Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information

Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Council - Bhat Sangat Association information


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ijMd Drm qoN Gol Gumw gey<br />

vloN:- sR: krm isMG jI “Swq” gurUu nwnk ngr nvIN id`lI-18<br />

Xwd AweI ShIdw dy pwqSwh dI,pMcm gurUu jI BwnI dy jwey hoey ny[<br />

cuglI cuglW dI l`gI jhWgIr Agy,hukm jwlm ny sKq suxwey hoey ny[<br />

ju`mw cMdU nMU gurW dw Qwp id`qw,vyKo jwlm kI julm kmwey hoey ny[<br />

dyg aubldI ivcoN kFky qy, q`pdI loh dy au`qy bTwey hoey ny[<br />

lweI KUb smwdI sI Awp siqgur,Bwxw mMnx dy pUrny pwey hoey ny[<br />

pqw lgw nMUh cMdU dI B`j AweI,mIAW mIr jI vI auQy Awey hoey ny<br />

mIAW mIr jI vyiKAw siqgurW nMU,joS iv`c iKAwl dVwey hoey ny[<br />

myry ipAwry nMU AYnI qklIP dy ky,v`fy jwlmw zulm kmwey hoey ny[<br />

idau hukm qy id`lI lwhOr dovNy, PUk mwrky huxy aufwidAW mYN[<br />

kIqy zwlmW duStW dy kwrnwmy, sPW vYrIAW dIAW aultw idAW mYN[<br />

dwqy h`s ky ikhw PkIr sWeIN, kro zulm ieh ikvyN slwH idAW mYN[<br />

DuroN AwieAw Akwl dw hukm nwmw,Awey hukm nMU ikvyN pRqw idAW mYN[<br />

s`jw h`Q auTw ky ikhw dwqy,hukm Awp Akwl dy Awey hoey ny[<br />

swfI AwqmW nMU koeI kSt nwhIN,qusI ikauN kroD vDwey hoey ny[<br />

rmj bRhm igAwnI dI ds ky qy,SMky swry hI dUr krwey hoey ny[<br />

qwj swry ShIdW dy Awp siqgur, Swq rUp dy iv`c smwey hoey ny[<br />

jnm 18 vYswK sMmq 16 sO vI,sMn 15 sO 63 iv`c jwey hoey ny[<br />

18 swl dI aumr iv`c imlI g`dI,Sbd Awp siqgurW dy gwey hoey ny[<br />

27 swl gurg`dI nMU SoBw dy ky, piv`qr gurUu gRMQ bnwey hoey ny[<br />

kul aumr 45 swlW dI sI,Awp SromxI ShId khwey hoey ny[<br />

pMjW q`qW dw myl imlwp krky, nwl joq dy joq imlw gey ny[<br />

curwsI l`K dy gyVy nMU dUr krky, kONqk Awp AnOKw ivKw gey ny[<br />

rsqw s`c dw dsky DrmIAW nMU, bwjI s`c dy ip`Cy lgw gey ny[<br />

‘SWq’ Awp sn dyvqw SWq meI, ijMd Drm qoN Gol Gumw gey ny[<br />

AYqkI dsmyS isMG sBw gurduAwrw swihb jI ivKy ShIdI purb 26<br />

jUn nMU mnwieAw igAw sI[ikauNik 5 jUn nMU hweIf pwrk dy jlUs<br />

iv`c Swiml hox leI bhuq sMgqW lMfn clIAW geIAW sn[ ies leI<br />

gurpurb dw AKMfpwT 24 jUn nMU r`Kky 26 nMU Bog pwieAw igAw sI[<br />

pyj 14<br />

srDWjlI The Late S. Lakha Singh Ji Digpal 1919- 1986 and<br />

Late Mata ÇJogindar<br />

Kaur Ji Digpal 1918- 1996<br />

S. Lakha Singh Ji Digpal was born in a small village<br />

called Bhadewala (now in Pakistan).in 1919.<br />

He was one of the six children and was the eldest<br />

son of S. Rawel Singh Ji Digpal and Mata Sant Kaur.<br />

Being the eldest he also had many responsibilities<br />

from a very early age in his life. Therefore started<br />

working as a salesman in India selling clothes and<br />

fabrics. In 1936 he was married at the age of 17 and<br />

had five children who were all were born in India. The<br />

oldest, is Harbhajan Kaur, Pardoman Singh,<br />

Harcharan Singh, Kulwant Kaur, and Biant Kaur.<br />

Being the oldest child and with many responsibilities<br />

for the whole family he found making a good living in<br />

India was very tough, so in 1952 decided to come to<br />

Britain and try and make a new life here for himself<br />

as well as for his whole family.<br />

When he arrived in Britain he started selling clothes<br />

here as well. Having a keen interest in the property<br />

business he invested his time and money in to buying<br />

and selling and selling houses. Having setteled and<br />

established him self in UK in 1957 he brought his<br />

entire family over to UK and quickly setteled in<br />

Ipswich with his whole family.<br />

He went on to have three more children who were<br />

born in Ipswich and they were Jaswant Singh,<br />

Harsharan Kaur and Arjan Singh.<br />

Like his Father S. Lakha Singh Ji was a Puran<br />

Gursikh and a very religious man who even had a<br />

Guru Granth Sahib Ji in his own house and was a<br />

daily worshipper.<br />

In 1973 S. Lakha Singh Ji Digpal founded the first<br />

<strong>Gurdwara</strong> in Ipswich where he would recite the Guru<br />

Granth Sahib Ji to the whole of the community on, a<br />

weekly,bases on Sunday as well as on the<br />

celebrations of the Gurus Birthdays as well as to<br />

commemorate their passing away. He remained as<br />

the head priest and the president of the <strong>Gurdwara</strong><br />

when it was in cemetery road as well as Yarmouth<br />

road for many years. Above he is seen reading the<br />

Guru Granth Sahib Ji as well. Now the all of his sons<br />

S. Harcharan Singh, The late S Pardoman Singh, S.<br />

Jaswant Singh, and Arjan Singh as well as their<br />

family are remembering their Mother and father on<br />

25 th anniversary of their father S. Lakha Singh JI<br />

Digpal and 15 th anniversary of their mother Mata<br />

Jogindar Kaur Digpal by having donated an<br />

Akhanpath in their sweet memories, which started on<br />

Friday the 27 th may and Bhog was on the 29 th May<br />

which ended with Ragi Jatha conducting a manhore<br />

kirtan. Lots of money was given out by all the<br />

brothers as well as the are sponsoring this issue of<br />

the Rasala as well and £132 was also sent to the<br />

Rasala by all the sons and Grandsons for which we<br />

would like to thank all of this Digpal family and P3<br />

Would wish to pray for the Soul of the Late S. Lakha Singh<br />

Ji Digpal who past away peacefully on 24 th May 1986 and<br />

Mata Jogindar Kaur Ji passed away on 17 th December<br />

1996 may the Waheguru give them abode at his feets and<br />

may he give lots of courage to the whole of this Digpal<br />

family so that they may bear the lost of their loved ones.<br />

Jaswant Singh Jas Editor.<br />

swfy ipAwry mwqw ipqw jI<br />

ku`J lwienw dws ‘js’ vloN<br />

ipqw jI nMU:- qyrw lwieAw bUtw Aj PilAw qy PuilAw,<br />

qyrw lwieAw JMfw rihMdw hrdm ey JuilAw[<br />

qyrI Xwd hrdm hY ic`q iv`c hI rihMdI,<br />

qyry nw nMU dunIAW peI jI jI hY kihMdI[<br />

auNglI qUM PVky sI swnMU clnw sKwieAw,<br />

qyrI Xwd nMU fYf A`j hY qwjw krwieAw[<br />

kdI nhIN BulW gy swry aupkwr qyry,<br />

jo kr qUM igAW swfy leI kMm cMgyry[<br />

qyrw nw nMU roSn AsI krdy rhW gy,<br />

qyry pwey purinAW qy AsI cldy rhW gy[<br />

AwpnI ipAwrI mwqw joigMdr kOr jI nMU<br />

AmVI qUM swfI sdw Xwd AwauNdI,<br />

swfy leI jo sI lorIAW hI gwauNdI[<br />

auh AmVI sI swfI AsI aus dy jwey,<br />

ijnHyN swfy leI keI sn duKVy auTwey[<br />

ijs ny, ig`ly qy soN swnMU su`ky svwieNAw,<br />

auT ky sI vyhMdI Awpxy hI jwieAW[<br />

ikqy kpVw nw lih jwey isAwlW dI ru`qy,<br />

ikqy TMf hI nw l`gy rihx kUk su`qy[<br />

mMuh ivcoN kF kF gurwly sYN dyNdI,<br />

ifg nw pvy sdw rihMdI sW vyhMdI[<br />

mW qyry jhI koeI hor mW nhIN hoxI,<br />

qUM bhuq hI sYN cMgI qy iknI hI soxI<br />

qYnMU Xwd hrdm hI krdy hW rihMdy,<br />

rwqI sox vyly qy auTdy qy bihMdy[<br />

lok swry hrdm mW nMU Xwd krdy,<br />

AmVI vI kihMdy qy hoky vI Brdy[<br />

‘js’ ny ilKI hY ieh Amr khwxI,<br />

qUM sYN bhuq cMgI ieh s`c krky jwxI[<br />

Bwt sMgq sMdyS ey swfw<br />

vloN blbIr isMG ‘pwrs’ kwrifP shwiek AYfItr<br />

Bwt sMgq sMdyS kOmI prcw, jo hr mn ipAwrw jwpy[<br />

XU.ky qy Bwrq iv`c ies dI, aupmw mihky Awpy[<br />

Pu`lW dy vWg iKV iKV h`sy,idl sBdy ieh Bwvy[<br />

jyVHw pVdw lyK eys dy, auh hI sdky jwvy[<br />

ieh smwj dw s`cw syvk, sB nMU l`gy ipAwrw[<br />

myrI kOm dI iksmq AMdr, cmikAw iek sqwrw[<br />

kOm dy idldy drd sunyhVy, Bwt sMgq dy AMdr[<br />

syvw Kwqr ipAwr dw mMdr, vYrIAW vwsqy KMjr[<br />

iesdy sohixAW lyKW ivcoN jIvn sPlqw imldI[<br />

dyS ipAwr dw zzbw jwgy,klI iKly hr idldI[<br />

s`cy iesdy rihbr bnIey ieh swQI Albylw[<br />

ipAwr eys nwl r`jky krIey,lwvy gw ieh mylw[<br />

swrw jg jI AwieAW AwKy, suxky ies dw nwau[<br />

‘pwrs’ vloN ipAwr jodVI,pVHky lwB auTwau[

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