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ۡۡۡۡۡ ۡ ۡ ٰ ٰ ٰ ۡ ٰ ۡ ٰ ۡ ٰ ۡ ۡ ٰ ۡ ٰ ۡ ۡ Luminous Face1. Child spat into wellSayyidunā Shaykh Muhammad Bin Sulaymān Jazūlī ۡ has said, ‘I was on a journey. The time ofṢalāĥ came at a place. There was a well but no bucket andrope. I was in anxiety. Meanwhile, a girl peeped from thetop of a house and asked, ‘What are you looking for?’ Ireplied, ‘Rope and bucket.’ She asked my name. I replied:Muhammad Bin Sulaymān Jazūlī. The girl said surprisingly,‘My goodness! You are the one who is very renowned butyour condition is that you cannot even take out water fromthe well! Saying this she spat into the well. The watersuddenly and amazingly rose up. After he made Wuḍū heasked the girl, ‘Daughter! Tell me truly. How have yougot this miracle?’ She replied, ‘I recite Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī inabundance. By virtue of it, this miracle has taken place.’1

َۡۡۡۡ‏ِم‏ِمLuminous FaceSayyidunā Shaykh Muhammad Bin Sulaymān Jazūlī ۡ goes onto say, ‘Impressed by the girl I madea firm intention to write a book about Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī.’(He then wrote the book of Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabīentitled ‘Dalāil-ul-Khayrāt’.) (Sa’ādat-ud-Dārayn, pp. 159)May Allah have mercy on them and forgive us withoutaccountability for their sake!‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعوَا ٰ هلِ‏ َِ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ َُ ّۡ ني جبِ‏ ا‏َّيبِ‏ ِ‏َاهِ‏ انلنيصيهِ‏ت ٰ ‏َعَا عَلَ‏ ۡ‏َّم‏َسَ ل وَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُٓاExcellent gift for devotees of Ṣalāt -o-SalāmDear children: ! You have noticed! What a greatprivilege was granted to the Madanī girl by the blessingsof reciting Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī. She spat into the well, andthe water of the well rose. Dear children! Keep it in mindthat the Madanī girl was blessed with special grace ofAllah and was able enough to cause the water rise byspitting into the well. As for ordinary people like us, weshould not spit into any pool, pond or well. Like thatMadanī girl, we should also make a habit of sendingmore and more Ṣalāt to the Beloved and Blessed2

َۡLuminous FaceProphet ٖ . We should try our level best torecite Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī whether we are standing, walking,sitting or lying. (Ruling: If you recite Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī orany other invocation when lying, you should fold yourlegs.)Żikr-o-Durūd ĥar gĥařī wird-e-zabān raĥayMayrī fuzūl goī kī ‘ādat nikāl doMay I always make Żikr and recite Ṣalāt-‘Alan-NabīMay I be freed from the habit of useless talking‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُ2. Luminous faceThe Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ was firstfed by Sayyidatunā Bībī Āminaĥ for seven days;then by Šuwaybaĥ for few days and then bySayyidatunā Bībī Ḥalīmaĥ for two years.Regarding the holy childhood of the Beloved and BlessedProphet ٖ , Bībī Ḥalīmaĥ hasstated: ‘The beautiful and brilliant face of the BelovedProphet Muhammad ٖ used to shine somuch at night that there was no need for a lamp for lighting.One day, our neighbour Umm-e-Khawlaĥ Sa’diyaĥ asked3

َۡLuminous Faceme, ‘O Ḥalīmaĥ! A type of bright and brilliant lightemanates from your home the whole night. Do you lightfire at your home at night?’ Bībī Ḥalīmaĥ replied, ‘It is not the light of fire but that of the brilliantface of Muhammad ٖ Alam Nashraḥ, pp. 107) .’ (Derived from: TafsīrDear children! Allah Almighty has created HisBeloved Prophet Muhammad ٖ with Nūr.Our Noble Prophet ٖ is undoubtedly ahuman being but a Nūr-created one and the greatest of allhuman beings.Nūr wālā āyā ĥay ĥān Nūr lay kar āyā ĥaySāray ‘ālam mayn yeĥ daykĥo kaysā Nūr cĥāyā ĥayA great human being has come with NūrAnd has brightened the whole world with Nūr‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُ3. Blessed Hands and sick camelSayyidatunā Bībī Ḥalīmaĥ has stated: As Ientered my home with the Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ , musk began to emanate from all thehouses of the tribe Banū Sa’d. People’s hearts were filled4

Luminous Facewith affection for Beloved Mustafa ٖ . Theydeveloped so strong belief in his blessings that if anyonehad a pain in any of his body parts, he would hold theblessed hand of the Holy Prophet ٖ andplace it onto the painful area, curing it immediately bythe grace of Allah . If a camel or a goat of them fell ill,they had the Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ stroke it, curing it. (As-Sīrat-ul-Ḥalbiyaĥ, vol. 1, pp. 135)Eight astonishing miracles of Blessed HandsDear children! You have noticed the blessing of the holyhands of the Holy Prophet ٖ ! Let me tell youeight more miracles of the blessed hands of the NobleProphet ٖ :1. During a Ghazwaĥ 1 , an arrow hit an eye of SayyidunāQatādaĥ , a beloved companion, whichresulted in the eye coming out of its socket. The Healerof all Healers, the Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ took the eye in his blessed hand andplaced it into its socket. He ٖ then madeDu’ā, joining the eye to its socket perfectly and makingits vision better than even the other one.1The war in which our Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ participated himself is called a Ghazwaĥ.5

Luminous Face2. Once a Qāfilaĥ entered the blessed court of the BelovedProphet ٖ . One of the travellers of theQāfilaĥ was ill and used to have fits. Tapping hisblessed hand on the back of the patient, the Prophetof Raḥmaĥ ٖ said (whilst addressing the‘evil’ present inside the body of the patient), ‘Get out!O the enemy of Allah.’ Then the Noble Prophet ٖ stroked the face of the patient. By theblessings of this, the patient recovered and became sohealthy and handsome that no one else in the Qāfilaĥwas better than him.3. Once the Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ stroked the broken shin of a companion Sayyidunā‘Abdullāĥ Bin ‘Atīk , the broken shin healedand it seemed as if nothing had ever happened to it.4. Once the Holy Prophet ٖ stroked thechickenpox-affected face of a beloved companionSayyidunā Abyaḍ Bin Ḥammāl . His facehealed immediately. Even the spots left by chickenpoxdisappeared.5. On different occasions, the Beloved and BlessedProphet ٖ gave some companions sticks6

َۡLuminous Faceor small branches of trees with his blessed hand andthose sticks or branches turned into swords.6. Once he ٖ stroked the face of a personand it became bright and brilliant.7. Once he ٖ stroked a patient. By itsblessings, the patient became healthy and his bodybecame fragrant.8. When the Noble Prophet ٖ stroked thechest of a companion Sayyidunā ‘Ušmān Bin Abul ‘Āṣ his memory became very strong. (Al-Burĥān,pp. 373 to 397, Mulakhkhaṣan)Żarā cheĥray say pardaĥ to ĥaṫāo Yā RasūlallāĥĤamayn dīdār to apnā karāo Yā RasūlallāĥReveal your blessed and brilliant face, Yā RasūlallāĥGrant us the privilege of beholding you, Yā Rasūlallāĥ‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُ4. As if the she-camel spoke!A cousin of the Beloved and Blessed Prophet and a belovedcompanion, Sayyidunā ‘Abdullāĥ Ibn ‘Abbās has said, ‘Once the Holy Prophet ٖ 7 got

Luminous Faceseparated from his grandfather Sayyidunā ‘Abdul Muṭṭalib in a valley of Makkaĥ Mukarramaĥ. Havingsearched in vain, the grandfather came back to MakkaĥMukarramaĥ and then prayed tearfully clinging to thecurtains of the Ka’baĥ for the Beloved and Blessed Prophet ٖ to be found.Meanwhile, Abū Jaĥl, an infamous unbeliever, who wasreturning on a she-camel from the herd of his goats sawthe Beloved Prophet ٖ . Sitting his camel, hesat the Noble Prophet ٖ behind him andtried to make it get up but it did not. When he sat the HolyProphet ٖ in front of him, the camel stoodup. It is as if the camel said to Abū Jaĥl: O foolish person!He ٖ is the Imām. How can he be behind aMuqtadī!Sayyidunā ‘Abdullāĥ Ibn ‘Abbās hasfurther said, ‘As Allah Almighty made SayyidunāMūsā Kalīmullāĥ meet his motherthrough pharaoh, He made the Beloved and BlessedProphet ٖ meet his grandfather throughAbū Jaĥl. (Rūḥ-ul-Ma’ānī, Juz 30, pp. 532)8

َۡMadanī pearls from the true storyLuminous FaceDear children! Have you seen the omnipotence (i.e. power)of Allah Almighty ! Through Abū Jaĥl, Allah Almighty made his Beloved Prophet ٖ meet hisgrandfather. Certainly, Allah does whatever He wants. It has also become evident that even animals realizereverence for the Holy Prophet ٖ but to hellwith those unwise and unable human beings who do notrealize it.A perfect Walī and a true devotee of Rasūl, A’lā ḤaḍratMaulānā Shāĥ Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān has stated on page 112 of his Na’at collection ‘Ḥadāiq-e-Bakhshish’:Apnay Maulā kī ĥay bas shān ‘aẓīm jānwar bĥī karayn jin kī ta’ẓīmSang kartay ĥayn adab say taslīm payř sajday mayn girā kartay ĥaynExplanation of Kalām-e-RazaSee the glory of the Beloved Prophet ٖ !Animals revere him; stones salute him with immenserespect and trees bow down in Sajdaĥ in front of him.‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُ9

َۡLuminous Face5. The Beloved Prophet hit the ground with hisheel and spring water gushed outAbū Ṭālib who was the uncle of the Holy Prophet ٖ has said, ‘I was once present with mynephew at a place called ‘Żul-Majāz’. Suddenly I wasthirsty. I told Muhammad Mustafa ( ٖ ),‘O my nephew! I am thirsty.’ I had informed him of it inorder not to ask him for water because he had no waterbut to share my problem. Abū Ṭālib has further said, ‘Ashe ٖ listened to me, he immediately got offhis horse and said, ‘O uncle! Are you thirsty?’ I said, ‘Yes’.Listening to this, Sayyidunā Muhammad ٖ hit the ground with his blessed heel, and water gushedout. He ٖ then said to me, ‘O uncle! Drinkwater.’ So I drank the water. (Aṭ-Ṭabqāt-ul-Kubrā li-Ibn Sa’d,vol. 1, pp. 121; Ibn ‘Asākir, vol. 66, pp. 308)The joint connecting the foot to the leg is called anankle, whereas the back part of the foot below the ankle iscalled a heel.‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُ10

I was video game addict11Luminous FaceAn <strong>Islami</strong>c brother from Shakargarh district Narowal,Punjab, (Pakistan) has stated: In my childhood, I used towaste plenty of time playing video games. I did not use tooffer Ṣalāĥ regularly. Fortune smiled on me when my fatherhad me admitted to a Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ. I firstfinished the Nāẓiraĥ of the Holy Quran and then becameḤāfiẓ. In addition, I learned good manners. By theblessing of the Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ of <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong>, Ihave started offering the five-daily Ṣalāĥ regularly andwearing the Madanī dress. The one who used to miss allṢalāĥ is enjoying today even Nafl Ṣalāĥ such as Taĥajjud,Ishrāq and Chāsht.After I received the blessing of <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong>, I triedindividually upon the father of a child so that he couldalso get admitted his son to the Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ. Atfirst he refused but when I gave him my own example asto how I have started offering Ṣalāĥ regularly and wearingMadanī dress by the blessings of <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong>, whereasI used to miss Ṣalāĥ and wander pointlessly bareheadedin past, so he was inspired and had his son admitted tothe Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ where his son completed theNāẓiraĥ of the Holy Quran and is now becoming Ḥāfiẓ.

Luminous Face , By the time of the writing of this account, I amalso a student of Dars-e-Niẓāmī at a Jāmi’a-tul-Madīnaĥ.Allah karam aysā karay tujĥ pay jaĥān maynAy <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong> tayrī dĥūm machī ĥoMay Allah bless <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong> with such graceThat it becomes glorious at each and every place!Video gameDear children! You must have noticed that the child whowas a video game addict started offering Ṣalāĥ and becamea righteous and pious child by the blessings of the Madanīenvironment of a Madrasa-tul-Madīnaĥ of <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong>.You should also associate yourself with the Madanīenvironment of <strong>Dawat</strong>-e-<strong>Islami</strong> forever. Allah forbidif you are in the habit of playing video games, try yourlevel best to give it up.Loss of religion and faith through video gamesVery few children are aware of the fact that the enemiesof Islam are producing games in order to ruin the newgeneration of Islam. These games are aimed at takingMuslim children away from <strong>Islami</strong>c teachings even causinghatred in their hearts against Islam. For instance, some of12

Luminous Facethe characters of the game are shown killing thosecharacters dressed in <strong>Islami</strong>c clothing with beards, capsor turbans. Sometimes, <strong>Islami</strong>c characters are shown asterrorists, and the video game-playing person sees allthese scenes on the screen. Will these games increase ordecrease love for Islam in the heart of the video gameplayingperson? The answer of this can better be obtainedfrom one’s own conscience.Diseases caused by video gamesThe video game-playing person can suffer from eyesightweakness,cramp in muscles and headache.Terrible disasters of video gamesDue to repeatedly watching the immodestly-dressedcharacters of the video games, the cleanness of children’smind drowns into the dirty mire of shamelessness, causingthem to become addicts of unlawful gazing. Furthermore,drug dealers also have an easy access to video game clubsand many children and boys become their victims. Someare trapped so badly that they are unable to get rid of themthroughout their life. At such places, ‘dirty things’ aredone to the children. Those who go there secretly withoutinforming their family members particularly become the13

Luminous Facevictims of dirty-minded people. As a result of playing thegames full of fighting, killing and violence, children eitherlose or lack kindheartedness, tolerance and forgiveness.Influenced by watching these character-spoiling games,sometimes immature teenagers get involved in the crimesof theft, plundering, dirty things and even murder.Video games teach bloodshedVideo games often contain scenes of brutality and cruelty.In some games, some of the characters are shown kneelingbefore ‘the hero’ and begging him for mercy in an imploringmanner but he shoots them down mercilessly. In order toreach the final round, the playing person shoots everyone.There is blood everywhere and the playing one keepsenjoying all such things. In some games, the hero drivinga car runs over people. In some games, extremely terribleand horrible scenes like slaughtering humans and cuttingtheir heads off are shown. In some games, the scenes ofhouses and bridges being blown up by bombs are shown.Are all these things not harmful to the delicate and sensitiveminds of children? Of course, it will not be pointless tosay that the rapidly growing crimes in society have a verycloser link with video games.14

Luminous FaceAcknowledgment from AmericansAccording to a research carried out in America, 80% peoplelike playing games containing scenes of actions, fightingand violence. An American psychologist has said, ‘Weconsider computer games only a pastime but unfortunatelythey are taking our society to a wrong direction. We areteaching our children all those things through computergames which can be learned much later on through anyother means. Children not only become aware and familiarwith different types of modern weapons but they also learnhow to shoot humans and animals.’Fourteen admonitory incidents of curse ofvideo games(The names of people and video games are omitted.)1. Two students of 17 and 18 years of age from ColumbianHigh School murdered 12 students and a teacher on20 th April 1999. Habitual of playing a video game,both of them committed this terrible crime in thesame way as they had seen in the game.2. In April 2000, a Spanish boy murdered his parentsand a sister with ‘katana sword’ copying the hero of avideo game.15

Luminous Face3. In November 2001, an American aged 21 committedsuicide. His mother remarked that he was a videogame addict.4. In February 2003, a 16-year-old American boyinfluenced by a video game murdered a girl.5. On 7 th June 2003, an 18-year-old boy shot twopolicemen dead. Finally, he was arrested with astolen car.6. On 25 th June 2003, two American step brothers aged14 and 16 killed a 45-year-old woman and injured a16-year-old girl with a rifle. They both were imitatingwhat they had watched on a game.7. In Leicester, England, on 27 th February 2007, a 17-year-old boy took a 14-year-old boy to a park andkilled him with the repeated attacks of a hammer anda knife. After the investigation, it came out that theboy was influenced by a video game.8. On 27 th December 2004, a 13-year-old boy committedsuicide by jumping from the top of a 24-storeybuilding. He had been playing a video game for 36hours before he committed suicide.16

17Luminous Face9. In August 2005, a South Korean man kept playing avideo game for 50 hours and died whilst still playingthe game.10. In January 2006, two young boys aged 18 had a beton a car race in the streets of Toronto, Canada,copying what they had seen on a video game. Therewas an accident during the car race, which claimedthe life of a taxi driver.11. In September 2007, a Chinese man played a videogame online for three days. Finally, the addiction ofthe game took his life.12. In December 2007, a Russian had a bet on a fightcopying a video game and was killed in the fight.13. On 14 th April 2009, a 9-year-old boy from Brooklyn,New York jumped from the roof of a building with adefective parachute copying a video game and died asa result.14. In March 2010, a 3-year-old little girl began to playwith the gun of her father considering it as a remotecontrol and lost her life from a bullet fired fromthe gun.

َۡLuminous Face(All these pieces of news have been taken from generationnext online magazine, October 2010.)Dear children! You have read the religious and worldlylosses of video games. Now make up your mind like goodchildren to refrain from video games forever. This wayyou will be saving your money and precious time besidesgaining the betterment of your afterlife. Yā Allah !For the sake of the Beloved Prophet ٖ ! MakeMuslims get rid of the nasty habit of playing, watchingand showing video games.Video games say Khudā-e-Pāk sab bachchay bachaynNaykiyān kartay raĥayn achcĥay banayn sīdĥay banaynMay all children refrain from video games, O AlmightyMay they become pious and truthful with sincerity‏َّدُ ‏َمَ ٰ حم‏َا ٰتَعَ َ احلۡ‏‏ُّو ۡ ا صَ‏ لبِيبص َ يلَّ‏ ا‏ّٰ‏ ُMuhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri7 Sha’ban-ul-Mu’aẓẓam, 1434 AH17 th June, 201318

Table of ContentsTransliteration Chart ................................................................. iiLuminous Face ............................................ 11. Child spat into well ................................................................ 1Excellent gift for devotees of Ṣalāt -o-Salām ..................... 22. Luminous face ......................................................................... 33. Blessed Hands and sick camel............................................... 4Eight astonishing miracles of Blessed Hands .................... 54. As if the she-camel spoke! ..................................................... 7Madanī pearls from the true story ...................................... 95. The Beloved Prophet hit the ground with his heel andspring water gushed out........................................................... 10I was video game addict ........................................................... 11Video game ................................................................................ 12Loss of religion and faith through video games ................... 12Diseases caused by video games ............................................. 13Terrible disasters of video games ........................................... 13Video games teach bloodshed ................................................. 14Acknowledgment from Americans ........................................ 15Fourteen admonitory incidents of curse of video games .... 1519

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