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23-01-2013 - trinitymirror.net


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Mega showroom in Anna Nagarfor Trust & IntegrityWavoo JewellersGold Silver Diamond GemsAA-7A, 2nd Avenue,(Near Roundtana)Anna Nagar, Chennai-600 040.Phone: 2628 4295, 2628 4296Sunday Open upto 1.30 p.mMadurai WEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3VOL. 18 No. <strong>23</strong>8 PAGES 8 Rs. 3.00Chennai, Jan.<strong>23</strong>:Taking into consideration thegrowing work force in several partsof the State and the need to providethem adequate health careChief Minister Jayalalithaa todayordered opening of 11 more ESIdispensaries this year at a cost ofRs.6.75 crores creating 118 staffposts to run them. It will ultimatelybenefit 50,731 workers all over.She has also ordered upgradingof some of the existing ESI hospitals.There were 183 ESI hospitalsin the state besides five mobileclinics, two designated drug shopsbesides nine full-fledged hospitalswith 2,363 bed strength each torender medical assistance to workersin the State.The newly proposed dispensariesfor which necessary staff has alsobeen sanctioned were to come upin the following 11 places in theState:Ramnad, Paramakudi, Nilakottai(Dindigul), Kangeyam, (Tirupur),Kodaikanal (Dindigul), Cheyyar(Tiruvannamalai),Sathyamangalam(Erode), Punjaipuliampatti (Erode),Sulthanpettai (Coimbatore),Vellakoil (Tirupur) and Ariyalur(Ariyalur).Ramnad: Single medical systemdispensary estimated to costRs.68,48,524 with a 13- memberstaff strength of 2 medical attendants,1helper,, 1 junior assistant,1 nurse, 2 medical superinten-NATIONAL DAILY FOR THE PEOPLE Chennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:On Chief Minister Jayalalithaa’sinstructions the Cooperative Ministerintroduced electronic payingsystem in the Tamil Nadu StateApex Cooperative Bank(TNSACB). This is done to helpfarmers and others to pay theirpayments easily through all theCooperative Banks, including AgriculturalCooperative Banks, in theState. Using this facility farmers,who are being highly benefittedpaying their electricity bills, arethanking the Government.Following the success of thiselectronic system of payments, theTNSACB has takens steps to paymore bills through electronic facilitiesin the Coop banks.To create these facilities theTNSACB had entered into an agreementwith ‘Bill Desk’ to provide servicethrough computer. The CooperativeMinister today inauguratedthe facility here, saying that thefarmers and others can pay mostof their payments through thesefacilities and collect their receipts.Over 100 institutions likeTNACTCL (Arasu Cable), ChennaiCorporation, TNSTC (transport),Chennai, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:A brief session of the TamilNadu Assembly would commenceon February one."In exerciseof the powers conferredupon, Governor Dr K Rosaiahhereby summon the Tamil NaduLegislative Assembly to meetat 1000 hrs on Friday, the Februaryone, 2<strong>01</strong>3," a Raj Bhavancommunique said.This wouldbe the first session of the Assemblyin the New year and theGovernor would deliver hiscustomary address to theHouse on that day. Severalschemes and announcementson the steps to be taken by theruling AIADMK to ease thedents,1 lab assistant, 1 secondgrade nurse,1 office assistant, 2dispensary workers and 1 sanitarystaff.Paramakudi: It will have a singlemedical system dispensary costingRs.66,444,374 with a 13-memberstaff strength as in Ramnad.Kangeyam (Tirupur): A triplemedical system facility dispensarywith a 15-member staff strengthwhich includes an ANM at a costof Rs.93,73,508.Kodaikanal (Dindigul):A singlemedical system facility clinic withan eight-member staff strength ata cost of Rs.37,91,612.Cheyyar (Tiruvannamalai):Atriple medical system facility hospitalwith a seven-member staffstrength costing Rs.78,67,288.Assembly meets from Feb 1power crisis faced by the Statewere expected to figure in theGovernor's address, officialsources said. The Governor, inhis address, would also outli<strong>net</strong>he policies of the government.Official sources said the BusinessAdvisory Council wouldmeet after the Governor's Addressand decide on the durationof the session.The session was expected tolast for a week during which adebate on the motion of thanksto the Governor for his address,would be held.Chief Minister JJayalalithaa would wind up thedebate by replying to it on thelast day.Punjaipuliyampatti (Erode): Atwin medical system dispensarywith a 11-member staff strengthcosting Rs.57,68,374.Sultanpettai (Coimbatore): Atwin medical system facility dispensarywith a 13-member staffstrength costing Rs.60,95,674.Vellakoil (Tirupur): A twin medicalsystem facility hospital with a12-member staff strength costingRs.44,49,498.Ariyalur: A twin medical systemfacility dispensary with a 12 -memberstaff strength with five newposts and seven under staffdisbursal mode costing Rs.44,49,498.Besides the proposed new dispensariesJayalalithaa also sanctionedupgraded facility to dispensariesin Palladam (Coimbatore)from single medical system streamto triple medical system clinic withfive additional staff which wouldmean additional expenses to thegovernment to the tune ofRs.58,53,922.It may be recalled that last yearJayalalithaa ordered opening of atriple medical system facility ESIdispensary in Thuckalay, twin medicalsystem facility dispensary inManavalakurichi and a twin medicalsystem facility dispensary inPadapai in Kanchipuram,In ten ESI dispensaries a siddhawing also was opened, an officialcommunication stated.CM eases Coop Bankstransactions with online facilitiesLIC, BSNL, IIM (Bangalore), IIT(Chennai), Citi Bank, Credit Cards,HDFC, and Tata AIG bills could bepaid through Coop banks now. Morefacilities like these are in the offing,said the Cooperative Minister.The function was attended byM.P. Nirmala, IAS, Secretary, Food’Cooperative and Consumer ProtectionDept and officials.CM orders morequarters for childwelfare homes staffChennai, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Chief Minister Jayalalithaa todayannounced construction of 166 newstaff quarters for the employees ofnine child welfare homes in theState at a cost of Rs 15.61 crore.In an official release, Jayalalithaasaid that the existing quarters ofthe full time employees of variouschild homes were in a dilapidatedcondition and faced the threat ofan imminent collapse.On hearing about this, theChief Minister ordered the demolitionof the existing quarters andannounced construction of newbuildings for them.Based on this announcement,the quarters belonging to childwelfare homes in Chennai andthose in Ranipet, Mallipudur,Thattapparai, Panchapalli,Thanjavur, Cuddalore andChengalpattu would be demolishedand new buildings would be constructedat a total cost of Rs 15.61crore.The break-up being, 39 staffquarters in two places at Chennaiat a cost of Rs 3.60 crore; Ranipet(24) at Rs 20.50 lakh; Maliputhur(18) at Rs 1.74 cr; Thattaparai (21)at Rs 1.96 cr; Panjapalli (17) at Rs1.64 cr; Tanjore (21) at Rs 2.3 cr;Chengelpet (20) at Rs 1.91 cr &Cuddalore (6) at Rs 54.75 lakh.This would involve constructionof 166 new staff quarters for thoseemployed in child welfare homes.Jayalalithaa-led government hasbeen providing extensive welfaremeasures at all levels, keen thatevery individual be provided shelterin good hygiene conditions.Sensing the need she promptlyissued an orders fro constructionof the new homes.New Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Sri Lanka has said the issuedevolution of power should not becentral to the negotiations with theTamil National Alliance for resolutionof political conflict in his country.Since majority of the TamilsCM devises new strategyfor quality roadsPerformance based maintenancecontract proposedFacilities expanded in 2 hospitals118 more staff to be recruitedCM orders opening ofmore ESI dispensariesfor workers welfareChennai, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, givinga major fillip to the road infrastructuredevelopment, today announcedintroduction of a new PerformanceBased Maintenance ContractSystem (PBMCS) for maintainingthe roads and highways inthe State.Apart from laying of new roads,the maintenance of these roadswas the key for sustaining the roadinfrastructure development, saidan official release.Keeping this in mind, the ChiefMinister announced that the existingsystem of maintenance ofroads would be done away with andthe Performance Based MaintenanceContract system for roadmaintenance would be introduced."Under the system the roadswill be maintained under a singlecontract system by repairing, renovating,strengthening and upgradingthe roads on a rotation basisfor five years.”In the first phase, the 191.4km highway roads and 185.988 kmdistrict roads in Pollachi at a costof Rs 121.62 crore and Rs 112.31crore respectively, would be takenup for maintenance under the PerformanceBased MaintenanceContract system.Pave way for hassle-free travelThis would not only ensureupgradation of the road transportsystem, but would also ease trafficcongestion in the cities pavingway for the people to reach theirNew Delhi, Jan.<strong>23</strong>:BJP leader Rajnath Singh wason Wednesday elected unopposedas the president of the party afterhe filed nomination papers for thepost. This is his second term asBJP president.A short while ago, the BJP parliamentaryboard endorsed RajnathSingh's name as the party's nextchief.Rajnath Singh and incumbentNitin Gadkari arrived at the partyoffice in the same car for a meetingof the party's parliamentaryboard, after which he filed his nomination.A resolution in favour of RajnathSingh was proposed by seniorleader LK Advani and was unanimouslysupported by all parliamentaryboard members including outgoingpresident Gadkari, BJPleader Ananth Kumar said.Earlier, Rajnath Singh had metparty leader LK Advani.On Tuesday, after rapid and dramaticdevelopments, BJP junkedNitinGadkari as its presidentialnominee and instead zeroed in onformer party chief and UP leaderRajnath Singh to lead the party inthe run up to the 2<strong>01</strong>4 elections.The U-turn was forced by an inhouserevolt triggered by fears thatthe controversy over the businessdealings of Gadkari-linked Purtichoice of destination in a hasslefreemanner.Road infrastructure developmentplays a key role in the State's economicdevelopment and in sustainingthe livelihood of the people.It also plays a significant role inrural economic development andkeeping this in mind, Jayalalithaaledgovernment had been takingvarious steps in providing connectivityto the rural and main roads.Huge allocation of CMThe Chief Minister had allocatedRs 3,793 crore last year forlaying of new roads, rail overbridgesand to maintain the existing roadsand bridges.The allocation this year for roadand bridge upgradation works isRs 340.68 crore.In a bid to develop the areasthat come under new road projects,the Chief Minister had announcedformation of the Road Grid project.The project was launched on apilot basis on the NH-45 fromVandalur to Nemilicherry in NH-205in the first phase and fromNemilicherry to Minjur connectingTiruvottriyur, Ponneri and Panchettiin the second phase covering adistance of 62 km near the ChennaiOuter Ring Road.Jayalalithaa announced allocationof Rs 5.22 crore towards landacquisition, road design and to undertakeother surveys includingpreparation of a detailed projectreport for this project.Bangalore, Jan.<strong>23</strong>:Two ministers loyal to formerchief minister BS Yeddyurappa,Shobha Karandlaje and CM Udasi,resigned from Jagadish Shettarministry on Wednesday morningeven as 13 other MLAs made afutile attempt to submit their resignation.The two ministers will soon joinYeddyurappa'sKarnataka JanataParty, floated by the former CM onDecember 9 to take on ruling-BJPin Karnataka.The Chief Minister also accordedadministrative sanction tothe tune of Rs 211.60 crore for takingup strengthening and upgradingof 130 roads in the State.Jayalalithaa also announcedconstruction of four roadoverbridges in Dharmapuri districtand allocated Rs 30.86 crore for takingup the project works, includingland acquisition and other relatedworks.The progress of a country interms of economic growth hingesa lot on the revenue generated inthe roads seen as a link betweenpeople and their prosperity.Secure in that knowledge,Jayalalithaa-led government hasbeen devising scores of welfaremeasures for the upgradation ofHighways department in variousforms of laying new roads, bridgeswhile taking periodical notes of thescenario and meeting the need inquick time.Linking the villages and roads ofrural with the Highways, reducingthe time of travel and cutting thecost, are samples of the scores ofwelfare measures initiated andimplemented by the Jayalalithaaledgovernment.The above measures of theJayalalithaa-led government will goa long way for upgradation of RoadTransport, prevent congestion ofvehicles in towns facilitating easyaccess for people to reach theirdestined places in comfort and inquick time.Rajnath Singh new BJP chiefSalem, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Due to commissioning of doubleline between Tadpatri andRayalacheruvu Sections ofGuntakal Division, a few expresstrains are to run via diverted routefor 13 days from January 27 to Feb-Group will continue to hemorrhagethe party at a time when its battlewith Congress seems set to escalate,with corruption being one ofthe combat themes.It was a dramatic anti-climax forGadkari, considering that he hadlooked set to be re-nominated onTuesday morning. The script beganto unravel since morning as newsof income tax visits on businessesthat invested in Purti was followedby senior leader Yashwant Sinhathreatening to contest againstGadkari.Sinha's decision to seek a nominationform and his success in findingas many as 20 backers madeit evident to RSS bosses that thebid to name Gadkari for a secondterm was not going to be bloodless.It became apparent that Gadkarilacks any significant support inBJP.Gadkari's benching is seen as apersonal setback to RSS chiefMohan Rao Bhagwat, who continuedto back his chosen one fromNagpur despite the near-total beliefin party circles that persistingwith the Mahrashtra politician wouldhurt the party.Karnataka ministers,MLAs quitSoon after the minister's resignationthere was a high voltagedrama at the assembly speaker'soffice. Thirteen ruling BJP MLAsloyal to Yeddyurappa reached thespeaker's office and made a futileattempt to resign from assemblymembership..However, neither Bopaiah nor theassembly legislature secretaryOmprakash were present when theMLAs arrived.Speaker KG Bopaiah had left forNepal on Tuesday evening.Mumbai Express train diversionruary 8.In a press release here today, G.K. Venkatesan, Public Relation Officerof Salem division of SouthernRailway said train No 16381-Mumba CST-Kanyakumari Expresswill be diverted via Gooty,Lanka dodges sharing power with Tamilslived outside the North and theEast, there was no need to makedevolution a critical issue in thenegotiations, Sri Lanka ExternalAffairs Minister G L Peiris said herelast evening, delivering a lecture atthe Institute for Defence Studiesand Analyses (IDSA) on 'The Riseof Asia and Sri Lanka's Role'.Explaining the delay in the processof reconciliation, Prof Peirissaid all previous attempts at resolvingthe issue failed mainly becausethey were top-down attempts.Regd.No.TN/MA/175/13Air Surcharge 40 PaiseDharmavaram, Bangalore City, insteadof the regular route of viaGooty....KrishnapuramCuddapahReniguntaTirupati PakalaChittoor AmburVaniyambadi Jolarpettai, and willbe stopped at Thirupathur insteadof Jolarpet.He said train number 16382-Kanyakumari-Mumbai CST Expresswill be stopped at Thirupathurinstead of Jolarpet, and divertedvia Bangalore City, Dharmavaram,Gooty, instead of its original routeof via jolarpet, Vaniyambadi,Ambur,Chittoor, Pakala, Tirupati,Renigunta, Cuddapah,Krishnapuram and Gooty.

2Australian OpenAzarenka beats stubbornKuz<strong>net</strong>sova to enter semi-finalsMelbourne, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Defending champion VictoriaAzarenka overcame a stubbornSvetlana Kuz<strong>net</strong>sova 7-5, 6-1 todayto advance to the AustralianOpen semi-finals.The world number one, who apartfrom a short period against an injury-hamperedJamie Hampton inthe third round, had been barelytested in her title defence until sheran into the two-times grand slamchampion in the quarter-finals.Kuz<strong>net</strong>sova competed in thelongest women's game at the AustralianOpen when she lost a marathonfour hour, 44 minute clash 6-41-6 16-14 to FrancescaSchiavone in 2<strong>01</strong>1, and it lookedlike she was prepared to exceedthat after a marathon 77-minutefirst set.Azarenka, however, decided thatInspiring thought"We must use time wisely andforever realise that the time isalways ripe to do right."- Nelson MendelaEdited and Printed by R Muthu Kumar,at No.1, First Main Road, United IndiaColony, Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024 at "Trinity Printers and PublishersPress", No.1, First Main Road, UnitedIndia Colony, Kodambakkam,Chennai-600 024 and published by R MuthuKumar for Trinity Printers and PublishersLimited. Phone: Editorial: 24734800Administration: 24733900 Fax nos:24732700,24735700.Email mirror@airtelmail.inFounder Editor M Shanmugavel.Victoria Azarenka of Belarus celebrates defeating SvetlanaKuz<strong>net</strong>sova of Russia in their women's singles quarter-final matchat the Australian Open.Stress leads to head acheand restlessness, and it iscaused due to heavy workinghours, fatigue and strain..Tne of the simplest relaxationexercises is deepbreathing, which will releaseendorphins, the body's veryown painkillers, into our body.Begin by breathing throughyour nostrils; inhale for fivecounts, fill your lower abdomenwith air; count to five, andthen exhale slowly, let the airescape through yourSu-do-ku me-22Healthy livingNo more headaches!Fill the grid withnumbers so that everyrow, every column andevery 3-by-3 boxcontains the digits 1 to9, without repeating.Solution to this willappear in tomorrow’seditionYesterday’sE-22 solutionTRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3she had enough of the Russiankeeping her on court and racedthrough the second set in 30 minutesto set up semi-final againsteither third-seed Serena Williamsor Sloane Stephens.Ferrer survives in 'miracle' fightbackMelbourne, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:David Ferrer stared defeat full inthe face three times but staged anepic comeback from two sets downto beat fellow Spaniard NicolasAlmagro and reach the semi-finalsof the Australian Open.The fourth seed looked to beheading for the exit when, havingbeen dominated by some brilliantplay from the 10th seed for the firsttwo sets, he faced Almagro servingfor the match at 5-4 in the third.It is not for nothing that Ferreris known as one of the best fightersin tennis, however, and hehustled along the baseline to clawhis way back into the contest andtake the third set on Rod LaverArena.Twice more Almagro hadchances to serve out for victorybut he blew them both and Ferrer,who had won all 12 of their previousmeetings, emerged a 4-6, 4-6,Bhupathi-Petrovaenter quarter-finalMelbourne, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:India's Mahesh Bhuptahi andRussia's Nadia Petrova overcamestiff resistance from KatarinaSrebotnik and Nenad Zimonjic toenter the mixed doublesquarterfinals of the Australian Openhere.The fifth seeds beat theSlovakian-Serbian pair 3-6, 6-2,7-5, 7-6, 6-2 winner after threehours and 44 minutes on Rod LaverArena.'It was a miracle I won thismatch,' said Ferrer, who will faceNovak Djokovic or Tomas Berdychin the last four.'I tried to fight and do my best(but) next round... I need to playmy best tennis, better than today.Now I will need to rest but I have aday and a half.'Almagro contributed to his owndownfall by stuttering when he hadvictory within his sights and hisbody let him down in the last twosets when he was hindered by aleg injury.'I think I played my best tennistoday but it wasn't good enough tobeat David,' he said.'I don't want think that it's a mentalityproblem. If I had a mentalityproblem, I think I wouldn't have wonthe first two sets.'10-5 in the second round atMelbourne Park.Bhupathi-Petrova now await thewinner of the match betweenLeander Paes and Elena Vesninaand Jarmila Gajdosova and MatthewEbden.Sania Mirza and Rohan Bopannahad made the mixed doubles quarterswith different partners.Ferrer, 30, has lost all four of hisprevious grand slam semi-finals,including defeats to world numberone Djokovic at the US Open in2007 and last year.He will undoubtedly be hopingthe defending champion is still tiredafter his marathon fourth round victoryover Stan Wawrinka when hetakes on fifth seed Berdych in thefinal singles match on Rod LaverArena.Sharapova blasts intosemi-finalsMaria Sharapova continued herperfect run in Australian Open quarter-finalsby swatting aside Russiancompatriot Ekaterina Makarova.Sharapova had not lost any ofher previous five Australian Openquarter-final matches, a record sheextended with ease against the19th-seeded Makarova with a 6-2,6-2 victory.The 24-year-old Makarova hadbeaten 11th seed Marion Bartoliand fifth seed Angelique Kerber tomake the quarter-finals, but wasunable to stop Sharapova's rampantmarch through the tournament.Sharapova has dropped just ninegames in total, the fewest numberconceded by a semi-finalist at thetournament.Sharapova, who won the AustralianOpen title in 2008, will nowmeet sixth seed Li Na in the semifinalson Thursday after the Chineseupset fourth seed AgnieszkaRadwanska 7-5, 6-3 earlier on RodLaver Arena.mouth.Repeat for about twominutes.The most common causesof headaches are stress withassociatd muscle tension, orhormones or medication ormedical conditions like highblood pressure or water retention.Ensure that you drink 6 to8 glasses of water daily.Keep your blood sugarsconstant by eating regularmeals, preferably withsnacks in between, and limitintake of very sugary foods.Divine DigestThe Fickle-mindedAs is the mind so is theman. When the mind iserratically changing theowner of that mindbecomes undependable.To make the mind constantis the purpose of life.The man of unsettledmind makes manyexperiments with life. Heshifts from one line ofaction to another. Heconstantly changesprofession. In the end hefinds himselfe a bundle ofnegation. Steadiness builda life; unsteadiness pullsit down.There is no wisdom inthe fickle-minded nor isthere serene thought inhim. To such a personthere is no peace.-Bhagavad GitaBob’s BanterRobert ClementsHandling pressure!NAME CHANGEI, Muthusundarrajan,S/o. R.Jeyabalan, Date ofBirth: 13.04.1992, Residing atNo.60, Harvey Patti,Thirupparankundram,Madurai - 625005, shallhenceforth be known asJ.M.S.RAJANMuthusundarrajanNAME CHANGEI, Abdul Rahim Anshar,S/o. Abdul Rahim, Date ofBirth: 09.05.1972, Residing atOld No.19, New No.7, YusufStreet, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005, shall henceforth beknown as ABDUL RAHIMMOHAMMED ANSARAbdul Rahim AnsharNAME CHANGEI, Muniappan Sathyamurthy,S/o. Muniappan, Date of Birth:1.6.1973, Residing at OldNo.136A, New No. 3/136,Pillaiyar Kovil Street,Kuruppanaickenpalayam,Bhavani, Erode-638 3<strong>01</strong>,shall henceforth be knownas KuruppanaickenpalayamMuniappan SathyamurthyMuniappanSathyamurthyPASSPORT LOSTThis is to general public thatI have lost my originalPassport bearing No.Z1243077 issued on20.08.20<strong>01</strong> by RPO/Hyderabad. Date of Expire:19.8.2<strong>01</strong>1, Finder/s is/arerequested to hand over thesame to me at the belowmentioned address: No.B702, 7th Floor, RahejaRegency, 90, Santhome HighRoad, R.A.Puram, Chennai-600 028. Finders will berewarded suitably.V.Bindu,W/o. M.Veerabahu.NAME CHANGEI, Nallasamy GounderSivashanmugam Murthy, S/o.Nallasamy Gounder, Date ofBirth: 10.4.1970, Residing atNo. 7, T.M.S. Nagar, 3rdStreet, TNK Puram North,Tiruppur-641 607, shallhenceforth be known asNallasamy Gounder SivashanmugamurthyNallasamy GounderSivashanmugam MurthyWas watchingthe matchbetween Indiaand England,it's allabout handlingpressure.Wehave to trainourselves tohandle pressure, even put ourselvesin situations where we areunder pressure, so that we are notfound wanting when we face a crisis.How do we handle pressure? Iwatch my German Shepherd dog:He sits, walks and sleeps as if anymoment he has to pounce onsomebody. Is that any way tohandle pressure? Nobody gets pasthim, but he doesn't relax.Watch Dhoni.Winning matches for him is crucial,not just about retaining hiscaptaincy but about millions of rupeesof income which he can loseovernight when he starts losing,but with all this pressure on him,is there anything visible on hisface, not at all.Is he feeling the pressure inside?I am sure he is. So has he learntto camouflage it? Maybe to someextent, but I do believe that he haslearnt to relax under pressure.That's a strange statement isn't it?Relax under pressure sounds nighimpossible.When your mind and body reachbreaking point, how do you relax?I sometimes watch people organizingan event, maybe a wedding ora party. The event that becomes asuccess is the one where the organizerlearned to relax under pressure,whereas any event where yousaw a person rushing round goingberserk either had someone breakingdown with a heart attack, everybodyin a lousy mood or theevent turning into a failure.NAME CHANGEI, Joshuva, S/o. JamesMasilamani, Date of Birth:30.<strong>01</strong>.1991, Residing atNo.12, Anthony Nagar,Kolathur, Chennai-600 099,shall henceforth be knownas JOSHUA JAMESJAMESMASILAMANIJoshuvaNAME CHANGEI, Munusamy Savitri, W/o.Devanesan Sigamani, Date ofBirth: 17.06.1960, Residing atNo.12/57, F1, Mosque Street,Jaya Nagar, Porur, Chennai-600 116, shall henceforth beknown as DEVANESANVIMALA SAVITHRIMunusamy SavitriNAME CHANGEI, Sulthan Kasim, S/o. AbdulHai Sahib, Date of Birth:03.06.1966, Residing at OldNo.4, Haroon Colony, SenaMaricar Street, Nagore -611002, NagapattinamDistrict, shall henceforth beknown as SULTHAN ABDULKADER SAHIBSulthan KasimNAME CHANGEI, Rajia Samuel, W/o. SamuelPaul Raj, Date of Birth:8.10.1958, Residing at DoorNo.48, Raja Street,Perundurai, Erode Dist-638052, shall henceforth beknown as Regia SamuelRajia SamuelNAME CHANGEI, Sengoda GounderSubramanian, S/o. SengodaGounder, Date of Birth:6.10.1937, Residing at OldNo.16, New No. 34, PannaiNagar, Veerappampalayam,Erode Dist-638 <strong>01</strong>2, shallhenceforth be known asSengoda Gounder SubramaniamSengoda GounderSubramanianNAME CHANGEMy Son, SahadevanJaikanth, Date of Birth:18.11.1996, Residing at No.5& 6, Baby Nagar, 1st MainRoad Extn, V.O.C. Street,Velachery, Chennai-600 042,shall henceforth be knownas THIRUVANMIYURSAHADEVAN JEKANTH DEVThiruvanmiyurRamaswamy Sahadevan(Father)NAME CHANGEI, Nasvin Fathima,W/o.Gulam Dhsthakir NanaSahib, Date of Birth:05.08.1990, Residing at OldNo.4, Haroon Colony, SenaMaricar Street, Nagore -611002, NagapattinammDistrict, shall henceforth beknown as FATHIMA BEEVINasvin FathimaSo how do we relax?The easiest way is to turn the bigparty, the important wedding intothe hands of the Mighty Controller.That's what I do.Whenever I have to do somethingbig I get on my knees and pray,"God," I say, "Take over!" And hedoes and how.Suddenly I'm free, I have time onmy hands to get things done, becausethe worrying part, the stresspart has been taken over and myjob is just plain action.And I do believe that that's thebest way to handle pressure byallowing someone to whom it isnot pressure to handle it.This is not laziness, of no it's justthe freeing of your mind and galvanizingit, strengthening it tohandle the present.Learn to handle pressure and relaxas you achieve phenomenalresults!bobsbanter@gmail.comTN State Inter-Collegiate VolleyballChampionship from tomorrowChennai, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Thirty two men's teamsand fifteen women'steams are in the fray tolift the 1st TN State Inter-Collegiate Volleyball titlewhich begins tomorrow atMayor RadhakrishnanStadium, Egmore. JohnMemorial Sports Foundation(JMSF) is organisingthis event.Addressing thepresspersons,Venkatesan vice-president,JMSF said thatJohn Memorial SportsFoundation (JMSF) wasformed in the fondmemory of late ‘Annachi’P. John, founder of NellaiFriends Club and it willcontinue the activities leftby our sacred soul‘Annachi’ and strive todevelop sports amongthe school children.The aim of JMSF is todevelop young buddingchildren and youth insports and creating opportunitiesfor recruitmentin various institutions forthem and also promotingsports across the regionby conducting tournamentsand championships.32 colleges in men'ssection and 15 collegesin women section areparticipating in the 1st TNState Inter-Collegiate Volleyballwhich will beplayed on league cumknock-out basis underday and flood lights on 3playing courts.The teams have beendivided into eight groups.After a round-robinleague, the winners ofNAME CHANGEI, Santhi Duraimani, W/o.Jayakrishnan Raji Pandaram,born on : 07/03/1973, (Placeof Birth: Attur, Salem Dt)Residing at 71/82, 4th CrossStreet, Annasalai,Chinnathirupathi Post,Salem 636008 shall henceforth be known as SanthaSalem JayakrishnanSanthi DuraimaniPUBLIC NOTICEOur client proposes to purchase the property described below, ownedby persons named against the said survey numbers.S.No. S.F.No Extent Name(s)of Owner1. 719/1A1,725/3B1 0.90 Acre Mr.Malayandi Konar@Mayilsamyand his children2. 719/1A2,1B 0.92 Acre Mr.Damodharasamy and hischildren3. 725/3B2,3C 1.57 Acres Mr.P.Rangasamy4. 719/2B,2E 1.58 Acres Mr.P.Kalimuthu5. 719/2C,2D 1.45 Acres A.Kalimuthu,Subbathal,Karuppaswamy,M.Vijayakumar,RajeswariVaradakkal,Krishnaswamy,Marimuthu, Palaniammal andAyyammal6. 720/1E,1D,1G, 3.34 Acres Velusamy and his children Damo2Adharasamy and Mayilsamy7. 718/3,720/2B 1.50 Acres K.N.Ponnusamy and hischildren8. 720/2C 2.38 Acres K.P.Shanmugam and hischildren9. 718/1,3,4 3.84 Acres Dhanalakshmi Velumani andher children, Varadarajan & Palanisamy along with their childrenK.N.Rangasamy & K.N.Thangavelu@Velusamy and theirchildren, Sarojini and herchildren.10. 714/2,3,4,5, 6.12 Acres Ashok Rajappan, manimala &717/2,3,4,5 M.Mani Shyamsundar, A.Rangasamy,A.Doraisamy,Nagamanickam and A.Selvaraj,Aruchamyand Easwari.11. 725/3A 0.28 Acre Ayyasamy12. 714/1,717/1 3.00 Acres G.GaneshSituate at Chettipalayam Village Coimbatore District.All the above Owners (except Mr.G.Ganesh) are represented by theirpower of attorney holder Mr.T.Rajkumar.It is represented by the said Owners that the said property is freefrom all encumbrances, charges, and liens and that no other person orpersons have any right, title or interest over the said property. ThePower of attorney in favour of Mr.T.Rajkumar is valid and in force.Anyone having any claim or interest in the above property or havingany valid objection to the property being sold to our client is required tolodge the same with us within 10 days from date of publication of thisnotice failing which our client shall consider the property describedabove is free from all encumbrances and shall proceed with purchaseof the property and will not be liable to answer any claim thereafter.Date: <strong>23</strong>.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3Anjana,No.25,Bazullah Road,T.Nagar,Chennai-600 <strong>01</strong>7.www.ranklaw.ineach group willprogress to thequarterfinals.NAME CHANGEI, Jeyakrishnan Raji Pandaram, S/o. Raji PandaramLakshmanan Pandaram,born on : 15/05/1966, (Placeof Birth: Salem) Residing at71/82, 4th CrossStreet, Annasalai,Chinnathirupathi Post,Salem 636008 shall henceforth be known asJayakrishnan RajiPandaramJeyakrishnanRaji PandaramNAME CHANGEI, Tahbik Ahamed, S/o.Kadharhussian Tahbik, bornon : 25/03/1972, (Place ofBirth: Ooty The Nilgiris)Residing at 133A/53,Southwick, MetrodriveCoonoor Road,Ooty, TheNilgiris-6430<strong>01</strong> shall henceforth be known asThowfeeq .K.T.Tahbik AhamedRANK AssociatesAdvocates& Notary

Pak terror outfits euphoricover Shinde’s remarksV.V.S.ManianPut a bridle on thy tongue; set aguard before thy lips, lest thewords of thine own mouth destroythy peace... on much speakingcometh repentance, but in silenceis safety.William DrummondHome Minister Sushil KuumarShinde's brain was paralysed in thebrainstorming session in Jaipur. Toimpress crown prince Rahul and toensure a secure place in his heart,he bragged. He chose the pet topicfor hitting out at BJP. Shinde accusedRashtriya SwayamsevakSangh (RSS) and Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP) of promoting “Hinduterrorism”. Shinde hinted that hehad a file noting which says thatBJP and RSS had their trainingcamps for promoting Hindu terrorism,construed as Saffron terrorism.The BJP reacted immediatelyand demanded the removal ofHome Minister Sushilkumar Shindeas his statement on “Hindu terrorism”would favour Pakistan and terrorists.The government on their partbacked the home minister. SalmanKhurshid, External Affairs Ministeradded pep to Shinde's statementby saying that the Saffron/ Hinduterrorist statement was based “entirelyon facts”. Salman ascertainedthat the former home ministerP. Chidambaram also fullyshared Shinde’s view. However inorder not to antagonize the hugevote bank, he said that 'terror hasno religion or colour'. Union HomeSecretary R. K. Singh added fuelby saying that at least 10 peopleassociated with the Sangh werealso connected with terror blasts.The first post observes succinctly:“It isn't often that it can beChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:India Ratings says that the creditquality of its rated education instituteswill see no major credit impairmentsfrom liquidity constraintsdue to flexibility of lenders.Enrolment growth slowdown andfee reimbursement delays tightenedthe liquidity of issuers inFY12. Nevertheless, lenders’ adjustmentsin accepting loan obligationspayments after due date, protractionof loan tenors and moratoriumaverted defaults and ratingdowngrades. The leeway availableis governed by the issuer’s relationshipwith lenders and not by itssize.“In FY12 the sector’s market sizeis estimated to have beensaid that the Union Home Ministerrepresents a clear and present dangerto national security. But with hismotor mouth indiscretions and hisblinkered and partisan world viewon terrorism, Shinde has establishedthe validity of that statement”(http://www.firstpost.com/).The uncalled for swank by theHome Minster has triggered turbulenceamong Indians in India andabroad.The Congress “Chintan Shivir”strategy session provided a silverlining for Pakistan. The Pakistanterrorist outfits started distributing'Tosha' to celebrate that they havean Indian minister to protect theiractivities in India. If any bomb blastoccurs in future in India, it can besquarely blamed on the local naiveoutfits.Pak Terrorists reactionJamaatud Dawa (JuD) leadershipdemanded India should be declareda 'terrorist country' after SushilKumar Shinde's admission thatHindu terrorist organisations wereinvolved in the tragic incidents oftorching the Samjhota Express,besides Mulligan and Makkahmosque incidents.JuD chief Hafiz Saeed said in apress meet at Jamia Masjid Al-Qadsia, Chauburji that “The Indianinterior minister's confession aboutthe involvement of Hindu extremistsand terrorist organisations invarious tragedies, such asSamjhota Express burning andother incidents has proved that Indiais promoting terrorism. So theworld should now take up this mattervery seriously by declaring it aterrorist country.”Hafiz Saeed also urged theUnited States to start droning attacksin India too as Hindu terroristgroups were active there as perthe Indian minister's statement.He accused India and US of plan-TRINITY MIRROR3WEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3ning to hit Pakistan's nuclearprogramme. Giving a free hand toAmerican CIA with regard to droneattacks in Pakistan was a part ofthis planning, Saeed alleged.“If the US is serious and sincerein eliminating terrorism in the nameof religion, it should immediatelyinitiate drone attacks on trainingcentres of extremist Hindu terroristorganisations,” he said. He questionedthe US leadership for notimposing a ban on Indian terroristgroups and singling out Pakistanin this regard. The JuD head accusedthe Indian army also of beinginvolved in terrorist activities inPakistan.He said it had been proved thatIndian terrorist groups were involvedin dozens of terrorist activities inBaluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwaand other areas of Pakistan. He saidIndia had always accused Pakistanireligious organisations of beinginvolved in terrorism.“Though India accused us of beinginvolved in the Mumbai attacksand terrorism across the Line ofControl (LoC), its claims provedwrong. And now the confession byits own minister has made everythingcrystal clear before all,” theJuD leader said. (dawn.com)At one stroke, Shinde “hasscored a spectacular self goalagainst India”. He has providedjihadi terror groups such as theLashkar-e-Taibaas, Jamaat-ud-Dawa an effective propaganda platformto intensify hatred towardsIndia. The comment has also givenconfidence to terrorists to reinforcetheir activities in disuniting India.The UPA should specially pat theHome Minister for his patriotismtowards Pakistan. Well done HomeMinster Shinde! You deserve thebest post in the country. If bychance Rahul misses, you areequally good.Education sector stable, noissues over funding helpsUSD71.19bn, up from USD62.45bnin FY11 and India Ratings projectsit to increase to USD109.84bn byFY15,” says Siva Subramanian,Associate Director, Public Finance,India Ratings.Shortage of quality workforce isone of the major bottlenecks forsustained high economic growth inthe country. India Ratings expectsdemand for quality workforce toremain high in the medium term andconsequently, the demand for qualityeducation, especially highereducation, will follow.Not-for-profit rider clause and restrictionson foreign investmentshave led to formation of new structures.India Ratings views thestructure evolvement as positivefor the sector.The agency expects continuoushigh demand for the education sectorconsidering the federalgovernment’s Twelfth Five YearPlan to propel the gross enrolmentrate across levels, establish newentities, liberalise the sector (allowprivate universities and foreignplayers) and take other measuresincluding access enhancement.These measures, combined withadherence to contractual provisions,could result in a positiveoutlook.The report ‘2<strong>01</strong>3 Outlook: IndianEducation Sector - Slow EnrolmentGrowth, Credit Indiscipline Offsetby Debt Adjustments’ is availableat www.indiaratings.co.in.Hitech unit to make reagentspromises to bring downmedical tests costsSwaran Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, SIPCOT, AntonioElduque, CEO, BDPL, Dr. GSK. Velu, MD, Trivitron Bio SystemsChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Biosystems Diagnostics, a jointventure between Chennai-basedTrivitron Healthcare and Spanishcompany BioSystems hopes toproduce reagents worth Rs 200crore in the next three to five years.The JV opened its manufacturingfacility at Trivitron Medical TechnologyPark in Chennai .At the inaugural ceremonySwaran Sigh, Principal Secretary/Chairman and Managing Director,SIPCOT, Govt. of Tamil Nadu said,“It’s a proud moment for all of usthat Trivitron in partnership with globalleader in IVD segment,Biosystems SA, Spain has set upthe first State of The Art In VitroDiagnostics (In vitro diagnosticsare tests that can detect diseases,conditions, or infections. ) manufacturingfacility in the region forthe Indian and emerging marketsof the world which is anotherfeather in the cap of Tamil Nadu’scontribution to healthcare segment.Tamil Nadu is already the leader inhealthcare delivery in the countryand is the choicest destination forinternational medical tourism”.“With healthcare costs becomingprohibitive, it is imperative that initiativeslike this one be promotedaggressively,” he added.BioSystems is one of the leadingmanufacturers of clinical chemistryreagents and instruments,immunofluorescence reagents andinstruments as well asimmunoturbidimetry reagents forover three decades.The facility has a built-up areaof 45,000 sq ft and has a capacityof one lakh litres of reagents peryear. The JV has invested $10 millionin the facility.“This plant would be incorporatingall contemporary technologiesand comply with European Standardsfor its operations and wouldbe at par with the global standardsin every way. The plant design isscalable to double the capacity infuture. This facility will produce reagentworth over Rs 200 crore duringnext three to five years and itwould not only cater to the domesticmarket but also supply to theother overseas markets.”What happened toRafale fighter jets deal?Russia develops newsuperior T-50 jet fighterBangalore air show,time for India to look forbetter alternativeBangalore is all set to host theninth edition of Aero India, a biennialair show, scheduled to be heldon February 6 to 10. More than 53civil and military aircraft from leadingmanufacturers across the globeare expected to participate in theevent.Rafale fighter jets currently beingused by France to bomb Islamistmilitants in Mali is what Indiahas proposed to buy.The deal is for 126 aircraft andthe value is estimated at $12 billion(nine billion euros).India selected French manufacturerDassault Aviation as its preferredcandidate to equip its airforce with new fighter jets in January2<strong>01</strong>2.Under the deal on the table, thefirst 18 Rafales would be built inFrance but the next 108 would beassembled in India by HindustanAeronautics Ltd.Despite the fact that one yearhas passed, there seems to be noword from Rafales on starting theproduction or giving the know howto India.The first aircraft must be deliveredthree years after signature ofthe contract.With the passage of time, newertechnologies will be making inroads and other countries spreciallythe neighbours around India will behaving much more advanced fightersand we will be left with age oldtechnologies.India's quest for a futuristicstealth fifth-generation fighter,which will see the country spendaround $35 billion over the next 20years in its biggest-ever defenceproject, has zoomed into the decisivephase now.Now that the Bangalore is all setto host the ninth edition of Aero India,we must look out for newerfighters that IAF may need.At this juncture T-50 jet fighter(Prospective Airborne Complex ofFrontline Aviation) which RussianArmed Forces is on the verge toinduct seems to be a ideal alternative.The decision to introduce T-50FA jet fighter s long overdue: theUnited State launched the F-22Raptor seven years ago. China isalso trying to keep pace, as it hasstarted testing its own fifth-generationfighter.Three machines are being testedat Zhukovsky Airfield in the Moscowregion, the fourth fighter isundergoing factory tests, and thefifth one is ready for acceptance.Chennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Rockstand, an e-bookand e-magazineapplication on mobile andtablet platforms, hasinitiated the “My FirstBook at Rockstand”contest to promotebudding writers and thosewriters who have optedfor different professions.The competitionprovides the option tocontestants to either writea short story or acomplete book. Thewinner’s piece/book willget published andreleased by Rockstand onRafale’s lifecyclecost worryingSerious differences that have cropped up among the, ContractNegotiations Committee, CNC members are centred aroundthe Rafale’s lifecycle cost which the MoD representatives havedeclared to be far less than what it should be.“There is no unanimity among the CNC?members... and failinga unanimous decision, the Rafale acquisition could wellget pushed back!The MoD’s disagreement with other CNC members comes ata time when the committee will also have to review other “items”involving the Rafale, including the cost of air frame, engine,avionics, weapons system and spare parts support among others.It is learnt that the MoD representatives raised their objectionssome time after the commercial bids were opened andcontinued to object to the low computation of a Rafale aircraft’slifecycle cost in some recent meetings of the CNC. The deal isalready behind schedule as Rafale and the Defence Ministryare still negotiating on the price.In March, the five machines will flyto Akhtubinsk to begin governmenttesting. The rest of the machineswill be delivered there from the factory.By the end of 2<strong>01</strong>3, eight T-50fighters will have been acceptedfollowing trials in Akhtubinsk.The T-50 is equipped with an allnewavionics complex and an advancedradar station with a phasedantenna. The plane made itsmaiden flight to Komsomolsk-on-Amur on 29 January 2<strong>01</strong>0; thefighter was officially presented tothe public on 17 August 2<strong>01</strong>1 atthe MAKS 2<strong>01</strong>1 International Aviation& Space Salon in Zhukovskynear Moscow.Many of the T-50’s technical featuresare classified, however basedon data received from publicsources, specialists insist that thePAK FA is ahead of its foreign peersbased on a few important features,including maximum speed (bothusing afterburners and withoutthem), ferry range, thrust/weightratio, and maximum g-load.The T-50 is operated by a singlepilot. The machine has a maximumspeed of 2,600 kilometres per hour.Its ferry range is 4,300 kilometresat altitudes of up to 20 kilometres.With a maximum takeoff weight of37 tons, the fighter is capable ofcarrying up to 10 tons of armaments,including the GSh-30-1 30mm cannon, guided missiles ofvarious types and ranges, as wellas precision guided bombs. Up toeight external and ten internal suspensionpoints can be installed toattach armaments. More than teninnovative types of weapons havebeen developed for the PAK FA.Foreign media have also praisedthe Russian plane as having clearadvantages over the American fifthgenerationplanes. In mid-autumn,Australian military analysts at AirPower Australia issued a reportcomparing the Sukhoi PAK FA withits American peers F-22 Raptor andF-35 Lightening II. Based on theirconclusions, the new Russian jetfighter is superior to its existingforeign analogues based on manyof its features.The T-50 uses a new aerodynamicdesign that minimizes heat andoptical signature. The fighter isequipped with innovative radar systemsdesigned by the TikhomirovScientific Research Institute,which, coupled with the twoonboard computers, ensure targetdetection at a range of up to 400kilometres, tracking of up to 60 airtargets and shooting at up to 16targets at a time.Experts also mention the remarkableflight characteristics ofthe T-50. The machine is poweredby two AL-41F-1A turbofans withan integrated digital control systemfeaturing 2D thrust vectoring.The Russian fifth-generation T-50PAK FA fighter is therefore capableof becoming the leader among itscompetitors.IAF is confident the swing-rolefighter will meet its future operationalneeds. As a critical interimmeasure and confronted with adeclining number of fighter squadrons,IAF also wants the almost$20 billion MMRCA (medium multirolecombat aircraft) project to acquire126 French Rafale fighters tobe sealed within this fiscal.Rockstand invitesbudding writersits platform.If you have the flair ofwriting but have notshown it to the world, hereis the chance toshowcase your hiddentalent and discover thewriter within you byparticipating in ‘My FirstBook at Rockstand’Contest.Rockstand now throughthis contest will give anopportunity to suchprofessionals as well asbudding writers who cannow put themselves ontest.Rockstand gives theoption to the contestantsto either write a shortstory or a complete bookand the winner’s piece /book will then getpublished and releasedby Rockstand on itsplatform.The campaign isrunning on Facebook.The participants needto send in their entriesfrom the seven topicsmentioned on theFacebook page in anylanguage of their choice.The campaign is up andISL CONSULTING LIMITEDRegd. Office : No.3, Murthy Lane, 1st Floor, Off. Devaraja Mudali Street,Ratan Bazar, Chennai - 600003.5<strong>01</strong>, 5th Floor, Abhijit - II, Above Standard Chartered Bank,Nr. Mithakhali Six Road, Ahmedabad - 380009.NOTICENotice is hereby given that pursuant to Clause 41 of the ListingAgreement, meeting of Board of Directors of the Company is scheduledto be held at 11 A.M. on Thursday, 31st January, 2<strong>01</strong>3 at CorporateOffice - 5<strong>01</strong>, 5th Floor, Abhijeet - II, Above Standard Chartered Bank, Nr.Mithakhali Six Road, Ahmedabad - 380009, to inter-alia consider, approveand take on record the Unaudited Financial results of the company forthe quarter ended December 31, 2<strong>01</strong>2.For ISL Consulting Ltd.Place : AhmedabadDate : 22.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3running and all the entrieswill be accepted till Feb4. The entries can be sentacross at myfirstbook@rockasap.com and youcan also visit https://www.face book.com/MyFirst Book At ROCKSTAND for furtherinformation.Winners’ name will beannounced during thebook fair and they willreceive the certificatefrom the honorable panelof judges.Sd/-Hitesh C KothariDirector & Compliance Officer

US rules out extraditionof 26/11 accused HeadleyNew York, Jan.<strong>23</strong>:The United States hasruled out any extraditionof the American born LeTterrorist David Headley, inlieu of providing criticalinformation to the USagencies about variousother terror outfits.The Mumbai attackaccused also agreed toco-operate with thegovernment, as well asany foreign judicialproceedings held insideU.S. through videoconferencing ordeposition, Attorney GaryS Shapiro informed aChicago court onTuesday.The attorney ruled outany extradition for the 26/11 accused under a guiltyplea that the Pakistani-American had enteredinto with the U.S.government and in lieu ofthe co-operation heextended to thegovernment and thecrucial information aboutvarious terrorist outfitsthat he shared with theAmerican investigatingagencies.“As the Court knows,Headley’s testimonyhelped secure aconviction against(Tahawwur) Rana.Further, Headley hasagreed to provide truthfultestimony in anyproceeding in the UnitedStates if called upon bythe United StatesAttorney’s Office, as wellas any foreign judicialproceeding held in theUnited States by way ofd e p o s i t i o n ,videoconferencing orletters rogatory,” ActingUnited States AttorneyGary S Shapiro told theChicago Court in a 20-page submission.In addition to meetingwith investigators fromthe United States,Headley was interviewedby Indian lawenforcement officers forseven days, Mr. Shapirosaid.“Headley answeredtheir questions withoutany restriction, and thegovernment understandsthat the Indiangovernment found theinformation to be useful.Additionally, Headley hastaken other steps andprovided other informationto assist authorities,” hesaid.Shapiro said Headleyvolunteered to co-operatewith the investigatingagencies and providethem with the informationa day after his arrest inOctober 2009.“After being specificallyadvised that, based onthe information that hewas providing, he likelywould face charges thatcarried the death penaltyin the U.S., Headleycontinued to speak withinvestigators for twoweeks before his arrestbecame public. Further,Headley has beeninterviewed in dozens ofproffer sessions,” he said.Headley has providedextensive detail aboutLeT, including itsorganizational structure,leadership and otherpersonnel, recruitingmethods, fundraisingmethods, trainingmethods, planning ofattacks and potentialtargets.He also providedextensive detail aboutIlyas Kashmiri and his<strong>net</strong>work.Shapiro said theinformation that Headleyprovided led to criminalcharges against at leastseven other individuals,including his handler SajidMir, a senior Lashkarleader who was one of themain architects of theMumbai attacks andacted as one of thecontrollers providingdirections to the tenattackers.Sajid wasHeadley’s handler; andAbu Qahafa, a seniorLashkar member whoprovided combat andother training to the tenattackers and acted asone of the controllers.Headley also providedinformation about MazharIqbal, a senior Lashkarleader who acted as oneVictims demandreprobe on childabuse by priestsAngeles, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Victims of pedophilepriests called forrenewing a criminalinvestigation into the roleof Catholic Churchleaders in Los Angeles,including Cardinal RogerMahony, in covering upchild sexual abuse asrevealed in newlyreleased Church records.Documents madepublic on Monday showedNAME CHANGEI, Keerthi Kumar Kesarimal,S/o.Kesarimal Perajmal Jain,Date of Birth:02.06.1972,Residing at Old No.20, NewNo.86, Thiruppalli Street,Sowcarpet, Chennai - 600079, shall henceforth beknown as KIRTESH KUMARKESARIMALKeerthi Kumar KesarimalTRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3of the controllers; MajorIqbal, who Headleyreported to be an ISIofficer who helped planand fund the Mumbaiattacks; Ilyas Kashmiri,the leader of Harakat ulJihad al Islami (HUJI), aterrorist organization thattrained terrorists andexecuted attacks againstIndia and Abdur RehmanHashim Syed, a retiredPakistani military officerwho once belonged toLashkar, but had startingworking with Kashmiri.As a result of this cooperationand subsequentguilty plea, the U.S.Government attorney toldthe Chicago Court that inlight of his pastcooperation and hisanticipated futurecooperation, as well asother relevant factors, thegovernment agreed to notseek the death penaltyagainst him and to notextradite him to Pakistan,India or Denmark for theoffenses to which hepleaded guilty.that Mahony, thenarchbishop of the nation'slargest Catholicarchdiocese, worked witha top adviser to shieldknown molesters in theclergy from lawenforcement scrutiny inthe 1980s.The Los Angelesarchdiocese, made civilsettlement in 2007 withmore than 500 childvictims.NAME CHANGEI, Kaja, S/o. Abdul Razak,Date of Birth: 03.02.1977,Residing at No.5/43, AnsariNagar, Kovalam, Kancheepuram Dt- 603112,shallhenceforth be known asKHAJA MOHIDEENKajaLanka extendsdetention lawamidst protestsColombo, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:Sri Lanka approved legislationallowing police to hold suspects forup to 48 hours without a warrantamid street protests accusing thegovernment of acting to suppressdissent.Rights groups assert that SriLanka, which has a long history ofpolice impunity, of continuing toviolate human rights despite theend of a three-decade-long war withTamil Tiger separatists in May2009.Police in the South Asian nationpreviously could detain suspectswithout charge for 24 hours.'This is to curb organised crime,'Environment Minister AnuraPriyadharshana Yapa toldparliament in presenting the bill. 'Ifthere is a need to extend thedetention by another 24 hours, itcould be done by a magistratebased on a certificate produced bythe police.'Hundreds of oppositionsupporters protested against thebill in Colombo, calling it anothermanoeuvre to throttle dissent.'The government should haverelaxed anti-democratic lawsenacted during the war. But insteadthey are trying to suppress thepeople further. This allows moreroom for police torture,' oppositionlawmaker Vijitha Herath said.The United Nations and Westerncountries including the UnitedStates and Canada have urgedPresident Mahinda Rajapaksa'sgovernment to address rightsabuses committed during the finalstages of the war in which itdefeated Tamil rebels.The U.N. refugee agency UNHCRin March urged Colombo toimplement recommendations of itsown investigation calling for theprosecution of soldiers suspectedof misconduct as the war wounddown.The U.S. Embassy inColombo said it was disturbed bya series of threats and attackstargeting legal defenders whospoke out on a recentimpeachment of chief justice.NAME CHANGEI, Brajesh Kumar, S/o.Narendra Kumar Rai, Date ofBirth:02.<strong>01</strong>.1983, Residing atNo.<strong>23</strong>A, Vivek Nagar, 2ndFloor, Chitlapakkam, Chennai- 600 064, shall henceforthbe known as RAI BRAJESHKUMAR (RAI -Surname)Brajesh KumarOdd worldCharity cycling by blindTel Aviv, Jan. <strong>23</strong> :Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu, in an election victoryspeech today, said preventingobtaining nuclear bombs Iran wouldbe the primary challenge facing thenew government he intends to form.'I am proud to be your primeminister, and I thank you for givingme the opportunity, for the thirdtime, to lead the state of Israel,' hetold a cheering crowd at thecampaign headquarters of his rightwingLikud party.Exit polls showed Likud, alliedwith the ultranationalist YisraelBeitenu party, emerging fromTuesday's vote as still the biggestbloc in the 120-member parliament,with 31 seats, despite a drop intheir support and a surprise surgeby a new centrist party.Netanyahu said he intended toform as broad a governing coalition5Nova Scotia:A Nova Scotia man who went blind as a teenager said he is planninga bicycle trip across the country to raise money for charity.Craig Aucoin of Pictou County, who was born with degenerative eyedisease retinitis pigmentosa, said he and friend Lloyd McLean will bikeacross the country to raise money for the Canadian National Institutefor the Blind, the YMCA and Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, theCanadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Friday."I had always planned on a bike trip across Canada, and then I askedCraig if he'd be interested in doing it and he did so that's how it allbegan," McLean said.The pair said they are preparing for their journey by "virtually" cyclingacross the country on a stationary tandem bike. They said they spendabout 5 hours a day on the bike, covering about 90 to 100 miles persession.The men said they plan to set off for their tour this summer.Cheese truck fire blocks trafficOslo:A truckload of burning cheese has closed a road tunnel in ArcticNorway for the last six days. Some 27 metric tons of flaming browncheese (brunost), a Norwegian delicacy, blocked off a three-km (1.9mile) tunnel near the northern coastal town of Narvik when it caught firelast Thursday. The fire was finally put out on Monday.Reelected Israeli PMturns tirade on IranNAME CHANGEI,Velu Subramaniyan, S/o.Velu, Date of Birth:07.02.1967, Residing at OldNo.AP/800, New No.AP/58, GBlock, Anna Nagar West,Chennai - 600 040, shallhenceforth be known asVELU SAI SUBRAMANIVelu SubramaniyanNAME CHANGEI, N.Selva Muthukumaran,S/o. Narayanasamy, Date ofBirth:15.<strong>01</strong>.1960, Residing atNo.1/2, 2nd Cross Street,Venkateswara Nagar,Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089, shall henceforth beknown as N.S.KUMARN.Selva Muthukumaranas possible, suggesting he wouldgo beyond a traditional alliance withother right-wing and religiouspartners.'The first challenge was andremains preventing Iran fromobtaining nuclear weapons,' hesaid in his speech.Netanyahu has called Tehran'snuclear programme an existentialthreat to Israel and has stokedinternational concern by hintedstrongly at possible Israeli militaryaction to stop Iran from developingan atomic bomb.He has said that by the summer,Iran may reach a level of uraniumenrichment that would enable it tomove rapidly towards building anuclear weapon.Iran, which hasbeen hit by Western sanctions overits nuclear activities, says it isenriching uranium for peacefulpurposes only.NAME CHANGEI,Raja Deivasingh, S/o. AyyaKutti, Date of Birth:11.06.1956, Residing atNo.133, 8th Cross Street,Prakash Ngar, Thiruninravur,Thiruvallur Dist, shallhenceforth be known asDEIVASINGHRaja DeivasinghNAME CHANGEI, Subramani Manohar,S/o.Subramani, Date of Birth:11.04.1959, Residing at OldNo.58, New No.167,Thiruvalluvar Salai, Alwarpet,Chennai-600 <strong>01</strong>8, shallhenceforth be known asKALYANI SUBRAMANIMANOHARANSubramani ManoharNAME CHANGEI, Ashwin Kumar, S/o.Rajeswarlal Chandhoke, Dateof Birth: 07.07.1962, Residingat New No.18, Old No.11, FlatNo.7, Justice SundaramRoad, Krishna Kutir, Mylapore,Chennai-600 004, shallhenceforth be known asASHWIN CHANDHOKEAshwin KumarNAME CHANGEI, A.Purushath, S/o. Alagesan,Date of Birth:22.12.1962,Residing at No.55, BoardingPettai Street, Sholingar-631102, Vellore District, shallhenceforth be known asA.PURUSHOTHAMANA.PurushathNAME CHANGEMy Son, Rakshit, Date ofBirth: 30.12.2000, Residing atOld No.379, New No.1121,T.H.Road, Old Washermenpet, Chennai - 600 021,shall henceforth be known asGAURAV JAINDilip Kumar Jain (Father)NAME CHANGEI, Usha Mangilal, W/o. HiteshKumar, Date of Birth:14.4.1977, Residing atNo.1088, P.H.Road,Vimlachal Apts, Vepery,Chennai - 600 007, shallhenceforth be known asUSHA KUMARIUsha MangilalNAME CHANGEI,Sajanraj Chandrakala, W/o.Sampath Raj Vijaya Raj, Dateof Birth: 25.07.1971, Residingat New No.32, Old No.64,Madhavaram High Road,Moolakadai, Chennai -600 060, shall henceforthbe known asVIJAYARAJ CHANDRASajanraj ChandrakalaNAME CHANGEI, Vijaya Kumar Kadambavanesan,S/o.V.Kadambavanesan, Date ofBirth:24.11.1972, Residing atNo.36-A5, Prakash Enclave,BharathiarStreet,Kaikankuppam, Chennai -600 087, shall henceforth beknown as VIJAY KUMARKADAMBAVANESANVijaya KumarKadambavanesanNAME CHANGEI,VIRENDRARAJKUMAR,KUMARPassportNo.A3654406, Will now beKnown as VIRENDRAKUMAR MAHESHWARI forall PurposesVIRENDRA KUMARRAJKUMARNAME CHANGEI, Jitender Kumar,S/o.Dhoop Singh, Date ofBirth: 08.03.1976, Residing atFlat C-12, Block-C, Desh Apts,<strong>23</strong>9, GST Road, Urapakkam,Chennai-603202, shallhenceforth be known asJITENDER SHARMAJitender KumarNAME CHANGEI, Chethan Bhora PrasanBabu, S/o. Parasmal PrasanBabu, Date of Birth:22.12.1985, Residing at No.1/1, Solai Amman Koil Street,Purasaiwakkam, Chennai-600004, shall henceforth be knownas CHETHAN KUMARPRASAN BABUChethan Bhora Prasan BabuNAME CHANGEI, Ibunu Swoothu, S/o. SeyedIbrahim, Date ofBirth:19.08.1959, Residing atNo.9/4, Tanjore Apts,Brahgathambal Street, FlatNo.2, 3rd Floor, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034,shall henceforth be known asIBUNU SUWOOTHUIbunu SwoothuNAME CHANGEI, Raghuraman Sriram, S/o.Srinivasan Raghuraman, Dateof Birth: 25.04.1993, Residingat No.1, Saradambal Street,Muthulakshmi Nagar,Chitlapakkam, Chennai - 600064, shall henceforth beknown as RAGHURAMANHARIKRISHNARaghuraman SriramNAME CHANGEI, Sheik Abdul Kadar SalimaBivi, W/o.AnvardheemDelawar, Date of Birth:12.11.1972, Residing atNo.15, Mahaveer Street,Anand Nagar, Madhuranthakam, Kanchipuram Dist -603 306, shall henceforth beknown as DELAWAR SALIMABEE VEESheik Abdul KadarSalima BiviNAME CHANGEI,Kovilpathagai SumathyRangam, W/o. Ravi, Date ofBirth: 25.12.1963, Residing atOld No.40, New No.46, 48thStreet, 9th Avenue, AshokNagar, Chennai - 600 083,shall henceforth be known asRAVI SUMATHIKovilpathagai SumathyRangamNAME CHANGEI, Muthappan Chitra, W/o.Muthappan Palaniappan,Date of Birth:09.07.1965,Residing at No.26, 14th CrossStreet, New Colony,Chrompet, Chennai - 600044, shall henceforthbe known as CHITRA DHEVIMUTHAPPANMuthappan ChitraNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, Jai ShankarSubramanian ThamaraiSelvi, Date ofBirth:21.04.2008, Residing atNo.126/14, Valluvar Nagar,Villivakkam, Chennai - 600049, shall henceforthbe known as JAI SHANKARSUBRAMANIAN THARANIJai Shankar Subramanian(Father)NAME CHANGEI, Anu Vasudevan,S/o.M.V.Vasudevan, Date ofBirth: 12.10.1991 Residing atFlat S-2, Firms Aafreen W-14,3rd Main Road, Anna Nagar,Chennai-600 040, shallhenceforth be known asANIRUDH VASUDEVANAnu VasudevanNAME CHANGEI, Anil Kumar, S/o. KamalPrakash, Date ofBirth:08.06.1983, Residing at No.26/5, Elagandappan Street,Park Town, Chennai-600 003,shall henceforth be known asANIL KUMAR JINDALAnil KumarNAME CHANGEI, Brajesh Kumar, S/o.Narendrakumar Rai, Date ofBirth:02.<strong>01</strong>.1983, Residing atNo.<strong>23</strong>A, Vivek Nagar, 2ndFloor, Chitlapakkam, Chennai- 600 064, shall henceforthbe known as RAI BRAJESHKUMAR (RAI- Surname)Brajesh KumarNAME CHANGEI,Mayilvaganam Tharmalingam,S/o. Tharmalingam, Date of Birth:04.03.1946, Residing at No.1/12,Venkateshwara Nagar, 18th CrossStreet, Ramapuram, Chennai -600 089, shall henceforth beknown as MYILVAHANAM THARMALINGAMMayilvaganam TharmalingamNAME CHANGEI, Thajudeen Sobia Nisa,W/o.Abdul Latheef, Date ofBirth: 20.07.1978, Residing atOld No.1, New No.3, VenuStreet, Patel Nagar,Tambaram West, Chennai -600 045, shall henceforth beknown as ABDUL LATHEEFSOFIA NISHAThajudeen Sobia NisaNAME CHANGEI,Neelammal Appalasamy,W/o. Rajeev Menon, Date ofBirth: 26.12.1963, Residing atARP CMPX, ThirumalaiNagar, 2 Kumbakonam MainRoad, Pandyapuram,Vikrawandy, Viluppuram - 605602, shall henceforth be knownas NEELA RAJEEV MENONNeelammal AppalasamyNAME CHANGEMy Son, Mohamed AbdullahMohamed Shafi, Date ofBirth:<strong>23</strong>.04.1996, Residing atNo.93, Moore Street,Mannady, Chennai - 600 0<strong>01</strong>,shallhenceforthbe known as MUHAMEDABDULLAH MOHAMEDSHAFIMOHAMED SHAFI (Father)NAME CHANGEMy Son, Montu MahaveerJain, Date of Birth:28.<strong>01</strong>.1997, Residing atNo.77/A-22, SydenhamsRoad, A-Wing 9th Floor,Arihant Sivasakthi Apts,Periamet, Chennai - 600 003,shall henceforth be known asMONTU MAHAVEER KUMARMahaveer Kumar (Father)NAME CHANGEI, Kasim Mohamed Rabik,S/o.Kasim, Date of Birth:22.04.1971, Residing atNo.229, Bazar Street,Vridhachalam, Cuddallore Dt-6060<strong>01</strong>, shall henceforth beknownasKASIM MOHAMED RAFEEKKasim Mohamed RabikNAME CHANGEI, Chinnasamy Govindan,S/o. K.Govindan, Date ofBirth: 04.06.1976, Residing atNo.104, G.K.D.Nagar NearDasappa Kalyana Mantapam,Avalapalli Road, Hosur -635 109, shall henceforth beknown as MADHAVANANDANGOVINDANChinnasamy GovindanNAME CHANGEI, Ratna Immanvel Clements,Date of Birth:17.06.1975,Residing at No.<strong>23</strong>, M. H. Road,2nd Lane Perambur, Chennai- 600 <strong>01</strong>1, shall henceforthbe known as RATNAIMMANUEL CLEMENTSRatna Immanvel ClementsNAME CHANGEI,Amalraj Mathew, S/o.Mathew, Date of Birth:14.06.1974, Residing atSellampattidai Village &Post, Edayarpakkam Via,Sriperumbudur Tk,Kanchipuram- 631 553, shallhenceforth be known asAMULRAJ MATHEWAmalraj MathewNAME CHANGEI, Sujata KannammaNatarajan and SujathaNatarajan, W/o.Murugan,Date of Birth: 17.09.1967,Residing at No.13A/F2, 2ndMain Road, Adithya Apts,Vijaya Nagar, Velachery,Chennai - 600 042, shallhenceforth be known asSUJATA MURUGANSujata KannammaNatarajan andSujatha NatarajanNAME CHANGEI, Kavitha Vivekanandan,W/o.Mukesh Babu, Date ofBirth: 17.09.1972, Residing atM-69, 6th Avenue, AnnaNagar East, Chennai - 60<strong>01</strong>02, shall henceforth beknown as KAVITHA MUKESHKavitha VivekanandanNAME CHANGEI, Saifuddin Husna,D/o.Mohammed Saifuddin,Date of Birth:25.08.1984,Residing at No.29/10,Tangavelu Vaitiar Street, 1stFloor, Chennai - 600 005,shall henceforth be known asHUSNA BEGUMSaifuddin HusnaNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, Kanmani Saravanaraj Oviya Anicha, Dateof Birth: 12.06.2000, Residingat No.22, Rose Block BENFoundation, PadikuppamRoad, Anna Nagar West,Chennai - 600 040, shallhenceforth be known asSARAVANARAJ OVIYASaravanaraj (Father)

6Says no religion in terrorFearing backlash duringpolls, Cong disownsShinde’s remarksNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Even as the ruling Congressparty distanced itself from theterror remarks made by UnionHome Minister Sushil KumarShinde, the government kept thecontroversy alive with Union HomeSecretary R K Singh claiming thatassociates of the right-wingRashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh orRSS are linked to a series of terrorattacks in India. "We have namesof at least 10 people involved inSamjhauta Express, Mecca Masjidand Dargah Sharif blasts who wereassociated with RSS," Singh said.The Congress Party, on the otherhand, distanced itself fromShinde's controversial 'Hindu terror'remark, emphasising that the partycan never associate terrorism withany religion. Clarifying the party'sstand at a press conference here,Congress chief spokespersonJanardhan Dwivedi said, "Congressdoes not see terrorism from thereligion point of view. Similarly, theparty does not agree with terms like'Hindu Terrorism' or 'SaffronTerrorism'."We have clearly stated thatterrorism has no religion, andeveryone should stand up againstit. As far the saffron colour isconcerned, how can the Congresspoint out any objection on it? It wasa symbol of martyrdom duringfreedom movements, it is aprominent part of our national flagand it also appears on our partyflag. So, we must now end thisdebate, and people should stopblaming the Congress Party," saidDwivedi. "Home Minister mighthave been mistaken while makingsuch remark, because no one inthe Congress can make suchstatement deliberately," he added.Even as the Congress party wentinto damage-control, ExternalAffairs Minister Salman Khurshiddefended Shinde,saying the HomeMinister's allegations were "basedon facts". He told reporters,"Letme just say this to you very clearlythat our stated position, that isshared fully by the Home Ministerand past Home Minister, is basedentirely on facts as theinvestigative agencies have madeavailable to the government". "Ithink we should not be distractedby a phrase here or there frankly.The intention, the commitment, thedetermination is what clearlymatters," he said.Khurshid said one should not belooking at finer notions of whatshould be and can be said at anygiven time. "I think coreunderstanding is that there areelements who want to use somecover of pretence and some coverof allegation against other groupsto continue with their nefarious andunwholesome activities," he saidwhen asked about 26/11mastermind Hafiz Saeed and LeTtrying to exploit Shinde'sstatement.He underlined that any form ofviolence that is propagated byextremists of any kind, irrespectiveof religion is what is dangerous forIndia. "Terror does not havereligion. We have said this veryclearly. And religion should not beassociated with colour. It is terrorthat we have to fight. Terror directedagainst India that we are fighting,"he added.Congress general secretaryDigvijay Singh, while agreeing withthe party chief spokesperson thatterror could not be linked to anyreligion or colour, however,accusedthe RSS and BJP of launching apersonal attack on Shinde becausehe is a 'Dalit'. Shinde is targettedjust because he is a Dalit, hemaintained.The BJP and its ideologicalmentor, the RSS, have demandedsacking of the Home Minister, who,during a speech at AICC sessionin Jaipur on Sunday, declared thatboth the groups promote terror attheir camps. India's principalOpposition party has alreadywarned that the controversy willaffect its interaction with thegovernment in Parliament, whereShinde is Leader of the House inthe Lok Sabha.The BJP has said Shinde hasplayed into the hands of Pakistanand terror groups there which refuseto accept responsibility for strikesTRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3in India. Yesterday, Hafiz Saeed,the mastermind of the 26/11attacks in Mumbai, validated thatconcern. He said Shinde'scomments on saffron terrorismexpose India's "propaganda" inseeking to blame Pakistan for itsproblems.The BJP has been asking for anapology from the Prime Ministerand Congress president SoniaGandhi for Shinde's statementmade in their presence at the AICCplenary in Jaipur. To prove hispoint,Shinde cited the examples ofthe Samjhauta Express blast(February 18, 2007), the MeccaMasjid (May 18, 2007) andMalegaon explosions (September8, 2006.The BJP also took exception tothe External Affairs Minister'sremarks defending Shinde'sstatement on Hindu or saffronterror. Saying the party was"deeply pained" by the stand takenby Khurshid,BJP chiefspokesperson Ravi ShankarPrasad said, "Yesterday,Pakistan's terrorists celebratedafter Shinde's comments. Now,Khurshid is seeking to defend him".He said Khurshid and Shinde'sstatements were "deeplyregrettable". "What kind of apicture of India is being presented?The BJP is deeply distressed asto the line Khurshid has taken. TheExternal Affairs Minister shouldweigh his words," Prasad said. Heclaimed that the remarkableachievement of India's foreignpolicy over the years in exposingPakistan on terrorism issue was"sought to be undermined by thesetype of statements."Terming Shinde's remark an'insult' of the Hindu religion andsaffron heritage, the BJP has alsoannounced a nation-wide protestagainst his comment on January24. " Shinde's statement isencouraging Pakistan. Pakistan ishappy after his statement," BJPspokesperson ShahnawazHussain said. He said the BJPwill also raise the issue in theupcoming Budget Session ofParliament.BJP slams Khurshid fordefending Shinde's remarkNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:The Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) slammed External AffairsMinister Salman Khurshid for 'defending'Home Minister SushilKumar Shinde's remark on "saffronterror". The BJP said it was "deeplypained" by the stand taken byKhurshid. "Yesterday, Pakistan'sterrorists celebrated after Shinde'scomments. Now, Khurshid is seekingto defend him," BJP chiefspokesperson Ravi ShankarPrasad told reporters here.He said Khurshid and Shinde'sstatements were "deeply regrettable"."What kind of a picture ofIndia is being presented? The BJPis deeply distressed as to the lineKhurshid has taken. The ExternalAffairs Minister should weigh hiswords," Prasad said.He claimed that the remarkableachievement of India's foreignpolicy over the years in exposingPakistan on terrorism issue was"sought to be undermined by thesetype of statements." Khurshid,while talking to reporters, had 'defended'Shinde's statement sayingthat it was based "entirely onfacts made available by investigativeagencies." The External AffairsMinister, however, said terrorhas no religion and colour. Shinde,while speaking at the AICC conferencein Jaipur recently, said thegovernment had reports that theRashtriya Swayamsevak Sanghwas running training camps forHindu extremists. He also levelledthe same charges against the BJP.The principal Opposition partyhas said Shinde must be sackedfor his remark. Terming Shinde'sremark an 'insult' of the Hindu religionand saffron heritage, the BJPhas also announced a nationwideprotest against his comment onJanuary 24. " Shinde's statementis encouraging Pakistan. Pakistanis happy after his statement," BJPspokesperson ShahnawazHussain said. He said the BJPwill also raise the issue in the upcomingBudget Session of Parliament.Govt restores 3 coal blocks to NTPCNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Ahead of the impendingdisinvestment in the NationalThermal PowerCorporation(NTPC), thegovernment withdrewdeallocation of three coalmines in an apparent bidto boost share price of thestate-owned company.The Coal Ministry saidit has withdrawndeallocation ofChattibariatu,II Small Causes CourtHigh Court Chennai.M.C.O.P.No.4895 of 2<strong>01</strong>2Mari ...PetitionerVs1.Kudale D.Salekar & another...RespondentsToKudale D.Salekar,A/P, Wagholi, Tal:Haveli,Pune, Maharastra- 411 <strong>01</strong>4.Please takeing Notice inMCOP No.4895/2<strong>01</strong>2 on the fileof 2nd SCC at Chennai orderednotice to you which isreturnble on 11.03.2<strong>01</strong>3 onthat day you should appearbefore this Hon'ble Court at10.30 a.m. failing which thismatter will be decided in yourabsence.K.Harikrishnan,Counsel for Petitioner.CORRIGENDUMIn a name changenotification, published inMakkal Kural dated13.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3, I have given mychanged name as "GANGHAANANDH", wherein it shouldbe "GANGHA ANAND". Bymistake I have added theletter 'H' after 'ANAND' andmy name in full will be knownand called as "GANGHAANAND"GANGHAANANDChattibariatu (South) andKerandari coal blocks onthe request made by theMinistry of Power andNTPC. "The decision tode-allocate has beenwithdrawn and the abovethree coal blocks standrestored to NTPC. NTPCwould develop the coalblocks as per the revisedschedule submitted bythem", the Ministry saidin a statement thisevening. "Keeping in viewthe impending disinvestmentof NTPC and thefact that 'in principle' decisionwas already conveyedto them to withdrawthe de-allocation," thestatement said.Theseblocks were de-allocatedby the Coal Ministry onJune 14, 2<strong>01</strong>1, citing longdelay by the company indeveloping them.The Ministrysaid it had taken an"in principle" decision towithdraw the de-allocationin January, 2<strong>01</strong>2 on therequest made by the Ministryof Power andNTPC."Upon representationby the Ministry ofPower and NTPC for reviewingthe decision ofde-allocation, 'in principle'NAME CHANGEI, A.ALIMABEEVI, W/o, T.Ebunu Masood, Date of Birth:10.05.1972, Residing atNo. 62A/1, 3rd Main Road,Venkateswara Nagar, PlotNo.8, Velachery, Chennai-600 042, shall henceforth beknown as M.Halim FathimaA.ALIMABEEVIdecision to withdraw thede-allocation was taken inJanuary, 2<strong>01</strong>2," the Ministryof Coal said in itsstatement.NAME CHANGEI, Shanthi SornamFernando, W/o.ArockiaJohn Keevin, Date of Birth:25.03.1968, Residing atNo.32A/1, Dev Apartments,100 Feet, Tharamani LinkRoad, Velacherry, Chennai-600 042, shall henceforth beknown as VIRGIN SHANTHIAROCKIA JOHN KEEVINShanthi SornamFernandoNAME CHANGEI, Krithi Murthy, D/o. Dr. V.B.Narayana Murthy, Date ofBirth: 3.04.1992, Residing atNo.2, Sri Ram Nagar, SouthStreet, Alwarpet, Chennai-600 <strong>01</strong>8, shall henceforth beknown as V.N.KrithiKrithi MurthyFormer CAG auditor Singhcomes under fire in JPCNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Former CAG lead auditor R PSingh, who had questioned theloss figure of Rs 1.76 lakh crore in2G spectrum allocation, drew flakin the JPC as opposition membersquestioned his claim.Making an appearance beforethe JPC, Singh, the then DirectorGeneral, Audit (Post and Telecommunication)said, "presumptiveloss was not part of the accountingcode which is accepted internationally."He appeared before the Parliamentarypanel for the second time, the first being on November 14,NCP lukewarm to RahulGandhi's elevationNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Ruling UPA's ally NationalistCongress Party (NCP) greeted theidea of Rahul Gandhi as nextprime minister of the country witha lukewarm response, saying itwould not envision someone elseas Prime Minister so long as DrManmohan Singh was occupyingthe post. The NCP also did notrule out the possibility of adjustmentswith the Left, the SP andBSP in the 2<strong>01</strong>4 Lok Sabha polls,though it said it would stay in theUPA.Talking to reporters here, NCPGeneral secretary DP Tripathi saidhis party was working under DrSingh and it was very happy withhis leadership. He was respondingto questions over the conjecturesregarding Gandhi being putup as a prime ministerial candidatein the 2<strong>01</strong>4 Lok Sabha elections.He, however, said the Congresswas the largest party in the coalition,and choosing a prime ministerialcandidate was its internalSC asks Centre forrelevance of FDIin retailNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:The Supreme Court directed theCentre to tell the apex courtwhether foreign directinvestment(FDI) in retail trade hasinvited any investment or it is onlya political gimmick. A benchheaded by Justice R M Lodhagranted three-week's time to theCentre to place on record whetherthere are some policy guidelinesto regulate FDI in retail. The apexcourt was hearing a PIL challengingthe constitutional validity ofgovernment notification permittingFDI in retail.2<strong>01</strong>1. He was then asked to appearagain before the JPC followingdemands by BJP members whohad claimed that he hid facts andmade contradictory statements tothe media later.When Yashwant Sinha (BJP) andGurudas Gupta (CPI) queried howhe could deny his role in the preparationof the report when it was hewho had issued norms and guidelinesto the field staff, Singh readout a circular which stated that hewas to provide the inputs to thehead office which would prepare thereport after collating the data.Singh also said he had deletedmatter. Tripathi said the mainissue for NCP was of the unity ofthe secular forces and not of anyone personality.He expressed cynicism over theelevation of Rahul Gandhi as vicepresidentof the Congress, sayingwhenever such set up was put inplace it had only harmed the party.Extending his good wishes toGandhi on rising up to No 2 positionin the Congress, he said,"Gandhi is not only a good person,but excellent person, but wheneversomeone was made vice-presidentin the Congress, the party has suffered."Asked about the political alternativeshis party had been considering,Tripathi said since the Congresswas the largest secular party,the NCP would stay in the UPA alliancefor the next elections, hesaid.Tripathi, however, said his partywas assessing the political situationand was in touch with all politicalparties. A poll adjustment withBSP and Left parties was possible.Population control thrupeople's participation,not law: HCLucknow, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Lucknow Bench of the AllahabadHigh Court refused to interfere inthe Public Interest Litigation(PIL)filed by Lucknow based Social activistNutan Thakur in which sheprayed that two-child norm isadopted as the National PopulationPolicy along with suitable incentivesand disincentives.The bench comprising Chief JusticeShiv Kirti Singh and Justice DK Arora admitted the fact that thepopulation explosion issue is ofsignificance for the country but feltthat all evils facing the countrycannot be eradicated only by thestate authorities or through law."The court maintained that peoplecan play a major role in tacklingthe contentious social problem ofincreasing population. They alsosaid that each individual or concernedNGO is required to do soon its own in spreading the awarenessand education relating to theissue.the paragraph on presumptive lossfrom the draft report as it was 'notlogical', but the head office laterincluded it in the final report, JPCsources said.The former CAG official told theJPC that he was made to sign thereport one evening and asked tosend it to the Telecom Ministry andthe Finance Ministry the next dayby 1000 hrs.When Sinha questioned as towhy did he not refuse to sign thereport, Singh said that he had littleoption but to comply with the ordersof his superiors, the sourcesquoted him as saying.Ms Thakur had said in the petitionthat the current National PopulationPolicy is vague and non-specificand has failed to serve itspurpose to the required level, hencethere is a need to adopt a definiteand specific two child norm.50 child laboursrescued in KarnatakaBangalore, Jan <strong>23</strong>:In a raid conducted on fourplaces, the Bangalore Rural Districtpolice rescued 50 Child Laboursin the city. According to a release,raid was conducted by BangaloreCity Deputy CommissionerPrakash on four construction sitesand other places and rescued childrenin the age group of 4 to 14years. Police said most of the childrenrescued were from Assam,Jharkhand, Assam, Bihar andNepal and belonged to minoritycommunity. Complaints againstthe hirers were registered.Myanmar assures to dismantleanti-India terror in its soilNew Delhi, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Myanmar assured Indiathat it would not alowits territory to be used byanti-India insurgentgroups while both countriesstressed the need forworking together to addresstop common concerns.The assurance wasgiven by Myanmar PresidentU Thein Sein to DefenceMinister A KAntony during a meetingin NayPyiTaw, a Defencespokesman here said.Antony who concludedhis two-day visit toPASSPORT LOSTThis is to general public thatI have lost my originalpassport Bearing noB3004403 issued on 14-11-2000 by rpo/chennai lost onfinder is requested to handover the same to me at thebelow mentoined address no1, Nellipettai street, JameenRoyapettai, Alamelu apts, G1,B block, Chrompet, Chennai -600044. Finder will berewarded suitablyS. KUMARESANMyanmar today, hadcalled on President UThein Sein earlier duringthe day.Antony welcomed thedevelopment of cooperationbetween the ArmedForces of both sides todeal with challengesalong the land and maritimeboundaries betweenboth the countries. Heconveyed the importancegiven by India to enhancingbilateral ties in allfields, including DefencePASSPORT LOSTThis is my original passportBearing no A88494554issued on 11-05-2000 byRPO/Chennai lost on Finderis requested to hand over thesame to me at the belowMentoined address no 22/45,Unnis all street, Ellis Road,Mount Road, Chennai -600002. Finder will be rewardedsuitablyR. ABDUL SAKEEBand noted that the recentexchange of visits betweenboth countries atpolitical and other levelshad imparted a new momentumto the relationship.In the case of defencein particular,Antony said the two sideswere working to consolidateties, in mutual interestof both. Antonysaid the visit of all threeService Chiefs of Indiato Myanmar in the last 18PASSPORT LOSTThis is to general public thatI have lost my originalpassport Bearing file noW034029/1994, MAS/497905/ AA/2009 issued on2009 by RPO/Chennai lost onfinder is requested to handover the same to me at thebelow mentoined address C/7, 28 Boopathi Nagar,Kodambakkam, chennai -600024. Finder will be rewardedSuitablyN.SUBBIAHmonths reflected the desireof the Indian governmentto strengthen ties.These visits andother exchanges in therecent times had providedeach side a betterunderstanding of mutualconcerns, needs andstrengths. Antony saidas neighbours whichshare a land and maritimeboundary, both sidesshould work together toaddress common concerns.PASSPORT LOSTThis is to general public thatI have lost my originalPassport bearing No.H3549990 issued on20.10.2009 by RPO/Washington. Finder/s is/arerequested to hand over thesame to me at the belowmentioned address: No. F2,Excel Thirumal Flats, Subhashri Nagar Extn, VI, Mugalivakkam, Chennai-600 125.Finders will be rewardedsuitably.Bernoali PanimalarDavid,W/o. Victor Anbalagan.

Blue Star unveils energyefficient ACs, expands outletsChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Airconditioning and commercialrefrigeration major, Blue Star Limited,has announced the launch ofa new range of contemporary andstylish room airconditioners for theresidential segment which will beavailable in 2500 outlets in about500 cities and towns across thecountry. These airconditioners,apart from modern features, choiceof colours and sophisticated technology,offer high energy efficiencyresulting in significant power savings.Blue Star is India’s largest centralairconditioning company with anexperience of nearly seven decadesin providing expert coolingsolutions. Blue Star was erstwhilemainly targeting the corporate andcommercial segment such as offices,restaurants, showrooms,boutiques and ATMs for its roomairconditioners. However, the Companywitnessed a significant increasein sales from the residentialsegment, mainly from consumerswho believe that a specialist isbetter than a generalist and a convictionthat if Blue Star is a leaderin cooling large spaces, its roomairconditioners must be good. Toleverage on this trend, the Companyforayed into the retail channelto cater to the residential segment,more aggressively from2<strong>01</strong>1, and made significantchanges to its marketing mix. Thisinitiative met with resounding suc-Hyderabad, Jan <strong>23</strong>:The total business in AndhraPradesh crossed Rs 5,250 crore,Allahabad Bank Chairman andManaging Director ShubhalakshmiPanes today.Speaking to reporters here,she said the bank is planning toincrease its presence in state in thenext two to three years to tap thepotential. Presently, the bank had48 branches in the state and wascess and Blue Star’s roomairconditioner sales have grownconsiderably, despite a decline insales in the overall roomairconditioners industry over thelast couple of years. The Companyplans to continue to aggressivelytarget the residential segment in2<strong>01</strong>3.On the product front, Blue Starhas launched an impressive newrange of room airconditioners whichadhere to the energy standards prescribedby the Bureau of EnergyEfficiency (BEE). Further, withinthe range of Energy EfficiencyRatio (EER) specified for each starrating,Blue Star has opted for ahigher EER within each band, inorder to maximize energy efficiency.Apart from being energy efficient,the new range of splitairconditioners have a new contemporaryand stylish look withmulti-colour options in the 3-starand 5-star models such as pearlwhite, two-tone silver, champagnegold and wine red to appeal to homeconsumers. They boast of severalfeatures including i-feel for comfortwhere one sits, six filters for ultrapureair, turbo operation, long distancepiping, auto mode, dry mode,sleep mode, blow/self clean function,elegant remote control, rustresistantconstruction, self diagnosis,scroll compressor, acousticinsulation on compressor andR410A eco-friendly refrigerant,TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3amongst others.The Company also plans to promoteits inverter line-up of residentialsplit airconditioners for the benefitof energy conscious customers.These units are highly intelligentas they know when, whereand how much to cool. The invertercompressor in these units variesits speed depending on the ambientload, resulting in perfect coolingapart from significant energysavings. In addition to one-on-oneinverter airconditioners, Blue Staralso offers a break-through productcalled the Multi-Inverter SplitAC, wherein an inverter-technologybased outdoor unit can be coupledto three indoor units to airconditionupto three rooms simultaneously. .This futuristic range helps in reducingthe number of outdoor unitsfrom three to just one unit, therebymaintaining the look of the façadeof the building. The indoor units alsohave a state-of-the art sleek designwith a diamond sparkle to appealto interior designers and architects.The range of windowairconditioners has also been enhancedwith addition of modelsspecifically for the north India . TheCompany plans to invest about Rs30 crores on new product developmentand R&D initiatives, and hasadded 50 more people to its existingR&D team of 125 people, inorder to continue to develop modernand sophisticated products.Allahabad Bank turnover crosses` 5250 cr in APplanning to set up seven more bythis financial year and with this, thebranch <strong>net</strong>work would increase to55 in Andhra Pradesh,Shubhalakshmi said. The bank wasalso planning to establish 47 ATMsin Andhra Pradesh in the currentfinancial year, she added.Shubhalakshmi said the bank hasbeen taking up Direct-cash-Transfer(DCT) Scheme in 39 districtsadopted by the Centre. A largenumber of accounts have alreadybeen opened for the beneficiaries,the new CMD said adding the bankwas not charging any processingfee for Agriculture sector. The bankwas popularizing its e-producsthrough speed-e-track campaignuner its Green Initiatives and underthis, the bank had alreadywaived all charges for remittancesthrough NEFT up to Rs one lakhfor its customers, she said.NCDEX launches 100 gmgold contractsChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:National Commodity &Derivatives ExchangeLimited (NCDEX), one ofIndia’s leadingexchanges has recentlylaunched its Gold 100grams contract withHyderabad as the BasisCentre and Chennai as anadditional delivery centre.The contract is based onGold bars of 100 gramswith 999 fineness. Withprice quotes in Rs. per 10grams and a tick size ofRs. 2/- per 10 Grams, Itis a compulsory deliverycontract with a deliveryunit of 100 gram barsfrom exchange approvedrefiners.India is the largestmarket for gold jewelleryin the world and a keydriver of global golddemand. The demand forgold in India is supportedby cultural and religioustraditions, not necessarilylinked to global economictrends.During the past decadethe average annualdemand for gold in Indiawas around 745 tonnes,NAME CHANGEI, K.Sundararajan (Sundararajan Kaliannan), S/o.Kaliannan , Born on :11.<strong>01</strong>.1955, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore Dt.), Residing atOld No: 125C,New No: 147,Bharathi Nagar, SRKV Post,Periya Naickenpalayam,Coimbatore-641<strong>01</strong>9, shallhenceforth be known asK.SUNDERRAJAN( S U N D E R R A J A NKALIANNAN)K.Sundararajan(Sundararajan Kaliannan)NAME CHANGEMy daughter,Sowbarnika, born on8.7.2<strong>01</strong>1, (place of birth:Perur chettipalayam,Coimbatore Dist) residingat sakshi mariyamankoil street, Perurchettipalayam,Coimbatore Dist, shallhenceforth beknown asS.RAKSITHAA.M.Chandrasekar(Father)NAME CHANGEI, C.V.Priyadharshini,D/o. R.Varadharajan, born on15th May 1994 (place of birth:Coimbatore), residing atNo.<strong>23</strong>-B, Vignesh ILLAM,Lakshmipuram, GanapathyPost, Coimbatore-641 006,shall henceforth be knownas V.PRIYADHARSHINI.C.V.PRIYADHARSHININAME CHANGEI, Eashwar KumarRamchand, S/o. RamchandNaraindas, Date of Birth:27.6.1967, Residing atNo.894, Poonamallee HighRoad, Shanthi NiketanBuildings, Chennai-600 056,shall henceforth beknown as ESHWARR RAMCHANDANIEashwar Kumar RamchandNAME CHANGEI, Rakesh Kumar Tirtha,D/o, Rakesh Kumar Babulal,Date of Birth: 10.<strong>01</strong>.1995,Residing at Old No.157& 158/9, New No. <strong>23</strong>9&241/9, Sydenhams Road,Periamet, Chennai-600 003,shall henceforth be knownas RAKESHKUMAR JAINTIRTHA.Rakesh Kumar Tirthaaccounting for nearly20% of the worlds’ golddemand. Indianhouseholds carry thelargest stock of gold inthe world, with two-thirdsof the Indian demandcoming from the ruralparts of the country. Thisdemand is met largely byimports, with a record 969MT of gold beingimported in 2<strong>01</strong>1.SouthIndia continues to be thelargest consumer of Goldin the country with thefour southern states ofAndhra Pradesh, TamilNadu, Karnataka andKerala accounting forover 45% of the nation’soverall gold demand.More specifically SouthIndia contributed toalmost 60% of import ofGold 100, of which thecity of Hyderabad aloneaccounts for 39%. Therewas a clear need tofacilitate delivery at citieswithin the mainc o n s u m i n gregions.Speaking at thelaunch, Mr. AleenMukherjee, Head -Institutional & RetailNAME CHANGEI, Usha Ashwini Kanakaraj,W/o, Narendran Shanmugam,Date of Birth: 13.11.1981,Residing at No. 61/21, QBlock, 16th Street, AnnaNagar, Chennai-600 040,shall henceforth be knownas Usha Narendran.Usha Ashwini KanakarajPRITHVI SOFTECH LTD33, Montieth Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008NOTICENotice is hereby given that the board meeting of the company will be heldon 30th January 2<strong>01</strong>3 to consider among other things, unaudited resultsfor the quarter ended 31/12/2<strong>01</strong>2.For PRITHVI SOFTECH LIMITED.Place: ChennaiDate: 22.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3NAME CHANGEI, MARATHAMILAN SIVARAJ,S/o. Sivaraj, Born on :11.04.1963, (Place of Birth:Kulithalai, Karur-Dt),Residing at B-11, Patteeswarar Vigneswar Avenue,Pankaja Mill Road,Ramanathapuram,Coimbatore - 641045. shallhenceforth be known asMARATHAMILANKULITHALAI SIVARAJMARATHAMILAN SIVARAJNAME CHANGEI, Madhes Subbu Mudaliar,S/o. Subbu Mudaliar, born on:15/12/1952, (Place of Birth:Ammapet, Salem Dt)Residing at Old No 20A, NewNo 12A, SembadaMuniyappan Koil Street,Ammapet, Salem Dt636003 shall henceforth beknown as MadheswaranSubbu MudaliarMadhes Subbu MudaliarNAME CHANGEI, S.ARCHANA, D/o.M.Vijaishankar, born on11.12.1988, (place ofbirth: Madurai), residingat No-61A, Sri AndalAvenue, PattanamPudur, Coimbatore-641<strong>01</strong>6 shall henceforth beknown as V.ARCHANAS.ARCHANAM M FORGINGS LIMITEDSd/-Ashok KavadManaging DirectorRegistered Office: No.95, Anna Salai, Chennai, 600 032.NOTICENotice is hereby given that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will beheld on Monday, 04 February 2<strong>01</strong>3 to consider and take on record the Unaudited FinancialResults for the quarter ended 31 December 2<strong>01</strong>2.for M M FORGINGS LIMITEDPlace : Chennai.Sd/- J.SumathiDate : 22.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3Company SeceretarySegment, NCDEX saidthat “Hyderabad hashistorically been a hub forthe physical consumptionof gold and hence waschosen as the Basiscentre for theGOLDIND100 contract.We have receivedpositive feedback fromtrade participants, high<strong>net</strong>-worth investors andmembers. We lookforward to wideparticipation in thecontract as we roll outawareness programsacross the region.An important feature ofthe contract is that itprovides for StaggeredDelivery.“NCDEX has themost successful andproven delivery system,a strength which hasseen the ExchangeNAME CHANGEI, DANIEL MANUELJESUDASAN, S/o. ManuelJesudasan, Born on :07.06.1955, (Place of Birth:Idayangudi), Residing at No.4, Ramlakshman Nagar,Sowripalayam, Coimbatore -641 028. shall henceforth beknown as GNANA SINGHDANIEL MANUELJESUDASANDANIEL MANUELJESUDASANNAME CHANGEI, Venkatesh Madhes, S/o.Madheswaran SubbuMudaliar, born on : 20/04/1980, (Place of Birth:Ammapet, Salem Dt)Residing at Old No 20A, NewNo 12A, SembadaMuniyappan Koil Street,Ammapet, Salem Dt636003 shall henceforth beknown as VenkatesanMadheswaranVenkatesh MadhesNAME CHANGEI, MOHAMED IQBALRAHMAN, S/o, MOHAMEDIQBAL, BORN ON:15.07.1988 (PLACE OFBIRTH: TIRUPUR), RESIDINGAT NO.7 GULAMKHADERGARDEN, TIRUPUR - 641603SHALL HENCEFORTH BEKNOWN AS MOHAMEDIQBAL KALELUR RAHMAN.MOHAMED IQBALRAHMANNAME CHANGEI, V. Soundarrajan, S/o.Mr.C. Velumani, (place ofbirth: Tirupur) residing atNo.47/1, AmaravathiStreet, KamadhenuNagar, Avaram Palayam,Coimbatore 641 006,Tamilnadu, shall henceforthbe known asVelumani Soundararajan.Velumani SoundarrajanUNIPLY INDUSTRIES LIMITED7averaging approximately90,000 MT of deliveriesacross products everymonth.We have begun thenew year with thisinitiative, in line with ourendeavor to offerproducts that meet therequirements of thecommodity value chain.”said Vijay Kumar – ChiefBusiness Officer,NCDEX.NAME CHANGEMy Son, E. Samuel Pele,S/o: E. Ebenezer, born on :14/<strong>01</strong>/2004, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore) Residing atO.No.453, N.No.140, 7thStreet Extension,Gandhipuram, Coimbatore– 641 <strong>01</strong>2 shall henceforthbe known as E.SAMUELPELE JOHNJ.SELVA SUMITHAEBENEZER (MOTHER)NAME CHANGEI, N.ABINAYA, D/o.G.Narayanasamy, Born on :25.03.1992, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore), Residing atNo.7, Paris Nagar, CivilAerodrome Post, Sitra,Coimbatore- 641 <strong>01</strong>4. shallhenceforth be known asN.ABINAYAASRIN.ABINAYANAME CHANGEI, Lingaiyar Sasikumar, S/o.Lingaiyar, born on : 29/05/1975, (Place of Birth: Salem)Residing at 78/55, CauseWay Road, Gugai, Salem-636006. shall henceforthbe known as VaithunLingaiyar SasikumarLingaiyar SasikumarNAME CHANGEI, BOONGODI D/o.Ganesan born on11.02.1991 (place of birth:Coimbatore) residing atOld No.9/55, New No.9/50, Kaikolapalayam,Mailampatti (Post),Coimbatore-641 062shallhenceforth be knownas POONGODIBOONGODINAME CHANGEI, ARUNAGIRI UMA W/oSANJAI SENTHIL born on 05/05/1981 (place of birth: SA-LEM) residing at O.NO.14/912,N.NO.14/162C,PAPPAPATTI, EDANGANASALAI, SALEM - 637502 shallhenceforth beknown asSANJAI SENTHIL UMAMAHESWARIARUNAGIRI UMANo. 69, Nelveli Village, Uthiramerur Block, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamilnadu - 603 107NOTICENotice is hereby given that, a meeting of the Board of Directors of theCompany will be held on Tuesday, the 29th day of January 2<strong>01</strong>3, at thecorporate Office of the Company at No. 52, Harleys Road, Kilpauk,Chennai - 600 <strong>01</strong>0 at 3.00 P.M., inter alia, to review, consider, approveand take on record the un-audited financial results for the quarter ended31.12.2<strong>01</strong>2 along with other agendas.Place: ChennaiFor UNIPLY INDUSTRIES LIMITEDDate: 21.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3COMPANY SECRETARYTRIBOLOGY INDIA LIMITEDRegistered Office: Padi, Chennai 600 050COMPANY NOTICENOTICE is hereby given that as per clause 41 of the Listing Agreementwith the Stock Exchange a meeting of the Board of Directors of thecompany will be held at the Registered Office of the Company at Padi,Chennai 600 050 at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, the 31st January 2<strong>01</strong>3, toconsider the unaudited results for the quarter ended 31st December2<strong>01</strong>2, interalia.For TRIBOLOGY INDIA LIMITEDPlace: Chennai 600 050S SundaravaradanDate : 22.<strong>01</strong>.2<strong>01</strong>3 VP & Company Secretary

8TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>23</strong> JANUARY 2<strong>01</strong>3Freedom fighter Netaji Subash Chandra Bose’s 117th birthday was celebrated by the Tamil NaduGovernment today. The Tamil Nadu ministers, led by K.T. Rajendra Balaji, paid floral tribute to himalong with Chenni City Mayor Saidai Duraisamy and Tamil Development, HRD and InformationSecretary M. Rajaram.Indian fishermen chasedaway by Lankan NavyRameswaram, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Sri Lankan Naval personnel allegedlyattacked some Indian fishingtrawlers and prevented the fishermenfrom fishing near the InternationalMaritime Boundary Line(IMBL), midnight last night.The fishermen, who returned tothe shore today, charged the SriLankan navy with hurling stonesand soda bottles on the fishingtrawlers while they were engagedChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Beam, India’s revolutionary mobilewallet is rolling out its Air Ticketbooking service initially in 100 PostOffices across Tamil Nadu.Now customers can book domesticas well as international airtickets at a Post Office near them.At economical price. Without requiringcredit/debit card or <strong>net</strong> banking.Sharing his perspective on thisoutstanding achievement AnandMOP cadets claim overalltitle at NCC meetChennai, Jan. <strong>23</strong>:D G Vaishnav College andTamilnadu Battalion NCC MadrasGroup A organised a three-dayState-level inter-collegiate competitionCadofest 2<strong>01</strong>2-13.MOP Vaishnav College won theoverall banner championship with1 TN Air Sqn NCC emerging runners-upand the Best Cadet.Dr Ambedkar Law Universityclaimed the Overall Cultural Trophywhile Presidency College wonin fishing activities at mid Sea.The Lankan naval personnelsnatched the GPS equipment fromten fishing boats and threw theminto the sea, after snapping the fishing<strong>net</strong>s.State Fisheries Department officialsconfirmed the attack on Indianfishermen but said they havenot received any complaints fromthe fishermen, so far.However, it was not knownBeam airline ticketingin TN Post OfficesShrivastav, CMD, Beam said, “It’sindeed a proud moment for us. Wehad started our journey with IndiaPost in Nov’09 and we feel it to bea great accomplishment to do a fulllaunch our Air Ticketing Service atPost Offices across Tamil Nadu”.“Beam has undisputed leadershipin providing mobile wallet andm-commerce services, and wehope to bring more innovative servicesas we go forward” he added.Working closely with more thanhonours as the Best Event of theDecade for Jeeva Sparsham.Chief Guest Col. A K Dabral,Commander Madras Group A, inhis valedictory address saidCadofest is the launchpad andstepping stone for cadets pursuingRDC and TSC.Guest of Honour, CommandingOfficer Col. S K Oberoi said thathealthy inter-collegiate competitionis the platform for achieving laurelsto reach the higher level of ICGwhether any fishermen sufferedinjuries in the attack. As many as634 mechanised fishing boats hadventured into the sea for a fishingtrip from Rameswaram yesterdaymorning.Security agencies, including TamilNadu Q Branch and State CoastalSecurity Group carried out enquirywith the fishermen on the attack,after the media reported about theincident.50,000 partners across India,Beam today is successful in reachingto more than 1.4 crore customers.There is an ever growing bouquetof services from remote payments,telecom and DTH recharge, rail, airand bus bookings, cinema tickets,utility payments and much more.Financial transaction services toenable trade flows as well as otherfinancial products would be providedshortly.and RDC with the key factors ofself discipline, honesty and hardwork.“Youth are the backbone of thecountry and their talents have tobe unearthed, being the pillars ofNation. The onus is on teachers tobe the guiding lights of the students.”Varun Bharathvaj gave the welcomeaddress with the vote ofthanks proposed by Major Dr MVenkataramanan.Natya Kalasarathy title forSrinidhi at 112th dancefest of Parthasarathy SabhaChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:The 112th Dance festival of SriParthasarathy Swami Sabha, thecity’s oldest carnatic sabha, wasinaugurated by Nalli KuppuswamiChetti, President of the Sabha.At the inauguration of the DanceFestival, Dr. Preetha Reddy (ManagingDirector, Apollo Hospitals)conferred the title ‘NatyaKalasarathy’ on Dr. SrinidhiChidambaram in recognition of hercontribution to the field ofBharatanatyam.The award carried a shawl, a goldmedal, a certificate with a cashpurse of Rs 1 lakh instituted by P.Vijayakumar Reddy and Smt. Dr.Preetha Reddy.Padmabhushan Natya KalaSarathy Dr. Padma Subramaniamand M.V. Narasimhachari felicitatedChennai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:Shilpa Architects, Planners andDesigners, will conduct ReciprocityWave, a creative pursuit for collegestudents which is to be heldin Chennai at Nageswara Rao Parkon the of Feb 2. Reciprocity Waveaims to build awareness aboutSocio- economic issues faced bypeople on a daily basis in India.A number of students from differentcolleges are set to take part,with their respective teams to createa thematic sculpture on Reciprocity,exhibiting their ideas toaddress various socio-economicissues ailing the country. People inand around Chennai are expectedto attend the Reciprocity Wave toshare insights on the subject.the Natya Kalasarathy’ Dr. SrinidhiChidambaram. AcharyaChoodamani Anitha Guha lit thekuthuvilakku to mark the inaugurationof the dance festival.M. Krishnamoorthy, Secreatry,Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabhasaid, “The 42 day longest dancefestival with 91 dance programmesorganized by Chennai’s oldestsabha Sri Parthasarathy SwamiSabha in its 112 dance festival.”“The festival was inaugurated atNarada Gana Sabha. The danceprogrammes from Jan. <strong>23</strong> to March10 will be held at R.K. Swamy Auditorium.Sundareswarar Street,Mylapore.”Srinidhi Chidambaram,a doctorby profession and a dancer by passion,foraying into dance at the ageof four,Srinidhi has earned the distinctionof being one of the youngestrecipients of many anaward.For instance,the NrityaChoodamani Award was conferredto her when she was 29.Srinidhi began training in danceformally under Dr KamalaLakshman,a child prodigyherself,and went on to perform herArangetram at seven. Today,despitea hectic career (as a Medical Coordinator,InternationalPatientsService,at the Apollo Hospitals)that she says is both satisfying andstimulating,Srinidhi manages topractice dance everyday for twohours.Srinidhi Chidambaram, a doctorby profession, wife of lawyer andpolitician Karti Chidambaram, anddaughter-in-law of Union FinanceMinister P. Chidambaram.Shilpa Architects event onFeb 2 to display students skillMadurai, Jan <strong>23</strong>:A 22-year-old woman gave birthto triplets by Caesarean section atthe Government Rajaji Hospital(GRH), here.Hospital sources said housewife,V Anguselvi, hailing fromChinnamanur in Theni district, wasTheni woman delivers tripletCommenting on this, Ms. SheilaSriprakash, Founder & Chief Architectof Shilpa Architects PlannersDesigners Pvt Ltd , said, “The ReciprocityWave is an event that wouldenthuse empathy and a sense ofcommunity in our people.I believe such events can motivatesociety to embrace sustainablebehavioral patterns that willhelp in solving many of the issuessuch as poverty, health, climatechange, marginalization, resourcescarcity and more that plague theworld today”An eminent panel of judges willchoose the top three winningteams. The jury will announce thewinners by 6.00 PM on the day ofthe event. The winner will be chosenbased on 40% spectator’svotes and 60% judge’s selection. .The best three student teams fromleading colleges in Chennai, as wellas prestigious universities in Europe,will be competing for over Rsone Lakh in prize money.The winner will be awarded Rs50,000 and the first and secondrunners up will be awarded Rs35,000 and Rs 15,000 respectivelyFor further questions please contactreciprocitywave@gmail.com orhttp://shilpaarchitects.com/blog/.The event is also free and opento the public. Registration for studentteams interested in participatingis available at https://www.facebook.com/ShilpaArchadmitted to the GRH after she developedlabour pain last night.The woman gave birth to twobaby boys and a girl after a teamof doctors performed caesareansection in the wee hours.Since two babies were underweight,they were kept in the incubator.Both the mother and her threeinfants were in stable conditionand the delivery of triplets was thefirst recorded in the governmenthospital, this year, the sourcesadded.Dharmapuri Dist Collector R. Lilly releasing a CD on Road Safety Measures Azra Garg, SP receivesthe first copy. Angamuthu Regional Transport Officer, K.P. Maheswari CEO incharge, Natarajan BusOwners Association President, Francies L&T Toll incharge, DRO Ramar, PRO Senthilkumar, AsstDirector Panchyat Ramau are also in the picture.The one-kilometer stretch in Peerkankaranai Town Panchayat region, Kancheepuram district, is beingconverted as two-way at a cost of Rs 80 lakh. Minister TKM Chinayya inaugurated in the presence ofpanchayat president A V Sampathkumar & Mount Union Committee president N C Krishnan.

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