Claude VAUCHER (Conservateur honoraire ... - Ville de Genève

Claude VAUCHER (Conservateur honoraire ... - Ville de Genève Claude VAUCHER (Conservateur honoraire ... - Ville de Genève

88. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1990. Polystoma cuvieri n. sp. (Monogenea: Polystomatidae), a parasite of the urinary blad<strong>de</strong>rof the leptodactylid frog Physalaemus cuvieri in Paraguay. J. Parasit. 76: 501-504.89. MARIAUX, J. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1991. A new species of Staphylepis Spassky & Osmarin, 1954 (Cestoda:Hymenolepididae) found in West African nectariniid birds. Revue suisse Zool. 98: 261-268.90. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>, <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & RENAUD, F. 1991. Etu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s caractères morpho-anatomiques et <strong>de</strong>sflux géniques chez quatre Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) parasites <strong>de</strong> Bothrops jararaca auBrésil. Revue suisse Zool. 98 (4): 701.91. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1991. Parasitology collections in Museum. Annls Paras. hum. comp. 66, suppl. 1: 13-16.92. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong> & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C.1992. Morphological and genetical study of two Proteocephalidtapeworms from the Catfish Platydoras costatus (L.) in Paraguay. Proc. EMOP VI, La Haye 7-11th Sept,1992: 127.93. MACKO, J. K., V. BIROVA & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1992. A revision of syntypes of Sobolevicanthus krabbella(Hughes, 1940) with a <strong>de</strong>scription of lectotype and paralectotypes. Helminthologia 29: 49-53.94. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>, <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & RENAUD, F. 1992. Etu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s caractères morpho-anatomiques et <strong>de</strong>sflux géniques chez quatre Proteocephalus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) parasites <strong>de</strong> Bothrops jararaca auBrésil et <strong>de</strong>scription <strong>de</strong> trois espèces nouvelles. Syst. Parasitol. 23: 141-156.95. MARIAUX, J., F. V. BONA & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1992. A New Genus of Metadilepididae (Cestoda;Cyclophylli<strong>de</strong>a) Parasitic in Terpsiphone rufiventer (Aves: Muscicapidae) from the Ivory Coast. J. Parasitol.78: 309-313.96. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong> & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1992. Nomimoscolex touzeti n. sp. (Cestoda), a parasite ofCeratophris cornuta (L.): first record of a Monticellidae in an Amphibian host. Mems Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 87,suppl. 1: 61-67.97. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1992. Revision of the genus Vampirolepis Spasskij, 1954 (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae). MemsInst. Oswaldo Cruz 87, suppl. 1: 299-304.98. MARIAUX, J. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1994. Progress in Tapeworm Systematics. Parasitology Today 10: 43-44.99. <strong>de</strong> CHAMBRIER, A. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1994. Etu<strong>de</strong> morpho-anatomique et génétique <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux nouveauxProteocephalus Weinland, 1858 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) parasites <strong>de</strong> Platydoras costatus (L.), poissonsiluriforme du Paraguay. Syst. Parasitol. 27: 173-185.100. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & MARIAUX, J. 1994. First Workshop on Systematic Zoology of Tapeworms. Int. J.Parasitol. 24: 449-451101. CZAPLINSKI, B. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1994. Family Hymenolepididae in Keys to the Cesto<strong>de</strong> Parasites ofVertebrates. International Institute of Parasitology, CAB International, Wallingford: 595-663102. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>. 1994. Un mo<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> ponte inédit chez un cesto<strong>de</strong> parasite <strong>de</strong> poissonchatet nouvelles observations sur les critères d’i<strong>de</strong>ntification <strong>de</strong>s Proteocephalidae. Rev. suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie,101(4): 856103. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, V. Recherches dans les Musées, pour quoi faire ? Musées <strong>de</strong> <strong>Genève</strong> No 331: 12-17.104. DEBLOCK, S. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1995. Les Hyménolédididés <strong>de</strong> Charadriiformes. 5e note. Echinocotyleflavipedis n. sp. (Cestoda), parasite <strong>de</strong> Tringa flavipes au Paraguay. Parasite 2: 125-131.105. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C.1994. Georges Dubois, spécialiste <strong>de</strong>s Strigéi<strong>de</strong>s (Vers Trémato<strong>de</strong>s). Bull. Soc. neuchâtel. sci.nat. 117: 13-22.106. MACKO, J. K. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C.1995. Re<strong>de</strong>scription and lectotype <strong>de</strong>signation of Aploparaxis pseudofilum(Clerc, 1902)(Cestoda: Hymenolepididae). Rev. suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 102: 989-994.107. SANCHEZ-MAZAS, A., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & HUBERT VAN BLYENBURGH, N. 1995. Génétique etBiodoversité. Supplément du Muséum d’histoire naturelle <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Ville</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Genève</strong> au catalogue <strong>de</strong> l’expositionTous Parents Tous Différents. Muséum <strong>de</strong> <strong>Genève</strong>, 13 pp.108. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C., SANCHEZ-MAZAS, A. & HUBERT VAN BLYENBURGH, N..1995. Tous Parents TousDifférents. Musées <strong>de</strong> <strong>Genève</strong> 338: 2-9.109. MORAND, S., IVANOVA, E.S. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1996. Dicelis keymeri sp. n. (Nematoda: Drilonematidae)from the Eartheworm Octolasium pseudotranspadanum Zicsi, 1971 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Proceedingsof the Helminthological Society of Washington 63: 19-23.110. BRAY, R. A., CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong> & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1996. Crassicutis intermedius (Szidat, 1954) n. comb.and Procaudotestis uruguayensis Szidat, 1954 (Digenea: Homalometridae) from siluriform fishes in Paraguay.Systematic Parasitology 35: 119-126.5<strong>Clau<strong>de</strong></strong> Vaucher – Publications – 2007 – MHNG

111. DURETTE-DESSET, M.C. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1996. Molostrongylus acanthocolpos gen. n., sp. n.,(Nematoda, Trichostrongylina, Molinoi<strong>de</strong>a) parasite <strong>de</strong> Molossops temmincki (Chiroptera, Molossidae) auParaguay. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 103: 905-913.112. <strong>de</strong> CHAMBRIER, A., SCHOLZ, T. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1996. Tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephali<strong>de</strong>a) ofHoplias malabaricus (Pisces: Characiformes, Erythrinidae) in Paraguay: <strong>de</strong>scription of Proteocephalus regoisp. n., and re<strong>de</strong>scription of Nomimoscolex matogrossensis. Folia parasitologica 43: 133-140.113. DEBLOCK, S. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1997. Microsommacanthus kaulobatroni n. sp. et Wardium neotropicale nsp. parasite d’Himantopus melanurus au Paraguay. Systematic Parasitology 37: 127-138.114. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>. 1996. Revision of the monticellid tapeworms <strong>de</strong>scribed byWoodland (1934) from Amazonian fishes: recent approaches and progress in cesto<strong>de</strong>s systematics.Schweizerische Medizine Wochenschrift 39: 1620.115. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong> & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1997 Révision <strong>de</strong>s cesto<strong>de</strong>s (Monticelliidae) décrits par Woodland(1934) chez Brachyplatystoma filamentosum avec redéfinition <strong>de</strong>s genres Endorchis Woodland, 1934 etNomimoscolex Woodland, 1934. Systematic Parasitology, 37, 219-233.116. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & BEVERIDGE, I.. 1997. New species of Potorolepis Spasskii (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae)parasitic in Dasyurid Marsupials from New Guinea. Transactions of the Royal Society of South-Australia 121:95-102.117. DURETTE-DESSET, M.C. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1999. Molostrongylus mbopi n. sp. (Nematoda,Trichostrongylina, Molinoi<strong>de</strong>a) parasite <strong>de</strong> Molossops spp. (Chiroptera, Molossidae) au Paraguay. Revuesuisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 106: 407-418.118. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & DURETTE-DESSET, M.C. 1999. Histiostrongylus spineus n. sp. (Nematoda,Trichostrongylina) parasite <strong>de</strong> Phyllosotomus discolor. (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) et nouvelles données surles genres Histiostrongylus Molin, 1861 et Parahistiostrongylus Perez Vigueras, 1941. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong>Zoologie 106: 611-620119. <strong>de</strong> CHAMBRIER, A., REGO A.A. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1999. Euzetiella tetraphylliformis n. gen., n. sp.,(Eucestoda: Proteocephalidae), parasite du poisson d’eau douce néotropical Paulicea luetkeni (Siluriforme,Pimelodidae). Parasite 6, 43-47.120. <strong>de</strong> CHAMBRIER, A. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 1999. Proteocephalidae et Monticelliidae (Eucestoda:Proteocephali<strong>de</strong>a) parasites <strong>de</strong> poissons d’eau douce du Paraguay avec <strong>de</strong>scriptions d’un genre nouveau et <strong>de</strong>dix espèces nouvelles. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 106(1), 165-240.121. SWIDERSKI, Z, VV TKACH, V.V. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2000. Fine structure of the infective eggs of thedilepidid cesto<strong>de</strong> Hepatocestus hepaticus (Baer, 1932), a parasite of shrews. Acta Parasitologica 45, 2, 71-82.122. ZEHNDER, M. P., <strong>de</strong> CHAMBRIER A., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & MARIAUX, J. 2000. Nomimoscolex suspectus n.sp. (Eucestoda: Proteocephali<strong>de</strong>a, Zygobothriinae) with morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysesof the genus. Systematic Parasitology 47, 153-172.123. GEORGIEV, B.B. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2000. Chimaerula bonai n. sp. (Cestoda: Dilepididae) from the barefacedibis, Phimosus infuscatus (Lichtenstein)(Aves: Threskiornithidae) in Paraguay. Folia Parasitologica 47:303-308.124. BENTZ, S., LEROY, S., DU PREEZ, L., MARIAUX, J., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C & VERNEAU, O. 2001. Origin andEvolution of African Polystoma (Monogenea: Polystomatidae) assessed by molecular methods. InternationalJournal of Parasitology 341: 697-705.125. DURETTE-DESSET, M.C. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2001. Ornithostrongylus cristatus sp. n. (Nematoda,Trichostrongylina, Moleineoi<strong>de</strong>a), parasite <strong>de</strong> Columbigallina talpacoti (Temm,, 1811)(Aves, Columbidae) auParaguay. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 108 (2): 291-302.126. CASANOVA, J. C., SANTALLA, F., DURAND, P., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C., FELIU, C. & RENAUD, F.2001.Morphological and genetic differentiation of Ro<strong>de</strong>ntolepis straminea (Goeze, 1752) and Ro<strong>de</strong>ntolepismicrostoma (Dujardin, 1845) (Hymenolepididae). Parasitology Research 87(6): 439-444.127. GEORGIEV, B. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2001. Revision of the genus Parvirostrum Fuhrmann, 1908 (Cestoda :Cyclophylli<strong>de</strong>a : Paruterinidae). Systematic Parasitology 50 (1): 13-29128. SANTALLA, F, CASANOVA, J. C., DURAND, P. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & FELIU, C. 2002. Morphometric andgenetic variability of Ro<strong>de</strong>ntolepis asymmetrica (Hymenolepisidae) from the Pyrenean Mountains. Journal ofParasitology 88: 983-988.129. du PREEZ, L. H., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & MARIAUX, J. 2002. Polystomatidae (Monogenea) of African Anura:Polystoma dawiekoki n. sp. parasitic in Ptycha<strong>de</strong>na anchietae (Bocage). Systematic Parasitology 52: 35-41.6<strong>Clau<strong>de</strong></strong> Vaucher – Publications – 2007 – MHNG

130. ROSSI, P. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2002. Allintoshius bioccai n. sp. (Mematoda), a parasite of the bat Eptesicusfurinalis from Paraguay, and new data on A. parallintoshius (Araujo, 1940). Parassitologa 44: 59-66.131. KOSTADINOVA, A, <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & GIBSON, D. I. 2002. Re<strong>de</strong>scription of two echinostomes from birdsin Paraguay, with comments on Drepanocephalus Dietz, 1909 and Paryphostomum Dietz, 1909 (Digenea:Echinostomatidae). Systematic Parasitology 53: 147-158.132, CARFORA, M., CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong> & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2003. Le genre Amphoteromorphus (Cestoda :Proteocephali<strong>de</strong>a) parasite <strong>de</strong> poissons-chats d’Amérique tropicale : Etu<strong>de</strong> morphologique et approchegénétique par électrophorèse <strong>de</strong>s protéines. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie, 110, 381-409.133. GEORGIEV, B. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. (2003). Revision of the Metadilepididae (Cestoda: Cyclophylli<strong>de</strong>a) fromCaprimulgiformes (Aves). Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 110 (3): 491-532.134. <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C., SANTALLA, F., CASANOVA, J. C. & FELIU. C. 2003. The synonymy of “Hymenolepismuris-sylvatici (Rudolphi, 1819) = Variolepis crenata (Goeze, 1782)” revisited (pp. 305-318). In: Combes, C& Jourdane, J. (eds). Taxonomie, écologie et évolution <strong>de</strong>s métazoaires parasites (Livre hommage à LouisEuzet) Presses universitaires <strong>de</strong> Perpignan, II.: 380135. CARFORA, M., CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2003. LE GENRE Amphoteromorphus (Cestoda:Proteocephali<strong>de</strong>a), parasite <strong>de</strong> poissons-chats d’Amérique tropicale: étu<strong>de</strong> morphologique et approchebiosystématique par électrophorèse <strong>de</strong>s protéines. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 110: 381-409.136. VASILEVA, G. P, <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C., TKACH, V. V. & GENOV, T. 2004. Taxonomic revision of HilmylepisSkryabin & Matevosyan, 1942 (Cyclophylli<strong>de</strong>a: Hymenolepididae). Systematic Parasitology 59 (1): 45-63.137. CHAMBRIER, A. <strong>de</strong>., ZEHNDER, M., <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. & MARIAUX, J. 2004. The evolution of theProteocehali<strong>de</strong>a (Platyhelminthes, Eucestoda) based on an enlarged molecular phylogeny, with comments ontheir uterine <strong>de</strong>velopment. Systematic Parasitology 57: 159-171.138. GEORGIEV, B. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2004. Arlenelepis harpiprioni gen. et sp. n. (Cestoda: Dilepididae) fromHarpiprion caerulescens (Vieillot)(Aves: Threskiornithidae) in Paraguay. Folia Parasitologica 51: 327-332.139. DURETTE-DESSET, M.C. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2005. Re<strong>de</strong>scription <strong>de</strong> Ornithostrongylus fariai Travassos,1914, type species of the genus Ornithostrongylus Travassos, 1914, and of O. salobrensis Travassos, 1941(Nematoda, Trichostrongylina, Heligmosomoi<strong>de</strong>a), both parasites of Columbidae from Paraguay. Revue suisse<strong>de</strong> Zoologie 112: 753-770.140. IVANOVA, E S. & <strong>VAUCHER</strong>, C. 2005. New genera and species of nemato<strong>de</strong> parasites (Drilonematoi<strong>de</strong>a:Ungellidae) from coelomic cavity of Neotropic acanthodrilids <strong>de</strong>posited in the Natural History Museum ofGeneva, Switzerland. Revue suisse <strong>de</strong> Zoologie 112: 943-961.7<strong>Clau<strong>de</strong></strong> Vaucher – Publications – 2007 – MHNG

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