Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information


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Ç Ç Ç Ç<br />

Well here we are at the top of the summer season<br />

while writing this editorial we were told that it was<br />

going to be 30 degree and how right they were it was<br />

even touching 31 or 32, but we were told it was going<br />

to hotter in London, but only for a day or so. We do<br />

very much hope that you did get the Rasala safely as<br />

one came back we corrected that and sent it back.<br />

When we sent the last issue number 66 put included a<br />

slip in the envelope which said if you are receiving this<br />

Rasala then please do let us know other wise we<br />

might not send you another, thinking that you might<br />

not have had the last one, we don’t wish to be in any<br />

doubt thinking you did get it and in return you did not<br />

get it as you are in the thought may be he has not sent<br />

it. So please do reply if you are getting the Rasala.<br />

Even after the second or the third issue.<br />

We are taking all these decision as the cost of the<br />

Rasala is going up very fast; we no longer have<br />

annual members. So if you would like to receive this<br />

|Rasala then please send us a cheque for £51 or go to<br />

our new website www.bhatsangatsandesh.com and<br />

you can download our new issues you can down load<br />

them then, or send us your Email address and we will<br />

send you a PDF copy why the internet. We are doing<br />

all this because we want to reduce our cost, as if we<br />

can send 10 Rasala by email that will save us £4.<br />

Anyway once again we are at your service and are<br />

hoping that you are well along with your family. You<br />

will be glad to read that this issue of the Rasala has<br />

been sponsored by our dear Brother S. Harcharan<br />

Singh as well as his brother S. Jaswant Singh, S.<br />

Arjan Singh Digpal and the Family of the late S.<br />

Parduman Singh as well as the families of all brothers.<br />

In remembrance to their Dear Father the Late S.<br />

Lakha Singh Digpal on his 25 th anniversaries and dear<br />

mother Mata Jogindar Kaur on her 15 th anniversaries.<br />

For which we would like to thank all the Digpal families<br />

and pray for the soul of the departed parents.<br />

The next issue of the Rasala is going to be sponsored by<br />

our brother Amarjeet Singh Ji Potiwal of Cardiff. If any of<br />

our kind brother or sister wish to sponsor the Rasala<br />

after that then can they kindly let us know as soon as<br />

possible so that we may book the same in their name.<br />

We would like to point respectfully that if this Rasala is<br />

running then it only running because all of your help that<br />

all of our readers are providing which we cannot do<br />

without. So phone us today to book one the next Rasala<br />

soon.<br />

In the letter section you will read a letter from our<br />

brother in Portsmouth who is saying that some of our<br />

lad from the community is putting different stuff on the<br />

YouTube, face book or the twitter lots of different thing<br />

about the Bradri which I am told is not a very good<br />

thing to do. Can I urge to those brothers of mine to<br />

refrain from doing that.<br />

If they got some thing against some families then they<br />

should write to us and we will print if is printable as<br />

this is a Rasala which is only being circulated within<br />

the <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> community. We should not throw insult<br />

at each other in public.<br />

This is why I would like to ask all of our <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

<strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s to get together and do things collectively and<br />

not on our own, because at the present moment the left<br />

hand does not know what is the right hand is doing.<br />

I am not saying that they should not pass any<br />

thing that they want to better the situation in all of our<br />

community but to let other <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s know what you have<br />

decided and why so that every other <strong>Gurdwara</strong> will know<br />

what you have decided and why. Really speaking it does<br />

not matter what different issues you have decided on,<br />

like the Janjh, Janjis, dowry, coaches etc, etc. But also<br />

to write to the rest of the <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s. And we will all<br />

know.<br />

Our readers will be very pleased to read that we have<br />

now put 5 new issues of our Rasala on our new<br />

website in a week or two we will upload the issue 67<br />

there as well. The address of the new website is<br />

www.<strong>Bhat</strong>sangatsandesh.com<br />

When I was in Nottingham few weeks a go I heard in<br />

there that one of our brother has started or developed<br />

www.bhatsikhrishta.com I found out that he his from<br />

London, Maybe if he writes to us to explain how it works<br />

we can included in our Rasala. Another one of our<br />

brother in Southampton has got some sort of<br />

matchmaker going but we still don’t know who it is. And<br />

we have not seen any thing of it. It would have been<br />

better to work together.<br />

Because now we have also developed a website called<br />

www.bhatsangatrishta.com and as soon as it is up and<br />

running we will put the <strong>information</strong> of any one seeking to<br />

have a match free of charge. So quickly send yours or<br />

your children <strong>information</strong> with your name and address<br />

and telephone all that will not be put on the website.<br />

We are also looking for those people who do catering,<br />

DJ, Balloons, Bhangra group, Singing Group s like<br />

Alaap and other as well as video maker Photographers<br />

to come and advertise their name on our website called<br />

www.bhatsangatrishta.com. And can they send us an<br />

email to find out how much for how long to put their<br />

organisation on our web site. Can I say that please do<br />

keep an eye open for our Rishta website called<br />

www.bhatsangatrishta.com and as quickly as you can<br />

send us the <strong>information</strong> of your children that you wish to<br />

marry and see how quickly they will be able to find a<br />

match and it is all free but you have to send the<br />

<strong>information</strong> in a letter and with your name and<br />

addresses which will not be included on the website.<br />

Any Donations towards it will of course be welcome<br />

nothing compulsory.<br />

We wish to ask all of our younger generation to please<br />

do write to us with your thoughts as to what do you think<br />

of our Rasala <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> Sandesh, what else should it<br />

include and maybe what you feel should not be in there.<br />

At the end of the day we won’t know if you do not write<br />

to us. So really speaking I am looking out for some sort<br />

of communication from all of you. Because now you will<br />

be able to down load what ever, which ever Rasala from<br />

our website. So now we are going to have one website<br />

for your comments and letters and that one will be the<br />

one below www.bhatsangat.com our readers will be<br />

able to send in their letters and views to be uploaded on<br />

this website for every one to read. So come on send us<br />

your thoughts, comments on any thing you like as long<br />

as it is not a contention, we will up load them for every<br />

one to see and we should have this up and running in<br />

three or four weeks time. Looking forwards to receiving<br />

your letters and comments, while I remain Guru <strong>Sangat</strong><br />

di Charandhoor, Jaswant Singh Jas. Chief Editor <strong>Bhat</strong><br />

<strong>Sangat</strong> Sandesh Cardiff. p10.<br />

quhwfI ipAwr dy kksrDWjlI nwl iBjI ipAwr p`qrkw imlI<br />

Ç<br />

Bwt sMgq sMdyS<br />

Bwt sMgq sMdyS dy hrmn ipAwry cIP AYfItr vIr<br />

jsvMq isMG js jI Aqy Awp jI dy swry ipAwry kmytI dy<br />

kMm krn vwly mYNbrW nMU ipAwr BrI Pqih prvwn hovy<br />

kuldIp isMG idhwqI dy vloN[sB qoN pihlW Kwlsw pMQ dy<br />

jnm idn ivswKI dy SuB idhwVy dIAW l`K l`K vDweIAW<br />

pRvwn krnIAW Aqy hux vIr jI ShIdw dy isrqwj guruU<br />

Arjn dyv jI dI ShIdI bwry iek gIq ilKky ByijAw<br />

hY[ ies dy nwl nwl iek hor kivqw jo hr ienswn dy<br />

nwl vKo v`K Fukn vwly kul q`Q hn jo vwikAw hI s`cy<br />

hn Aqy jo cldy hI Aw rhy hn Aor AgW qoN vI cldy<br />

hI rihxgy[vswKI dy leI vI iek kivqw ByjnI sI pr<br />

tweIm hI nhIN l`gw Aqy hux smW lMg igAw hY[ hor<br />

ipAwry vIr jI do kivqwvW mYN pihlW vI ByjIAW sn jdoN<br />

Awp jI vqn gey hoey swau auh nhIN CpIAW[ dws ny<br />

ds poNf dw postl Awrfr ByijAw hY mYNbr iSp dy leI<br />

so prvwn krnw jI[ hor Awp jI jo Bwt isK gurduAwrw<br />

kONsl bnw rhy swau aus dw kI ku`J binAw hY jW nhIN<br />

iehvI iek mhwn kMm hY jy kr ho jwvy[ jy kr koeI<br />

glq lPz iliKAw igAw hovy qW Anjwn smJ ky mwP<br />

krnw jI SuB icMqk kuldIp isMG idhwqI]<br />

vIr kuldIp isMG jIE siq sRI Akwl prvwn krnI[<br />

mYN qW soicAw sI swfy vIr jI ikqy Swied rus hI gey<br />

hhn jo kivqw vgYrw ilKky vI hux nhIN Byj rhy[jo<br />

SSwier huMdw hY aus nMU hor ku`J nhIN isrP AwpxI SwierI<br />

iilKx Aqy pbilS krwaux dw hI SOk huMdw hY rotI BwvyN<br />

iiek Ad fMg dI BwvyN ims hI ho jwvy qy iek AYfy mhwn<br />

hsqI dy ilKwrI huMidAw hoieAW Awp jI vloN ieh<br />

iiliKAw nhIN jicAw ik vswKI dI kivqw ByjnI sI pr<br />

ttweIm nhIN l`gw[Awp jhy iek mhwn ilKwrI huMidAW<br />

iieh nW A`gy qoN ilKxw ik tweIm nhIN imilAw tweIm<br />

isr jo kivqw Aw jwvy qy Cp jwvy PbdI auhI hY Awp jI<br />

ddI guruU Arjn dyv jI dI kivqw vswKI dy bwd hI Aw<br />

jjwnI cwhIdI sI[Awp jI dIAW jo ByjIAW do kivqW nhIN<br />

iimlIAW auhnW nMU Pyr Byj dyxw qy AsI zrUr Cwp idAW<br />

gy[ Awp jI dy Byjy ds pONfW dw postl Awfr iml<br />

iigAw hY[ijs nMU AsI shwieqw iv`c drj kr ilAw hY<br />

ikauNik AsI slwnw mYNbriSp bMd hI kr id`qI hY qy nw<br />

hhI swfy pws koeI slwnw mYNbr isMp hY hI[qy nW hI AsI<br />

hhux iksy nMU AYNvy hI rswlw Byjnw vI bMd kr id`qw hY<br />

AsI ilKky Byj id`qw hoieAw hY ik ijs ny mYNbr bnxw<br />

hhY qy ies rswly nMU Awpxy Gr mMgwauxw hY auh £51<br />

llweIP mYNbr iSp Byj dyx AsI iksy nMU vI mYNbr iSp dw<br />

Xwd p`qr nhIN Byjnw cWhuMdy ky iksyy dw slwnw mYNbr<br />

iSp Kqm ho geI hY[vvIr jI swnMU Awp jI qy bhuq mwn<br />

hY qy ies leI iehnW ku`J Awp jI dI qrP ilK rhy<br />

hhW,prwieAW nMU koeI ikvyN ilK skdw hyY[ so swnMU pUrI<br />

AAws hY ik qusI swfy pws kvqwvW dw iek Kjwnw jmw<br />

kkr dyvogy qW ik AsI tweIm isr jo kivqw FukdI hY aus<br />

nnMU Cwp skIey[ ikrpw krky A`gy qoN ieh nw ilKnw ik<br />

ttweIm nhIN imilAw[jzbwqI jzbwqI jy kr izAwdw<br />

iliKAw igAw hovy qW Awpxw hI vIr smJ ky iKmw kr<br />

ddyxw qy A`gy qoN tweIm ivcoN tweIm kfky p`qrkw jldI<br />

ppwaux dI ikrpwlqw krnI jI[ quhwfw Awpxw vIr<br />

jsvMqq isMG js cIP AYfItr Bwt sMgq sMdyS kwrifP]<br />

qrj<br />

pRdysIE sy<br />

nw AKIAW<br />

mUhoN ikaNu nhIN boldw qUM rwvI idAw pwnIAW<br />

ds myry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwxIAW[<br />

kwiem rKI idl qYQoN jrIAW nhI jwnIAW,<br />

2 qYnMU dsW gl A`j kyVI kyVI Kolky,<br />

hoieAw jo lwhOr au`qy dsW jy mYN Polky[<br />

dsW qYnMU mwhI dIAW KOlky khwnIAW[<br />

2 jyT dw mhInw h`d qp ny mukweIAw,<br />

dUjI Aq pwpI ies cMdU ny vI JweIAw[<br />

sun sun glW gu`sw KwdIAW hrwnIAW,<br />

dsW qyryy mwhI dIAW Kol ky khwnIAW[<br />

ryq pweI sIs A`g QilauN mcweI Aw,<br />

dUjy pwsy dyg q`qy pwnI dI cVweI Aw[<br />

ijhdy iv`c bYT pRIqm pVnIAw nI bwnIAW,<br />

dsW qyry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwnIAW[<br />

sunky qy B`j nMUh cMdU dI vI AweI Aw,<br />

rihmqw dy vwlI ds Kyf kI rcweI Aw[<br />

eys pwpI sOry dIAW jVW nhIEN rihnIAw,<br />

dsW qyry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwnIAW[<br />

mIAw mIr AWKy huxy prlo ilAW idAW,<br />

id`lI qy lwhOr dIAW mYN t`kVW BVwh idAW[<br />

qyrIAW ieh rmJw sweIAW iksy vI nw jwnIAw,<br />

dsW qyry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwnIAW[<br />

BwnI jI dw lwl AYsw Drm inBwh igAw,<br />

myly auh ShIdW vwly j`g auqy lw igAw[<br />

‘idhwqI’ j`g Bu`ly gw nhIN ieh Amr khwnIAW,<br />

dsW qyry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwnIAW[<br />

mUhoN ikau nhIN boldw qUM rwvI idAw pwnIAW<br />

ds myry mwhI dIAW Kolky khwxIAW[<br />

kMm ey<br />

dovyN kivqW vloN<br />

A`gy nMU vDnw jvwnw dw kMm ey s:kuldIp isMG<br />

rihxw At`l ctwnw dw kMm ey jI ‘idhwqI’<br />

qIrW nMU Cfnw kmwnw dw kMm ey nOitMGMm<br />

qubwhI mcwnI quPwnw dw kMm ey<br />

mr K`t KVnw bwbwnw dw kMm ey<br />

qy murdy jlwnw mswnw dw kMm ey<br />

GumMfw c’ rihxw gumwnw dw kMm ey<br />

krnw zulm kihrvwnw dw kMm ey<br />

krnI md`q myhrbwnw dw kMm ey<br />

slwhxw hunr kdrdwnw dw kMm ey<br />

sdw bkdy rihxw indwnw dw kMm ey<br />

glqI krwauxI ienjwxw dw kMm ey<br />

qy Awips c’lVnw ihvwnw dw kMm ey<br />

bnwxw imtwxw jbwnw dw kMm ey<br />

Awpxy hI bolW ibAwnw dw kMm ey<br />

syvw krauxI mihmwnw dw kMm ey<br />

qy krnI syvw mIzbwnw dw kMm ey<br />

sdw cldy rihxw jmInw dw kMm ey<br />

sdw vrdy rihxw Asmwnw dw kMm ey<br />

sdw Juldy rihxw JMifAW inSwnw dw kMMm ey<br />

nw kdy Kqm hoxW dwsqwnw dw kMm ey<br />

vMfnI sdw mihk gulsqwnw dw kMm ey<br />

is`Dy rwh qy pwauxw purwnw dw kMm ey<br />

jW vydW gRMQw kurwnw dw kMm ey<br />

nw KuMJnw kdy swvDwnw dw kMm ey<br />

clnw smJ bu`DIvwnw dw kMm ey<br />

qy vqn auqoN mrnw mhwnw dw kMm ey<br />

bhuq socnw socvwnw dw kMm ey<br />

v`wh kivqw ‘idhwqI’ aufwnw dw kMm ey<br />

idhqI jI<br />

kmwl kr<br />

C`fI jy!<br />

‘js’<br />


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