vintage 2003 Herb Lamb Vineyard (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2003 Tychson Hill (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2005 Tychson Hill (96+pts) (2)Colgin Red- Vintage 1999 Cariad Vineyard nl (92pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2002 Cariad Vineyard (97pts) (2)- Vintage 2003 Cariad Vineyard (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2003 IX Estate (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2005 IX Estate (97pts) (2)Above 18 bottlesper lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000185 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon - Vintage 20071x3 bottle owc“The most profound Screaming Eagle since the 2002 and1997, the 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon (an 800-case blendof 77% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot and 3% CabernetFranc) offers up a prodigiously pure, complex noseof cassis, spring flowers, licorice and black currants, thelatter component being so intense and lingering that itmakes this cuvée stand apart from other Napa Valleywines. Full-bodied in the mouth, like a ballerina on hertoes, this wine glides gracefully across the palate with acascade of purity, equilibrium and compelling complexity.Extraordinary balance and elegance combined withpower make for an utterly stunning wine that shoulddrink well for two decades or more.”(100pts)3 bottles per lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000_____________________________182 Châteauneuf du Pape - Vintage 2001H. Bonneau (6)cuvée Marie Beurrier, H. Bonneau (92-4pts) (6)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$1000-1300per lot HK$8000-10400183 Dominio de Pingus- Vintage 1999 vlbsl (98pts) (1)- Vintage 2003 nl, sdc (96-100pts) (1)Rioja- Vintage 2001 Pagos Viejos, Artadi (97pts) (2)Vega Sicilia Unico- Vintage 2000 (98pts) (2)Above 6 bottlesper lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-1600050 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMRIGHT BANK ROYALTY右 岸 風 采This small but concentrated collection has the best of the best of low yield Merlot and Cabernet Franc with 2000 Cheval Blanc,five vintages of Le Pin, and seven vintages of Petrus, including 1982, 1986 and 1989! These are gorgeous cases in splendid condition,true Pomerol jewels, perfectly stored by this conscientious and passionate collector.此 窖 藏 精 闢 獨 到 , 搜 羅 之 美 酒 皆 經 過 精 心 挑 選 , 焦 點 包 括 產 量 較 低 之 Merlot 及 Cabernet Franc 瑰 寶 , 如 2000 年 Cheval Blanc,LePin 5 個 年 份 ,Petrus 7 個 年 份 ( 包 括 1982、1986 及 1989), 均 屬 優 質 上 乘 之 Pomerol 珍 品 , 完 好 貯 藏 於 藏 家 酒 窖 中 。186 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 2000St. Emilion1nl, 1x12 bottle owc“...saturated purple color along with a reticent but strikingbouquet of blackberries, blueberries, truffles, andmocha. In spite of its tightness, aeration reveals scentsof licorice, menthol, and saddle leather. Opulent and fullbodied,with low acidity, sweet tannin, and a 60-secondfinish, it is unquestionably as profound as the 1990 and1982. I still believe the 2000 has the potential to be themost compelling Cheval Blanc since the mythical 1947and 1949...”(100pts)... 飽 和 的 紫 色 , 帶 著 含 蓄 而 動 人 的 黑 莓 、 藍 莓 、 松露 菌 和 莫 加 咖 啡 香 。 儘 管 仍 然 年 輕 緊 密 , 透 氣 後 滲出 甘 草 、 薄 荷 和 馬 鞍 皮 革 的 味 道 。 富 饒 和 醇 厚 的 酒身 、 低 酸 度 、 甘 甜 的 單 寧 和 長 達 60 秒 的 收 結 餘 韻 ,此 酒 無 疑 有 1990 和 1982 年 份 相 同 的 深 度 。 我 深 信 2000年 份 極 有 潛 質 , 可 能 直 迫 神 話 般 的 1947 和 1949 的Cheval Blanc...(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$8000-12000per lot HK$64000-96000187 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1997Pomerol1lscl, 1x6 bottle owc6 bottles per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000188 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1998Pomerol1nl, 1x6 bottle owc“Incredibly rich, wild and exotic. Dark ruby in color, decadentwith aromas of aged game, wild fruits and grilled meat.Full-bodied, with big, velvety, voluptuous tannins. It goes onand on. Don’t share this with anyone; it’s too wonderful. Thebest young Le Pin I have ever tasted.”(98 pts WS)異 常 豐 饒 , 狂 野 而 別 具 一 格 。 深 寶 石 紅 , 輕 透 野味 、 野 果 與 烤 肉 氣 息 。 酒 身 醇 厚 , 單 寧 豐 富 而 順滑 , 繚 繞 不 散 , 美 妙 得 令 你 吝 於 與 人 分 享 。 我 所 嚐過 的 最 佳 的 年 輕 Le Pin。(98 分 WS)6 bottles per lot US$11000-15000per lot HK$88000-120000189 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1999Pomerol1lstl, 1x6 bottle owc“It is exotic and sexy, with a cunning display of superripemocha and toast-infused, jammy black cherry fruit,low acidity, and a savory personality. It is a luxuriouslyrich, decadent 100% Merlot...”(93pts)6 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000190 6 magnums per lot US$18000-240002x3 magnum owc’s per lot HK$144000-20000052 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMLots: 194, 196Additional Lots: 281, 285-286, 344, 445, 483

191 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2000Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“Exotic, opulent, extravagant, and impossible to resist,the 2000 Le Pin is an explosive, virtually perfect exampleof this estate. Dense purple-colored, with luxurious levelsof extract and richness, this intense, unctuously-textured,black fruit-filled Pomerol is thick enough to drink with aspoon. Revealing abundant tannin and definition for sucha young Le Pin, it is typical of many of the blockbuster,but backward and tannic 2000 Pomerols.”(98pts)可 用 奇 特 、 豐 厚 、 華 麗 和 不 能 抗 拒 來 形 容 ,Le Pin2000 充 滿 爆 炸 力 , 正 是 此 莊 最 典 型 的 風 格 。 濃 密 的深 紫 色 , 加 上 濃 縮 和 豐 富 的 層 次 , 用 一 個 湯 匙 去 飲用 都 能 感 受 到 此 Pomerol 區 名 釀 的 濃 郁 及 柔 滑 質 感 。充 滿 黑 色 漿 果 味 道 , 這 瓶 年 輕 的 Le Pin 展 示 出 充 沛 的單 寧 及 實 力 , 是 典 型 的 Le Pin 最 叫 座 的 魅 力 所 在 , 但以 2000 的 Pomerol 出 產 來 說 , 發 展 得 較 為 緩 慢 和 單 寧較 高 。(98 分 )6 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-200000192 Château Le Pin - Vintage 2001Pomerol2lwrl, 2x3 magnum owc’s“A tremendous effort, this 500-case cuvée (one of Bordeauxs original garage operations) is even better in2001 than it was in 2000. Its deep ruby/plum/purple coloris accompanied by an extraordinary perfume of Crèmede cassis, cherry liqueur, plums, licorice, caramel, andsweet toast. This flamboyant, opulently textured, rich,concentrated Pomerol is a brilliant success as well asone of the wines of the vintage for 2001.”(98pts)6 magnums per lot US$20000-30000per lot HK$160000-240000193 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 2000Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“The wine offers a saturated ruby/purple color in additionto reticent but promising aromas of toast, coffee, licorice,Crème de cassis, and roasted nuts. Dense, chewy,and backward, with tremendous purity and density in additionto obvious toasty oak, it is full-bodied, powerful,tannic, and backward. Twenty-four to 48 hours of aerationonly hints at its ultimate potential. This blockbusterwill be exceptionally long-lived.”(97pts)從 其 紅 寶 石 般 的 酒 色 中 散 發 出 烤 麵 包 、 咖 啡 、 甘草 、 黑 加 侖 子 力 嬌 及 堅 果 的 酒 香 , 結 構 緊 密 堅 實 ,口 感 細 膩 纏 綿 , 清 純 細 緻 而 又 帶 著 明 顯 的 燻 橡 木 香味 , 酒 身 宏 厚 , 酒 勁 充 沛 。 開 瓶 醒 酒 24 到 48 小 時 之後 飲 用 , 你 自 會 發 現 它 的 陳 年 潛 能 有 多 高 。 此 酒 將會 是 一 瓶 異 常 「 長 壽 」 的 珍 品 。(97 分 )12 bottles per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-128000194 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1982Pomerol10lscl, 10ltl, 4lwrl, 1stl, 1lstl, 8sdc, 10nc, 1x12 bottle owc“The color reveals some amber at the edge. A sweet noseof caramel, roasted herbs, cherry jam, cedar, and smokeis followed by a thick, full-bodied, unctuously-textured,low acid a dazzling showing for this 1982 abundanttannin remains, the wine is sweet, smoky, and ideal fordrinking now and over the next 20-25 years.”(98pts)酒 杯 的 邊 沿 已 呈 現 着 一 點 琥 珀 色 , 帶 著 焦 糖 、 烘 香草 、 櫻 桃 果 醬 、 柏 木 和 煙 燻 等 甘 甜 氣 味 , 再 接 着 濃厚 而 絲 絨 般 柔 滑 的 酒 身 , 偏 低 的 酸 度 , 使 這 1982 年份 的 單 寧 顯 得 非 常 充 裕 。 酒 中 的 甘 甜 、 煙 燻 味 足 以從 現 在 至 20-25 年 後 均 適 合 飲 用 。(98 分 )10 bottles per lot US$45000-65000per lot HK$360000-520000195 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1986Pomerol12lscl, 12nc, 1wc, 5 bottles different importer,1x12 bottle owc“Minty...a flash of ripeness before the minerals andstones take over.”(92+pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$15000-20000per lot HK$120000-160000196 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1989Pomerol1bn, 2sdc, 10nc, different importers“Multi-millionaire collectors will have fun comparingthe 1989 and 1990 Pétrus. The 1989 has a slightly moresaturated color, and seems more tightly knit both aromaticallyand on the palate. However, this is splitting hairs,as this is another stunningly opulent, rich, full-bodied,amazingly concentrated, exotic, flamboyant Pétrus thatremains remarkably youthful, and in need of more yearsof bottle age. Additionally, the tannins are slightly moreelevated, at least from a tactile impression. However...extraordinary equilibrium between all of its componentparts. An amazing effort!”(100pts)富 有 的 收 藏 家 必 定 會 覺 得 比 較 1989 和 1990 的 Pétrus是 很 有 趣 的 一 回 事 。1989 年 份 有 更 飽 和 的 色 澤 , 在氣 味 和 口 感 方 面 彷 彿 編 織 得 更 濃 密 。 但 是 此 酒 自 有它 的 另 一 面 , 那 是 使 人 傾 倒 的 濃 郁 味 道 , 厚 厚 的 酒身 , 密 集 和 獨 特 的 酒 香 , 同 時 卻 非 常 年 輕 , 需 要 在酒 瓶 內 蘊 藏 多 年 。 感 覺 單 寧 稍 微 地 高 , 不 過 酒 中 的所 有 成 份 異 常 平 衡 。 簡 直 是 驚 人 的 成 就 !(100 分 )10 bottles per lot US$30000-40000per lot HK$240000-32000054 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

197 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1996Pomerol2nl, 1ssos, 6x1 bottle owc’s“Bright nose with lots of expressive aromas - plum, greenolives, mocha, minerals, chalk, stone, sweet cherry and alittle green bean in there gets honeyed as it stays in theglass a sweet pungency without being too pungent still alittle youthful on the palate flashy yet not quite fleshy lotsof alcohol on the finish but not in the belly good plum andslate flavors on finish a bit tight on the palate but still allgood wintry smooths out and opens up nicely.”(94pts JK)酒 香 中 帶 著 怡 人 的 香 氣 ─ 洋 梨 、 青 橄 欖 、 莫 加 咖啡 、 礦 物 、 白 堊 、 石 頭 、 甜 櫻 桃 和 少 許 青 豆 。 置 在杯 中 後 顯 得 更 甜 蜜 , 有 點 辛 而 不 辣 的 帶 甜 香 料 味道 , 此 酒 讓 人 感 到 略 為 年 青 , 果 感 豐 腴 而 不 過 火 ,收 結 時 帶 有 強 烈 的 酒 精 感 , 但 又 不 會 過 於 濃 烈 。 優美 的 洋 梨 和 板 岩 的 味 道 在 餘 韻 中 顯 得 略 為 緊 閉 , 但整 體 感 覺 相 當 平 衡 順 暢 , 成 熟 大 方 。(94 分 JK)6 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000PARCEL LOTS 198-199198 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1999Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“...deep purple-colored, long-lived, super-concentratedPomerol...Revealing copious quantities of plum, blackcherry, and mulberry-like fruit, it is a rich, deep, full-bodiedeffort with sweet tannin as well as a firm structure. Atop-flight Pétrus.”(94pts)6 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000200 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2000Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“From the bottle, it is a perfect wine The color is inkyplum/purple to the rim and the nose scents of smoke,blackberries, cherries, licorice, and an unmistakabletruffle/underbrush element. On the palate, this enormouseffort is reminiscent of dry vintage port, with fabulousripeness, a huge, unctuous texture, enormous body, and acolossal 65-second finish.”(100pts)從 酒 瓶 已 能 看 出 此 酒 之 完 美 , 可 媲 美 1998。 杯 邊 呈墨 黑 的 李 子 / 紫 色 。 氣 味 帶 煙 燻 、 黑 莓 、 櫻 桃 、 甘 草和 明 顯 的 松 露 菌 及 其 他 野 菌 幽 香 。 在 口 中 卻 使 人 聯想 到 陳 年 的 老 砵 酒 , 熟 透 無 比 , 有 滑 溜 質 感 , 巨 大酒 身 和 65 秒 的 澎 湃 收 結 。(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$20000-30000per lot HK$160000-240000201 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2003Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“Extraordinary nose of berry, chocolate and flowers.Amazing, jaw-dropping quality. Full-bodied, with supersilky,seductive tannins and a finish that lasts for minutes.Out of this world.”(98pts WS)帶 有 不 同 凡 響 的 莓 子 、 巧 克 力 和 花 香 味 。 令 人 驚 歎的 酒 質 。 酒 身 濃 郁 , 單 寧 極 度 柔 滑 及 誘 人 , 令 收 結長 達 數 分 鐘 , 簡 直 無 與 倫 比 。(98 分 WS)6 bottles per lot US$10000-14000per lot HK$80000-112000_____________________________199 6 bottles per lot US$7500-100001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$60000-80000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com55

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTHE GENERATIONAL COLLECTION歷 久 彌 堅 之 家 族 窖 藏This family’s father started collecting twenty years ago with a focus on top Bordeaux Chateaux in the best vintages. He sharedhis love of wine and exacting collecting acumen with his children, who are now sharing some of these beauties with us, as theypurchased in quantity as well as quality! The collection is particularly strong from the early 1960s to the mid 1990s with manyof the wines in original wood cases and outstanding condition. Focusing on the First Growths, there are parcels of 1990 HautBrion, 1986, 1990 and 1995 Lafite as well as multiples of 1986, 1990, 1995 and 1996 Margaux. There are three cases each of 1982and 1986 Mouton as well several cases of the 1995 in bottle and magnum. Latour comes over the top with towering parcels of1982, 1990, 1994, 1995 and 1996. The Right Bank firms up its ranks with eleven vintages of Lafleur and seven vintages of Petrus,including all the important vintages. Although, we’re almost out breath detailing this amazing collection, let’s not forget aboutthe three cases of 1982 Cheval Blanc and several cases of 1988 and 1990 Yquem. There is a DRC interlude crested by full casesof 1991 La Tache as well as 1993 Romanee St. Vivant and Richebourg. Champagne was an important part of their celebrationof wine, indeed, spearheaded by multiple cases of 1996 Dom Perignon, 1996 Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Rose, 1988 and1990 Krug. All wines ideally stored under temperature and humidity-controlled conditions, as any good father would do beforepassing on his pride to his family. This is a very special collection, one handed down over generations, that speaks about wineand love as one and the same. We present to you, ‘The Generational Collection.’二 十 年 前 , 父 親 決 定 充 當 家 族 中 的 先 鋒 , 開 始 收 藏 各 地 珍 稀 名 酒 , 並 重 點 搜 羅 頂 級 波 爾 多 傑 作 品 。 在 他 的 帶 領 與 薰 陶 下 ,子 女 逐 漸 培 養 出 蒐 集 名 釀 的 興 趣 。 時 至 今 日 , 他 們 網 羅 眾 多 環 球 美 酒 , 藏 量 豐 富 , 現 更 透 過 本 場 拍 賣 公 諸 同 好 , 實 屬 難得 。 窖 藏 中 1960 年 代 初 至 1990 年 代 中 期 之 原 木 箱 裝 珍 釀 份 外 矚 目 , 波 爾 多 一 級 名 莊 力 作 亦 相 當 出 眾 , 包 括 1990 年 Haut Brion組 合 ,1986、1990 及 1995 年 Lafite, 以 及 1986、1990、1995 與 1996 年 Margaux;Mouton 代 表 包 括 1982 及 1986 年 各 三 箱 , 以 及 多箱 1995 年 標 準 瓶 裝 與 1.5 公 升 裝 ;Latour 則 有 1982、1990、1994、1995 及 1996 組 合 。 同 樣 不 容 忽 視 的 波 爾 多 右 岸 瑰 寶 包 括 Lafleur11 個 年 份 和 Petrus 7 個 年 份 , 綴 以 3 箱 1982 年 Cheval Blanc 及 7 箱 1988 與 1990 Yquem, 令 飲 家 一 見 傾 心 。DRC 部 份 平 分 春 色 , 精品 包 括 整 箱 裝 1991 年 La Tache, 以 及 1993 年 Romanee St. Vivant 與 Richebourg。 香 檳 部 分 亮 麗 醉 人 , 特 別 推 介 1996 年 Dom Perignon,1996年 Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Rose,1988 及 1990 年 Krug。 所 有 珍 品 均 完 好 貯 藏 於 恆 溫 恆 濕 酒 庫 中 , 優 質 上 乘 。此 窖 藏 滿 載 世 代 相 傳 之 珍 寶 , 難 能 可 貴 。202 Château Cos d’Estournel - Vintage 1982St. Estephe4nc, 1x12 bottle owc“Cos d’Estournel’s 1982 exhibits a dark ruby/purplecolor with light pink at the rim. Sweet aromas of jammyblack fruits intermixed with roasted espresso and vanillinjump from the glass of this young, concentrated, fullbodied,succulent effort.”(96pts)1982 年 的 Cos d’Estournel 帶 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 在 杯 邊留 下 一 抹 粉 紅 。 黑 漿 果 的 甜 美 混 和 蒸 餾 咖 啡 和 香 草芬 芳 撲 鼻 而 來 , 密 集 醇 厚 , 活 力 十 足 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-3800056 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


203 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1989Graves1x12 bottle owc“The prodigious 1989 Haut-Brion is one of the greatestfirst-growths I have ever tasted. It has always remindedme of what the 1959 must have tasted like in its youth, butit is even richer and more compelling aromatically. Thewine exhibits an opaque ruby/purple color, as well as asweet nose of jammy fruit, tobacco, spicy oak, minerals,and smoke. Fabulously concentrated, with huge levels offruit, extract, and glycerin, this wine is nearly viscous becauseof its thickness and richness. Low acidity gives thewine even more appeal and adds to its precociousness.The wine has not budged in development since it was firstbottled, although it has always provided thrilling drinkingbecause of its voluptuous texture.”(100pts)如 此 龐 大 得 驚 人 的 1989 Haut Brion 是 我 試 過 最 佳 的 一級 酒 莊 之 一 。 它 總 是 在 提 示 着 我 1959 年 份 未 成 熟 前的 味 道 , 但 是 嘗 起 來 卻 更 濃 郁 , 並 且 香 氣 迫 人 。 此酒 展 示 着 深 沉 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 甘 甜 的 氣 味 像 果 醬 、煙 草 、 帶 香 料 味 的 橡 木 、 礦 物 和 煙 熏 味 。 非 常 濃縮 , 帶 有 很 多 不 同 層 次 的 果 香 、 精 華 , 以 及 甘 油 ,此 酒 更 因 為 它 的 濃 郁 和 厚 度 而 覺 得 稍 稍 黏 口 。 而 此酒 的 低 酸 度 更 增 加 了 它 的 感 染 力 和 早 熟 。 然 而 自 酒入 瓶 後 似 乎 沒 有 甚 麼 變 動 , 但 因 它 的 豐 厚 質 感 , 現時 喝 已 非 常 好 味 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-128000PARCEL LOTS 204-205204 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1990Graves1x12 bottle owc“The 1990 is a decadently ripe wine with much more evolutionto its fragrant cassis, mineral, smoked-herb, hotrocks, tobacco, sweet, toasty nose. Fat, rich, and mediumto full-bodied, this superbly-concentrated, forward, awesomely-endowedwine requires 4-6 years of cellaring; it iscapable of lasting for 20-25+ years. It is an unheralded,underrated 1990 that deserves more attention.”(96pts)滿 溢 的 黑 醋 栗 、 礦 物 、 煙 熏 香 草 、 烤 熱 的 石 頭 、 煙草 、 甘 甜 和 吐 司 馥 郁 , 正 告 訴 你 : 這 瓶 1990 年 的 ChâteauHaut Brion 正 在 散 發 出 成 熟 之 芳 香 。 豐 腴 厚 膩 ,酒 體 適 中 偏 濃 郁 , 這 瓶 精 煉 華 美 , 成 長 中 的 異 稟 ,還 需 4 至 6 年 窖 藏 , 然 後 可 保 持 狀 態 20 至 25 年 以 上 。這 瓶 1990 年 一 直 被 人 低 估 了 並 看 漏 眼 , 應 該 值 得 更多 關 注 的 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000205 12 bottles per lot US$6500-85001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$52000-68000206 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1993Gravesnl, sos, 1x1 Imperial owc“…displays an attractive, saturated dark ruby color, anda reticent but emerging bouquet of red and black fruits,minerals, vanillin, and spice. With Haut-Brion’s characteristicallyintense, earthy, tobacco flavors well-displayedin this wine’s medium-bodied format, this is once againone of Bordeaux’s greatest examples of outstanding concentrationand flavor intensity combined with finesse andelegance.”(92pts)1 Imperial per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000207 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1995Graves1x12 bottle owc“...it possesses a saturated ruby/purple color, as well as abeautiful, knock-out set of aromatics, consisting of blackfruits, vanillin, spice, and wood-fire smoke. Multidimensionaland rich, with layers of ripe fruit, and beautifullyintegrated tannin and acidity, this medium to full-bodiedwine is a graceful, seamless, exceptional Haut-Brion thatshould drink surprisingly well young.”(96pts)我 嘗 試 在 不 同 場 合 下 品 嚐 1995 年 的 Château Haut Brion,表 現 一 直 無 懈 可 擊 。 相 比 1996 年 更 易 於 接 受 ,其 風 味 亦 更 佳 , 顏 色 為 飽 滿 的 紅 寶 石 甚 至 紫 色 , 由黑 水 果 、 香 草 、 香 料 、 燻 木 香 氣 交 織 成 令 人 迷 醉 的華 麗 香 氛 陣 。 其 口 味 立 體 濃 厚 , 豐 饒 的 成 熟 果 味 ,產 生 出 鱗 次 櫛 比 的 層 次 , 單 寧 和 酸 度 結 合 渾 然 天 成又 華 麗 , 這 中 等 至 濃 厚 口 味 的 甘 醪 是 一 瓶 雅 緻 無瑕 。 此 獨 特 的 Haut-Brion, 不 用 陳 存 太 久 也 已 表 現 出眾 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000208 Château La Fleur Pétrus - Vintage 1990Pomerol1x12 bottle owc12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 209-210209 Château La Mondotte - Vintage 1996St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“...Made from 100% Merlot, and fermented and aged in100% new oak barrels, this wine is one of the most concentratedyoung Bordeaux I have ever tasted. On eachof the three occasions I tasted it, my notes contained theexpression: a must buy!”(97pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000210 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-2800058 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


211 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1982Pauillac6bn, 3ts, 1nl, 1sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“The 1982 Lafite possesses a dark, dense ruby/purplecolor with only a subtle lightening at the rim. Spectaculararomatics offer jammy cherry and black fruitsintertwined with lead pencil, mineral, and smoky woodscents. Powerful for a Lafite, this wine unfolds to revealextraordinary richness, purity, and overall symmetry inaddition to stunning flavor depth and persistence. Thefinish lasts for nearly a minute. The modern day equivalentof Lafite-Rothschild’s immortal 1959 An amazingachievement!...”(100pts)1982 Lafite 擁 有 深 、 濃 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 除 了 在 杯 邊 的顏 色 略 略 地 較 淺 。 氣 味 方 面 是 纏 結 着 櫻 桃 果 醬 和 黑色 漿 果 , 加 上 鉛 筆 , 礦 物 和 煙 木 頭 。 對 於 Lafite 來 說是 強 而 有 力 , 這 酒 揭 示 了 它 特 別 的 濃 郁 、 清 純 和 對稱 , 加 上 平 常 特 有 突 出 味 道 上 的 深 度 和 持 續 性 。 味道 留 在 口 腔 內 持 續 差 不 多 一 分 鐘 。 這 個 現 代 Lafite 實在 相 等 於 不 朽 的 1959。 驚 人 的 成 就 !(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$35000-48000per lot HK$280000-380000PARCEL LOTS 212-213212 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1986Pauillac3bn, 3tsl, 2scc, 1x12 bottle owc“The 1986 possesses outstanding richness, a deep color,medium body, a graceful, harmonious texture, and superblength. The penetrating fragrance of cedar, chestnuts,minerals, and rich fruit is a hallmark of this wine.Powerful, dense, rich, and tannic, as well as medium tofull-bodied, with awesome extraction of fruit, this Lafitehas immense potential.”(100pts)此 1986 年 的 佳 釀 異 常 濃 厚 , 色 澤 深 潤 , 中 等 酒 身 ,質 感 優 雅 和 諧 , 收 結 悠 長 。 香 柏 、 栗 子 、 礦 物 以 及濃 郁 的 果 香 , 是 其 獨 家 印 記 。 強 而 有 力 、 醇 厚 馥 郁加 上 豐 富 的 單 寧 , 構 成 中 等 至 濃 厚 的 酒 身 , 擁 有 極出 衆 的 果 香 精 華 , 這 是 一 瓶 具 有 無 限 的 陳 年 潛 質Lafite。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-128000PARCEL LOTS 214-216214 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1990Pauillac1scl, 1x12 bottle owc“The 1990 Lafite has turned out far better than my earlyassessment. While it still possesses some firmness, andperforms like a late adolescent in terms of its evolution,it boasts gorgeous aromas of cedar, tobacco leaf, cassis,and lead pencil shavings. The explosive aromas are followedby a fleshy, full-bodied wine that should hit its peakin 5-8 years, and last for 25-30 more.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000215 12 bottles per lot US$7500-100001bn, 1ts, 12bsl, 2scl, 4sdc, per lot HK$60000-800004scc, 3 bottles different importer216 12 bottles per lot US$7500-100006lbsl, 3scc, different importers per lot HK$60000-80000PARCEL LOTS 217-219217 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1995Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“It exhibits a dark ruby purple color, and a sweet,powdered mineral, smoky, weedy cassis-scented nose.Beautiful sweetness of fruit is present in this mediumbodied,tightly-knit, but gloriously pure, well-delineatedLafite.”(95pts)此 酒 呈 現 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 帶 著 甘 甜 、 礦 物 粉 末 、 煙燻 味 道 , 並 散 發 加 侖 子 的 芳 香 。 甜 美 的 果 味 完 美 地與 中 度 醇 厚 的 酒 身 濃 密 交 織 在 一 起 , 馥 郁 純 正 , 絕對 是 一 款 優 雅 複 雜 的 Lafite 。 (95 分 )12 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000218 12 bottles per lot US$7500-100001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$60000-80000219 12 bottles per lot US$7500-100001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$60000-80000213 12 bottles per lot US$12000-160002bn, 3scc, 1x12 bottle owc per lot HK$96000-12800060 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


220 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1978Pomerol4bn, 4ts, 1vhs, 12bsl, 12gsl, 4nl, 8sdc, 12cc, 6nc,excellent color“...one of the two or three finest wines of the vintage,along with La Mission-Haut-Brion and Latour. This darkplum/garnet-colored wine exhibits a knock-out nose ofblack cherry fruit intermixed with licorice, minerals,cedar, and spice. Medium to full-bodied, with powerfultannin remaining weighty, broad-shouldered, muscular,virile just beginning to reveal secondary nuances andcomplexity...”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000221 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1979Pomerol2bn, 5ts, 2vhs, 12lgsl, 3lbsl, 3nc, 1x12 bottle owc,outstanding color and condition“...phenomenally concentrated and thick, as well asmassively full-bodied and tannic promising bouquet ofminerals, damp earth (truffles?),and super-sweet, richblack-berries and plums. One has to taste it to believethat in this vintage such awesome flavor, body, and lavishquantities of glycerin could be obtained.”(98pts)酒 身 豐 厚 濃 郁 異 常 豐 滿 , 同 時 擁 有 礦 物 、 松 露 菌 ,及 如 黑 色 漿 果 及 李 子 的 香 甜 ─ 這 支 年 份 佳 釀 帶 來 如此 強 烈 的 震 撼 力 , 就 只 有 親 身 品 嚐 , 才 能 領 略 到 那像 甘 油 般 豐 厚 , 又 極 度 柔 滑 的 口 感 。(98 分 )12 bottles per lot US$18000-21000per lot HK$144000-168000222 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1983Pomerol5bn, 2ts, 12wol, 6bsl, 3wasl, 8sdc“Approachable and already beginning to drink well, thisdark ruby/purple-colored wine offers an explosive noseof black-cherries, kirsch, and earthy tones. In the mouth,it is dense, opulent, and extremely exotic and rich. Onetaster said ,”this is the wine to drink while perusing Madonna’snew pornographic book.”; No thank you. Thefinish is dominated by glycerin, alcohol, and super-sweetfruit.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000PARCEL LOTS 223-224223 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1985Pomerol5bn, 2ts, 1vhs, 12lbsl, 1sdc, 4 bottles different importer“It possesses a very special bouquet suggesting ripeplums, minerals, violets, and an intensity that comes onlyfrom old vines. Deep ruby/purple, with an exceptionalrichness and depth of fruit, full body, and a powerful,long finish, this wine ranks with the mammoth-sized vintagesof Lafleur.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000224 12 bottles per lot US$6500-85003bn, 5ts, 6lbsl, 4ltl, 1wasl, per lot HK$52000-680001sdc, 4nc, 1x12 bottle owcPARCEL LOTS 225-226225 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1986Pomerol2bn, 2ts, 12lgsl, 1lwol, 1vltl, 4nc, 1x12 bottle owc“Ironically, I had the same bottle Tuesday for lunch atMatsuhisa (thank you my friend - you know who youare!). The bottle at Matsuhisa was a lot tighter than thisone, no doubt due to the lack of proper aeration that wasallowed the bottle at Valentino’s...this ‘86 actually hadripeness in the nose - kirsch, soy, mocha...still a tannicmonster - the fruit was shy on the palate at first but gotbetter in the glass...nice balance overall.”(95pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000226 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60002bn, 3ts, 12vlgsl, 1nc, per lot HK$32000-480001x12 bottle owc227 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1988Pomerol12hbsl, 12lgsl, 6sdc, 12cc, 1wc, 2 bottles diff importer“Super wine that delivers great concentration. Terroirbursts through in this wine, as it tastes of soil and mineral,blackberry and concentrated fruit. Clean, classy andfull-bodied.”(98pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-4800062 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

228 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1990Pomerol1bn, 6bsl, 6gsl, 4nl“...powerful, muscular, and super-concentrated copiousamounts of sweet black-cherry fruit. One taster remarked,“why does this wine taste so much like Rayas(the renowned Grenache-based Châteauneuf-du-Pape)?” There is an unreal reality to such a comment,largely because both producers tend to pick their fruit atan overripe stage, producing an exotic, compelling winemassive weight, viscous texture, and profound mouthfeeland finish.”(97pts)... 豐 滿 有 力 , 具 肌 理 感 及 超 濃 縮 而 甜 蜜 的 黑 櫻 桃 果性 。 一 位 品 試 者 曾 這 樣 疑 問 :「 此 酒 何 以 跟 Rayas(世 界 聞 名 以 Grenache 葡 萄 為 主 的 Chteauneuf-du-Papa)如 此 相 似 ?」 這 種 超 乎 現 實 的 評 論 , 主 因 於 兩 莊 的生 產 者 都 在 葡 萄 爛 熟 時 才 收 採 , 釀 造 出 性 感 、 使 人嘆 服 的 重 量 感 , 黏 稠 的 質 感 , 令 人 深 刻 的 口 感 與 收結 。(97 分 )6 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000PARCEL LOTS 229-230229 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1993Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“Wonderful--dark and brooding--with plenty of currantand mint character. Super balance, with ripe tannins anda sense of elegance.”(91pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000230 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-26000PARCEL LOTS 231-233231 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1994Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“...exceptionally concentrated, massive, tannic, backward,opaque purple-colored Lafleur offers considerablepromise. The provocative nose of licorice, violets,black-raspberry, and truffle-like fruit is followed by ahuge, tannic, forbiddingly backward, super-concentratedwine.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 234-236234 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1995Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“A ‘95 that exploded in the glass in contact with air. Solidand masculine, with dark chocolate and bitter mochanotes, there’s big intensity here. While the tannins areburly for now, the aromas keep coming--rose petal, violetand currant backed by creamy, vanilla bean character.Elegant finish.”(98pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000235 12 bottles per lot US$6500-85001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$52000-68000236 12 bottles per lot US$6500-85001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$52000-68000237 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1996Pomerol2x6 bottle owc’s“...is a highly-extracted, high acid, opaque purple-coloredwine that has totally closed, and difficult to assess.The fruit is admirably pure, but the high level of astringent,hard tannin may be excessive for the wine’s size.This is a masculine, excessively muscular, structuredLafleur.”(90pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000238 Château Latour - Vintage 1970Pauillac2bn, 4ts, 2vhs, 3hs, 9gsl, 2sdc, 12cc, outstanding color“On cue, it was one of the best bottles of this wine thatI have ever had, and the first one in a while that hit outstandingterritory. It had a great nose of pencil, nut, carob,musk and good’ barn, you know, when you’re in therewith the farmer’s daughter lol. The palate was creamy,clean, long and balanced. This was young and fresh for1970, and it reminded me that drinking Bordeaux is alwaysbest when it’s older.”(95pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000232 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000233 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com63

PARCEL LOTS 239-240239 Château Latour - Vintage 1982Pauillac8bn, 2ts, 12lwl, 8sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“The dense, opaque garnet-colored 1982 Latour revealsslight amber at the edge. Sweet, smoky, roasted aromasin the nose combine with jammy levels of black currant,cherry, and prune-like fruit. It possesses extraordinaryconcentration and unctuosity, with a thick, fat textureoozing notes of cedar wood, tobacco, coffee, and overripefruit. Low acidity as well ashigh alcohol (for Bordeaux)give the wine even more glycerin and texturalchewiness. The finishlasts forever.”(100pts)1982 Latour 那 濃 密 和 不 透 光 石 榴 紅 色 , 已 在 杯 的 邊 緣呈 現 微 微 的 琥 珀 色 。 香 味 當 中 滲 出 甘 甜 、 煙 熏 和 烤烘 味 , 夾 雜 如 果 醬 般 的 黑 加 侖 子 、 櫻 桃 及 西 梅 類 等的 果 香 。 它 展 示 着 極 强 的 濃 縮 及 油 滑 度 , 有 很 濃 厚豐 腴 的 質 感 , 並 滲 出 柏 木 、 煙 草 、 咖 啡 及 爛 熟 的 果味 。 以 波 爾 多 酒 而 言 , 它 的 酒 精 度 相 對 地 高 而 酸 度低 , 令 此 酒 呈 現 更 多 的 甘 油 度 及 質 感 上 的 黏 滑 性 ,收 結 悠 長 恆 久 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$16000-22000per lot HK$128000-180000240 12 bottles per lot US$16000-220002bn, 4ts, 1vhs, 12lbsl, 4lwl, per lot HK$128000-1800006sdc, 1nc, different importers241 Château Latour - Vintage 1985Pauillac4bn, 1ts, 7lwrl, 4wisl, 1ltl, 4sdc, 2spc, 6scc, 2sos,1x12 bottle owc“Rich and ripe wine. Dark red color with an amberedge. Loads of meat, berry and tobacco character onthe nose. Very rich. Full-bodied, with soft, velvety tanninsand a long, ultraripe fruit finish. Still very fresh andyoung.”(93pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000PARCEL LOTS 242-244242 Château Latour - Vintage 1990Pauillac2bn, 6lwl, 1x12 bottle owc“This is one of my favorite wines ever. Full-bodied, withlayers of silky fruit and masses of currant, mineral andberry character. Amazing. It is a wine with perfect structure,perfect strength. It s 1961 Latour in modern clothes.It is hard not to drink it now.”(100pts WS)一 直 深 得 我 心 的 佳 釀 之 一 。 酒 身 豐 厚 濃 郁 , 柔 滑 如絲 的 果 香 , 以 及 層 出 不 窮 的 醋 栗 、 礦 物 和 漿 果 的 酒味 , 雄 運 有 勁 , 酒 感 強 烈 。 此 酒 是 1961 年 Latour 的 現代 版 本 , 叫 人 難 以 抗 拒 。(100 分 WS)12 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000243 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110003bn, 10lwl, 1scc,per lot HK$64000-880001x12 bottle owc244 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110004bn, 9lwl, 1scc,per lot HK$64000-880001x12 bottle owcPARCEL LOTS 245-247245 Château Latour - Vintage 1994Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“It exhibits an opaque dark ruby/purple color, and abackward, intense textbook nose of walnut and cassisscents complemented by smoky pain grille notes thatbuild in the glass. This full-bodied, powerful, layered Latourreveals high tannin, but no bitterness or astringency.The superb purity, fabulous precision, and remarkablelength should ensure 35-40 years of longevity.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000246 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-48000247 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-4800064 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

Lots: 239-240, 242-244ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 82, 562

PARCEL LOTS 248-250248 Château Latour - Vintage 1995Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“A beauty, the opaque dense purple-colored 1995 exhibitsjammy cassis, vanillin, and minerals in its fragrantbut still youthful aromatics. Medium to full-bodied, withexceptional purity, superb concentration, and a long,intense, ripe, 40-second finish, this is a magnificent exampleof Latour.”(96pts)這 瓶 1995 年 的 佳 作 , 呈 沉 實 而 迷 人 紫 紅 酒 色 , 散 發着 濃 郁 的 黑 醋 栗 、 香 草 和 礦 物 味 的 酒 香 , 同 時 亦 滲着 點 點 青 澀 的 芳 香 , 酒 體 屬 半 豐 厚 至 全 豐 厚 型 , 味道 極 之 純 和 、 成 熟 、 集 中 , 並 有 近 乎 40 秒 的 餘 韻 ,是 Latour 最 優 秀 的 作 品 之 一 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000249 12 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$48000-64000250 12 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$48000-64000251 24 half-bottles per lot US$6000-80001x24 half bottle owc per lot HK$48000-64000251A 6 magnums1vlstl, 1x6 magnum owcPARCEL LOTS 252-254per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000252 Château Latour - Vintage 1996Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“An opaque purple color is followed by phenomenallysweet, pure aromas of cassis infused with subtle minerals.This massive offering possesses unreal levels of extract,full body, intensely ripe, but abundant tannin, and afinish that lasts for nearly a minute...”(99pts)PARCEL LOTS 255-257255 Château Margaux - Vintage 1986Margaux6bn, 2sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“...continues to be the most powerful, tannic, and muscularMargaux made in decades. One wonders if the 1928or 1945 had as much power and depth as the 1986? Theblack/ruby/purple color reveals no sign of age. The reluctantnose offers up aromas of smoky, toasty new oak andblackcurrants, as well as a few flowers. The wine is mammoth,with extraordinary extract, superb balance, and afrightfully tannic finish. A Margaux of immense stature, itis made in a masculine, full-bodied style that is in completecontrast to the 1990.”(96pts)... 可 算 是 Château Margaux 過 去 數 十 載 之 最 , 酒 勁 與單 寧 同 樣 精 彩 , 甚 至 令 人 懷 疑 比 其 1928 或 1945 佳 釀更 為 出 色 。 單 看 其 深 紫 寶 石 色 調 的 酒 色 , 很 難 猜 到它 的 出 品 年 期 , 但 你 卻 很 容 易 聞 到 它 那 如 煙 燻 、 烤過 的 新 橡 木 桶 、 鮮 花 及 黑 加 侖 子 的 酒 香 , 它 的 酒 感亦 相 當 平 衡 、 精 煉 , 收 結 時 更 呈 現 非 比 尋 常 的 單 寧感 。 這 是 一 瓶 典 型 Margaux 雄 渾 宏 厚 風 格 的 代 表 作 ,與 其 1990 年 的 風 格 相 比 , 則 截 然 不 同 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000256 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70008bn, 1sdc, 1scc,per lot HK$40000-560001x12 bottle owc257 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70006bn, 4lbsl, 1stl, 1nl, 12scc, per lot HK$40000-560001x12 bottle owc酒 色 沉 厚 深 紫 , 毫 不 含 混 的 帶 有 黑 加 侖 子 甜 酒 與 礦石 的 清 澈 芳 香 。 擁 有 難 以 置 信 的 多 層 次 內 涵 , 酒 身圓 厚 、 極 度 成 熟 , 但 單 寧 豐 富 , 收 結 悠 長 , 幾 近 一分 鐘 仍 餘 韻 無 窮 。(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000253 12 bottles per lot US$7000-90001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$56000-72000254 12 bottles per lot US$7000-90001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$56000-7200066 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 258-260258 Château Margaux - Vintage 1990Margaux5bn, 1x12 bottle owc“Its ethereal bouquet of sweet black fruits, cedar, spices,flowers, smoke, and vanilla is remarkably well-formedand intense. In the mouth, there is not a hard edge tothis classic wine, which is super-concentrated, soft, silkytextured,and opulent. It displays an opaque ruby/purplecolor, a compelling bouquet, and exquisite layers of flavorsthat cascade over the palate without any notion oftoughness or coarseness.”(100pts)有 飄 逸 甜 美 的 黑 色 漿 果 、 柏 木 、 香 料 、 花 香 、 煙 燻及 雲 呢 拿 香 氣 , 結 構 甚 佳 且 濃 密 , 入 口 沒 有 生 硬 尖銳 的 感 覺 , 只 覺 異 常 集 中 、 柔 軟 、 有 滑 溜 的 質 感 及豐 厚 。 深 邃 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 引 人 垂 涎 的 香 氣 及 細 緻的 層 次 感 , 口 感 絕 不 生 硬 粗 糙 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000259 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110005bn, 3ts, 4vlbsl, 2nl, 6scc, per lot HK$64000-880001x12 bottle owc260 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110003bn, 1ts, 4scc, 1x12 bottle owc per lot HK$64000-88000PARCEL LOTS 264-266264 Château Margaux - Vintage 1996Margaux1x12 bottle owc“...the paradigm for this estate, combining measuredpower, extraordinary elegance, and admirable complexity.I tasted the wine on three separate occasions inJanuary, and in short, it’s a beauty! The color is opaquepurple. The wine offers extraordinarily pure notes ofblackberries, cassis, pain grille, and flowers, gorgeoussweetness, a seamless personality, and full body, withnothing out of place.”(99pts)此 酒 莊 的 傑 作 , 充 滿 力 度 、 異 常 優 雅 及 複 雜 。1 月 份的 時 候 我 曾 在 三 個 不 同 場 合 嚐 過 此 酒 , 只 可 用 絕 色佳 釀 形 容 。 呈 深 邃 的 紫 色 , 散 發 出 濃 烈 的 黑 莓 、 加侖 子 、 鐵 窗 及 花 香 氣 味 。 甜 美 順 滑 , 酒 身 豐 厚 , 堪稱 超 凡 之 作 。(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000265 12 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$48000-64000266 12 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$48000-64000PARCEL LOTS 261-263261 Château Margaux - Vintage 1995Margaux1x12 bottle owc“Dark color. Black licorice, coffee, currants and blackolives. Complex nose. A full-bodied, chewy blockbusterof a wine that is not giving anything at all away. It is likeburied treasure still; you have to search for the gold. Andit’s there. Fabulous.”(100pts WS)在 深 沉 的 酒 色 中 , 摻 雜 了 甘 草 、 黑 醋 栗 、 咖 啡 和 黑 欖的 酒 香 , 酒 感 豐 滿 沉 厚 充 滿 深 度 。 這 瓶 頂 級 佳 釀 與 眾不 同 之 處 , 正 是 一 個 「 深 」 字 , 就 像 一 個 寶 藏 , 有 待冒 險 家 去 把 箇 中 寶 藏 發 掘 出 來 。(100 分 ,WS)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000262 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$40000-56000263 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$40000-5600068 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMPARCEL LOTS 267-269267 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1982Pauillac8bn, 2ts, 1vhs, 12vlbsl, 4scl, 2stl, 3spc, 4scc, 2nc,1x12 bottle owc“...phenomenally dense and muscular It is immune tooxidation! Moreover, it has a level of concentration thatrepresents the essence of the Mouton terroir as well asthe high percentage of Cabernet Sauvignon it contains.Cassis, cedar, spice box, minerals, and vanillin are allpresent, but this opaque black/purple Pauillac has yet toreveal secondary nuances given its youthfulness. It exhibitshuge tannin, unreal levels of glycerin and concentration,and spectacular sweetness and opulence. Nevertheless,it demands another decade of cellaring, and shouldage effortlessly for another seven or eight decades. I havealways felt the 1982 Mouton was perfect, yet this immortaleffort might be capable of lasting for 100 years! Thefact that it resists oxidation is a testament to just howyouthful it remains, and how long it will last.”(100pts)... 異 常 密 度 的 酒 身 視 氧 化 如 無 物 ! 它 的 濃 密 度 , 特高 比 例 的 赤 霞 珠 , 盡 顯 Mouton 酒 莊 的 神 韻 。 黑 加 侖子 、 杉 木 、 香 料 盒 子 、 礦 物 和 出 自 木 桶 的 雲 呢 拿 味俱 備 , 但 這 紫 黑 色 的 Pauillac 還 未 呈 現 陳 年 後 醇 酒 的香 氣 , 皆 因 它 還 很 年 輕 。 蘊 含 大 量 單 寧 、 高 甘 油 度和 濃 厚 , 以 及 引 人 入 勝 的 甘 甜 和 濃 郁 味 道 。 話 雖 如此 , 它 需 要 再 陳 年 最 少 十 載 , 並 有 輕 而 易 舉 再 陳 年多 七 八 十 載 的 潛 力 。 我 總 是 覺 得 1982 年 Mouton 是 完美 的 , 它 不 朽 的 酒 身 可 以 持 續 一 百 年 ! 事 實 上 看 它能 抵 抗 氧 化 的 能 力 就 足 以 證 明 它 多 年 輕 及 可 保 存 多久 。(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-128000PARCEL LOTS 270-272270 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1986Pauillac3bn, 3ts, 2scl, 1vlbsl, 3nc, 1x12 bottle owc“Clearly the youngest looking, most opaque and concentratedwine of the group, it tastes as if it has not budged indevelopment since I first tasted it out of barrel in March,1987. An enormously concentrated, massive Mouton-Rothschild, comparable in quality, but not style, to the1982, 1959, and 1945, this impeccably made wine is stillin its infancy I suspect the 1986 Mouton-Rothschild requiresa minimum of 15-20 more years of cellaring; it hasthe potential to last for 50-100 years!...”(100pts)看 起 來 仍 極 年 輕 , 顏 色 深 邃 , 非 常 濃 密 , 味 道 跟 我在 1987 年 3 月 第 一 次 從 木 桶 品 試 時 分 別 不 大 。 在 質 量而 非 風 格 方 面 , 這 個 年 份 名 釀 可 與 1982、1959 和 1945媲 美 , 對 這 無 懈 可 擊 的 酒 來 說 現 在 還 是 初 生 期 , 我猜 想 Mouton 1986 需 要 最 少 十 五 至 二 十 年 的 陳 年 時間 , 它 有 可 持 續 五 十 至 一 百 年 的 潛 質 !...(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000271 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110005bn, 1ts, 1ltl, 2sdc,per lot HK$64000-880001x12 bottle owc272 12 bottles per lot US$8000-110006bn, 3ts, 2lbsl, 2lwol, 4nc, per lot HK$64000-880001x12 bottle owc268 12 bottles per lot US$12000-160005bn, 1ts, 1vhs, 10vlbsl, 2wasl, per lot HK$96000-1280002ltl, 1ll, 1spc, 6tc, 1x12 bottle owc269 12 bottles per lot US$12000-160004bn, 1ts, 1vhs, 1hs, 4vlbsl, per lot HK$96000-1280001spc, 2wc, 1x12 bottle owc70 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

PARCEL LOTS 273-277273 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1995Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“In the mouth, the wine is great stuff, with superb density,a full-bodied personality, rich mid-palate, and a layered,profound finish that lasts for 40+ seconds outstandingpurity...”(95pts)酒 味 無 與 倫 比 , 香 氣 醇 和 、 瑰 麗 豐 碩 , 充 滿 層 次 感的 酒 質 , 有 長 達 40 秒 繾 綣 餘 韻 , 更 令 人 讚 嘆 不 已 。(95 分 )12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000274 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-48000275 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-48000276 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-48000277 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$32000-48000PARCEL LOTS 278-279278 6 magnums per lot US$4000-60001x6 magnum owcper lot HK$32000-48000279 6 magnums per lot US$4000-60001x6 magnum owcper lot HK$32000-48000280 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1970Pomerol2bn, 4ts, 3vhs, 8bsl, 4tl, 2wol, 3cc, 1nc, 1 bottledifferent importer, outstanding color and condition“...a true blockbuster. This massive, highly-extracted,full-bodied, jammy, thick, unctuously-textured wine possessesa huge, spice, tobacco, black cherry, mocha-scentednose. It is a real turn-on.”(98pts)281 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1982Pomerol3bsl, 3nl, 1wol, 2sdc, 1pc, 6cc, 3wc, 2nc, diff importers“The color reveals some amber at the edge. A sweet noseof caramel, roasted herbs, cherry jam, cedar, and smokeis followed by a thick, full-bodied, unctuously-textured,low acid a dazzling showing for this 1982 abundanttannin remains, the wine is sweet, smoky, and ideal fordrinking now and over the next 20-25 years.”(98pts)酒 杯 的 邊 沿 已 呈 現 着 一 點 琥 珀 色 , 帶 著 焦 糖 、 烘 香草 、 櫻 桃 果 醬 、 柏 木 和 煙 燻 等 甘 甜 氣 味 , 再 接 着 濃厚 而 絲 絨 般 柔 滑 的 酒 身 , 偏 低 的 酸 度 , 使 這 1982 年份 的 單 寧 顯 得 非 常 充 裕 。 酒 中 的 甘 甜 、 煙 燻 味 足 以從 現 在 至 20-25 年 後 均 適 合 飲 用 。(98 分 )6 bottles per lot US$24000-35000per lot HK$200000-280000282 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1983Pomerol1bn, 3vlbsl, 3ltl, 3nc“Wonderful palate impression with silky, rich fruit. Plentyof blackberry and chocolate character, has a full bodyand medium finish...”(93pts WS)6 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000PARCEL LOTS 283-284283 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1988Pomerol1bn, 2vltl, 1vlstl, 10scc, 4 bottles different importer“Very fine Pétrus. Gorgeous aromas of violet and berryand hints of new oak. Full-bodied, with racy, silky tanninsand a long, palate-caressing finish.”(94pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$16000-22000per lot HK$128000-176000284 12 bottles per lot US$16000-220001bn, 1nl, 4sdc, 3scc, 2nc, per lot HK$128000-176000different importers葡 萄 酒 中 的 真 正 的 巨 星 級 ! 酒 感 壯 麗 宏 大 、 味 道 濃郁 、 酒 質 醇 和 、 層 次 感 分 明 ,, 充 滿 香 料 、 煙 草 、黑 櫻 桃 和 克 巧 力 咖 啡 般 的 酒 香 , 叫 人 難 以 拒 抗 。(98 分 )12 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-200000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com71

PARCEL LOTS 285-286285 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1989Pomerol6bsl, 3nl, 1sdc, 6cc, 3stc, 1 bottle different importer“Multi-millionaire collectors will have fun comparingthe 1989 and 1990 Pétrus. The 1989 has a slightly moresaturated color, and seems more tightly knit both aromaticallyand on the palate. However, this is splitting hairs,as this is another stunningly opulent, rich, full-bodied,amazingly concentrated, exotic, flamboyant Pétrus thatremains remarkably youthful, and in need of more yearsof bottle age. Additionally, the tannins are slightly moreelevated, at least from a tactile impression. However...extraordinary equilibrium between all of its componentparts. An amazing effort!”(100pts)富 有 的 收 藏 家 必 定 會 覺 得 比 較 1989 和 1990 的 Pétrus是 很 有 趣 的 一 回 事 。1989 年 份 有 更 飽 和 的 色 澤 , 在氣 味 和 口 感 方 面 彷 彿 編 織 得 更 濃 密 。 但 是 此 酒 自 有它 的 另 一 面 , 那 是 使 人 傾 倒 的 濃 郁 味 道 , 厚 厚 的 酒身 , 密 集 和 獨 特 的 酒 香 , 同 時 卻 非 常 年 輕 , 需 要 在酒 瓶 內 蘊 藏 多 年 。 感 覺 單 寧 稍 微 地 高 , 不 過 酒 中 的所 有 成 份 異 常 平 衡 。 簡 直 是 驚 人 的 成 就 !(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$17000-24000per lot HK$136000-200000286 6 bottles per lot US$17000-240006lbsl, 3nl, 1lstl, 6cc, 2stc, per lot HK$136000-2000001 bottle different importerPARCEL LOTS 287-288287 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1990Pomerol4lwl, 1ltl, 1cuc, 2sdc, 6cc“The phenomenally rich, well-endowed 1990 Pétrus hasbeen magical from the first time I tasted it in cask. Thecolor is a dense, jammy plum/purple.The wine possessesa knock-out nose of black fruits intertwined with aromasof toasty new oak, caramel, and flowers. Massively richand full-bodied the 1990 is an extraordinarily rich, seamlesswine with layers of flavor, and a finish that lasts fornearly 45 seconds.”(100pts)濃 郁 和 得 天 獨 厚 的 Pétrus1990 在 我 第 一 次 從 木 桶 品 嚐時 已 覺 出 神 入 化 。 深 濃 的 李 子 果 醬 / 紫 色 澤 , 散 發 撲鼻 的 黑 色 漿 果 、 新 橡 木 、 焦 糖 和 雜 花 香 味 。 濃 稠 和醇 厚 的 酒 身 , 令 1990 年 份 顯 得 非 常 豐 厚 , 完 美 無 瑕而 且 有 層 次 感 , 收 結 持 續 差 不 多 四 十 五 秒 。(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$17000-24000per lot HK$136000-200000PARCEL LOTS 289-290289 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1994Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“...the color is a deep, dark ruby/purple. With coaxing,the closed nose offers up scents of coffee, herb-tinged,jammy black-cherries, and toasty new oak. The wine issuperbly concentrated, with a high tannin level, and along, structured, backward finish...”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$14000-20000per lot HK$112000-160000290 12 bottles per lot US$14000-200001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$112000-160000PARCEL LOTS 291-293291 Château Valandraud - Vintage 1995St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“Valandraud is the Le Pin of St.Emilion. Lavishly rich,oaky, and perfumed, these voluptuously-textured, fullbodiedwines are loaded with ripe, jammy fruit. Whowould not be seduced or impressed by this up and comingstar of Bordeaux.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000292 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-26000293 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-26000PARCEL LOTS 294-295294 Château Valandraud - Vintage 1996St. Emilion“The phenomenally concentrated 1996 is the most backwardwine Thunevin has yet crafted. The opaque purplecolor is accompanied by a beautifully pure wine with anose of black fruits and minerals. Dense and powerful,with a thick, moderately tannic palate feel...”(91pts)24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000295 24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000288 6 bottles per lot US$17000-240003lgsl, 3lwl, 3scc,per lot HK$136000-2000002 bottles different importer72 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 296-298296 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 1982St. Emilion4bn, 1ts, 12bsl, 6nl, 2sdc, 10cc, different importers“Revealing considerable amber in its dark plum/garnetcolor, this intensely fragrant 1982 is somewhat of a paradoxin that the front end suggests full maturity, but themid-palate, finish, and overall texture denote a closedwine. A gorgeously sweet entry displays flavors of caramel,roasted coffee, jammy red and black fruits, coconut,and smoke. It is fat and full-bodied, with considerabletannin, structure, and muscle in the finish. Flamboyantlyrich and precocious early in life, it is going through anawkward stage where the tannin is present, but it is alsosexy, juicy, and formidably-structured. When the 1982Cheval Blanc’s component parts become totally in sync,it will be capable of meriting a three-digit rating.”(99pts)黑 李 子 和 深 紅 寶 石 色 中 蘊 涵 琥 珀 色 , 這 瓶 1982 的 作品 香 氣 十 足 , 然 而 特 別 的 是 前 段 口 感 熟 透 , 到 中 段和 收 結 , 以 至 整 體 質 感 卻 羞 澀 含 蓄 。 入 口 甘 甜 , 帶有 焦 糖 、 烘 焙 咖 啡 、 紅 色 與 黑 色 漿 果 、 椰 子 和 煙 燻味 。 它 飽 滿 豐 厚 , 收 結 時 單 寧 豐 富 , 結 構 濃 密 , 展現 著 豐 腴 年 輕 的 風 采 , 在 單 寧 帶 動 下 , 性 感 而 汁 液淋 漓 , 結 構 出 色 。 當 他 日 酒 中 各 樣 元 素 日 漸 融 和 ,必 成 為 滿 分 之 作 。(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000297 12 bottles per lot US$9000-120007bn, 1ts, 12bsl, 3nl, 1hfl, per lot HK$72000-960004sdc, 12cc300 Château Clinet - Vintage 1994Pomerol3x12 bottle owc’s, 2x6 bottle owc’s with no lid“Exotic aromas of violets, berry and toasted oak waftfrom this full-bodied wine. Packed to the brim with fruitand tannins and impressively long on the finish. Superbred from a producer known for opulence.”(93ptsWS)48 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000301 Château Clinet - Vintage 1995Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“...represents the essence of Pomerol. The blackberry,cassis liqueur-like fruit of this wine is awesome. Thecolor is saturated black/purple, and the wine extremelyfull-bodied and powerful with layers of glycerin-imbuedfruit, massive richness, plenty of licorice, blackberry,and cassis flavors, full body, and a thick, unctuoustexture.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$1600-2200per lot HK$12800-18000302 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1976Sauternesall base neck or better, 1x12 bottle owc,beautiful mahogany color“The 1976 Yquem continues to go from strength tostrength...”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000298 12 bottles per lot US$9000-120005bn, 2ts, 12bsl, 5wol, 4sdc, per lot HK$72000-960004sdc, 12cc, 4nc299 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 1990St. Emilion2bn“The wine is full-bodied, rich, and concentrated, withlayers of extract, and well-concealed tannin the most profoundCheval Blanc since the legendary 1982.”(98pts)此 酒 體 質 豐 滿 、 濃 密 而 集 中 , 具 豐 富 層 次 的 精 華 ,是 自 傳 奇 性 的 1982 年 後 , 隱 藏 著 最 濃 厚 圓 熟 單 寧 的Cheval Blanc。(98 分 )12 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-8800074 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 303-305303 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1988Sauternes1x12 bottle owc“...displays more richness and unctuosity than any youngd’Yquem I have tasted. It should have 40-60 years of positiveevolution, although one suspects that much of theproduction will be consumed within the next 4-5 years.If my instincts are correct, this is the most profoundd’Yquem since the legendary 1959. It may not prove astimeless as the 1975, but I believe it to be even moreconcentrated.”(99pts)...... 比 我 嚐 過 任 何 年 輕 的 d’Yquem 更 為 豐 饒 柔 潤 。我 相 信 此 酒 應 還 有 40 至 60 年 蘊 藏 潛 力 , 儘 管 有 人 懷疑 過 , 他 們 大 部 分 的 產 物 , 將 在 未 來 4 至 5 年 全 被 喝掉 。 假 如 我 的 直 覺 無 誤 , 這 將 會 比 d’Yquem 那 傳 奇的 1959 年 還 來 得 有 深 度 。 可 能 無 法 證 明 1988 年 能 像1975 年 般 能 擁 有 永 恒 的 光 環 , 但 我 相 信 此 酒 會 更 為濃 郁 集 中 。(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000304 12 bottles per lot US$3500-48001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$28000-38000305 12 bottles per lot US$3500-48001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$28000-38000PARCEL LOTS 306-308306 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1990Sauternes1x12 bottle owc“An extraordinary effort, Yquem s 1990 is a rich and fabulouslysuperb, sweet wine. This wine also possesses lotsof elegance and finesse. The wine s medium gold coloris accompanied by an exceptionally sweet nose of honeyedtropical fruits, peaches, coconut, and apricots. Highquality, subtle toasty oak is well-integrated...”(99pts)經 過 特 別 努 力 去 釀 製 而 成 的 效 果 , Yquem 1990 成 為 了非 常 濃 厚 及 壯 麗 的 甜 酒 。 而 此 酒 亦 充 滿 優 雅 和 幼 細 的一 面 。 酒 呈 中 等 金 黃 的 顏 色 , 伴 隨 著 異 常 甜 的 氣 味 ,甜 蜜 的 熱 帶 水 果 、 香 桃 、 椰 子 和 新 鮮 杏 脯 。 細 膩 的 烘橡 木 味 和 此 高 質 量 的 酒 結 合 得 恰 到 好 處 ...(99 分 )12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000307 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$36000-48000308 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$36000-48000309 24 half-bottles per lot US$4500-60001x24 half bottle owc per lot HK$36000-48000310 DRC Assortment - Vintage 1994Domaine de la Romanée Conti1 Romanée Conti-1sdc, 1ssos, La Tâche-1ssos,1x12 bottle owc12 bottles per lot US$20000-30000per lot HK$160000-240000311 La Tâche - Vintage 1991Domaine de la Romanée Conti1lwasl, 1x12 bottle owc“The 1991 La Tâche had a spectacular nose, just like LaTâche is supposed to. Its fruit was very fresh and full ofcherry, rose, leather and menthol. Seductive yet firm bothin terms of aroma and flavor, it was round, smooth, lushand delicious and an impeccably well-stored bottle, as ifI should have expected anything less.”(96pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$24000-35000per lot HK$200000-280000312 La Tâche - Vintage 1994Domaine de la Romanée Conti1x6 bottle owc with partial lid6 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000313 3 bottles per lot US$3000-4000removed from owcper lot HK$24000-32000314 Richebourg - Vintage 1993Domaine de la Romanée Conti2x6 bottle owc’s“The 93 was shy, coiled and stemmy in its nose, with amilky, rosy and earthy complexity. There were secondaryaromas of tea, wood, more stems and sweet cinnamon. Inthe mouth, the wine was wound and tangy, with a touchtoo much wood at first, very cedary in its flavor profile.The wine was undoubtedly excellent, with great acidity,and it continued to get more and more complex. Big, cedaryand spiny, the palate also had traces of cinnamonand kisses of cedar, and its vitamin components becamehuge with time, and its musk flavors fattened out and developednicely.”(93pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$12000-15000per lot HK$96000-120000315 Romanée St. Vivant - Vintage 1993Domaine de la Romanée Conti2x6 bottle owc’s“Classic and explosive RSV nose with superbly elegantblack fruit nose framed by a subtle touch of wood thatjust exudes Asian spice followed by tight, pure, concentratedand intense flavors of outstanding complexity andlength.”(94pts BH)12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-9600076 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 316-321316 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 19961x12 bottle ocb“Notes of crushed rocks, honeysuckle, lemon oil, orangemarmalade, and white pear provide a stunning aromaticdisplay as well as palate impression. Great acidity andhuge flavor intensity backed up by vibrant acidity makethis an exquisite Champagne.”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000317 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$20000-26000318 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$20000-26000319 12 bottles per lot US$2400-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000320 12 bottles per lot US$2400-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000321 12 bottles per lot US$2400-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000322 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1995Rose2x6 bottle ocb’s(94pts RJ)12 bottles per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000PARCEL LOTS 323-327323 Krug Vintage Champagne - Vintage 19882x6 bottle ocb’s“At Krug they themselves compare the wine with the ‘81,the ‘55, and the ‘61. Personally, I compare it to the ‘66and the ultra elegant ‘79. The finesse is unbeatable andthe acidity very noticeable. This is a wine that is going tobe enjoyed by our grandchildren. Most people probablydiscourage immediate consumption of this young wine,but I am of a different opinion. I believe that a little bit ofthe subtle feeling of tears of joy disappears when the winematures.”(97pts RJ)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000324 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-48000325 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-48000326 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-48000327 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-48000PARCEL LOTS 328-330328 Krug Vintage Champagne - Vintage 19902x6 bottle ocb’s“An aristocrat. Big-boned and intense, yet with finesseand complex flavors of coconut, whole-grain bread, ginger,citrus and honey. Waves of flavor saturate the palateand the long finish picks up a mineral and smoke note.Very harmonious from start to finish.”(97pts WS)的 確 是 香 檳 中 的 貴 族 。 結 構 緊 密 , 輪 廓 清 晰 , 滲 著精 緻 的 椰 子 、 全 麥 麵 包 、 生 薑 、 柑 橘 和 蜂 蜜 的 味道 , 複 雜 多 變 的 酒 香 令 你 可 在 口 腔 中 逐 層 玩 味 , 在悠 長 的 收 結 中 亦 透 著 礦 物 與 煙 燻 的 香 味 。 由 始 至 終都 散 發 著 和 諧 的 風 韻 。(97 分 WS)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000329 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-48000330 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$36000-4800078 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 331-333331 Taittinger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1995Comtes de Champagne2x6 bottle ocb’s“The hugely impressive 1995 Comtes de ChampagneBlanc de Blancs displays ripe apple and pear scents.Broad, rich, deep, and medium to full-bodied, this dense(yet admirable balanced), powerful wine is packed withconcentrated layers of white fruits, flowers, and toast.Notes of tangy green apples appear in its awesomely longfinish to reinvigorate the palate.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000332 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000333 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 334-336334 Taittinger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1996Comtes de Champagne, Rose2x6 bottle ocb’s“Pale orange-pink. Knockout nose combines wild strawberry,blood orange, minerals and earth, along with awhiff of maple syrup intense and penetrating, with concentratedflavors of strawberry tart and toast vibrantacidity and mineral spine. Unusually serious, structuredrose from a great vintage fabulous fruit.”(95pts IWC)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000335 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000336 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000_____________________________337 NO LOT80 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMJEWEL BOX COLLECTION如 珠 如 寶A small but concentrated collection where nearly ever lot is a highlight, including 1961 Lafite magnums, bottles of 1945 Latourand 1982 Petrus as well as a case of 1990 Lafite. DRC chimes in with 1990 La Tache, 1982 and 1988 Romanee Conti. All winesproperly stored.1961 年 Lafite 1.5 公 升 裝 , 多 瓶 1945 年 Latour 及 1982 年 Petrus 閃 爍 瑰 麗 , 綴 以 1 箱 1990 年 Lafite, 以 及 1990 年 La Tache、1982 與 1988 年Romanee Conti 之 DRC 精 選 。 所 有 藏 品 貯 藏 完 好 。338 Château Lafite RothschildPauillac- Vintage 1979 1bn, 6lscl, 5lbsl, 4lgsl, (6)1hbsl, 1lwasl, different importers (92pts WS)- Vintage 1981 1lbsl, 1lscl (91pts) (5)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000339 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1986Pauillac3lbsl, 3lscl, 2sdc, different importers“The 1986 possesses outstanding richness, a deep color,medium body, a graceful, harmonious texture, and superblength. The penetrating fragrance of cedar, chestnuts,minerals, and rich fruit is a hallmark of this wine.Powerful, dense, rich, and tannic, as well as medium tofull-bodied, with awesome extraction of fruit, this Lafitehas immense potential.”(100pts)此 1986 年 的 佳 釀 異 常 濃 厚 , 色 澤 深 潤 , 中 等 酒 身 ,質 感 優 雅 和 諧 , 收 結 悠 長 。 香 柏 、 栗 子 、 礦 物 以 及濃 郁 的 果 香 , 是 其 獨 家 印 記 。 強 而 有 力 、 醇 厚 馥 郁加 上 豐 富 的 單 寧 , 構 成 中 等 至 濃 厚 的 酒 身 , 擁 有 極出 衆 的 果 香 精 華 , 這 是 一 瓶 具 有 無 限 的 陳 年 潛 質Lafite。(100 分 )3 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000340 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1990Pauillac2lstl, 1ltal, different importers“The 1990 Lafite has turned out far better than my earlyassessment. While it still possesses some firmness, andperforms like a late adolescent in terms of its evolution,it boasts gorgeous aromas of cedar, tobacco leaf, cassis,and lead pencil shavings. The explosive aromas are followedby a fleshy, full-bodied wine that should hit its peakin 5-8 years, and last for 25-30 more.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000341 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2000Pauillac“...has an opaque ruby/purple color, followed by anextraordinary aromatic expression of liquid minerals/stonesinterwoven with the tell-tale graphite notes,mulberry, black currants, caramel, and tobacco. In themouth, it is remarkably light on its feet, but somehowseems to pack intense flavors into layer upon layer offruit and richness that cascade over the palate. A compellingwine, with extraordinary precision, great intensity,and a seamlessness...”(100pts)... 深 邃 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 交 織 着 礦 物 / 石 墨 、 桑 子 、黑 加 侖 子 、 焦 糖 和 煙 草 的 芳 香 。 口 感 非 常 輕 盈 , 一層 接 一 層 的 豐 腴 果 香 在 口 中 縈 繞 。 迷 人 , 準 確 , 濃郁 , 簡 直 天 衣 無 縫 ...(100 分 )12 half-bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com81

342 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2006Pauillac1x6 magnum owc“Lafite’s severe selection process (42% made it into thegrand vin) resulted in a full-bodied wine boasting anextraordinary perfume of charcoal, truffles, lead pencilshavings, and sensationally sweet, ripe black currant andcedar notes. A wine of extraordinary intensity, texture,and depth with silky tannins as well as awesome concentration,this has turned out to be a remarkable LafiteRothschild that should be drinkable much earlier thanthe 2005, but age for three decades.”(97pts)Lafite 採 取 嚴 格 挑 選 葡 萄 的 方 針 ( 當 中 只 有 四 十 二巴 仙 的 收 成 被 選 作 釀 造 此 酒 ), 結 果 釀 出 了 體 質 豐厚 、 帶 著 超 凡 芳 香 的 佳 釀 。 而 在 那 混 和 了 木 炭 、 松露 菌 、 鉛 筆 碎 屑 的 香 氣 中 , 同 時 又 展 現 出 驚 人 甜美 、 成 熟 黑 加 侖 子 及 雪 松 木 的 氣 息 。 這 是 一 瓶 豐 沃而 層 出 疊 見 的 佳 釀 , 其 幼 滑 如 絲 的 單 寧 跟 讓 人 讚 嘆的 集 中 性 , 造 就 出 一 瓶 非 凡 的 Lafite Rothschild── 此酒 當 然 可 以 早 在 2005 年 之 前 就 開 始 飲 用 , 但 同 時 亦最 少 仍 具 有 三 十 年 陳 藏 的 潛 力 。〈97 分 〉6 magnums per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000343 Château Latour - Vintage 1945Pauillac6ts, 6lbsl, 6lstl, 6lscl, 6spc, 4scc, excellent color“...bottles have exhibited a dense, impressive garnetcolor with hues of purple, and no trace of amber. Thebouquet revealed penetratingly rich aromas of walnuts,cassis, cedar, and herbs. In the mouth, the wine has enormousmuscle and exceptional richness. While the hard,formidable tannins of the 1945 vintage were present,the lavish quantities of sweet fruit necessary for balancedominated. The best bottles of this classic wine can easilylast for another 50 years.”(99pts)... 從 瓶 子 中 展 現 出 一 種 獨 特 的 石 榴 紅 及 帶 紫 的 色 調 ,但 絕 無 一 絲 琥 珀 色 的 老 態 蹤 影 。 滲 透 著 核 桃 、 黑 加倫 子 、 雪 松 、 香 草 的 豐 滿 芳 香 。 嚐 在 口 裏 時 , 就 讓你 感 覺 到 其 豐 碩 的 肌 理 及 超 卓 的 豐 厚 感 。 當 1945 年份 那 硬 朗 的 單 寧 展 露 時 , 無 數 的 香 甜 果 子 味 亦 即 時湧 現 , 從 而 達 至 平 衡 之 境 。 這 瓶 經 典 的 佳 釀 絕 對 能輕 易 地 跨 越 另 一 個 50 年 。(99 分 )6 bottles per lot US$17000-30000per lot HK$136000-240000344 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1982Pomerol3bn, 3lbsl, 1wol, 3sdc“The color reveals some amber at the edge. A sweet noseof caramel, roasted herbs, cherry jam, cedar, and smokeis followed by a thick, full-bodied, unctuously-textured,low acid a dazzling showing for this 1982 abundanttannin remains, the wine is sweet, smoky, and ideal fordrinking now and over the next 20-25 years.”(98pts)酒 杯 的 邊 沿 已 呈 現 着 一 點 琥 珀 色 , 帶 著 焦 糖 、 烘 香草 、 櫻 桃 果 醬 、 柏 木 和 煙 燻 等 甘 甜 氣 味 , 再 接 着 濃厚 而 絲 絨 般 柔 滑 的 酒 身 , 偏 低 的 酸 度 , 使 這 1982 年份 的 單 寧 顯 得 非 常 充 裕 。 酒 中 的 甘 甜 、 煙 燻 味 足 以從 現 在 至 20-25 年 後 均 適 合 飲 用 。(98 分 )3 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000345 La Tâche - Vintage 1990Domaine de la Romanée Conti3lbsl, 3lscl, 2sdc“I cannot think of a more profound, young red Burgundytasted than DRC’s 1990 La Tâche. Although it still requiresanother 3-4 years of cellaring, it is incredibly endowed,with an extraordinary perfume of Asian spices aswell as jammy black raspberries, cherries, and blackberriesinfused with smoke, toast, and dried herbs. Full-bodied,but ethereal, with layers of flavor, as well as mindbogglingdelicacy and complexity...”(100pts)除 了 DRC 的 1990 La Tâche 之 外 , 我 找 不 到 其 他 年 輕 的布 根 地 有 此 深 厚 的 味 道 。 雖 然 仍 需 要 3 至 4 年 的 陳 年時 間 , 但 它 實 在 是 異 常 出 色 的 酒 , 散 發 出 獨 特 的 亞洲 香 料 味 、 黑 色 漿 果 , 櫻 桃 、 黑 莓 果 香 , 同 時 交 織著 煙 燻 、 烘 麵 包 和 乾 香 草 的 香 氣 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 但 入口 有 飄 逸 的 感 覺 , 富 層 次 , 細 緻 複 雜 , 使 人 回 味 無窮 ...(100 分 )3 bottles per lot US$12000-14000per lot HK$96000-112000346 Romanée Conti - Vintage 1982Domaine de la Romanée Conti3lbsl, 3lscl, 1lwasl, 3sdc, 3scc3 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-20000082 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

347 Romanée Conti - Vintage 1988Domaine de la Romanée Conti3sdc“It is staggeringly concentrated with a bouquet that almostdefies articulation. There is no doubting what it isand who made it. It is a flashy, dramatic wine with astonishinglength and mystique.”(97pts)酒 感 異 常 濃 厚 並 散 發 著 令 人 拍 案 叫 絕 的 香 氣 。 想 想這 是 由 那 位 釀 酒 大 師 釀 製 的 , 你 自 會 明 白 何 以 此 酒能 達 如 此 境 界 。 這 無 疑 是 一 瓶 光 芒 四 射 、 充 滿 戲 劇色 彩 的 經 典 佳 作 。( 97 分 )3 bottles per lot US$26000-35000per lot HK$200000-280000348 Romanée St. Vivant - Vintage 1990Domaine de la Romanée Conti3lbsl, 3lscl, 3stl, 3sdc“ I found the 1990 to have a pervasive earthy, cinnamon,clove, sweet fruit-scented nose intermingled with scentsof spicy new oak. Although closed, the wine exhibitsgreat depth, medium to full body, and copious quantitiesof hard tannins in the long, structured, austere finish. Itrequires a patient buyer.”(92pts)3 bottles per lot US$3800-4800per lot HK$30000-38000_____________________________A VERTICAL OF ROMANEE CONTIRomanee Conti 垂 直 酒 款All removed from professional storage.所 有 拍 品 皆 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出348A Romanée Conti - Vintage 1997Domaine de la Romanée Contiscl, spc, scc, ssos“An intensely floral nose that is surprisingly reserved,particularly for a vintage that in many cases has alreadypeaked, also evidence notes of spice and dried rose petaland significantly, there is no sign of surmaturit or theobverse case of undue greenness. The firm structureunderpinning the ripe medium weight flavors remainswell integrated and there is good volume if not the sheerdepth of the finest vintages. In sum, a deceptively gracefulwine that is still on its way up. Multiple, and consistent,notes.”(93pts BH)1 bottle per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000348B Romanée Conti - Vintage 1998Domaine de la Romanée Conti“Deep ruby. A deeply pitched and distinctly different nosefrom what one usually finds in 10 year old RC as there arewonderfully dense and layered aromas of orange compote,red and black cherry along with the usual spice and floralnotes, which introduces refined, pure and concentratedmedium full flavors that possess the usual spectacular detailon the gorgeously persistent finish. This is beginningto lose its baby fat and the underlying sense of structure isbecoming more prominent.”(96pts BH)1 bottle per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000348C Romanée Conti - Vintage 1999Domaine de la Romanée Contivlbsl, lscl“The RC had ridiculous concentration and insane baby fat.Its richness, super freshness and super crushed berry corewere the stuff of legends. It was still such a baby yet able toshow an enormous amount of greatness. Broad-shoulderedand flamboyant, the 1999 RC is up there with the greatestever made. Aubert certainly thinks so…”(99pts JK)這 瓶 Romanée Conti 雖 還 未 正 式 進 入 完 全 成 熟 時 期 ,但 已 擁 有 超 乎 想 像 的 濃 郁 豐 厚 卻 又 非 常 清 新 細 緻 的酒 感 , 以 這 稚 嫩 之 齡 卻 能 擁 如 此 豐 滿 的 酒 身 , 足 証1999 Romaneé Conti 確 實 是 個 前 所 未 見 的 極 佳 年 份 ─相 信 Aubert 絕 對 會 讚 同 。(99 分 JK)1 bottle per lot US$11000-15000per lot HK$88000-120000348D Romanée Conti - Vintage 2000Domaine de la Romanée Contibsl, tl“...completely seductive flavors that offer the best delineationof any of these wines. This is extraordinarily fineand detailed with length that lasts and lasts. Though thiswill undoubtedly add weight and complexity, it will likelyalways be understated and refined rather than powerful.This is a simply sublime combination of spice, silk andvelvet delivered in a perfect sphere of impeccable balance.Incredible by any standard but especially so far thevintage.”(95pts BH)1 bottle per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com83

348E Romanée Conti - Vintage 2001Domaine de la Romanée Contivlscl“Brooding, reserved, somewhat austere yet classic,picture perfect aromas of red and black fruits cut withalmost as much spice and aromatic nuances as the LaTâche plus a subtle touch of earth, soy and hoisin thatcombine to create a bouquet of simply stunning complexity.The purity and detail are flat out incredible withnuanced, multilayered flavors wrapped in pinot sap andculminating in an awe-inspiring finish. Silk, velvet andmouth coating sap completely buffer the ripe structureand this RC possesses what all of the great ones do absolutelyperfect harmony; this is seamless and there areno edges. It is as it were a perfect sphere with a hauntingfinish that I could taste hours later. This is destined to bea great wine.”(97pts BH)此 酒 無 疑 是 一 瓶 經 典 , 細 品 之 下 , 其 由 紅 色 黑 色 漿果 及 香 料 味 交 織 出 有 如 La Tâche 般 馥 郁 , 再 加 上 其獨 有 的 泥 土 及 大 豆 等 香 氣 , 複 雜 酒 香 引 人 入 勝 。 那種 純 粹 而 細 緻 的 味 道 , 吸 引 你 逐 層 玩 味 ; 其 有 如 絲綢 、 天 鵝 絨 般 的 幼 滑 口 感 與 成 熟 醇 和 的 酒 身 , 結 合成 一 種 完 美 無 瑕 的 和 諧 感 覺 , 餘 韻 既 連 綿 不 絕 又 廣無 邊 際 , 其 酒 香 甚 至 在 數 小 時 之 後 仍 在 口 腔 內 縈迴 。 確 實 是 一 瓶 不 可 多 得 的 極 級 佳 釀 。(97 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000348F Romanée Conti - Vintage 2002Domaine de la Romanée Contiwasl, tl, spc“…superbly detailed nose of dried rose petals, kirsch andplenty of spice taut, focused, very backward, powerfuland very punchy flavors are more discreet with seriouslyimpressive detail and layer after layer of sappy extractand incredible depth impeccably balanced spiritual senseof harmony.”(97pts BH)… 滲 透 著 玫 瑰 花 瓣 、 櫻 桃 酒 及 香 料 般 的 酒 香 , 酒味 厚 重 濃 郁 含 蓄 但 香 味 卻 層 出 不 窮 , 酒 感 跳 躍 流 利卻 別 具 深 度 , 而 且 相 當 平 衡 細 緻 , 整 體 感 覺 美 妙 和諧 。(97 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000348G Romanée Conti - Vintage 2003Domaine de la Romanée Contivlbsl“Good red-ruby. Knockout nose of black raspberry, tobaccoand flowers; vibrant for 2003. Then dense, creamyand seamless yet almost shockingly vibrant, with outstandingbalance and an impression of firm acids. Themounting finish goes on and on. Great wine, perhapsmonumental.”(97+pts IWC)悅 目 的 紅 寶 石 色 , 撲 鼻 的 黑 桑 莓 、 煙 草 和 花 香 味 , 以2003 年 份 來 說 , 它 充 滿 生 氣 。 濃 密 、 滑 溜 和 順 暢 , 但同 時 活 力 充 沛 , 酒 身 平 衡 , 酸 度 充 足 , 收 結 雋 永 。 確實 是 好 酒 , 甚 至 可 說 是 不 朽 的 佳 釀 。(97+ 分 IWC)1 bottle per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000348H Romanée Conti - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Contivlwrl, scl“An exceptionally floral yet restrained nose with aromasof both rose and violets that combine with a panoply ofspice notes yet the overall impression is classic young RCas the nose is both cool and reserved yet aristocratic. Thesweet, intense, focused, detailed and vibrant flavors offersuperb drive and punch though there is not the sheer scaleof the LT yet they’re finer and somehow even purer, indeedabsolutely crystalline though I kept asking myself how thiswas possible as the purity of the La Tâche is itself mindblowing. The descriptor of ‘power without weight’ came tomind again and again as the flavors slide down the throatwith no sense of heaviness yet the impact and precision ofthe presently somewhat austere finish is quite simply hardto believe. In a word, this is mind bending and in a visceralsense, this is a monumental wine that of real emotionalimpact. Genius in a glass.”(99+pts BH)非 常 芬 芳 的 花 香 味 , 但 以 玫 瑰 和 紫 蘿 蘭 最 突 出 , 並混 和 著 一 系 列 的 香 料 味 , 不 過 , 整 體 印 象 仍 是 典 型年 青 的 Romanée Conti, 氣 味 含 蓄 沉 靜 , 不 失 高 雅 。那 甘 甜 、 濃 郁 、 集 中 、 細 緻 和 充 滿 生 氣 的 味 道 給人 一 種 極 好 的 力 量 感 , 只 不 過 跟 一 貫 的 La Tâche 比較 , 感 覺 上 並 不 一 樣 ; 比 起 醇 淨 的 La Tâche, 它 更 清醇 , 更 晶 瑩 通 透 。 氣 味 在 口 腔 內 感 覺 極 為 輕 盈 , 然而 收 結 的 衝 擊 力 和 精 確 度 卻 又 令 人 難 以 置 信 , 叫 人不 禁 反 覆 想 起 「 無 重 量 的 力 量 」 這 個 形 容 詞 。 總 而言 之 , 它 非 常 出 眾 , 讓 人 一 試 難 忘 , 絕 對 是 杯 中 極品 。(99+ 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$12000-16000per lot HK$96000-12800084 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

348J Romanée Conti - Vintage 2006Domaine de la Romanée Continl“Here too is a very reserved yet ultra classy and refined,indeed even ethereal nose that is quite simply kaleidoscopicin its breadth, combining red, blue and black fruitswith spice, earth, minerality and a hint of underbrush thatstands aside for the perfectly balanced, pure and stylishmedium full flavors that are very firmly but not aggressivelystructured while delivering flat out unbelievablelength yet all the while remaining completely understatedin personality. As are all the very best vintages of RC, thisis spherical with nothing out of place and this will age effortlesslyfor decades. The La Tâche is truly spectacularbut there is simply another dimension of depth presenthere. A wine of sheer class and the epitome of the phrase‘power without weight’.”(97pts BH)在 極 甚 精 緻 優 雅 的 感 覺 中 衍 生 出 千 變 萬 化 的 酒 香 集紅 色 、 藍 色 及 黑 色 水 果 香 味 於 一 身 , 還 帶 著 香 料 、礦 石 、 泥 土 的 氣 息 , 純 粹 而 平 衡 , 結 實 而 不 浮 誇 ,超 乎 想 像 的 悠 長 餘 韻 , 且 別 具 獨 特 的 個 性 , 絕 不 比其 他 極 佳 年 份 的 Romanée Conti 遜 色 , 再 多 陳 存 十 年也 絕 無 問 題 。 相 比 起 La Tâche , 此 酒 能 給 你 另 一 種異 曲 同 工 的 深 厚 酒 感 , 所 謂 「 舉 重 若 輕 」, 在 這 瓶酒 中 表 露 無 遺 。(97 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000348K Romanée Conti - Vintage 2007Domaine de la Romanée Contiltl“I have never been treated to such a profusion of floralperfume from this legendary site as rose over the glassof 2007 Romanée-Conti. Hyacinth, rose, gladiola, andiris are underlain by scents of moss-covered, damp stone,wild ginger, and diverse tiny red fruits. “Romanée-Contic est le nez,” remarks de Villaine of this almost etherealPinot. The contrast with the more fleshly La Tâche couldnot be more dramatic. But this doesn t pull back on itssilken-textured palate, either far from it: along withpersistent inner-mouth profusion of floral perfume comesavory, irresistibly juicy raspberry and pomegranate aswell as an impression of marrow-rich, multi-boned meatstock. A wafting, wave-like finish harbors the sort of exhilaratingsheer refreshment one looks for in white wine,and a kaleidoscopic interchange of colorful floral, spice,fruit, carnal, and mineral elements such as few wines ofany sort can deliver.”(96pts)1 bottle per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com85

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTHE FIRST OF NINE SIGNIFICANT LOTS FROM THE GREAT CURATORAND THE FIRST OF FIRSTS: CHATEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD隆 重 呈 獻 九 批 來 自 偉 大 藏 家 之 稀 世 名 釀 , 由 CHATEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD 領 銜One of our greatest consignors in the World is a European collector who we can easily say is ‘The Great Curator’ of the highestlevels when it comes to putting together tremendous verticals and super-lots that we have featured in several sales in the past.In the Art World such individuals work for the best museums and private collections, but in the Wine Business, this gentlemanis their equal. It is the meticulousness that he employs when studiously assembling these incredible ranges of vintages – evenvery difficult to find ones – that makes them so compelling. Not many have the ability to get this done in the manner with whichthis astute collector works and we always appreciate – as indeed does the market – when such beautiful verticals are properlypresented as they are here, giving collectors who dream of owning such instant collections a proper look at the entire range ofbottles.Château Lafite Rothschild is Bordeaux’s most famous property and wine, with its elegant, undersized, and understated label. Itis a name synonymous with wealth, prestige, history, respect, and wines of remarkable longevity. Owned by the illustrious Rothschildnoble family since 1858, when it was purchased by the cousin of the owner of Chateau Mouton Rothschild and quickly upgradedto the status it so squarely deserved, having been named the First Chateau among the First Growths in the Classificationof 1855. Certainly, the management of Lafite has had great continuity thanks to a committed Eric de Rothschild, who followedup in 1975 from where his uncle left off producing a long line of eternal greats starting with the magical ’45, the ’47, ’49, ’53, ’55,not least the ’59, the ’61 and then under Eric, the now legendary ’82 and much more. All of these are naturally included in thisamazing collection. No First Growth wine has garnered more 100 point scores from Robert Parker than Lafite, with six vintagesthat are all included in this stunning near-complete Vertical Collection of 63 vintages between 1945 and 2010.本 場 拍 賣 隆 重 呈 獻 其 中 一 位 全 球 最 偉 大 藏 家 之 窖 藏 精 選 系 列 。 這 位 偉 大 藏 家 來 自 歐 洲 , 他 為 我 們 帶 來 眾 多 頂 級 垂 直 酒 款 及 超級 拍 品 。 在 過 去 的 拍 賣 會 上 , 我 們 亦 曾 推 出 他 的 瑰 寶 , 均 為 飲 家 爭 相 競 投 之 對 象 。 這 位 偉 大 藏 家 的 角 色 , 就 好 比 博 物 館 的 策展 人 或 頂 級 藝 術 典 藏 之 主 人 。 他 透 過 精 挑 細 選 、 嚴 謹 研 究 及 細 心 編 排 , 成 就 出 一 個 極 具 規 模 、 匯 集 世 上 超 卓 年 份 名 釀 之 盛 大窖 藏 , 盡 是 世 上 最 難 求 的 名 莊 傑 作 , 在 收 藏 界 和 環 球 市 場 上 可 謂 一 枝 獨 秀 。 他 搜 羅 的 垂 直 酒 款 覆 蓋 全 面 , 深 廣 度 俱 藏 , 滿 載廣 大 劉 伶 夢 寐 以 求 的 醇 美 極 品 。Château Lafite Rothschild 代 表 著 波 爾 多 最 著 名 的 酒 莊 和 珍 釀 , 其 酒 標 風 格 優 雅 而 內 斂 , 而 且 清 晰 分 明 。 它 亦 是 財 富 、 信 譽 、 悠久 歷 史 、 尊 崇 、 長 壽 名 酒 的 代 名 詞 。 酒 莊 自 1858 年 以 來 一 直 由 顯 赫 的 Rothschild 家 族 擁 有 , 當 年 它 被 Chateau Mouton Rothschild莊 主 的 表 弟 購 入 , 地 位 迅 即 提 升 , 並 於 1855 年 被 列 為 一 級 酒 莊 。Lafite 的 卓 越 管 理 實 在 歸 功 於 Eric de Rothschild, 高 瞻 遠 矚 的他 於 1975 年 繼 承 叔 父 產 業 後 , 積 極 推 動 酒 莊 再 創 高 峰 。Lafite 的 傳 奇 年 份 出 品 多 不 勝 數 , 如 1945、1947、1949、1953、1955、1959、1961 以 及 在 Eric 主 理 下 釀 製 之 1982。 此 垂 直 酒 款 網 羅 1945 至 2010 年 幾 乎 所 有 年 份 共 63 款 美 酒 , 以 上 提 及 的 傳 奇 名 釀當 然 亦 納 入 其 中 , 當 中 包 括 眾 多 被 酒 評 權 威 評 為 100 滿 分 之 大 作 , 鋒 芒 畢 露 。86 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM349 Château Lafite RothschildPauillac- Vintage 1945 bn, lbsl, ltl, cuc, (1)outstanding color and condition (***** MB)- Vintage 1947 ts, bsl, wisl, Nicolas bottling (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts WS)- Vintage 1948 vhs, lbsl, lgsl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1949 vhs, bsl, tal, scc, (1)excellent color and condition (90pts WS)- Vintage 1950 vhs, bsl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition (92pts)- Vintage 1951 vhs, lbsl, lscl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1952 ts, nl, rebouche au Chateau, (1)outstanding color and condition (90pts WS)- Vintage 1953 rebouche au Chateau,vhs, lbsl, (1)lstl, ltl, outstanding color and condition (100pts)- Vintage 1955 ts, bsl, ltal, (1)excellent color and condition (***** MB)- Vintage 1957 bsl, lstl, ltl, spc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1958 ts, bsl, nl (1)- Vintage 1959 ts, bsl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition (99pts)- Vintage 1960 ts, bsl, wasl, ltl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1961 ts, lbsl, lwasl, nl, scc, stc, (1)outstanding color and condition (94pts WS)- Vintage 1962 vhs, bsl, (1)outstanding color and condition (93pts WS)- Vintage 1963 ts, lbsl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1964 bn, lbsl, cc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1965 bn, lbsl, nl, spc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1966 ts, bsl, (1)outstanding color and condition (4 stars MB)- Vintage 1967 bn, cc, (1)and condition- Vintage 1968 ts, lbsl, (1)exclllent color and condition- Vintage 1969 ts, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1970 ts, bsl, ltal, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1971 ts, vlbsl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1972 bsl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1973 lbsl, lgsl, ltl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1974 lbsl, ltl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1975 lbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts)- Vintage 1976 nl, sdc, (1)outstanding color and condition (93pts)- Vintage 1977 lbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1978 (1)outstanding color and condition (94pts WS)- Vintage 1979 (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts WS)- Vintage 1980 lbsl (1)- Vintage 1981 lbsl (91pts) (1)- Vintage 1982 bn, scc, stc (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1983 ts, lbsl (93pts) (1)- Vintage 1984 scc (1)- Vintage 1985 (93+pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1986 nl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1987 (1)- Vintage 1988 (94pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1989 lbsl, nl (94pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1990 (96pts) (1)- Vintage 1991 (1)- Vintage 1992 vlbsl (1)- Vintage 1993 lbsl (1)- Vintage 1994 lbsl, lwisl (93pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1995 (95pts) (1)- Vintage 1996 (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1997 (92pts) (1)- Vintage 1998 (98pts) (1)- Vintage 1999 (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 (100pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2002 (95pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2003 nl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 2004 nl (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2005 nl (96+pts) (1)- Vintage 2006 (97pts) (1)- Vintage 2007 (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2008 (98pts) (1)- Vintage 2009 (99+pts) (1)- Vintage 2010 (98pts) (1)Above 63 bottlesper lot US$80000-120000per lot HK$640000-960000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com87

Lot: 349ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 26-31, 77-81, 141-144, 211-219, 337-342, 376-378, 665-666, 678-679

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTHE ART OF THE VINE: MOUTON ROTHSCHILD葡 萄 藤 交 織 出 藝 術 傑 作 :MOUTON ROTHSCHILDThe second lot from The Great Curator is, without question, the most sought-after of all vertical collections in the wine world,that of Mouton Rothschild, for the mere facts that each one of the labels are their own work of art and span the better part ofthe 20th Century’s most illustrious and fascinating artists, including Picasso, Chagall, Miro and now even Freud, Baselitz andKoons. Every time a vertical collection of the “modern” Moutons come on the market, the excitement levels build up. Whenpresented the way it is here with near pristine labels of every single vintage in the range starting with the legendary 1945, it issomething very special, and this is no exception.Mouton’s predominant characteristic is its exuberance. The chateau of Branne-Mouton (the Mouton indicating not that thesewere once sheep-grazing lands, but more appropriately for wine, that the site was dominated by a mound referred to as a mottonin old French) changed its name to Mouton Rothschild when Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild acquired it in 1853. He was thefirst great figure in Mouton’s history. The second was Philippe de Rothschild, who, from his arrival at the property in 1922 to hisdeath in 1987, literally reinvented the wine, its legend, its marketing and its personality. The decision to commission a differentartist to design each label - the only exceptions being 1945, the “victory vintage,” and 2003, the 150th anniversary year - madean important contribution to the estate’s unique status. But the main factor was the wine itself, which resembles no other. Theimmediate charm of its bouquet, its powerful spiciness, its generous body in the mouth, and its rich tannins, add up to somethingunique. We are pleased to present a phenomenally curated and amazing looking complete Vertical Collection of all 66 vintagesof Chateau Mouton-Rothschild starting with that incredible 1945 up to and including the 2010 vintage with both different labelsin the ‘78 and ‘93 vintages included, totaling an amazing 68 different bottles!第 二 批 來 自 偉 大 藏 家 之 精 彩 拍 品 , 相 信 是 當 今 環 球 名 酒 領 域 中 最 出 類 拔 萃 的 垂 直 酒 款 。 它 囊 括 的 每 瓶 Mouton Rothschild 瑰寶 , 均 是 藝 術 與 酒 釀 之 完 美 結 晶 。 酒 標 展 現 一 幅 幅 二 十 世 紀 傑 作 出 自 大 師 手 筆 , 包 括 畢 加 索 、 夏 卡 爾 、 米 羅 , 以 至 弗 洛 伊德 、 巴 塞 利 茲 及 昆 斯 等 , 滲 透 出 與 美 酒 同 樣 動 人 的 藝 術 氛 圍 。 每 當 市 場 上 出 現 Mouton 現 代 垂 直 酒 款 時 , 總 是 掀 起 藏 家 的 熱 烈反 應 與 期 待 。 本 場 拍 賣 呈 獻 的 Mouton 垂 直 酒 款 盡 攬 1945 年 起 至 2010 年 間 所 有 酒 款 , 無 與 倫 比 。Mouton 以 酒 體 充 沛 、 濃 郁 醇 香 而 聞 名 , 其 酒 莊 最 初 命 名 Branne-Mouton ,1853 年 被 Nathaniel De Rothschild 男 爵 收 購 後 易 名 為Mouton Rothschild, 他 是 Mouton 歷 史 中 首 個 偉 大 人 物 ; 第 二 位 重 要 人 物 則 是 Philippe de Rothschild, 他 於 1922 年 至 1987 年 掌 管 酒莊 , 在 酒 釀 、 品 牌 發 展 、 營 銷 及 定 位 等 多 方 面 進 行 大 改 革 。Mouton 委 託 不 同 的 藝 術 大 師 設 計 酒 標 , 令 其 酒 釀 更 顯 矜 貴 不 凡 ,品 牌 在 市 場 上 因 而 別 樹 一 幟 , 實 在 是 酒 莊 一 大 創 舉 ( 註 :1945 年 為 慶 祝 二 戰 結 束 , 以 及 2003 年 為 慶 祝 酒 莊 成 立 150 周 年 之 酒釀 , 酒 標 上 並 無 藝 術 作 品 )。 但 歸 根 到 底 ,Mouton 獨 當 一 面 的 酒 釀 , 方 是 酒 莊 在 市 場 上 打 響 名 堂 的 主 因 。 其 酒 香 怡 人 , 香 料氣 息 四 溢 , 酒 體 豐 厚 , 單 寧 豐 富 , 交 織 出 讓 人 一 試 難 忘 的 卓 爾 珍 釀 。 我 們 非 常 高 興 能 為 您 帶 來 完 整 的 Mouton 垂 直 酒 款 , 集 合酒 莊 於 1945 至 2010 年 間 全 部 66 個 年 份 美 酒 , 當 中 包 括 1978 年 及 1993 年 各 兩 款 不 同 設 計 的 酒 標 , 即 合 共 68 瓶 傑 作 !90 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

349A Château Mouton RothschildPauillac- Vintage 1945 vhs, lbsl, nl, cuc, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (100pts)- Vintage 1946 hs, lbsl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1947 htms, bsl, wisl, ltl, tc, sos, (1)excellent color (98pts)- Vintage 1948 hs, lbsl, lscl, lfl, scc, stc, Nicolas (1)bottling, excellent color and condition (3stars MB)- Vintage 1949 vhs, lbsl, lstl, ltl, (1)outstanding color and condition (94pts)- Vintage 1950 vhs, lbsl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1951 ts, lwisl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1952 ts, lbsl, nl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1953 vhs, lbsl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition (95pts)- Vintage 1954 ts, lbsl, fl, lscl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1955 vhs, bsl, ltl, scc, outstanding (1)color and condition (97pts)- Vintage 1956 vhs, lbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1957 ts, bsl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1958 bn, lbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1959 bn, bsl, spc, (1)outstanding color and condition (100pts)- Vintage 1960 ts, lbsl, nl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1961 vhs, nl, scc, Nicolas (1)bottling, outstanding color and condition (98pts)- Vintage 1962 ts, lbsl, lscl, cc, (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts)- Vintage 1963 hs, vlbsl, nl, cc, stc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1964 bn, spc, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1965 ts, bsl, nl, cc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1966 ts, lbsl, lwasl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts JK)- Vintage 1967 hs, lbsl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1968 hs, bsl, gsl, (1)excellent color and and condition- Vintage 1969 ms, nl, scc, excellent color (1)- Vintage 1970 vhs, bsl, gsl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (96pts WS)- Vintage 1971 hs, bsl, excellent color and condition (1)- Vintage 1972 ts, spc, excellent color and condition (1)- Vintage 1973 ts, outstanding color and condition (1)- Vintage 1974 hs, bsl, lgsl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1975 bn, vlbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition (91pts)- Vintage 1976 ts, vlbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1977 vhs, bsl, wasl, nl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1978 lwasl, lwrl, nl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts WS)- Vintage 1978lbsl, stc, scc, lwasl, lwrl, nl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (92pts WS)- Vintage 1979 ts, lbsl, scc, lwasl, lwrl, nl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (96pts WS)- Vintage 1980 lbsl (1)- Vintage 1981 vlbsl (91pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1982 ts, lbsl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1983 lbsl, nl (93+pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1984 ts, lbsl, lwasl (1)- Vintage 1985 vlbsl (90pts) (1)- Vintage 1986 bn, lbsl, nl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1987 bn (1)- Vintage 1988 (94pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1989 (91pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1990 lbsl, nl (90+?pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 1991 vlbsl, nl (1)- Vintage 1992 vlbsl (1)- Vintage 1993 lbsl, lwrl, Balthus (90pts) (1)- Vintage 1993(90pts) (1)- Vintage 1994 lbsl (91pts) (1)- Vintage 1995 (95pts) (1)- Vintage 1996 vlbsl (96pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1997 (90pts) (1)- Vintage 1998 nl (96pts) (1)- Vintage 1999 lbsl (93pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 (97pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 (94pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2002 vlbsl (94pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 2003 (95pts) (1)- Vintage 2004 (93pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2005 (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2006 (98+pts) (1)- Vintage 2007 (92pts) (1)- Vintage 2008 (94+pts) (1)- Vintage 2009 (99+pts) (1)- Vintage 2010 (1)Above 68 bottles_____________________________per lot US$70000-100000per lot HK$560000-800000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com91

Lot: 349AACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 44-47, 93-96, 193, 267-279, 386, 410, 575-580, 670-671, 683-684, 700-701

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMICONIC BOTTLES奪 目 珍 釀In a dozen lots, this collection narrows in on some of the most legendary wines of all time, starting with 1900 Margaux and 1947Petrus. Burgundy shines the spotlight on 1929 Romanee Conti, 1971 Romanee Conti magnum, 1999 Jayer Parantoux magnumsand 1989 DRC Montrachet magnum. Detailed provenance provided below on each older bottle thanks to this discerning andcareful collector. All wines ideally stored.此 窖 藏 帶 來 的 十 多 批 拍 品 盡 是 經 典 美 酒 , 包 括 1900 年 Margaux,1947 年 Petrus,1929 年 Romanee Conti,1971 年 Romanee Conti 1.5公 升 裝 ,1999 年 Jayer Parantoux 1.5 公 升 裝 及 1989 年 DRC Montrachet 1.5 公 升 裝 , 來 源 清 晰 有 序 。 所 有 藏 品 貯 藏 完 好 。350 Château Margaux - Vintage 1900Margauxts, vlbsl, cuc, pc, rebouche at Chateau,outstanding color and conditionPurchased Christie’s London March 2012“It is still young and fresh, with all the nuances and complexitiesthat we so often hope will develop. Splendidlyrich, with a perfume that must fill a room, unbelievablyunctuous, opulent, and well-focused, this is a winemakingtour de force. The fact that it manages to balancepower and high extraction of flavor with both finesse andelegance makes it stand out as one of the most extraordinarywines I have ever tasted. Not only will this winelive for another decade, I suspect it has the potential tolast for 20-30 years into the next century. A breathtakingwine!”(100pts)此 酒 尚 很 年 輕 和 新 鮮 , 但 已 發 展 出 我 們 夢 寐 以 求 的微 妙 芳 香 和 複 雜 性 。 酒 質 華 麗 豐 富 , 散 發 滿 室 芳香 , 口 感 出 奇 地 幼 滑 , 特 質 明 確 突 出 , 實 為 釀 酒 傑作 。 在 雄 渾 的 酒 勁 、 精 緻 的 酒 味 與 優 雅 的 風 格 間 ,有 一 種 獨 特 的 平 衡 感 , 那 是 我 品 試 過 的 最 佳 傑 作 之一 。 相 信 此 酒 不 但 可 陳 存 多 十 年 , 甚 至 二 十 年 三 十年 , 一 直 陳 存 下 去 。(100 分 )1 bottle per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000351 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1947Pomerolvhs, lbsl, nl, cuc, excellent color and conditionPurchased Acker New York“A wine that is so rich, so complex, so mind-bogglingthat it might well be worth killing for. When I had it in ablind tasting, it was so amazingly fragrant and complex Ifirst thought from the bouquet alone it could be the 1961Palmer. But when it hit my palate, there was no questionthat a wine with this much glycerin, unctuous texture andrichness could only be a great vintage of Pétrus or Lafleur.Sensational! Based on this bottle, the wine shouldcontinue to drink well for another 30-40 years. A hundredyear wine?”(100pts)豐 富 、 複 雜 、 同 時 令 人 驚 訝 的 佳 釀 , 絕 對 值 得 一試 。 當 參 與 幪 瓶 試 酒 時 , 其 芳 香 撲 鼻 和 馥 郁 的 酒感 , 令 我 以 為 是 香 甜 的 1961 年 Palmer。 但 當 細 緻 的酒 香 緩 緩 向 上 , 那 種 高 甘 油 及 質 感 豐 富 滑 溜 的 味道 , 毫 無 疑 問 是 屬 於 Pétrus 或 Lafleur。 絕 對 令 人 感動 , 這 是 在 三 四 十 載 後 還 可 享 用 的 佳 釀 。 百 年 美 酒乎 ?(100 分 )1 bottle per lot US$8000-12000per lot HK$64000-9600094 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


352 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2000Pomerol“From the bottle, it is a perfect wine The color is inkyplum/purple to the rim and the nose scents of smoke,blackberries, cherries, licorice, and an unmistakabletruffle/underbrush element. On the palate, this enormouseffort is reminiscent of dry vintage port, with fabulousripeness, a huge, unctuous texture, enormous body, and acolossal 65-second finish.”(100pts)從 酒 瓶 已 能 看 出 此 酒 之 完 美 , 可 媲 美 1998。 杯 邊 呈墨 黑 的 李 子 / 紫 色 。 氣 味 帶 煙 燻 、 黑 莓 、 櫻 桃 、 甘 草和 明 顯 的 松 露 菌 及 其 他 野 菌 幽 香 。 在 口 中 卻 使 人 聯想 到 陳 年 的 老 砵 酒 , 熟 透 無 比 , 有 滑 溜 質 感 , 巨 大酒 身 和 65 秒 的 澎 湃 收 結 。(100 分 )1 bottle per lot US$3200-5000per lot HK$26000-40000353 Grands Échézeaux - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Conti1spc“...discreet aromas are decidedly more elegant withmuch more floral influence on the violet and rose petalinfused aromas that are nuanced by soy, hoisin and clovenotes that can also be found on the muscular, robust andpowerful big-bodied flavors that exude dry extract on thedetailed and hugely persistent finish. This is both stylishand classy with tautly wound flavors that have that greatsense of underlying tension and cuts-like-a-knife precision...”(96pts BH)5 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000354 La Tâche - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Conti1wasvl“There is only one word to do the nose true justice andthat is kaleidoscopic as the aromatic breadth here issimply dazzling with red and black cherry, cassis, plumand subtle earth notes replete with the same Asian spicecabinet aromas as the RSV displays but here the floral aspect,particularly rose petal, is much more pronounced.However, the ‘05 LT is almost a combination of the RSV’sclass, grace and sensuality and the Riche’s power, tautmuscularity and huge length as the overall palate impactis equivalent to a vinous bomb exploding on the cuts-likea-knifefinish that can be measured in minutes not seconds.This is structured to the point of being chewy yet itis never rustic or coarse because the gorgeously detailedpalate is buffered by buckets of dry extract. As readersknow, I often use the word Zen to describe the kind ofinner harmony of a great vintage of Romanée-Conti butrarely with La Tâche yet in 2005, the LT has this elementof inner calm and grace as well. In sum, this is a huge bututterly classy and stylish wine that will undoubtedly godown as one of the all time great LT’s.”(99pts BH)只 可 以 用 「 萬 花 筒 」 才 可 恰 當 地 形 容 酒 中 蘊 涵 的 醉 人香 氣 : 充 滿 紅 和 黑 櫻 桃 、 黑 加 侖 子 、 李 子 及 含 蓄 的 泥土 氣 息 , 亦 帶 有 Romanée St. Vivant 的 風 格 , 同 樣 散 發著 亞 洲 香 料 氣 味 , 不 過 此 酒 的 花 香 味 , 尤 其 是 玫 瑰花 瓣 , 更 加 顯 著 濃 烈 。La Tâche 2005 結 合 了 RSV 的 格調 、 優 雅 和 性 感 以 及 Richebourg 的 威 力 、 勁 度 和 悠 長餘 韻 。 整 體 上 , 那 口 感 的 震 撼 力 仿 如 一 觸 即 發 的 炸彈 在 口 中 爆 開 , 收 結 只 能 以 分 鐘 單 位 計 算 而 不 是 以 秒來 計 算 。 此 酒 的 架 構 屬 於 黏 口 但 未 算 樸 實 或 粗 糙 ,因 為 有 細 膩 的 精 華 在 口 腔 內 縈 迴 。 讀 者 們 都 知 道 , 我喜 歡 用 「 禪 」 字 去 形 容 年 份 極 佳 的 Romanée-Conti 內裏 的 協 調 感 覺 , 卻 極 少 如 此 形 容 La Tâche, 但 此 2005年 La Tache 卻 擁 有 這 種 平 和 及 優 雅 的 特 質 。 總 括 來說 , 此 酒 酒 身 龐 大 卻 非 常 高 貴 有 格 調 , 毫 無 疑 問 將會 是 La Tâche 中 的 酒 王 之 一 。(99 分 BH)5 bottles per lot US$15000-20000per lot HK$120000-160000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com97

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM355 Romanée Conti - Vintage 1929Domaine de la Romanée Conti7.5cm bc, lbsl, ltl, branded cork, wxc, hcrc, good colorPurchased Christie’s Hong Kong March 2011, originallysold ZachysChristie’s December 1996 from the collectionof William Burden“It was a Romanée-Conti weekend, however, and thebottle of 1929 DRC Romanée-Conti was another incrediblebottle of old RC. What a nose, my note began. It wasdecadently saucy and musky, full of menthol, beef, exoticlychee and garden. It had a hint of kinky overripe fruitto it, but that did not mar the wine in any way, shape orform. The palate was so rich, so long and so lush. Nuttyand tasty beyond belief, there was an unreal earth componentthat could only come from the terroir known asRomanée Conti. Rob put it in terms that he understands,740 Park. Unreal. Told ya. Decadent steak sauce flavorsemerged. My next notes were wowowowowowowowow....ni hao. The 29 RC was so good it made Rob confess, butI wouldn t be a good wine priest if I told you lol. The 29had enough energy to power up the Vegas strip. It wasthen that Guy Savoy returned, and for those of you thatdon t know, he is arguably one of the top ten chefs in theworld. He has my vote. He came into our private room tosay hello and thank us, etc., and Rob quickly gave him aglass of 1929 Romanée-Conti. Chefs usually have prettygood palates, and I would imagine that Guy s would rankup there pretty highly. He was emotionally moved by thisglass of wine; you could see his eyes widen as the wineswirled around his mouth. Our sense of joy soon becamehis as well, and he savored his glass religiously. Once finished,I offered him a glass of 1969 Rousseau. No no no!he insisted. Guy! This is 1969 Rousseau Chambertin!You must try it, c est incroyable! I insisted back. I willnever forget his response as long as I live, Je veux garderle gout de la Romanée-Conti dans ma bouche toutela nuit. Translation: he wanted to keep the taste of theRomanée-Conti in his mouth for the rest of the night. Hewouldn t dare put anything else on his palate after that;it was that good. You just can t make this stuff up! WhileI have had other bottles of 29 RC that were more matureand advanced, this was as good as it gets, but it still ain tthe 45 lol.”(98pts JK)那 是 一 個 Romanée-Conti 週 末 ,1929 年 的 DRC Romanée-Conti,的 確 是 一 瓶 了 不 起 的 陳 年 瑰 寶 。 以 下是 我 的 品 酒 筆 記 :「 多 麼 醉 人 的 芳 香 啊 ! 活 潑 跳 脫 的麝 香 , 洋 溢 著 豐 富 的 薄 荷 、 牛 肉 、 荔 枝 甚 至 是 花 園般 的 氣 息 。 淡 淡 滲 透 出 誘 人 的 成 熟 水 果 味 道 , 但 仍無 損 此 酒 的 酒 體 和 結 構 。 口 感 豐 富 悠 長 , 帶 著 果 仁的 獨 特 香 味 , 只 有 在 Romanée-Conti 的 風 土 條 件 才 可釀 造 出 如 此 美 酒 。」Rob 以 他 的 方 式 形 容 :「 如 紐 約曼 克 頓 豪 宅 Park Avenue 740 號 一 般 夢 幻 。」1929 年 的Romanée-Conti 令 Rob 如 癡 如 醉 。 這 瓶 1929 年 陳 釀 的 魔力 足 以 燃 亮 整 條 拉 斯 維 加 斯 大 道 。 然 後 到 Guy Savoy出 場 , 若 果 你 不 認 識 他 的 話 , 他 被 譽 為 世 界 十 大 名廚 師 之 一 , 我 一 直 非 常 欣 賞 他 。 那 天 , 他 剛 好 過 來跟 我 們 打 招 呼 ,Rob 馬 上 遞 了 一 杯 1929 年 的 Romanée-Conti 給 他 。 廚 師 的 味 蕾 通 常 特 別 靈 敏 , 我 相 信 Guy 亦被 這 杯 難 得 的 美 酒 迷 住 了 , 他 雙 眼 發 亮 , 我 們 可 想像 到 酒 在 他 口 腔 中 流 動 。 他 很 快 就 感 受 到 我 們 的 喜悅 , 他 神 聖 地 喝 完 這 杯 酒 。 當 我 想 再 給 他 一 杯 1969年 Rousseau 的 時 候 。 他 連 忙 說 :『 不 ! 不 ! 不 !』。 我 堅 持 道 :『Guy! 這 是 1969 年 的 Rousseau Chambertin呀 ! 你 一 定 要 試 試 , 是 上 佳 的 珍 釀 呀 !』 我一 輩 子 忘 不 了 他 當 時 的 答 案 , 他 用 法 語 說 他 要 把 這Romanée-Conti 的 味 道 整 晚 留 在 口 中 , 他 不 敢 再 把 任何 東 西 放 進 嘴 裡 。 它 就 是 如 此 出 色 的 美 酒 。 我 嚐 過其 他 更 成 熟 的 1929 年 Romanée-Conti, 與 這 瓶 不 遑 多讓 , 雖 然 還 是 及 不 上 1945 年 。(98 分 JK)1 bottle per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-20000098 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


356 Romanée Conti - Vintage 1971Domaine de la Romanée Conti3.5cm bc, lbsl, cuc, outstanding color and conditionPurchased Acker Hong Kong May 2010“The nose said to me, ‘Why don’t you come home withme?’ Incredible, sexy, alluring spice and fruit in thenose...coy but definitely showing some skin...an excellentbalance of sweet black and red fruits...saucy and ripe,with a liqueur quality to the palate...great tannins, a ‘superlong’ finish (at this stage the grammar skills werewaning) - the finish goes on and on and on...touch ofsweet kirsch that borders on cassis...still alcoholic, veryyoung and shy but more flesh than the Grands Ech...waitanother ten years!...”(98+pts JK)一 股 誘 人 的 酒 香 像 在 告 訴 你 :「 請 跟 我 來 吧 !」 那是 一 種 令 人 意 想 不 到 的 誘 人 感 覺 , 還 有 種 迷 人 的 香料 及 水 果 香 氣 ... 雖 好 像 還 有 點 害 羞 , 但 其 美 態 已 呼 之欲 出 ... 黑 色 和 紅 色 水 果 味 道 亦 平 衡 細 緻 ... 酒 感 既 清 新亦 成 熱 , 還 帶 點 烈 酒 的 口 味 ... 單 寧 狀 態 奇 佳 , 餘 韻 悠長 簡 直 是 沒 完 沒 了 ... 還 不 斷 呈 現 出 絲 絲 像 黑 醋 栗 和櫻 桃 酒 的 味 道 來 , 酒 感 仍 強 , 新 鮮 感 依 然 , 亦 甚 含蓄 ... 十 年 之 後 可 能 還 會 更 完 美 ((98 分 + JK)1 magnum per lot US$24000-35000per lot HK$200000-280000357 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2003Domaine de la Romanée Conti“Good red-ruby. Knockout nose of black raspberry, tobaccoand flowers; vibrant for 2003. Then dense, creamyand seamless yet almost shockingly vibrant, with outstandingbalance and an impression of firm acids. Themounting finish goes on and on. Great wine, perhapsmonumental.”(97+pts IWC)悅 目 的 紅 寶 石 色 , 撲 鼻 的 黑 桑 莓 、 煙 草 和 花 香 味 , 以2003 年 份 來 說 , 它 充 滿 生 氣 。 濃 密 、 滑 溜 和 順 暢 , 但同 時 活 力 充 沛 , 酒 身 平 衡 , 酸 度 充 足 , 收 結 雋 永 。 確實 是 好 酒 , 甚 至 可 說 是 不 朽 的 佳 釀 。(97+ 分 IWC)1 bottle per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000358 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2004Domaine de la Romanée Conti1lscl, 1lstl, 1nl“A supremely beautiful if very reserved nose with a stunningmelange of spice notes, floral notes, particularlyviolets, red and black berry fruit aromas plus nuances ofearth, game and smoke combine to perfectly complementthe equally reserved, pure and unbelievably precise andpure medium full flavors underpinned by sophisticatedtannins and huge length while other wines have class,Romanée-Conti defines the term... the most remarkable ofall is the wine s ability to aggregate attributes unlike anyother... one of the very finest in terms of the delicacy andharmony of expression.”(94pts BH)酒 香 秀 麗 優 雅 , 擁 有 混 合 香 料 、 花 卉 、 紫 羅 蘭 、 紅色 和 黑 色 漿 果 、 泥 土 、 野 味 肉 及 煙 燻 味 的 香 氣 , 稍微 豐 厚 的 酒 身 蘊 含 純 粹 而 精 準 的 氣 質 , 單 寧 成 熟 穩重 不 慍 不 火 , 收 結 宏 厚 悠 長 。 這 確 是 一 瓶 極 度 精 緻和 諧 的 逸 品 。(94 分 BH)4 bottles per lot US$32000-48000per lot HK$260000-380000359 Romanée St. Vivant - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Conti“This is also very primary and backward as hints of supremelyelegant and seductive exceptionally ripe blackfruit aromas replete with soy, hoisin, clove and anise nuancesmergeinto wonderfully fine and refined linear andfirmly structured flavors that culminate in a precise, pureand driving finish that goes on and on. This is a reallyimpressive effort that offers terrific potential but fans ofthis wine should note that it is arguably more masculinethan it usually is yet at the same time utterly seamless. A‘wow’ wine that is perhaps the ripest of the DRC ‘05s. Atrue knockout that is sheer class.”(97pts BH)帶 著 一 股 非 常 優 雅 及 超 凡 地 成 熟 的 黑 水 果 香 , 並 充斥 著 醬 油 、 海 鮮 醬 、 丁 香 、 大 茴 香 , 各 種 細 微 的 香氣 融 合 成 美 妙 細 緻 及 充 實 的 結 構 , 這 些 細 節 更 同 時將 美 味 推 到 最 高 點 , 一 種 精 確 、 純 樸 而 充 滿 御 駕 力的 收 結 連 綿 不 絕 。 這 真 是 一 次 令 人 深 刻 難 忘 的 印象 , 它 提 供 了 深 不 見 底 的 蘊 藏 潛 力 , 但 是 此 酒 的 擁護 者 可 能 會 投 訴 , 認 為 這 個 年 份 比 平 常 的 年 份 雄 渾及 男 性 化 得 多 , 但 那 天 衣 無 縫 的 美 味 卻 令 人 欲 言 又止 。 這 簡 直 令 人 禁 不 住 發 出 「 嘩 」 一 聲 來 讚 嘆 , 並可 能 是 DRC 2005 年 中 所 有 葡 萄 酒 中 果 味 最 熟 的 一瓶 。 實 在 是 一 瓶 可 將 所 有 同 級 美 酒 徹 底 擊 潰 的 超 卓佳 釀 。〈97 分 BH〉5 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000100 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM360 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 1999Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer1lbsl, 1dc, 1pc, 1swc“Deep, spectacular nose full of black and purple fruits,deep dark violet, brimming with that cup runneth over1999 fruit, complemented by brick, leather and eartharomas and traces of cinnamon. In the mouth, its fruitwas tender, wound yet seductive with delicious brick andleather backbones. Still on the baby side, the fruit wascoy and on the red side of currant flavors. Its gorgeous,smoky fruit was adolescent yet still ready to be Burgundys next top model, silky smooth and classy with a justright, nice touch of toasty oak.”(96+pts JK)在 獨 特 而 富 深 度 的 酒 香 中 , 滲 透 著 黑 色 及 紫 色 漿果 、 紫 羅 蘭 、 皮 革 、 泥 土 及 肉 桂 等 香 味 , 淺 嚐 後 ,你 會 感 覺 到 一 陣 以 皮 革 味 為 骨 幹 的 溫 柔 果 香 , 甚 具誘 惑 性 。 隨 後 你 會 發 現 , 那 果 香 原 來 極 像 紅 加 侖 子的 味 道 ; 雖 然 , 那 種 像 煙 燻 水 果 的 味 道 , 可 能 讓 此酒 露 出 青 澀 的 「 少 年 」 姿 態 , 但 那 絲 綢 般 的 幼 滑 酒感 與 優 雅 的 烤 橡 木 香 味 , 足 已 告 訴 你 它 將 會 成 為 布根 地 的 另 一 瓶 頂 級 佳 釀 。(96 分 + JK)2 magnums per lot US$24000-35000per lot HK$200000-280000361 Montrachet - Vintage 1989Domaine de la Romanée Conti4.5cm bc, lbsl, spc“Not surprisingly, this is another awesome example fromthe Domaine de la Romanée-Conti. If pure, honeyedthickness and glycerin are what you are looking for, thereis not a more concentrated Chardonnay produced in theworld.”(99pts)1 magnum per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000_____________________________362 NO LOT102 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMVINTAGE TASTINGS經 典 年 份 傑 作Our next collection is one that I would personally love to taste through and write more of my ‘Vintage Tastings’ articles. In fact,I just did taste through many great wines from this European collector, affectionately known as ‘The Judge.’ This selection offersmore extensive studies of the 20 th century’s greatest Bordeaux wines with plenty of fireworks starting with 1966 Ausone andClinet followed by magnums of 1959 Lafite, 1929 Latour and 1955 Haut Brion Blanc! Stately Bordeaux bottles of note include1920 Haut Brion, 1924 Figeac, five vintages of Lafite between 1914 and 1945, 1928 Mouton, 1947 Lynch Bages and 1945 & ‘47Palmer. Rare 1962 Leflaive Chevalier (the spectacular bottle I recently wrote up, I tasted from this collection), 1979 and 1985DRC Montrachet lend the complex touch of White Burgundy. This collection was carefully assembled and meticulously caredfor by this most important wine lover and connoisseur. All wines stored underground in a massive temperature and humiditycontrolledcellar in the heart of Europe.接 著 登 場 的 窖 藏 是 我 的 個 人 推 介 之 一 。 最 近 , 我 細 嚐 了 這 位 出 色 歐 洲 藏 家 的 不 少 珍 寶 , 但 此 窖 藏 精 選 特 別 令 我 著 迷 , 故 一 直期 待 親 身 品 試 其 酒 藏 , 並 於 博 客 網 站 《Vintage Tastings》 中 詳 盡 介 紹 。 本 次 拍 賣 主 力 呈 獻 當 中 的 20 世 紀 波 爾 多 傑 作 , 如 1966年 Ausone 及 Clinet,1959 年 Lafite 1.5 公 升 裝 ,1929 年 Latour 及 1955 年 Haut Brion 白 酒 , 陳 釀 代 表 則 包 括 1920 年 Haut Brion,1924 年Figeac,1914 至 1945 年 間 5 個 年 份 之 Lafite,1928 年 Mouton,1947 年 Lynch Bages, 以 至 1945 及 1947 年 Palmer。 尚 推 出 珍 稀 1962 年Leflaive Chevalier( 我 品 嚐 了 本 窖 藏 中 之 此 美 酒 , 實 在 精 湛 非 凡 , 遂 於 近 期 文 章 中 介 紹 之 ), 以 至 1979 及 1985 DRC Montrachet等 卓 爾 布 根 地 白 酒 。 本 窖 藏 之 珍 品 均 屬 精 心 挑 選 及 配 搭 的 瑰 寶 , 並 完 好 貯 藏 在 位 於 歐 洲 中 央 的 恆 溫 恆 濕 地 下 酒 庫 。363 Château Ausone - Vintage 1966St. Emilion3bn, 5ts, 4vhs, 12bsl, 5wasl, 4nl, 2hwasl, 1scc,excellent color and condition12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000364 Château Brane Cantenac- Vintage 1924 Margaux bsl, lscl, (1)reconditioned at the Château,outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1947 Margaux hs, bsl, fl, tc, (1)excellent colorChâteau Canon La Gaffeliere- Vintage 1964 St. Emilion htms, lbsl, ltsl, (1)excellent colorChâteau D’Issan- Vintage 1926 Margaux 2vhs, 2bsl, 2lscl, (2)excellent color and conditionChâteau Desmirail- Vintage 1924 Margaux 2ms, 2bsl, 1fl, 1scl, (2)1nl, 1scc, good colorChâteau Labegorce- Vintage 1928 bsl, ltl, lwasl, scc, (1)outstanding color and conditionAbove 8 bottlesper lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000365 Château Clinet - Vintage 1966Pomerol4bn, 2ts, 4vlbsl, 3nl, 1scl, 1cuc, 1x12 bottle owc,outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000366 Château Figeac - Vintage 1924St. Emilion2hs, 2bsl, 1ltl, 2scc, good color and condition2 bottles per lot US$1000-1300per lot HK$8000-10400367 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1920Graveshs, hbsl, tal, cc, excellent color1 bottle per lot US$1000-1500per lot HK$8000-12000368 Château L’Enclos - Vintage 1945Pomerol1ts, 3vhs, 3bsl, 2nl, 3sdc, Negociant bottling,outstanding color and condition6 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com103

369 Château La Lagune - Vintage 1924Haut Medoc2hs, 1htms, 3bsl, 3ltl, 3spc, 3scc, excellent color3 bottles per lot US$1200-1500per lot HK$9600-12000PARCEL LOTS 370-371370 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1979Graves7ts, 2vhs, 2hs, 12bsl, 4lwasl, 2nl, 2ltl, 1tl, 1lwisl,5scc, 2ssos, excellent color and condition“...in this bountiful year, La Mission made a wonderfullyelegant, surprisingly concentrated wine that stylisticallyresembles the 1971.”(91pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3500per lot HK$20000-28000371 12 bottles per lot US$2400-35002bn, 12lbsl, 6nl, 6lstl, 2ltl, per lot HK$20000-280001lwisl, 2scc, 1x12 bottle owc,outstanding color and condition372 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1914Pauillachs, bsl, pc, stc, outstanding color and condition1 bottle per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000373 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1918Pauillacts, bsl, scc, stc, outstanding color and condition1 bottle per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000374 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1928Pauillacvhs, lbsl, lgsl, cuc, spc, scc,outstanding color and condition1 bottle per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000375 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1937Pauillacvhs, bsl, tl, scc, swc, excellent color and condition“...tart but exciting”(At best three stars MB)1 bottle per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000376 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1945Pauillac1ts, 1vhs, 2lscl, 1hbsl, 1bsl, 1fl, 1ltl, 2scc, 1spc,excellent color and condition“...beautiful colour; medium deep, with rich legs coloursof which seemed to press the sides of the glass. Just aboutevery note over the years refers to a glorious fragrancewhich seems to unravel itself after 15 or 20 minutes in theglass A glorious mouthful.”(***** MB)酒 色 和 諧 亮 麗 , 把 酒 杯 稍 事 搖 晃 後 , 那 「 掛 杯 」更 好 像 緊 貼 在 杯 身 之 上 。 正 如 歷 年 來 的 品 酒 筆 記所 說 , 你 總 要 讓 它 在 杯 中 待 上 15 至 20 分 鐘 , 它 才 能釋 放 出 最 燦 爛 的 酒 香 來 , 而 其 口 感 更 是 無 與 倫 比 。(5 顆 星 級 別 MB)2 bottles per lot US$5000-6500per lot HK$40000-52000PARCEL LOTS 377-378377 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1959Pauillacts, lbsl, gsl, outstanding color and condition“The super-aromatic bouquet of flowers, black truffles,cedar, lead pencil, and red fruits is followed by one ofthe most powerful and concentrated Lafites I have tasted.Medium to full-bodied, velvety-textured, rich, and pure, itis a testament to what this great estate can achieve whenit hits the mark.”(99pts)此 酒 香 氣 芳 馨 : 由 花 香 、 黑 松 露 菌 、 雪 松 木 , 和 鉛筆 碎 屑 等 氣 味 先 交 織 出 第 一 道 主 印 象 , 然 後 紅 色 水果 之 芳 緊 隨 吐 芳 , 這 是 有 史 以 來 , 我 嚐 過 其 中 一 瓶最 厚 重 而 強 烈 的 Lafite。 中 等 以 至 豐 滿 的 酒 體 有 若 絲絨 , 沃 饒 而 泓 澄 , 而 此 酒 所 得 的 分 數 , 展 示 出 一 家偉 大 酒 莊 應 有 的 本 色 。〈99 分 〉1 magnum per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000378 1 magnum per lot US$6500-8500bn, lbsl, gsl, nl, cuc, scc, stc, per lot HK$52000-68000outstanding color and condition379 NO LOT104 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

380 Château Latour - Vintage 1929Pauillaclbsl, nl, reconditioned at the Château in 1989,outstanding color and condition“Sixteen notes, almost all 5 stars, dating from December1955. Generally sweet, soft and luscious a completecontrast to the monumental and tannic 28 velvety, elongated.”(5stars MB)1 magnum per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000Lot: 380381-382 NO LOTS383 Château Lynch Bages - Vintage 1982Pauillac6lbsl, 3lwrl, 2nl, 1scl, 1spc“Extremely youthful ruby color, with a hint of garnet.Berry, currant and mint character, with an earthnote. Full-bodied, extremely concentrated yet sweetand fruity, with fine tannins and a long, long finish.Inspirational...”(96pts WS)6 magnums per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000384 Château Montrose - Vintage 1985St. Estephe12bsl, 7wasl, 4nl, 4lscl, 3stl, 6sdc“The 1985 had a gorgeous nose: forward, fragrant andseductive. There was plump cassis, plum, chocolate, nut,caramel, cedar, minerals, pencil, bread and earth alldancing in unison in its nose. Steve called it ‘rich, especiallycompared to 1986,’ and the palate was just deliciouswith its round and rich flavors, with more of theearth and mineral shades exerting themselves. The saltinessof St. Est phe seemed to be taking charge, and therewere more tannins and acidity than I expected on the palate;it was still less dry and tannic than the 1986 but justas good if not slightly better at this stage. Bipin, right oncue, went into his 1985 vs. 1986 spiel, which is how 1985is superior to 1986 and that the two vintages are similarto 1953 vs. 1952. For this wine and this moment, the casecould be made, although I thought the 1985 lost its focusmore over time in the glass, but it was certainly the mostenjoyable of the first flight at the moment. James called it‘softer, rounder and more ready, but I like the more austerequality of 1986.’...”(93pts JK)10 bottles per lot US$1200-1600per lot HK$9600-12800385 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1928Pauillacvhs, bsl, fl, vlscl, spc, scc, excellent color and condition“Fabulous nose - sweet fruit and cedar incredibly classicand ripe awesome again someone from Europe scoldedme for my high praise of this wine in Volume 1, but I amstanding by my Château, and it is the wine that reallydoes the talking. Again, the Good Lawyer concurred withme (our palates really were separated at birth) leatheryflavors and great grip those delicious, old cherry andnutty flavors were in effect, and the wine stood toe-to-toewith the Latour.”(98+pts JK)1 bottle per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com105

386 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1975Pauillac3ts, 6vhs, 3hs, 12bsl, 10gsl, 7tsl, 3nl, 2ltl, 1wasl,1cuc, 12scc, 1htc, 3stc, excellent color and condition“In the blind tasting in December, this wine finally beganto reveal some potential. It has been closed and frightfullytannic for the last decade. The wine exhibits a gooddark ruby/garnet color, a sweet nose of cedar, chocolate,cassis, and spices, good ripe fruit and extraction, anda weighty, large-scaled, tannic finish. Although still unevolved,it is beginning to throw off its cloak of tanninand exhibit more complexity and balance.”(91pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000387 Château Palmer - Vintage 1945Margaux1vhs, 2hs, 3bsl, 2nl, 1ltl, 3scc, 3stc,outstanding color and condition“...is one of the few 1945s that can be called exceptionallyopulent, super-rich, and fat in its chewy, nearly overripefruit. It is a rich, succulent, decadently fruity, alcoholicwine that remains in top condition.”(97pts)3 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000388 Château Palmer - Vintage 1947Margaux1ts, 3vhs, 2hs, 6lbsl, 2nl, 2scc, outstanding color,excellent condition6 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000390 Château La Conseillante- Vintage 1959 Pomerol bn, lscl, bsl, sdc, Negociant (1)bottling, outstandingcolor and condition (95pts)Château La Pointe- Vintage 1961 Pomerol vhs, bsl, lwisl, magnum (1)ltl, scc, outstanding color and conditionAbove 1 bottleper lot US$1300-1800and 1 magnumper lot HK$10400-14400391 Château Pichon Lalande - Vintage 1928Pauillacts, bsl, stl, lscl, scc, excellent color and condition1 bottle per lot US$750-1000per lot HK$6000-8000392 Château Haut Brion Blanc - Vintage 1955Graveshs, bsl, lscl, ltl, scc, excellent color and condition1 magnum per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000393 Grands Échézeaux - Vintage 1959G. Noellat1lwrl, late release, reconditioned,outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000Lot: 393389 Château Palmer - Vintage 1982Margaux5bn, 5ts, 2vhs, 6lscl, 3nl, 3ltl, 3lll, 9scc, 5ssos,different importers, 1x12 bottle owc“Full, deep red. Spicy aromas of cassis and rose petal,with a whiff of meat. Then wonderfully penetrating andclassy, with bright acidity giving the wine superb clarityand thrust. This has terrific structure. Finishes very longand fine, with excellent grip. By far the finest bottle I’vetasted to date of this wine, and one of the real surprisesof the tasting.”(93pts IWC)12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000106 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

394 Grands Échézeaux - Vintage 1962G. Noellatlate release, reconditioned,outstanding color and condition3 bottles per lot US$1300-1700per lot HK$10400-13600395 Montrachet - Vintage 1979Domaine de la Romanée Conti2bsl, 1wisl, 1stl, 1scl, 1cc, excellent color and condition“A simply exquisite nose of smoke, truffle and spice leadto deeply colored, mature, incredibly complex and powerfulflavors supported by plenty of supporting acidityand a finish that lasts for minutes. The thick, dense flavorsstain the palate and this is almost liqueur-like in itsconcentration yet there is no heaviness.”(97pts BH)確 是 氣 味 精 緻 , 有 煙 熏 、 松 露 菌 和 香 料 , 顏 色 深邃 、 成 熟 , 驚 人 地 複 雜 而 雄 渾 有 力 , 還 有 充 沛 的 酸度 平 衡 着 , 使 到 口 感 收 結 持 續 數 分 鐘 。 這 豐 腴 、 濃密 的 味 道 , 在 口 腔 裡 幾 乎 像 甜 白 酒 一 樣 繚 繞 着 , 既濃 縮 卻 又 輕 盈 。(97 分 BH)2 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000396 Montrachet - Vintage 1985Domaine de la Romanée Conti3.5cm bc, wisl, nl, scc“Huge, even massive nose of slowly maturing white flowerand green apple fruit mixed with a deft trimming of theexotic followed by thick, rich, almost viscous yet stunninglyprecise and pure flavors that coat the palate anddespite the sheer heft, there is a silky quality on the finishthat seems without end. Incredibly impressive in everyrespect and this is really quite youthful and vibrant withsimply indescribable complexity. A great, great Montrachetworthy of the name.”(97pts BH)1 bottle per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000398 Chevalier Montrachet - Vintage 1986Domaine Leflaive2bsl, 1cuc, 1sdc“... loads of butter and caramel in the nose great spiceand length to it has a mature (just entering the roomof maturity), bready, crusty quality as well hint of cornrounds out the nose rich, honeycomb palate long finish,lingering acids lightly toasted bread flavors excellentbalance of fruit and finish rich, round, ripe - outstanding!As expected, the wine held up about a good hour in theglass before starting to fade.”(96pts JK)2 bottles per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000399 Châteauneuf du Pape - Vintage 1945E. Mahler2-4.5cm bc, 2-5cm bc, 2-5.5cm bc, 4-6cm bc,10hbsl, 2ltl, 8htc, 5noc, excellent color10 bottles per lot US$1400-2000per lot HK$11200-16000400 Krug Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1985Clos du Mesnillbsl, ltl, 1x1 bottle owc“The height of elegance! The ‘85 reminds me of the ‘79,but I wonder if this wine doesn’t reach even greater peaks.What balance and indescribable finesse! Sadly it’s rarethese days that I become so awestruck by a wine that I gothrough an almost religious experience. This wonderful,lime-fruity Champagne with its polished butteriness andsparkling clarity...”(98pts RJ)1 bottle per lot US$1300-1600per lot HK$10400-12800401 NO LOT_____________________________397 Chevalier Montrachet - Vintage 1962Domaine Leflaive1-5cm bc, 1-6cm bc, 2tal, 2fl, 2scc, excellent color“Still alive, with a full, rich personality. I put that in mydon’t judge a book by its cover’ category. Old wood, forest,tanned fruit and big butter all made its nose delectableand delightful. Its mouth had a Sauternes-like richnesswith a great finish full of toffee. Orange crept in asthe palate became even more buttery, and white forestjoined the party. It got better and better, with flambe’ andeucalyptus’ from the crowd.”(97pts JK)2 bottles per lot US$4000-5000per lot HK$32000-40000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com107

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMMAJESTIC MATURE WINES陳 釀 極 品We continue our history lesson of grand old wines that still have a lot of interesting conversations to yield from the bottle, thanksto one of the most longstanding collectors I know. I will never forget the bottle of 1945 Petrus we shared, one of the best twobottles of my life, one of the many lessons taught to me by this by this incredible collection. He has professed his love for theclassics in life, starting with Bordeaux and then studying Burgundy more in-depth. Bordeaux gets first crack with 1952 La Mission,1924 Lafite, 1947 Latour, 1948 Margaux magnums, and 1929 Yquem amongst others. Burgundy takes over with Vogue from1970s, 1969 DRC Richebourg magnums and 1979 Roumier Bonnes Mares, but Henri Jayer is the true king of this collection with1978, 1980 and 1990 Echezeaux and a full case of 1999 Cros Parantoux! Some big-time, young DRC is also on offer, as he thinksthey will never be old enough for him! Leroy and Lafon warm up the White Burgundy section that boasts five vintages of DRCMontrachet. All wines removed from professional storage thanks to this most knowledgeable and generous collection, one fromwhich I will always want more wine!此 批 陳 年 珍 釀 傑 作 來 自 其 中 我 所 認 識 資 歷 最 深 的 藏 家 之 一 , 絕 對 經 得 起 時 間 考 驗 , 散 發 出 不 一 樣 的 醇 香 。 我 們 曾 把 酒 談 歡 ,並 細 嚐 了 當 中 的 1945 年 Petrus; 此 酒 令 我 一 試 難 忘 , 可 以 說 是 我 至 今 嚐 過 最 頂 尖 的 兩 款 名 酒 之 一 , 由 此 可 見 本 窖 藏 獨 當 一面 。 這 位 藏 家 特 別 鍾 情 於 經 典 極 品 , 波 爾 多 精 選 包 括 1952 年 La Mission,1924 年 Lafite,1947 年 Latour,1948 年 Margaux 1.5 公 升裝 及 1929 年 Yquem 。1970 年 代 之 Vogue,1969 年 DRC Richebourg 1.5 公 升 裝 及 1979 年 Roumier Bonnes Mares 均 是 布 根 地 部 分 的 傑出 代 表 , 但 主 角 始 終 是 Henri Jayer 大 師 級 傑 作 , 包 括 1978、1980 及 1990 年 Echezeaux 及 整 箱 裝 1999 年 Cros Parantoux。 與 此 同 時 ,藏 家 亦 帶 來 了 年 輕 DRC, 以 及 一 眾 布 根 地 白 酒 , 如 Leroy、Lafon 及 DRC Montrachet 5 個 年 份 。 所 有 藏 品 皆 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出 , 實在 令 人 期 待 萬 分 !402 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1952Graves2ts, 2vhs, 4hbsl, 3nl, 2ltl, 4sdc, 4scc, outstanding color“A huge, powerful, Port-like wine. So thick you cancut it with a fork. Black-red colored; lemon, lime, riperaisin, vanilla and coffee aromas; full-bodied, withmassive, thick fruit, plenty of tannins and a super-longfinish.”(98pts WS)4 bottles per lot US$6000-7500per lot HK$48000-60000403 NO LOT404 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1934Pauillac2ts, 2lbsl, 2lstl, 1lwrl, 1nc, 2stc, good color“Tastes smooth and elegant, with that difficult-to-describecharacter that some call finesse. Its straightforward,crisp cherry flavors are overlain with a wonderful,spicy bottle bouquet.”(90pts WS)2 bottles per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000405 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1954Pauillacvhs, bsl, nl, Nicolas bottling, excellent color&condition1 magnum per lot US$1900-2600per lot HK$15200-20000406 NO LOT407 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1995Pomerolts, vlbsl, lwrl, wxc, crc“Milk chocolate, mint and tarragon. Fascinating nose.Full-bodied, with a silky texture and a long finish. Stillholding back, but grand. Racy and full of class. Real dealfor Le Pin.”(94pts WS)1 double magnum per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000408 Château Lynch Bages - Vintage 1959Pauillac3ts, 1vhs, 4lbsl, 1wisl, 1stl, 1wrl, 2spc, 1scc,outstanding color and excellent condition“This is a superlative wine.”(94pts)4 bottles per lot US$1600-2400per lot HK$12800-20000108 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com




409 Château Margaux - Vintage 1948Margaux2vhs, 2bsl, 2lscl, 1ltal, 1tl, Nicolas bottling, 2spc,excellent color and condition2 magnums per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000410 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1964Pauillac1bn, 2vhs, 3hstl, 2tl, 1tal, 3spc, Nicolas bottling,outstanding color3 magnums per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000411 Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux - Vintage 2005Margaux“...is an equal part blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignonwith a hefty alcohol content. Fleshy, opulent, andnearly decadent, with terrific fruit, a creamy texture, andsupple tannin, it can be enjoyed over the next 12-15+years.”(91pts)1 Imperial per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000412 Vieux Château CertanPomerol- Vintage 1949 cuc, spc, Negociant bottling, (1)rebouche en 1995, outstanding color and condition(96pts JK)- Vintage 1955 2vhs, 1nl, 1stl, 1tl, 1sdc, (2)Nicolas bottling, outstanding color and condition(94pts JK)Above 3 bottlesper lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000413 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1929Sauternests, bsl, lscl, ltal, scc,outstanding color and excellent condition“...peaches and cream ride uppermost, also apricotspeeled sultanas, sometimes slightly chocolatey, alwaysrichly penetrating.”(5 stars MB)1 bottle per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000414 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1945Sauternes1ts, 1vhs, 2lbsl, 1sdc, 2scc,outstanding color andcondition“The loveliest of colours, warm gold, pure gold; bouquetperfection, opening up in the glass like a water lily; stillsweet, intence, great length.”(5 stars MB)2 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000415 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1948Sauternes1ts, 1hstl, 1tl, 1sdc, 1scc, 1ssos, 1 rebouche en 1999,outstanding color and condition2 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000416 Bonnes MaresComte de Vogue- Vintage 1976 3bsl, 2nl, 2scc, g (4)outstandincolor and condition (95pts JK)- Vintage 1977 1-4.25cm bc, 2bsl, 1nl, 1ltl, (2)1spc, 1sdc, 2scc, excellent color and conditionAbove 6 bottles417 Bonnes Mares - Vintage 1979Comte de Vogue2lscl, 2nl, 1ltl, 1htl, 4sdc,outstanding color and conditionper lot US$2000-2600per lot HK$16000-2000012 bottles per lot US$4800-6000per lot HK$38000-48000418 MusignyVieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue- Vintage 1972 2-3.5cm bc, 1-4cm bc, 4bsl, (4)4sdc, outstanding color and condition (95pts JK)- Vintage 1979 5vlbsl, 1nl, 1ltl, 3scc, (5)outstanding color and conditionAbove 9 bottlesper lot US$7000-10000per lot HK$56000-80000419 Grands Échézeaux - Vintage 1976Domaine de la Romanée Conti1-3.75cm bc, 1-4cm bc, 5bsl, 2scl, 1tl, 4scc, 1cc,3 excellent color, 2 good color“Intense; a marvelous core of fruit warm, mature colour;ripe, elegant, slightly scented squashed cherry bouquet ;pure Pinot flavor, good texture, dry finish.”(4 stars MB)5 bottles per lot US$4000-5500per lot HK$32000-44000420 La Tâche - Vintage 2004Domaine de la Romanée Conti1wisl, 2 bottles different importer“This too is sublime in its subtlety and grace with ineffablypure aromas and it strikes a balance between theopulence of the RSV and the restraint of the GE with anexpressive yet ultra fine nose of rose petals, violets andseductive spice notes that introduce unbelievably refinedflavors that seem crafted from silk and lace, culminatingin a linear, mouth coating finish that detonates like abomb and lasts and lasts.”(95pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000112 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMLots: 424-425Additional Lots: 172, 357-358, 360, 512

421 La Tâche - Vintage 2006Domaine de la Romanée Conti2vlstl, 1nl, 1 bottle different importer“The positively gorgeous if presently reserved nose offersup the hallmark spice and floral components that arebroad and deep though requiring some real glassworkto coax out but it’s worth the effort as the nose here, restrainedor not, is brilliant. The big and generous flavorsare an exercise in contrasts as they are at once roundand rich while remaining wonderfully defined and precisewith more minerality coming to the fore than any ofthe prior wines displayed, all wrapped in a linear, preciseand palate staining finish that not withstanding the initialaromatic reserve, is indeed explosive.”(96pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000422 Richebourg - Vintage 1969Domaine de la Romanée Conti1-5.5cm bc, 2lbsl, 1wasl, 1tl, 1nl, 1lstl, 1spc,1scc, 1stc, outstanding color and excellent condition2 magnums per lot US$5500-7500per lot HK$44000-60000423 RichebourgDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 1969 3.5cm bc, lbsl, spc, (1)excellent color and condition (92pts JK)- Vintage 1976 bsl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition (94pts JK)- Vintage 1979 3.5cm bc, hwisl, scl, sdc, (1)excellent color (94+pts JK)Above 3 bottlesper lot US$3000-4200per lot HK$24000-34000424 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2003Domaine de la Romanée Contilstl“Good red-ruby. Knockout nose of black raspberry, tobaccoand flowers; vibrant for 2003. Then dense, creamyand seamless yet almost shockingly vibrant, with outstandingbalance and an impression of firm acids. Themounting finish goes on and on. Great wine, perhapsmonumental.”(97+pts IWC)悅 目 的 紅 寶 石 色 , 撲 鼻 的 黑 桑 莓 、 煙 草 和 花 香 味 , 以2003 年 份 來 說 , 它 充 滿 生 氣 。 濃 密 、 滑 溜 和 順 暢 , 但同 時 活 力 充 沛 , 酒 身 平 衡 , 酸 度 充 足 , 收 結 雋 永 。 確實 是 好 酒 , 甚 至 可 說 是 不 朽 的 佳 釀 。(97+ 分 IWC)1 magnum per lot US$22000-30000per lot HK$180000-240000425 Romanée Conti - Vintage 2004Domaine de la Romanée Conti2lwasl“A supremely beautiful if very reserved nose with a stunningmelange of spice notes, floral notes, particularlyviolets, red and black berry fruit aromas plus nuances ofearth, game and smoke combine to perfectly complementthe equally reserved, pure and unbelievably precise andpure medium full flavors underpinned by sophisticatedtannins and huge length while other wines have class,Romanée-Conti defines the term... the most remarkable ofall is the wine s ability to aggregate attributes unlike anyother... one of the very finest in terms of the delicacy andharmony of expression.”(94pts BH)酒 香 秀 麗 優 雅 , 擁 有 混 合 香 料 、 花 卉 、 紫 羅 蘭 、 紅色 和 黑 色 漿 果 、 泥 土 、 野 味 肉 及 煙 燻 味 的 香 氣 , 稍微 豐 厚 的 酒 身 蘊 含 純 粹 而 精 準 的 氣 質 , 單 寧 成 熟 穩重 不 慍 不 火 , 收 結 宏 厚 悠 長 。 這 確 是 一 瓶 極 度 精 緻和 諧 的 逸 品 。(94 分 BH)6 bottles per lot US$50000-70000per lot HK$400000-560000426 Bonnes Mares - Vintage 1979G. Roumier1-3.5cm bc, 1-4cm bc, 1-4.5cm bc, 1wasl, 1scc,outstanding color and condition“Pure and with citric tang, I liked it a lot and didn’t findits oak qualities intrusive.”(93pts JK)5 bottles per lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000427 Échézeaux - Vintage 1978H. Jayer4.75cm bc, stl, scl, sdc, outstanding color and condition“The 1978 H. Jayer Échézeaux had a fabulous nosefull of sexy perfume, pure black and red fruits, chocolate,honey, citrus and cherry. It was so rich and meatythat you had to chew it; huge, saucy, tannic, long, cleanwith enormous concentration of vitamins and alcoholicpower.”(98pts JK)這 瓶 1978 年 份 的 H. Jayer Échézeaux, 滲 著 純 淨 的 黑及 紅 色 水 果 的 香 氣 , 再 加 上 巧 克 力 、 蜂 蜜 、 檸 檬 及櫻 桃 , 華 麗 氣 味 一 如 香 水 般 性 感 。 這 酒 富 肉 般 的 質感 , 簡 直 豐 滿 得 令 人 想 咬 它 一 口 ; 它 集 龐 大 的 酒體 、 活 潑 的 果 香 、 豐 滿 的 單 寧 、 悠 長 的 餘 韻 、 潔 淨的 收 結 於 一 身 , 既 濃 縮 , 也 感 覺 到 酒 精 所 帶 來 的 能量 。〈98 分 JK〉1 bottle per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000114 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


428 Échézeaux - Vintage 1980H. Jayer1-3.25cm bcm 1tl, 1scl, 1spc2 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000429 Échézeaux - Vintage 1990H. Jayer1nl, 1spc“Knock out aromas of kirsch, blackberry extract andripe earth lead to big, robust, quite structured, deep andsappy flavors of incredible depth and complexity and asgrand as those characteristics are, it is the simply mindbendinglength that really sets this apart from the averageJayer Ech. A wine that should last for 25 years if wellstored.”(93pts BH)強 而 有 力 的 櫻 桃 白 蘭 地 香 氣 、 黑 莓 精 華 與 肥 沃 土 釀 ,譜 奏 出 醇 厚 、 層 次 分 明 、 深 厚 而 活 力 十 足 的 味 道 , 複雜 細 密 , 並 極 富 深 度 與 獨 特 個 性 , 配 合 令 人 尤 如 產 生幻 覺 般 的 悠 長 收 結 , 一 般 Jayer Échézeaux 實 在 難 以 匹敵 。 如 貯 藏 得 宜 , 相 信 可 陳 年 25 年 。(93 分 BH)6 bottles per lot US$35000-45000per lot HK$280000-360000430 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 1988Cros Parantoux, H. Jayerltl, nl, cuc“The 1988 was the first and only wine to show a hint ofgamy maturity, that kinky, fleshy style that Jayer transformsinto after age twenty or so, plus or minus dependingon the quality of the vintage. The 1988 was very sexy,just starting to show some flesh, sweet in its purple andwith a splash of vitamins as well. The classic Jayer muskand kink were there, and the palate was chewy and fleshy,no easy task to achieve in 1988, which is a rugged, tannic,structure first vintage. The 1988 was tasty as well. Itsdelightful drinkability and approachability stood out inthis first flight. While the 1988 might not get much better,score one for Jayer. The 88 should still have a reasonablylong plateau ahead of it, to be clear.”(94pts JK)在 陳 存 二 十 多 年 之 後 的 今 天 才 能 讓 我 們 領 略 到 , 這1988 年 份 , 原 來 是 Jayer 釀 酒 生 涯 中 第 一 個 及 唯 一 一個 年 份 , 在 其 作 品 中 呈 現 出 那 種 既 成 熟 又 清 新 的 獨特 酒 感 的 。 此 酒 令 人 感 覺 相 當 性 感 , 亦 甚 為 清 新 甜美 。 典 型 Jayer 出 品 的 麝 香 味 當 然 不 會 缺 少 , 在 口 腔內 更 有 如 吃 肉 的 感 覺 , 因 為 1988 年 是 很 粗 獷 、 單 寧 強勁 的 一 年 , 要 達 到 這 個 效 果 殊 不 容 易 。1988 年 亦 是 很好 喝 的 , 不 單 適 合 飲 用 , 又 平 易 近 人 。 這 1988 年 份 已經 好 得 不 能 再 好 了 , 也 正 是 Jayer 的 皇 牌 。 明 顯 地 , 此1988 年 份 仍 可 陳 存 一 段 頗 長 的 時 間 。(94 分 JK)1 bottle per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000431 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 1999Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer“Deep, spectacular nose full of black and purple fruits,deep dark violet, brimming with that cup runneth over1999 fruit, complemented by brick, leather and eartharomas and traces of cinnamon. In the mouth, its fruitwas tender, wound yet seductive with delicious brick andleather backbones. Still on the baby side, the fruit wascoy and on the red side of currant flavors. Its gorgeous,smoky fruit was adolescent yet still ready to be Burgundys next top model, silky smooth and classy with a justright, nice touch of toasty oak.”(96+pts JK)在 獨 特 而 富 深 度 的 酒 香 中 , 滲 透 著 黑 色 及 紫 色 漿果 、 紫 羅 蘭 、 皮 革 、 泥 土 及 肉 桂 等 香 味 , 淺 嚐 後 ,你 會 感 覺 到 一 陣 以 皮 革 味 為 骨 幹 的 溫 柔 果 香 , 甚 具誘 惑 性 。 隨 後 你 會 發 現 , 那 果 香 原 來 極 像 紅 加 侖 子的 味 道 ; 雖 然 , 那 種 像 煙 燻 水 果 的 味 道 , 可 能 讓 此酒 露 出 青 澀 的 「 少 年 」 姿 態 , 但 那 絲 綢 般 的 幼 滑 酒感 與 優 雅 的 烤 橡 木 香 味 , 足 已 告 訴 你 它 將 會 成 為 布根 地 的 另 一 瓶 頂 級 佳 釀 。(96 分 + JK)12 bottles per lot US$60000-80000per lot HK$480000-640000432 Échézeaux - Vintage 1985H. Jayer for Georges Jayer2vlstl“Light ruby with some very light bricking. An interestinghint of menthol frames a beautifully fresh and verycomplex red fruit nose that now displays the first signsof sous bois that introduces perfectly mature, delicious,round and supple middle weight flavors that offer a seductivevelvety texture and excellent length. For my taste,this has arrived at its peak and I can’t see it improvingfrom here as it’s perfect now. In sum, this is a really lovelywine by any standard.”(93pts BH)2 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000433 Échézeaux - Vintage 1991H. Jayer for Georges Jayer1vlbsl, 1ltl, 1lwrl, 4spc6 bottles per lot US$12000-18000per lot HK$96000-144000434 Chorey Les Beaune - Vintage 1979Leroy3-3.25cm bc, 12sdc, 1x12 bottle ocb,outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$2600-3800per lot HK$20000-30000116 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 435-436435 Gevrey Chambertin - Vintage 1979Leroy2-3.25cm bc, 1-3.5cm bc, 12sdc, 1x12 bottle ocb,outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000436 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60004-3.5cm bc, 1-4cm bc, 12sdc, per lot HK$36000-480001x12 bottle ocb, outstanding color and condition437 Bourgogne Rouge - Vintage 2007Leroy10x12 bottle ocb’s120 bottles per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000438 Meursault - Vintage 1999Perrières, Leroy1sdc, 3ssos, 2x12 bottle ocb’s23 bottles per lot US$4800-6500per lot HK$38000-52000439 Meursault - Vintage 1999Perrières, Comte Lafon“Wonderfully penetrating nose with knife-like delineationthat offers white flowers, hazelnut and pear notesfollowed by precise flavors dripping with minerality andknockout intensity. The intensity builds from the mid-palateand continues on to the long, dynamic, harmoniousfinish. This is undeniably of grand cru quality and mustbe tasted to be believed.”(94pts BH)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000441 Montrachet - Vintage 2002Domaine de la Romanée Conti3lstl“Highly reticent but seriously complex aromas of limestone,apple, pear and white flowers perfectly complementthe big, rich, powerful yet very tight full-bodied flavorsthat possess simply superb detail and cut. This is onemuscular, massively constituted wine of profound depthand concentration that possesses near perfect balanceand a finish that simply doesn’t stop. This will require atleast a decade to come into its own and should live foranother 20 years after that. In short, this has that wowfactor...”(97pts BH)高 度 內 歛 , 但 有 非 常 複 雜 的 香 氣 包 括 石 灰 石 、 蘋果 、 啤 梨 和 白 花 , 完 美 地 融 合 強 而 有 力 、 巨 大 和 濃郁 的 酒 體 與 味 道 , 更 不 失 每 一 項 精 彩 的 細 節 。 此 酒酒 身 豐 碩 、 具 深 度 和 濃 縮 度 , 平 衡 而 且 有 停 不 了 的收 結 。 它 將 需 要 至 少 十 載 陳 年 才 展 現 出 它 應 有 的 本色 , 而 之 後 還 可 再 活 二 十 年 。 簡 單 地 說 , 此 佳 釀 令人 拍 案 叫 絕 ...(97 分 BH)3 bottles per lot US$12000-15000per lot HK$96000-120000442 Montrachet - Vintage 2004Domaine de la Romanée Conti1scl, 1spc, 1sdc, 1 bottle different importer“A deft touch of wood frames very ripe aromas of honeysuckle,spice, white flower, peach, pear and anise thatintroduce remarkably powerful and full-bodied flavorsoozing with dry extract that buffers the firm acid spine onthe hugely long finish.”(95pts BH)3 bottles per lot US$9500-12000per lot HK$76000-96000440 Montrachet - Vintage 2001Domaine de la Romanée Conti2vlstl, 1nl, 1sdc“Bright, pale yellow-gold. Exotic orange peel and pineappleon the nose, along with lower-toned butterscotch,clove and coconutty oak. Powerfully minerally, firm inacidity and very tightly wound; comes across as drierand less silky than the young 2002. A very structured,chewy white Burgundy that offers an impressive combinationof power and delicacy.”(94+pts IWC)3 bottles per lot US$9500-12000per lot HK$76000-96000118 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

443 Montrachet - Vintage 2005Domaine de la Romanée Contilstl“An opulent, ripe and moderately oaked in-your-facenose explodes from the glass, bringing incredibly complexand layered aromas that run from floral, citrus,spice and a full range of white and yellow fruit notes thatcomplement to perfection the lush, rich and amazinglyconcentrated broad-scaled flavors that are underpinnedby an intense minerality and a palate staining finish ofsimply unbelievable length. At this young stage, this isa massive Montrachet that is long on power and muscleand while it’s not as elegant as say the 2000, 2002 or2004 versions, I believe that the refinement one typicallyfinds in this wine will come in time. In sum, for sheer vinousfireworks, this is hard to beat and to call it a “wow”wine would be a considerable understatement. However,note that plenty of time will be required and it will be oneof the longest-lived vintages in recent memory. A great,great effort.”(98pts BH)氣 味 豐 饒 , 熟 透 的 果 實 和 中 度 橡 木 味 從 杯 中 撲 鼻 而上 , 帶 來 無 比 複 雜 和 有 層 次 的 香 氣 , 包 括 花 香 、 檸檬 果 類 、 香 料 和 一 系 列 的 黃 色 和 白 色 的 樹 果 , 在 大家 的 互 相 輝 映 下 , 將 豐 厚 、 濃 郁 及 異 常 濃 縮 的 多 種味 道 帶 到 最 完 美 境 界 , 同 時 還 帶 緊 密 的 礦 物 味 , 餘韻 連 綿 , 齒 頰 留 香 。 這 瓶 魁 偉 的 Montrachet 在 如 此 年青 的 的 階 段 已 經 展 露 出 它 的 力 量 和 酒 身 , 雖 然 不 及2000、2002 和 2004 優 雅 , 但 假 以 時 日 , 定 能 出 類 拔萃 。 總 括 來 說 , 當 這 瓶 酒 全 部 的 潛 質 都 爆 發 出 來 時必 定 很 震 撼 。 可 是 , 它 需 要 時 間 陳 年 , 將 會 是 最 長壽 的 佳 釀 之 一 , 偉 大 的 傑 作 。(98 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$4000-5000per lot HK$32000-40000444 Montrachet - Vintage 2006Domaine de la Romanée Conti2lstl, 1vlbsl, 2sdc, different importers“As it was originally from cask, the 2006 Montrachetremains relatively discreet with almost shy white flower,grapefruit, mildly exotic orchard fruit and subtle spicenotes trimmed in just the right amount of wood that leadto beautifully textured, pure, intense and focused bigbodiedflavors wrapped around a firm acid spine and culminatingin a wonderfully racy, dry, linear and mineraldrivenfinish.”(96pts BH)就 像 剛 從 橡 木 桶 傾 注 出 來 一 樣 , 此 2006 年 的 Montrachet仍 殘 留 著 隱 約 的 白 花 、 西 柚 , 有 如 置 身 果 園 一樣 溫 柔 而 且 性 感 , 低 調 的 香 料 氣 息 , 顯 示 橡 木 的 運用 恰 到 好 處 , 純 淨 、 強 烈 而 集 中 的 巨 大 酒 體 , 味 道被 層 層 結 實 的 酸 度 所 圍 繞 , 繼 而 是 那 可 口 的 、 俐 落的 、 帶 著 礦 物 氣 息 的 收 結 , 一 氣 呵 成 地 引 領 你 進 入至 高 潮 。〈96 分 BHs〉6 bottles per lot US$20000-30000per lot HK$160000-240000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com119

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMGRACE IN A GLASS: THE WINES OF CHATEAU MARGAUX風 姿 綽 約 :CHATEAU MARGAUX 美 酒The collection of The Great Curator continues here with a stunning vertical of magical Margaux. Owning a near-complete verticalof this, the most beautiful of all the First Growths, is indeed an enviable position to be in and for that reason, this fantasticcollection of virtually of the vintages produced between 1945 and 2010 is all the more attractive. Rarely offered and alwayssought after, this is the stuff that makes collections of fine and rare wine great.Margaux cultivates elegance like no other winery in the world. Nothing exists here that is not the product of an overwhelmingdesire for refinement and sophistication. The sense of enchantment begins at the bend in the straight, simple lane that leads pastMargaux cemetery - the resting place of benevolent onlooker Bernard Ginestet, the former owner - when visitors encounter thetranquil and majestic avenue of plane trees ending in the impressive but slender-columned facade of the Chateau. This impressionof serenity continues with the inner courtyards, winery buildings and cellars, which (unlike most in Medoc) have never beensubjected to the indignity of drastic remodeling but have been scrubbed from top to bottom in an ongoing desire for perfection.Since its purchase in 1977 by Andre Mentzelopoulos, and a spectacular recovery led by his daughter Corinne in conjunction withbrilliant director Paul Pontallier, Margaux has redefined elegance in Bordeaux as a wine that is slender and yielding but nevermeager with a satiny, steely structure, brilliant with good length and displaying an unrivaled freshness of nose. Here is a rarechance to acquire a superbly curated near-complete Vertical Collection of Chateau Margaux from 1945 to 2010 comprising anastonishing 61 vintages.繼 續 送 上 來 自 偉 大 藏 家 的 珍 品 : 宏 偉 Margaux 垂 直 酒 款 。 作 為 波 爾 多 一 級 酒 莊 ,Margaux 珍 釀 散 發 著 獨 特 魅 力 與 氣 質 , 本 垂直 酒 款 匯 集 酒 莊 1945 至 2010 年 間 幾 乎 所 有 年 份 出 品 , 在 市 場 上 實 屬 鳳 毛 麟 角 。Margaux 傑 作 具 有 難 以 匹 敵 的 優 雅 瑰 麗 與 精 緻 細 膩 , 總 是 令 劉 伶 怦 然 心 動 。Margaux 莊 園 風 格 典 雅 , 訪 客 首 先 經 過 小 徑 ,旁 有 為 紀 念 前 莊 主 Bernard Ginestet 而 建 之 寢 園 , 之 後 進 入 梧 桐 樹 大 道 漫 步 至 酒 莊 城 堡 正 門 , 細 心 欣 賞 堡 上 攝 人 的 圓 柱 設 計與 雄 偉 外 觀 。 酒 莊 庭 園 、 建 築 物 與 酒 窖 寧 靜 優 雅 , 而 且 不 像 大 多 數 梅 多 克 產 區 一 眾 莊 園 般 曾 經 歷 大 刀 闊 斧 的 改 建 , 相 反地 ,Margaux 莊 園 的 面 貌 一 直 如 細 水 長 流 般 逐 步 蛻 變 。Andre Mentzelopoulos 於 1977 年 購 入 Margaux, 期 後 女 兒 Corinne 接 掌 管理 , 帶 動 一 系 列 舉 措 , 並 與 總 經 理 Paul Pontallier 共 同 努 力 , 令 酒 莊 再 現 輝 煌 。Margaux 美 酒 為 波 爾 多 酒 釀 賦 予 優 雅 的 新 定 義 ,它 如 緞 般 柔 潤 , 但 同 時 又 帶 有 鋼 鐵 一 樣 的 嚴 謹 結 構 , 收 結 悠 長 , 酒 香 新 鮮 芬 芳 。 這 是 一 個 難 得 的 機 會 , 搜 羅 近 乎 完 整 1945 年至 2010 年 份 Margaux 垂 直 酒 款 , 合 共 61 瓶 優 越 年 份 美 酒 。120 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM445 Château MargauxMargaux- Vintage 1945 ts, bsl, fl, (1)outstanding color and condition (5 stars MB)- Vintage 1947 vhs, tal, bsl, scc, stc, (1)outstanding color, excellent condition (96+pts JK)- Vintage 1948 ts, lbsl, lwrl, cuc, scc, (1)Nicolas bottling, outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1949 bsl, stl, sdc, re labelled at the (1)Château, outstanding color and condition (95pts WS)- Vintage 1952 vhs, bsl, fl, lscl, scc, Nicolas (1)bottling, excellent color and condition- Vintage 1953 ts, bsl, lwasl, cuc, (1)excellent color and condition (98pts)- Vintage 1955 ts, bsl, ltl, sdc, (1)excellent color and condition (93+pts JK)- Vintage 1956 bn, bsl, fl, nl, lwrl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1957 hs, gsl, wasl, tl, scc, (1)excellent color (90pts WS)- Vintage 1958 vhs, bsl, lwasl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1959 ts, lbsl, cuc, (1)outstanding color and condition (94pts JK)- Vintage 1960 ts, vlbsl, vlwrl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1961 ts, bsl, lfl, (1)outstanding color and condition (95pts JK)- Vintage 1962 vhs, lbsl, lstl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1963 hs, bsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1964 bsl, tl, fl, (1)outstanding color condition- Vintage 1966 ts, bsl, lstl, nl, (1)excellent color and condition (90pts WS)- Vintage 1967 bn, lbsl, lgsl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1968 ts, gsl, excellent color and condition (1)- Vintage 1969 ts, htal, excellent color (1)- Vintage 1970 ts, lbsl, nl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1971 vhs, bsl, excellent color and condition (1)- Vintage 1972 htms, lbsl, scc, ssos, good color (1)- Vintage 1973 lwasl, scc, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1974 ts, hgsl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1975 lbsl, lfl, scc, (1)excellent color and and condition- Vintage 1976 vhs, lwasl, (1)excellent color and and condition- Vintage 1977 ts, lbsl, (1)excellent color and condition- Vintage 1978 ms, scc (92pts) (1)- Vintage 1979 bn, lbsl, nl, (1)excellent color and and condition (92pts)- Vintage 1980 bn, lbsl (1)- Vintage 1981 lbsl, lstl (93pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1982 ts, vlbsl (97pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1983 bsl (98pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1984 vlbsl (1)- Vintage 1985 lbsl, scc (94pts) (1)- Vintage 1986 lbsl, ssos (96pts) (1)- Vintage 1987 bn, lbsl (1)- Vintage 1988 ts, lbsl (95pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1989 lbsl, lfl, lwisl (94pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1990 lscl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1991 bsl, lstl (1)- Vintage 1992 (1)- Vintage 1993 lbsl (90pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1994 lbsl, lscl (92pts) (1)- Vintage 1995 lbsl (100pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1996 lbsl (99pts) (1)- Vintage 1997 bsl, lscl (91pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 1998 lbsl (91pts) (1)- Vintage 1999 nl (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2000 nl (100pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 vlbsl (93pts) (1)- Vintage 2002 lbsl (93pts) (1)- Vintage 2003 lbsl, nl (99pts) (1)- Vintage 2004 lbsl (94pts IWC) (1)- Vintage 2005 lbsl (100pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2006 lbsl (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2007 (92pts) (1)- Vintage 2008 (94pts) (1)- Vintage 2009 (99pts) (1)- Vintage 2010 (1)Above 61 bottlesper lot US$35000-50000per lot HK$280000-400000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com121


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTHE KING OF POMEROL: PETRUS波 美 候 之 皇 :PETRUSThis is the second time we have been fortunate enough to offer a large vertical collection of the most collectible property inPomerol and one of the rarest and most sought after wines in the world. This same consignor, The Great Curator of these verticals,has again found a fabulous range of vintages in probably the most attractive period of time in the history of Petrus, andthey are presented here in all their glory on the following pages.Petrus is one of the only properties in Bordeaux that refrains from attaching the epithet chateau to its label. Rather than itsarchitecture (or lack of it), the reputation of this producer rests on its terroir. Formed essentially of a plateau that extends fromthe northwest of Libourne as far as the western limits of Saint-Emilion, Pomerol is a near-flat and apparently homogeneous region.This surface uniformity nevertheless hides considerable differences beneath the ground; Petrus’ subsoil is almost entirelymade up of a seam of blue clay that keeps the roots of its Merlot vines permanently and blessedly cool. Early fruiting and neversuffering from a lack of moisture, Petrus grapes arrive at the winery at the right time and perfectly ripe. In the past, Petrus wasrenowned for its heady, juicy intensity. Today, it is the formal perfection of this unctuous liquid that delights wine lovers. Andwhatever the vintage, it always impresses with its generous and harmonious nose. There is no doubt that Petrus is arguably themost collectible wine in Bordeaux today. We have rarely had the chance to present such a complete Vertical Collection of Petrus,but this one is for the modern history books, as it comprises the complete 40 vintages from 1969 to 2009 (except 1992 whichwas not produced), including some of the arguably greatest hits in the their history and all five 100-point vintages from RobertParker in the modern era.作 為 波 美 候 產 區 至 尊 之 一 ,Petrus 佳 釀 一 直 在 全 球 趨 之 若 鶩 , 珍 稀 瑰 麗 。Acker 非 常 榮 幸 透 過 本 場 拍 賣 再 度 呈 獻 Petrus 垂 直 酒款 , 為 廣 大 劉 伶 帶 來 多 如 繁 星 的 瑰 寶 。 這 垂 直 酒 款 來 自 一 位 偉 大 藏 家 , 他 網 羅 的 Petrus 均 屬 年 份 出 眾 之 大 作 , 橫 跨 以 下 的 多頁 圖 錄 版 位 , 珍 品 紛 陳 。Petrus 酒 標 上 並 無 任 何 酒 莊 外 貌 的 圖 像 , 是 波 爾 多 唯 一 一 家 採 用 此 種 標 示 方 式 之 酒 莊 。Petrus 並 非 因 其 莊 園 建 築 而 馳 騁 , 相反 , 它 憑 藉 卓 越 風 土 而 聞 名 於 世 。 波 美 候 在 Libourne 的 高 原 上 一 直 向 西 北 方 延 伸 至 Saint-Emilion 的 西 部 界 線 , 地 勢 近 乎 平 坦 ,區 域 佈 局 均 勻 。 然 而 , 此 均 勻 的 土 地 表 層 下 隱 藏 著 相 當 大 的 差 異 ;Petrus 莊 園 之 底 土 幾 乎 全 由 藍 黏 土 構 成 , 這 種 土 質 令 Merlot葡 萄 藤 根 部 長 時 期 保 持 涼 爽 。Petrus 葡 萄 的 結 果 期 較 早 , 而 且 長 期 處 於 濕 潤 狀 態 , 到 達 釀 酒 廠 之 時 則 完 全 成 熟 , 時 間 恰 到 好處 。Petrus 酒 釀 在 過 去 一 直 以 果 味 濃 郁 、 酒 勁 十 足 見 稱 。 今 天 , 它 則 以 其 柔 潤 無 比 之 酒 質 而 奪 得 飲 家 歡 心 。 無 論 是 那 個 年 份的 出 品 ,Petrus 美 酒 總 是 滲 透 出 和 諧 芬 芳 的 香 氣 , 令 人 印 象 深 刻 。Petrus 毫 無 疑 問 是 最 具 收 藏 價 值 的 波 爾 多 名 釀 之 一 。 我 們 非常 欣 喜 地 為 您 呈 獻 此 垂 直 酒 款 , 它 不 但 全 面 完 整 , 而 且 多 元 豐 富 , 涵 蓋 1969 至 2009 年 酒 莊 現 代 時 期 全 部 共 40 個 年 份 之 出 品 (除 1992 年 , 當 年 並 無 產 酒 ), 當 中 更 包 括 酒 莊 歷 年 來 最 引 以 為 傲 的 王 牌 大 作 , 以 及 所 有 獲 酒 評 權 威 Robert Parker 評 為 100 滿 分的 現 代 珍 釀 。124 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

Lot: 445AACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 97-98, 152-155, 194-201, 280-290, 344, 352, 464-466, 482-483, 505, 583, 673, 685

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMYOUNG BORDEAUX BOUNTY活 力 盎 然 的 波 爾 多 美 酒This industry insider set his sights on mostly 2005 Bordeaux in different formats here with Cheval Blanc, Clinet, Hosanna andPape Clement available both in bottle and magnum. Angelus, Evangile, Lafleur, Lynch Bages, Montrose, Pavie, Troplong, Trotanoyand VCC round out the 2005 bonanza. There are three vintages of Petrus, including 2000, 2005 and the recently released2010. A lovely little stretch of DRC helps us segue into our next section of great Burgundy. All wines removed from professionalstorage and in mint condition.此 位 業 界 精 英 主 力 搜 羅 波 爾 多 名 莊 2005 年 傑 作 之 不 同 瓶 裝 , 如 Cheval Blanc,Clinet,Hosanna 及 Pape Clement, 標 準 瓶 裝 與 1.5公 升 裝 俱 備 。 同 年 出 品 之 美 酒 珍 品 尚 包 括 Angelus,Evangile,Lafleur,Lynch Bages,Montrose,Pavie,Troplong,Trotanoy 及VCC。 此 外 , 藏 家 帶 來 了 2000、2005 與 最 近 面 世 之 2010 年 Petrus, 以 及 DRC 精 選 。 所 有 藏 品 均 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出 , 優 質 上 乘 。446 Château Angelus - Vintage 2005St. Emilion1x6 magnum owc“Its dense purple color is followed by an extraordinaryperfume of charcoal, espresso roast, blackberries, blueberries,and a hint of wood. In spite of its thick texture,terrific acidity, high tannins, and enormous intensity aswell as richness, it is surprisingly approachable, butgiven how slowly the 1989 and 1990 have aged, I wouldrecommend cellaring it for 8-10 years. It should keep forthree decades. A brilliant wine!”(98pts)6 magnums per lot US$3000-3800per lot HK$24000-30000447 Château Branaire Ducru - Vintage 2005St. Julien2x12 bottle owc’s“...is a big, structured, intensely rich effort with raspberry,blueberry, and spring flower garden characteristics,stunning purity, full-bodied power, and good underlyingacidity as well as harmony.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$1600-2200per lot HK$12800-18000448 Château Cheval Blanc - Vintage 2005St. Emilion“The dense ruby/purple-hued 2005 Cheval Blanc s etherealbouquet of menthol, coffee, wet stones, black cherries,blackberries, and hints of graphite and spice soarsfrom the glass. An equal part blend of Cabernet Francand Merlot, it is medium to full-bodied with a gorgeoustexture in addition to high tannins that glide over the palatewith no angularity or astringency.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000449 6 magnums per lot US$5000-70001x6 magnum owcper lot HK$40000-56000450 Château Clinet - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x12 bottle owc1x6 magnum owc“This dense ruby/purple-tinged, exotic 2005 boasts soaringaromas of roasted herbs, plums, black currants, andcaramelized chocolate. Savory, broad, and expansivewith sensational purity, intensity, and length, this beautypossesses so much fruit and glycerin that it nearly hidesthe substantial tannins.”(92pts)Above 6 half-bottles, per lot US$2000-260012 bottles and 6 magnums per lot HK$16000-20000128 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


451 Château Hosanna - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“A thrilling bouquet of subtle menthol intermixed withblack raspberries, vanillin, smoke, spring flowers, anda hint of mocha soars from the glass of this blend of80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc. A small estateproducing only 1,200-1,500 cases, this site was previouslythe tenderloin sector of Château Giraud beforeit was acquired by Christian Moueix and divided intotwo vineyards, Hosanna, the better section, and CertanMarzelle.”(95pts)Above 6 bottlesper lot US$1800-2400and 3 magnumsper lot HK$14400-20000452 Château L’Evangile - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“L Evangile s sublime 2005, a blend of 85% Merlotand 15% Cabernet Franc, is the first wine made in theirbrand new cuverie. Sadly, there are fewer than 3,500 casesof this deep purple-colored offering. A gorgeous noseof meat juices, black raspberries, chocolate, espresso,and notions of truffle oil as well as smoke is followed bya full-bodied Pomerol displaying sweet tannin, a flawlesstexture, and stunning complexity. While surprisinglyshowy and forward for a l Evangile, it will undoubtedlyshut down over the next year or so.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000453 Château La Conseillante - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x12 bottle owc“This is decadent and wild on the nose, with fresh c pe,raw steak and wild berry. Full-bodied, with loads of velvetytannins, yet refined and caressing in every way. Abeautiful, balanced red. The best young wine ever fromthis producer.”(97pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$2000-2600per lot HK$16000-20000PARCEL LOTS 454-455454 Château Lafleur - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“Exhibits a complex nose of crushed blackberry, driedflowers and dark chocolate. Full-bodied, with a rich,powerful palate. Tannic and muscular, with great length.Superracy. Builds and goes and goes. So fine and beautiful.Mythic. Best after 2017.”(100pts WS)有 壓 碎 的 黑 莓 、 乾 花 和 黑 巧 克 力 的 複 雜 氣 味 , 入 口酒 身 濃 厚 强 勁 , 富 單 寧 和 肌 肉 感 , 收 結 非 常 持 久 ,活 力 十 足 ! 內 涵 與 日 俱 增 , 幼 細 完 美 , 有 如 神 話 ,宜 於 2017 年 後 享 用 。(100 分 WS)6 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000455 6 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$48000-64000456 Château Latour - Vintage 2005Pauillac2x6 bottle owc’s“Dark ruby black in color. Brilliant, intense aromas ofmineral, blackberry and currant, with hints of Indianspices and cigar box, lead to a full-bodied palate, withultrafine tannins and a beautiful balance of blackberry,raspberry and mineral. There’s subtlety, yet also greatdepth. Lasts for minutes on the palate. This is a Latourwith fabulous tone and vigor.”(99pts WS)深 紅 寶 石 色 , 濃 郁 的 礦 物 、 黑 莓 和 加 侖 子 芳 香 , 以及 印 度 香 料 及 雪 茄 盒 氣 味 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 單 寧 極 幼細 , 而 且 從 黑 莓 、 桑 莓 和 礦 物 味 中 展 現 出 完 美 的 平衡 。 它 既 含 蓄 , 也 極 有 深 度 , 收 結 以 分 鐘 單 位 計 ,不 愧 是 色 調 動 人 、 富 有 活 力 的 Latour。(99 分 WS)12 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000457 Château Lynch Bages - Vintage 2005Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“Displays very beautiful aromas of crushed blackberryand dark chocolate, with a hint of coffee. Full-bodied,with a tightly wound palate of ripe tannins. Long andcaressing.”(93pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000130 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com



Lots: 465-466ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMAdditional Lots: 97-98, 445, 583

458 Château Montrose - Vintage 2005St. Estephe1x12 bottle owc“...is an exceptionally tannic, broodingly backward offeringdisplaying a dense ruby/purple color along witha provocative perfume of crushed rocks, flowers, cassis,black raspberries, and blueberries. It continues toadd weight and richness, good traits considering thesubstantial, forbiddingly high tannin levels and zestyacidity. If you are over the age of fifty, this backward,powerful wine will probably be more enjoyable to yourdescendants.”(95pts)Above 6 half-bottles per lot US$1700-2200and 12 bottlesper lot HK$13600-18000459 Château Palmer - Vintage 2005Margaux1x6 magnum owc“...should continue to improve, and may merit an evenhigher score after additional aging. Stunningly rich andpowerful, the dark purple-tinged 2005 Palmer is a blendof 53% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot, and 7% PetitVerdot. Aromas of incense, burning embers, black currants,plums, licorice, and flowers are followed by afull-bodied Margaux with more weight and power eventhan its nearby first-growth rival, Château Margaux. Theabundant acidity and tannins are beautifully coated bythe wine s exceptional fruit extract and overall harmonyand richness. It is so concentrated that one is hardpressed to find even a hint of new oak.”(97pts)6 magnums per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 460-461460 Château Pape Clement - Vintage 2005Graves1x12 bottle owc“Probably the greatest Pape-Clement ever made, thedense purple-colored 2005 (a blend of 55% Merlot and45% Cabernet Sauvignon) exhibits sumptuous notes ofsmoky scorched earth, graphite, melted licorice, andblackberries. Once past the exquisite perfume, the winereveals full body, extraordinary concentration, plentyof chocolate, smoke, cassis, and blackberry flavors,and that unmistakable volcanic ash-like earthiness thatcomes from this appellation.”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000461 12 bottles per lot US$1500-20001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$12000-16000462 NO LOT463 Château Pavie - Vintage 2005St. Emilion1x6 magnum owc“...exhibits a thick-looking purple color to the rim aswell as an exquisite perfume of blueberry and blackberryliqueur, unsmoked cigar tobacco, crushed rocks, dampearth, and hints of truffles and incense. The vineyard slimestone soils have provided massive concentration, alaser-like precision, fresh, zesty acidity, and massive tannin.Despite the wine s enormous concentration and intensity,there is a lightness to its style.”(98+pts)6 magnums per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000464 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2000Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“From the bottle, it is a perfect wine The color is inkyplum/purple to the rim and the nose scents of smoke,blackberries, cherries, licorice, and an unmistakabletruffle/underbrush element. On the palate, this enormouseffort is reminiscent of dry vintage port, with fabulousripeness, a huge, unctuous texture, enormous body, and acolossal 65-second finish.”(100pts)從 酒 瓶 已 能 看 出 此 酒 之 完 美 , 可 媲 美 1998。 杯 邊 呈墨 黑 的 李 子 / 紫 色 。 氣 味 帶 煙 燻 、 黑 莓 、 櫻 桃 、 甘 草和 明 顯 的 松 露 菌 及 其 他 野 菌 幽 香 。 在 口 中 卻 使 人 聯想 到 陳 年 的 老 砵 酒 , 熟 透 無 比 , 有 滑 溜 質 感 , 巨 大酒 身 和 65 秒 的 澎 湃 收 結 。(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$20000-30000per lot HK$160000-240000PARCEL LOTS 465-466465 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x6 bottle banded owc“A sleeping giant. Dark ruby in color, showing aromas ofblackberry, c pe and green olive, with a hint of mineral.Full-bodied, with ultrafine tannins and a supercaressingmouthfeel. Turns to coffee, dark chocolate and berry.Chewy yet balanced. Very, very long in the mouth. Thefinish is absolutely breathtaking.”(100pts WS)仍 是 沉 睡 的 巨 人 。 深 紅 寶 石 色 , 帶 有 黑 莓 、 牛 肝 菌和 青 橄 欖 , 以 及 微 微 的 礦 物 氣 味 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 單 寧極 之 幼 細 , 口 感 柔 滑 無 比 。 稍 後 轉 為 咖 啡 、 黑 巧 克力 和 莓 子 味 。 非 常 黏 口 但 平 衡 , 收 結 非 常 長 久 , 幾令 人 透 不 過 氣 。(100 分 WS)6 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-200000466 6 bottles per lot US$18000-240001x6 bottle banded owc per lot HK$144000-200000467 NO LOT134 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

468 Château Troplong Mondot - Vintage 2005St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“... is one of the monumental wines of the vintage, andmay eclipse their prodigious 1990. Inky/blue/purplecoloredwith an exceptional bouquet of Asian spices, blueberries,blackberries, truffles, cold steel, graphite, andcharcoal, it hits the palate with exceptional purity, laserlikeprecision, a compellingly concentrated, multilayeredmouthfeel, a broad, savory texture, terrific acidity, andsubstantial, but sweet tannins.”(99pts)12 bottles per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000PARCEL LOTS 469-470469 Château Trotanoy - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x6 bottle owc“Complex aromas of sweet black cherries, loamy soil,roasted herbs, coffee, chocolate, and oak dominatethe backward, muscular, virile 2005 Trotanoy. Deepruby/purple to the rim, this broodingly backward, deepPomerol exhibits admirable intensity, impressive purity,and a long, concentrated finish. Its character issimilar to that of the 1998, but with more structure andtannin.”(95pts)6 bottles per lot US$1300-1800per lot HK$10400-14400470 6 bottles per lot US$1300-18001x6 bottle owcper lot HK$10400-14400PARCEL LOTS 471-472473 La Tâche - Vintage 2010Domaine de la Romanée Conti“This is perhaps even more floral than the Richebourgand every bit as spicy on the ultra-pure, cool and remarkablyelegant mix of red and blue pinot fruit, red currantand wild red berries that are openly mineral-inflected.As with all of the DRC ‘10s, the equally stony flavorsand supporting tannins are extremely fine and while thereis ample power and vibrancy, the palate feel is all silkand satin. To be sure, this is a big wine with impressiveconcentration but this is definitely not cut from the samecloth as say the 2005 or 2009 versions are. I can admireboth styles but this one is seriously lovely.”(98pts BH)3 bottles per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000474 Romanée St. Vivant - Vintage 2010Domaine de la Romanée Conti“...This is, not surprisingly, much more refined thanthe GrandsEch as the supporting tannins on the silkymiddle weight flavors are extremely fine-grained yetnotably dense as the explosive finish is quite firm. Despitethe tightly wound structure the overall impressionof the mouth feel is one of delicacy and ultimaterefinement.”(96pts BH)3 bottles per lot US$3500-4000per lot HK$28000-32000PARCEL LOTS 475-476475 Échézeaux - Vintage 2007E. Rouget (G. Jayer)1x12 bottle ocb12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000471 Vieux Château Certan - Vintage 2005Pomerol2x12 bottle owc’s“...reveals an inky/blue/purple color along with a rich,sumptuous perfume of black olives, lavender, roastedherbs, licorice, pain grille, and oodles of truffles as wellas creme de cassis. In the mouth, hints of chocolate andcharcoal also make an appearance along with good acidity,fabulous purity, and a full-bodied, powerful mouthfeel.In keeping with the style of this terroir, the wine isreserved and restrained, but deep. It should develop magnificently,and age for 30-40 years.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000472 24 bottles per lot US$3500-48002x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$28000-38000476 12 bottles per lot US$2400-32001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$20000-26000477 Montrachet - Vintage 2006Domaine de la Romanée Conti“As it was originally from cask, the 2006 Montrachetremains relatively discreet with almost shy white flower,grapefruit, mildly exotic orchard fruit and subtle spicenotes trimmed in just the right amount of wood that leadto beautifully textured, pure, intense and focused bigbodiedflavors wrapped around a firm acid spine and culminatingin a wonderfully racy, dry, linear and mineraldrivenfinish.”(96pts BH)就 像 剛 從 橡 木 桶 傾 注 出 來 一 樣 , 此 2006 年 的 Montrachet仍 殘 留 著 隱 約 的 白 花 、 西 柚 , 有 如 置 身 果 園 一樣 溫 柔 而 且 性 感 , 低 調 的 香 料 氣 息 , 顯 示 橡 木 的 運用 恰 到 好 處 , 純 淨 、 強 烈 而 集 中 的 巨 大 酒 體 , 味 道被 層 層 結 實 的 酸 度 所 圍 繞 , 繼 而 是 那 可 口 的 、 俐 落的 、 帶 著 礦 物 氣 息 的 收 結 , 一 氣 呵 成 地 引 領 你 進 入至 高 潮 。〈96 分 BH〉3 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com135

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTOP NOTCH BURGUNDY超 卓 布 根 地Several of our favorite Burgundy collectors come together with some of the finest Burgundies in their cellars. The bar is set highright off the bat by a full case of 1993 Jayer Cros Parantoux, followed by original wood six-packs of 2006 and 2007 La Tacheas well as Musigny from Vogue and Mugnier. More Jayer, Vogue and a rare Jeroboam of Leflaive round out these divine anddiverse offers. All wines properly stored.此 珍 藏 由 多 位 藏 家 之 布 根 地 珍 品 匯 聚 而 成 , 重 點 包 括 整 箱 裝 1993 年 Jayer Cros Parantoux, 原 木 箱 裝 6 瓶 裝 之 2006 與 2007 年 LaTache, 以 至 Vogue 及 Mugnier 的 優 秀 Musigny 美 酒 。 尚 帶 來 Jayer,Vogue 及 3 公 升 裝 Leflaive。 所 有 珍 品 貯 藏 完 好 。478 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 1993Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer12lbsl, 2wisvl, 2lscl, 2nl, 1cuc, 8spc, 2swc,different importers“Incredible nose full of red, black and purple fruits,olives,meat, vitamins, spice, earth, tang, smoke and t ‘n adid I say incredible nose? Rich, tasty, tangy palate - hasa chocolatey edge with a citrus fruit twist good lengthalthough a touch closed in the middle not deficient, justclosed, and it widens out and fattens up. Classic Jayerall the way delcious and that signature funk la GeorgeClinton on the loose in Burgundy!”(96pts JK)令 人 難 以 置 信 的 香 氣 , 充 滿 紅 色 、 黑 色 和 紫 色 的 水果 、 橄 欖 、 肉 類 、 維 生 素 、 香 料 、 泥 土 、 海 帶 和 煙熏 味 。 口 味 濃 郁 、 美 味 、 強 烈 ─ 帶 有 一 絲 巧 克 力 味及 悠 長 柑 橘 類 水 果 餘 韻 , 中 段 有 點 封 閉 , 最 後 則 全部 釋 放 出 來 。 經 典 的 Jayer 風 格 , 由 頭 好 飲 到 尾 , 是布 根 地 的 George Clinton, 非 常 Funky!(96 分 JK)12 bottles per lot US$50000-70000per lot HK$400000-560000_____________________________136 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 479-481479 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 2004Leroy1x12 bottle ocb“...potent mix of red and black pinot fruit aromas thatmerge into rich, mouth coating, concentrated and powerfulflavors that put the attribute of class on parade. This isan exceptionally stylish wine with a richness and velvetyquality that is incredibly seductive.”(95pts BH)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000480 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$36000-48000481 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$36000-48000_____________________________482 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1988Pomerol1nl, 2sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“Very fine Pétrus. Gorgeous aromas of violet and berryand hints of new oak. Full-bodied, with racy, silky tanninsand a long, palate-caressing finish.”(94pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$16000-22000per lot HK$128000-180000483 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1989Pomerol“Multi-millionaire collectors will have fun comparingthe 1989 and 1990 Pétrus. The 1989 has a slightly moresaturated color, and seems more tightly knit both aromaticallyand on the palate. However, this is splitting hairs,as this is another stunningly opulent, rich, full-bodied,amazingly concentrated, exotic, flamboyant Pétrus thatremains remarkably youthful, and in need of more yearsof bottle age. Additionally, the tannins are slightly moreelevated, at least from a tactile impression. However...extraordinary equilibrium between all of its componentparts. An amazing effort!”(100pts)富 有 的 收 藏 家 必 定 會 覺 得 比 較 1989 和 1990 的 Pétrus是 很 有 趣 的 一 回 事 。1989 年 份 有 更 飽 和 的 色 澤 , 在氣 味 和 口 感 方 面 彷 彿 編 織 得 更 濃 密 。 但 是 此 酒 自 有它 的 另 一 面 , 那 是 使 人 傾 倒 的 濃 郁 味 道 , 厚 厚 的 酒身 , 密 集 和 獨 特 的 酒 香 , 同 時 卻 非 常 年 輕 , 需 要 在酒 瓶 內 蘊 藏 多 年 。 感 覺 單 寧 稍 微 地 高 , 不 過 酒 中 的所 有 成 份 異 常 平 衡 。 簡 直 是 驚 人 的 成 就 !(100 分 )1 magnum per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000PARCEL LOTS 484-485484 La Tâche - Vintage 2006Domaine de la Romanée Conti1x6 bottle owc“The positively gorgeous if presently reserved nose offersup the hallmark spice and floral components that arebroad and deep though requiring some real glassworkto coax out but it’s worth the effort as the nose here, restrainedor not, is brilliant. The big and generous flavorsare an exercise in contrasts as they are at once roundand rich while remaining wonderfully defined and precisewith more minerality coming to the fore than any ofthe prior wines displayed, all wrapped in a linear, preciseand palate staining finish that not withstanding the initialaromatic reserve, is indeed explosive.”(96pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000485 6 bottles per lot US$10000-150001x6 bottle banded owc per lot HK$80000-120000PARCEL LOTS 486-487486 La Tâche - Vintage 2007Domaine de la Romanée Conti1x6 bottle banded owc“A reserved yet equally kaleidoscopic nose of red, blueand violet aromas that is wonderfully broad, spicy, fresh,airy and layered leads to intensely floral, mineral infusedand focused medium weight plus flavors that possess astrikingly attractive mouth feel and while in the contextof the pantheon of great vintages of this storied wine, the‘07 will be viewed as one of the lighter examples, thefocus and balance here is nigh on perfect as the finish explodesinto a hugely long finale, all underpinned by firmtannins and bright acidity.”(95pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000487 6 bottles per lot US$7500-100001x6 bottle banded owc per lot HK$60000-80000_____________________________138 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


488 Musigny - Vintage 1999Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue“...wonderfully complex aromas of a simply incrediblearray of black fruits, earth, spice, crushed herbs andnotes of chocolate with flavors that are huge but fine,powerful but subtle and rich yet detailed with a stupendouslylong finish that offers intense minerality. This isgenuinely stunning juice and not to be missed if you havethe chance.”(96pts BH)... 其 酒 香 糅 合 了 黑 色 漿 果 、 泥 土 、 香 料 、 碎 香 草 及巧 克 力 味 於 一 身 , 複 雜 又 非 常 細 膩 , 雄 渾 但 又 極 為含 蓄 , 餘 韻 幼 細 精 緻 而 悠 長 , 還 滲 著 緊 密 的 礦 物 味道 , 絕 對 是 一 瓶 不 容 錯 過 的 難 得 佳 釀 。(96 分 BH)6 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000489 Musigny - Vintage 2009Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue1x6 bottle ocb“A fantastically complex nose offers up aromas of rosepetal, violets, mint, cassis, black berry and a plethoraof spice nuances that continue onto the intense and remarkablypowerful imposingly constructed flavors thatare blessed with buckets of dry extract that render thepresently rigid tannic spine almost invisible on the impeccablyand palate staining finish that seems to persistwithout end.”(94-97pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000490 Musigny - Vintage 2010Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue“The 2010 Musigny Vieilles Vignes is incredibly long andsilky on the palate. Saline notes add urgency and vibrancyto the expressive red fruit in this beautifully woven,textured Musigny. Currently the Musigny appears to berevealing just a fraction of its potential. The sweet floralnotes and super-refined red fruit that emerge over timeare stunningly beautiful, though, and it is just a matter oftime before the wine is fully formed. Today the 2010 is allabout textural finesse, and there is no shortage of that inthe glass. This is another stunningly beautiful wine fromde Vogue. Anticipated maturity: 2025-2045.”(94-97pts)6 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000491 Chambolle Musigny - Vintage 1999Les Amoureuses, J.F. Mugnier“Bright red-ruby. Ripe, deeply spicy red fruit and mineralaromas. Superconcentrated and ripe, but with sharplydefined, penetrating red fruit and mineral flavors. Everybit as dense as the Bonnes-Mares but finer and morevibrant.”(93pts IWC)6 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000492 Musigny - Vintage 1999J.F. Mugnier“Powerful yet subtle with wonderfully pure, fine blackcherry fruit aromas and elegant, sexy, refined flavors underpinnedby velvet wrapped tannins and stunning persistence.Though this is not what I would call a densewine, it has a finish that lasts for minutes and exudes energyand vibrancy plus the impeccable balance shouldpermit the ‘99 Musigny to drink well for a long, longtime. Brilliant!”(94pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000493 Musigny - Vintage 2000J.F. Mugnier“This explodes on the nose and palate with fabulouslycomplex aromas of floral black, seductive fruit trimmedin earth, anise, dried herbs and a touch of smoke andmedium -full flavors that offer exceptional focus and suchrichness that this too seems almost liqueur-like. But evenmore impressive is the finish which simply does not quityet despite all the fireworks, this manages to remain discreet,harmonious and perfectly balanced.”(92pts BH)6 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000_____________________________494 Vosne Romanée - Vintage 2002cuvée Duvault Blochet, Domaine de la Romanée Conti4x3 bottle banded owc’s(this was fashioned from a blend of all 6 of the grandscrus; the ‘99 did not have La Romanée-Conti in it) Spice,pepper and exuberant black fruit and floral aromas leadto pure, delicious, round and very intense middle weightflavors that offer really lovely finishing detail and finepersistence. This is a very pretty wine and every bit theequal of the excellent 1999.(91pts BH)12 bottles per lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000495 Charmes Chambertin - Vintage 2000Dujac1x12 bottle ocb“Ultra pure pinot fruit that is almost delicate in character.This is sweet, fine, pure and long with juicy, succulent,somewhat fleshy flavors yet offers surprisingly good precisionon the back end. Very long and quite persistent.Delightful rather than compelling but this is so exuberantyet fine that it’s impossible not to like.”(89-92pts BH)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000140 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

504 Ermitage - Vintage 2008Le Pavillon, M. Chapoutier2x6 bottle banded owc’s“Backward as well as elegant, it offers up scents of blueberries,blackberries, camphor, black truffles and earth.The wine is medium to full-bodied, moderately tannicand, atypically, capable of lasting 20-25+ years.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$1400-1800per lot HK$11200-14400_____________________________505 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2000Pomerol“From the bottle, it is a perfect wine The color is inkyplum/purple to the rim and the nose scents of smoke,blackberries, cherries, licorice, and an unmistakabletruffle/underbrush element. On the palate, this enormouseffort is reminiscent of dry vintage port, with fabulousripeness, a huge, unctuous texture, enormous body, and acolossal 65-second finish.”(100pts)從 酒 瓶 已 能 看 出 此 酒 之 完 美 , 可 媲 美 1998。 杯 邊 呈墨 黑 的 李 子 / 紫 色 。 氣 味 帶 煙 燻 、 黑 莓 、 櫻 桃 、 甘 草和 明 顯 的 松 露 菌 及 其 他 野 菌 幽 香 。 在 口 中 卻 使 人 聯想 到 陳 年 的 老 砵 酒 , 熟 透 無 比 , 有 滑 溜 質 感 , 巨 大酒 身 和 65 秒 的 澎 湃 收 結 。(100 分 )3 bottles per lot US$10000-15000per lot HK$80000-120000506 Château Troplong Mondot - Vintage 1990St. Emilion1x12 bottle owc“...chocolatey, blackcurrant, weedy tobacco-scentednoses, and classic, full-bodied, powerful flavors massivefinishes that coat the mouth with extract, glycerin, andtannin so opaque that it is impossible to see through spectacularefforts from one of St.- milion’s most noteworthyoverachievers..”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000507 Château Troplong Mondot - Vintage 2005St. Emilion1nl, 1x12 bottle owc“... is one of the monumental wines of the vintage, andmay eclipse their prodigious 1990. Inky/blue/purplecoloredwith an exceptional bouquet of Asian spices, blueberries,blackberries, truffles, cold steel, graphite, andcharcoal, it hits the palate with exceptional purity, laserlikeprecision, a compellingly concentrated, multilayeredmouthfeel, a broad, savory texture, terrific acidity, andsubstantial, but sweet tannins.”(99pts)12 bottles per lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000508 Château Haut Brion Blanc - Vintage 2005Graves2x6 bottle owc’s“...a fleshy, racy, hypothetical blend of the 1994 and 1998Haut-Brion, only better. It boasts a gorgeous perfume ofcitrus oil, lime, honeyed grapefruit, flowers, spicy smoke,and earth, followed by terrific definition, purity, and fullbodiedpower...”(95+pts)12 bottles per lot US$8000-12000per lot HK$64000-96000509 Clos de la Roche - Vintage 1978C. Giroud1x12 bottle ocb, outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000510 Musigny - Vintage 1995Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue4sdc, 1x6 bottle owc“Deep red-ruby, the darkest of these ‘95s. Knockout aromasof black raspberry, chocolate, espresso and exotic spices.Incredible inner-mouth mineral and berry flavors. Spicy,delineated and truly palate-staining. Has a structure thatreminded me of Cabernet Sauvignon. Explosive finish, withtannins that coat the palate, teeth, furniture .” (96pts IWC)6 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000511 Chevalier Montrachet - Vintage 2007Domaine Leflaivenl, vlwrl, wxc, 1x1 Jeroboam owc“A strikingly complex nose that is even more complexthan that of the Bâtard as there is a great breadth ofaromas to the ripe, pure and airy nose of white flower,spice and subtle pear aromas that complement to perfectionthe rich and mouth coating flavors built on a base offine minerality, all wrapped in a sappy and mouth coatingfinish that oozes dry extract. This is really a lovelyeffort that is almost as powerful as the Bâtard but asone would expect, finer and even a bit longer with analmost painfully intense backend. A very impressive effortthat is positively Zen-like in its poise and quiet sense ofharmony.”(96pts BH)1 Jeroboam per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com143

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMTHE GREATEST VINEYARD IN THE WORLD: ROMANEE CONTI非 同 凡 響 的 葡 萄 園 :ROMANEE CONTIThe Great Curator lives again in Romanée Conti. The mere mention of this name in wine circles invokes a hushed sense of respectfor what is clearly the greatest wine made in the world today. In 1631 it was bought by the de Croonembourg family, whorenamed it Romanée for reasons unknown, but nevertheless we love the name in all its glory. At the same time they acquiredthe adjacent vineyard of La Tâche, so the two are inexorably historically linked. In 1760, André de Croonembourg decided tosell the Domaine and it became the subject of a bidding war between Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV of France,and her bitter enemy Louis François Ier de Bourbon, Prince de Conti. The Prince won, paying the massive sum of 8000 livres(about $25 Million by today’s standard), and the vineyard became known as Romanée-Conti. But come the French Revolution,the prince’s land was seized and auctioned off. Fast forward to 1869 when it was bought by Jacques-Marie Duvault-Blochet, whoreally laid the foundation of the Domaine and this historical vineyard that know today. Henri Leroy, who was the father of LalouBize-Leroy, decided to uproot all the vines of the Romanée Conti vineyard in 1945, shortly after the harvest. Besides the ravagesof World War II, the vineyard was beset with problems and consisted mainly of very old pre-phylloxera vines, producing nearlynothing, as witnessed by the production of only 608 bottles for the 1945 vintage. The land lay barren for some years and again in1952 it was ready for production from the only three-year old vines (planted in 1949). What a comeback it was, and if there everwas a testament to truly legendary terroir, this would be the one, for it produces the greatest wine in the world. Here you have achance to start with that first young 1952 vintage and move through many of the greatest vintages produced from this legendaryvineyard up to present time, as we present a spectacular and very hard to assemble 24-vintage Vertical Collection of RomanéeConti spanning the years 1952 to 2009.偉 大 藏 家 尚 帶 來 Romanée Conti 極 品 垂 直 酒 款 。Romanée Conti 享 負 盛 名 , 在 名 酒 界 備 受 尊 祟 , 是 當 今 世 上 最 偉 大 的 葡 萄酒 。1631 年 , 莊 園 被 de Croonembourg 家 族 購 入 並 易 名 為 Romanée, 但 原 由 不 明 ; 與 此 同 時 , 他 們 亦 收 購 了 相 鄰 的 La Tâche 葡萄 園 , 故 兩 者 關 係 密 不 可 分 。1760 年 ,André de Croonembourg 決 定 出 售 酒 莊 , 因 而 掀 起 法 國 路 易 十 五 情 婦 Madame de Pompadour與 死 敵 康 帝 親 王 (Prince de Conti)Louis François Ier de Bourbon 間 的 競 購 戰 。 最 終 親 王 勝 出 , 共 花 費 8000 里 弗 ( 按 今 天 的標 準 約 2,500 萬 美 元 ) 買 下 莊 園 , 並 易 名 為 Romanée-Conti, 隨 後 法 國 大 革 命 爆 發 , 親 王 的 土 地 被 沒 收 和 拍 賣 。1869 年 , 莊 園 被Jacques-Marie Duvault-Blochet 購 入 , 他 為 酒 莊 今 天 輝 煌 的 發 展 奠 下 重 要 基 礎 。1945 年 ,Lalou Bize-Leroy 的 父 親 Henri Leroy 於 收成 後 , 決 定 剷 除 Romanée Conti 葡 萄 園 內 所 有 的 葡 萄 藤 。 除 了 第 二 次 世 界 大 戰 的 蹂 躪 外 , 葡 萄 園 備 受 一 系 列 問 題 所 困 擾 , 包 括葡 萄 根 瘤 蚜 蟲 肆 虐 時 期 前 的 老 藤 已 幾 乎 無 法 再 種 出 葡 萄 , 令 1945 年 的 產 量 急 降 至 只 有 608 瓶 。 土 地 繼 而 荒 蕪 了 好 幾 年 ,1952年 起 再 度 投 產 , 田 上 的 葡 萄 藤 均 是 在 1949 年 新 種 下 的 , 因 而 只 有 三 年 樹 齡 , 可 謂 捲 土 重 來 , 此 後 優 秀 的 風 土 重 生 , 成 就 出 世間 最 頂 級 的 珍 釀 極 品 。 本 次 推 出 的 垂 直 酒 款 , 匯 集 跨 越 1952 至 2009 年 共 24 個 年 份 的 Romanée Conti 珍 品 , 相 當 壯 觀 與 震 撼 , 機會 難 逢 。144 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM512 Romanée ContiDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 1952 bsl, ltl, scc, (1)outstanding color and condition (98pts JK)- Vintage 1953 3.5cm bc, bsl, scrc, (1)outstanding color and condition (93pts BH)- Vintage 1960 3.5cm bc, bsl, lscl, (1)outstanding color and condition- Vintage 1961 6cm bc, lbsl, ltl, (1)excellent color (92pts BH)- Vintage 1966 5.5cm bc, bsl, lscl, ltl, scc, (1)stc, good color (95pts BH)- Vintage 1971 3.5cm bc, lbsl, lscl, (1)outstanding color and condition (98+pts JK)- Vintage 1978 vlbsl, (1)outstanding color and condition (96pts JK)- Vintage 1979 bsl, lstl, nl, outstanding (1)color and condition (95+ptsJK)- Vintage 1984 3.5cm bc, nl (1)- Vintage 1985 lbsl, nl, spc (100pts) (1)- Vintage 1986 bsl, lstl, nl, scc (93pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1988 (97pts) (1)- Vintage 1989 bsl, lscl (97pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1990 5cm bc, bsl, stl, scc (99pts BH) (1)- Vintage 1991 wasl, ltl (97pts BH) (1)- Vintage 1993 vlbsl, nl (97+pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1994 lbsl (91pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1996 vlbsl, nl (96pts BH) (1)- Vintage 1998 (96pts BH) (1)- Vintage 1999 lbsl (99pts JK) (1)- Vintage 2000 lbsl (95pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2004 vlbsl (94pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2005 vlbsl (99+pts BH) (1)- Vintage 2007 spc (96pts) (1)Above 24 bottlesper lot US$280000-380000per lot HK$2240000-3040000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com145


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMDRC ASSORTMENT SUPERLOT: THE LUCKY 8DRC 套 裝 超 級 拍 品 : 幸 運 之 八Not many remember the disaster vintage of 1968 in Burgundy like Henri de Villaine and Henri Leroy. They had a very toughdecision on their hands, but ultimately decided – for the first time in the Domaine’s history - to not produce any red wines at allfrom Domaine de la Romanée Conti in that fateful vintage and only a little over 3,000 bottles of only the third vintage of Montrachetwas marketed. So when they had a godsend of a vintage with the 1969’s the following year, they decided to offer somethingspecial, which was for the first time, the so-called Assortiment case, thereby giving the collectors and few fans of the Domainea chance to have a sample of all of their wines but in one handy 12-pack case. The idea of the DRC Assortment cases had beenborn! In those first vintages, Montrachet was included and even sometimes a bottle of Marc de Bourgogne from the Domaineand then eventually they became more or less standardized. This incredible super-lot, again assembled by the now famous GreatCurator, spans the complete vertical of 1993-2000 Assortments. All of the cases are Original Wooden Assortment Cases, and allare banded except for the 1995 and 1997. As 2001 was the last vintage that these branded original Domaine Assortments wasmade, this is an incredible opportunity to own a vertical collection of this artifact, a testament to a golden era and time for DRC.They will never again be available like this and are by definition now the truest of collectibles from the most collectible producerin the world.除 了 Henri de Villaine 和 Henri Leroy 外 , 沒 有 多 少 人 依 然 記 起 1968 年 , 那 是 布 根 地 釀 酒 史 中 充 滿 災 難 的 一 年 。 當 年 , 兩 人 作出 了 一 個 自 酒 莊 成 立 以 來 艱 難 無 比 的 決 定 : 首 次 暫 時 停 產 所 有 紅 酒 ; 除 此 以 外 , 只 有 少 量 共 3,000 瓶 之 Montrachet 在 市 場 上推 出 。 在 經 歷 了 那 次 痛 苦 並 回 復 正 軌 後 , 他 們 決 定 在 下 一 年 份 (1969 年 ) 產 酒 面 世 時 , 首 次 推 出 特 別 的 酒 莊 出 品 : 套 裝(Assortiment), 即 在 同 一 箱 裝 內 載 有 酒 莊 旗 下 之 各 款 產 酒 共 12 瓶 , 讓 飲 家 能 一 次 過 品 嚐 所 有 酒 款 。DRC 套 裝 誕 生 之 初期 ,Montrachet 亦 納 入 其 中 , 有 時 又 會 加 入 一 瓶 Marc de Bourgogne。 期 後 ,DRC 套 裝 內 的 酒 款 配 搭 日 趨 標 準 化 。 這 個 令 人 讚 嘆的 垂 直 酒 款 超 級 拍 品 , 來 自 同 一 位 偉 大 藏 家 , 它 匯 集 1993 至 2000 年 所 有 套 裝 而 成 , 廣 大 精 深 ; 當 中 全 部 套 裝 均 為 原 木 箱 裝 ,而 除 了 1995 及 1997 年 外 , 均 附 有 原 封 條 , 彰 顯 酒 莊 輝 煌 歷 史 。2001 年 ,DRC 推 出 最 後 一 款 附 原 封 條 的 原 裝 套 裝 , 此 垂 直 酒 款拍 品 更 顯 難 能 可 貴 , 實 屬 可 一 而 不 可 再 、 極 具 收 藏 價 值 之 珍 寶 。148 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM513 DRC AssortmentDomaine de la Romanée Conti- Vintage 1993 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)- Vintage 1994 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)- Vintage 1995 1x12 bottle owc (12)- Vintage 1996 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)- Vintage 1997 1x12 bottle owc (12)- Vintage 1998 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)- Vintage 1999 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)- Vintage 2000 1x12 bottle banded owc (12)Above 96 bottlesper lot US$240000-350000per lot HK$1920000-2800000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com149


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMFULLY BONDED ITALIANS意 式 風 情Utilizing unparalleled relationships, the wines included in this collection have been sourced directly from the producer and remainin original packaging. There are parcels of Solaia and Soldera as well as several vintages of Sassicaia. Some included estateletterhead, stamps and/or dates with a personal note, all indicating the highest provenance. The wines have been cared for inbond and full insurance in Octavian Vaults and nowhere else since acquisition until they were moved for this sale.意 國 名 釀 飄 香 , 令 劉 伶 難 以 抗 拒 。 這 位 藏 家 與 一 眾 意 大 利 酒 莊 建 立 了 緊 密 關 係 , 故 搜 羅 不 少 原 裝 直 遞 美 酒 , 可 謂 「 原 汁 原味 」, 包 括 Solaia 及 Soldera 組 合 , 以 至 Sassicaia 多 個 出 色 年 份 。 部 份 藏 品 更 附 有 酒 莊 信 箋 、 郵 票 及 / 或 註 有 日 期 之 筆 錄 , 可見 來 源 無 可 比 擬 。 這 些 未 完 稅 之 美 酒 此 前 一 直 完 好 貯 藏 於 Octavian Vaults 酒 庫 並 受 全 額 保 險 之 保 障 , 自 搜 羅 以 來 在 酒 庫 中 原封 不 動 , 直 至 本 場 拍 賣 方 運 出 。514 Salon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1997Le Mesnil2x6 bottle owc’s1x1 magnum owc“...is drop-dead gorgeous. There is a beautiful tensionbetween the intense minerality of Mesnil and the warmthof the vintage. Textural depth, brilliance and expressiveinner perfume are the hallmarks of this gorgeous Blancde Blancs. Flowers, mint and crisp varietal fruit lingeron the impeccable finish.”(95pts)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$2800-3800and 1 magnumper lot HK$22000-30000515 Brunello di MontalcinoPian Delle Vigne, Antinori- Vintage 2006 2x6 bottle owc’s (24)- Vintage 2007 4x6 bottle owc’s (24)Above 48 bottlesper lot US$2200-3000per lot HK$18000-24000516 Cervaro della SalaAntinori- Vintage 2009 4x6 bottle owc’s (24)- Vintage 2010 4x6 bottle owc’s (24)Above 48 bottlesper lot US$1300-1800per lot HK$10400-14400517 Guado Al TassoAntinori- Vintage 2008 4x6 bottle owc’s (94pts) (24)- Vintage 2009 4x6 bottle owc’s (95pts) (24)Above 48 bottlesper lot US$3000-3800per lot HK$24000-30000PARCEL LOTS 518-519518 Solaia - Vintage 2008Antinori2x6 bottle owc’s“…shows gorgeous depth and textural richness to matchan expressive core of blackberry jam, smoke, scorchedearth, crushed rocks and cassis.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$2000-2400per lot HK$16000-20000519 12 bottles per lot US$2000-24002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$16000-20000PARCEL LOTS 520-521520 Solaia - Vintage 2009Antinori2x6 bottle owc’s“…boasting floral, cherry, black currant, chocolate andspice aromas and flavors. The firm structure is assertivenow, both acidity and tannins, but the sweet fruit and spiceflavors persist and grace the long finish.”(95pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$2000-2800per lot HK$16000-22000521 12 bottles per lot US$2000-28002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$16000-22000152 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

522 TignanelloAntinori- Vintage 2008 2x6 bottle owc’s (94pts) (12)- Vintage 2009 2x6 bottle owc’s (94pts) (12)Above 24 bottlesper lot US$1400-1800per lot HK$11200-14400523 Brunello di MontalcinoPoggio di Sotto- Vintage 2006 2x6 bottle owc’s (97pts) (12)- Vintage 2007 2x6 bottle owc’s (94pts) (12)Above 24 bottlesper lot US$1900-2600per lot HK$15200-20000524 Brunello di MontalcinoRiserva, Poggio di Sotto- Vintage 2005 2x6 bottle owc’s (96pts) (12)- Vintage 2006 2x6 bottle owc’s (96pts) (12)Above 24 bottlesPARCEL LOTS 525-527per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000525 Brunello di Montalcino - Vintage 2004Riserva, Soldera1scl, 2x6 bottle ocb’s“...is remarkably textured and vivid for a young Soldera,with endless layers of fruit. The wine literally explodeson the palate with sweet hard candy, expressive red fruits,licorice, tobacco and mint. Everything is held wonderfullyin place by the silkiest of tannins. From start to finishthis is a towering effort.”(97+pts)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000526 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70001scl, 2x6 bottle ocb’s per lot HK$40000-56000527 12 bottles per lot US$5000-70002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$40000-56000528 3 magnums per lot US$2600-35001nl, 1x3 magnum ocb per lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 529-531529 Toscana - Vintage 2005Pegasos, Soldera2x6 bottle ocb’s12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000530 12 bottles per lot US$1800-24002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$14400-20000531 12 bottles per lot US$1800-24002x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$14400-20000532 Masseto - Vintage 2008Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia2x3 bottle owc’s“Freshly cut flowers, crushed rocks, spices and blackcherries are some of the aromas and flavors that emergefrom the 2008. This is an exceptionally beautiful Massetothat impresses for its elegance.”(96pts)6 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000533 Ornellaia - Vintage 2008Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia2x6 bottle owc’s“...graced with exquisite finesse in its dark fruit, mocha,licorice, tar and spices. I especially like the mineralityand focus. There is a fabulous balance between the tanninsof this structured, powerful vintage, but with gorgeousfleshiness and pliancy that makes the wine veryattractive, even at this early stage.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000534 Sassicaia - Vintage 2004Tenuta San Guido2x6 bottle banded owc’s“...is a lovely, understated effort. Medium in body, itpresents nuanced layers of sweet dark fruit, licorice,menthol and toasted oak that gradually open onto a finely-knitframe of notable length. Today it appears to bequite reticent and still holding back much of its potential.Both bottles I sampled showed less vibrancy and freshnessin both color and flavors than the other top 2004s Itasted alongside it, suggesting that the wine is still sufferingfrom bottle shock.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com153

535 Sassicaia - Vintage 2007Tenuta San Guido4x6 bottle owc’s“...explodes onto the palate with masses of rich, opulentfruit that caress the palate with gorgeous length and aseamless beauty that is hard to fully capture. Dark wildcherries, plums, spices, minerals and herbs develop inthe glass. This is an especially bold, perhaps slightlyuncharacteristic Sassicaia in its extroverted personality,but it is beautiful all the same. The inner perfumeand sweetness carries through the long finish, where thesheer weight and glycerol of the fruit leaves a lastingimpression.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$3200-4200per lot HK$26000-34000536 Sassicaia - Vintage 2008Tenuta San Guido2x6 bottle owc’s“...is a rich, deep wine imbued with notable class in itsblack cherries, plums, grilled herbs, minerals and smoke.The 2008 is a decidedly buttoned-up, firm Sassicaia thatis currently holding back much of its potential, unlikethe 2006 and 2007, both of which were far more obviouswines.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000537 Sassicaia - Vintage 2009Tenuta San Guido4x6 bottle owc’s“Layers of fruit saturate the palate as the 2009 explodesfrom the glass with a heady melange of dark berries,plums, menthol, licorice and new leather. This is an especiallyracy Sassicaia.”(94pts)24 bottles per lot US$2800-3500per lot HK$22000-28000538 Sassicaia - Vintage 2010Tenuta San Guido2x12 bottle owc’s“This will greatly appeal to enthusiasts of Sassicaia’strademark elegance. The wine shows extreme purity thatbrings its many beautiful aromas into startling focus andclarity. Lingering tones of black fruit and Oriental spiceadd subtle shades at the back.”(95pts)24 bottles per lot US$2800-3800per lot HK$22000-30000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com155

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMSASSICAIA: THE ORIGINAL SUPER-TUSCANSASSICAIA: 超 級 托 斯 卡 尼 始 祖The Great Curator also knows Italy. Tenuta San Guido was established by Marchese Mario Incisa della Rocchetta. Consideredthe seminal “Super Tuscan,” the name Sassicaia (Italian ‘sasso’ meaning stone) indicating a stony field, originated in 1948 whenfirst produced by Incisa della Rocchetta using Cabernet Sauvignon vines and for years only used for family consumption. Alegend about these vines being sourced from Château Lafite-Rothschild was dismissed by Mario’s son, Nicolò Incisa della Rocchetta,as the vineyard was planted from “cuttings from 50-year-old vines from a friend’s estate near Pisa.” Though for yearsSassicaia remained the Marchese’s personal wine, his son Nicolò and nephew Piero Antinori convinced him to release it commercially,starting with the 1968 vintage, which was unveiled in 1971. Though initially there were only a few thousand bottlesavailable, Sassicaia was an immediate hit with famed Italian critic Luigi Veronelli, who dubbed it “fairy-tale wine” (vino dafavola), thanks to the wine’s complex bouquet and finesse. To keep up with the sudden demand, Mario Incisa della Rocchettahired consulting enologist Giacomo Tachis to further refine the wine while increasing production. At a 1978 Decanter tasting of“great clarets,” a panel including Hugh Johnson, Serena Sutcliffe and Clive Coates awarded the 1972 Sassicaia victory over afield of 33 wines from 11 countries, and established the wine’s international reputation. In 1994 Sassicaia was granted its ownDOC (Sassicaia DOC), the only wine from a single estate in Italy to enjoy this privilege. We have here exceptionally a fabulousand ultra-rare vertical collection of 14 Sassicaia Magnums from 1991 to 2005, all released directly from the Estate and in theirindividual original wooden boxes, in addition to a vertical collection of 10 vintages from 1994 to 2010 of super-rare DoubleMagnums. This is a chance to own these tremendous wines, all in original wooden cases, as these were delivered directly to TheGreat Curator from the Estate itself.這 位 偉 大 藏 家 對 意 大 利 亦 瞭 解 甚 深 。Tenuta San Guido 由 Mario Incisadella Rocchetta 侯 爵 創 立 , 被 視 為 「 超 級 托 斯 卡 尼 」 之 典範 。「Sassicaia」 意 文 為 「sasso」( 意 思 是 石 )。 它 起 源 於 1948 年 , 當 時 Incisadella Rocchetta 使 用 赤 霞 珠 葡 萄 藤 釀 酒 , 多 年 來產 酒 只 供 家 庭 成 員 享 用 。 曾 有 傳 聞 指 這 些 葡 萄 藤 來 自 Château Lafite-Rothschild, 但 這 些 謠 言 都 逐 一 被 Mario 兒 子 Nicolò IncisadellaRocchetta 擊 破 , 因 為 莊 園 的 根 植 始 源 , 其 實 孕 育 自 「 一 位 摰 友 位 於 比 薩 附 近 地 區 的 葡 萄 園 中 的 50 年 老 藤 剪 枝 」。Sassicaia多 年 來 一 直 屬 於 侯 爵 個 人 擁 有 的 私 家 酒 釀 , 經 兒 子 Nicolò 及 外 甥 Piero Antinori 說 服 後 , 決 定 將 它 轉 型 為 商 業 化 莊 園 , 並 在 1971年 推 出 1968 年 份 美 酒 。Sassicaia 初 期 產 量 只 有 數 千 瓶 酒 , 但 迅 即 獲 得 高 度 評 價 , 當 中 包 括 著 名 意 大 利 酒 評 家 Luigi Veronelli,他 被 Sassicaia 佳 釀 複 雜 酒 香 和 細 膩 感 深 深 吸 引 , 故 稱 頌 Sassicaia 為 「 童 話 般 的 美 酒 」 (vino da favola)。 為 應 付 不 斷 上 升 的 需求 ,Mario Incisadella Rocchetta 聘 請 專 家 Giacomo Tachis 作 為 顧 問 , 研 究 如 何 在 增 加 產 量 的 同 時 進 一 步 提 升 酒 釀 品 質 。 在 1978 年《Decanter》 雜 誌 舉 行 的 「 優 秀 紅 酒 」 品 試 會 上 ,1972 年 Sassicaia 突 圍 而 出 , 獲 得 由 Hugh Johnson、Serena Sutcliffe 及 Clive Coates評 委 會 頒 發 之 獎 項 , 拋 離 來 自 11 個 國 家 的 33 個 酒 款 而 獲 勝 , 在 酒 界 的 國 際 聲 譽 因 而 顯 著 提 升 。 1994 年 ,Sassicaia 獲 授 DOC (Sassicaia DOC ), 是 唯 一 一 家 獲 得 此 殊 榮 的 意 大 利 酒 莊 。 在 本 場 拍 賣 會 上 , 我 們 將 呈 獻 此 極 為 珍 罕 的 垂 直 酒 款 , 其 匯 聚 1991至 2005 年 共 14 瓶 Sassicaia 1.5 公 升 裝 珍 釀 , 全 屬 酒 莊 直 遞 , 並 附 以 獨 立 原 木 箱 裝 。 與 此 同 時 , 我 們 亦 帶 來 了 集 1994 至 2010 年 共10 個 年 份 3 公 升 裝 美 酒 的 另 一 垂 直 酒 款 。 所 有 拍 品 均 是 這 位 偉 大 藏 家 直 接 購 自 酒 莊 , 稀 世 絕 倫 。156 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM538A SassicaiaTenuta San Guido- Vintage 1991 magnum (1)- Vintage 1992 lbsl, scc, 1x1 magnum owc magnum (1)- Vintage 1993 1x1 magnum owc magnum (1)- Vintage 1994 lbsl, 1x1 magnum owc magnum (1)- Vintage 1995 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(92pts)- Vintage 1997 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(93pts WS)- Vintage 1998 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(95pts WS)- Vintage 1999 1x1 magnum owc magnum (1)(92pts WS)- Vintage 2000 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(93pts WS)- Vintage 2001 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(94pts WS)- Vintage 2002 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)- Vintage 2003 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(93pts)- Vintage 2004 1x1 magnum banded owc magnum (1)(93pts)- Vintage 2005 1x1 magnum owc (93pts) magnum (1)Above 14 magnumsper lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000539 SassicaiaTenuta San Guido- Vintage 1994 lbsl, cc, double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum owc- Vintage 1995 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (92pts)- Vintage 1997 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum owc (93pts WS)- Vintage 1999 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (92pts WS)- Vintage 2000 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (93pts WS)- Vintage 2001 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (94pts WS)- Vintage 2002 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc- Vintage 2004 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (93pts)- Vintage 2005 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (93pts)- Vintage 2010 double magnum (1)1x1 double magnum banded owc (96pts)Above 10 double magnums per lot US$7000-9000per lot HK$56000-72000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com157


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMMASSETO: THE MOST COLLECTIBLE WINE IN ITALYMASSETO: 最 具 收 藏 價 值 之 意 國 珍 釀The last lot from The Great Curator is from Tenuta dell’Ornellaia, established by Marchese Lodovico Antinori of the Antinorifamily with the help of winemaker Tibor Gál. The property is adjacent to Tenuta San Guido, producer of Sassicaia which isconsidered the seminal “Super Tuscan,” and Ornellaia has been suggested to be Lodovico Antinori’s competitive answer to hiscousin Nicolò Incisa’s Sassicaia, and his older brother Piero Antinori’s Solaia. The vineyards of the estate were planted in 1981,producing the first vintage in 1985. A modern winery was built in 1987, and a second 56-hectare (140 acres) property was lateradded, Bellaria, situated north of Bolgheri. In addition to Ornellaia, Merlot grapes from the 7 ha (17 acres) Masseto vineyardhave been produced since 1986 as a varietal wine, initially simply as “Merlot,” and since its second vintage by the name Masseto,which is always made from 100% Merlot and considered among the top five wines made from this single grape variety in theWorld. Masseto is quite simply the Petrus of Italy and without a question the most expensive wine released from there, as well asbeing the most collectible wine from Italy. What we are presenting here is a completely unique opportunity to own the completeline-up of all the commercially released vintages of Masseto in this perfect vertical from 1987 to 2009 – all 23 of them! This is alot of historical proportions and a must-have for the Masseto lover.偉 大 藏 家 窖 藏 精 選 中 壓 軸 登 場 的 是 Tenuta dell’Ornellaia, 它 由 Antinori 家 族 的 Marchese Lodovico Antinori 在 釀 酒 師 Tibor Gál 協 助下 創 立 , 莊 園 毗 鄰 Tenuta San Guido, 該 處 正 是 被 譽 為 「 超 級 托 斯 卡 尼 」 始 祖 Sassicaia 所 在 地 。Ornellaia 在 考 慮 相 關 建 議 後 , 決定 與 堂 兄 弟 Nicolò Incisa 的 Sassicaia, 以 及 兄 長 Piero Antinori 的 Solaia 一 較 高 下 。 其 葡 萄 園 於 1981 年 開 始 種 植 ,1985 年 生 產 首 個年 份 酒 釀 。 兩 年 後 , 首 個 現 代 化 的 酒 莊 設 備 落 成 啟 用 , 期 後 莊 園 再 度 擴 展 , 在 Bolgheri 北 部 的 Bellaria 開 拓 56 公 頃 (140 畝 )用 地 。 除 Ornellaia 以 外 , 1986 年 起 更 在 佔 地 7 公 頃 (17 畝 ) 的 Masseto 葡 萄 園 種 植 梅 洛 葡 萄 , 孕 育 出 單 一 葡 萄 品 種 之 美 酒 , 首個 年 份 之 出 品 即 以 葡 萄 命 名 ( 即 Merlot), 第 二 個 年 份 之 出 品 改 名 為 Masseto, 由 100% 的 梅 洛 葡 萄 釀 製 而 成 , 被 公 認 為 世 上最 頂 尖 的 五 款 梅 洛 葡 萄 酒 之 一 。Masseto 比 喻 為 意 大 利 的 Petrus 實 在 當 之 無 愧 , 毫 無 疑 問 是 該 產 地 最 昂 貴 的 珍 釀 , 並 且 是 最 具收 藏 價 值 的 意 國 葡 萄 酒 。 本 場 拍 賣 會 上 , 我 們 隆 重 呈 獻 匯 聚 Masseto 在 市 面 推 出 的 所 有 年 份 珍 釀 , 即 1987 至 2009 年 共 23 款 美酒 , 完 美 動 人 , 如 此 獨 特 良 機 只 此 一 次 , 豈 容 錯 過 ?160 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM540 MassetoTenuta dell’ Ornellaia- Vintage 1987 (94pts RP) (1)- Vintage 1988 (96pts) (1)- Vintage 1989 lbsl (95pts) (1)- Vintage 1990 tl (95pts) (1)- Vintage 1991 (93pts) (1)- Vintage 1992 lscl (1)- Vintage 1993 (94pts) (1)- Vintage 1994 (92pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1995 (91pts) (1)- Vintage 1996 (95pts JK) (1)- Vintage 1997 vlbsl (96pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1998 (96pts WS) (1)- Vintage 1999 (95pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2000 (92pts) (1)- Vintage 2001 (100pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2002 (90pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2003 (93pts) (1)- Vintage 2004 (98pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2005 (96pts WS) (1)- Vintage 2006 (99pts) (1)- Vintage 2007 (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2008 (96pts) (1)- Vintage 2009 (94+pts) (1)Above 23 bottlesper lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-192000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com161

Lot: 540Additional Lots: 532, 653-654

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMSCREAMING EAGLE AND ROTHSCHILDSSCREAMING EAGLE 與 ROTHSCHILD 極 品These three vintages of Screamer were bought from the winery upon release and properly stored, while these Rothschilds wereproperty of a wine loving restaurant and professionally stored.此 三 個 Screaming Eagle 年 份 美 酒 甫 推 出 時 直 接 購 自 酒 莊 , 貯 藏 得 宜 ,同 時 呈 獻 來 自 一 家 高 級 食 府 的 Rothschild 美 酒 , 皆 貯 藏 於 專 業 酒 庫 。541 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon - Vintage 19971x3 bottle owc“The opaque purple/black color is followed by intense,soaring aromas of creme de cassis, in addition to blueberryand blackberry fruit. The wine’s extraordinary purity,great depth, and fabulously seamless, full-bodied,multi-layered texture are something to behold, particularlyin a wine so young. However, everything is in balance.This is another work of art from an extraordinaryterroir.”(100pts)帶 不 透 明 的 紫 色 / 黑 色 的 顏 色 和 強 烈 而 不 斷 驟 升 的 香氣 , 包 括 黑 加 侖 子 甜 酒 、 藍 莓 和 黑 莓 香 。 酒 是 特 別的 純 淨 , 很 深 很 厚 卻 天 衣 無 縫 , 層 次 豐 富 的 質 感 特別 值 得 留 意 , 尤 其 是 如 此 年 輕 的 酒 。 不 過 , 一 切 都是 如 此 平 衡 。 這 是 從 超 卓 的 加 州 風 土 出 產 的 另 一 藝術 作 品 。(100 分 )3 bottles per lot US$8000-11000per lot HK$64000-88000542 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon - Vintage 19981x3 bottle owc“...an outstanding effort...charming and open-knit, withsweet tannin and gobs of black currant fruit presentedin a medium-bodied, soft, round, seductive style.”(94pts)3 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000543 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon - Vintage 19991x3 bottle owc“It boasts an opaque purple color along with a gorgeouslypure nose of Crème de cassis, charcoal, and floralcharacteristics. The wine is opulent, dense, and rich,with exceptional purity, a viscous texture, and impressiveunderlying tannin that frames its large but elegant personality.Not surprisingly, this is a candidate for the wineof the vintage”(97pts)3 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000543A Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 2000Pauillac4vlstl“…has an opaque ruby/purple color, followed by an extraordinaryaromatic expression of liquid minerals/stonesinterwoven with the tell-tale graphite notes, mulberry,black currants, caramel, and tobacco. In the mouth, it isremarkably light on its feet, but somehow seems to packintense flavors into layer upon layer of fruit and richnessthat cascade over the palate. A compelling wine, withextraordinary precision, great intensity, and a seamlessness…”(100pts)… 深 邃 的 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 交 織 着 礦 物 / 石 墨 、 桑 子 、黑 加 侖 子 、 焦 糖 和 煙 草 的 芳 香 。 口 感 非 常 輕 盈 , 一層 接 一 層 的 豐 腴 果 香 在 口 中 縈 繞 。 迷 人 , 準 確 , 濃郁 , 簡 直 天 衣 無 縫 …(100 分 )12 bottles per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-192000543B Château Mouton RothschildPauillac- Vintage 2006 5vlbsl, 2nl (98+pts) (6)- Vintage 2008 1x6 bottle owc (94+pts) (6)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000543C Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 2007Pauillac6lbsl, 2nl, 1lwisl, 1ltl“Composed of 81% Cabernet Sauvignon and 19% Merlot,the deep purple-colored 2007 Mouton reveals sweetaromas of creme de cassis, subtle oak, and flowers. Mediumto full-bodied and elegant with sweet tannin as wellas flavors and a texture that build incrementally on thepalate, this strong effort should evolve over the next 15years.”(92pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-5000per lot HK$32000-40000_____________________________164 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMPOWER OF THE PARCEL強 而 有 力 的 組 合This collection focuses on top Bordeaux and Champagne in both quantity and quality thanks to this connected European collector.Bordeaux commences its march with parcels of 1989 Cos, 2009 Ducru, 2010 Montrose, 1995 Lafleur, 1983 & 1994 Mouton,2009 Lynch Bages and 1997 Yquem halves, along with rare, collectible ‘Groupe Duclots’ from 2007 and 2010. Jewels such as1998 Le Pin and 2005 Petrus both in magnums are joined by a Salmanazar of 2009 Palmer and a Melchior of 2000 Pavie!!! Aftersome Haut Brion and Laville Haut Brion Blancs, there is a delightful Burgundian interlude of 1989 Rousseau Beze, 1999 VogueMusigny and 1990 Jayer Echezeaux before we dive into Champagne, bubbling over with parcels of 1996 Dom Perignon Oenotheque,2002 Dom Perignon Rose, 2002 Cristal 2000 and 2002 Taittinger Artist Collection before closing with Clos Ste. Hune,Solaia, Masseto and Sassicaia. This is a great collection to stock up from, with most wines in case quantity and outstandingcondition! All wines removed from ideal professional storage.此 位 歐 洲 藏 家 大 量 購 入 波 爾 多 卓 越 名 釀 及 珍 貴 香 檳 , 其 窖 藏 盡 是 多 箱 裝 組 合 , 精 深 廣 博 。 波 爾 多 部 份 珍 品 包 括 1989 年Cos,2009 年 Ducru,2010 年 Montrose,1995 年 Lafleur,1983 及 1994 年 Mouton,2009 年 Lynch Bages 與 1997 年 Yquem 半 瓶 裝 , 以 及涵 蓋 2007 及 2010 年 極 品 之 「Groupe Duclots」 典 藏 系 列 。 其 他 珍 品 包 括 1998 年 Le Pin 1.5 公 升 裝 ,2005 年 Petrus 1.5 公 升 裝 ,2009年 Palmer 9 公 升 裝 及 2000 年 Pavie 18 公 升 裝 , 氣 勢 澎 湃 ! 接 力 之 傑 作 包 括 Haut Brion,Laville Haut Brion 白 酒 , 1989 年 RousseauBeze,1999 年 Vogue Musigny 及 1990 年 Jayer Echezeaux。 香 檳 精 選 則 包 括 1996 年 Dom Perignon Oenotheque 組 合 ,2002 年 Dom Perignon粉 紅 香 檳 ,2002 年 Cristal, 以 至 2000 與 2002 年 Taittinger Artist Collection, 綴 以 Clos Ste. Hune,Solaia,Masseto 及 Sassicaia, 琳瑯 滿 目 , 多 不 勝 數 。 所 有 藏 品 均 自 專 業 酒 庫 運 出 , 優 質 上 乘 。543D Château Brane Cantenac - Vintage 2010Margaux1x12 bottle owc, 1x12 bottle owc, 1x12 bottleowc36 bottles per lot US$2400-3000per lot HK$20000-24000PARCEL LOTS 544-545544 Château Cos d’Estournel - Vintage 1989St. Estephe12bsl, 4wasl, 2scl, 1lscl“Classic nose of cedar, tannin, slate - a touch roasted...could be the 1990, maybe 1995 I wrote...young but open- an excellent showing for this overlooked vintage ofCos.”(94pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000545 12 bottles per lot US$1800-24003lbsl, 2waslper lot HK$14400-20000PARCEL LOTS 546-550546 Château Ducru Beaucaillou - Vintage 2009St. Julien1x12 bottle owc“A blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Merlotthat achieved 13.5% natural alcohol, this inky purple,unctuous wine possesses classic aromas of graphite,creme de cassis, blueberries, violets, licorice and Christmasfruitcake.”(100pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000547 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000548 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000549 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000550 12 bottles per lot US$3000-40001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$24000-32000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com165

551 Château Grand Puy Lacoste - Vintage 1990Pauillac4lbsl, 3bsl, 1x12 bottle owc“It possesses an opaque ruby/purple color, as well as astunning nose of jammy blackcurrants, cedar, spice, andsmoke. Full-bodied, with magnificent extract, excellentdelineation, outstanding purity, and layers of intensity,this massive, dense, well-balanced Pauillac is the finestGrand-Puy-Lacoste since the 1982.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 552-553552 Château Gruaud Larose - Vintage 2007St. Julien5x12 bottle owc’s“Wonderful aromas of ripe berries, plum and spices followthrough to a full body, with round, velvety tannins anda long finish.”(90pts WS)60 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000553 60 bottles per lot US$3500-45005x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$28000-36000PARCEL LOTS 554-556554 Château L’Evangile - Vintage 1999Pomerol2x12 bottle owc’s24 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000555 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$24000-32000556 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40002x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 557-558557 Château La Lagune - Vintage 2009Haut Medoc5x12 bottle owc’s“…is a spectacular effort given the fact that this estatehas been making terrific wines over the last decade ormore. It boasts a dense purple color as well as a beautifulperfume of blueberries, mulberries, cassis, white chocolateand subtle toasty oak.”(95pts)60 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000558 60 bottles per lot US$3500-45005x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$28000-36000PARCEL LOTS 559-560559 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1995Pomerol1bsl, 1x12 bottle owc“A ‘95 that exploded in the glass in contact with air. Solidand masculine, with dark chocolate and bitter mochanotes, there’s big intensity here. While the tannins areburly for now, the aromas keep coming--rose petal, violetand currant backed by creamy, vanilla bean character.Elegant finish.”(98pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000560 12 bottles per lot US$6500-85001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$52000-68000561 Château Lafleur - Vintage 1998Pomerol2x6 bottle owc’s“There was one last wine to the weekend, and it was a1998 Lafleur. The Lafleur had a deep, intense nose full ofchunky, meaty Pomerol fruit. Chocolate, graham crackercrust and black and blueberries were present as well.There was a balancing beam of anise with an exotic edgeto its fruit, almost tropical but not quite. The nose wasalso full of iron, complementing its meat and game. Thepalate was huge, enormously endowed, wound and a bitunforgiving. In another twenty years, it will be forgivenfor sure! Game, twisted t n a, plum, anise, mineral, thatPomerol kink and that exotic Lafleur edge to the fruitwere all there. It was another spectacular, 50-100 yearwine.”(96+pts JK)這 瓶 1998 年 的 Lafleur 深 沉 層 次 分 明 : 葡 萄 肉 、 巧 克力 、 餅 乾 碎 、 黑 色 及 藍 色 漿 果 、 大 茴 香 、 熱 帶 水果 、 鐵 及 野 味 肉 等 芳 馨 紛 陳 , 酒 味 亦 相 當 豐 富 緊湊 , 即 使 存 放 二 十 年 , 相 信 仍 可 能 保 持 其 最 佳 飲 用狀 態 。 相 信 在 往 後 的 50 至 100 年 間 , 此 酒 也 定 能 在 經典 佳 釀 排 行 榜 中 佔 一 席 位 。(96 分 + JK)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000562 Château Latour - Vintage 1990Pauillac2bn, 2ts, 10lwrl, 10lbsl, 3lscl, 2lwasl, 1ltl“This is one of my favorite wines ever. Full-bodied, withlayers of silky fruit and masses of currant, mineral andberry character. Amazing. It is a wine with perfect structure,perfect strength. It s 1961 Latour in modern clothes.It is hard not to drink it now.”(100pts WS)一 直 深 得 我 心 的 佳 釀 之 一 。 酒 身 豐 厚 濃 郁 , 柔 滑 如絲 的 果 香 , 以 及 層 出 不 窮 的 醋 栗 、 礦 物 和 漿 果 的 酒味 , 雄 運 有 勁 , 酒 感 強 烈 。 此 酒 是 1961 年 Latour 的 現代 版 本 , 叫 人 難 以 抗 拒 。(100 分 WS)10 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000166 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


563 Château Le Pin - Vintage 1998Pomerol1x3 magnum owc“Incredibly rich, wild and exotic. Dark ruby in color, decadentwith aromas of aged game, wild fruits and grilledmeat. Full-bodied, with big, velvety, voluptuous tannins.It goes on and on. Don’t share this with anyone; it’s toowonderful. The best young Le Pin I have ever tasted.”(98pts WS)異 常 豐 饒 , 狂 野 而 別 具 一 格 。 深 寶 石 紅 , 輕 透 野味 、 野 果 與 烤 肉 氣 息 。 酒 身 醇 厚 , 單 寧 豐 富 而 順滑 , 繚 繞 不 散 , 美 妙 得 令 你 吝 於 與 人 分 享 。 我 所 嚐過 的 最 佳 的 年 輕 Le Pin。(98 分 WS)3 magnums per lot US$14000-18000per lot HK$112000-144000PARCEL LOTS 564-569564 Château Lynch Bages - Vintage 2009Pauillac1x12 bottle owc“A blend of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest largelyMerlot with touches of Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot,it is an expressive, voluptuously textured effort withunctuosity and powerful, juicy, succulent blackberryand black currant flavors, low acids, a layered, massivemouthfeel, but no sense of heaviness or fatigue.”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000565 12 bottles per lot US$2000-30001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$16000-24000566 12 bottles per lot US$2000-30001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$16000-24000567 12 bottles per lot US$2000-30001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$16000-24000568 12 bottles per lot US$2000-30001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$16000-24000569 12 bottles per lot US$2000-30001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$16000-24000PARCEL LOTS 570-571570 24 half-bottles per lot US$2000-30002x12 half bottle owc’s per lot HK$16000-24000571 24 half-bottles per lot US$2000-30002x12 half bottle owc’s per lot HK$16000-24000PARCEL LOTS 572-574B572 Château Montrose - Vintage 2010St. Estephe1x12 bottle owc“…is a fabulous wine, and I was leaning toward givingit a three-digit score, which it may ultimately merit afterit resolves some of its very sweet tannin. It is not assoft or flamboyant as the 2009, but it is a great classic,coming in at 13.9% natural alcohol. Representing 64%of the total production, the final blend is 53% CabernetSauvignon, 37% Merlot, 9% Cabernet Franc and 1% PetitVerdot (which is one percent different than the barrelsample blends that were presented). Inky bluish/purplein color, with classic blueberry, black currant, crushedrock and floral notes, hints of graphite, and lots of wildmountain berry fruit, this wine is extravagantly rich, hasvery sweet but noticeable tannin, laser-like precision, amassive, full-bodied mouthfeel and a finish of close to50+ seconds.”(99pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000573 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000574 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000574A 12 bottles1x12 bottle owc574B 12 bottles1x12 bottle owcPARCEL LOTS 575-577per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000575 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1983Pauillac5bn, 3ts, 12lbsl, 4nl, 3lwisl, 2lscl, 1spc“Big-time cedar and cassis in its outstanding nose...Asian spice, caramel, and a perfect balance of oak aswell...a ripe palate - not a lot of tannin but still a lot ofalcohol.”(93+pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000576 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60002bn, 6ts, 8lbsl, 5lscl, 4bsl, per lot HK$32000-480002lwasl, 1nl, 2spc577 12 bottles per lot US$4000-60002bn, 1ts, 5vhs, 1hs, 10lbsl, per lot HK$32000-480005lscl, 3tl, 2nl, 2bsl, 1lwasl, 1wisl, 2scc, 2stc168 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 578-579578 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1994Pauillac7vlbsl, 3lbsl, 2nl“...is undoubtedly a success a healthy dark purple color,and Mouton’s tell-tale, sexy nose of coffee, fruitcake, cassis,and spices. Rich, with medium to full body and undeniablepower, this is a concentrated, structured wine withenough fat, flesh, and extraction to balance out the wine’sformidable tannin level.”(91pts)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000579 12 bottles per lot US$4500-60005vlbsl, 4lbsl, 4nl, 3lscl, 1lwrl per lot HK$36000-48000580 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1998Pauillac6lbsl, 3nl, 2ltl, 1lscl, 1scl“It is an extremely powerful, super-concentrated wineoffering notes of roasted espresso, creme de cassis,smoke, new saddle leather, graphite, and licorice. It ismassive, with awesome concentration, mouth-searingtannin levels, and a saturated flavor profile that gripsthe mouth with considerable intensity. This is a 50-yearMouton.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000581 Château Palmer - Vintage 2009Margaux1x1 Salmanazar owc“An opaque blue/black color suggests a wine with thrillinglevels of concentration and intensity, and that’s exactlywhat a “...taster gets. Subtle smoke, incense and Asianspice (soy?) notes interwoven with graphite, blueberry,blackberry and cassis characteristics lead to a full-bodied,phenomenally concentrated, viscous, opulent winewith plenty of sweet tannin.”(97pts)1 Salmanazar per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000582 Château Pavie - Vintage 2000St. Emilion1x1 18 liter owc“...the color is an opaque purple, and the bouquet offersup notes of liquid minerals, blackberries, cherries,and cassis intermixed with spice box, cedar, and whiteflowers. On the palate, it exhibits a massive display ofrichness and extract, yet with pinpoint delineation andvibrancy as well as a 60+ second finish, this is the kindof phenomenal wine that Perse’s critics were afraid hemight produce - a no-compromise, immortal wonder thatrepresents the essence of one of Bordeaux’s greatest terroirs.Life is too short not to own and consume the 2000Pavie..”(100pts)... 帶 紫 的 酒 色 看 起 來 頗 為 結 實 , 礦 物 、 黑 草 莓 、 櫻 桃及 黑 醋 栗 般 的 酒 香 中 更 摻 雜 著 多 種 香 料 、 雪 松 和 白色 類 花 朵 的 香 氣 。 酒 味 濃 郁 豐 厚 , 酒 香 在 口 腔 內 縈迴 飄 蕩 , 餘 韻 更 超 過 60 秒 長 , 若 各 大 酒 評 人 們 要 選一 瓶 能 顯 現 最 佳 波 爾 多 地 區 風 土 特 質 的 佳 釀 , 相 信非 此 酒 莫 屬 了 。 假 如 未 曾 嚐 過 Pavie 的 箇 中 滋 味 , 可能 會 是 人 生 中 的 一 大 憾 事 呢 !(100 分 )1 18 liter per lot US$9000-12000per lot HK$72000-96000583 Château Pétrus - Vintage 2005Pomerol1x3 magnum owc“A sleeping giant. Dark ruby in color, showing aromas ofblackberry, c pe and green olive, with a hint of mineral.Full-bodied, with ultrafine tannins and a supercaressingmouthfeel. Turns to coffee, dark chocolate and berry.Chewy yet balanced. Very, very long in the mouth. Thefinish is absolutely breathtaking.”(100pts WS)仍 是 沉 睡 的 巨 人 。 深 紅 寶 石 色 , 帶 有 黑 莓 、 牛 肝 菌和 青 橄 欖 , 以 及 微 微 的 礦 物 氣 味 。 酒 身 豐 厚 , 單 寧極 之 幼 細 , 口 感 柔 滑 無 比 。 稍 後 轉 為 咖 啡 、 黑 巧 克力 和 莓 子 味 。 非 常 黏 口 但 平 衡 , 收 結 非 常 長 久 , 幾令 人 透 不 過 氣 。(100 分 WS)3 magnums per lot US$18000-24000per lot HK$144000-200000170 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


PARCEL LOTS 584-588584 Château Smith Haut Lafitte - Vintage 2009Graves1x12 bottle owc“...exhibits an opaque blue/purple color in addition toa glorious nose of acacia flowers, licorice, charcoal,blueberries, black raspberries, lead pencil shavings andincense.”(100pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000585 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000586 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000587 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000588 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle owcper lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 589-590589 Château Talbot - Vintage 2009St. Julien5x12 bottle owc’s“Dark plum and blueberry compote notes lead the way,followed by dark cocoa and tobacco. A fleshy feel runsthroughout, with a stony edge adding length and balanceon the finish.”(91 pts WS)60 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000590 60 bottles per lot US$3500-45005x12 bottle owc’sper lot HK$28000-36000PARCEL LOTS 591-592591 Bordeaux Collection Groupe Duclot - Vintage 20071x9 bottle custom owc9 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000592 9 bottles per lot US$6000-80001x9 bottle custom owc per lot HK$48000-64000PARCEL LOTS 593-594593 Bordeaux Collection Groupe Duclot - Vintage 20101 bottle each Petrus, Latour, Margaux, Yquem,Haut-Brion, Lafite, Cheval Blanc,La Mission Haut Brion, Mouton,1x9 bottle custom banded owc9 bottles per lot US$14000-18000per lot HK$112000-144000594 9 bottles per lot US$14000-180001 bottle each Petrus, per lot HK$112000-144000Latour, Margaux, Yquem, Haut-Brion,Lafite, Cheval Blanc, La Mission Haut Brion,Mouton, 1x9 bottle custom owcPARCEL LOTS 595-596595 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1997Sauternes2x12 half bottle owc’s“A sensational Yquem, 1997 may be this estate’s finesteffort since 1990 (although I would not discountthe 1996 turning out to be nearly as good). The 1997’slight gold color is accompanied a gorgeous perfume ofcaramel, honeysuckle, peach, apricot, and smoky wood.Full-bodied and unctuously-textured, with good underlyingacidity as well as loads of sweetness and glycerin, itlooks to be a great vintage for this renowned Sauternesestate.”(96pts)24 half-bottles per lot US$3200-4200per lot HK$26000-34000596 24 half-bottles per lot US$3200-42002x12 half bottle owc’s per lot HK$26000-34000597 Château Haut Brion Blanc - Vintage 1988Graves3bsl, 1lscl, 1nl, 3bsl, 1nl6 magnums per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000598 Château Haut Brion Blanc - Vintage 1998Graves“The 1998 Haut-Brion-Blanc is a sensationally powerfulwine with the texture of a grand cru Burgundy andthe complexity afforded by the Sauvignon Blanc/Semillonblend.”(96pts)1 double magnum per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000599 Above 2 bottles per lot US$4000-5500and 2 magnumsper lot HK$32000-440002bsl, 2lscl172 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

PARCEL LOTS 600-602600 Château Laville Haut Brion - Vintage 1997Graves2x6 bottle owc’s12 bottles per lot US$1600-2200per lot HK$12800-18000601 12 bottles per lot US$1600-22002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$12800-18000602 12 bottles per lot US$1600-22002x6 bottle owc’sper lot HK$12800-18000603 Chambertin - Vintage 1989Clos de Bèze, A. Rousseau6lbsl, 1ltl, 1wisvl, 1spc“Impressive, with wonderful vanilla, blackberryand cherry aromas and flavors. Has outstandingpotential.”(93ptsWS)6 bottles per lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000604 Chambertin - Vintage 1999B. Dugat-Pylbsl, ltl“The 1999 Chambertin is a magnificent, show-stoppingwine. It is black-colored and bursts from the glass withlicorice, cookie dough, blackberry and cassis liqueuraromas. This is a massive, full-bodied wine with loads ofsweet candied black fruits, licorice, freshly laid asphalt,spice, fresh herbs, and toasty oak flavors. It is mindnumbinglypowerful, conquering the taster with waveupon wave of supple, syrup-like fruit whose flavors lastthroughout its seemingly unending finish.”(96-98pts)1 bottle per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000605 Clos Vougeot - Vintage 2009Château de la Tour2x12 bottle ocb’s“Visible but reasonably well-integrated wood sets offsomber, very ripe and distinctly earthy dark berry fruitliqueur aromas. There is impressive richness to the powerfulbroad-shouldered flavors that brim with dry extractthat does an excellent job of buffering the very firm tanninson the beautifully balanced, long and quite seriousfinish.”(94pts BH)24 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000606 Clos Vougeot - Vintage 2010Château de la Tour2x12 bottle ocb’s“This is impressively ripe yet superbly fresh with blackcherry and floral scents that are trimmed in a backgroundapplication of wood. There is excellent mid-palate concentrationand richness to the powerful, muscular andenergetic large-scaled flavors that possess superb reservesof mouth coating dry extract that serves to imparta seductive mouth feel to the dusty, serious, balanced andstrikingly long finish.”(91-94pts BH)24 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000607 6 magnums per lot US$1400-1800per lot HK$11200-14400608 PommardLes Vaumuriens, Coche-Dury- Vintage 2006 2lwrvl (3)- Vintage 2008 (3)- Vintage 2009 (3)Above 9 bottlesper lot US$1300-1800per lot HK$10400-14400609 Musigny - Vintage 1999Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue2lbsl, different importers“...wonderfully complex aromas of a simply incrediblearray of black fruits, earth, spice, crushed herbs andnotes of chocolate with flavors that are huge but fine,powerful but subtle and rich yet detailed with a stupendouslylong finish that offers intense minerality. This isgenuinely stunning juice and not to be missed if you havethe chance.”(96pts BH)... 其 酒 香 糅 合 了 黑 色 漿 果 、 泥 土 、 香 料 、 碎 香 草 及巧 克 力 味 於 一 身 , 複 雜 又 非 常 細 膩 , 雄 渾 但 又 極 為含 蓄 , 餘 韻 幼 細 精 緻 而 悠 長 , 還 滲 著 緊 密 的 礦 物 味道 , 絕 對 是 一 瓶 不 容 錯 過 的 難 得 佳 釀 。(96 分 BH)6 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000610 Échézeaux - Vintage 2005F. Magnien3vlbsl, 1nl, 1lscl“A very fresh yet somber spicy black fruit nose redolentof earth and Asian spices with a touch of hoisin mergesinto big-bodied and very ripe flavors that possess amplevolume with the firm tannins completely buffered by thegenerous sap.”(92pts BH)9 bottles per lot US$1200-1600per lot HK$9600-12800Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com173

611 Échézeaux - Vintage 1990H. Jayerbsl, scl, lstl, cuc“Knock out aromas of kirsch, blackberry extract andripe earth lead to big, robust, quite structured, deep andsappy flavors of incredible depth and complexity and asgrand as those characteristics are, it is the simply mindbendinglength that really sets this apart from the averageJayer Ech. A wine that should last for 25 years if wellstored.”(93pts BH)強 而 有 力 的 櫻 桃 白 蘭 地 香 氣 、 黑 莓 精 華 與 肥 沃 土 釀 ,譜 奏 出 醇 厚 、 層 次 分 明 、 深 厚 而 活 力 十 足 的 味 道 , 複雜 細 密 , 並 極 富 深 度 與 獨 特 個 性 , 配 合 令 人 尤 如 產 生幻 覺 般 的 悠 長 收 結 , 一 般 Jayer Échézeaux 實 在 難 以 匹敵 。 如 貯 藏 得 宜 , 相 信 可 陳 年 25 年 。(93 分 BH)1 bottle per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000612 Romanée St. Vivant - Vintage 2003J.J. Confuron1x12 bottle ocb“Very pure, sappy aromas of cherry liqueur, minerals, coffee,mocha and smoky oak. Large-scaled and superripe butwith lovely brightness and mineral lift. Impressively structuredwine, finishing with substantial but very fine tanninsand a real whiplash of fruit. Superb.”(92+?pts IWC)12 bottles per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000PARCEL LOTS 613-614613 Bourgogne Rouge - Vintage 1999Leroy5x12 bottle ocb’s60 bottles per lot US$3500-4500per lot HK$28000-36000614 60 bottles per lot US$3500-45005x12 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$28000-36000615 Bourgogne Rouge - Vintage 2003Leroy10x12 bottle ocb’s, 2sos, 3spc, 1pc120 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000PARCEL LOTS 616-617616 Bourgogne Rouge - Vintage 2009Leroy5x12 bottle ocb, 6ssos60 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000617 60 bottles per lot US$2400-32005x12 bottle ocb’s, 2spc per lot HK$20000-26000618 Clos Vougeot - Vintage 2006Méo-Camuzet6lbsl, 1bsl, 2x6 bottle ocb’s“Deep, brooding, very ripe aromas of black cherry andlicorice. Big, broad and deceptively open-knit, with a flavordominated by black cherry.”(92pts, IWC)12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000PARCEL LOTS 619-620619 Mazoyeres Chambertin - Vintage 2009Vieilles Vignes, Perrot-Minot1x12 bottle ocb“…emerges from the glass with silky, perfumed red fruit.It possesses striking inner perfume and plenty of freshnessin an attractive, medium-bodied style that is undeniablyappealing. Floral notes add brightness and lift on the expressive,resonant finish. The Mayozeres is soft, sensualand totally beautiful.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000620 12 bottles per lot US$2600-35001x12 bottle ocbper lot HK$20000-28000621 Chapelle Chambertin - Vintage 2007Ponsot1x6 bottle owc“Licorice, game, and sweetly-ripe dark berries inform abroad-shouldered Ponsot 2007 Chapelle-Chambertin thatis both less refined and less striking than the correspondingGriotte, but hugely convincing in its expansive andenergetic way: palpably dense and finely-tannic, finishingwith wave-like dynamic and intensity of sappy berry juices,bitter-sweet herbal essences, and meat stock.”(93pts)6 bottles per lot US$1300-1600per lot HK$10400-12800174 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

622 Chevalier Montrachet - Vintage 2007Domaine Leflaive1lbsl, different importers“A strikingly complex nose that is even more complexthan that of the Bâtard as there is a great breadth ofaromas to the ripe, pure and airy nose of white flower,spice and subtle pear aromas that complement to perfectionthe rich and mouth coating flavors built on a base offine minerality, all wrapped in a sappy and mouth coatingfinish that oozes dry extract. This is really a lovelyeffort that is almost as powerful as the Bâtard but asone would expect, finer and even a bit longer with analmost painfully intense backend. A very impressive effortthat is positively Zen-like in its poise and quiet sense ofharmony.”(96pts BH)3 bottles per lot US$1500-2000per lot HK$12000-16000PARCEL LOTS 623-627623 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1996Oenotheque12x1 bottle ogb’s“The 1996 Dom Pérignon OEenotheque offers up layersof pastry, lemon, smoke and toastiness. At first deceptivelyunderstated, the wine turns positively explosiveand layered on the palate, showing remarkable tension,elegance and power, all wrapped around a seriouslyintense frame. The balance between fruit and acidity isawesome. This is a marvelous DP OEeno. The OEenois the same juice as the regular Dom Pérignon, exceptthe OEeno is aged on the cork while the regular DP isaged in crown-sealed bottles. Once disgorged, the OEenosgets a slightly lower dosage than is typical for theoriginal release DP.”(97pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000624 12 bottles per lot US$4000-600012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-48000625 12 bottles per lot US$4000-600012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-48000626 12 bottles per lot US$4000-600012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-48000627 12 bottles per lot US$4000-600012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-48000628 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2000Rose12x1 bottle ogb’s“...is a flashy, ripe Champagne that screams Pinot to adegree I have never encountered in another vintage ofthis wine. A dark, intense color leads to a Chambollelikenose followed by endless red berries, flowers andspices, all backed up with plenty of muscle, richness anddensity.”(96pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000PARCEL LOTS 629-633629 Dom Pérignon Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2002Rose2x6 bottle ogb’s“…explodes from the glass with endless layers of huge,voluptuous fruit, A big, full-bodied wine, the 2002 is probablythe most overly vinous, intense Rose ever made bylong-time Chef de Caves Richard Geoffroy. Layers ofcool, insistent minerality balance the fruit beautifully onthe crystalline, vivid finish.”(98pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-5500per lot HK$32000-44000630 12 bottles per lot US$4000-55002x6 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-44000631 12 bottles per lot US$4000-55002x6 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-44000632 12 bottles per lot US$4000-55002x6 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-44000633 12 bottles per lot US$4000-55002x6 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$32000-44000PARCEL LOTS 634-635634 Jacques Selosse Champagne - Vintage NVBrut Initiale24x1 bottle ogb’s“...presents an intriguing melange of slate, crushed rocks,lemon, white flowers and ash. An utterly vivid, kaleidoscopeof aromas and flavors follow as this crystalline,utterly pure wine comes alive in the glass. As is often thecase, the Initial stands out for its focus, vibrancy and tension.The Initial is the freshest of the Selosse wines and istherefore a great introduction to the house style.”(94pts)24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000635 24 bottles per lot US$3500-480024x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$28000-38000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com175

PARCEL LOTS 636-640636 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2002Cristal12x1 bottle ogb’s“Roederer s 2002 Cristal is still in its infant, fresh stage.Subtle notes of pears, flowers, spices, mint, minerals andoak are woven into a cashmere-like frame of extraordinarygrace and elegance. This beautifully-sculptedChampagne possesses notable clarity but with the additionaldepth of fruit that is characteristic of this vintage.It is a gorgeous, seductive Cristal of the highestlevel.”(96+pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3200per lot HK$20000-26000637 12 bottles per lot US$2600-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000638 12 bottles per lot US$2600-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000639 12 bottles per lot US$2600-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000640 12 bottles per lot US$2600-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000641 Pol Roger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1999cuvée Sir Winston Churchill24x1 bottle ogb’s“…is wonderfully rich and expansive, proving yet againjust how well suited the big bottle is to Champagne.Smoke, peaches, mint and flowers are just some of the nuancesthat flow from this textured kaleidoscopic Champagne.The wine continues to gain focus and breadththrough to the enticing, brilliant finish.”(94pts)24 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000PARCEL LOTS 642-643642 Taittinger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2002Artist Collection, Amadou Sow12x1 bottle ogb’s(93pts RJ)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3500per lot HK$20000-28000643 12 bottles per lot US$2400-350012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 644-645644 Taittinger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2000Collection Rauschenberg12x1 bottle ogb’s(94pts RJ)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3500per lot HK$20000-28000645 12 bottles per lot US$2400-350012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-28000PARCEL LOTS 646-648646 Taittinger Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2004Comtes de Champagne4x6 bottle ocb’s“…crystalline purity and sheer energy. Bright hints oflemon oil, white flowers and crushed rocks are layeredinto the pointed, vibrant finish.”(96pts)24 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000647 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40004x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000648 24 bottles per lot US$3000-40004x6 bottle ocb’sper lot HK$24000-32000649 Riesling - Vintage 2001Clos Ste. Hune, Trimbach2x6 bottle ocb’s“Rich and inviting, with complex smoke, apple, peach,lemon and mineral flavors. Has great intensity on thepalate and a smooth texture that melds with the vibrantstructure. The finish is long and detailed.”(94pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3000per lot HK$20000-24000650 Riesling - Vintage 2002Clos Ste. Hune, Trimbach2x6 bottle ocb’s“..displays chicken stock, quarry dust, musk, woodsmoke, and lime on the nose, then deposits minerality asdeep, saline, and mysterious as the ocean. It is still veryfirm in finish for all of its length and one will have tohave patience here as well. Plan on enjoying this anytimeduring the second decade of this new century, but plan oncuisine that will suit its extreme minerality.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000176 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


651 Solaia - Vintage 1990Antinori1bsl, 1scl, 1tl, 1x6 bottle ocb“Similar to the 1997 in that it waves its finger at youto come into the glass but you can never get quite deepenough (at first)...aromas of black fruits, charcoal,chocolate, Asian spices...touch of liqueur quality to thepalate...a big finish that is still polished...the nose justgets better and better - cassis, coffee and blue fruitsemerge...excellent plus plus...best balance between powerand style.”(96pts JK)6 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000652 Solaia - Vintage 1995Antinori1x6 bottle ocb“Nice nose - a good balance of fruit and finish...sweetkirsch, carob, light spice, mild t ‘n a (B-cup)...morecherry fruit on the palate but not ripe...good grip andleathery flavors lingers well...more body than the ‘96 butthe fruit is not as balanced as I would hope - still verygood...”(91pts JK)6 bottles per lot US$1100-1400per lot HK$8800-11200653 Masseto - Vintage 2004Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia2x3 bottle owc’s“Shows wonderful aromas of flowers and berries, withhints of vanilla and Indian spices. Full-bodied and powerful,with layers of chewy tannins and a long, flawless finish.Compact and dense, yet racy and refined...”(98pts WS)6 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000654 Masseto - Vintage 2008Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia1x1 double magnum owc“Freshly cut flowers, crushed rocks, spices and blackcherries are some of the aromas and flavors that emergefrom the 2008. This is an exceptionally beautiful Massetothat impresses for its elegance.”(96pts)1 double magnum per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000655 Sassicaia - Vintage 1985Tenuta San Guidots, cuc, 1x1 magnum owc“I had this wine in a blind tasting - I have had it frequently,and have never failed to give it a perfect rating.At the same time, I have often mis-identified it in blindtastings as the 1986 Mouton-Rothschild. In this tasting,the wine was phenomenal. The color remains an opaquepurple. The bouquet is beginning to develop secondaryaromas of cedar and truffles to go along with its intensecassis, black-raspberry, blackberry, tarry, toasty personality.Exceptionally dense, concentrated, and full-bodied,this wine possesses layers of concentrated fruit that arebeautifully balanced by the wine’s sweet tannin and wellintegratedacidity. The finish lasts for nearly a minute. Amonumental Cabernet Sauvignon, it is one of the greatestwines made this century.”(100pts)... 酒 香 飄 逸 , 逐 漸 滲 透 出 雪 松 與 松 露 氣 息 , 並 與 黑醋 栗 、 黑 樹 莓 、 柏 油 的 芬 芳 和 煙 燻 交 結 糾 纏 。 酒 身豐 厚 濃 郁 , 異 常 豐 滿 , 果 香 馥 郁 且 層 出 不 窮 , 甜 美單 寧 與 酸 度 結 合 渾 然 天 成 , 餘 韻 長 達 近 一 整 分 鐘 ,算 是 本 世 紀 最 出 眾 的 Cabernet Sauvignon 佳 品 之 一 。(100 分 )1 magnum per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000656 SassicaiaTenuta San Guido- Vintage 1988 1x6 bottle owc (97pts WS) (8)- Vintage 1990 different importers (93pts JK) (4)Above 12 bottlesper lot US$4800-6000per lot HK$38000-48000PARCEL LOTS 657-658657 Sassicaia - Vintage 1994Tenuta San Guido6lbsl, 6x1 magnum owc’s6 magnums per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000658 6 magnums per lot US$2000-30005bsl, 6x1 magnum owc’s per lot HK$16000-24000659 Sassicaia - Vintage 1999Tenuta San Guido6x1 magnum banded owc’s“Complex aromas of minerals, berries, tobacco andshells. Full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and asucculent, refined aftertaste. A pretty Sass.”(92pts WS)6 magnums per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-28000660 3 double magnums per lot US$2600-35003x1 dble mag banded owc’s per lot HK$20000-28000178 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

661 Sassicaia - Vintage 2000Tenuta San Guido3x1 double magnum banded owc’s“Shows its class. Loaded with fruit. Rich yet balanced,with lots of jammy and plummy character. Full-bodied,with round tannins and a silky finish. Exotic.”(93pts WS)3 double magnums per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000_____________________________662 Sassicaia - Vintage 2001Tenuta San Guido3x1 double magnum banded owc’s“Beautiful aromas of summer fruits and hints of cream.Then turns to dried Proven al herbs, such as rosemary.Well-defined Sass. Full-bodied, with sleek, refined tanninsand a silky finish. All in finesse. Classy wine. Almostchewy. Reminds me of the excellent 1997, but this isslightly better.”(94pts WS)3 double magnums per lot US$2600-3500per lot HK$20000-280001970s BORDEAUX1970 年 代 波 爾 多 名 酒Client got into wine with a Nuits St. Georges (his A-ha! moment) and quickly turned his attention to Bordeaux wines. He boughtmost of his collection from two legendary wine shops in Los Angeles. On offer are original wood cases of 1970 Latour, 1979 HautBrion, 1975 Mouton and 1979 Lafite. All of these cases were purchased in the 1970s and 1980s, and have been in his temperatureand humidity-controlled home cellar in Santa Monica since 1983, and the wines have not been moved until this sale!全 因 一 瓶 醇 美 的 Nuits St. Georges 產 區 傑 作 , 令 這 位 藏 家 自 此 醉 心 於 波 爾 多 名 酒 收 藏 。 大 部 份 藏 品 均 購 自 兩 家 位 於 洛 杉 磯 的 馳名 酒 商 , 本 場 拍 賣 帶 來 窖 藏 中 的 1970 年 Latour 原 木 箱 裝 ,1979 年 Haut Brion,1975 年 Mouton 及 1979 年 Lafite。 這 些 箱 裝 珍 釀 皆 於1970 及 1980 年 代 搜 羅 , 自 1983 年 來 一 直 完 好 貯 藏 於 藏 家 聖 塔 莫 尼 卡 大 宅 中 的 恆 溫 恆 濕 酒 窖 , 直 至 本 場 拍 賣 方 運 出 。663 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1975Graves12lbsl, 12lscl, 1lstl, 12sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“Fully mature, the 1975 Haut-Brion is an example of awine from this vintage that is neither excessively tannicnor amazingly backward. The color is deep ruby/garnetwith some noticeable amber at the edge. The nose offersclassic scents of roasted tobacco and smoky, rich, ripeflavors. In the mouth, there is medium to full body, wonderfullevels of glycerin and fruit extraction, and a sweet,lush, concentrated finish.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000664 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1979Graves12lbsl, 12lscl, 12lstl, 1x12 bottle owc“It is certainly the finest wine of the vintage from Bordeaux’sLeft Bank. The wine has taken on a dark plummy/garnet color, and displays a magnificent tres Haut-Brionnose of jammy black fruits, earth, tobacco, smoke, andsweet fruitcake aromas. It is rich and medium to fullbodied,with impressive elegance, purity, and overallharmony offers power, richness, and elegance in a winewith extraordinary equilibrium.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$3500-5000per lot HK$28000-40000665 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1975Pauillac12vlbsl, 2nl, 1x12 bottle owc“...is a powerful Lafite, and troublesome bottles tend toreveal more tannin and funkiness than others, which havea roasted character, combined with a gravelly, mineralunderpinning. As this wine has aged, it appears to be lessof a sure bet. In most cases, it has been an outstandingwine, as the bottle tasted in December suggested.”(92pts)12 bottles per lot US$4500-6000per lot HK$36000-48000666 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1979Pauillac12lbsl, 12lscl, 6vlstl, 6sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“Fruity, deep and firm, filled with plum and cherry,backed by youthful, stiff tannins. Needs time for complexityto develop.”(92pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com179

667 Château Latour - Vintage 1970Pauillac12ts, 12lbsl, 12lscl, 6sdc, 12nc, 1x12 bottle owc“On cue, it was one of the best bottles of this wine thatI have ever had, and the first one in a while that hit outstandingterritory. It had a great nose of pencil, nut, carob,musk and good’ barn, you know, when you’re in therewith the farmer’s daughter lol. The palate was creamy,clean, long and balanced. This was young and fresh for1970, and it reminded me that drinking Bordeaux is alwaysbest when it’s older.”(95pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000668 Château Latour - Vintage 1975Pauillac7bn, 3ts, 2vhs, 12lbsl, 12lscl, 6sdc, 1ssos,1x12 bottle owc“Salty nose that is on the shy yet brooding side deep cassis,walnut, and cedar aromas some plumminess morealcohol than tannin in the nose but both qualities stillbalanced - rich but not heavy an excellent Latour - greatbalance and length, good flavors of classic cedar, walnut,and minerals meat on the bones of its fruit and a regal,long finish Asian sweetness develops.”(94pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000669 Château Leoville Las Cases - Vintage 1979St. Julien12vlbsl, 12lscl, 2lstl, 3sdc, 1x12 bottle owc12 bottles per lot US$1000-1400per lot HK$8000-11200670 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1973Pauillac11ts, 1vhs, 12vlbsl, 12vlwrl, 12sdc, 1x12 bottle owc12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000671 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1975Pauillac6ts, 6vhs, 12vlscl, 12vlwrl, 5sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“In the blind tasting in December, this wine finally beganto reveal some potential. It has been closed and frightfullytannic for the last decade. The wine exhibits a gooddark ruby/garnet color, a sweet nose of cedar, chocolate,cassis, and spices, good ripe fruit and extraction, anda weighty, large-scaled, tannic finish. Although still unevolved,it is beginning to throw off its cloak of tanninand exhibit more complexity and balance.”(91pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000672 Château Palmer - Vintage 1976Margaux11ts, 1vhs, 12lbsl, 12lscl, 7sdc, 1x12 bottle owc12 bottles per lot US$1200-1600per lot HK$9600-12800673 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1970Pomerol10lbsl, 10lscl, 10ts, 10nc, 2sdc,excellent color and condition, 1x12 bottle owc“...a true blockbuster. This massive, highly-extracted,full-bodied, jammy, thick, unctuously-textured wine possessesa huge, spice, tobacco, black cherry, mocha-scentednose. It is a real turn-on.”(98pts)葡 萄 酒 中 的 真 正 的 巨 星 級 ! 酒 感 壯 麗 宏 大 、 味 道 濃郁 、 酒 質 醇 和 、 層 次 感 分 明 ,, 充 滿 香 料 、 煙 草 、黑 櫻 桃 和 克 巧 力 咖 啡 般 的 酒 香 , 叫 人 難 以 拒 抗 。(98 分 )10 bottles per lot US$14000-19000per lot HK$112000-152000_____________________________180 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM1980s BORDEAUX1980 年 代 波 爾 多 名 酒The sequel comes from a member of the finance industry who began collecting in the 1980s, but now needs to thin things out abit as his collection has outgrown his temperature and humidity controlled home cellar. On the block are original wood cases of1983 Lafite and Margaux as well as 1985 La Mission and Haut Brion among many other great wines from this prodigious decade.這 批 美 酒 來 自 一 位 財 經 界 專 才 , 他 自 1980 年 代 起 搜 羅 波 爾 多 名 釀 , 現 決 定 釋 出 部 分 藏 品 , 為 其 家 中 之 恆 溫 恆 濕 酒 窖 騰 出 空間 。 原 木 箱 裝 精 品 包 括 1983 年 Lafite 與 Margaux, 1985 年 La Mission 與 Haut Brion 等 。674 Château Cos d’Estournel - Vintage 1982St. Estephe12lbsl, 3sdc, 1spc, 1nc, 1x12 bottle owc“Cos d’Estournel’s 1982 exhibits a dark ruby/purplecolor with light pink at the rim. Sweet aromas of jammyblack fruits intermixed with roasted espresso and vanillinjump from the glass of this young, concentrated, fullbodied,succulent effort.”(96pts)1982 年 的 Cos d’Estournel 帶 深 紅 寶 石 / 紫 色 , 在 杯 邊留 下 一 抹 粉 紅 。 黑 漿 果 的 甜 美 混 和 蒸 餾 咖 啡 和 香 草芬 芳 撲 鼻 而 來 , 密 集 醇 厚 , 活 力 十 足 。(96 分 )12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000675 Château Cos d’Estournel - Vintage 1985St. Estephe12bsl, 1nc, 1x12 bottle owc“Forward, with a fabulously scented bouquet of paingrille and concentrated red and black fruits (especiallyblack cherries), it is rich, lush, long, and medium to fullbodied.Very fragrant, with gobs of sweet black fruits,minerals, and spice in both its flavors and aromatics, thisis one of the most forward wines from Cos.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$1400-1800per lot HK$11200-14400676 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1985Graves12lbsl, 1x12 bottle owc“...gorgeously proportioned and layered with no hardedges. Everything - alcohol, acidity, tannin - is beautifullyintegrated into the seamless personality of the1985.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000677 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1985Graves1x12 bottle owc“In a recent blind tasting it came out first among all the1985 first-growths. It was the densest, richest, and mostbackward of the eight first-growths, yet it was thrown inas the ringer. The color is an impressive opaque darkruby/purple, and the nose is just beginning to revealthe classic Graves aromas of melted road tar, tobaccoleaves, and stones. In the mouth, this full-bodied wine revealsmore concentration than I remember from cask orimmediately after bottling. The finish is long, rich, andconvincing.”(92pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000678 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1983Pauillac4bn, 2ts, 1spc, 1x12 bottle owc“Finally, the 1983 Lafite is beginning to shed its tannin.The wine exhibits a deep ruby/garnet color with only aslight lightening at the edge. The intoxicatingly perfumednose of lead pencil, pain grille, red and black fruits, minerals,and roasted herbs is provocative. In the mouth, thiswine displays considerable body for a Lafite, plenty ofpower, and a fleshy, rich, sweet mid-palate. Long, elegant,plump, and surprisingly fleshy, this outstanding exampleof Lafite seems largely forgotten given the numberof high quality vintages during the golden decade of theeighties.”(93pts)12 bottles per lot US$5500-7000per lot HK$44000-56000182 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

679 Château Lafite Rothschild - Vintage 1985Pauillac2bn, 1x12 bottle owc“Seems like a baby...smells like the 1996 (which waslast in the flight, and obviously the 1996) - there is thatyoung, sweet integrated oak and a purple, dank sweetfruit quality as well...biggest finish - bigger than the 1982surprisingly (or perhaps the ‘82 finish was dormant and/or buried in the wine)...palate not living up to nose rightnow...I guessed 1988, and was surprised to see it was the1985.”(93+pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$6500-8500per lot HK$52000-68000680 Château Latour - Vintage 1985Pauillac12bn, 1x12 bottle owc“Rich and ripe wine. Dark red color with an amberedge. Loads of meat, berry and tobacco character onthe nose. Very rich. Full-bodied, with soft, velvety tanninsand a long, ultraripe fruit finish. Still very fresh andyoung.”(93pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000681 Château Margaux - Vintage 1983Margaux7bn, 4ts, 1lwisl, 1spc, 1sdc, 1nc, 1sos, 1x12 bottle owc“Wine of the vintage. Massive, with exuberant aromasof cassis, lead pencil and fruit which follow through onthe palate. Full-bodied and incredibly velvety. Long, longfinish.”(98pts WS)同 年 佳 釀 之 冠 ! 交 織 著 澎 湃 而 豐 富 的 加 侖 子 、 鉛 筆和 水 果 芳 香 , 源 源 不 絕 縈 繞 在 口 中 。 酒 身 飽 滿 豐厚 , 如 天 鵝 絨 般 的 超 滑 溜 質 感 , 帶 來 悠 長 持 久 的 餘韻 。(98 分 WS)12 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000682 Château Margaux - Vintage 1985Margaux3bn, 3sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“...charming and the color is a healthy dark ruby/purpleoffers copious quantities of lavishly ripe black berry andcassis fruit intermixed with toasty oak and floral scents. Ithas always been a remarkably approachable and enjoyablewine, but it appears to be taking on more characterand quality than I ever imagined.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000683 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1983Pauillac6bn, 12vlscl, 1x12 bottle owc“Big-time cedar and cassis in its outstanding nose...Asian spice, caramel, and a perfect balance of oak aswell...a ripe palate - not a lot of tannin but still a lot ofalcohol.”(93+pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000684 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1985Pauillac4bn, 2ts, 2sdc, 1x12 bottle owc“The rich, complex, well-developed bouquet of orientalspices, toasty oak, herbs, and ripe fruit is wonderful.On the palate, the wine is also rich, forward, long, andsexy.”(90pts)12 bottles per lot US$3500-4800per lot HK$28000-38000685 Château Pétrus - Vintage 1979Pomerol1bn, 2ts, 1vhs, 1hs, 6stl, 1wrl, 12cc, 1ssos,1x12 bottle owc“...with a firm backbone of silky tannins and sweet blackolive, vanilla and berry aromas and flavors.”(90pts WS)12 bottles per lot US$10000-14000per lot HK$80000-112000686 Château d’Yquem - Vintage 1975Sauternes12bn, 11htsl, 1nl, 2spc, 2scc, 1x12 bottle owc“The nose has it all - a Marilyn of a wine the nose is sothick it exudes richness so many things going on, adjectiveswould do it a disservice honey, baked something,Crème brulee, grilled almonds, orange peel/flowersloads of caramel and full of structure fabulous spice andalcohol on the finish honey flavors and hints of apricotsoutstanding, huge, lingering.”(99pts JK)只 消 放 到 鼻 尖 , 便 可 盡 悉 其 中 底 細 。 如 此 絕 代 風 華的 佳 釀 , 入 鼻 即 滲 出 濃 郁 複 雜 的 芳 香 。 烘 培 香 、 焦糖 布 丁 、 烤 杏 仁 、 橘 子 皮 、 鮮 花 、 焦 糖 , 還 有 結 構嚴 密 的 香 料 , 收 結 時 , 縷 縷 的 蜜 甜 桃 香 隱 約 透 出 酒氣 , 餘 韻 悠 長 。(99 分 JK)12 bottles per lot US$7500-10000per lot HK$60000-80000_____________________________Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com183

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMA HEALTHY MIX均 衡 之 選A little bit of this and a little bit of that as we get close to ending our sale, spearheaded by an imperial of 1982 Ausone and a Methuselahof 2002 Cristal as well as bottes of 1961 Haut Brion, 1975 La Mission, and 1982 DRC Montrachet. All wines properly stored.各 款 名 酒 配 搭 得 宜 , 重 點 包 括 1982 年 Ausone 6 公 升 裝 ,2002 年 Cristal 6 公 升 裝 , 以 及 標 準 瓶 裝 之 1961 年 Haut Brion,1975 年 LaMission 及 1982,DRC Montrachet, 貯 藏 完 好 。687 Château Ausone - Vintage 1982St. Emilionlscl, sdc, wxc, scrc, 1x1 Imperial owc“Medium ruby-colored, with a pronounced smoky, herbtingedbouquet revealing aromas of black tea, minerals,and sweet fruit, this medium-bodied 1982 exhibits a strikingliquid minerality, decent acidity, and a powerful, concentrated,long finish. The 1982 Ausone is just turning thecorner and beginning to reveal considerable complexityas well as finesse.”(93pts)1 Imperial per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000PARCEL LOTS 688-689688 Château Haut Brion - Vintage 1961Graves1-3.5cm bc, 1-5cm bc, 2lbsl, 1ltl, 1lwisl, 1nl, 1dc,1sdc, 2scc, outstanding color and condition“The dark garnet-colored 1961 Haut-Brion is pure perfection,with gloriously intense aromas of tobacco, cedar,chocolate, minerals, and sweet red and black fruits complementedby smoky wood. This has always been a prodigiouseffort (it was the debut vintage for Jean Delmas).It is extremely full-bodied, with layers of viscous, sweetfruit. This wine is akin to eating candy. Consistently anastonishing wine!...”(100pts)1961 年 的 Haut-Brion 呈 深 沉 的 石 榴 紅 , 簡 直 完 美 。 燦爛 的 芳 香 , 夾 雜 著 煙 草 、 雪 松 木 、 朱 古 力 、 礦 石 ,以 及 紅 和 黑 甜 漿 果 , 與 微 微 起 煙 的 木 頭 氣 味 相 輔相 成 。Jean Delmas 初 試 蹄 聲 之 作 , 然 已 盡 顯 深 厚 功力 。 酒 身 已 極 圓 熟 , 濃 稠 的 甜 果 層 次 分 明 , 入 口 如飴 , 令 人 讚 歎 。(100 分 )2 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000690 Château La Mission Haut Brion - Vintage 1975Graves4ts, 1hs, 6lbsl, 1stl, 2sdc, 2scc, 2nc,outstanding color and condition“The 1975 La Mission-Haut-Brion has been the mostconsistent wine of the vintage. Super-concentrated, andnow beginning to shed enough tannin so that it can befully appreciated, this enormously constituted La Mission-Haut-Brionhas developed that fabulous Graves setof aromatics - tobacco, black fruits, minerals, roastedherbs, and cedar. Huge, massive, thick, and succulent,with moderate tannin, and some amber notes at theedge... it comes closest in style to resembling the 1945,with a hint of the sweet, ripe 1959.”(100pts)這 瓶 La Mission-Haut-Brion 絕 對 是 整 個 1975 年 裏 水 準最 穩 定 之 作 。 酒 味 異 常 濃 郁 , 單 寧 強 度 怡 到 好 處 ,結 構 宏 大 , 並 展 現 著 Graves 特 有 的 香 氣 煙 草 、 黑水 果 、 礦 物 、 烤 過 的 香 草 , 還 有 雪 松 木 等 。 酒 身 結實 、 豐 厚 , 還 充 滿 質 感 , 單 寧 怡 人 , 酒 身 呈 現 琥 珀色 調 , 此 酒 現 已 完 全 成 熟 而 且 還 可 再 陳 存 30-40 年 。這 超 凡 的 La Mission-Haut-Brion, 風 格 上 與 1945 年 份 相當 接 近 , 亦 仿 如 1959 年 份 那 般 甜 蜜 、 成 熟 。(100 分 )6 bottles per lot US$5000-7000per lot HK$40000-56000691 Château Margaux - Vintage 1959Margauxstl, lfl, cuc, outstanding color and condition“The last wine on this magical afternoon was the 1959Margaux. There were aromas and flavors of chocolate,cassis, wafer, grain and smoke in this classy and classicMargaux.”(94pts JK)1 magnum per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000689 2 bottles per lot US$3000-40001-5.75cm bc, 2lbsl, 2stl, 1ltl, per lot HK$24000-320002sdc, 2scc, 1ssos, outstanding color and condition184 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com


692 Château Margaux - Vintage 1985Margaux1ts, 2lbsl, 2nl, 1spc, 1scc, 1tc, 1x12 bottle owc“...charming and the color is a healthy dark ruby/purpleoffers copious quantities of lavishly ripe black berry andcassis fruit intermixed with toasty oak and floral scents. Ithas always been a remarkably approachable and enjoyablewine, but it appears to be taking on more characterand quality than I ever imagined.”(94pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000693 Château Palmer - Vintage 1970Margaux3bn, 7ts, 2vhs, 6nl, 1sdc, 4scc, 1nc, 1x12 bottleowc, outstanding color and condition“...one of the great wines of the vintage. It exhibits adark, opaque garnet color, and an emerging, fabulouslycomplex, exotic nose of licorice, over-ripe plums andblackcurrants, soy, cedar, and minerals. Rich and concentrated,with medium to full body, a sweet inner-coreof fruit, firm but silky tannin, and a long, rich finish, thisremains a youthful, potentially superb Palmer.”(95pts)12 bottles per lot US$4000-6000per lot HK$32000-48000694 Clos Fourtet - Vintage 1962St. Emilion3bn, 9ts, 1vlscl, late release from the Château,1x12 bottle owc, outstanding color and condition12 bottles per lot US$1800-2400per lot HK$14400-20000695 Montrachet - Vintage 1982Domaine de la Romanée Conti1-4.25cm bc, 2vlbsl, 1ltl, 1spc, 1nc“...extremely unctuous, honeyed, high alcohol Lightgolden in color, it still possessed gorgeously thick andsucculent layers of buttery, popcorn-like fruit. Extremelypotent, this is a powerful, slightly fragile style ofMontrachet...”(96pts)2 bottles per lot US$7000-10000per lot HK$56000-80000696 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne - Vintage 1999Cristal2vlbsl, 12x1 bottle ogb’s“The 1999 Cristal was extra special, extraordinary inits combination of elegance and power. Its flavors werecrisp, clean and intense, long and stylish with superbacidity that did not get in the way of the purity and styleof the wine. It was integrated despite its extraordinarylength. Its aromas of lightly toasted bread, corn and mineralsdanced around our table aptly with all the youngladies the Champagne seemed to attract. I love it whenthat happens. We danced the night away, so I was able toskip the morning workout.”(94pts JK)12 bottles per lot US$3000-4000per lot HK$24000-32000697 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2002Cristal1x1 Methuselah owc“Roederer s 2002 Cristal is still in its infant, fresh stage.Subtle notes of pears, flowers, spices, mint, minerals andoak are woven into a cashmere-like frame of extraordinarygrace and elegance. This beautifully-sculptedChampagne possesses notable clarity but with the additionaldepth of fruit that is characteristic of this vintage.It is a gorgeous, seductive Cristal of the highestlevel.”(96+pts)1 Methuselah per lot US$6000-8000per lot HK$48000-64000PARCEL LOTS 698-699698 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne - Vintage 2004Cristal12x1 bottle ogb’s“...has put on quite a bit of weight since I first tasted itearlier this year. It is a powerful, structured Cristal layeredwith considerable fruit. Chardonnay seems to playthe leading role in 2004, at least today. Cristal is oftenaccessible young, but that is far from the case here. Thisis a serious, painfully young Cristal that will require considerablepatience.”(97pts)12 bottles per lot US$2400-3200per lot HK$20000-26000699 12 bottles per lot US$2400-320012x1 bottle ogb’sper lot HK$20000-26000_____________________________186 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM1975 MOUTON IMPERIALS1975 年 6 公 升 裝 MOUTONPARCEL LOTS 700-701700 Château Mouton Rothschild - Vintage 1975Pauillacts, lbsl, lstl, lwisl, ltal, 1x1 Imperial owc,outstanding color and condition“In the blind tasting in December, this wine finally beganto reveal some potential. It has been closed and frightfullytannic for the last decade. The wine exhibits a gooddark ruby/garnet color, a sweet nose of cedar, chocolate,cassis, and spices, good ripe fruit and extraction, anda weighty, large-scaled, tannic finish. Although still unevolved,it is beginning to throw off its cloak of tanninand exhibit more complexity and balance.”(91pts)1 Imperial per lot US$2000-3000per lot HK$16000-24000701 1 Imperial per lot US$2000-3000ts, lbsl, lstl, lscl,per lot HK$16000-240001x1 Imperial owc,outstanding color and condition_____________________________END OF SALESEE YOU IN HONG KONG!DECEMBER 13TH & 14TH, 2013本 場 拍 賣 圓 滿 結 束2013 年 12 月 13 及 14 日香 港 再 會 !Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com187

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM酒 樽 情 況 說 明BORDEAUX頸 部頸 部 :這 是 一 般 酒 的 正 常 水 位 . 若 酒 齡 超 過 十 年 以 上 的 酒 仍 然 在 這水 位 , 都 是 貯 藏 得 非 常 好 。 此 水 位 的 描 述 很 少 被 引 用 , 除 非同 一 批 酒 內 有 參 差 不 同 水 位 時 才 會 強 調 此 詞 。酒 瓶 狀 況代 號BSLGSLWASLWISLFLLLNLSCLTALTLTSLWOLWRLSTLNOL弄 髒 了 的 招 紙玷 了 膠 水 漬 的 招 紙玷 了 水 漬 的 招 紙玷 了 酒 漬 的 招 紙褪 了 色 的 招 紙快 脫 落 的 招 紙有 裂 痕 的 招 紙已 磨 損 的 招 紙破 爛 的 招 紙撕 裂 的 招 紙棉 紙 上 有 漬 的 招 紙寫 上 字 / 記 號 的 招 紙有 皺 紋 的 招 紙有 污 跡 的 招 紙沒 有 招 紙酒 身 狀 況BN 頸 部 底 端 位TS 肩 頂 位VHS 最 上 肩 位HS 上 肩 位HTMS 上 至 中 肩 位MS 中 肩 位LS 下 肩 位BURGUNDYv - 非 常 s - 輕 微 地l – 輕 微 地 h – 嚴 重 地頸 部 底 端肩 頂 部最 上 肩 部上 肩 部上 至 中 肩 部中 肩 部下 肩 部肩 部 以 下木 塞 狀 況CC 腐 蝕 了 的 蓋 囊CRC 破 裂 了 的 蓋 囊CUC 切 過 了 的 蓋 囊( 通 常 用 作 鑑 定 )NC 有 裂 痕 的 蓋 囊NOC 沒 有 蓋 的 蓋 囊WC 有 皺 紋 的 蓋 囊WXC 上 過 蠟 的 蓋 囊TC 撕 裂 的 蓋 囊DC 壓 低 了 的 木 塞SDC 輕 微 壓 低 了 的 木 塞PC 突 出 了 的 木 塞SPC 輕 微 突 出 了 的 木 塞SOS 有 滲 流SSOS 有 輕 微 滲 流其 他OCBOGBOWC2OCB2OWCCRW原 裝 紙 盒原 裝 禮 盒原 裝 木 箱兩 個 原 裝 紙 盒兩 個 原 裝 木 箱木 箱 有 裂 紋頸 部 底 端 :很 多 酒 莊 都 會 用 此 水 位 作 入 瓶 及 出 貨 的 標 準 . 就 任 何 葡 萄 酒類 在 這 水 位 , 都 算 是 貯 藏 得 非 常 好 。肩 頂 部 :再 者 , 很 多 酒 莊 都 會 用 此 水 位 作 入 瓶 及 出 貨 的 標 準 . 就 任 作葡 萄 酒 類 在 這 水 位 , 都 算 是 貯 藏 得 非 常 好 。最 上 肩 部 :若 是 酒 齡 八 年 或 以 上 的 葡 萄 酒 , 此 水 位 是 可 以 接 受 的 。 酒瓶 應 該 一 直 貯 存 於 適 合 的 貯 藏 處 , 這 是 陳 年 後 自 然 會 發 生的 。上 肩 部 :若 是 酒 齡 二 十 年 或 以 上 的 葡 萄 酒 , 有 此 水 位 倒 不 是 問 題 。令 到 降 至 此 水 位 多 會 是 因 為 木 塞 已 鬆 懈 下 來 而 使 葡 萄 酒 蒸發 了 , 為 了 更 深 入 知 道 貯 藏 的 情 況 , 需 要 再 觀 察 酒 的 清 澈 度和 顏 色 。上 至 中 肩 部 :請 參 閱 「 上 肩 部 」 和 「 中 肩 部 」 的 解 釋 。中 肩 部 :令 到 降 至 此 水 位 多 會 是 因 為 木 塞 已 鬆 懈 下 來 或 不 一 貫 的 貯 藏 情況 下 貯 酒 . 若 是 酒 齡 三 十 年 或 以 上 的 葡 萄 酒 便 會 是 正 常 的 。 若要 再 加 深 了 解 是 否 有 風 險 , 必 定 需 要 再 觀 察 酒 的 清 澈 度 和 顏 色 ,以 及 木 塞 的 情 況 。肩 底 部 和 以 下 :多 會 是 貯 藏 得 很 差 , 必 定 很 大 風 險 及 一 般 來 說 不 能 賣 的 , 除 非 是一 瓶 稀 有 的 酒 , 及 / 或 附 有 很 珍 貴 的 招 紙 , 不 推 薦 作 飲 用 。酒 瓶 容 量Half Bottle........................................Bottle................................................Magnum...........................................Double Magnum..............................Jéroboam (Burgundy,Champagne & Rhône).....................Jéroboam (Bordeaux)......................Impérial...........................................Mathusaleh (Burgundy,Champagne & Rhône).....................Salmanazar........................................375 公 升.750 公 升1.5 公 升3 公 升3 公 升4½-5 公 升6 公 升6 公 升9 公 升因 為 勃 根 地 酒 瓶 形 狀 不 同 的 原 故 , 衡 量 水 位 的 方 法 不 是 以 酒 瓶 肩 部 做 標 準 , 而 且 量 度 水 位 與 木 塞 之 距 離 用 公 分 做 單 位 。 一 般來 說 , 酒 齡 不 多 於 二 十 年 的 勃 根 地 酒 有 四 公 分 或 以 上 的 距 離 是 正 常 的 , 而 酒 齡 多 於 二 十 年 但 仍 在 此 水 位 就 被 認 為 貯 藏 得 特 別好 , 但 需 要 再 觀 察 酒 的 清 澈 度 和 顏 色 , 以 及 木 塞 的 情 況 才 再 作 考 慮 . 勃 根 地 酒 的 酒 齡 為 四 十 年 或 以 上 , 水 位 與 木 塞 有 五 至 七 公 分之 距 離 是 甚 普 遍 , 而 且 飲 用 絕 對 無 問 題 , 不 過 當 然 水 位 越 低 , 風 險 越 高 , 最 好 要 加 考 慮 . 若 果 勃 根 地 酒 的 水 位 與 木 塞 有 八 公 分 或以 上 的 距 離 時 , 酒 身 可 能 已 經 轉 壞 或 已 不 能 飲 用 , 故 不 應 賣 出 的 。 大 家 可 以 留 意 到 很 多 勃 根 地 酒 廠 都 會 入 瓶 時 將 酒 斟 得 很 滿 ,以 致 有 數 滴 的 酒 堵 塞 於 蓋 囊 和 木 塞 之 間 。 不 過 , 請 不 要 誤 會 了 酒 齡 較 高 的 酒 亦 有 水 位 上 的 差 異 , 那 是 因 為 貯 藏 得 不 好 的 正 常現 象 。188 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMBOTTLE DESCRIPTIONSBORDEAUXBOTTLE CONDITIONSPREFIXv - very s - slightlyl – lightly h – heavilyBSL Bin Soiled LabelGSL Glue Stained LabelWASL Water Stained LabelWISL Wine Stained LabelFL Faded LabelLL Loose LabelNL Nicked LabelSCL Scuffed LabelTAL Tattered LabelTL Torn LabelTSL Tissue Stained LabelWOL Writing on LabelWRL Wrinkled LabelSTL Stained LabelNOL No LabelBN Base Neck LevelTS Top Shoulder LevelVHS Very-High-Shoulder LevelHS High-Shoulder LevelHTMS High-to-Mid-Shoulder LevelMS Mid-Shoulder LevelLS Low ShoulderCapsuleNeckBase NeckTop ShoulderVery High ShoulderHigh ShoulderHigh to Mid ShoulderMid ShoulderLow ShoulderBelow ShoulderCORK CONDITIONSCC Corroded CapsuleCRC Cracked CapsuleCUC Cut Capsule(Usually done to authenticate)NC Nicked CapsuleNOC No CapsuleWC Wrinkled CapsuleWXC Waxed CapsuleTC Torn CapsuleDC Depressed CorkSDC Slightly Depressed CorkPC Protruding CorkSPC Slightly Protruding CorkSOS Signs of SeepageSSOS Slight Signs of SeepageOCBOGBOWC2OCB2OWCCRWOriginal Cardboard BoxOriginal Gift BoxOriginal Wooden CaseTwo Original Cardboard BoxesTwo Original Wood CasesCracked WoodNECK:Normal level for all wines. In wines over ten years of age, this levelsuggests excellent provenance. Rarely used, except to emphasize aparticularly good fill level when other fill levels in the same lot areless than perfect.BASE NECK:A common fill level at which many Châteaux release their wine. Forwines of any age, this level suggests excellent provenance.TOP-SHOULDER:Again, a common fill level at which many Châteaux release theirwine. For wines of any age, this level suggests excellent provenance.VERY HIGH SHOULDER:Acceptable fill level for wines twenty years of age. Suggests properstorage conditions throughout its life. Natural occurrence for winesof this age.HIGH SHOULDER:Usually not a problem for wines thirty years of age. This level maybe caused by easing of the cork combined with natural evaporation.Check the clarity and the color of the wine in the bottle as a secondaryindicator of provenance.HIGH-TO-MID-SHOULDER:Refer to High Shoulder and Mid-Shoulder level descriptions.MID SHOULDER:May suggest ullage during the life of the wine due to either easingof the cork or inconsistent storage conditions. Not abnormal forwines forty or more years of age. As additional indicators of risk,definitely inspect clarity and color of the wine in the bottle, as wellas condition of the cork.LOW SHOULDER AND BELOW:Suggests poor provenance. Definitely a risk and generally not saleable,with exception given to rare bottlings and/or labels. (Not recommendedfor consumption.)BOTTLE SIZESHalf Bottle........................................Bottle................................................Magnum...........................................Double Magnum..............................Jéroboam (Burgundy,Champagne & Rhône).....................Jéroboam (Bordeaux)......................Impérial...........................................Mathusaleh (Burgundy,Champagne & Rhône).....................Salmanazar........................................375 Litres.750 Litres1.5 Litres3 Litres3 Litres4½-5 Litres6 Litres6 Litres9 LitresBecause the shape of Burgundy bottles does not allow for a level rating system based on the shoulder of the bottle, levels are described by means ofcentimeters below cork. Generally, Burgundy wines with a four centimeter fill level or above are considered normal for wines younger than twentyyears. Wines of twenty or more years of age with fill levels of between four and five centimeters are generally considered to be of sound provenance,though consideration should be given to the clarity and color of the wine in the bottle, as well as the condition of the cork. Bottles with ullage betweenfive and seven centimeters are not uncommon for wines forty years and older and often provide thrilling drinking, but the lower the fill, the higher therisk, so consideration should be given. Burgundy bottles with fill levels lower than seven centimeters may be at risk of being damaged or undrinkable,and therefore may be unsaleable. It should be noted that some Burgundian producers tend to over-fill their bottles during the bottling process whichmay cause a few drops of wine to become trapped between the capsule and the cork. This should not be confused with ullage, a natural occurrencein older wines, which may be accelerated due to poor provenance.Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com189

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM1. ACKER GUARANTEEAcker Merrall & Condit (Asia), Ltd. stands behind every lot we offer. We are confident in the cellars and wines that we representbased on a thorough inspection process. We therefore offer a money-back guarantee on any lot you purchase throughone of our auctions, provided that the wine you purchased is either miscatalgoued, tasted and unsound (cooked and spoiled),or there are any doubts as to authenticity. In those cases, AMC (Asia), Ltd., specifically John Kapon, must be informed withinninety days of a given sale as to any of these situations. All wines must have the special AMC (Asia), Ltd. custom sticker on thebottle, be in the same condition in which they were delivered, and shipped both ways under ideal conditions. AMC (Asia), Ltd.retains the right to revoke this guarantee at its discretion in the case of unreasonable circumstances.1. Acker 保 證Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia), Ltd. 對 提 出 的 每 一 貨 批 均 提 供 保 證 。 我 們 設 有 嚴 謹 的 檢 查 程 序 , 令 我 們 對 所 代 表的 酒 窖 和 葡 萄 酒 均 充 滿 信 心 。 如 閣 下 通 過 我 們 的 拍 賣 會 購 買 任 何 貨 批 , 而 發 現 該 葡 萄 酒 與 產 品 目 錄 所 載 有 別 ,或 經 品 嚐 後 發 現 味 道 轉 壞 ( 受 熱 而 衰 老 及 酒 質 變 壞 ), 或 對 該 葡 萄 酒 的 真 實 性 存 疑 , 我 們 能 提 供 退 款 保 證 。 如 出 現上 述 任 何 情 況 , 買 方 必 須 在 購 買 後 90 天 內 通 知 AMC (Asia), Ltd. 的 John Kapon 先 生 。 有 關 葡 萄 酒 的 酒 瓶 上 必 須 貼有 AMC (Asia), Ltd 的 特 有 標 籤 , 而 葡 萄 酒 的 狀 況 必 須 保 持 與 其 付 運 時 一 樣 , 並 且 要 在 理 想 的 情 況 下 雙 向 運 送 。如 有 不 合 理 的 情 況 ,AMC (Asia), Ltd. 保 留 撤 銷 此 保 證 的 酌 情 權 。2. PARCEL FEATUREWhen you place a ‘PARCEL LOTS’ BID, you are authorizing us to purchase on your behalf all or as many of the remaining lotsin the parcel at the same price, if possible. The only way it is not possible to purchase all the desired ‘PARCEL LOTS’ is if thereis a higher absentee bid on any one of the remaining lots. This parcel feature allows bidders to exclude the rest of the roomand phone bidders from acquiring any of the remaining lots. Accordingly, if you really want something in the parcel, it is best tomake sure you are bidding on the first lot! If absentee bidding, and you want to place a parcel lots bid, just put a “P” next tothe first lot number in a parcel lot on your absentee bid sheet, ie 2P $26000 if you want to take down all the 2 bottle lots of2003 Château Ausone at $26000 hammer. If you are in the room or on the phone, you will be asked if you want to take therest of the parcel.2. 一 組 貨 批 之 競 投 規 定如 果 閣 下 以 一 組 貨 批 (‘PARCEL LOTS’) 方 式 作 競 投 , 即 代 表 閣 下 授 權 本 公 司 在 可 能 的 情 況 下 代 表 閣 下 以 同 等價 格 購 買 該 組 的 所 有 或 其 餘 下 的 貨 批 。 只 有 在 餘 下 任 何 貨 批 有 買 方 以 場 外 出 價 形 式 作 出 更 高 價 格 競 投 的 情 況下 , 才 能 導 致 閣 下 未 能 購 買 所 有 閣 下 欲 講 買 的 一 組 貨 批 。 這 競 投 方 式 容 許 競 投 者 排 除 其 他 在 拍 賣 現 場 和 電 話 競投 者 購 買 任 何 餘 下 各 貨 批 的 權 利 。 因 此 , 如 閣 下 對 某 組 貨 批 深 感 興 趣 , 最 佳 做 法 是 確 保 閣 下 對 第 一 貨 批 作 出 競投 ! 如 閣 下 欲 以 場 外 出 價 並 希 望 以 一 組 貨 批 之 方 式 競 投 , 請 於 場 外 出 價 表 格 上 在 該 一 組 貨 批 之 第 一 個 貨 批 編 號旁 寫 上 “P”。 假 設 , 閣 下 希 望 以 $26000 的 敲 槌 價 , 購 買 所 有 兩 瓶 貨 批 的 2003 Château Ausone, 便 須 寫 上 2P$26000。 如 閣 下 是 在 拍 賣 現 場 或 通 過 電 話 作 競 投 , 我 們 便 會 問 閣 下 是 否 需 要 買 下 該 一 組 貨 批 的 餘 下 貨 品 。3. DIFFERENT IMPORTERSAlthough we make an effort to catalogue if a lot has wines from different importers, sometimes this fact gets overlooked. Accordingly,having different importers is not a condition of sale or grounds for returning a lot on its own. The wine is still thewine. Similarly, the same applies to bottles and sequence numbers for those producers that number their bottles.3. 不 同 的 入 口 商同 一 貨 批 的 葡 萄 酒 可 能 來 自 不 同 的 入 口 商 , 儘 管 在 此 情 況 下 我 們 會 盡 可 能 將 有 關 事 實 列 載 於 目 錄 上 , 但 有 時 這事 實 有 可 能 會 被 忽 略 。 因 此 , 擁 有 不 同 的 入 口 商 本 身 並 不 構 成 銷 售 條 件 或 以 此 為 理 由 要 求 退 回 該 貨 批 。 該 葡 萄酒 本 身 並 沒 有 改 變 。 這 原 則 同 樣 適 用 於 酒 瓶 以 及 生 產 商 在 其 酒 瓶 印 上 的 編 號 。190 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

*MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ABSENTEE BIDS FORM ON PAGE 9*Office Use OnlyName:HK 135ALot #Either/Or(Please Bracket)Bid in HKD$(note increments)Lot #Either/Or(Please Bracket)HK 135ABid in HKD$(note increments)Office Use OnlyAcker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com191

銷 售 條 款1. 在 所 有 拍 賣 之 前 、 期 間 及 之 後 ,Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia)Limited 及 其 繼 任 人 及 受 讓 人 (「AMC」) 僅 擔 任 本 目 錄 中 列 明並 於 拍 賣 中 受 限 獨 立 競 投 的 各 葡 萄 酒 組 別 (「 貨 批 」) 的 擁 有 人(「 賣 方 」) 的 代 理 人 。 各 貨 批 的 出 售 合 約 因 此 由 賣 方 及 拍 賣 人所 接 受 的 最 高 競 投 者 (「 買 方 」) 之 間 作 出 。 此 等 買 賣 協 議 (「購 買 協 議 」) 的 條 件 , 連 同 由 AMC 發 出 以 及 不 時 生 效 標 題 為 (i) 葡萄 酒 之 收 取 及 付 運 、(ii) 酒 瓶 描 述 及 (iii) 場 外 出 價 的 文 據 , 構 成 買方 可 在 AMC 舉 行 的 拍 賣 中 進 行 競 投 及 購 買 的 條 款 。 此 等 條 款 可於 任 何 拍 賣 之 前 或 期 間 以 附 錄 、 勘 誤 表 、 張 貼 通 告 或 口 述 公 告 的方 式 作 出 修 訂 。2. AMC 已 致 力 在 本 目 錄 中 對 各 貨 批 作 出 準 確 描 述 ; 然 而 ,AMC 對任 何 描 述 並 不 負 責 且 任 何 貨 批 的 原 產 地 、 實 質 狀 況 、 質 素 、 罕 有度 、 真 實 性 、 價 值 或 估 計 價 值 並 無 作 出 任 何 明 確 或 隱 含 聲 明 、 保證 或 擔 保 。AMC 亦 保 留 絕 對 權 利 隨 時 以 任 何 方 式 修 訂 任 何 貨 批的 任 何 描 述 。 文 中 的 分 類 僅 作 識 別 用 途 並 以 標 準 來 源 為 基 礎 。 買方 必 須 對 自 然 程 度 的 耗 損 、 酒 箱 、 標 籤 、 酒 塞 及 葡 萄 酒 的 狀 況 有適 當 寬 容 。 本 目 錄 所 載 各 聲 明 及 各 其 他 聲 明 ( 不 論 口 述 或 書 面 ,以 及 不 論 在 廣 告 、 出 售 單 據 、 附 錄 、 通 告 或 公 告 中 作 出 ) 僅 屬 意見 聲 明 , 而 不 應 被 任 何 競 投 者 倚 賴 。 本 目 錄 中 或 其 他 地 方 出 現 的影 像 僅 供 說 明 用 途 , 而 不 得 被 倚 賴 以 反 映 任 何 貨 批 的 瑕 疵 。 潛 在競 投 者 必 須 透 過 檢 驗 或 其 他 方 式 以 使 彼 等 本 身 滿 意 作 為 作 出 任 何競 投 的 任 何 決 定 的 全 部 有 關 考 慮 。 各 貨 批 均 以 「 現 況 」 出 售 , 惟第 18 段 規 定 者 外 。ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM獲 達 成 , 拍 賣 人 接 受 的 最 高 競 投 者 將 成 為 買 方 , 而 拍 賣 人 的 槌 子敲 下 即 代 表 接 受 「 最 後 出 價 」 及 訂 立 賣 方 及 買 方 之 間 的 出 售 合約 。8. 在 目 錄 列 出 附 有 相 同 估 計 及 包 括 相 同 葡 萄 酒 種 類 、 數 量 、 瓶 容量 的 一 系 列 貨 批 的 情 況 下 , 第 一 貨 批 的 買 方 可 享 有 選 擇 權 以 相 同敲 槌 價 購 買 該 系 列 中 任 何 或 全 部 該 其 他 貨 批 。 倘 並 無 就 全 部 該 等貨 批 行 使 該 選 擇 權 , 則 拍 賣 人 將 就 其 後 下 一 個 未 出 售 貨 批 開 放 競投 , 並 可 按 其 酌 情 權 向 該 貨 批 的 買 方 提 出 承 接 該 系 列 中 任 何 或 全部 餘 下 貨 批 的 選 擇 權 。 競 投 將 以 相 同 形 式 繼 續 直 至 該 系 列 中 全 部貨 批 已 被 拍 賣 人 提 出 及 宣 佈 已 出 售 或 未 出 售 。9. 在 出 現 錯 誤 或 爭 議 的 情 況 下 , 不 論 在 拍 賣 期 間 或 之 後 , 拍 賣 人或 拍 賣 官 有 絕 對 權 力 決 定 成 功 競 投 人 、 繼 續 競 投 、 取 消 出 售 或 重新 提 出 及 重 新 出 售 所 爭 議 的 貨 批 。 拍 賣 人 或 拍 賣 官 的 決 定 在 各 方面 均 為 最 終 、 具 約 束 力 及 不 可 推 翻 。 於 槌 子 敲 落 後 , 有 關 該 貨 批的 所 有 權 及 全 部 風 險 轉 移 至 買 方 。 參 加 拍 賣 , 即 代 表 各 買 方 向AMC 聲 明 及 保 證 其 最 少 年 滿 十 八 歲 , 具 有 購 買 、 接 受 及 擁 有 任何 所 購 買 貨 批 的 法 定 授 權 、 權 利 及 能 力 。10. AMC 將 為 方 便 並 無 親 身 、 派 代 表 或 以 電 話 出 席 拍 賣 的 競 投 人而 提 交 在 出 售 前 送 達 AMC 的 書 面 離 場 出 價 。 倘 接 到 多 個 有 關 個別 貨 批 的 書 面 出 價 金 額 相 同 , 而 在 拍 賣 中 其 為 就 該 貨 批 的 最 高 出價 , 則 有 關 貨 批 將 出 售 予 首 先 接 到 的 出 價 。 提 交 書 面 離 場 出 價 乃在 受 限 於 AMC 在 拍 賣 時 現 存 的 責 任 而 承 辦 , 而 AMC 將 不 對 在 提供 有 關 方 便 時 出 現 的 任 何 錯 誤 或 遺 漏 負 責 。3. 於 各 拍 賣 之 前 , 潛 在 競 投 者 必 須 填 妥 及 簽 署 一 份 登 記 表 格 並 提供 身 份 證 明 及 年 齡 證 明 。AMC 可 能 要 求 出 示 銀 行 或 其 他 財 政 參考 , 並 保 留 權 利 按 AMC 的 絕 對 酌 情 權 拒 絕 任 何 潛 在 競 投 者 進 入或 參 與 任 何 拍 賣 。4. 除 另 作 註 明 外 , 所 有 拍 賣 項 目 以 及 所 有 在 港 舉 行 的 拍 賣 均 以 港元 進 行 。 至 於 拍 賣 行 同 意 接 受 以 美 元 計 算 的 拍 賣 項 目 , 則 以 1 美元 兌 換 8 港 元 的 匯 率 計 算 , 在 有 需 要 的 情 況 下 , 並 會 把 拍 賣 品 的售 價 調 高 至 下 一 個 最 接 近 的 出 價 增 額 。5. 除 另 有 指 示 外 , 各 貨 批 將 設 有 保 留 或 保 密 最 低 出 售 價 。AMC 保留 權 利 在 該 貨 批 公 開 予 競 投 前 任 何 時 間 提 高 保 留 價 。 倘 競 投 價 未達 到 保 留 價 ,AMC 可 代 表 賣 方 競 投 以 保 障 有 關 保 留 。 賣 方 已 同意 不 會 就 彼 等 為 擁 有 人 的 任 何 貨 批 競 投 或 促 使 競 投 。AMC 進 一步 保 留 權 利 在 拍 賣 中 提 出 出 售 由 AMC 所 擁 有 的 葡 萄 酒 構 成 的 貨批 。6. 除 非 拍 賣 人 另 有 公 告 , 否 則 所 有 競 投 均 按 照 其 於 本 目 錄 所 出現 數 目 順 序 的 貨 批 。AMC 保 留 抽 起 或 分 割 任 何 貨 批 或 結 合 任 何兩 個 或 以 上 貨 批 的 絕 對 權 利 。 前 述 權 力 可 由 AMC 以 任 何 形 式 行使 。7. 在 拍 賣 之 前 或 期 間 , 拍 賣 人 及 / 或 拍 賣 官 有 絕 對 酌 情 權 拒 絕 任何 出 價 並 以 其 可 能 認 為 適 合 的 形 式 進 行 競 投 。 在 其 他 情 況 下 競 投須 以 其 被 接 獲 的 次 序 記 入 , 惟 AMC 及 其 員 工 概 毋 須 就 任 何 不 能記 入 或 錯 誤 記 入 該 等 出 價 而 負 責 。 受 限 於 本 協 議 所 載 列 全 部 條 款11. 潛 在 競 投 人 可 在 拍 賣 開 始 前 與 AMC 作 出 安 排 , 以 透 過 電 話 參與 競 投 。 電 話 競 投 為 方 便 不 能 親 身 或 派 代 表 或 以 書 面 離 場 出 價 出席 拍 賣 的 競 投 人 而 提 供 。 提 交 電 話 出 價 乃 在 受 限 於 AMC 在 拍 賣時 現 存 的 責 任 而 承 辦 , 而 AMC 將 不 對 在 提 供 有 關 方 便 時 出 現 的任 何 錯 誤 或 遺 漏 負 責 。12. 23% 的 買 方 佣 金 將 加 進 最 後 出 價 , 總 額 為 最 終 購 買 價 。 發 票 將在 緊 隨 各 拍 賣 後 按 最 終 購 買 價 發 出 並 須 於 接 獲 時 支 付 。AMC 將保 留 各 已 出 售 貨 批 直 至 最 終 購 買 價 獲 全 數 支 付 為 止 。 所 有 在 出 售後 超 過 35 日 收 到 的 付 款 將 附 加 每 月 1.5% 的 每 月 利 息 費 用 直 至 發 票獲 全 數 支 付 為 止 。13. 貨 批 的 風 險 於 拍 賣 人 的 槌 子 就 買 方 對 該 貨 批 的 出 價 敲 下 時 轉移 至 買 方 。 在 此 後 以 及 在 買 方 向 AMC 收 取 該 貨 批 期 間 AMC 及 賣方 概 毋 須 就 該 貨 批 付 上 任 何 責 任 。 買 方 需 就 所 有 在 拍 賣 人 的 槌 子敲 下 後 直 至 買 方 取 得 完 整 的 所 有 權 之 間 因 該 貨 批 之 任 何 傷 害 、 損失 和 損 害 而 引 起 或 與 之 有 關 的 申 索 、 法 律 程 序 、 訟 費 、 費 用 和 損害 向 賣 方 彌 償 並 保 持 賣 方 完 全 獲 得 彌 償 。14. 買 方 須 於 收 到 AMC 發 出 的 發 票 後 三 十 日 內 支 付 各 發 票 。 任 何發 票 必 須 以 支 票 或 以 電 匯 形 式 以 港 幣 支 付 。 港 幣 100,000 元 或 以下 的 購 買 可 接 受 信 用 卡 。 向 AMC 提 供 信 用 卡 , 即 代 表 買 方 授 權AMC 隨 時 向 該 信 用 卡 收 取 本 協 議 所 描 述 的 一 切 付 款 。 買 方 亦 須負 責 支 付 法 例 規 定 AMC 須 於 支 付 最 終 購 買 價 時 收 取 的 任 何 適 用稅 項 或 許 可 或 牌 照 費 。192 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

15. AMC 一 經 收 到 最 終 購 買 價 全 數 付 款 後 , 並 受 限 於 買 方 遵 循 本協 議 其 他 條 款 及 條 件 , 所 涉 及 貨 批 將 發 放 予 買 方 。 儘 管 買 方 可 能就 有 關 目 的 而 聘 任 AMC, 所 有 包 裝 、 處 理 、 運 輸 、 保 險 及 交 付已 購 買 貨 批 的 責 任 、 風 險 及 開 支 一 概 由 買 方 獨 自 承 擔 。AMC 對任 何 付 運 商 或 付 運 人 的 任 何 行 為 或 遺 漏 並 不 負 責 , 包 括 但 不 限 於任 何 貨 批 的 包 裝 、 處 理 、 運 輸 、 保 險 及 交 付 。 如 買 方 聘 任 AMC作 前 述 目 的 ,AMC 將 有 絕 對 酌 情 權 為 此 目 的 委 任 任 何 付 運 商 或付 運 人 而 買 方 須 預 先 向 AMC 支 付 AMC 在 執 行 該 聘 任 時 產 生 的 一切 開 支 。16. 若 干 司 法 權 區 禁 止 入 口 或 限 制 入 口 可 能 帶 入 或 運 入 該 司 法權 區 的 酒 精 類 飲 料 的 數 量 , 並 可 能 規 定 買 方 、 賣 方 或 付 運 商 擁有 若 干 牌 照 或 許 可 證 。AMC 對 任 何 人 士 至 或 自 任 何 司 法 權 區 運送 、 入 口 或 出 口 酒 精 類 飲 料 的 法 律 權 利 並 不 作 出 任 何 聲 明 或 保證 。AMC 就 申 請 或 取 得 任 何 該 等 許 可 證 或 牌 照 進 一 步 並 無 義 務及 並 不 承 擔 責 任 。 調 查 該 等 禁 制 、 限 制 或 遏 制 的 可 能 性 及 在 拍 賣中 出 價 前 決 定 酒 精 類 飲 料 可 合 法 帶 入 任 何 司 法 權 區 的 方 式 的 責 任一 概 由 買 方 獨 自 承 擔 。 任 何 許 可 證 或 牌 照 遭 拒 絕 或 取 得 任 何 有 關許 可 證 或 牌 照 的 延 誤 概 不 會 成 為 撤 銷 任 何 出 售 或 延 遲 任 何 貨 批 的全 數 付 款 的 理 由 。17. 在 拍 賣 出 售 的 財 產 亦 可 能 受 制 於 香 港 規 管 出 口 的 法 律 及 外 國的 入 口 限 制 。 決 定 是 否 需 要 出 口 或 入 口 許 可 證 及 取 得 任 何 所 須 出口 或 入 口 許 可 證 或 牌 照 一 概 由 買 方 獨 自 負 責 。 任 何 許 可 證 或 牌 照遭 拒 絕 或 取 得 任 何 有 關 許 可 證 或 牌 照 的 延 誤 概 不 會 成 為 撤 銷 任 何出 售 或 延 遲 任 何 貨 批 的 全 數 付 款 的 理 由 。 此 外 , 當 地 法 例 可 能 禁止 入 口 及 / 或 轉 售 葡 萄 酒 , 而 有 關 禁 止 概 不 會 成 為 撤 銷 任 何 出 售或 延 遲 任 何 貨 批 的 全 數 付 款 的 理 由 。18. 倘 於 拍 賣 後 九 十 個 曆 日 內 , 該 貨 批 的 買 方 書 面 知 會 AMC 該 貨批 有 缺 漏 或 不 完 整 或 該 貨 批 的 相 關 要 約 中 任 何 陳 述 並 無 充 分 根據 , 則 AMC 可 全 權 酌 情 就 買 方 及 賣 方 之 間 而 言 以 檢 查 或 其 認 為適 合 的 該 等 其 他 方 式 決 定 有 關 申 索 。 任 何 有 關 申 索 一 經 決 定 , 則AMC 可 指 示 出 售 終 止 或 撤 銷 而 購 買 價 將 全 部 或 部 分 退 回 。 前 述AMC 的 決 定 將 為 最 終 及 對 買 方 具 約 束 力 , 而 買 方 將 不 得 就 任 何有 關 申 索 針 對 AMC 提 出 法 律 行 動 。 向 買 方 退 回 買 方 就 葡 萄 酒 支付 的 購 買 價 將 為 賣 方 的 唯 一 及 獨 有 補 償 , 而 有 關 補 償 僅 在 本 協 議明 確 容 許 下 買 方 退 回 狀 況 與 其 自 AMC 接 收 時 相 同 的 葡 萄 酒 的 情況 下 適 用 。 在 任 何 情 況 下 ,AMC 概 不 就 任 何 間 接 、 特 別 、 懲 罰性 、 相 應 、 利 潤 損 失 或 其 他 類 似 損 害 負 責 , 而 AMC 的 最 高 責 任將 為 買 方 就 按 本 協 議 容 許 可 退 回 的 任 何 葡 萄 酒 支 付 的 金 額 。 貨 主不 論 在 法 律 上 或 衡 平 法 上 就 本 協 議 或 要 約 、 購 買 或 出 售 購 成 葡 萄酒 之 購 買 及 出 售 的 任 何 葡 萄 酒 將 並 無 根 據 本 協 議 、 侵 權 法 或 其 他任 何 性 質 或 種 類 的 責 任 。19. 自 拍 賣 日 期 起 計 三 十 日 個 曆 日 內 並 無 由 買 方 收 取 的 任 何 貨 批將 移 離 作 貯 存 , 而 就 此 產 生 的 包 裝 、 處 理 、 移 離 、 保 險 及 貯 存 成本 將 按 構 成 本 購 買 協 議 其 中 部 分 的 「 葡 萄 酒 收 取 及 付 運 」 文 件 所載 列 以 作 評 估 。 任 何 有 關 貨 批 將 於 前 述 成 本 獲 全 數 支 付 後 自 貯 存中 發 放 。ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM20. 倘 買 方 未 有 在 三 十 日 內 根 據 此 等 銷 售 條 款 付 款 , 則 AMC 將 有權 全 權 酌 情 ..(i) 取 消 該 出 售 ;(ii) 為 買 方 的 賬 戶 及 風 險 公 開 或 私人 轉 售 該 財 產 , 並 向 買 方 收 取 轉 售 的 最 終 出 價 少 於 買 方 所 提 出最 終 出 價 的 任 何 差 額 , 以 及 初 次 出 售 及 按 AMC 的 正 常 收 費 進 行轉 售 兩 者 的 一 切 成 本 及 開 支 以 及 買 方 就 初 次 出 售 欠 付 的 買 方 佣金 ;(iii) 以 買 方 結 欠 的 所 有 金 額 抵 銷 AMC 可 能 欠 付 買 方 的 任 何 款項 ;(iv) 行 使 在 AMC 管 有 下 由 買 方 擁 有 的 任 何 財 產 中 持 有 最 高 優先 權 、 已 完 成 抵 押 權 益 人 士 的 所 有 權 利 及 補 救 方 法 ;(v) 向 買 方 收取 欠 付 的 總 款 額 以 及 AMC 在 執 行 有 關 收 取 時 產 生 的 任 何 損 失 、成 本 或 開 支 ;(vi) 就 買 方 欠 付 的 所 有 款 項 按 年 率 18% 向 買 方 收 取 利息 ;(vii) 向 買 方 收 取 相 等 於 買 方 欠 付 的 所 有 款 項 50% 的 算 定 損 害賠 償 ;(viii) 向 買 方 收 取 AMC 在 行 使 本 協 議 所 載 述 任 何 一 項 或 多 項權 利 或 補 救 方 法 而 產 生 的 費 用 及 法 律 顧 問 代 墊 支 費 用 ;(ix) 拒 絕由 或 代 表 買 方 作 出 的 任 何 未 來 拍 賣 出 價 ;(x) 行 使 賣 方 針 對 買 方 可用 的 任 何 權 利 或 補 救 方 法 ; 及 (xi) 堅 稱 在 法 律 上 或 衡 平 法 上 可 用的 任 何 其 他 權 利 或 補 救 方 法 。AMC 可 全 權 酌 情 行 使 任 何 一 項 或多 項 以 上 補 救 方 法 及 其 任 何 組 合 。21. 對 於 (a) 買 方 對 保 證 或 本 協 議 的 任 何 違 反 ;(b) 買 方 根 據 或 就 本協 議 提 交 的 任 何 證 書 、 文 件 或 文 據 的 任 何 不 確 之 處 ;(c) 買 方 、其 代 理 或 僱 員 對 組 成 任 何 貨 批 的 葡 萄 酒 造 成 任 何 負 面 影 響 的 行 為或 遺 漏 ; 及 (d) 由 於 本 協 議 或 AMC 根 據 本 協 議 向 買 方 履 行 其 責 任而 產 生 的 任 何 第 三 方 的 法 律 程 序 、 申 索 、 訴 訟 、 程 序 、 裁 判 或 判決 , 而 產 生 的 任 何 損 失 、 開 支 ( 包 括 法 律 顧 問 費 用 及 代 墊 支 費用 )、 債 務 、 成 本 或 損 害 , 買 方 將 對 AMC、 其 人 員 、 董 事 、 僱員 及 代 理 作 出 彌 償 、 辯 護 及 不 受 損 害 。22. 本 協 議 ( 包 括 所 有 列 入 作 參 考 的 文 據 ) 構 成 AMC 與 買 方 就 本協 議 主 題 的 完 整 協 議 並 取 締 雙 方 之 間 的 任 何 及 全 部 較 前 的 討 論 及協 議 。 本 協 議 不 得 作 修 改 , 而 本 協 議 任 何 部 份 概 不 得 獲 授 任 何 豁免 、 變 動 、 更 改 、 同 意 或 解 除 , 惟 AMC 及 買 方 雙 方 以 書 面 簽 立的 文 據 作 出 者 除 外 。 本 協 議 任 何 條 文 未 有 執 行 將 不 引 致 該 條 文 的豁 免 。23. 倘 本 協 議 的 一 項 或 多 項 條 文 在 任 何 方 面 被 具 司 法 管 轄 權 的 法院 釐 定 為 無 效 或 不 可 執 行 , 則 本 協 議 所 有 其 餘 條 文 的 有 效 性 及 可執 行 性 將 不 會 在 任 何 方 面 受 影 響 或 損 害 。24. 本 協 議 受 香 港 法 例 管 限 並 須 按 其 詮 釋 ,AMC 與 買 方 均 接 受 香港 的 法 院 擁 有 專 有 審 判 權 。25. 本 協 議 的 條 文 概 不 得 詮 釋 為 AMC 與 任 何 買 方 設 立 任 何 代 理 、合 夥 或 其 他 聯 合 企 業 。26. 由 或 就 AMC 提 供 的 所 有 影 像 、 圖 示 或 書 面 材 料 , 包 括 本 目 錄的 內 容 , 為 及 將 在 所 有 時 間 維 持 為 AMC 的 財 產 , 而 不 得 由 買 方或 任 何 其 他 人 士 在 未 取 得 AMC 的 事 先 書 面 同 意 下 使 用 。27. 在 拍 賣 中 出 價 , 即 代 表 買 方 同 意 本 協 議 , 連 同 由 AMC 發 出 以及 不 時 生 效 標 題 為 (i) 葡 萄 酒 之 收 取 及 付 運 、(ii) 酒 瓶 描 述 及 (iii) 場外 出 價 並 在 此 列 入 作 參 考 作 為 本 協 議 的 一 部 分 的 文 據 , 將 成 為 買方 的 合 法 、 有 效 及 具 約 束 力 責 任 , 可 按 照 其 條 款 執 行 。Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com193

CONDITIONS OF SALE1. Before, during, and after all auctions, Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia)Limited and its successors and assigns (“AMC”) act only as agent for theowner (the “Seller”) of each grouping of wine specified in this catalogueand subject to a separate bid at auction (a “Lot”). The contract for the saleof each Lot is therefore made between the Seller and the highest bidder acceptedby the auctioneer (the “Buyer”). These Conditions of Sale/PurchaseAgreement (this “Purchase Agreement”), together with the instrumentscaptioned (i) Collection and Shipment of Wines, (ii) Bottle Description,and (iii) Absentee Bids, as published by AMC and in effect from time totime, constitute the terms on which the Buyer may bid and buy at auctionsconducted by AMC. These terms may be amended by addendum, errata,posted notices, or oral announcements made before or during any auction.2. AMC has attempted to describe each Lot in this catalogue accurately;however, AMC shall not be liable for any description and makes no expressor implied representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the origin,physical condition, quality, rarity, authenticity, value, or estimated value ofany Lot. AMC also retains the absolute right to amend at any time and inany manner any description of any Lot. Classifications in the text are foridentification purposes only and are based on standard sources. Buyersmust make appropriate allowances for natural variations of ullages, conditionsof cases, labels, corks, and wine. Each statement contained in thiscatalogue and each other statement, whether oral or written, and whethermade in an advertisement, bill of sale, addendum, notice, or announcementis a statement of opinion only, and shall not be relied upon by any bidder.Images appearing in this catalogue or elsewhere are for illustrative purposesonly and may not be relied upon to reveal imperfections in any Lot.Prospective bidders must satisfy themselves by inspection or other meansas to all considerations pertinent to any decision to place any bid. EACHLOT IS SOLD “AS IS” except as provided in paragraph 18.3. Prior to each auction, prospective bidders must complete and sign aregistration form and provide identification and proof of age. AMC mayrequire the production of bank or other financial references and retainsthe right, at AMC’s absolute discretion, to refuse any prospective bidderadmission to or participation in any auction.4. Unless otherwise indicated, all Lots shall be sold in Hong Kong dollarsand all Hong Kong auctions shall be conducted in Hong Kong dollars. Allaccepted US dollar bids will be converted to Hong Kong dollars by usinga conversion-multiplier of 8 Hong Kong dollars for every 1 US dollar, atwhich point the respective bids will be rounded up to the nearest valid bidincrement as necessary.5. Unless otherwise indicated, a reserve or confidential minimum sellingprice shall be established for each Lot. AMC reserves the right to raise thereserve price at any time prior to the time the Lot is opened for bidding.Should bidding not meet the reserve price, AMC may protect such reserveby bidding on behalf of the Seller. Sellers have agreed not to enter a bidor to cause a bid to be entered on any Lot of which they are the owner.AMC further reserves the right to offer for sale at auction lots consistingof wines owned by AMC.6. Unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer, all bids are per Lot inconsecutive numerical order as they appear in this catalogue. AMC retainsthe absolute right to withdraw or to divide any Lot or to combine any twoor more Lots. The aforesaid right may be exercised by AMC in any manner.7. Before or during the auction, the auctioneer and / or auction director hasthe right, in his sole discretion, to refuse any bid and to advance the biddingin such a manner as he may see fit. Bids otherwise shall be entered in theorder in which they are received; provided however, neither AMC nor itsstaff shall be responsible for any failure to enter or any error in enteringsuch bids. Subject to fulfillment of all the conditions set forth herein, thehighest bidder accepted by the auctioneer will be the Buyer and the strikingof the auctioneer’s hammer marks the acceptance of the “final bid” andthe creation of a contract for sale between the Seller and the Buyer.8. In the event the catalogue lists a sequence of Lots carrying the sameestimates and consisting of the same type of wine, quantity, and bottle size,ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMin the discretion of the auctioneer, the Buyer of the first Lot may have theoption to buy any or all further Lots in the sequence for the same hammerprice. If the option is not exercised on all such Lots, the auctioneer willopen bidding on the next unsold Lot and may, in his discretion, offer theBuyer of that Lot the option to take any or all of the remaining Lots in thesequence. Bidding shall continue in the same manner until all Lots in thesequence have been offered and declared sold or unsold by the auctioneer.9. In the case of error or dispute, whether during or after the auction, theauctioneer or auction director has the absolute right to determine the successfulbidder, to continue the bidding, to cancel the sale, or to re-offer andresell the Lot in dispute. The decision of the auctioneer or auction directoris final, binding, and conclusive in all respects. At the fall of the hammer, titleto and all risk regarding the Lot pass to the Buyer. By participating in theauction, each Buyer represents and warrants to AMC that he, she, or it isat least eighteen years old, has the legal authority, right, and capacity topurchase, receive, and possess any Lot purchased.10. AMC will enter written, absentee bids delivered to AMC prior to thesale as a courtesy to bidders who are not present at the auction in person,by an agent, or by telephone. If written bids on a particular Lot for identicalamounts are received, and, at the auction, these are the highest bids on theLot, the Lot in question will be sold to the bid received first. The entry ofwritten, absentee bids is undertaken subject to obligations of AMC extantat the time of the auction and AMC shall not be liable for any error oromission which occurs in affording such courtesy.11. Prospective bidders may make arrangements with AMC, prior to thecommencement of the auction, to participate in the bidding by telephone.Telephone bidding is offered as a courtesy to bidders who cannot be presentat the auction in person, by an agent, or by written, absentee bid. Theentry of telephone bids is undertaken subject to obligations of AMC extantat the time of the auction and AMC shall not be liable for any error oromission which occurs in affording such courtesy.12. A Buyer’s premium of 23% shall be added to the final bid, the total beingthe final purchase price. Invoices shall be rendered for the final purchaseprice immediately after each auction and payment is due upon receipt.AMC shall retain each Lot sold until the final purchase price has been paidin full. All payments received more than 35 days after the sale will be subjectto a monthly interest charge of 1.5% per month until invoice is paid in full.13. Risk in the Lot passes to the Buyer when it is knocked down to theBuyer on the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer in respect of the Lot. NeitherAMC nor the Seller will be responsible thereafter for the Lot prior to theBuyer collecting it from AMC. The Buyer will indemnify the Seller and keepthe Seller fully indemnified from and against all claims, proceedings, costs,expenses and losses arising out of or in connection with any injury, loss anddamage caused to the Lot after the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer until theBuyer obtain full title to it.14. Buyer shall pay each invoice issued by AMC within thirty days of receiptof such invoice. Payment of any invoice must be made in Hong Kong Dollars,either with cheque or by wire transfer. Credit cards are accepted forpurchases of HK$100,000 and less. By providing AMC with a credit card,Buyer authorizes AMC to charge all payments described herein to suchcredit card at any time. The Buyer is also responsible for the payment of anyapplicable tax or permit or licensing fee which AMC may be required by lawto collect at the time of the payment of the final purchase price.15. Once payment of the final purchase price has been received by AMCin full, and subject to compliance by the Buyer with the other terms andconditions of this Agreement, the Lot or Lots involved will be released tothe Buyer. All packaging, handling, transporting, insuring, and delivering ofpurchased Lots is the sole responsibility and occurs at the sole risk andexpense of the Buyer. AMC is not responsible for any acts or omissionsof any carrier or shipper, including, without limitation, any packing, handling,transporting, insuring, or delivering of any Lot.194 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM16. Various jurisdictions prohibit importation into or impose limitations onthe quantity of alcoholic beverages which may be brought into or shippedfrom said jurisdiction and may require the purchaser, seller, or shipper topossess certain licenses or permits. AMC makes no representation or warrantyas to the legal right of anyone to ship, import, or export alcoholicbeverages to or from any jurisdiction. AMC further assumes no obligationand bears no responsibility whatsoever for applying for or obtaining anysuch permits or licenses. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder toinvestigate the possibility of such prohibitions, restrictions or limitationsand to determine – before bidding at auction – the manner in which alcoholicbeverages can legally be brought into any jurisdiction. The denial ofany permit or license or any delay in obtaining any such permit or licenseshall neither justify the rescission of any sale nor any delay in making fullpayment for any Lot.17. Property sold at auction also may be subject to laws governing exportationfrom Hong Kong and import restrictions of foreign countries. It shallbe the sole responsibility of the Buyer to determine whether an export orimport permit or license is required and to obtain any required export orimport permit or license. The denial of any permit or license or any delayin obtaining any such permit or license shall neither justify the rescission ofany sale nor any delay in making full payment for any Lot. In addition, locallaws may prohibit the importation and/or the resale of wine and, no suchprohibition shall justify the rescission of any sale or delay in making fullpayment for any Lot.18. If, within ninety calendar days after the auction, the Buyer of the Lotnotifies AMC in writing that such Lot is short or is unsound or that anystatement in the relevant offering of such Lot is not well-founded, AMC, inits sole discretion, may decide such claim as between the Buyer and Sellerby inspection or by such other means as it sees fit. Having decided any suchclaim, AMC may direct that the sale stand or be rescinded and that thepurchase price be refunded in whole or in part. AMC’s decision as aforesaidwill be final and binding on the Buyer and no action shall be broughtby Buyer against AMC in connection with any such claim. The refund topurchaser of the purchase price paid by purchaser for the wine shall bepurchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy, and such remedy only shall be availableif purchaser returns the wine as expressly permitted hereby in thesame condition as purchaser received it from AMC. In no event shall AMCbe liable for any indirect, special, punitive, consequential, loss of profit orother like damages, and AMC’s maximum liability shall be the amount paidby purchaser for any wine that is subject to return as permitted hereby.Consignor shall have no other liability of any nature or kind under thisagreement, in tort or otherwise, whether at law or in equity, with respectto this agreement or the offer, purchase and sale of any wine comprisingthe purchase and sale of the wine.19. Any Lot not collected by the Buyer within thirty calendar days fromthe date of the auction sale will be removed to storage and the costs ofpackaging, handling, removing, insuring, and storing in connection therewithshall be assessed as set forth in the “Collection and Shipment of Wines”document, which is a part of this Purchase Agreement. Any such Lot willbe released from storage only after payment in full of the aforesaid costs.20. If the Buyer fails to make payment in accordance with these Conditionsof Sale within thirty days, AMC shall be entitled, in its absolute discretion:(i) to cancel the sale; (ii) to resell the property publicly or privately for theaccount and risk of the Buyer and to charge the Buyer for any deficiency inthe amount of the final bid in the resale relative to the final bid placed bythe Buyer, along with all costs and expenses of both the initial sale and theresale at AMC’s regular rates and the buyer’s premium due in connectionwith the initial sale; (iii) to set off against any amounts which AMC may owethe Buyer all sums due from the Buyer; (iv) to exercise all the rights andremedies of a person holding a first priority, perfected security interest inany property in AMC’s possession owned by the Buyer; (v) to collect fromthe Buyer the total amount due plus any loss, cost or expense incurred byAMC in effecting such collection; (vi) to charge the Buyer interest at therate of 18% per annum on all sums due from the Buyer; (vii) to collect fromthe Buyer liquidated damages equal to 50% of all sums due from the Buyer;(viii) to collect from the Buyer the fees and disbursements of legal counselto AMC incurred in exercising any one or more of the rights or remediesset forth in this Agreement; (ix) to reject at any future auction bids madeby or on behalf of the Buyer; (x) to exercise any right or remedy against theBuyer available to the Seller; and (xi) to assert any other rights or remediesavailable at law or in equity. AMC may, in its discretion, exercise any one ormore of the preceding remedies and any combination thereof.21. Buyer shall indemnify, defend, and hold AMC, its officers, directors, employees,and agents, harmless from any loss, expense (including the fees anddisbursements of legal counsel), liability, cost, or damage incurred by reasonof: (a) any breach of warranty or any breach of this Agreement by the Buyer;(b) any inaccuracy of any certificate, document, or instrument, deliveredby Buyer pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement; (c) any act oromission of the Buyer, its agents or employees, adversely affecting the winecomprising any Lot; and (d) any third-party action, claim, suit, proceeding,assessment, or judgment, arising from this Agreement or the performanceby AMC of its obligations to Buyer under this Agreement.22. This Agreement (including all instruments incorporated by reference)constitutes the entire agreement between AMC and the Buyer pertainingto the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior discussionsand agreements between them. This Agreement may not be amended, norshall any waiver, change, modification, consent, or discharge of any part ofthis Agreement be granted, except by an instrument in writing executed byboth AMC and the Buyer. Any failure to enforce any provision of this Agreementshall not operate as a waiver of such provision.23. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this Agreementis determined by a court of a competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceablein any respect, the validity and enforceability of all remainingprovisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired.24. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance withthe laws of Hong Kong and each of AMC and the Buyer hereby submits tothe exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.25. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to create any agency,partnership, or other joint enterprise between AMC and any Buyer.26. The copyright in all images, illustrations, and written material producedby or for AMC, including the contents of this catalogue, is and shall remainat all times the property of AMC and shall not be used by the Buyer, or byany other person, without the prior written consent of AMC.27. By bidding at auction, Buyer agrees that this Agreement, together withthe instruments captioned (i) Collection and Shipment of Wines, (ii) BottleDescription, and (iii) Absentee Bids published by AMC and in effect fromtime to time and which are incorporated herein by reference as part of thisAgreement, shall become the legal, valid, and binding obligation of the Buyer,enforceable in accordance with its terms.Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com195

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM葡 萄 酒 之 收 取 及 付 運美 國 進 口 限 制競 投 者 應 注 意 各 州 份 就 有 關 在 拍 賣 投 得 以 及 由 一 州 份 帶 進 該 州 份 的 含 酒 精 飲 料 所 訂 明 的 進 口 限 制 。 在 收 取或 付 運 於 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Limited (“AMC”) 購 買 的 葡 萄 酒 前 的 調 查 、 申 請 、 取 得 、 安 排 及遵 從 所 有 特 別 許 可 或 牌 照 規 定 的 責 任 由 買 方 獨 自 承 擔 。AMC 將 不 會 負 上 任 何 在 付 運 前 代 買 方 取 得 許 可 或牌 照 的 責 任 , 或 任 何 隨 後 的 法 律 責 任 。AMC 乃 一 銷 售 代 理 , 代 買 方 安 排 付 運 , 並 非 相 關 貨 品 的 擁 有 人 或賣 方 。 競 投 者 須 在 拍 賣 競 投 前 清 楚 認 識 其 州 份 的 進 口 法 律 , 以 決 定 可 否 、 何 時 及 如 何 合 法 地 從 加 州 及 紐 約州 運 送 葡 萄 酒 至 其 州 份 。儲 存 及 費 用任 何 在 拍 賣 日 期 後 30 天 內 未 有 作 出 付 運 、 收 取 或 儲 存 帳 戶 安 排 的 葡 萄 酒 將 被 放 進 密 封 儲 存 。 密 封 儲 存 的費 用 為 每 瓶 每 月 ( 或 其 部 份 ) 港 幣 20 元 , 直 至 完 成 上 述 安 排 為 止 。 葡 萄 酒 在 收 取 付 款 及 清 算 金 額 前 將 不會 被 發 放 。 如 閣 下 以 個 人 支 票 付 款 , 請 容 許 5 個 工 作 天 以 發 放 貨 品 。從 香 港 AMC 收 取 葡 萄 酒免 費 提 取 服 務 只 限 於 向 作 出 預 約 的 人 士 提 供 。 請 於 不 少 於 一 星 期 前 透 過 shipping@ackerasia.com 直 接 與 AMC就 閣 下 之 提 取 預 約 。 葡 萄 酒 在 未 收 取 付 款 及 清 算 金 額 前 將 不 會 被 發 放 。 如 閣 下 以 個 人 支 票 付 款 , 請 容 許 5個 工 作 天 以 發 放 貨 品 。本 地 運 送AMC 可 應 閣 下 要 求 安 排 運 送 葡 萄 酒 。 運 送 費 用 適 用 於 任 何 地 區 運 送 。付 運 一 般 可 於 閣 下 作 出 要 求 後 一 星 期 內 於 閣 下 指 定 時 間 完 成 。 運 送 過 程 可 以 額 外 費 用 購 買 特 定 保 險 , 但 須作 特 別 要 求 。 運 送 費 用 必 須 預 先 繳 付 。多 項 運 送 或 提 取任 何 貨 批 如 分 拆 為 兩 部 份 或 以 上 運 送 或 提 取 將 按 每 貨 批 每 分 拆 收 取 港 幣 100 元 服 務 費 。付 運 及 稅 項196 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COM買 方 必 須 預 先 繳 付 付 運 費 用 。 閣 下 貨 品 的 付 運 可 於 收 取 所 有 付 款 及 將 其 存 進 AMC 的 帳 戶 後 作 出 安 排 。 請 容 許 15個 工 作 天 以 作 國 際 付 運 的 安 排 , 以 應 付 海 關 文 件 要 求 或 特 別 路 線 安 排 。所 有 運 送 均 以 空 運 或 衡 溫 運 輸 作 出 。 在 所 有 情 況 下 ,AMC 均 會 代 買 方 安 排 最 安 全 、 最 快 捷 及 最 有 價 值 效 益 的 付 運 方法 。 除 服 務 費 外 ,AMC 將 收 取 每 貨 批 港 幣 100 元 作 預 備 費 用 。 任 何 經 由 任 何 運 輸 公 司 付 運 的 葡 萄 酒 的 損 失 或 損 毀 以及 有 關 風 險 將 由 買 方 或 該 運 輸 公 司 完 全 承 擔 。 有 見 及 此 , 閣 下 可 安 排 強 制 全 面 全 數 保 險 。AMC 將 不 會 為 任 何 葡 萄 酒在 運 輸 途 中 發 生 的 損 壞 負 上 任 何 責 任 。稅 項 將 由 貨 品 最 終 目 的 地 的 政 府 決 定 。 成 功 競 投 者 須 就 含 酒 精 飲 料 的 進 口 遵 守 其 相 關 州 份 、 區 域 或 國 家 的 規例 。AMC 不 會 為 安 排 任 何 買 方 的 付 運 負 上 稅 項 責 任 。AMC 以 買 方 運 送 葡 萄 酒 予 彼 等 的 基 礎 安 排 所 有 付 運 。保 險 並 不 包 括 因 賣 方 或 競 投 者 被 指 稱 違 反 任 何 適 用 法 律 而 被 任 何 政 府 或 執 法 機 關 充 公 的 損 失 。所 有 付 運 均 須 預 先 付 款 。傳 真 :+852.2525.0598電 話 :+852.2525.0538電 郵 :shipping@ackerasia.comAcker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com197

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMCOLLECTION AND SHIPMENT OF WINESLimitations on Importation to the USBidders should be aware of limitations and restrictions imposed by various states regarding importation of alcoholicbeverages which have been purchased at auction and brought into that state’s jurisdiction from another state. It is thesole responsibility of the purchaser to investigate, apply, obtain, route, and comply with all special permit or license requirementsprior to collection or shipment of wines purchased at Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Limited (“AMC”). AMCassumes no obligation or responsibility for obtaining permits or licenses on behalf of the purchaser prior to shipment,or any legal responsibility that may follow. AMC is not the owner or seller of the subject goods, but is a marketing agentwho makes delivery arrangements on the buyer’s behalf. Bidders are urged to familiarize themselves with their respectivestates’ importation statutes prior to bidding at auction to determine if, when, and how wines may be legally deliveredto their states from the State of California, and from the State of New York.Storage and ChargesAny wines for which shipping, collection or storage account arrangements have not been made within thirty days of theauction date will be put into Sealed Storage. Sealed storage will be charged at HK$20 per bottle per month or partthereof, until the above arrangements have been finalized. Wines will not be released until payment has been receivedin full and funds have been cleared. If you are paying by personal check, please allow five business days prior to releaseof goods.Collection of Wine from AMC in Hong KongComplimentary pick-up is available by appointment only. Please schedule your pick-up by contacting AMC directly atshipping@ackerasia.com at least one week in advance. Wines will not be released until payment has been received in fulland funds have been cleared. If you are paying by personal check, please allow five business days prior to release of goods.Local DeliveryAMC will arrange for the delivery of your wine if so requested. Shipping charges are applicable for all deliveies to anylocation.198 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

ACKER MERRALL & CONDIT (ASIA)WINE MERCHANTS SINCE 1820WWW.ACKERASIA.COMDELIVERY:Delivery can usually be made within one week of your request at a prearranged time. Specified insurance cover whilein transit is available at additional cost but only if specifically requested. Remittance for delivery charges must be paid inadvance.Multiple Deliveries or PickupsAny lots that are split into two or more parts for multiple deliveries or pickups shall be subject to a HK$100 servicecharge per split, per lot.Shipping and TaxationShipment will be at the purchaser’s expense, and must be prepaid. Shipping arrangements for your purchase can be madeonce payment has been received in full and funds have been deposited into the account of AMC. Please allow fifteenbusiness days for the arrangement of international shipments, which may require customs documentation or specialrouting attention.All deliveries will be air freight or temperature controlled freight service. In all instances, AMC will try to achieve thesafest, most efficient and cost-effective method of shipment on behalf of the purchaser. A preparation fee of HK$100per lot will be charged, and service charges apply. Any loss or damage resulting from shipping wines via any carrier willbe the sole responsibility and at the risk of the purchaser or such carrier. As such, compulsory comprehensive insuranceat replacement value can be arranged. AMC will not be held responsible for any deterioration of wines occurring whilein transit.Taxation is determined by the governing body of the final destination of the shipment. Successful bidders are required tocomply with the regulations of their respective states, territories or countries regarding importation of alcoholic beverages.AMC assumes no tax liability by virtue of arranging any customer’s shipping. AMC makes all shipping arrangementsbased on the understanding that the buyer is shipping the wine purchased to him or her self.Insurance coverage does not cover confiscation by any government or law enforcement agency as a result of allegedviolations of applicable laws by sellers or bidders.All shipping must be prepaid.FAX: +852.2525.0598PHONE: +852.2525.0538E-MAIL: shipping@ackerasia.comAcker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com199

INDEX BY PRODUCERCALIFORNIA CABERNETS & MERITAGECOLGIN CABERNET SAUVIGNON1997 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb Vineyard ............................... (184)1998 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb Vineyard ............................... (184)1999 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb Vineyard ............................... (184)2000 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Tychson Hill ............................................ (184)2002 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Tychson Hill ............................................ (184)2003 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb Vineyard ............................... (184)Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Tychson Hill ............................................ (184)2005 Colgin Cabernet Sauvignon, Tychson Hill ............................................ (184)COLGIN RED1999 Colgin Red, Cariad Vineyard ............................................................... (184)2002 Colgin Red, Cariad Vineyard ............................................................... (184)2003 Colgin Red, Cariad Vineyard ............................................................... (184)Colgin Red, IX Estate .......................................................................... (184)2005 Colgin Red, IX Estate .......................................................................... (184)SCREAMING EAGLE CABERNET SAUVIGNON1997 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon ..................................................... 5411998 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon ..................................................... 5421999 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon ..................................................... 5432007 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon ..................................................... 185CHAMPAGNEDOM PERIGNON VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1990 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne ............... 114,115,116,117,118,119,1201995 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne, Rose .............................................. 3221996 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne ...................... 316,317,318,319,320,321Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne, Oenotheque ........ 623,624,625,626,6272000 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne, Rose .............................................. 6282002 Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne .......................... (72),(73),(74),(75),(76)Dom Perignon Vintage Champagne, Rose ................... 629,630,631,632,633JACQUES SELOSSE CHAMPAGNENV Jacques Selosse Champagne, Brut Initiale .................................. (634),(635)KRUG VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1985 Krug Vintage Champagne, Clos du Mesnil ............................................. 4001988 Krug Vintage Champagne ........................................... 323,324,325,326,3271990 Krug Vintage Champagne .................................................. 121,328,329,3301996 Krug Vintage Champagne ....................................................................... 122LOUIS ROEDERER VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1999 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne, Cristal ........................................ (696)2002 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne, Cristal ........ 636,637,638,639,640,6972004 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne, Cristal .............................. (698),(699)POL ROGER VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1999 Pol Roger Vintage Champagne, Cuvee Sir Winston Churchill .............. (641)SALON VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1995 Salon Vintage Champagne, Le Mesnil ............................................. 123,1241996 Salon Vintage Champagne, Le Mesnil ........... 125,126,127,128,129,130,1311997 Salon Vintage Champagne, Le Mesnil .................................................. (514)TAITTINGER VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1995 Taittinger Vintage Champagne, Comtes de Champagne ............ 331,332,3331996 Taittinger Vintage Champagne, Comtes de Champagne, Rose .. 334,335,3362000 Taittinger Vintage Champagne, Collection Rauschenberg ............. 644,(645)2002 Taittinger Vintage Champagne, Artist Collection, Amadou Sow ...... 642,6432004 Taittinger Vintage Champagne, Comtes de Champagne ..... (646),(647),(648)VEUVE CLICQUOT VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1990 Veuve Clicquot Vintage Champagne, La Grande Dame ................... 132,133GERMANYTRIMBACH2001 Riesling, Clos Ste. Hune, Trimbach ........................................................ 6492002 Riesling, Clos Ste. Hune, Trimbach ........................................................ 650ITALYANTINORI2006 Brunello di Montalcino, Pian Delle Vigne, Antinori ............................. (515)2007 Brunello di Montalcino, Pian Delle Vigne, Antinori ............................. (515)2009 Cervaro della Sala, Antinori ................................................................. (516)2010 Cervaro della Sala, Antinori ................................................................. (516)2008 Guado Al Tasso, Antinori .................................................................... (517)2009 Guado Al Tasso, Antinori .................................................................... (517)1990 Solaia, Antinori ...................................................................................... 6511995 Solaia, Antinori ...................................................................................... 6522008 Solaia, Antinori ................................................................................ 518,5192009 Solaia, Antinori ................................................................................ 520,5212008 Tignanello, Antinori ............................................................................. (522)2009 Tignanello, Antinori ............................................................................. (522)POGGIO DI SOTTO2005 Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva, Poggio di Sotto ................................. (524)2006 Brunello di Montalcino, Poggio di Sotto ............................................... (523)Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva, Poggio di Sotto ................................. (524)2007 Brunello di Montalcino, Poggio di Sotto ............................................... (523)SOLDERA2004 Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva, Soldera ........................... 525,526,527,5282005 Toscana, Pegasos, Soldera ........................................................ 529,530,531TENUTA DELL’ ORNELLAIA1987 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1988 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1989 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1990 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1991 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1992 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1993 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1994 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)200 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

1995 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1996 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1997 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1998 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)1999 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2000 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2001 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2002 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2003 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2004 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ..................................................... (540),6532005 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2006 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2007 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2008 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia .............................................. 532,(540),6542009 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................ (540)2008 Ornellaia, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................. 533TENUTA SAN GUIDO1985 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................... 6551988 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................ (656)1990 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................ (656)1991 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1992 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1993 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1994 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ...................................... (538A),(539),657,6581995 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)1997 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)1998 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1999 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ...................................... (538A),(539),659,6602000 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................. (538A),(539),6612001 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................. (538A),(539),6622002 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)2003 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)2004 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................. 534,(538A),(539)2005 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)2007 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................ (535)2008 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................... 5362009 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................ (537)2010 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ....................................................... (538),(539)RED BORDEAUXBORDEAUX COLLECTION GROUPE DUCLOT2007 Bordeaux Collection Groupe Duclot ................................................ 591,5922010 Bordeaux Collection Groupe Duclot ................................................ 593,594CHATEAU ANGELUS2005 Chateau Angelus, St. Emilion ................................................................. 446CHATEAU AUSONE1966 Chateau Ausone, St. Emilion .................................................................. 3631982 Chateau Ausone, St. Emilion .................................................................. 6871998 Chateau Ausone, St. Emilion ................................................................ (156)2003 Chateau Ausone, St. Emilion ......................................................... 134,(156)CHATEAU BELAIR-MONANGE2009 Chateau Belair-Monange, St. Emilion .................................................. (157)CHATEAU BELLEVUE MONDOTTE2008 Chateau Bellevue Mondotte, St. Emilion ................................................ 135CHATEAU BRANAIRE DUCRU2005 Chateau Branaire Ducru, St. Julien ....................................................... (447)CHATEAU BRANE CANTENAC1924 Chateau Brane Cantenac, Margaux ...................................................... (364)1947 Chateau Brane Cantenac, Margaux ...................................................... (364)2010 Chateau Brane Cantenac, Margaux ................................................... (543D)CHATEAU CALON SEGUR2005 Chateau Calon Segur, St. Estephe ........................................................ (158)CHATEAU CANON LA GAFFELIERE1964 Chateau Canon La Gaffeliere, St. Emilion ............................................ (364)CHATEAU CHEVAL BLANC1982 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ........................................... 296,297,2981990 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ......................................................... 2991998 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ................................................. 1,2,(156)2000 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ............................................. 3,(136),1862005 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ................................................ (448),449CHATEAU CLINET1966 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol ......................................................................... 3651994 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol ...................................................................... (300)1995 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol ......................................................................... 3012005 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol ...................................................................... (450)2009 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol .......................................................................... 4,5CHATEAU CLOS DE SARPE2009 Chateau Clos de Sarpe, St. Emilion ...................................................... (157)CHATEAU COS D’ESTOURNEL1982 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ............................................ 6,202,6741985 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ..................................................... 6751989 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ............................................... 544,5452000 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ................................................... (158)2001 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ................................................... (158)2005 Chateau Cos d’Estournel, St. Estephe ................................................... (158)CHATEAU CROIX DE LABRIE2009 Chateau Croix De Labrie, St. Emilion .................................................. (138)Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com201

CHATEAU DESMIRAIL1924 Chateau Desmirail, Margaux ................................................................ (364)CHATEAU D’ISSAN1926 Chateau D’Issan, Margaux ................................................................... (364)CHATEAU DUCRU BEAUCAILLOU2008 Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou, St. Julien .................................................. (137)2009 Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou, St. Julien ......................... 546,547,548,549,550CHATEAU FIGEAC1924 Chateau Figeac, St. Emilion .................................................................... 366CHATEAU FOMBRAUGE2009 Chateau Fombrauge, St. Emilion .......................................................... (138)CHATEAU GRACIA2009 Chateau Gracia, St. Emilion ................................................................. (138)CHATEAU GRAND PUY LACOSTE1990 Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste, Pauillac ..................................................... 5511996 Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste, Pauillac ....................................................... (7)CHATEAU GRUAUD LAROSE2007 Chateau Gruaud Larose, St. Julien .............................................. (552),(553)CHATEAU HAUT BRION1920 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 3671961 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ............................................................ 688,6891975 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 6631979 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 6641985 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 6761989 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 2031990 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ............................................................ 204,2051993 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 2061995 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 2071996 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ....................................................................... 81998 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ....................................................................... 92000 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ......................................................... (10),(139)2003 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................. (139)CHATEAU HOSANNA2005 Chateau Hosanna, Pomerol .................................................................. (451)2006 Chateau Hosanna, Pomerol .................................................................. (140)2009 Chateau Hosanna, Pomerol .................................................................. (140)CHATEAU LA CONSEILLANTE1959 Chateau La Conseillante, Pomerol ........................................................ (390)2000 Chateau La Conseillante, Pomerol ............................................................ 132005 Chateau La Conseillante, Pomerol .......................................................... 453CHATEAU LA FLEUR PETRUS1990 Chateau La Fleur Petrus, Pomerol ........................................................... 2082006 Chateau La Fleur Petrus, Pomerol ........................................................ (160)CHATEAU LA LAGUNE1924 Chateau La Lagune, Haut Medoc ........................................................... 3692009 Chateau La Lagune, Haut Medoc ................................................ (557),(558)CHATEAU LA MISSION HAUT BRION1952 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................. 4021975 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................. 6901979 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves .......................................... 370,3711985 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................. 6771995 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 141998 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ......................................... 15,16,172000 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 182003 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 192004 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................. (20),(21),(22)2005 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 232006 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 242008 Chateau La Mission Haut Brion, Graves ................................................... 25CHATEAU LA MONDOTTE1996 Chateau La Mondotte, St. Emilion ................................................... 209,2102000 Chateau La Mondotte, St. Emilion ....................................................... (156)2001 Chateau La Mondotte, St. Emilion ....................................................... (156)CHATEAU LA POINTE1961 Chateau La Pointe, Pomerol ................................................................. (390)CHATEAU LABEGORCE1928 Chateau Labegorce .............................................................................. (364)CHATEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD1914 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 3721918 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 3731928 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 3741934 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 4041937 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 3751945 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... (349),3761947 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1948 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1949 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1950 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1951 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1952 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1953 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1954 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 4051955 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1957 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1958 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1959 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................ (349),377,3781960 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1961 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1962 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1963 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1964 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1965 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1966 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1967 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1968 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)202 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

1969 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1970 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1971 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1972 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1973 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1974 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1975 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... (349),6651976 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1977 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1978 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1979 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................... (338),(349),6661980 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1981 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................ (338),(349)1982 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... 211,(349)1983 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... (349),6781984 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1985 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... (349),6791986 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac .......................... (77),212,213,339,(349)1987 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1988 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1989 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1990 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............ (77),(78),214,215,216,340,(349)1991 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1992 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1993 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1994 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1995 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................ 26,217,218,219,(349)1996 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1997 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1998 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)1999 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)2000 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ......................... 27,(78),341,(349),543A2001 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... 141,(349)2002 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ....................................... (77),(78),(349)2003 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ......................... (28),79,80,81,142,(349)2004 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac .......................................... 29,143,(349)2005 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ..................................... 30,31,144,(349)2006 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... 342,(349)2007 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)2008 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)2009 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)2010 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ...................................................... (349)CHATEAU LAFLEUR1978 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ....................................................................... 2201979 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ....................................................................... 2211983 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ....................................................................... 2221985 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ................................................................ 223,2241986 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ................................................................ 225,2261988 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ....................................................................... 2271990 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ....................................................................... 2281993 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ................................................................ 229,2301994 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ......................................................... 231,232,2331995 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ............................................ 234,235,236,559,5601996 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol .................................................................. 32,2371998 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol .................................................................. 33,5612001 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ...................................................................... (34)2005 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol ................................................ 145,(146),454,455CHATEAU LARCIS DUCASSE2008 Chateau Larcis Ducasse, St. Emilion .................................................... (157)CHATEAU LATOUR1929 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ......................................................................... 3801945 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ......................................................................... 3431970 Chateau Latour, Pauillac .................................................................. 238,6671975 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ......................................................................... 6681982 Chateau Latour, Pauillac .................................................................. 239,2401985 Chateau Latour, Pauillac .................................................................. 241,6801990 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ............................................... 82,242,243,244,5621994 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ........................................................... 245,246,2471995 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ........................................... 248,249,250,251,251A1996 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ........................................................... 252,253,2542000 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ................................................................. 83,84,852005 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ...................................................................... (456)CHATEAU LE PIN1985 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1471995 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 4071997 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1871998 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ................................................................. 188,5631999 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ................................................................. 189,1902000 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1912001 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol .......................................................... 86,87,88,1922004 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ...................................................................... (148)2005 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1492007 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 150CHATEAU L’EGLISE CLINET1998 Chateau L’Eglise Clinet, Pomerol ............................................................. 112005 Chateau L’Eglise Clinet, Pomerol ......................................................... (140)CHATEAU L’ENCLOS1945 Chateau L’Enclos, Pomerol ..................................................................... 368CHATEAU LEOVILLE BARTON2005 Chateau Leoville Barton, St. Julien ...................................................... (158)CHATEAU LEOVILLE LAS CASES1979 Chateau Leoville Las Cases, St. Julien .................................................... 6691982 Chateau Leoville Las Cases, St. Julien ...................................................... 35Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com203

1996 Chateau Leoville Las Cases, St. Julien ................................................. 36,372002 Chateau Leoville Las Cases, St. Julien ................................................... (38)CHATEAU LEOVILLE POYFERRE2003 Chateau Leoville Poyferre, St. Julien .............................................. (39),(40)CHATEAU L’EVANGILE1990 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol ............................................................... (140)1998 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol .................................................................... 121999 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol ............................................. (554),(555),(556)2001 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol ............................................................... (140)2005 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol .................................................................. 452CHATEAU LYNCH BAGES1959 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............................................................... 4081982 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............................................................... 3832000 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............................................................ (158)2005 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............................................................... 4572009 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............... 564,565,566,567,568,569,570,571CHATEAU MARGAUX1900 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................... 3501945 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1947 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1948 Chateau Margaux, Margaux .......................................................... 409,(445)1949 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1952 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1953 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1955 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1956 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1957 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1958 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1959 Chateau Margaux, Margaux .......................................................... (445),6911960 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1961 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1962 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1963 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1964 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1966 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1967 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1968 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1969 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1970 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1971 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1972 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1973 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1974 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1975 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1976 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1977 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1978 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1979 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1981 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1982 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ............................................................ 41,(445)1983 Chateau Margaux, Margaux .......................................................... (445),6811984 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1985 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................... (445),682,6921986 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ............................................ 255,256,257,(445)1987 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1988 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1989 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1990 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ............................................ 258,259,260,(445)1991 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1992 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1993 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1994 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1995 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ........................................ 89,261,262,263,(445)1996 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ............................................ 264,265,266,(445)1997 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1998 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)1999 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2000 Chateau Margaux, Margaux .................................................. 90,91,92,(445)2001 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2002 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2003 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2004 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2005 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2006 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2007 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2008 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2009 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)2010 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)CHATEAU MONTROSE1985 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ............................................................... 3841995 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ............................................................ (151)2003 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe .............................................................. (42)2005 Chateau Montrose, ., St. Estephe ......................................................... (151)Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ..................................................... (43),(458)2008 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ............................................................ (151)2009 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ............................................................ (151)2010 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe .............................. 572,573,574,574A,574BCHATEAU MOULIN ST. GEORGES2009 Chateau Moulin St. Georges, St. Emilion ............................................. (157)CHATEAU MOUTON ROTHSCHILD1928 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ..................................................... 3851945 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1946 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1947 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1948 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1949 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1980 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................. (445)204 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

1950 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1951 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1952 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1953 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1954 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1955 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1956 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1957 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1958 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1959 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1960 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1961 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1962 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1963 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1964 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ......................................... (349A),4101965 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1966 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1967 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1968 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1969 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1970 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1971 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1972 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1973 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ......................................... (349A),6701974 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1975 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ..................... (349A),386,671,700,7011976 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1977 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1978 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1979 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1980 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1981 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1982 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ........................... 267,268,269,(349A)1983 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ..................... (349A),575,576,577,6831984 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1985 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ......................................... (349A),6841986 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ........................... 270,271,272,(349A)1987 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1988 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1989 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1990 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1991 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1992 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1993 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1994 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................. (349A),578,5791995 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac................................................ 94,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,(349A)1996 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................... 44,(349A)1997 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)1998 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................... 45,(349A),5802000 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ............................. (93),95,193,(349A)2001 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................ (93),(349A)2002 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................. (93),(96),(349A)2003 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................... 46,(93),(349A)2004 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................... 47,(93),(349A)2005 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)2006 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................... (349A),(543B)2007 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ............................... (96),(349A),543C2008 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .................................... (349A),(543B)2009 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)2010 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................ (349A)CHATEAU PALMER1945 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 3871947 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 3881970 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 6931976 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 6721982 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 3892004 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... (48)2005 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ............................................................. (158),4592009 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 581CHATEAU PAPE CLEMENT1996 Chateau Pape Clement, Graves .............................................................. (58)2005 Chateau Pape Clement, Graves ........................................................ 460,4612009 Chateau Pape Clement, Graves ............................................................ (159)CHATEAU PAVIE1998 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion ................................................................... (156)2000 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion ..................................................................... 5822005 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion ............................................................ 49,50,4632008 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion .............................................................. 51,52,53CHATEAU PAVIE MACQUIN1998 Chateau Pavie Macquin, St. Emilion ....................................... (54),(55),(56)CHATEAU PETRUS1947 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ......................................................................... 3511969 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1970 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ...................................................... 280,(445A),6731971 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1972 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1973 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1974 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1975 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1976 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1977 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1978 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1979 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................................ (445A),6851980 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1981 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1982 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................... 194,281,344,(445A)1983 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................................ 282,(445A)1999 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................ (93),(349A)Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com205

1984 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1985 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1986 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................................ 195,(445A)1987 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1988 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................... 283,284,(445A),4821989 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ........................................ 196,285,286,(445A),4831990 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ...................................................... 287,288,(445A)1992 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1993 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1994 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ...................................................... 289,290,(445A)1995 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1996 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................................ 197,(445A)1997 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1998 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)1999 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ...................................................... 198,199,(445A)2000 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ........................................ 200,352,(445A),464,5052001 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)2002 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol .......................................................... 151A,(445A)2003 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................... (152),201,(445A)2004 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ...................................................... 153,154,(445A)2005 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ..................................... 97,98,(445A),465,466,5832006 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)2007 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)2008 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ............................................................ 155,(445A)2009 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ................................................................... (445A)CHATEAU PICHON BARON2003 Chateau Pichon Baron, Pauillac ............................................................. (57)CHATEAU PICHON LALANDE1928 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac ........................................................... 3911989 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac ........................................................ (159)1996 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac .......................................................... (58)2003 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac ........................................................ (159)2005 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac ........................................................ (159)CHATEAU PONTET CANET2006 Chateau Pontet Canet, Pauillac .............................................................. (59)CHATEAU SMITH HAUT LAFITTE2003 Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte, Graves ..................................................... (159)2009 Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte, Graves ............................ 584,585,586,587,588CHATEAU TALBOT2009 Chateau Talbot, St. Julien ........................................................... (589),(590)CHATEAU TROPLONG MONDOT1990 Chateau Troplong Mondot, St. Emilion .................................................. 5062003 Chateau Troplong Mondot, St. Emilion ................................................ (156)2005 Chateau Troplong Mondot, St. Emilion ............................................ 468,5072008 Chateau Troplong Mondot, St. Emilion ................................................ (157)CHATEAU TROTANOY1998 Chateau Trotanoy, Pomerol ............................................................ 60,61,622005 Chateau Trotanoy, Pomerol ............................................................. 469,4702006 Chateau Trotanoy, Pomerol .................................................................. (160)CHATEAU VALANDRAUD1995 Chateau Valandraud, St. Emilion .............................................. 291,292,2931996 Chateau Valandraud, St. Emilion ................................................ (294),(295)2003 Chateau Valandraud, St. Emilion ......................................................... (157)CLOS FOURTET1962 Clos Fourtet, St. Emilion ........................................................................ 694PAVILLON ROUGE DU CHATEAU MARGAUX2005 Pavillon Rouge du Chateau Margaux, Margaux ...................................... 411VIEUX CHATEAU CERTAN1949 Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol ........................................................... (412)1955 Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol ........................................................... (412)2005 Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol ............................................. 63,(471),(472)2009 Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol ................................................................ 64RED BURGUNDYA. ROUSSEAU1989 Chambertin, Clos de Beze, A. Rousseau ................................................. 603B. DUGAT-PY1999 Chambertin, B. Dugat-Py ........................................................................ 604C. GIROUD1978 Clos de la Roche, C. Giroud ................................................................... 509CHATEAU DE LA TOUR2009 Clos Vougeot, Chateau de la Tour ....................................................... (605)2010 Clos Vougeot, Chateau de la Tour ................................................. (606),607COCHE-DURY2006 Pommard, Les Vaumuriens, Coche-Dury ............................................. (608)2008 Pommard, Les Vaumuriens, Coche-Dury ............................................. (608)2009 Pommard, Les Vaumuriens, Coche-Dury ............................................. (608)COMTE DE VOGUE1976 Bonnes Mares, Comte de Vogue .......................................................... (416)1977 Bonnes Mares, Comte de Vogue .......................................................... (416)1979 Bonnes Mares, Comte de Vogue ............................................................ 4171972 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ......................................... (418)1979 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ......................................... (418)1995 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ........................................... 5101999 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ..................................... 488,6092002 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ......................................... (165)2009 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ........................................... 4892010 Musigny, Vieilles Vignes, Comte de Vogue ........................................... 490DOMAINE DE LA ROMANEE CONTI1993 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)1994 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................... 310,(513)1995 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)1996 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)1997 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)206 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

1998 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)1999 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................... 166,(513)2000 DRC Assortment, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................ (513)1990 Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................................... (167)1999 Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................................... (167)2002 Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................................... (167)2004 Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................................... (167)2005 Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................................... (167)1976 Grands Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................. 4192002 Grands Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............................. (168)2004 Grands Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............................. (168)2005 Grands Echezeaux, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ....................... (168),3531972 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ (169)1990 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ...................................... (169),3451991 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 3111993 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 1041994 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ........................................ 312,3132002 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 1052003 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 1062004 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 4202005 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ...................................... (169),3542006 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................. 421,484,4852007 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................. 107,486,4872008 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 1082010 La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................... 4731969 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .................................. 422,(423)1976 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................................... (423)1979 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................................... (423)1993 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 3142004 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................................... (170)2005 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................................... (170)2007 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................................... (109)1929 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 3551952 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1953 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1960 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1961 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1966 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1971 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................ 356,(512)1978 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1979 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1982 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 3461984 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1985 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1986 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1988 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................ 347,(512)1989 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1990 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1991 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1996 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1997 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... 348A1998 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................... 348B,(512)1999 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................... 348C,(512)2000 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................... 348D,(512)2001 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... 348E2002 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .......................... (171),348F2003 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................... 348G,357,4242004 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............. 172,358,425,(512)2005 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................... 173,348H,(512)2006 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .................................... 348J2007 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ......................... 348K,(512)1990 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............................. 3481993 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............................. 3152004 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................ (170)2005 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................... (170),3592007 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................ (109)2010 Romanee St. Vivant, Domaine de la Romanee Conti .............................. 4742002 Vosne Romanee, Cuvee Duvault Blochet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti . 494DUJAC1985 Bonnes Mares, Dujac ............................................................................. 1742000 Charmes Chambertin, Dujac ................................................................... 495E. ROUGET2005 Echezeaux, E. Rouget .......................................................................... (175)2006 Echezeaux, E. Rouget .......................................................................... (175)1990 Nuits St. Georges, E. Rouget ............................................................... (175)2006 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, E. Rouget ........................................ (175)E. ROUGET (G. JAYER)2006 Echezeaux, E. Rouget (G. Jayer) .......................................................... (175)2007 Echezeaux, E. Rouget (G. Jayer) ..................................................... 475,4762006 Nuits St. Georges, E. Rouget (G. Jayer) ............................................... (175)F. MAGNIEN2005 Echezeaux, F. Magnien .......................................................................... 610G. NOELLAT1959 Grands Echezeaux, G. Noellat ................................................................ 3931962 Grands Echezeaux, G. Noellat ................................................................ 394G. ROUMIER1979 Bonnes Mares, G. Roumier .................................................................... 4262003 Bonnes Mares, G. Roumier .................................................................. (176)2005 Bonnes Mares, G. Roumier .................................................................. (176)H. JAYER1978 Echezeaux, H. Jayer ............................................................................... 4271980 Echezeaux, H. Jayer ............................................................................... 4281990 Echezeaux, H. Jayer ........................................................................ 429,6111992 Echezeaux, H. Jayer ............................................................................... 4961986 Nuits St. Georges, Les Meurgers, H. Jayer ............................................. 4971988 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer ............................... 177,430,4981993 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)1994 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ................................... (512)Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com207

1992 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer ............................................. 4991993 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer ............................................. 4781995 Vosne Romanee, Les Beaux Monts, H. Jayer ......................................... 5001999 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer ...................................... 360,431H. JAYER FOR GEORGES1985 Echezeaux, H. Jayer for Georges ............................................................ 4321991 Echezeaux, H. Jayer for Georges ............................................................ 433J.F. MUGNIER1999 Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses, J.F. Mugnier .............................. 491Musigny, J.F. Mugnier ........................................................................... 4922000 Musigny, J.F. Mugnier ........................................................................... 493J.J. CONFURON2003 Romanee St. Vivant, J.J. Confuron ......................................................... 612LEROY1999 Bourgogne Rouge, Leroy ............................................................ (613),(614)2003 Bourgogne Rouge, Leroy ..................................................................... (615)2007 Bourgogne Rouge, Leroy ..................................................................... (437)2009 Bourgogne Rouge, Leroy ............................................................ (616),(617)1979 Chorey Les Beaune, Leroy ..................................................................... 434Gevrey Chambertin, Leroy ............................................................... 435,4362004 Vosne Romanee, Leroy ................................................... (178),479,480,481MEO CAMUZET2006 Clos Vougeot, Meo Camuzet .................................................................. 618N. POTEL2005 Romanee St. Vivant, N. Potel .............................................................. (178)PERROT-MINOT2009 Mazoyeres Chambertin, Vieilles Vignes, Perrot-Minot .................... 619,620PONSOT2007 Chapelle Chambertin, Ponsot .................................................................. 621RHONECHATEAU DE BEAUCASTEL1995 Chateauneuf du Pape, Hommage a Jacques Perrin, Chateau de Beaucastel....................................................................................................... (180)1998 Chateauneuf du Pape, Hommage a Jacques Perrin, Chateau de Beaucastel....................................................................................................... (180)1999 Chateauneuf du Pape, Hommage a Jacques Perrin, Chateau de Beaucastel....................................................................................................... (180)2000 Chateauneuf du Pape, Hommage a Jacques Perrin, Chateau de Beaucastel....................................................................................................... (180)DOMAINE DU PEGAU2003 Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvee Inspiration, Domaine du Pegau ............... 180AE. GUIGAL2000 Condrieu, La Doriane, E. Guigal .......................................................... (181)2001 Condrieu, La Doriane, E. Guigal .......................................................... (181)1998 Cote Rotie, Chateau d’Ampuis, E. Guigal ............................................. (181)1999 Cote Rotie, Brune et Blonde, E. Guigal ................................................ (181)Cote Rotie, Chateau d’Ampuis, E. Guigal ............................................. (181)Cote Rotie, La Landonne, E. Guigal ..................................................... (181)Cote Rotie, La Mouline, E. Guigal ....................................................... (181)2000 Cote Rotie, La Landonne, E. Guigal ..................................................... (181)Cote Rotie, La Mouline, E. Guigal ....................................................... (181)Cote Rotie, La Turque, E. Guigal ......................................................... (181)2001 Cote Rotie, Brune et Blonde, E. Guigal ................................................ (181)Cote Rotie, La Mouline, E. Guigal ....................................................... (181)2003 Cote Rotie, La Landonne, E. Guigal ....................................................... 110Cote Rotie, La Turque, E. Guigal ........................................................... 1132005 Cote Rotie, La Mouline, E. Guigal ................................................... 111,1121979 Cotes du Rhone, E. Guigal ................................................................... (181)1998 Cotes du Rhone, E. Guigal ................................................................... (181)2000 Cotes du Rhone, E. Guigal ................................................................... (181)1999 Hermitage, E. Guigal ........................................................................... (181)E. MAHLER1945 Chateauneuf du Pape, E. Mahler ............................................................. 399H. BONNEAU2001 Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvee Marie Beurrier, H. Bonneau .................... (182)Chateauneuf du Pape, H. Bonneau ....................................................... (182)M. CHAPOUTIER1999 Cote Rotie, La Mordoree, M. Chapoutier ............................................. (501)Ermitage, Le Pavillon, M. Chapoutier ..................................................... 502Ermitage, L’Ermite, M. Chapoutier ....................................................... (503)2008 Ermitage, Le Meal, M. Chapoutier ....................................................... (503)Ermitage, Le Pavillon, M. Chapoutier ..................................................... 504Ermitage, L’Ermite, M. Chapoutier ....................................................... (501)P. JABOULET2009 Hermitage, La Chapelle, P. Jaboulet ..................................... 68,69,(70),(71)SPAINARTADI2001 Rioja, Pagos Viejos, Artadi .................................................................. (183)DOMINIO DE PINGUS1999 Dominio de Pingus ............................................................................... (183)2003 Dominio de Pingus ............................................................................... (183)VEGA SICILIA UNICO2000 Vega Sicilia Unico ............................................................................... (183)WHITE BORDEAUXCHATEAU D’YQUEM208 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

1929 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 4131945 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 4141948 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 4151975 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 6861976 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 3021986 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................... 651988 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ................................................ 99,303,304,3051989 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 1001990 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ....................................... 101,306,307,308,3091996 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .......................................................... (66),(67)1997 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ............................................................ 595,5962000 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ................................................................ (161)2001 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ..................................................... 102,103,1622003 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes ................................................................ (163)CHATEAU HAUT BRION BLANC1955 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ......................................................... 3921988 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ....................................................... (597)1998 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ................................................ 598,(599)2005 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves .................................................. 164,508CHATEAU LAVILLE HAUT BRION1997 Chateau Laville Haut Brion, Graves .......................................... 600,601,602WHITE BURGUNDYCOMTE LAFON1999 Meursault, Perrieres, Comte Lafon ......................................................... 439DOMAINE DE LA ROMANEE CONTI1979 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 3951982 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 6951985 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 3961989 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 3612001 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 4402002 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 4412004 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 4422005 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 179,4432006 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 444,477DOMAINE LEFLAIVE1962 Chevalier Montrachet, Domaine Leflaive ................................................ 3971986 Chevalier Montrachet, Domaine Leflaive ................................................ 3982007 Chevalier Montrachet, Domaine Leflaive ......................................... 511,622LEROY1999 Meursault, Perrieres, Leroy .................................................................. (438)Large FormatsCHAMPAGNELOUIS ROEDERER VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE2002 Louis Roederer Vintage Champagne, Cristal .......................................... 697SALON VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1995 Salon Vintage Champagne, Le Mesnil ............................................. 123,1241997 Salon Vintage Champagne, Le Mesnil .................................................. (514)VEUVE CLICQUOT VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE1990 Veuve Clicquot Vintage Champagne, La Grande Dame ................... 132,133ITALYSOLDERA2004 Brunello di Montalcino, Riserva, Soldera ............................................... 528TENUTA DELL’ ORNELLAIA2008 Masseto, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia ............................................................... 654TENUTA SAN GUIDO1985 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................... 6551991 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1992 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1993 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1994 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ...................................... (538A),(539),657,6581995 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)1997 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)1998 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)1999 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ...................................... (538A),(539),659,6602000 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................. (538A),(539),6612001 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................. (538A),(539),6622002 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)2003 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ............................................................. (538A)2004 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)2005 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido .................................................... (538A),(539)2010 Sassicaia, Tenuta San Guido ................................................................ (539)RED BORDEAUXCHATEAU ANGELUS2005 Chateau Angelus, St. Emilion ................................................................. 446CHATEAU AUSONE1982 Chateau Ausone, St. Emilion .................................................................. 687CHATEAU CHEVAL BLANC2005 Chateau Cheval Blanc, St. Emilion ......................................................... 449CHATEAU CLINET2005 Chateau Clinet, Pomerol ...................................................................... (450)CHATEAU HAUT BRION1993 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ................................................................... 2061996 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ....................................................................... 81998 Chateau Haut Brion, Graves ....................................................................... 9CHATEAU HOSANNA2005 Chateau Hosanna, Pomerol .................................................................. (451)CHATEAU LA CONSEILLANTE2000 Chateau La Conseillante, Pomerol ............................................................ 13CHATEAU LA POINTE1961 Chateau La Pointe, Pomerol ................................................................. (390)Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com209

CHATEAU LAFITE ROTHSCHILD1954 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 4051959 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................. 377,3781990 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ (78)2001 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 1412003 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... 80,81,1422004 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ................................................... 29,1432005 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ............................................... 30,31,1442006 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Pauillac ........................................................ 342CHATEAU LAFLEUR2005 Chateau Lafleur, Pomerol .............................................................. 145,(146)CHATEAU LATOUR1929 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ......................................................................... 3801995 Chateau Latour, Pauillac ...................................................................... 251ACHATEAU LE PIN1995 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 4071998 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 5631999 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1902001 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 1922007 Chateau Le Pin, Pomerol ........................................................................ 150CHATEAU L’EGLISE CLINET1998 Chateau L’Eglise Clinet, Pomerol ............................................................. 11CHATEAU LEOVILLE LAS CASES1996 Chateau Leoville Las Cases, St. Julien ...................................................... 37CHATEAU L’EVANGILE1990 Chateau L’Evangile, Pomerol ............................................................... (140)CHATEAU LYNCH BAGES1982 Chateau Lynch Bages, Pauillac ............................................................... 383CHATEAU MARGAUX1948 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................... 4091959 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ................................................................... 6911995 Chateau Margaux, Margaux ..................................................................... 89CHATEAU MONTROSE2008 Chateau Montrose, St. Estephe ............................................................ (151)CHATEAU MOUTON ROTHSCHILD1964 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ..................................................... 4101975 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .............................................. 700,7011995 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac .............................................. 278,2791996 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ....................................................... 441998 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ....................................................... 452002 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ..................................................... (96)2003 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ....................................................... 462004 Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac ....................................................... 47CHATEAU PALMER2005 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 459CHATEAU PAPE CLEMENT1996 Chateau Pape Clement, Graves .............................................................. (58)CHATEAU PAVIE2000 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion ..................................................................... 5822005 Chateau Pavie, St. Emilion ..................................................................... 463CHATEAU PETRUS1989 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol ......................................................................... 4832005 Chateau Petrus, Pomerol .................................................................... 98,583CHATEAU PICHON BARON2003 Chateau Pichon Baron, Pauillac ............................................................. (57)CHATEAU PICHON LALANDE1996 Chateau Pichon Lalande, Pauillac .......................................................... (58)CHATEAU PONTET CANET2006 Chateau Pontet Canet, Pauillac .............................................................. (59)PAVILLON ROUGE DU CHATEAU MARGAUX2005 Pavillon Rouge du Chateau Margaux, Margaux ...................................... 411RED BURGUNDYCHATEAU DE LA TOUR2010 Clos Vougeot, Chateau de la Tour .......................................................... 607DOMAINE DE LA ROMANEE CONTI1969 Richebourg, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 4221971 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 3562003 Romanee Conti, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ..................................... 424H. JAYER1999 Vosne Romanee, Cros Parantoux, H. Jayer ............................................. 360RHONEDOMAINE DU PEGAU2003 Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvee Inspiration, Domaine du Pegau ............... 180AWHITE BORDEAUXCHATEAU D’YQUEM1990 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 1012001 Chateau d’Yquem, Sauternes .................................................................. 103CHATEAU HAUT BRION BLANC1955 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ......................................................... 3921988 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ....................................................... (597)1998 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc, Graves ................................................ 598,(599)WHITE BURGUNDYDOMAINE DE LA ROMANEE CONTI1989 Montrachet, Domaine de la Romanee Conti ............................................ 361DOMAINE LEFLAIVE2007 Chevalier Montrachet, Domaine Leflaive ................................................ 5112009 Chateau Palmer, Margaux ...................................................................... 581210 Acker Merrall & Condit (Asia) Ltd. 1902B, 19/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St., Central, Hong Kong ∙ Tel. +852.2525.0538 ∙ Fax +852.2525.0598 ∙ Email: info@ackerasia.com

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