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n o t e s12People’s Park: Birth and Survival, By Ibid, 48. W. J. Rorabaugh (Berkeley at War,Jon David Cash, PP 8–29139) describes the Joy of Cooking as a groupunique among Bay Area bands because itCaption sources: Wendy Marian Schlesinger, “played mainly in Berkeley” and “its two“People’s Park, April 20, 1969–May 15, songwriters and lead singers were women.”1969: 26 Days That Shook Our World” Rorabaugh notes that Joy of Cooking “wasin The Whole World’s Watching: Peace and lionized locally for its feminist message.”Social Justice Movements of the 1960s and 131970s (Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Art Center, Griffith, “People’s Park,” 15.2001), 105–112; Interview with Wendy14 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48; Rorabaugh,(Schlesinger) Stevens, Aug. 31, 2010, Berkeley;Stew Albert, Berkeley Barb, Apr. 18,15Berkeley at War, 84–85.1969; “People’s Park: Free for All,” Berkeley “Stew Albert”—Wikipedia, the freeBarb, Apr. 25–May 1, 1969; W. J. Rorabaugh,encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley at War: The 1960s (New York:Stew_Albert; Judith Clavir Albert and StewartOxford University Press, 1989), 157.Edward Albert, The Sixties Papers: Documentsof a Rebellious Decade (New York: Praeger,1 Sim Van der Ryn, “Building a People’s 1984), xix; Stew Albert, Who the Hell is StewPark,” in The Troubled Campus: Current Albert? (Los Angeles: Red Hen Press, 2004),Issues in Higher Education, ed. G. Kerry 32–71; Kirkpatrick Sale, SDS: The Rise andSmith (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., Development of the Students for a Democratic1970), 70.<strong>Society</strong> (New York: Random House, 1973),2 Robert Scheer, “Dialectics of Confrontation:Who Ripped Off the Park,” Ramparts46; Jerry Rubin, Do It! Scenarios of the Revolution(New York: Touchstone, 1970), 26.(Aug. 1969): 43; Peter Allen, “Violent16 “Stew Albert”—Wikipedia; Albert, WhoDesign: People’s Park, Architectural Modernism,and Urban Renewal,” ISSC Fellows Governor, The “People’s Park,” 4; Todd Gitlin,the Hell is Stew Albert?, 56–99; Office of theWorking Papers, UC Berkeley (Berkeley, CA: The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage (NewInstitute for the Study of Social Change, York: Bantam Books, 1987), 211.2007), http://escholarship.org/uc/item/ 176vz4s7jj, 10.“Truthing: About the Author,” http://www.truthing.net/author.asp; Scheer, “Dialectics,”3 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 43.48.4 Rorabaugh, Berkeley at War: The 1960s, 145. 18 Rorabaugh, Berkeley at War, 19–37; MiltonViorst, Fire in the Streets: America in5 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 44; Winthrop Griffith,“People’s Park—270’ x 450’ of Confrontation,”New York Times Magazine (Junethe 1960s (New York: Simon and Schuster,1979), 285–99.29, 1969): 5–6; Frederick Berry, Thomas 19 Rorabaugh, Berkeley at War, 38–41; Viorst,Brooks, and Eugene Cummins, “The BerkeleyPark: Terror in a Teapot,” Nation (June ernor, The “People’s Park,” 3, 5.Fire in the Streets, 300–2; Office of the Gov-23, 1969): 784.20 Sale, SDS, 376–77.6 Allen, “Violent Design,” 15; Scheer,21“Dialectics,” 46; Berry et al., “The BerkeleyPark,” 784; “The Battle of Berkeley,”Office of the Governor, The “People’sPark,” 4; Rorabaugh, Berkeley at War, 99,National Review (June 17, 1969): 579.109, 148, 155.227 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 44, 46; John R.Fat Bill and Me, “Super Joel Tornabene,Coyne, Jr., “Positively the Last Word onPeople’s Park, and Berkeley in the Earlythe People’s Park,” National Review (Oct. 7,70s,” fatbillandme.blogspot.com/…/protest-photos-super-joel-or-hibiscus.html;1969), 1025.Paul Krassner, “Tom Waits Meets Super8 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 46; Berry et al., Joel,” www.counterpunch.org/krassner/02022008.html;Daniel Walker, Rights“The Berkeley Park,” 784; Allen, “ViolentDesign,” 19–20.in Conflict (New York: Bantam Books, 1968),9 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48; Griffith, “People’six., 89–90; Abbie Hoffman, Revolution forPark,” 15.the Hell of It (New York: Dial Press, 1968),133.10 Ibid.23 In his study of the 1960s protest of youth,11 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48. Kenneth Keniston described “two polesof dissent,” separate groups that Kenistonlabeled as the “politically active” and “culturallyalienated.” Kenneth Keniston, Youth andDissent: The Rise of a New Opposition (NewYork: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1971),143.24 “The Street People,” Time (May 23, 1969):27; Office of the Governor, The “People’sPark,” 2–3; Rorabaugh, Berkeley at War, 156;Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48.25 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48; WendySchlesinger, “Sod,” in Wendy Schlesinger,“Young Girl’s Diary—Berkeley 1968–1969,”http://www.peoplespark.org/sod.html.26 Scheer, “Dialectics,” 48.27 William Brand, “People’s Park AdvocateSuccumbs to Cancer,” Oakland Tribune, Feb.8, 2006; Albert and Albert, Sixties Papers,434–36; Albert, Who the Hell is Stew Albert?,101; “People’s Park”–Wikipedia; RichardBrenneman, “The Bloody Beginnings ofPeople’s Park,” Berkeley Daily Planet, Apr.20, 2004.28 F. J. Bardacke, “Who Owns the Park?:A Leaflet,” Berkeley Barb, May 9, 1969,reprinted in Albert and Albert, SixtiesPapers, 437–38; Scheer, “Dialectics,” 49;John A. Coleman, “The People, The Police,and the Park,” America (June 7, 1969): 668.29 “The People’s Park,” Newsweek (May 26,1969): 39; Allen, “Violent Design,” 28–29;Van der Ryn, “Building a People’s Park,”68; Berry et al., “The Berkeley Park,” 785;Griffith, “People’s Park,” 5; San FranciscoChronicle, May 16, 1969.30 Brand, “People’s Park Advocate.” Thechasm that once existed in the Bay Areabetween political activists and the counterculturecan best be illustrated by their intersectionat two important events. First, inOctober 1965, the Vietnam Day Committeewelcomed to Berkeley a crowd of 10,000–15,000 for Vietnam Day, a massive teach-inopposing the war. Ken Kesey, author ofOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and a localcountercultural icon who had popularizedthe use of LSD with a series of “acid tests,”was an invited speaker. Taking the stagewith a harmonica and playing “Home onthe Range,” pausing periodically to accusethe VDC of “playing their game” by makingspeeches and planning marches, he finallyadvised antiwar activists that the only way tostop the war was simply to turn their backson it and walk away. Later, in January 1967,the counterculture staged a Human Be-Inat San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, wherea crowd of 20,000–50,000 gathered and

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