Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information


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IbI srDWjlI suirMdr kOr bwdl jI nMU srdWjlI<br />

Ç<br />

Lok AwKdy hn ik hr kwmXwb<br />

AwdmI dy ip`Cy iek sUjvwn AOrq<br />

dw vI h`Q zrUr huMdw hY[ieho gl<br />

suirMdr kOr dI hI sI[pMjwb dI<br />

isAwsq iv`c ipCly 50 swlW iv`c<br />

cwr vwrI muK mMqrI bxky rwj kr<br />

rhy sR: pRkwS isMG bwdl dI kwmXwbI ip`Cy aunHW<br />

dI Drm pqnI suirMdr kOr bwdl dw hI h`Q<br />

sI[iehnW dw jnm ipMf Piqh isMG vwlw iv`c 26<br />

jUn 1938 hoieAw, iehnW ny imfl q`k dI pVHweI<br />

pitAwly ivcoN bI ey Aqy AYm. ey dI ifgrI jlMDr<br />

qoN kIqI[ 1959 iv`c 21 swlW dI aumr iv`c bIbI<br />

suirMdr kOr dI SwdI 37 swlW dy bwdl jI nwl<br />

hoeI[bIbI bwdl ny Awpxy pqI sR: bwdl hI nhIN<br />

blik Awpxy pu`qr suKbIr isMG bwdl Aqy Awpxy<br />

BqIjy mnpRIq isMG bwdl dI ij`qW iv`c vI Aihm<br />

ihsw pwieAw[AwpxI aumr iv`c jo bwdl jI ny<br />

jylW ktIAW ip`Cy Gr dw kMm kwj nMU clwauxw iek<br />

kTn kMm sI jo bIbI bwdl jI ny bhuq suc`jy FMg<br />

nwl clwauNdy rhy qy bwdl jI byiPkry isAwsq vl<br />

r`uJy rhy[1960 iv`c iehnW dy Gr iek lVkI hoeI<br />

ijs dw nW iehnW pRnIq kOr riKAw ijs dI SwdI<br />

pRqwp isMG kYroN dy nwl hoeI qy 1962 iv`c iehnW dy<br />

Gr suKbIr isMG bwdl ny jnm ilAw qy v`fy hoky<br />

AwpxI mwqw jI hI krky auh aup muK mMqrI bxy<br />

hn[qy hux iehnW dI nMUh hrismrq kOr bwdl dy<br />

AYm pI bnx iv`c Awp jI dw hI Xog dwn h`Q hY<br />

sI[ AsI Awpxy Bwt sMgq sMdyS dy swry swQIAW<br />

vloN iehnW nMU srdWjlIAW dyNdy hoey Ardws krdy<br />

hW ik vwihgurU iehnW nMU Awpxy crnW iv`c invws<br />

bKSy qy ip`Cy bwdl jI Aqy aunWH dy swry prvwr nMU<br />

ieh kdI vI nw Bulx vwlw sdmw sihn dw bl<br />

bKSy[jsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr<br />

jo AwieAw so clsI sB koeI AweI vwrIAY<br />

We are very sad, very sad indeed<br />

To report to our readers that our beloved niece<br />

‘queeni’ Balwindar Kaur, daughter of our late sister<br />

Hans Kaur and wife of S. Fouja Singh Roudh of<br />

Southampton has passed away on 15 th June.<br />

After fighting so many years with the dialyses<br />

Machine. She was only 57/58 years old.<br />

Her Antim Sanskar was held on Tuesday 21 st June.<br />

She has left behind her husband, five daughters and<br />

a son.<br />

We wish to portray our sympathy to our dearest<br />

Fouja Singh as well as to her five daughters and rest<br />

of her family two brothers as well as two sisters.<br />

Our prayer are that may the Waheguru portray peace<br />

on her soul and give strength and courage to her<br />

husband, daughters, son, sisters and brothers to<br />

bear her never forgetful loss. With a very heavy heart<br />

Mama Jaswant Singh Jas. Page 6<br />

Thank you for your kind letter<br />

Our dearest S. Gulab Singh Sucha Ji have written to us<br />

from Middlesbrough . Param satkar yog S. Jaswant Singh<br />

Jas Ji, Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.<br />

I am writing this letter to say that I have received the issue<br />

66 and it is very interesting to read, I am receiving the<br />

Rasala <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> Sandesh on a regularly basis and I<br />

always appreciate and value the time and the commitment<br />

and dedication that you, your self, as well as your team put<br />

in to carrying on publishing and distributing the Rasala to<br />

all the <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s as well as to your regulars<br />

members. Please carry on with your good work.<br />

In the last issue number 66 you have perhaps made a<br />

mistake when you wrote that my great grand father Bapu<br />

S. Hakam Singh Ji Taoo had three sons.<br />

But in fact he had four sons and they were<br />

S.Hakam Singh<br />

Taoo<br />

The third<br />

one was S.<br />

Veer Singh<br />

Ji Gorkha on<br />

the left and<br />

on the right<br />

is my Grand<br />

father<br />

S Hari<br />

Singh<br />

Ji<br />

Raja<br />

on the<br />

left<br />

on the<br />

right is<br />

S. Nihal Singh Ji<br />

S. Amar<br />

Singh Ji<br />

Phelwan<br />

the<br />

youngest<br />

of the<br />

four<br />

brothers<br />

Thank you, by the way for pointing that S. Hakam Singh Ji<br />

Taoo had 4 sons and that the youngest one of the four<br />

brothers was in fact your Grandfather S. Amar Singh<br />

Phelwan. But dear one I did not write that S. Hakam Singh<br />

Ji Taoo had three sons all I did write was that the first<br />

people to land in Britain was six people and those were S.<br />

Hakam Singh Ji Taoo and his three sons, Hari Singh JI<br />

Raja, S. Nihal Singh Ji and S. Veer Singh Ji Gorkha as well<br />

as S. Pashora Singh Gola and his son Khushal Singh Gola.<br />

Perhaps therefor your grandfather was busy doing<br />

Phelwani and thus he did not come with his father and<br />

brothers as the 4 th . S. Hakam Singh and his three sons and<br />

Pashora Singh and his son. That made 6.The meeting that<br />

took place on 6 th June 1939 in 8 Golding Street S. Hakam<br />

Singh Taoo and his four sons did not take part in that<br />

although 22 <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> individuals did. Then on 15 th August<br />

1939 A general Meeting took place in 8 Golding Street<br />

once again and 51 people were present but Bapu Hakam<br />

Singh Ji or his 4 sons were not in that meeting also, when<br />

they selected a name for the of the organisation called<br />

Changa <strong>Bhat</strong>ra Naujwan Sabha UK. But then when 34<br />

Indian boarded the Haroona Maroo ship on 21st June 1940<br />

S. Hakam Singh Ji was not on that list but four of his sons<br />

were not just Amar Singh Ji Phelwan but the other three<br />

brothers as well. I do hope that this clears the matter. Can I<br />

say it was great to hear from you and that you should carry<br />

on informing us say after the second or the third issue of<br />

the <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> Sandesh and let us know that the Rasala<br />

<strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> Sandesh is still coming? Today a Rasala<br />

came back from Edinburgh. We sent it back again.<br />

Bapu Hakam Singh Ji Taoo was the son of S. Buta Singh Ji<br />

Rathore and was the grandson of Khanda Singh Rathore.<br />

Question from you? Can any one enlighten you as to what<br />

does Tou, or Taoo Bapu Ji Thakalas means. Thank you.<br />

Awp srDWjlI jI dIAW ByjIAW ic`TIAW imlIAW<br />

swfy vIr s: dlyr Ç isMG jI qoqyAw vwly imflsbry qoN ilKdy hn[<br />

vIr jsvMq isMG js jI vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw vwihgurU jI<br />

kI Pqih[<br />

vIr jI swfy brwdrI dy kwPI AYsy gurduAwry hn ijnHW iv`c<br />

mIt bnxw hux bMd hoigAw hY[ aus dy bwvXUd Pyr vI keI<br />

hwlI vI AYsy Sihr jW twaux hn ij`Qy gurUu GrW dy lMgr<br />

hwlW iv`c mIt dI vrqoN kIqI jw rhI hY[ jo srw sr glq<br />

hY[ hW ieh TIk hY ik jdoN shUlqW nhIN sn,swnMU mjbUrn<br />

ivAwh SwdIAW dy iv`c mIt bnwauxw pYNdw huMdw sI,jo aus vyly vI<br />

TIk nhIN sI[ aus vkq swfy kol koeI hor cwrw nhIN sI huMdw[<br />

swfy pws hux qW hr qrHW dIAW shUlqW ho geI hn[ lyikn Ajy<br />

vI keI SihrW dy gurduAwirAW dy mYNbr hn jo lkIr dy PkIr bxy<br />

bYTy qy AwKdy hn ik jI AsI hr mhIny Fwl dyNdy hW,AYnw ku`J<br />

AwKky iek bhuq v`fw bKyVw KVw kr dyNdy hn[pr auh Fwl dw<br />

mqlb shI mYinAw iv`c nhIN jwndy ik Fwl id`qI ikauN jWdI hY[<br />

Fwl ies leI leI jWdI hY ik duK suK dy vyly swfy Awpxy GrW<br />

iv`c bYTn Klox vwsqy AYnI jgHw nhIN huMdI swry mYNbrW<br />

vwsqy ies leI gurUu Gr nMU clwaux vwsqy Aqy AwpixAW<br />

bicAw nMU is`KI Drm dsn leI Fwl lweI jWdI hY qy iesy<br />

bhwny dsvMd vI inkl jWdw hY[keI lok iehvI smJn gy<br />

jI duKw qy suKw vI iliKAw hY[auh ies vwsqy ky isrP duKw<br />

ilKx nwl Sbd cMgw nhIN lgdw ies leI dKw suKw kihMdy<br />

hW[dws dI h`Q joVI bynqI hY ik iksy vI guruU Gr dy iv`c<br />

mIt bndw hovy jW iPr bxy hoey nMU gurU Gr iv`c vrqwieAw<br />

jWdw hovy qW aus nMU bMd kr dyxw cwhIdw hY[ jo ik bhuq hI<br />

h`Cw hovygw[ swfI A`j kl dI XMg jnrySn bhuq dUr dI<br />

socdI hY auh kwPI smisAW KVIAW kr skdy hn[ auh nw<br />

hovy ik ijvyN isAwny kihMdy sn ik h`QW dIAW b`dIAW dMdw<br />

nwl KolnIAW pih jwx[dws vlON ieh bynqI hY ik ies lyK<br />

qy zrUr ivcwr krn dI ikpqlqw krky qy dws nMU DMnvwdI<br />

bnwau gy[ ikauNik mY cwhuMdw hW ik koeI vI j`QybMdI iksy vI<br />

kOm qy iksy vI iksm dw D`bw nw lw s`ky qy iksy vI prkwr<br />

dw bKyVw KVw nw kr s`ky[ ieh ku`J isrP iek do guru GrW<br />

dI hI gl nhIN kwPI gurUu Gr hn ijnHW iv`c Ajy vI mIt<br />

dI vrqoN ho rhI hY[ ies msly qy kwPI ifsiksW ho rhIAW<br />

hn[ ip`Cy jhy fflI dy iek gurduAwry Srwb Aqy mIt dy<br />

ault jlUs kiFAw igAw sI[dlyr isMG BwkV qoqyAw vwly<br />

All of our community is urged that lots of our <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s<br />

are still using meet in their Langar hall, if some of them<br />

do not cook it there but are bringing it cooked from out<br />

side and are serving it in the langar hall, this practice<br />

must stop. In the olden says we all use to do it and even<br />

that was wrong, but we had no other option at that time,<br />

but now we have all the resources within our reach that<br />

is why we should stop this practice. The younger<br />

generation of all <strong>Sikh</strong>s of today are thinking very far<br />

ahead and are filming secretly within our <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s and<br />

then are taking it in front of the media we should<br />

therefore never give them any chance to point a finger<br />

towards us. It does not matter really speaking as to who<br />

they are, what they are that should not concern us as<br />

long as we abide by the ruling as to how a <strong>Gurdwara</strong><br />

should be run and how it should function, remember our<br />

<strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s are not Dharamsalla but they have the<br />

Saroop of our eternal Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, so it is<br />

the house of the Guru and we all needs to respect it and<br />

in return the Guru as well as all the others will also<br />

respect us. Please look and digest this article very<br />

carefully among all the members of the <strong>Gurdwara</strong>.<br />

S Nelam Singh Shaan have written<br />

from Portsmouth<br />

Sardar Ji - Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru<br />

Ji Ki Fateh !<br />

Chief Editor – S. Jaswant Singh Jas Ji MBE<br />

Let's ALL unite and have one voice and a strong<br />

one. Let's hear your comments.<br />

I urge the editorial team to promote this publication<br />

and send letters to our <strong>Gurdwara</strong>’s all of them<br />

explaining the dangers of these sites encourage more<br />

articles and if it picks up then go to a monthly<br />

magazine maybe. I know there is a cost attached and<br />

hopefully with more articles will come donations<br />

which we know are gratefully received and<br />

appreciated.<br />

We all know the recent things out on You Tube and<br />

that is all wrong and lets all, stand as one to defend<br />

this.<br />

Let's encourage our youngsters to share their Khushi<br />

event through this medium our own publication - tell<br />

us all what your <strong>Gurdwara</strong> is doing or proposing to<br />

do. This magazine is for you, let's use it and stop<br />

putting things on these sites for all and sundry to<br />

comment and make detrimental remarks.<br />

It can be totally misinterpreted and becomes scandal. It<br />

puts our <strong>Bhat</strong> <strong>Sangat</strong> at great risk and please don't use<br />

them.<br />

It is great to put things on You Tube, Face book, Twitter<br />

etc - and then the next thing, what happens to that stuff<br />

when it gets into the wrong hands.<br />

I am writing to you with my concerns over these social<br />

network sites.<br />

Dear Nelam Singh Ji Sat Sri akal,<br />

Thank you for your letter but it has arrived with us<br />

with lots of ifs and buts, it seem to us that you have<br />

written to us in code word, If you felt that some one<br />

has put some thing on you tube, face book or even on<br />

twitter then it should be that you should at least did let<br />

us know as to who is putting things up on these site<br />

as you call them. We do agree that if our matters do<br />

get in to wrong hand it could problem, I am sorry but<br />

we don’t go in to looking in to you tube, face book or<br />

the twitter. It is the duty of our community that if you<br />

feel that some one has put some thing up on these<br />

sites then please do let us know so that we can at<br />

least tell our readers before they hear it from some<br />

one else. So let me urge you to keep your letters<br />

coming and to tell us as to what is happening on the<br />

internet. Did you hear that we are going to run a web<br />

site called www.bhatsangatrishta.com where we will<br />

be putting looking for a match no personal<br />

<strong>information</strong>s as we did in the Rasala.Jas. pyj 11

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