Session adjourned - Gulf Daily News

Session adjourned - Gulf Daily News

Session adjourned - Gulf Daily News


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VOL XXXVI NO. 97 (GGDN 024) TUESDAY, 25th JUNE 2013200 Fils/2 RiyalsBroadband Multi-SIM Plansshare many devices on one planFREE!OnlyforGDNsubscribersBUDGETRELIEFMANAMA: Bahrain’s national budgethas finally been approved afterseven months of delay.It was passed yesterday during an extraordinaryparliament session at the NationalAssembly Complex in Gudaibiya.The budget for this year and next year wasapproved by 23 of the 30 MPs present.It means 45,000 civil servants will not receiveFlyover tragedydriver for trialMANAMA: A Bahraini suspectedof causing last week’s horrificcrash on the Seef flyover willstand trial tomorrow.He will appear before theLower Criminal Court in anurgent trial to face charges ofmanslaughter, drunk driving andinjuring a person, said TrafficProsecution chief Hussain AlBouali.However, he denied the charges,blaming the accident on a tyrethat exploded.Bahrainis Manal Adel Qamberand Ramla Ali Alaskari diedwhen their car crashed througha metal barrier and fell 15 metresto the ground last Thursday. Thesole survivor, driver Sana AliAwadh, was admitted to hospitalwith critical injuries, and is nowsaid to be in stable condition.a 15 per cent pay rise, which was a key reason forMPs rejecting the budget last month.Parliament second vice-chairman Shaikh Adel AlMaawada said the budget was initially rejected topressure the government to meet people’s demands.“The government’s insistence on rejecting the15pc increase demanded by MPs was clear,” he said.“But we cannot leave the budget without approval orit will affect many people as well as projects.”Full report – Page 6n Nine-year-old Yongamalooks at flowers after leaving aget-well card at the entranceto the Mediclinic HeartHospital where former SouthAfrican president NelsonMandela is being treatedin Pretoria, South Africa.President Jacob Zuma saida critically ill Mandela was“asleep” when he visited the94-year-old in the hospital,and urged the country to prayfor the ‘father of democracy’.n Lebanese soldiers give directions to a military tank in Abra near Sidon, southernLebanon. They stormed a complex holding gunmen loyal to a radical Islamist clericin the city of Sidon and arrested dozens of his supporters, security sources said, ina second day of clashes fuelled by neighbouring Syria's civil war. Full report – Page 2n <strong>Session</strong> <strong>adjourned</strong>MANAMA: His Majesty King Hamad yesterdayissued a royal order adjourning the third sessionof the third legislative term from Thursday.n Satellite devices banMANAMA: The Foreign Ministry has urgedBahrainis travelling to India to avoidcarrying any satellite communicationdevices, such as Thuraya and Iridium. Indiahas banned the use of these devices, andsubjects individuals possessing them to legalaccountability.n Qatar Amir to step downDOHA: Crown Prince Shaikh Tamim binHamad Al Thani is to be named the new Amirof Qatar today, the palace announced last night.A statement said that Qataris will be askedtoday and tomorrow to “swear allegiance to HisHighness Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thanias Amir.” The current Amir, Shaikh Hamadbin Khalifa Al Thani, will then announce hisabdication in favour of his 33-year-old son. Aroyal court statement said Shaikh Hamad wouldmake a speech at 0500 GMT today – whichwould be declared a national holiday.n Saudi virus toll rises to 34RIYADH: A Saudi man has died from theMiddle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers)virus, bringing the kingdom’s death tollfrom the Sars-like infection to 34, the HealthMinistry said yesterday. New cases had alsobeen recorded, especially in Eastern Provincewhere most of the infections have occurred.The ministry said it had now recorded 66 casesof infection from the coronavirus Mers in thekingdom since the disease erupted last year. Itsaid 34 of those who contracted the disease haddied. The World Health Organisation had saidon June 17 that 64 laboratory-confirmed casesof the disease had surfaced worldwide to date,including 38 deaths.PROPERTY MANAGEMENTBusiness Bay Juffair OffersOffice Space for rent with varioussizes (136 sq.mtr. to 570 sq. mtr.)with panoramic view.BD 600/- onwardsBusiness Bay, Suite 1203, 12th floor, Building 1260Road 2421, Area 324, Al Fateh JuffairT: 17 369478 - M: 39777526/36898914 - E: ali@iriswll.com

2 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Mystery deepens as Snowden ‘vanishes’ in MoscowMOSCOW: Fugitive US intelligenceleaker Edward Snowden yesterday vanishedin Moscow after failing to take aflight to Cuba on which he was booked,as Washington demanded that Moscowexpel him back to the US.Russia’s Interfax news agency confirmedthat he was not on the Havana flight andquoted an informed source as saying hewas likely already out of the country.Snowden had arrived in Moscow onSunday from Hong Kong, from where heby Ecuador after the US revoked his passport.The White House dubbed Snowdena traitor to his country and warned bothRussia and China that their relations withthe US might be damaged by their refusalto extradite him.cials to have spent the night in a distinctlyunglamorous “capsule hotel” atMoscow’s Sheremetyevo airport awaitinghis onward connection. Accompanied byWikiLeaks activist Sarah Harrison, he hadbeen expected to take Aeroflot’s flightSnowden, who embarrassed US leaked to the media details of secret cyberespionageObama meanwhile said that the US was yesterday from Moscow to Havana afterPresident Barack Obama with his revelationsof massive surveillance programmes,failed to appear on the Aeroflot flight toHavana from where he had been expectedto continue to Ecuador and claim asylum.programmes by both US andBritish intelligence agencies.WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange saidSnowden was “safe” after leaving HongKong with a refugee document suppliedfollowing all appropriate legal channelsand “working with various other countriesto make sure that the rule of law isobserved.”Snowden was said by Russian offi-airline sources confirmed he had checkedin and had a seat allocated.But the flight left with a pack of hopefuljournalists on board and no sign ofSnowden among the passengers.Lebanese armystorms mosqueSIDON: Lebanese soldiersstormed a complex holdinggunmen loyal to a radicalIslamist cleric in the city ofSidon yesterday and arresteddozens of his supporters,security sources said, in asecond day of clashes fuelledby Syria’s civil war.The fighting is the deadliestoutbreak in Lebanon sinceSyria’s two-year conflict began.The army said 12 soldierswere killed in the city, whilesecurity sources gave a higherarmy toll of 18 dead and 128wounded.A medic told Reuters that 22bodies had been pulled fromthe mosque complex but heexpected the final death countto be higher.He said 94 wounded hadbeen treated by the Red Cross.Fighting spread to a secondcity yesterday, with Sunnifighters in the northern cityof Tripoli opening fire on themilitary and blocking roadswith cement blocks and burningtyres.n Lebanese soldiers fire their weapons, as medics transport the lifeless body of a solider, during clashes in Sidon and, right, aBy nightfall, clashes theremedic helps an injured soldier after his body caught firehad injured two soldiers andthree gunmen.Hizbollah, was still at large after on Sunday. The army said opening fire on an army checkpoint.eradicate strife, and will notthat the army is determined toHardline Sunni cleric Sheikh the battle in Sidon.clashes broke out on SundayAhmed Al Assir, who has The army is trying to kill or after security forces detained Army commanders pledged halt its military operations untilaccused the army of backing capture him, accusing him of one of Assir’s followers. to crush Assir’s forces. security is restored to the city,”the interests of the Shi’ite group killing soldiers “in cold blood” His supporters retaliated by “We affirm to all Lebanese the army said yesterday.Ten car bombs kill 39 people in BaghdadBAGHDAD: Ten car-bomb explosionskilled at least 39 people across the Iraqicapital yesterday, police and medicalsources said.In the central district of Karada, twoparked car bombs went off killing at leasteight people, and another two car bombsexploded simultaneously near a marketin Jihad, killing eight.The attacks were the latest in a waveof violence that has claimed more than2,000 lives since the beginning of April.The deadliest attack came at nightwhen two car bombs exploded withinminutes on a commercial street in themixed neighbourhood of Jihad in westernBaghdad, killing eight people andwounding 21 others, police said.Police said car bomb exploded near asupermarket on a main commercial streetin the Shi’ite Karrada neighbourhood,killing five people and wounding 16.Just after sunset, police said a carbomb went off near an outdoor marketin the suburb of Nahrawan, killing fourcivilians and wounding 15 others.Minutes later, a car bomb went offnear a market in the Shi’ite-majorityneighbourhood of New Baghdad. Policesaid that three people were killed and10 others were wounded. Minutes later,a second car bomb hit a bus stop in thesame neighbourhood, killing two peopleand wounding eight others.Also, two people were killed in acar explosion in the Christian-Shi’iteneighbourhood of Garage Al Amana insoutheastern Baghdad.In the morning, a provincial policeofficer in Ninevah said a suicide attackerrammed his explosives-laden car into anarmy patrol in the city of Mosul, killinga soldier and a police officer. He said thatseven people, including two civilians,were wounded.Another officer said a second bomberblew set off his explosive-rigged beltinside a university campus in the city ofTikrit, killing a police officer.The violence came as tens of thousandsof Shi’ites poured into the holycity of Karbala, 80km south of Baghdad,for the annual festival of Shabaniyah,marking the anniversary of the birth ofthe ninth-century Shi’ite leader known asthe Hidden Imam.n SnowdenBerlusconiconvictedin sex trialMILAN: Silvio Berlusconi washanded a seven-year jail sentenceyesterday for abuse ofoffice and paying for sex with aminor, adding to the complicationsfacing Italy’s government.The former prime ministerwill not have to serve any jailtime before he has exhaustedan appeals process that couldtake years, but the convictionangered members of his centre-rightparty who questionedwhether he should continue tosupport the coalition.The 76-year-old mediatycoon expressed outrage at theverdict which he said was politicallymotivated. “An incrediblesentence has been issued of aviolence never seen or heard ofbefore, to try to eliminate mefrom the political life of thiscountry,” Berlusconi said.“Yet again I intend to resistagainst this persecution becauseI am absolutely innocent and Idon’t want in any way to abandonmy battle to make Italy acountry that is free and just.”Berlusconi’s lawyers saidthey would appeal against theruling that also banned himfrom holding public office.Berlusconi was found guiltyof paying for sex with nightclubdancer Karima El Mahroug duringsex parties at his home nearMilan. The judges also convictedhim of abuse of office by arrangingto have El Mahroug releasedfrom police custody when shewas held in a theft case.Saudi weekend tobegin on FridayRIYADH: Saudi Arabia isswitching its weekend to beginon Friday to align its bankingand business days with mostother nations in the region.A royal decree will takeeffect this week, Saudi PressAgency said yesterday.An advisory body in Aprilrecommended changing fromthe current system in whichthe two-day weekend begins onThursday.A similar proposal in 2007failed, but the Saudi businesscommunity has been lobbyingfor the switch for years tomatch the schedule in regionalcommercial hubs, such asDubai. Oman switched toFriday-Saturday weekends lastmonth. Most other countries inthe <strong>Gulf</strong> start their weekendson Friday.

Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bh<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 20133n The Bahrain delegation honoured by BCCI for taking part in the eventJewellers defendtrip to Las VegasBy Sandeep Singh grewaLGOLD traders yesterday hit back at claimsthey turned a four-day business trip to LasVegas into a junket.It follows allegations that representativesfrom 12 Bahrain jewellery firms wasted governmentmoney and spent more time gamblingthan working at the JCK Las Vegas JewelleryExhibition.The Bahrain Chamber of Commerce andIndustry (BCCI) was reportedly flooded withe-mails making false claims against the participatingtraders.“We took part in one of the biggest exhibitionsin the world and are disappointed with allthese rumours and misinformation spread bysome groups targeting us,” said businessmanSajid Al Shaikh.Bahrain was the first countryin the MiddleEast to takepart in thepremier exhibitionand itwas organisedby the BCCIin co-operationwith Tamkeen.“Tamkeent h r o u g hthe BCCIgave aboutBD50,000 forthe delegationto attend theexhibition,” saidMr Al Shaikh.“They have allthe records stating everything.“On the other hand each delegatespent about BD80,000from their own pockets for airtickets, hotels, logistics, insur-ance on their jewellery, brochuresfor their products thatwere showcased and expensesof their staff.”Critics claimed only 10 peonA welcome sign outside Las Vegasn Mr Devji, fifth from left, with Mr Al Shaikh, sixth from left, and other members of the Bahraindelegation at the Vegas exhibitionple visited the Bahrain stallduring the exhibition andblamed it on poor design,decor and location of itsstalls.But Mr Al Shaikh said onlythose who participated werein a position to know whetherthe visit was successful or not.“Some people want to spreadtheir propaganda and say thata lot of money was wasted,”he said.“For God sake, we representedBahrain in one of the mostprestigious events globally.“All these claims targeted atus that we resorted to gamblingare wrong and has disappointedthe gold and pearl traders, whotook part in the exhibition.“We are part of the more thanBD200 million gold and pearlindustry in Bahrain who tookpart and showed the internationalcommunity that everythingis fine in our business-friendlyBahrain.”Mr Shaikh also criticised theBCCI for not coming out in theopen and debunking the claimsmade against the traders.“We stated our concerns toBCCI officials about this wholeissue and there has been noresponse from them,” he said.“It shows their step-motherlytreatment towards the gold andpearl sector, which is unfair.“All of us want what is goodfor Bahrain and as tradersactively working on this, if weget criticised for no reason it isreally disappointing.”Businessman MohammedAl Mahmood, owner of AlMahmood Pearls, also deniedthe exhibition had not provedsuccessful.“This was a great exposureespecially for us pearl tradersand we showcased some of ourcollections that received a goodresponse from American wholesalers,”he said.Mr Al Mahmood said hespends BD100,000 a year onfloor space for stalls in exhibitionsheld in Bahrain and criticscomplaining about BD50,000for 12 delegates taking part inthe exhibition was out of order.ExposureAnother participant, DevjiJewellers managing directorPrakash Devji, said the businessmenhad showcased Bahrainimanufactured items to a globalmarket via the exhibition.“I think all the participantsgot global exposure by takingpart in the exhibition,” he said.“There is a lot of homeworkto be done now to manufacturea product line for the US andinternational market.“All this will be manufacturedin Bahrain which alsohelps the market here.”More than 2,500 manufacturersand designers representing32 countries, including 300new exhibitors, took part in theevent.sandy@gdn.com.bhfromLondon BHD 288fromBangkok BHD 218fromMunich BHD 250fromKuala Lumpur BHD2023 DAYSALE qatarairways.com/72hour-saleBook early and save upto 20%.Sales validity from 23rd to 25th June 2013 • Travel validityfrom 9th to 31st July • Restrictions on travel dates anddestinations apply • Seats are limited and subject to availability•For full terms and conditions and to book, please visitor call 17212202.

4<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 2013Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bhA talented cast brings the Sixties back to life...Iwas incrediblyimpressed by ManamaTheatre Club’sproduction of Be MyBaby.The production was onpar with the high-quality, medium-budgetplays often on in London.The play by Amanda Whittingdon is anaccount of four young girls who arepregnant out of wedlock, and are in ahome for young mothersto-be.Set in the early 1960s, itexplores the stark contrastBe My Baby, by Manama Theatre Club, British Club, Adliya, 8pmtonight and tomorrow night. Tickets, BD5 for club members andBD7 for non members, on sale at the club and the Great Deli Cafe,Najibi Centre, Saar. Call 17728245 for more information.and a news bulletin is read out, with eachscene change giving the audience a newtidbit about the era.It’s then followed by a top hit of the time,with 60s gems such as The Beatles’A Hard Day’s Night, TheCrystals’ Then He Kissed Meand Rory Orbison’s It’s Over.This stroke of genius meansthat you’re transported to theof the free love movementand the reality that despite By LAALA KASHEF ALGHATA 60s more fully, and has thepsychedelic music and bigera constantly reinforced inspeeches, girls were still being sent away your mind instead of relying on faultywhen they fell pregnant.memories and guesswork.The play focuses on Mary Adams (played Producers and directors Rory Adamsonby Palmyra Mattner), a 19-year-old girl and Marina Tadayon do a fantastic jobwho is seven months pregnant when her with utilising the stage and boosting themother (played by Rosemary Lee) takes actresses’ stage presence through someher to the maternity home.sequences that give each character theirShe is put under the guidance of prim,time to shine.no-nonsense matron (Julia Doorne), and The play is bolstered by the talent of itsmeets three other girls, Queenie (Hannah cast, as there wasn’t a single weak link inLynch), Dolores (Jenny Cairns) andthe chain.Norma (Hayley Furness).Palmyra did a wonderful job as theOne of the best aspects of the play was conflicted Mary, and Ms Cairnsn A scene from the playsomething not in the original script –often stole the show as the cheerful,and Ms Lynch completely embodied hera lovely touch born from an idea bysometimes slightly muddled Dolores. role as the heartbroken, dirty-mouthedassistant director Tony Wilson.Ms Doorne’s halting, primly-spokenrealist.During scene changes, the stage blacks out speech was pitch-perfect for the role, However, hats off to Ms Furness for reallyMan saved frombeing seven months pregnant andperforming wonderfully regardless –proving that the show certainly must goon!Teenager diesafter beinghit by truckBy Aniqa Haiderburning houseFIREMEN entered a burning housein West Eker to rescue a 65-yearoldman yesterday.Bahraini Hassan Ali was carried outof his home after his relatives ran to thestreets calling for help.He suffered from smoke inhalationdue to the blaze that broke out on theground floor of his home at around1pm.He was taken to hospital, where hereceived urgent treatment. However,By Aniqa Haiderno one was seriously injured in thefire.Passer-by Jaffar Ali, who called theCivil Defence, described the blacksmoke that filled the house, making itdifficult to enter.“I went to a nearby supermarketwhere I saw three women asking motoristsfor help,” he said.“They looked helpless as thereweren’t many cars. I pulled over andone of them started crying, saying thereis a fire in her house.“I immediately went to the house andthey asked me to enter and rescue MrAli, but I refused as I could see a lotof smoke.“I called the Civil Defence whoarrived and doused the fire on theground floor.“They then went to the first floor andrescued Mr Ali.”It was claimed that 10 people lived inthe house, including three children.Sources said the fire started whenchildren were playing in a room on theground floor.Civil Defence confirmed the incidenton its Twitter account.“Civil Defence personnel rescued anelderly from his house that caught firein West Ekar and prevented it fromspreading into other rooms,” it said.aneeqa@gdn.com.bhn A ceremony was held to award participants of Sri Lankan Club’s Symposium of Toastmasters. The event, at Seashell Hotel in Adliya, featured the distributionof appreciation awards to participants and was held under the patronage of Sri Lankan Ambassador Anura Rajakaruna. Above, Mr Rajakaruna, fourth from left,with other officials and club members.AN Omani teenager was killedwhen he was hit by a truck inManama yesterday morning.Ayoub Ali Ismaeel AlBaloushi, 18, was crossing theroad when a truck driven by anAsian man ran him over.It happened at around 7amnear the Central Market inManama.Police arrested the Asian,who was reportedly drivingwithout a licence, said sources.Mr Al Baloushi became the35th known person to havedied in traffic related accidentsthis year.Bahrainis Manal AdelQambar and Ramla AliAlaskari died on their waytowards Hamad Town whenthe car they were travelling incrashed through a metal barrierand plunged 15 metres to theground last Thursday.Survivor Sana Ali Awadh,26, was driving and is said tobe in stable condition.Court sets newdate for verdictLAWYERS have requested acourt to push back the verdictdate of a police lieutenant,who allegedly mistreated aninmate.The Lower Criminal Courtwas due to issue a ruling yesterdayin the case of the policewoman,who is facing an assaultcharge.However, defence lawyersrequested more time to submittheir final arguments. The judge<strong>adjourned</strong> the case to July 10.The victim, opposition poetAyat Al Qurmozi, earlier testifiedagainst her alleged attackerduring a closed hearing.Ms Al Qurmozi was previouslyjailed for 12 months by theNational Safety Court for recitinga poem that incited hatredagainst the regime, but was laterpardoned.

Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bhSon jailed forbeating fatherBy Noor ZahraTop UN awardfor kingdomBAHRAIN is to receive amajor United Nations awardfor its e-government services, itwas revealed yesterday.The country earned secondplace in the category ofPromoting Wholeof - G o v e r n m e n tApproaches in theInformation Age.Bahrain and severalother countrieswill be given theawards during a ceremonyat the UnitedNations PublicService Forum onThursday, on thefinal day of theevent.The UAE was theregional winner honoured forits e-government services.Deputy Prime MinisterShaikh Khalid bin Abdulla AlKhalifa, UN Under-Secretary-General and special adviseron Africa Maged Abdelfatahn Mr GrohmannBy Ahmed Al OmariAbdelaziz, Deputy PrimeMinister Shaikh Mohammedbin Mubarak, Shura Councilchairman Ali Saleh Al Saleh,Ethiopia DeputyPrime MinisterMuktar Kedir andKyrgyzstan DeputyPrime MinisterDjoomart Otorbayevspoke at the forumopening.The event, at theBahrain NationalTheatre, was attendedby more than 40ministers representing28 countries.Delegates frommore than 85 countries arealso participating, making thisyear’s forum the best attendedin the 11-year history of theevent.“This is an event started bythe UN General Assembly inA YOUNG Bahraini has been jailedfor beating his father and threateningto kill his parents with a knife.The 22-year-old was drunk when hegot into an altercation with his 55-yearoldfather, who confronted him abouthis drinking problem.He was sentenced to 12 monthsbehind bars by the Lower CriminalCourt yesterday, which convicted himof assault and insult. The judge said hehanded out the maximum punishmentfor the charges given to the defendant.The defendant appeared in court forthe first time yesterday, where he pleadedguilty.He told the judge he did not wanta legal team to defend him and wasready to accept any punishment for hisactions.However, after the judge handed outthe verdict, the man pledged to lodge anappeal against his sentence.According to court documents, theBahraini was confronted by his parentswhen he returned home intoxicated onenight.“The parents went into the defendant’sroom and confronted him abouthis alcohol addiction,” said a publicprosecutor.“The defendant was drunk and had analcohol bottle in his room that he wasdrinking from.“He then got mad at his parents fortalking about the subject and punchedhis father in the stomach.“He then brought out a knife andthreatened his parents, saying he wouldkill them if they did not stop talking tohim.”When questioned by prosecutors, theunemployed man said his parents hadno right to enter his room while he was“chilling”.“I came back home and was tired,”he said in his statement to prosecutors.“I went to my room and was drinkingalcohol from a bottle I had.“My parents then stormed into myroom, while I was chilling and messedup my mood.“They told me I had a drinking problemand that they were sick of me.“I punched my dad in his stomach,then brought a knife to threaten my parents,but I wasn’t going to really use it.”noorz@gdn.com.bhn Front row, Shaikh Khalid, Mr Abdelaziz, fifth from left, Shaikh Mohammed, Mr Al Saleh, MrKedir, eight from left, and Mr Otorbayev, ninth from left, with other top officialsNew York, who designatedthis day as public service dayto honour the public servantsof those countries around theworld that are part of the UN,”said UN resident co-ordinatorPeter Grohmann.“I think what Bahrain cantake from this is the large arrayof experiences, as there hasnever been an attendance suchas this, it is the biggest as Ihave heard that there are morethan 40 ministers from differentcountries.“We will hear a varietyof different experiences withthe hope of learning somethingnew and countries willbe able to find out new waysto improve the services tothe people also to see whohas done something innovative.”The four-day forum is beingheld under the patronage ofHis Majesty King Hamad andaims to help develop the sectorȦs part of the event a seriesof workshops will take placeat the Bahrain InternationalCircuit.<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 20135Work begins totackle Riffa’swater shortageBy Basma MohammedWORK has started in a Bahrainineighbourhood to solve chronicwater shortages that forced residentsto order tanker deliveriesdirect to their homes.The Electricity and WaterAuthority (EWA) is temporarilytackling the issue in EastRiffa by adding a water sourcefrom a station near Riffa Views.It follows complaints fromresidents facing water shortagesin blocks 907, 909 and 911.The work is scheduled tobe complete in less than twomonths, said area councillorMohammed Moosa.“EWA chief executiveShaikh Nawaf bin Ibrahim AlKhalifa hasassured methat work willbe completein less thantwo months,”he said.“I wasgiven assurancethatn Mr Moosa work willmake a hugedifference and hopefullyresolve the water shortagesuntil plans for a water reservoiris launched.”Mr Moosa said he has notreceived any complaints in thelast week, meaning the solutionis working.“I have not received anycomplaints so far, which seemsvery promising,” he said.“The EWA has alreadystopped maintenance work tothe water network to stop cuts.“Tankers will also be soonprovided to feed the area.”The GDN reported on June6 that EWA officials haverevealed plans to permanentlyresolve the issue.The plan will see the establishingof a water reservoir inblock 907 in East Riffa, whichwill take two years to complete.The water shortages haveprompted a flood of complaintsby residents, who havedemanded government interventionas temperatures soarwith the approach of both summerand Ramadan.They have been paying BD8for each water tanker deliveryand have asked suppliersto remain on 24-hour call toensure properties do not rundry.Rights activists urge Iran to stop meddling in <strong>Gulf</strong>By Sandeep Singh Grewaln From left, Mr Al Shammary, Mr Al Zayed, Mr Fulad and Mr Qarrata attending the eventBAHRAINI human rights activistsand MPs joined forces with thousandsof people in France callingfor Tehran to stop meddling in theaffairs of <strong>Gulf</strong> countries.MPs Abdulhakim Al Shammary,Ali Al Zayed and Ahmed Qarratatook part in the annual IranianResistance conference – the largestgathering of Iranians in exile, whichwas held in Villepinte, near Paris.They were also joined by BahrainHuman Rights Watch Society secretary-generalFaisal Fulad.He said close to 600 politicians,legislators and jurists from 47 countriestook part in the event, organisedby Paris-based National Council ofResistance of Iran (NCRI) presidentelectMaryam Rajavi.“We collectively condemnedthe continuous intervention of theIranian regime in the GCC, especiallyin Bahrain, Syria and Iraq,”said Mr Fulad from Paris.He said Bahraini MPs signed apetition supporting democraticchanges in Iran and calling for anend to its interference in regionalaffairs.“There will be a separate petitionlaunched in the coming days signedby non-governmental organisationssupporting the rights of Iranians andcalling for an end to executions,” headded.“From Bahrain’s perspective, wewill call for an end to support forterrorists in Bahrain who continueto cause chaos and damage publicproperties.“This Iranian interference inBahrain’s affairs should also stop,including financing of these terroroutfits that operate under the coverof popular movements calling fordemocracy.”Bahrain’s MPs were also joinedby majority of members from theEuropean Parliament, ParliamentaryAssembly of the Council of Europeand 28 national parliaments duringSaturday’s gathering.Ms Rajavi spoke during the event,where thousands of supporters protestedagainst the Iranian regime anddemanded a peaceful shift to legitimategovernance in the Persian state.

6<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 2013Sack minister callBy Basma MohammedAN MP yesterday calledfor Health MinisterSadiq Al Shehabi tobe sacked amid allegationshe has failed tomeet needs of sickle cellpatients.Ali Shamtoot raised aplacard with the demandduring the extraordinaryparliament session.The MP, who himselfis a sickle cell patient,accused the minister offailing to properly followup the cases of sickle cellpatients and had blood onhis hands.OutburstHis angry outburst cameduring a debate about howto better treat sickle cellpatients and ensure thedevelopment of services aswell as assigning a nationalcommittee to study suchdiseases.“If the Health Ministerhad been following casesand issues of sickle cellpatients fewer deaths couldhave been recorded,” MrShamtoot claimed.“Therefore I call in thename of the people to sackthe minister and urge thePremier to dismiss him.”Mr Shamtoot thenstormed out of the session.“We need to understandStalemate ends as MPs approve budgetA SEVEN-MONTH stalemate overBahrain’s national budget has ended afterMPs approved it yesterday.The delayed budget for this year andnext year was approved by 23 of the30 MPs present at yesterday’s extraordinaryparliament session at the NationalAssembly Complex in Gudaibiya.It was passed after more than 30 minutesof discussions, when parliamentchairman Dr Khalifa Al Dhahrani forcedthe legislators to vote instead of restartingdebate on the issue.It means 45,000 civil servants will notreceive a 15 per cent pay rise, which wasa key reason for MPs rejecting the budgetlast month.Bahrain Bloc president Ahmed Al Saati,who was among the MPs that pushed forthe budget’s approval, stressed the needfor the government to tackle corruption toresolve the country’s economic problem.“The government needs to create acommittee consisting of economic andmanagerial experts to solve the economiccrisis in the country,” he said during thesession, which marked the last of the legislativesemester.“Bahrainis are dependent on allowancesand government schemes and thegovernment should take new measures toresolve problems.”His comments were reiterated by MPIsa Al Qadi, who speculated delays inpassing the budget could be repeated in2015 if the government does not diversifyincome streams.“We cannot rely on oil and should followdirectives of the Crown Prince to diversifyincome streams away from oil.”Mr Al Qadi was one of sevenMPs who rejected the budget.MPs rejected the budgetafter lengthy negotiations lastmonth, despite the governmentmaking several concessions.However, it was sent back tothem for the second time afterbeing revised and approved bythe Shura Council.Parliament second vice-chairmanShaikh Adel Al Maawada said the budgetwas initially rejected to pressure the governmentto meet people’s demands.“The government’s insistence to rejectthe 15 per cent increase demanded by MPswas clear,” he said.“But we cannot leave the budget withoutapproval or it will affect many peopleas well as projects.”Parliament financial and economicaffairs committee chairwoman Latifa AlGaoud agreed, saying that delaying thebudget further would have significantlyaffected Bahrain’s difficult economic situation.“It is not beneficial to call for increasein salaries when production levels arelow.”Ali Shamtoot, who arrivedat the chamber after the budgetdiscussion had ended, heldup a sign reading “Increase isa nation’s demand”.Meanwhile, FinanceMinister Shaikh Ahmed binMohammed Al Khalifa hitback at MPs and said hisministry was working with the NationalAssembly committees to discuss all issuesregarding the budget.“Some MPs are saying there is possiblecorruption, and I say if they have proofI would personally go with them to filethe case at responsible bodies for audits,”he said.“On diversifying income resources, weMr Shamtoot’s feelings asbeing one of the sufferers ofthis disease,” said MP AbdullaAl Dossary.“The government needs toquickly ensure steps are beingtaken to serve those patientsand provide them with propermedical attention.“This proposal should beraised directly to the government,instead of appointing acommittee to study it and takingforever to implement recommendations.”MP Adel Al Ma’awadacalled for the minister and governmentofficials to be presentin parliament so they could beheld to account.“The issue should not beraised to the government butthe government should come tothe parliament and face questions,”he said.“We need to know whatthe ministry did since calls toestablish designated projects toserve sickle cell patients.”However, parliament chairmanDr Khalifa Al Dhahranistressed MPs needed to followthe correct protocol.“It is very easy to seek toraise the issue to the governmentand demand things,” hesaid.“But we should discussand study the issue furtherwith a designated committeewhich can question the HealthMinister and ministry officialson plans and steps.“What we are doing isaccusing the government oflacking in its duties when weneed to study the issue and seewhat the bodies concerned aredoing.”Meanwhile, Minister ofState for Parliament and ShuraCouncil Affairs Abdulaziz AlFadhel revealed the blood diseasescentre will open soon andfeature 90 beds.“It will also have anAmerican medical team workingto outline a new way todeal with sickle cell patients,”he said.“The health minister hadstressed his co-operation andreadiness to attend meetingsby the designated committee todiscuss plans.”MPs approved a decisionto raise the issue to a designatedcommittee to studyneed legislation from parliament to workon this.”Under the new budget, around 52,000breadwinners with an income of lessthan BD1,000 will be eligible to receive amonthly anti-inflation allowance.It means that 48,000 people earning lessthan BD300 will receive BD100, around48,000 people being paid BD301 to BD700will get BD70 and 10,000 people beingpaid between BD701 and BD1,000 willreceive BD50.The changes will replace the existingBD50 payout to anyone earning less thanBD700, which was introduced in 2007.The government has also agreed toincrease pensions of Bahrainis working inthe public and private sector, which willcost around BD158 million this year andnext year.However, it has refused to fund a 15 percent pay rise for 45,000 civil servants.Shaikh Ahmed said BD361m had beenallocated for the housing sector, BD831mfor education, BD676m for health andBD210m for infrastructure projects.Total aid to beneficiaries provided bythe Social Development Ministry has beenincreased by BD60m, he added.the situation. The discussionscame as a new multi-disciplinaryclinic to help sicklecell patients is scheduled toopen at Salmaniya MedicalComplex today.The GDN earlier reportedthat the pilot facility, the firstof its kind in the region, willforce patients to attend followupappointments to reduce risksof complications.A total of 14 deaths amongsickle cell patients have beenregistered this year, the last ofwhich was 21-year-old HussainAli Mirza, who died on June 18due to complications.basma@gdn.com.bhn Mr Gandhi, seated, centre, along with school officials during the Press conference15 students win key science contestFifteen pupils have been announced aswinners of Sastra Pratibha Contest.They were among 3,875 students fromseven schools in Bahrain who took part inthe competition, organised by the ScienceIndia Forum-Bahrain in association withthe National Science Movement India.Officials from schools, organisations andIndian Embassy second secretary GauravGandhi were present as the winners wereannounced during a Press conference heldat the embassy in Adliya.The top achievers secured 70 per centand above in the competition, and willbe awarded trophies and certificates at aceremony that will be held in November.The participating schools were IndianSchool, Asian School, Quality EducationSchool, New Millennium School, NewHorizon School, New Indian School andIbn Al Hytham Islamic School.

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 20137over sickle deathsUS Congressis slammedn Dr Al Dhahrani chairingyesterday’s sessionSeven are sentto prison forburning tyresJUDGES have sentenced sevenBahrainis to five years behindbars each for burning tyres nearthe airport.The men were convicted ofarson, rioting and possessingMolotov cocktails by the HighCriminal Court yesterday.However, they cleared twoothers of the same charges dueto lack of evidence againstthem.“We found the two defendantnot guilty, due to lack ofevidence and the court did nottrust prosecution witnesses’testimonies regarding the twomen,” read court documents.The defendants set tyres ablazeand placed debris on the roadleading to Bahrain InternationalAirport last August, according tocourt documents.Police arrested the men afterlaunching an investigation.They also confiscated firebombs,which were found inthe possession of some of thedefendants.PARLIAMENT yesterdayslammed the US Congressfollowing a recent letterwhich questioned the cancellationof a visit to Bahrainby a top United Nations(UN) official.Thirteen MPs submitteda letter to the body inresponse to concerns aboutthe lack of permission forUN Special Rapporteur ontorture and other cruel, inhumanor degrading treatmentor punishment professor JuanMendez to be allowed intoBahrain.It follows a letter addressedto His Majesty King Hamadn Parliament in session yesterdayearlier this month by 20 USGreen light for five proposalsFIVE proposals were yesterdayapproved by parliament and referred tothe Cabinet for review.They include:l Extending the deadline for variousparliament committees to submitrequired reports to four weeksl Initiating a law on the use of medicaltechnology in artificial insemination andfertilisationl Allowing the Pension Fund andOrganisation for Social Insurance toinvest in the industrial sectorl Conducting a study on salaries ofdomestic helpers and their suitabilityfor Bahrain householdsl Establishing specialised nurseries forchildren with special needs across thefive governoratesDecisions on three other proposals weredeferred for further study by the parliamentcommittees concerned.They include:l Raising the law on regulating sanddredging to the public utilities and environmentalaffairs and legislative andlegal affairs committeesl Forwarding a proposed amendmentto the education law to add a primaryyear for children at the age of five yearsto a designated committeel Raising a proposed amendment to thelaw on premarital medical check-ups tothe services and the legislative and legalaffairs committeesMeanwhile, MPs rejected a proposalto have the private labour law countholidays as working days instead ofcalendar days.n A video of children dancing and singing was posted on YouTube by the French School of Bahrain. The lip dub combineslip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video. It aimed to bring together more than 100 students, who performedchoreographed dances. The video was directed and filmed by the school’s English and music teacher Harve Coureau.Above, pupils performing during filming of the video.Congressmen, who reportedlyexpressed their “concernand disappointment” aboutthe issue.Mr Mendez was scheduledto visit Bahrain last month,but has put off the trip untilfurther notice.MPs accused the US ofhypocrisy because the countryhas also refused UNinspections of prisons andother detention facilities.They also claimed the letterwas “one-sided”, takingonly the viewpoint of oppositionsources.“We are not opposed to cooperationwith the UN. Wehave a long track record ofco-operation with the UNin all fields,” said the letterwritten by MPs.“What happened withrespect to Mr Mendezwas that our crucial ongoingNational Dialogue waslasting longer than expectedand that our governmentdetermined that hisvisit was likely to changethe subject from forwardlookingreconciliation tobackward-looking recriminations.”They stressed the decisionto postpone MrMendez’s visit was “madeas a matter of nationalinterest and should beunderstood in this context”.School bus driveris accused ofmolesting girl, 15A SCHOOL bus driver has goneon trial for allegedly molesting a15-year-old girl.The 49-year-old Bahraini reportedlyshowed the girl pornographicpictures on his mobile phone andasked her to have sex with him on thebus in return for money.He then quickly pulled down hispants and showed her his gentiles,while he touched her chest.But when the Bahraini victim startedcrying and screaming, the defendanttook her home in Sanad last May.According to High Criminal Courtdocuments, the teenager informed hermother about the incident, who thenfiled a police complaint.However, the mother later droppedthe charges without providing anexplanation, but judges said they willcontinue the trial because the mancommitted an offence.The defendant appeared in courtyesterday, where he pleaded notguilty.The trial was <strong>adjourned</strong> until July23 for the submission of defencepapers.

8 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Turkey’s testBy Aylin kocamanWhile growth in European countries andthe American economy in the first threemonths of 2013 was a mere 0.5 per cent atmost, Turkey grew at a rate of 3pc and reachedthe highest economic peak in history lastMay. Suddenly things went wrong. So whathappened to Turkey? Why, in the space of oneweek, was there such disorder, that four peopledied, damage totaling 100 trillion Turkish Lirawas incurred and 200 civilian vehicles weredestroyed? Why were people on the streets,and why were they so angry?Turkey was undergoing a test. But why didthat test attract such attention from the media?Why was the police operation to removecommunist banners in Taksim Square on June11 carried live for 17 hours on the world’sleading TV channels? What was it about Turkeythat so attracted the interest of the world?CNN International carried one toxic broadcastthat even the opponents of the governmentcriticised. That report was redolent ofprovocation, hatred and incitement. CNN gavethe impression that Turkey was a battlegroundbetween government and “coup” forces. Why?Actually, the centre of the disorder wassolely Taksim Square. The police operationthat the whole world excitedly watched liveon the morning of June 11 was intended to getrid of the illegal communist groups who werespreading violence and had declared the areato be a liberated zone. It was made clear thatprotesters in Gezi Park, right alongside TaksimSquare, would not be touched and that theoperation was not aimed against them. Theprotesters in Gezi Park remained there. AndTaksim Square was rid of the communist groups.That was not easy, of course. The communistgroups that had long been trying to divide thecountry had carried out a rehearsal using theGezi Park protests as a pretext. During thatprocess, they staged a rehearsal for a bloodyuprising by hanging banners everywhere,attacking public buildings and police stations,burning broadcast vehicles, declaring thecentre of Istanbul as a ‘liberated zone’ andtrying to foment division by attacking womenwearing headscarves. What did they care aboutGezi Park and its trees?The communist groups withdrew fromTaksim Square. Gezi Park protestersmet the Prime Minister and governmentrepresentatives, but they say they aredetermined to stay in the park. Thegovernment has proposed democratic meansto them. Mutual reconciliation, abiding by thecourt decision and the promise of a plebiscite.They would decide on the future of the park, asthey so chose. But despite claiming to demandmore democracy, none of the democratic rightsproposed satisfied some of them. There wasonly one reason for that: the platform takingthat decision on behalf of the park was acommunist one.Because of this decision, a police operationwas started and the park emptied. This causedTurkey to flare up again. Turkey has suddenlyreturned to where it was two weeks ago.Let us not forget; communists always wantdisorder and anarchy – not democracy. PKKin Turkey wanted to import communism forthe last 30 years. Their aims were to split thecountry, weaken it and make it the first bastionof a communist state. Communists regard therehearsal on June 11 a success. They were readyfor a bloody revolution.The division of Turkey, establishment of acommunist state and its inevitable weakeningwould be a disaster for the Middle East. Theelimination of Turkey’s role as intermediarywould open the way for external interventionin the Arab world. It will strengthen terroristgroups and intensify tension between Israeland Arab countries.Communism in Turkey would then spread toall those Arab countries with a Marxist history,and then the real savagery would begin.Because communism can only survive throughterror. A strong and democratic Turkey isan insurance policy for all Islamic countries.Therefore, incitement of violence and hatredaimed at Turkey now is actually targeting theentire Middle East. Citizens have to be on guardagainst the threat of communism and keeplove, unity and affection – the greatest valuesof Islam – alive.When will Iran reinSir,It is customary in diplomaticcircles to congratulate countriesand their newly elected presidentsfollowing a successful election,which more often than not ensurespeople’s participation intheir government’s affairs.What happens at the ballot boxis of prime concern for countriesand based on the outcome – providedit is transparent and democratic– governments expect warmand improved relations with thearrival of a new president.The Iranian election, whichended with the election of a reformistcleric Hassan Rowhani, hasshed the light of hope for Iran toimprove its relations with the restof the world in general, and theGCC countries in particular. In viewof this hope, leaders of the GCCcountries have extended theircongratulatory gestures to thenew Iranian president.However, as long as key governmentdecisions such as itsforeign policy, its involvementin the Syrian quagmire, and itsnuclear programme are madeby Ayatollah Khamenei, the newpresident-elect will have the samerole as his predecessor – that of amessenger. Changing messengerswithout changing the message isa futile exercise.The Iranian media surprised uswhen, Fars <strong>News</strong> Agency, in its JunePublished letters arenot necessarily theviews of the Editor.Readers wishing tomake a complaintthrough the GDNshould provide full detailsof the complainttogether with theircontact telephonenumbers.16, 2013 issue,cameup witha strangenews. It read,‘Bahrain’s February 14Revolutionary Coalitionissued a statement onSunday praising thegrand Muslim Iraniannation’s strong presenceTODAY is Tuesday, June 25, the 176th dayof 2013. There are 189 days left in the year.Highlights in history on this date:1501 - Pope Alexander VI confirms Franco-Spanish Treaty of Grenada for partition ofNaples, and declares Luis XII King of Naples.1658 - Aurangzeb, Mughal emperor of Hindustan,imprisons his father, the shah, afterwinning battle of Samgarh.1862 - The US recognises independence ofLiberia.1872 - Roman Catholic Jesuit order is expelledfrom Germany.1876 - A force of 200 US soldiers underGeneral George Armstrong Custer is wipedout by the Sioux at Little Big Horn, Montana.1879 - Ismael Khedive of Egypt, who hadtried to free Egypt from Western control, isdeposed by the Sultan and succeeded byhis son Tawfiq.1924 - Britain says it will not abandon theSudan, despite Egyptian demands for completewithdrawal.1942 - British Air Force stages 1,000-bomberraid on Bremen, Germany, in the SecondWorld War.1950 - Korean War begins with North Korea’sinvasion of Republic of Korea.1959 - Soviet Union proposes denuclearizedzone in the Balkans and Adriatic.1963 - President Moise Tshombe is forcedto resign as Katanga’s premier.1966 - Vatican and Yugoslavia resume diplomaticrelations in major move aimed atimproving Roman Catholic relations withCommunist world.1972 - Burundi government reportedlycontinues to execute Hutu tribe members,and about 25,000 Hutu refugees are reportedfleeing to other countries.1975 - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhideclares a state of emergency to clampdown on a campaign for her removal. Oppositionleaders, union leaders, writers andintellectuals are jailed.1975 - Mozambique gains independencefrom Portugal.1987 - Soviet leader Mikhail S Gorbachevcalls for sweeping changes in Soviet economybefore year’s end.1988 - Bomb destroys hotel in northwesternPakistani city of Peshawar, killing atleast 13 people.1989 - Youth gangs go on rampage in Sovietrepublic of Kazakstan.1990 - Anti-government riots break out inLusaka, Zambia.1991 - Yugoslav republics of Slovenia andCroatia declare their independence fromthe federation as tensions rise and violenceseems imminent.1993 - Tansu Ciller, Turkey’s first femalepremier, forms a coalition government andpromises to crack down on the nine-yearoldKurdish insurgency.1995 - Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thanioverthrows his father, Shaikh Khalifa, asAmir of Qatar.1996 - A truck bomb explodes in a US AirForce housing area near Dhahran, SaudiArabia, killing 19 Americans and injuring270.1997 - In the most serious collision ever involvingmanned spacecraft, an unmannedcargo vessel smashes into Russian Mirspace station during docking, rupturing alaboratory module and knocking out halfthe station’s power.1998 - South Korean commandos cut openin the Friday presidential election…which ledto the election of Hassan Rowhani…’One should ask the basic question. Dothe February 14 street thugs know anythingabout politics – except throwing Molotovcocktails, blocking roads, burning tyres,bombing schools, and vandalising public andprivate properties – to extend their congratulationsto the new president-elect in Iran?Their violent actions have shattered hopesfor a peaceful solution to Bahrain’s crisis,including the stalemated National Dialogue.It has shaken our social cohesion, fomentedsectarianism, brought economic malaise. Thethugs have committed heinous crimes by killingexpat workers.the hatch of a captured North Korean submarineand find nine bodies, all shot todeath in an apparent suicide pact.1999 - South African president ThaboMbeki delivers his first state of the nationaddress, saying the “clouds of despair” werelifting from South Africa and promising totackle rampaging crime. The nation’s murderrate is the third highest in the worldand more than 49,000 cases of rape werereported in 1998.2000 - The US Navy resumes training onVieques Island, Puerto Rico, even as protestorsvow to invade the range to stop thelargest exercise since a fatal accident led toa yearlong occupation of the area.2001 - The ruling Socialist party in Albaniaclaims victory despite elections beingmarred by shooting, burned ballots anddisputes that forced 15 polling stations toclose.2002 - WorldCom, the second-largest UStelecommunications company, disclosesit inflated its cash flow by $3.8 billion dollars.The questionable accounting methodseventually lead to bankruptcy and legislatorscall for an overhaul of Securities andExchange Commission accounting rules.2003 - US president George W Bush hostsEuropean Union leaders at the WhiteHouse for the annual US-EU summit. In ajoint statement, both sides say they willagree to use “all means available” to blockthe proliferation of nuclear, biological andchemical weapons.2005 - Leftist rebels kill at least 25 soldiersduring separate clashes in a major cocaineproducingregion in Colombia. Another 18soldiers are reported missing.2006 - Palestinian militants tunnel into Israelat a Gaza border crossing, killing two Israelisoldiers and capturing another, raisingthe threat of an all-out conflict in Gaza just ayear after Israel’s pullout.2007 - The final British troops withdrawfrom the Northern Ireland borderland, endinga 37-year mission to keep watch overthe Irish Republican Army’s most dangerouspower base.2008 - Queen Elizabeth II strips Zimbabwe’spresident Robert Mugabe of knighthood.2009 - Michael Jackson, the sensationallygifted “King of Pop” who emergedfrom childhood superstardom to becomethe entertainment world’s most influentialsinger and dancer before his life and careerdeteriorated in a freakish series of scandals,dies at 50.2010 - The Vatican says it is astonished andoutraged that Belgian police investigatingpriestly sex abuse had conducted raids thatalso targeted the graves of two archbishops.2011 - Gaza Strip militants vow that an Israelisoldier captured five years ago will not“see the light” until Palestinian prisonersheld by Israel are released.2012 - The regime of Syrian PresidentBashar Al Assad suffers an embarrassingstring of high-ranking defections, withdozens of soldiers including senior officersreported to have fled to Turkey.WE owe to the Middle Ages thetwo worst inventions of humanity– romantic love and gunpowder -Andre Maurois, French biographer(1885-1967).

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 9Cancer June 22nd - July 23rdin the street thugs?n Continued violenceby thugs hasshattered hopes for apeaceful solution toBahrain’s crisisHowever, the unwelcome gesture has implications.First, it shows that the Iranian mediastill throws its weight behind the February14 group and provides them with access toworld affairs, whenever and wherever the opportunityarises, giving the group internationalrecognition. This is declaring war againstthe Kingdom of Bahrain.Second, the ‘congratulatory message’ sentby the February 14 group to the Iranian peoplewill garner more sympathisers to their‘cause’ and in fact, the external financiers ofthe February 14 group are believed to beforeign elements, including those from withinIran. So it was more of a strategic rather than atactical move.Overall, the changing of personalities inIranian politics is a ‘window dressing’ and thecountry will continue its policy of interferencein Bahrain, including the alleged supportto the February14 group.Bahrain needs to be aware of this fact andrealise that it is facing an Iran-supported terroristgroup and the government has to dealwith them accordingly.DuriA hare–brained ideaLast week’s parliament session saw MPsunanimously raising the House’s roof withpuritanical fervour and hatred for nightclubs.Indeed, they lashed out like the goodmoral defenders they are against the densof drunken loutish behaviour which corruptand destroy our good kingdom’s youth.Apparently, being a nightclub owner is farworse than being a member of Hizbollah, accordingto one well-meaning representativeof the people, who went on to even say thatthey are a security threat.Think of all the plans being hatched insidea nightclub at this moment, of course, terroristswould have to shout at each other abovethe din of the music, thereby defeating thepurpose of secrecy and contravening rulenumber 18 of the Al Qaeda handbook.Musings aside, the impending crackdown onnightclubs is highly uncalled for.In its quest to become a utopia of tolerancein the Middle East, an oasis in theparched lands where you are free, Bahrainshouldn’t take afew leaps backward.Aren’t therebigger vices tobe tackled in ourlittle kingdom?In the timespent waxingpoetic about defending values and virtues,another greedy employer withholds his haplessexpatriate employee’s (read slave) threemonths’ pay, making sure that his children inwhichever country, stay hungry for one moremonth. Or a housemaid is forced to work sevendays a week on a monthly salary of BD60.Other absurd and unreasonable thingsinclude arresting and fining a poor womanin her 50s for apparently ‘begging’ or jailing acouple of starving workers who happened tohave eaten some fruits during Ramadan.But in the minds of the MPs, the stalwartdefenders of virtue, some people having agood time and dancing to music in clubs isclearly the greatest evil.It is funny that I’m suddenly reminded ofan incident some time ago at a nightclubwhere one patron, presumably in a fit of frustration,pulled a gun on his fellow clubber.Guess who the patron was? Surprise surprise,it was an MP.Now what could have forced this particularlymorally upright individual to go as far asthreatening to shoot someone?Perhaps, it is the sheer strain of constantlybattling vice and evil.Cutting revenue and retarding Bahrain’svibrant nightlife are the only possible outcomesfor this hare-brained move, if it evercomes to fruition.Let’s just hope that MPs, in their virtuoushaste, do not forget to eradicate anothergreat evil before stepping up the fightagainst clubs – pork.AxolotlWhere’s the logic?Mr Sameer Ahmed’s letter (What aboutus?) certainly resonated with me aftera rather bizarre encounter with a securityguard at Al Jazira public beach.In an attempt to encourage my teenagechildren to enjoy the pleasant evening outsidein the fresh air rather than watchingtelevision, we decided to take a football andvisit the beach for a stroll and some exercise.On our arrival, we were both surprised anddisappointed to find the beach in darknessexcept for one light. We gravitated towardsthe light to enableus to playcatch.The fun hadjust begun whenwe were approachedby asecurity guardand told to stop.He claimed that we might break the light.When it was pointed out to him that this wasvery unlikely, he claimed that we might disturbtenants of chalets on the private beachsituated at the end of Al Jazira beach.We offered to move further up the beach,away from this location, if he could switchon the lights. The guard told us that this wasquite impossible as this was a public beachand if it was illuminated it would attractmembers of the public! According to him thishad to be avoided at all costs! Frankly, I fail tosee the logic in this and would like an explanation,as a public beach is just that – a placefor all members of the public to enjoy.Baffled of SanadSign erectedThis refers to the complaint ‘Signneeded’ (GDN, June 14), regardingthe need for road signs indicatingwhich lane to take near RameeCalifornia.The Works Ministry would like to extendthanks to the complainant for hisuseful comment, and would like to informhim and the public that engineersfrom the ministry visited the location.They too acknowledged the need forindicative road signs, which were installedon June 17.For further assistance and enquiries,please communicate with us on thenumber 17545544, or Fax 17533974.You can also contact us through ouremail info@works.gov.bh or the Twitteraccount @Bahrain_WorksFahad BuallayPR and Media Director n The new road sign in Juffair near Ramee California. Picture: Ebrahim Al SinanFeelings may be tested today. You may find yourselfunsure as to whom to listen to or trust. Let your cannysixth sense be your final guide. You may know morethan you think. And a desire to be more adventurousand experimental may clash with a need for conservatism,especially where dating and romance areconcerned.Leo July 24th - August 23rdYour mood can be upbeat and high-spirited, especiallywhen it comes to mixing and mingling, or makingnew contacts. At the same time, you may have adesire to do your own thing. Go with this, as a chanceto reflect on your current situation may bring somefascinating insights. The Moon in Aquarius encouragesfun and a chance to experiment.Virgo August 24th - September 23rdIt’s possible that romantic news is what you want tohear. A love interest may be on the same page today,which may endear you to them even more. Careermatters continue to flourish, with Mars in Geminibringing opportunities to share novel ideas with keypeople. The more you speak out, the more people cantake note of you.Libra September 24th - October 23rdThe day will hopefully get off to a good start. Encouragingnews involving work and progress can bringfeelings of satisfaction. Trust your gut when makingdecisions, and it could save you time and resources. Aromantic opportunity later in the day may come withstrings attached. Someone else could turn out to be amore suitable choice.Scorpio October 24th - November 22ndFeelings for someone you care about could intensify– especially, strangely, if they live far away. A holidayromance may blossom, or a chance to move out ofyour comfort zone could bring a refreshing meetingyour way. The Moon is perfect to entertain a fewfriends back at your place or for experimenting witha new look.Sagittarius November 23rd - December 21stAside from a brief disagreement, today should beideal for socialising. There’s fun to be had and plentyof options for good times. Yet it’s possible you maybe tired of one group and are looking for pasturesnew – perhaps folk with an upbeat outlook on life.It’s a day for lively exchanges and good times on yourhome turf.Capricorn December 22nd - January 20thYour job prospects could be looking up in a big way.Your social life gets a boost too. Making calls just tointroduce yourself could open the doors to all sortsof fun plans and invitations. The Moon suggests youmay give thought to all sorts of financial goals. Perhapsit’s time to discuss them with someone you cantrust.Aquarius January 21st - February 19thThe Moon in your sign today gives you a chance toexcel and attract good fortune. You seem to be inyour element where creative and job matters areconcerned. Someone who is very charming may persuadeyou to go for a drink or a meal. They could bequite determined – especially if you appear to hesitate.All this may be flattering.Pisces February 20th - March 20thYou may not be out of the red zone yet, where clashesconcerning money or values are concerned. It may bebest to go your own way and not depend on othersfor support or backing. Nevertheless, there’s a relaxedand easy pace today, but be careful that it doesn’t lullyou into a false sense of security. Leap over initial hurdlesand you can win.Aries March 21st - April 20thConcentration and focus, associated with work andcommunication skills, may bring handsome rewards.It’s also a good time to consider improving such skills.Sign up for a class, or do-it-yourself with a book. Makeyour daily routine work better for you and be open tochange. If a friend calls, be extra mindful of what theyare saying Aries.Taurus April 21st - May 21stYou may be in two minds concerning a purchase. Ifin doubt, research your options carefully. If you makea spur-of-the-moment guess, you could come awaydisappointed. Social trends seem to be busy. Continueto consider pursuing inspired writings, musicor art for personal satisfaction. Sharing a hearty lunchcan prove great fun.Gemini May 22nd - June 21stEnjoy camaraderie and happy get-togethers. Friendshipsthrive, especially when you get out and makesocial contacts. The Moon in upbeat Aquarius mayencourage you to expand your options. Consideringholiday plans or a short getaway as a chance to relax,can do you good. Indulging in a little luxury could alsogive you plenty to smile about.

10 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013what’sinonBahrainDAILY SMILE!FRED BASSETGARFIELDUP AND RUNNINGSpECIal EVENtSManama Theatre Club’s play ‘Be My Baby ’,British Club, Mahooz, 8pm. Call 17728245for more information.photograph exhibition of Melchior detinguy, Maison Jamsheer, Muharraq,9am-midday, 3pm-9pm. Visit www.afbahrain.comor call 17683295 for moreinformation.Art exhibition ‘Square Root’ by artist SergioMiranda, World Beat Fitness Centre andCafé, 8am-1pm and 4pm-8pm. Visit www.worldbeatfitness.com or call 17612576for more information.Exhibition ‘Code-switching’ by Michaelarcega, al Riwaq art Space, adliya,10am-9pm. E-mail info@alriwaqartspace.comor call 17717441 for moreinformation.Istanbul Modern – Bahrain Exhibition, BahrainNational Museum, 8am-8pm. Call17298714 for more information.Iyengar Yoga for beginners course, BritishSchool Bahrain, Hamala, 6.30pm-8pm. call 17610826 to register.Meet the artist Irina Averinos, 9.30am tomidday, World Beat Fitness CentreCafé. Raffle of one painting, ticketscost BD1 from receptionand proceeds will bedonated to Think Pink.DaNCEYogalates and bodybalance, BallareSchoolof performingarts, Saar, 9.30am-10.30am; twinkletoes, IDta tap prep/primary, 3.30pm-4.15pm; musicaltheatre IDta (ages 6-10years), cheerleading, breakdancing (ages 5-10 years), 4.30pm-5.30pm; musical theatre IDta (ages11+ years), hip hop (ages 6-10 years),break dancing (ages 10+ years),5.30pm-6.30pm; advanced ballet/classical award, around the worlddance, break dancing (ages 16+years), 6.30pm-7.30pm; contemporaryadvanced, private class, zumba,7.30pm-8.30pm. piano lessons. Call17300021 for information.Classes for all ages, Victoria Dance, Hamalaand Umm Al Hassam – ballet, tap, modernjazz, hip hop, break dance, contemporary,stretch, combat, bokwa, river dance, singing,guitar, piano, musical theatre, dancefusion. Call 39876215 for more information.Bahrain Ballet Centre classes heldat Marina Club, pre-primary ballet3.30pm-4.15pm, grade two ballet,4.15pm-5.15pm, grade three ballet,Tourist and Leisure AttractionsSightseeing and city tours in Bahrain, aradous tours, 8am-8pm. E-mail aradous.tours@gmail.com or call 17234417 or 36788001 for more information.Full and half-day sightseeing tours of Bahrain, 9am-5pm, Farhat International Tours and Travels,Manama. Call 36313142, 17216411.Dolphin watch trips, boat trips, al Dar Island beach resort, off Sitra coast, 9am-5pm. Call17704600 or visit www.al-darislands.com.Wahooo! water park, Bahrain City Centre mall, Seef, 11am-8pm. Entry BD10 for people over 1.2mtall, BD6 for others, BD3 for children under three. Call 17173000 for weekly schedule.ahmad al Fateh Mosque (Grand Mosque) visit programme, every 30 minutes from 9am-3.30pm. Visits are put on hold during prayer times. No prior appointments neededunless big groups or special arrangements are required. Call Farahat al Kindy on17727773, 39734440 or fax 17729695.Beit Shaikh Isa (Shaikh Isa House), Muharraq, 8am-2pm. Call 17334945.Bahrain National Museum, 8am-8pm. Call 17298777.Al Kurar House for traditional handicrafts Muharraq, 8am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Call 17320955or 17322549.Iqra’a Children’s library, Muharraq, 8am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Call 17320955 or 17322549.Al Areen Wildlife Park and Reserve, 9am-4pm. Call 17845444.Full and half-day tours of Bahrain, 8am onwards. Call 36654246 or 77080111.5.15pm-6.15pm. Call 17693232for more information.Dance classes, Harmony MusicGate, street dance beginners(6-9 years), 3.30pm-4.30pm. Hip-hop,jazz, contemporary,musical instrumentsclasses,karate classes andart classes, 9am-7pm. Call 13622112or 36464360 for moreinformation.CultuRE, aRtS aND CRaFtSBSB academy of performing arts, Hamala,individual classes in piano, violin, viola,cello, guitar, bass, voice, flute, clarinet,oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone andFrench horn and group classes in musictheory, voice, speech and drama, afro-arabicdrumming and exploring instrumentscourse. Group classes - little voices, laM-Da speech and drama, exploring instruments,mini music makers, junior percussion,drum circle, vocalzone, twinkle toesand musical mayhem. Visit Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/academyofperformingartsBSBor call 17610943 or17610973 for more information.Albareh Art Gallery, Adliya, 10am-8pm. Call17717707.Drawing and painting classes for adults andchildren, l’atelier art lounge, CountryMall, Budaiya, 10am-12pm. Call 17599030.Paint your own pottery, Studio Ceramics,off Budaiya Highway, 9.30am-6pm. Call17599026.oil painting, pastels, watercolour, and acrylicclasses, Ella art Gallery, adliya, 9am to1pm and 3pm to 7pm. Call 17292815 or39073299.Creative classes by Art Lounge with Marion,Yathreb Garden, house number 4, oppositeSaar Music Centre, Saar. Email artlounge08@gmail.com to register or call 39212060 formore information.Saudi artist Faisal Samra’s private gallery,House 64, Road 4102, Block 341, Juffair.open to the public by appointment only.Call Mr Samra on 39645994.The Craft Industries Development Centre, IsaAl Kabeer Avenue, opposite Police Fort, Manama,7am-2pm. Call 17254688.National Industries Exhibition, Industry andCommerce, Seef, 7.30am-1.30pm. Call17564170 or 17564171.Permanent stamps exhibition, Postal Directorate,Transportation Ministry, 7am-2pm. Call17523403.Jasra Handicrafts Centre, Jasra Village, nearthe late amir HH Shaikh Isa bin Salmanal Khalifa’s birthplace, 8am-2pm. Call17611900.Beit Al Jasra (Al Jasra House), Al Jasra village,towards the King Fahad Causeway, 8am-2pm.Call 17611454.Saar Islamic Centre Mosque, by prior appointmentonly. Call 17727773 or fax17729695.Shaikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Centrefor Culture and Research, Muharraq, 9am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Call 17322549.Mohammed Bin Faris Music House, Muharraq,8am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Call17322549 or 36619038.Children’s scrapbooking and papercraft classes,Adults Card-making, Celebrations for Art, Budaiya,9am-4pm. Call 17595791.Group and individual art and design classesfor adults and groups at private gallery,Saar. Call 39922642 for appointments.Learn Hindustani classical and light music fromqualified singer. Call 36401744 for more information.SpoRtS, FItNESS aND wEll-BEINGthalassotherapy treatments, thalassa Seaand Spa at Sofitel Bahrain, Zallaq, pressotherapyand aqua bike. Call 17636391for reservations or more information onthalassa sea and spa packages.Kombatt predator, Latin Dance Studio, OxygenGym, Budaiya, 10am and 8pm. Call 33889821or e-mail latin.dance.studio@hotmail.comfor more information.tribal Fitness, group and personal training.Bahrain-wide. Call Craig on 39473710.Fitness Classes, Step Up gym, Muharraq, men’stimings 7am-9am. noon-1am, women’s timing9am-6pm, Women’s aerobics, 9.30am-10.30am and 4.30pm-5.30pm, belly danceclass, 3.30pm-4.30pm (only Monday andWednesday). Call 17343348.the first Cross Fit gym in Bahrain, ExtremeFitness EXFIt, Barbar, 4.30pm, 5.30pm,6.30pm, 7.30pm and 8.30pm. Call39533130 for more information.Fitness classes, Oxygen Gym, Budaiya, hourof power (mixed), 6.30am-7.30am; zumba(women only), 9am-10am; kombatt (mixed),10am-11am; hard core (women only),11am-noon; calories crusher (women only),noon-1pm; zumba (women only), 4pm-5pm;hatha/power yoga (mixed), 5pm-6pm; taekwando(children’s class), 6pm-7pm; kombatt(mixed), 7pm-8pm; Latin mix (mixed),8pm-9pm. Call 17616165 in advance tobook.tennis training, 5.30pm. E-mail tennisinbahrain@gmail.comfor location.Iyengar Yoga training with a qualified experiencedIyengar Yoga Teacher. Call 39596026or e-mail patricia.a.moss@gmail.com.Royal Country Club fitness classes, RiffaViews, body sculpt and tone (womenonly), 8.30am; hip hop abs (women only),10am; spinning (mixed) and yoga (mixed),QuickQuiz1 Which 1954 filmmusical is about aScottish village thatappears out of themist once every 100years?2 What was the nameof Penelope Keith’scharacter in BBC’sThe Good Life?3 Which two teamshave been relegatedfrom the PremierLeague after a noscoredraw at theMadeiski Stadium?4 Which U.S. rock bandhad a 1996 UL No.1with Don’t Speak?5 What is the commonname for the plantLavandula angustifolia,used as a culinaryherb and source ofessential oil?ANSWERS5 Lavender4 No Doubt3 Reading and QPR2 Margo Leadbetter1 Brigadoon"I suppose we should have got together sooner to discuss the loomingenergy crisis"6pm; body sculpt and tone (women only),7pm. Junior classes – bricks 4 kidz (3-9years), monkeynastix (2-3 years), kidsswimming (10+ years) 4pm; kids swimming(6-9 years), 4.30pm; kids swimming(3-5 years) and mixed martial arts (3-15years, mixed), 5pm. personal training andprivate swimming lessons are available byprior appointment. Call 17751264 to registerfor a class.Personalised fitness programmes, group exerciseclasses, yoga, zumba, personal training,Fitness First Bahrain. Call Bahrain World TradeCentre on 17131499 and Oasis Centre, EastRiffa (women only) on 17620005 for membershipand more information.Fitness classes, world Beat Fitness Centre,Janabiya, zumba fitness and nia, 8.30am,power yoga (booking required), 9.30am,capoeira kids, 4pm, karate kids (beginners),4.30pm, karate kids (advanced),5.30pm, karate adults, 6.30pm, bellydancing (beginners), 6.30pm, fundamentalyoga, 7.30pm. Call 17612576 to register.Herbal massage, Yas Body Care, Riffa, 9am-11pm. Call 17491958 or 39776882.TAKE A BREAK ...SudokuYesterday’ssolutionHow to plaY Fillthe grid so thatevery row, everycolumn andevery 3X3 boxcontains the digits1-9. there’s nomaths involved.You solve thepuzzle with reasoningand logicLEvEL: HHHHHClasses, Ramee Group of Hotels – swimmingtraining classes, Ramee suites 3,Hoora, 6.30am-9am, 6.45pm-8.30pm,call Manoj on 34375102; swimmingtraining classes, Ramee Baisan InternationalHotel, Hoora, 7.30am-8.50am,3pm-4.20pm and 8pm-9.20pm, callShree Bishak on 35383770; swimmingtraining classes, Ramee palace Hotel,Juffair, 10.30am-11.50am, 5pm-6.20pmand 8pm-9.20pm, call prabhaker on33936281; exercise classes, Ramee InternationalHotel, Juffair, power yoga, aerobics,pilates, circuit training, pranayamand meditation class, 6.30pm-7.30pm,call Bijan on 36270302 or e-mail rjh@rameehotelsbahrain.com.Pilates private classes for women, Saar, 9am to6pm. All classes are scheduled by appointmentonly. Call 39611396 for more information.Co-active coaching for organisations, transition,parenting, stress, study and workethics, re-branding yourself, fulfilmentand networking. psychometric profilingand university applications (interviews/selection/personal statements/essays)available in addition to study skills, presentationand networking skills and academicwriting workshops. Fully qualifiedand experienced staff. Call 38442727 or17590137.Life and Motivational Coach, offering Psychotherapyand Hypnotherapy plus Psychometrictests, Sanad, 1pm-9pm. Call 36488688 formore information.personality and ability assessments to helpidentify and measure the critical skillsneeded for success in work and life. Call39407129 between 6pm and 9pm for locationin Saar.Sharon’s fitness boot camp classes, The Studio,Hamala, morning classes (women only),evening classes (women and mixed). Privategroup training also offered. Call 66385537 formore information.Yoga for fitness and weight loss, tulsi tree,

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 11Today's best guide to leisure,activities, clubs and events...umm al Hassam, behind Copper Chimneyrestaurant. e-mail tulsitree12@gmail.comor call 39646876 for more information.Yoga, Telegu Kala Samithi, Adliya, 10am-11amand 7pm-8pm. Call 39881232.Pilates on a mat with stott Pilates instructortrainer and yoga teacher roberta Trzebinski,studio rCT, orchid’s dream, sanabis,8.45am, pilates on equipment, 10am and6pm. Call 39445816.Women’s fitness training classes, Yahoo HealthClub, Middle East Hotel, Manama, 10am, 2pmand 7pm. Al Namal Building, 5am-11.30pm.Call 39079142 or 17251777.Pool and snooker coaching with europeanBilliard and snooker association mastercoach, 12.30pm-midnight. Call 39778367for location.Women’s fitness programme, Curves Women’sFitness Centre, Budaiya, 7.30am-1pm and3pm-7.30pm. Call 17691496.yoga classes for men and women, MarinaClub, Manama, 6.30pm-8pm, yogaclasses only for women, aseel saloon,riffa, 12pm-1.30pm. Call aruna on39052254.Karate, judo, kung fu, wrestling and 18 differentkinds of freestyle martial arts, taughtby fifth Dan black belt instructor, PakistanClub, Manama. Children – 7pm-8.30pm,adults – 8.30pm-10pm. Special self-defenceclasses for women. Call 33960492,39262904 or 36679513 for more information.aerobics, Pineapple spa, Manama, 4.30pmand 5.30pm, circuit training, 1.15pm, indoorcycling, 8.30am and 3.30pm. Call17712000.Sahaja Yoga Meditation course, Telugu KalaSamithi, Adliya, 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Call39067465 or 17822042.Fitness boot camp, The studio, Janabiya,8.30am, 6.30pm. Call 39844193.Aerobics, Ezfit Sports Complex, Budaiya,10.30am-11.30am, 4.30pm-5.30pm, 6.30pm-7.30pm. Call or 17692378.indoor football coaching for five and sixyear-oldswith coach adil, ezfit sportsComplex, Budaiya, 4pm, for 10 to 12-yearolds,5pm-6pm. Call 36682135.Karate Classes, Karate do Academy, Futureshape,Garden City, Budaiya, beginners4.45pm, coloured belts, 5.30pm, advancedbelts, 6.45pm. Training with resident blackbelt sixth Dan Sensei Amr Mouawad. Visitwww.bkabahrain.com or call 17591237 or36657059 for more information.Clubs and SocietiesAqua fitness, British Club, Umm Al Hassam, 8.30am-9.15am (formembers and guests), tots and toddlers, 10am-noon (formembers and guests), circuits, 9am-10am and 6pm-7pm (formembers and guests) and library, noon-7pm (for membersonly). Call 17728245 for more information.The american Women’s association (aWa) is a non-profitableorganisation with an active member base consistingof a variety of nationalities. Visit www.awabahrain.org formore information on becoming a member and being partof a vibrant group of women.The Association Francophone de Bahrain (AFBH) is a non-profitableorganisation consisting of members of all nationalities,whose common interest is use and practice of the Frenchlanguage through a large number of morning and eveningactivities. Visit www.afbh.net or call 33403763 to become amember or for more information.Cinematic dance lessons, Kerala Catholic association, segaiya,7.30pm. Call KCa general secretary roy C antony on39681102 or KCa assistant general secretary VargheseJoseph on 39300835 for more information.Cooking and culinary classes for all cuisines for students,housewives and housemaids, Bahrain Institute of Hospitality& Retail, Barbar, 8am- 1pm and 3pm-7pm. Call 17698726 or36405506.Tai chi Corniche beach class, Bahrain Tai Chiand Wushu Centre, Juffair, 8.30am, ladiestai chi, 10.30am, little Kung Fu, 4.30pm,Kung Fu Kids, 5.30pm, Junior Kung Fu,6.30pm, Wushu, 8pm. Call 36437931.Drop-in meditation course, Bahrain MeditationCentre, Adliya, 7pm-7.30pm. Call 17712545.aqua aerobics, yoga, step, sculpt, spinning,pilates, bums and tums, belly danceclasses, Bodyline, saar, 7.30am-9pm. Call17793932.Pilates, La Fontaine Centre of ContemporaryArt, 9am-6.30pm. Visit www.lafontaineartcentre.net,e-mail info@lafontaineartcentre.net or call 17230123 for more information.Training and treatment in yoga, reiki andPranic healing, Bayoga, Juffair, 6am-10amand 4pm-8pm. Call 17725027.Therapeutic and relaxation massage, Indian AyurvedicMedical Centre, Mahooz, 8am-11pm,free consultation, 8am-1pm and 4pm-9pm.Call 17722060 or 17720780.Cupping, Joz spa, Juffair, 10am-11pm, spa,10am-11pm. Call 17369133.Bellacura Beauty Lounge and Salon, Juffair,9am-9pm. Call 17364955 or 36614814.Health Club, dessange, adliya, 6am-10pm,spa, 9am-9pm, salon9am-10pm.Call 17713999.Asian traditionalmassagesand beautytreatmentspecialising incouple’s treatment,Sherry Spa,Beauty and MassageCentre, Al MabrukahBuilding, Juffair, 10am-10pm.Call 17824070.Bahrain Toastmasters Club weekly meeting (every secondand fourth Tuesday), Mercure grand Hotel, seef, 7.30pm-9.30pm. Call 39217446.Playgroup for children aged two to four years old, Amwaj Islands,9am-12pm. E-mail Dr Anne Mostafa on annemostafa@live.com.ladies sewing group, dilmun Club, saar, 10am, mothers andbabies group, 9.30am-11.30am. Call 17690926.Improve communication, public speaking and leadership skills,YMCA Taostmaster, 8pm-10pm. Call 39606748 for more information.Keyboard, guitar, tabla, drums, violin, light and Carnatic music,drawing and painting, clay modelling, cinematic andclassical dance, karate, yoga and chess classes, Kalabhavanmusic and arts training centre, adliya, 4pm-8pm. Call17717271 or 17717017.Free play, My Gym Children’s Fitness Centre, Seef, 11am-noon,waddlers and gymsters, 3pm-4pm and champions, 4.30pm-5.30pm. Call 17566566.Brain Body dynamics, Budaiya, 9am-5pm, Call 17592661 or39246544.Professional qualified and experienced personallife training for children, teens andadults, life-Fit Personal Training, Budaiya,6am onwards. Call 33001261.Therapeutic massage, hand and foot reflexology.Call 39015776 for location in East Riffa.Therapeutic, relaxation and rejuvenationmassages, herbal facial, panchakarmaprocedures, consultation with ayurvedaphysicians and ayurvedic medicines,Vaidyaratanm ayurvedic Health Centre,riffa, 9am-1pm and 4pm-9pm. Call17228877 or 39912777 for more information.Personal Performance coaching, special techniquesto guide you in the right direction toco-create the life you desire. Call 36696666for directionsemail: gdnnews@batelco.com.bhEnrichment classes for children, Bright Beginnings, Adliya,dance, 3.30pm-4.15pm. Call 17710405.Bahrain society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals (BsP-Ca) sanctuary, askar, 9am-5pm. Those interested in adoptingpets, walking dogs or volunteering, Call 17591231. rescuedanimals will be accepted 24-hours-a-day.Interdenominational Women’s Fellowship, National EvangelicalChurch, 9.30am. Call 17242578.alcoholics anonymous, american Mission Hospital,7.30pm–9pm. Call 17530020 or 39434200.Bahrain Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSP-CA) Thrift Shop, 6, Busheri Gardens, near Budaiya, 9am-noon.Call 17593479.Tony the dogfather and CsBPa relocated animal rescuecentre in saar. Call 39629889 or 33363352 for more informationon rescuing, sponsoring, adopting, walking,volunteering or donations.Party Bridge Club, male/female, partners/singles. Contact Graham.Nugent@MANDEV.co.Chess classes, group and personal training, by internationalchess master. Call 33266677 for directions and information.life and executive coaching - enhance yourpersonal and professional effectiveness;increase your productivity and life fulfilment.Call 38889796for more information.Ladies and mixedyoga classes, andyoga therapy bytrained Indianinstructor, nearBahrain School, oldJuffair. Call 36139134or 38804369.Free stress management andmeditation classes, learn sahaja yoga forfree, Telugu Kala samithi, adliya, 7.30pm-8.30pm. Call 39319699, 39575301 or17822042.Bamboo massage, free demonstration. Call39015776 for more information.dragon Kung-Fu training, the old indianphysical academy, Manama, 7.30pm-10pm. Call 39756307 for more information.Instant Stress reduction techniques to overcomework pressure from home or office ata rapid speed, Gudaibiya, 6pm to 10pm. Call33520620 for more information.The physiotherapy centre offers homeservices and physio centre, with latesttechniques treatment, 9am-12.30pm and4pm-8pm. Call 17722012 for appointments.Self-hypnotism sessions for positive thinkingand improving creativity and prosperity. Call33206641 for more information.executive speech coaching - get laughs,applause and your message across,4pm-8pm. Book free 20 minutes coachingsession. Visit 3dspeaking.com or call37777784 for more information.CoursesPrivate tutoring psychology and sociology (alllevels), Sanad, 1-9pm. Call 36488688 for moreinformation.Cognitive training for struggling learners,adHd/add, dyslexia, autism, dyscalculia,dysgraphia, career adults, collegestudents, senior adults and those withtraumatic brain injury, neural Mindspark, seef. Visit www.neuralmindspark.com or call 36652314 for more information.Learn Arabic in 48 hours with a private tutor.Call 34186689 or visit www.ispeakarabictoo.com for more information.Morning and evening spanish classes, intensivecourses, workshops, shaikh ebrahimCentre Bin Mohammed al Khalifa Centrefor Culture and research, Muharraq. Call38396273.General English classes for children, juniors,Bait Al Taleem English Language Institute,A’ali, 4pm-5.30pm, seniors, 5.30pm-7.30pm.Call 17643199.general english language courses, ToeFl,saT, gre, gMaT preparation, languageclasses for young learners and adults,american Cultural and educational Centre,Juffair, 8am-9pm. Call 17729997.English, Maths, Latin, Creative Writing up toGCSE and AS Level, UK Common Entrance11+ 13+ exam preparation for individualsand groups by graduate tutors at Oxfordor Cambridge University level, IDRIS Tuition,Budaiya. Personal statements forschool and university entrance, examtechnique and interview practice. Call33771234.english courses for young learnersand adults, arabic, French, spanishand german, lingo-ease languageCentre, al nasir garden, Budaiyaand Juffair, 9am-8pm. group classesand private tutoring for all ages. Call17590895 or 39102997 for more information.Courses in Arabic for Reading, Writing andMath, Al Ba7ith Institute, Sehla and Juffair,Saturday to Thursday, 10am-7pm. CallSehla branch on 17400227 and Juffairbranch on 17811227.english, arabic, French, spanish, italian,german, Farsi, Japanese and Chineseclasses, Berlitz language Centre, adliya,8am-8.45pm. Call 17827847.British Council, 8.30am-7.30pm, Khamis. Call17261555.Morning and evening French classesfor children and adults, allianceFrançaise de Bahrein, resourceCentre and library, 9am-1pm and3pm-9pm. Call 17683295 for moreinformation.Certified professional practitioner courseswith the International Institute for Personaland Professional Transformationsincluding diplomas in clinical hypnotherapyand psychotherapy, counselling,NLP, CBT, EFT and Meridian therapies,biofeedback and breathing therapy. Acceleratedlearning for adults and children.Call 39667623.english courses (grades K-12) reading,writing, Math, saT, arabic coursesreading, writing, Math (K-12), arabicconversation for adults, sylvan learning,10am-7pm. Call sehla branchon 17400227 and Juffair branch on17811227.Tajweed and Islamic Studies classes for girlsand ladies, Dar Alarqum for Quranic Studiesfor Non Arabs, Saar. E-mail alarqum@batelco.com.bh or call 17794236 or33909571 for more information.French Tutor for all levels and TCF, TeF,and delF. Teaching French as a Foreignlanguage. Call 38329388.Study Excellence programme for schoolchildren. Powerful motivational and individualsessions, teaching skills and toolsneeded for school studies. Call DS Dev on38800265.CrypticaCross3 Mistake in a letter from the old man (5)8 A weight to carry round with heavy heart (5)10 Country that has its own paper (5)11 She’s religiously interested in the annunciation(3)12 Tease by mentioning a torn letter (5)13 By such practice, a guy gets the direction right(7)15 The convenience of little men (5)18 A bird gives them a bit of fun (3)19 Being vulgar gets his rag out (6)21 Team’s potential for many shots (7)22 Chaps with the right angle on publicity (4)23 Beaten hollow (4)24 See rams rambling with royalty! (7)26 Slade, the place for porridge? (6)29 Succeeded in two nights (3)31 Old Harry took a seat on one (5)32 Superlatively simple (7)34 He has a car, but always takes a horse out (5)35 Live in the dearest part (3)36 Stop running a small business (5)37 Superman’s name for many a bird (5)38 Order of St. Benedict (5)doWn1 Yes, before sunrise, he can look both ways atonce (5)2 Ways in which the wife can conceal a queen(7)use this area for your thoughts, doodles, and towork out the crossword clues4 A distance from home (4)5 Cave man of the Hebrides (6)6 Go into forbidden territory (5)7 Suggests this may be around mid-morning (5)9 Just one extra, perhaps (3)12 Freddy, a right guy (7)14 River possibly confused with part of theThames (3)16 Dressed up figures? (5)17 Tries to get heated in a vessel (5)19 Getaway exit, perhaps? (7)20 Fielding errors? (5)21 Confess being glad to finish, time nearly up (5)23 Disavowals of being shifty in deals (7)24 Arnold could confuse him with Roland (6)25 A message mostly hissed? (3)27 Where the Rovers got badly hit by artillery (5)28 Fur done up in bales (5)30 Wearers of baggy trousers (5)32 Rice upsets him (4)33 Age of a noted regiment (3)yesTerday’s CryPTiC soluTionaCross: 4, P-lent-y 7, Low punch 8, Less-on 10,Stern 13, Pony 14, To-do 15, Ne-X-t 16, Ant 17,Wa-it 19, Airy 21, Ta-ble w-in-e 23, Gins 24, Role26, Cap 27, Even 29, Prep 32, Enid 33, Steal 34,Hearts 35, Openings 36, Chas.-er.doWn: 1, B-last 2, Own-e-d 3, Burn 4, Phlox 5,Easy 6, Thorny 9, Entail 11, Top 12, Ro-W-an 13,Peter-Ed 15, Nil 16, Are 18, AB-sent 20, Inept 21,Tip 22, W-O-N 23, Gareth 25, Lea 28, Visor 30,Reins 31, P-lush 32, Eros 33, Sand.yesTerday’s QuiCK soluTionaCross: 4, Strife 7, Apparent 8, Easily10, Thaws 13, Salt 14, Solo 15, Fill 16, Few17, Maim 19, Edit 21, Harbinger 23, Tuna24, Leer 26, Rag 27, Brat 29, Bees 32, Pier33, Nylon 34, Ethics 35, Teenager 36,Hovers.doWn: 1, Halts 2, Appal 3, Arms 4, Steal5, Rust 6, Fillet 9, Allege 11, Hot 12,Woman 13, Similar 15, Fib 16, Fir 18,Arabic 20, Derby 21, Hug 22, Net 23,Tattoo 25, Leo 28, Rests 30, Elegy 31,Snore 32, Pile 33, None.QuickaCross3 Cautions (5), 8 Meat in rashers (5), 10 Gangway (5), 11 Unit of weight (3), 12 Picturepuzzle (5), 13 Small falcon (7), 15 Satisfies (5), 18 Rend (3), 19 Expunge (6), 21 Country(7), 22 Spool (4), 23 Price (4), 24 Originator (7), 26 Comes about (6), 29 Boy’s name (3),31 Iraqi currency (5), 32 Panther (7), 34 School punishment (5), 35 Falsehood (3), 36Distinctive character (5), 37 Bravery award (5), 38 Requirements (5)doWn1 Detests (5), 2 Regulate (7), 4 Cain’s brother (4), 5 Disgust, revulsion (6), 6 Make ropewith this (5), 7 Rapid in movement (5), 9 Lettuce (3), 12 Mends (7), 14 Raised edge (3),16 Male voice (5), 17 Cults (5), 19 Expands (7), 20 Wide (5), 21 Tree sap (5), 23 Intricate(7), 24 Colour (6), 25 Also (3), 27 Fissures (5), 28 Hairdresser’s shop (5), 30 Tyre surface(5), 32 Be ahead in a race (4), 33 Assistance (3)TargetHow many words of four lettersor more can you makefrom the letters show here? Inmaking a word, each lettermay be used once only, Eachmust contain the centre letterand there must be at leastone nine-letter word. No pluralsor verb forms ending in “s”no words with initial capitalsand no words with a hyphenor apostrophe permitted.The first word of a phrase isallowed (e.g. inkjet in inkjetprinter)Today’s TargeTGood 17; very good 26; excellent35 (or more). Solutiontomorrow.yesTerday’ssoluTionabet able abler abort aerobebale baler ball ballet ballotbare bate bear beat beet bellbelle belt berate beret betabetel blare bleat bloat bloaterblot boar boat boater bole bollbolt borate bore brae brat earlobelabel lobar lobate lobeoblate rebate rebel relabel retablerobe table taborToleraBle trebleE FD LI NDUE

12<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013what’sinonBahrainCINECO (CITY):20 SCREENS1) World War Z (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enosand David MorseShows at 11.30am, 2pm, 4.30pm,7pm, 9.30pm and midnightShows at (3D) 10.30am, 1pm,3.30pm, 6pm, 8.30pm and 11pmShows at (VIP II) 11am, 1.30pm,4pm, 6.30pm, 9pm and 11.30pm2) Monster University (PG)(Animation/ Comedy)Starring: Billy Crystal, JohnGoodman and Steve BuscemiShows at 11.30am, 1.45pm, 4pm,6.15pm, 8.30pm and 10.45pmShows at (3D) 10.30am, 12.45pm,3pm, 5.15pm, 7.30pm, 9.45pmand midnight3) Lay The Favorite (15)Starring: Rebecca Hall, BruceWillis and Vince VaughnShows at 11.15am, 1.15pm,3.15pm, 5.15pm, 7.15pm, 9.15pmand 11.15pm4) The Baytown Outlaws (15+)(Action/ Thriller)Starring: Billy Bob Thornton, EvaLongoria and Thomas Brodie-SangsterShows at 5.45pm, 7.45pm,9.45pm and 11.45pm5) Man Of Steel (PG 13) (Action/Adventure)Starring: Henry Cavill, RussellCrowe and Amy AdamsShows at noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pmand midnightShows at (3D) 11am, 2pm, 5pm,8pm and 11pmShows at (VIP I) 11.30am, 2.30pm,5.30pm, 8.30pm and 11.30pm6) Fast & Furious 6 (15) (Action/Thriller/ Adventure)Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walkerand Dwayne JohnsonShows at 10.30am, 1pm, 3.45pm,6.30pm, 9.15pm and midnight7) Now You See Me (15) (Thriller)Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, MarkRuffalo and Morgan FreemanShows at noon, 2.30pm, 5pm,7.30pm and 10pm8) Tattah (PG 13) (Comedy)Starring: Mohammed Saad, DollyShaheen and Lutfi LabeebShows at 12.15pm, 2.30pm,4.45pm, 7pm, 9.15pm and11.30pm9) The Internship (15) (Comedy)Starring: Owen Wilson, VinceVaughn and Rose ByrneShows at 10.45am, 1.15pm,3.45pm, 6.15pm, 8.45pm and11.15pm10) The Hangover-3 (15+)(Comedy)Starring: Bradley Cooper, ZachGalifianakis and Ed HelmsShows at 12.30pm, 2.45pm, 5pm,7.15pm, 9.30pm and 11.45pm11) After Earth (15) (Thriller/Adventure)Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smithand Isabelle FuhrmanShows at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm,8pm, 10pm and midnight12) Hummingbird (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Jason Statham, LeeAsquith-Coe and Vicky McClureShows at 11.15am, 1.15pm,3.15pm, 5.15pm, 7.15pm, 9.15pmand 11.15pm13) Iron Man 3 (PG 13)<strong>Daily</strong>recipeTrying to find different vegetables toserve can be hard work but this recipefits the bill and is a great way to use lowcostcourgettes. Makes 12 servings.Ingredients6 firm courgettesSalt, to taste1lb parsnips, peeled and coarselychopped5 tablespoons butter, melted125ml double creamPepper, to taste4-5 tablespoons breadcrumbsMethod1) Preheat oven to 180˚C/ 160˚C fan/gas 4.2) Boil up water in a large, wide-rim pan.Season with salt and add courgettes.Lower heat to medium. Cook courgettesfor five to seven minutes until tenderbut still slightly firm. Rinse under coldwater and pat dry.3) Trim ends of courgettes and sliceAT THE CINEMA(Action/ Adventure)Starring: Robert Downey Jr, GuyPearce and Gwyneth PaltrowShows at 10.30am, 4pm and9.30pm14) Epic (PG) (Animation/ Comedy/Adventure)Starring: Amanda Seyeried, JoshHutcherson and BeyonceKnowlesShows at 11am, 1pm, 3pm and5pm15) The Croods (PG) (Animation/Comedy/ Adventure)Starring: Nicolas Cage, RyanReynolds and Emma StoneShows at (3D) 11.45am, 1.45pmand 3.45pm16) Dark Skies (15+) (Horror/Thriller)Starring: Keri Russell, JakeBrennan and Josh HamiltonShows at 7pm, 9pm and 11pm17) Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (PG13) (Hindi/ Romantic/ Comedy)Starring: Deepika Padukon,Ranbir Kapoor and Kalki KoechlinShows at 1pm, 6.30pm and midnightSEEF (II) (EAST SIDE):10 Screens1) World War Z (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enosand David MorseShows at noon, 2.30pm, 5pm,7.30pm and 10pmShows at (3D) 11am, 1.30pm,4pm, 6.30pm, 9pm and 11.30pm2) Monster University (PG)(Animation/ Comedy)Starring: Billy Crystal, JohnGoodman and Steve BuscemiShows at 11.15am, 1.30pm,3.45pm, 6pm, 8.15pm and10.30pmShows at (3D) 12.15pm, 2.30pm,4.45pm, 7pm, 9.15pm and11.30pm3) Now You See Me (15) (Thriller)Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, MarkRuffalo and Morgan FreemanShows at 10.30am, 12.45pm, 3pm,5.15pm, 7.30pm, 9.45pm andmidnight4) The Internship (15) (Comedy)Starring: Owen Wilson, VinceVaughn and Rose ByrneShows at 11am, 1.30pm, 4pm,6.30pm, 9pm and 11.30pm5) The Hangover-3 (15+)(Comedy)Starring: Bradley Cooper, ZachGalifianakis and Ed HelmsShows at 4.30pm, 6.45pm, 9pmand 11.15pm6) After Earth (15) (Thriller/Adventure)Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smithand Isabelle FuhrmanShows at 11.45am, 1.45pm,3.45pm, 5.45pm, 7.45pm, 9.45pmand 11.45pm7) Hummingbird (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Jason Statham, LeeAsquith-Coe and Vicky McClureShows at 7pm, 9pm and 11pm8) Epic (PG) (Animation/ Comedy/Adventure)them in half lengthwise. Use a smallknife to outline the pulp. Do not cut toofar down. Use a small spoon to scoopout pulp. Place pulp in a fine wire sieveand let drain for 20 minutes. Turn courgetteshells over and let drain.4) Boil another pot of water. Season withsalt. Add parsnips and lower heat tomedium. Cook five to six minutes oruntil tender. Drain and rinse under coldwater.5) Puree courgette pulp and parsnips ina blender or food processor. Add threetablespoons butter, double cream, saltand pepper. Taste and adjust seasoningif needed.6) Melt remaining butter in a small panover low heat. Add breadcrumbs andcook until browned.7) Place courgette shells in a bakingdish. Fill with puree and top with breadcrumbs.Place in oven for 10-20 minutes,until hot.n Jason Statham, Lee Asquith-Coe and Vicky McClure star in theaction thriller Hummingbird … now showingStarring: Amanda Seyeried, JoshHutcherson and BeyonceKnowlesShows at 12.15pm, 2.30pm and4.45pm9) The Croods (PG) (Animation/Comedy/ Adventure)Starring: Nicolas Cage, RyanReynolds and Emma StoneShows at 10.30am, 12.30pm and2.30pm10) Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (PG13) (Hindi/ Romantic/ Comedy)Starring: Deepika Padukon,Ranbir Kapoor and Kalki KoechlinShows at 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pmand 11pmSEEF (I) (WEST SIDE):6 Screens1) Lay The Favorite (15)Starring: Rebecca Hall, BruceWillis and Vince VaughnShows at noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm,8pm, 10pm and midnight2) The Baytown Outlaws (15+)(Action/ Thriller)Starring: Billy Bob Thornton, EvaLongoria and Thomas Brodie-SangsterShows at 11.30am, 1.30pm,3.30pm, 5.30pm, 7.30pm, 9.30pmand 11.30pm3) Man Of Steel (PG 13) (Action/Adventure)Starring: Henry Cavill, RussellCrowe and Amy AdamsShows at 11.30am, 2.30pm,5.30pm, 8.30pm and 11.30pm4) Fast & Furious 6 (15) (Action/Thriller/ Adventure)Starring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walkerand Dwayne JohnsonShows at 11.15am, 1.45pm,4.15pm, 6.45pm, 9.15pm and11.45pm5) Raanjhnaa (Hindi/ Romantic)Starring: Dhanush, Sonam Kapoorand Abhay DeolShows at 12.15pm, 3pm, 5.45pm,8.30pm and 11.15pm6) Tattah (PG 13) (Comedy)Starring: Mohammed Saad, DollyShaheen and Lutfi LabeebParsnip stuffed courgettesShows at 12.30pm, 2.45pm, 5pm,7.15pm, 9.30pm and 11.45pmSAAR CINEPLEX4 Screens1) World War Z (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enosand David MorseShows at 12.15pm, 2.30pm,4.45pm, 7pm and 9.15pm2) Monster University (PG)(Animation/ Comedy)Starring: Billy Crystal, JohnGoodman and Steve BuscemiShows at 11.45am, 2pm, 4.15pm,6.30pm and 8.45pm3) Man Of Steel (PG 13) (Action/Adventure)Starring: Henry Cavill, RussellCrowe and Amy AdamsShows at 12.30pm,3.15pm, 6pm and8.45pm4) Now You See Me(15) (Thriller)Starring: JesseEisenberg, MarkRuffalo and MorganFreemanShows at 11.45am,4.30pm and 9.15pm5) The Internship (15) (Comedy)Starring: Owen Wilson, VinceVaughn and Rose ByrneShows at 2pm and 6.45pmAL JAZEERA CINEPLEX2 Screens1) World War Z (15) (Action/Thriller)Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enosand David MorseShows at 3pm, 5.15pm, 7.30pmand 9.45pm2) Man Of Steel (PG 13) (Action/Adventure)Starring: Henry Cavill, RussellCrowe and Amy AdamsShows at 3pm, 6pm and 9pmAWAL CINEMA1) Raanjhaa (Hindi/ Romantic)Starring: Dhanush, Sonam KapoorhotlinesFor enquiriesaboutBahrain CinemaCompany’s theatres17864666Dana Complex:17558558and Abhay DeolShows at 3pm and 9pm2) Shortcut Romeo (Hindi/Romantic/ Thriller)Starring: Neil Nitin Mukesh,Ameesha Patel, Puja Gupta andHimesh ReshammiyaShows at noon and 6pmAL HAMRA CINEMA1) Bharya Athra Pora (Malayalam)Starring: Jayaram, Gopika andSaikumarShows at 3pm and 9pm2) Thillu Mullu (Tamil)Starring: Shiva, Isha Talwar andPrakash RajShows at noon and 6pm• For Bahrain Cinema online bookingtickets: cinema.o.com.bhDANA CINEPLEX12 Screens• All shows after midnight only onThursdays, Fridays and holidays1) Tattah (PG 13) (Arabic/ Comedy)Starring: Mohammed Saad, DollyShaheen and Lutfi LabeebShows at 11am, 1.15pm, 3.30pm,5.45pm, 8pm, 10.15pm and12.30am2) Hassal Khair (Arabic/ Comedy/Drama)Starring: Saad El Sugayar, Kamarand Karim Mahmood AbdulazizShows at noon, 2.15pm, 4.30pm,6.45pm, 9pm and 11.15pm3) Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani(Hindi/ Romantic)Starring: Deepika Padukon, RanbirKapoor and Kalki KoechlinShows at 10.30am, 1.30pm,4.30pm, 7.30pm and 10.30pm4) Epic 2D (PG) (Animation/Comedy/ Adventure)Starring: Amanda Seyeried, JoshHutcherson and BeyonceKnowlesShows at 11am, 1.15pm, 3.30pm,5.45pm, 8pm and 10.15pm5) After Earth (3D) (15) (Thriller/Adventure)Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smithand Isabelle FuhrmanShows at 10.30am, 12.45pm, 3pm,5.15pm, 7.30pm, 9.45pm andmidnight6) The Croods2D (Animation/Adventure/ Comedy)Starring: Nicolas Cage,Ryan Reynolds andEmma StoneShows at 11am, 3pm,7pm and 11pm6) The Croods 3D(Animation/ Adventure/Comedy)Starring: Nicolas Cage, RyanReynolds and Emma StoneShows at 1pm, 5pm and 9pm7) Ice Age 4: Continental Drift 2D(Family/ Comedy/ Action)Starring: Ray Romano, JohnLeguizamo and Denis LearyShows at 10.30am, 12.30pm,2.30pm, 4.30pm, 6.30pm, 8.30pmand 10.30pm8) The Internship (Comedy)Starring: Owen Wilson, VinceVaughn and Rose ByrneShows at 11am, 1.15pm, 3.30pm,5.45pm, 8pm, 10.15pm and12.30am9) Epic 3D (PG) (Animation/Comedy/ Adventure)Starring: Amanda Seyeried, JoshHutcherson and BeyonceKnowlesShows at 10.30am, 12.45pm, 3pm,5.15pm, 7.30pm, 9.45pm and11.45pm10) Evil Dead (Horror/ Sci-Fi/Thriller)Starring: Jane Levy, ShilohFernandez and Jessica LucasShows at 12.45pm, 5.15pm and9.45pm10) Olympus Has Fallen (Action/Thriller)Starring: Gerad Butler, AaronEckhart and Morgan FreemanShows at 10.30am, 3pm, 7.30pmand 11.45pm11) After Earth (15) (Thriller/Adventure)Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smithand Isabelle FuhrmanShows at 11am, 1.15pm, 3.30pm,5.45pm, 8pm, 10.15pm and12.30am12) Tattah (PG 13) (Arabic/ Comedy)Starring: Mohammed Saad, DollyShaheen and Lutfi LabeebShows at 11.30am, 1.45pm, 4pm,6.15pm, 8.30pm, 10.45pm and1amWeather ReportTODAY: Fine with rising sand in placesWarning: NilWind: Northwesterly 15 to 20kt reaching20 to 25kt at timesWarning: For strong northwesterlywindsSea State: 1 to 3ft inshore and 3 to 6ftoffshoreSunrise: 4.47am Sunset: 6.33pmMoonrise: 7.28pm Moonset: 6.46amTemperature: Max 38°C Min 32°CHumidity: Max 60% Min 20%Mina Salman tides: High at 6.37am andlow at 12.55pmActual values recorded yesterday:Temperature: Max 38°C Min 33°CHumidity: Max 41% Min 21%<strong>Gulf</strong> temperatures: Kuwait 46°C Riyadh41°C Doha 40°C Abu Dhabi 38°C Muscat36°C*Met. Office: 17321175/74, 17323073Weatherline: 17236236 or visit www.bahrainweather.gov.bhMin MaxAmsterdam 12 19 RAthens 21 34 CAtlanta 19 29 ClBaghdad 26 42 CBangkok 27 31 RBarcelona 18 24 ClBasra 25 46 CBeijing 20 32 CBeirut 20 31 CBerlin 14 24 ClBogota 10 20 ClBoston 19 33 RBrasilia 18 28 ClCairo 23 35 CCalgary 7 20 RCaracas 24 30 ClChicago 21 32 RColombo 27 29 ClDhaka 28 32 CDublin 10 14 RFrankfurt 15 20 RGeneva 15 20 ClGuatemala 17 27 RHanoi 27 32 RHarare 6 18 CHavana 22 32 RHong Kong 26 30 RIslamabad 32 42 CIstanbul 20 31 CJakarta 22 32 CJohannesburg 2 17 CKabul 21 35 CKuala Lumpur 26 34 ClLa Paz 1 13 ClLisbon 16 27 CLondon 12 18 RLos Angeles 18 24 ClManila 25 33 RMecca 30 43 CMelbourne 1 13 CMexico City 14 23 RMontreal 18 25 RMoscow 14 24 RNairobi 13 23 ClNew Delhi 29 39 CNew York 21 31 COsaka 21 25 ROslo 12 17 RPanama 26 33 RParis 13 17 RPerth 8 21 RRio de Janeiro 20 24 ClRome 19 29 CSan Francisco 13 20 ClSan Salvador 20 30 CSao Paulo 12 18 RSeoul 20 26 RSingapore 27 32 ClStockholm 16 23 ClSydney 9 14 RTaipei 26 32 RTegucigalpa 19 28 ClTokyo 19 26 ClTurin 16 25 RToronto 17 27 RTunis 20 31 CValletta 24 32 CVancouver 9 19 RVienna 18 27 RWarsaw 17 24 RWashington 22 30 RZurich 12 16 RCODE: Cl=cloudy, C=clear,R=rain, S=snowChemists24-hour chemists:Jaffer Pharmacy: 18, Tarfah bin Al AbidAvenue, Manama 319. Tel: 17291039.Awal Pharmacy: 30, Shaikh Ali binKhalifa Avenue, East Riffa 901. Tel:17772023. Al Muwasaa Pharmacy: 38,Shaikh Mohammed bin Salman Avenue,Muharraq 205. Tel: 17335666. Al MarayaPharmacy: 379 Amman Avenue, Tubli705. Tel: 17784029. Al Rahma Pharmacy:12 Souk Abu Dhar Alghafari, Isa Town814. Tel: 17687117. National Pharmacy:Blg. 2058, Road 4563, Sanad 745. Tel:17620208. Nasser Pharmacy: 63-B,Qadisiya Avenue, Manama 332. Tel:17740900. Hamad Town Pharmacy: 225Souk Waqf, Hamad Town 1203. Tel:17410114. Majeed Jaffar Pharmacy:Building 233, Avenue 57, Muharraq 203.Tel: 17331168. Al Hilal Pharmacy: ShopNo. 649B, Road 1511, Muharraq. Tel:17341700.Vet Services 24-hours 39481208.PRayeR timesNoon (Dhohr) 11.40am, Afternoon (Asr)3.06pm, Sunset (Maghrib)6.34pm, Nightfall (Ishaa) 8.04pm andDawn (Fajr) 3.17am tomorrow.Today is the 16 day of Shaban, 1434, in theIslamic calendar.*Provided by the Islamic Affairs Ministry.

Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bhn Manama will look ‘fabulous’ on the big screenStatham set tofilm in BahrainBy Ahmed Al OmariHOLLYWOOD action hero Jason Stathamhas been officially confirmed as the leadrole in a major action-spy movie that willbe partially filmed in Bahrain.The 45-year-old British star will play CaptainHugh in the classic film Bulldog Drummond -Hero for Hire.He will be joined by an A-list cast, who willarrive in Manama next year to film the <strong>Gulf</strong>scenes of the movie, with the UK scenes beingshot earlier.London-based <strong>Gulf</strong> Atlantic Pictures has earmarkedthe $35 million production for a 2015release.“His (Statham) role in the movie is dusted,that means sorted,” said <strong>Gulf</strong> Atlantic PicturesBahrain office head David Hollywood.“We will be bringing in some of the world’smost renowned actors and actresses.“I was driving around the inner part of theisland for a movie that we are planning onshooting next year and it is the perfect locationfor the movie.“The names of the stars that will be in themovie will be released later, but very soon.“Parts of the film will be shot off the coastof Bahrain.”It comes as the company plans to turn Bahraininto a regional hub for filmmakers with theestablishment of a 20,000sqm film studio andacademy to tap into the emerging <strong>Gulf</strong> market.<strong>Gulf</strong> Atlantic Pictures, previouslyTwickenham Film Group, and London-based<strong>Gulf</strong> Atlantic Studios, formerly TwickenhamFilms, are behind the Bahrain Film Studio andAcademy, which was scheduled to be built bythe end of the year, but a suitable location hasn Statham ...will be seendriving hisway aroundManamastill not been earmarked, causing delays.The company earlier said the project will alsoinclude a film student exchange programmewith Wales.It has also been working with Bahrain’sEconomic Development Board (EDB) to developa tax rebate scheme for production companieswishing to film in the country.Mr Statham is famous for his roles in movieslike Transporter, Snatch and The Expendables.He is currently working on two other blockbustermovies; Fast and Furious 7, and TheExpendables 3.He will revive the role of Captain Hugh“Bulldog” Drummond – a fictional character createdby author and former soldier Herman CyrilMcNeile, who used the pseudonym Sapper.The character first appeared in print in 1920and went on to be featured in around 20 novels.He is regarded as a forerunner to IanFleming’s James Bond and some think the latterwas actually influenced by McNeile’s character,n An exclusive poster of Bulldog Drummond- Hero For Hire showing Bahrain’s skyline asa backdropa wealthy former First World War officer whospent his time looking for adventure as a privatedetective.More than 20 Bulldog Drummond films weremade between the 1920s and 1960s and he wasalso the basis of a radio series throughout the1940s.ahmed@gdn.com.bh<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 201313The column everyone isreading – on Sundaysand Tuesdays..!No, no, no, no, no!Stop it, stop it, stop it!It is simply too silly for words, andyet the same “we’ve got a confession”claims, like that Abba song, go onand on and on within the securityapparatus.It’s as though the Spanish Inquisition isalive and well.Yet a simply laughable practice,because on 99.9 per cent ofoccasions, the ‘confessions’ hold lesswater than a water-boarding bucketand are recanted the moment theindividual fronts an open court.And then it is a case of the authoritiesappearing in court with a virtualomelette-on-face, full of splotchesof squishy tomatoes and mushymushrooms because a wider publicconcludes that the ‘confession,’ ifobtained at all, was obtained underduress.Which appears to be the case in relationto the tearful kid whose ‘confession’was leaked to YouTube, with hisludicrous claim that the Al Wefaqleader and a leading cleric, “forkedover the dinar”, for kids to kill cops.The men may be foolish in their anticsand statements, but they are notdumb – well that dumb!So now the authorities are rightlyinvestigating the cell shenanigans andhopefully these ‘ambit claims’ can bedispensed with once and for all.The only ‘confession’ worthconsidering, is the admission ofguilt made by the vandal, miscreant,assaulter, murderer etc themselves,in open court.Failing that, any conviction must relyon compelling and overwhelmingevidence.And whileon thesubjectof thelaw, ashas beenstatedfrom Hisby W.W.Majesty King Hamad down, “no-one isabove the law,” which is reassuring tocitizens for generally everyone has afair idea of what constitutes breakingthe law and the majority have nointention of doing so.What about a little more ‘truth insentencing’ in the first place so thatin the main, there are not regularheadlines of sentences being“slashed” huge amounts on appeal,unless there has been an appallinginterpretation of the law in the firstplace.An eminent European professionalworking in Bahrain told of a saying inhis country, that all societies neededa leash between the governors andthe governed but that at all times,authority had to be rooted in the ruleof law.Alas too often in ‘soft societies,’ theanchorage point of the rule of lawwent missing and that despite toughtalk of “enough is enough,” thepeople could see that the law wasn’tbeing enforced because crimes weretolerated through weak enforcementor concessions, even when criminalswere caught.In times of difficulty, the authoritiesneeded to hold the leash more closely;fairly apply the law, of course, buthave ‘zero tolerance’ of any formof criminal activity, which includesvandalism, thuggery and intimidation.And when that application wasacknowledged by the citizenry, thenthere could be greater tolerance andan easing of the leash.It may be harder to gain a ‘freeconfession’ in open court, but itis infinitely more compelling andbelievable.

14<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 2013Commitmentto Bahrain’svalues hailedHis Royal HighnessPrince Salman bin HamadAl Khalifa, CrownPrince, Deputy SupremeCommander and FirstDeputy Prime Minister,yesterday held his weekly majlis atRiffa Palace.He welcomed a cross-section ofBahraini society, with guests includingmembers of the Ruling Family,n Condolence cablesHis Majesty King Hamad yesterday sent a cable ofcondolences to Indian President Pranab Mukherjee overthe death of hundreds in floods which have devastatednorthern India. His Royal Highness Prime MinisterPrince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa sent condolencecables to the Indian President and Prime MinisterManmohan Singh. HRH the Crown Prince sent a similarcable to Mr Mukherjee.n Scholarship plan endorsedEducation Minister Dr Majid Al Nuaimiyesterday endorsed the scholarship plan for2012/2013. He said scholarships are available forboth male and female students, without genderdiscrimination in most specialisations. However, theministry sought to strike a balance between boysand girls taking into account Bahrain’s needs, hepointed out. The number of grants and scholarshipsavailable this year are 2,624, out of which 1,774are for government and private school studentsin addition to 800 grants (financial allowances).Dr Al Nuaimi said the ministry has also provided50 scholarships for students with special needs. Anumber of scholarships have been allocated forgifted and talented students in extra-curricularactivities following a Royal decree to this effect,Dr Al Nuaimi said. High school graduates witha cumulative average of at least 90 per cent andwishing to apply for the scholarships are required toaccess websites (www.moe.gov.bh) or (www.bahrain.bh) for registration. “Registration will start todayand run until Thursday midnight,” scholarshipsdirector Isa Abdulla Al Kooheji said.n VoIP use under studyMinister of State for Communications ShaikhFawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa yesterday said thatBahrain is studying the use of VoIP applications (Voiceover Internet Protocol) in the kingdom to ensure thatappropriate public policies and regulation are in place.He sad no decision had been made to limit the use ofthe technology at this point.n Hizbollah clamp ‘will continue’GCC Secretary General Dr Abdullatif bin RashidAl Zayani has affirmed that procedures againstHizbollah’s interests in the GCC region willcontinue. On the sidelines of the 2013 UN PublicService Forum, he said that those procedurescover Hizbollah’s affiliates, as well as financial andcommercial interests.n Students to be honouredBahrain University president Dr Ibrahim MohammedJanahi will today honour 123 outstanding students whosenames have been listed on the scroll of honour during thefirst term of the academic year 2012-13. The ceremonywill be held at 4pm in Shaikh Abdulaziz Hall at theSakhir campus.n Graduation ceremony at NIITTamkeen hosted a graduation ceremony at theNational Institute of Industrial Training (NIIT) inHidd for the second group of Bahraini graduatesfrom its engineering multi-skills programme. Theprogramme, offered in collaboration with NIIT, is oneof many Tamkeen initiatives seeking to develop skillsof Bahrainis according to labour market requirements.n Private study grants blowIndividuals and private organisations that haveannounced plans to offer scholarships abroad are expectedto go ahead with the scheme in secret after a recentgovernment ban on scholarships granted by privateparties. The move aims to embarrass the governmentby seeking students’ appointment after graduation, eventhough they may not be needed in the market, our sisterpaper Akhbar Al Khaleej has learnt.n Training session for preachersThe Royal Academy of Police organised a trainingsession on combating drug addiction marking theInternational Day Against Drug Abuse and IllicitTrafficking, which falls tomorrow. Seven scholarsand preachers in charge of lecturing on “fightingdrug addiction” took part in the two-day event beingheld in co-operation with the Justice, Islamic Affairsand Endowments Ministry.n HRH the Crown Prince in talks with the US official and below, Shaikh Khalidreceives Ms Jonesn Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Hassan Fakhro yesterdaypraised efforts by Bahraini writers and researchers in documentingBahrain’s ancient history. This came during a meeting with Dr AliHassan Folath who presented his book Reflections.The business community yesterdayurged a “quick and final” solutionto the truck ordeal on KingFahad Causeway.Bahrain Chamber of Commerceand Industry chairman Dr EssamFakhro discussed the issue with theAmerican Chamber of Commercein Bahrain (AmCham Bahrain)n HRH the Crown Prince meets dignitaries and guests at his majlispresident Qays Hatim Zubi.The meeting was held at Beit AlTejjar marking the election of thenew AmCham Bahrain board.The chamber warned of repercussionsof the truck problem onBahrain’s investment status as agate to the GCC market.“The problem has causedsenior government officials, membersof parliament, the Shura Counciland municipal councils, prominentreligious figures, academics, communityleaders, journalists, and severaldiplomats.Those attending praised the CrownPrince’s keen engagement with citizens,following in the steps of hisforefathers by continuing a commitmentto Bahrain’s values, traditions,social fabric and national identity.They also commended his effortsto reinforce sustainable developmentof the kingdom, to achieve furtherAllies thanked forbacking reformsHis Royal Highness theCrown Prince yesterdaymet US Acting AssistantSecretary of State for theNear East Elizabeth Jones atRiffa Palace.The Crown Prince highlightedBahrain’s continuingefforts to meet its longtermgoals under the reformproject led by His Majestythrough dialogue and consensusbuilding.He expressed Bahrain’sappreciation for the supportof allies to the reforms programme.The Crown Prince underscoredthe significance ofvisits, such as the one byMs Jones, in supportingbilateral relations as wellas boosting co-operationand co-ordination on manyissues of common interest.The US official praisedthe strengthening relationswith Bahrain and drew attentionto the positive results ofthe Crown Prince’s recentvisit to Washington.Current regional andinternational issues of significancewere also discussed.The US Acting AssistantSecretary of State wasalso received by ForeignMinister Shaikh Khalid binAhmed Al Khalifa.He stressed the importanceof bilateral tiesbetween the two countries,which he said were witnessingconstant progress invarious fields.They also discussedissues of mutual interest aswell as regional and internationaldevelopments.n Minister of State for Electricity and Water Affairs Dr Abdulhussain Mirzayesterday received Bahrain’s Ambassador to India Mohammed HassanShikhoo.n Dr Fakhro and Mr Zubi with AmCham Bahrain and BCCI membersQuick solution to truck ordeal urgednational companies massive lossesand reduced their exports in anunprecedented way,” it said.It voiced concerns, reporting asubstantial reduction in exports ofBahrain-based US firms.It urged a quick solution as thecauseway represents the umbilicalcord for companies to exportprogress and prosperity within theframework of the reforms led by HisMajesty King Hamad, and continuedgovernment efforts to deliver higherlevels of services.their products.Leading factories have reducedtheir production and are reconsideringtheir expansion plans, preferringto wait for the truck ordeal tobe settled. Dr Fakhro congratulatedthe new AmCham Bahrainboard and urged co-operation topromote bilateral trade.

Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bhTop magazinecelebrates amilestone...One of Bahrain’s top magazinesyesterday celebratedthe milestone of reaching 125issues.Woman This Month (WTM),a monthly magazine that hasbeen running for 10-and-ahalf-years,marked the occasionwith a party at MeiseiRestaurant in Adliya.“There are not that manymonthly magazines in theworld, let alone Bahrain or the<strong>Gulf</strong>, which have lasted 10- and-a-half-years,”said Red House Marketing chairman and publisherGeorge Middleton during a speech.n Above, Mr Middleton with some of the guests, and right, the WTM editorial team“This is a milestone in publishing for Bahrainand the <strong>Gulf</strong>.“We started WTM because at the time therewas no magazine specifically targeted towardswomen in the kingdom.“We wanted to produce an information sourcen Students of Al Noor International School were honoured during a graduation ceremony held at the Ritz-Carlton Bahrain Hotel and Spa. Those who passed theirexams set by the Central Board of Secondary Education received certificates and trophies from school founder and chairman Ali Hassan and chief guest SocialDevelopment Minister Dr Fatima Al Balooshi. Also present were school director Mohammed Mashood, principal Rashid Al Mandi, Education Ministry officials,dignitaries, parents and students. Graduates Waleed Khaldoun and Nouf Sami delivered speeches in Arabic, while Reem Waleed spoke in English and FawazKhalid Meshkhas recited verses from the Quran. Above, a graduate celebrates with her family. Below, left, a graduate receives certificate from Dr Al Balooshiand, right, graduate Bashayer Habib.Court clerk’sbribery caseis <strong>adjourned</strong>A COURT clerk standingtrial in connection with briberycharges has had his case<strong>adjourned</strong>.The 29-year-old Bahrainiappeared at the High CriminalCourt yesterday, where he earlierpleaded not guilty.According to prosecutors,the suspect took money inexchange for processing illegalapplications on May 6.He was caught red-handedby the corruption squad, followinga tip-off.A secret source called thedefendant and pretendedto want copies of originalcourt documents in return forBD150.He met the appeals courtclerk at a coffee shop inManama, read court documents.The defendant initiallyconfessed to the charges duringquestioning and said hisBD700 salary was not enoughto provide for his family.Judges earlier released thedefendant from custody withguarantee of his place of residence.The trial was <strong>adjourned</strong> untilSeptember 14 to summon prosecutionwitnesses.<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>Tuesday, 25th June 201315that would be local and relevant to women fromall communities in the prevailing culture ofBahrain.”Five Bahrainischarged withmaking bombsJUDGES <strong>adjourned</strong> the trialof five Bahrainis accused ofreceiving militia training andcreating homemade bombs.Three defendants appearedat the High Criminal Courtyesterday, where they earlierpleaded not guilty.Two others are still on therun and are being tried inabsentia.They have all been chargedwith detonating and makingexplosives.They allegedly blew up acar using a remote device onFebruary 17 last year.No one was injured in theattack, which took place outsidethe Marina Club, threedays after the first anniversaryof anti-government protests.DamageTwo of the suspects, aged26 and 34, reportedly admittedto possessing and detonatingexplosives when questioned bypolice, according to court documents.Police reportedly confiscated12 masks, gloves and steelpipes from the homes of thedefendants.The defendants have alsobeen linked to another explosion,which happened onExhibition Avenue on April 12last year.The GDN had reported thatthree cars were damaged in theblast at 9pm on the ground usedas a car park near KFC.No injuries were reported inthe attack.Judges <strong>adjourned</strong> the caseuntil July 22 to receive medicalexaminer’s report on thedefendant’s alleged mistreatment.n Bahraini students studying in universities in the UK enjoyed a day of sightseeing in the British capital. It was organised by Bahrain Embassy’s cultural attacheand included a ride down River Thames and a tour of the city’s landmarks, including London Bridge, Tower of London and British Parliament. Above, the studentsduring the tour.

16 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Tamkeen signs keytraining agreementBy AVINASH SAXENAMANAMA: Tamkeen yesterdaysigned a two-year agreement withtwofour54, the commercial arm of theMedia Zone Authority Abu Dhabi,for a BD600,000 training contract.Under the agreement, training coursesin public relations and communicationsand graphic design will be offered to100 youngsters to create the next generationof Bahraini media professionals andentrepreneurs.The courses, developed and executedby twofour54 tadreeb, the training academyof twofour54, will be rolled out overthe next two years, with future plans tooffer advanced media courses.The signing ceremony, which washeld at the Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain Hoteland Spa, was attended by Tamkeen chiefexecutive Mahmood Al Kooheji andtwofour54 chief executive Noura AlKaabi.n At the signing are, from left, Tamkeen human capital development senior manager Amal Al Kooheji, Mr Kooheji, Ms AlKaabi and twofour54 sales manager Mohammed Al Maskary“This partnership with twofour54tadreeb is an exciting step as part ofTamkeen’s mandate to enable Bahrainisto achieve their potential,” Mr Al Koohejisaid.“We are certain that the high-levelcourses offered by twofour54 tadreeb willbe pivotal in developing Bahrain’s promisingmedia talents according to labourmarket needs, and ultimately support thesustainable growth of the country’s mediasector and national economy at large,” headded.Prospective students will benefit fromtwofour54 tadreeb’s tailored courses,delivered by highly qualified bilingualinstructors who have worked in some ofthe most respected media organisationsin the world.The duration of the public relations andcommunications course will be six weeks,while the graphic design course will befor six months.Upon completion of the course, thegraduates will have gained the knowledgeand skills necessary for the workplace,and to drive the communications requirementsof their industries.“twofour54 is committed to the growthof the media industry across the MiddleEast and North Africa region (Mena)region,” Ms Al Kaabi said.“This marks a significant step towardsachieving our goals of being the region’sleading developer of a sustainable mediaand entertainment industry.“We are proud of this partnershipwith Tamkeen aimed at providing youngBahrainis with the training needed tosecure employment in the media industry.“The training solutions that Tamkeenand twofour54 tadreeb are developingand delivering through this agreementwill be an effective industry-building toolthat will hopefully serve as an excellentmodel for other GCC countries to followin pursuit,” she added.avinash@gdn.com.bhJeddah flights are increasedCitigroup toopen officein BaghdadDUBAI: Citigroup yesterday said ithad obtained approval from Iraq’scentral bank to open a representativeoffice in that country, becomingone of the first global banks toset up there since the US-led invasionof 2003.The lender said it would openan office in Baghdad and hopedeventually to set up in the cities ofErbil and Basra, subject to regulatoryassent.Sectarian tensions and violenceby militants continue to deter manyinternational firms from investingin Iraq.Also, the banking sector is dominatedby two state-owned institutions,Rafidain and Rashid, makingit difficult for other lenders tocompete.Since last year some <strong>Gulf</strong>banks have opened offices in Iraq,including Abu Dhabi Islamic Bankand Qatar National Bank.Citigroup’s chief executivefor Europe, the Middle East andAfrica James Cowles said having apresence on the ground would helphis bank design services for Iraqiclients and provide opportunitiesfor Citigroup customers outsidethe country to develop links inIraq.MANAMA: <strong>Gulf</strong> Air has addedseven extra flights weekly to andfrom Jeddah in Saudi Arabia,increasing capacity on the routeby more than 30 per cent to meeta growing market demand.The airline will now operateone extra flight daily, increasingits scheduled flights to threeper day.Starting from July 9, <strong>Gulf</strong> Airwill increase its frequency from14 to 21 flights per week in eachdirection. The extra flights offermore flexibility for Bahrain andSaudi-based business and leisuretravellers and more flights forn A <strong>Gulf</strong> Air aircraft ... regional pushpilgrims who now have morechoices to visit Mecca via Jeddah.“I would like to thank SaudiArabia’s general authority andspecifically president PrinceFahad bin Abdullah Al Saudand vice-president Dr Faisal AlSugair and his colleagues fortheir co-operation in approvingthe additional frequencies,” <strong>Gulf</strong>Air acting chief executive MaherSalman Al Musallam said.“The introduction of additionalflights between Jeddah andBahrain reinforces the importanceof Saudi Arabia as a keylong-standing market for <strong>Gulf</strong>Air and is aligned to the airline’sbusiness strategy to concentrateon high-demand routesto ensure its primary customerbase is served effectively andefficiently.“As part of <strong>Gulf</strong> Air’s restructuringstrategy, the airline iscommitted to strengthening itscore services specifically itsregional network.“We operate one of the largestnetworks in the region,” headded.<strong>Gulf</strong> Air is proactively lookingfor opportunities to strengthenits network through increasingfrequencies, enhancing existingcodeshare relationships anddeveloping others.“We are in the final stages ofnegotiations to increase frequenciesto a number of key destinationsin order to offer moreconvenient travel options to ourcustomers,” he said.The introduction of the additionalflights to Jeddah givespassengers greater choices toconnect through Bahrain’s efficienthub to Europe and Asiawith <strong>Gulf</strong> Air and on to NorthAmerica with the airline’s codesharepartner American Airlines.n Industry and Commerce Minisbusinessman Abdulalu Al Aalibusiness issues. He affirmed thesupport for all steps and initiativeDr Fakhro also met Bahraini budiscussed buiIslamiceyeingDUBAI: A Bahrain-based associationwhich lobbies on behalfof Islamic finance says it plansto expand beyond the <strong>Gulf</strong>, sothat it can shape rules and practicesin new markets as theygrow.The General Council forIslamic Banks and FinancialInstitutions (CIBAFI), a nonprofitorganisation headquarteredin Manama, has traditionallyfocused on neighbouringcountries, which form a coremarket for the industry.But Omar Hafiz, who tookover last year as secretary-generalof the body, said he was keento enlarge its geographic scopewhile engaging national regulatorsmore actively.“We are trying to have a representativeoffice in Tunisia,operating as a gateway to Africa,and also in Azerbaijan to reachcentral Asian countries,” he said.Firm raises$212m frombond saleKUWAIT city: Kuwait’sUnited Real Estate Company saidyesterday it had raised 60 milliondinars ($211.9m) in a bond salewhich it would mainly use torefinance existing paper.The sale of the five-year bonds,which were issued in fixed andfloating rate tranches, was oversubscribedby almost 50 per cent,the company said in a statement.One tranche will pay a fixedannual rate of 5.75pc while theother will pay 3.25pc over thecentral bank’s discount rate, itsaid. The bonds will mature inJune 2018.The proceeds will be usedto refinance a 40m dinar bondwhich matured this month andfor general corporate purposes,United said.The joint lead managers wereKuwait’s <strong>Gulf</strong> Bank, BurganBank and KAMCO, a unit ofKuwait Projects Company.Corporate dinar-denominatedissuance has dominated bondactivity in Kuwait since the endof last year, and analysts seescope for the market to expand.In December Burgan Bankissued a 100m dinar bond, thelargest-ever local currency issueby a company in the <strong>Gulf</strong> state.

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 17ter Dr Hassan Fakhro receivedand reviewed economic andgovernment and the ministry’ss by investors and businessmen.sinessman Adel Al Dossery andsness issues.bodypushFounded in 1999 bythe Jeddah-based IslamicDevelopment Bank, CIBAFIhas 114 member institutions,including Egypt’s Faisal IslamicBank, Kuwait Finance Houseand Bahrain-based Al BarakaBanking Group. Saudi-Arabia’sNational Commercial Bankjoined last year.The Saudi-born Hafiz, 62,said that for its long-term health,the industry should focus asmuch on improving the regulatoryenvironment as increasingits size.“It is not just a matter oflicensing Islamic banks, but preparinga platform for success forIslamic banking,” he said.“We want to ensure competitionbetween the conventionaland Islamic banking industry isin its best shape, not inferior orsecond class, but on the samelevel.”Addressing a major weaknessin Islamic finance, a lackof well-trained professionals,CIBAFI plans to expand itstraining and certification programmes,which are currentlydistributed through a network ofover 30 agents in countries fromJordan to France.“We hope to reach 50 agentsby the end of 2014. Maybe ourtraining centre can be a separatebody – this is still in the developmentstage, it still needs two tothree years to develop,” Hafizadded.The body also plans to holdforums in new markets forIslamic finance, including eventsin Morocco and Libya later thisyear.One of CIBAFI’s key messagesis that Islamic windows – unitsof conventional banks whichoffer Islamic financial productsand services – need to operateunder clear rules to improve theperceptions of consumers.In association In association with www.tradearabia.comwith n The Silah team at the awards ceremonySilah launches UAE operationsMANAMA: Bahrain-based Silah <strong>Gulf</strong>, acontact centre and business process outsourcing(BPO) firm, has launched operationsin the UAE.A contingent of Silah staff will now bebased out of the UAE and be responsiblefor sourcing business opportunities for theregional BPO giant.The launch was announced on the sidelinesof the Annual Middle East CallCentre Awards (MECC ‘13) in Dubai,where Silah was awarded for “Best contactcentre technology platform and Best otherservice providers (OSP) reporting systemand processes” for the second consecutiveyear.Competing against major regional players,Silah also took home two new prestigiousawards for “Best unified governmentcall centre” and “Best OSP Provider in themedium category”.“Silah has truly gone from strength tostrength in these past three years,” companychairman Mohamed Al Qaed said.“We launched the region’s first cloudcomputing solution, the first formalisedtraining academy, first manpower outsourcingservice which are all specificto and catering to the contact centreindustry.“From our beginnings in Bahrain, we’velaunched formal operations in Kuwait andnow, the UAE,” he said.“In the near future, we are also lookingat expanding our market and reach intoSaudi Arabia and Qatar.“We are now recognised as the region’sonly contact centre player able to provideKFH-Bahrain websitewins major awardsMANAMA: Kuwait Finance House – Bahrain’s newresponsive website has won two “CommunicatorAwards”.The awards are in recognition of the bank’s bigideas and efforts in marketing and communications.KFH-Bahrain won the “Gold Award ofExcellence” for the structure and navigation ofits website, together with the Silver Award ofDistinction for the financial services providedthrough the website.“We are delighted with winning these prestigiousawards and I thank the hard efforts behind the newwebsite,” KFH-Bahrain executive manager AbdulRazak Jawahery said.IDB backing for MoroccoRABAT: Morocco has won backing from theSaudi-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) forits first sukuk as the cash-strapped North Africancountry looks to attract Middle Eastern investors.“The IDB has proposed us to buy our sukukrather than offering us another loan,” GeneralAffairs Minister Mohamed Najib Boulif said. “Butthe amount has not been set yet”.Morocco’s moderate Islamist Justice andDevelopment Party, which came to power in 2011,“With the use of this latesttechnology, I am confidentthat our customers will benefitfrom its user-friendlinessand adaptability,” he added.Early 2013, KFH-Bahrainredesigned and developed anew corporate website withthe latest responsive webdesign techniques.The bank was the first tocommercially and globallyadopt the latest techniqueshas paved the way for Islamic finance by reformingits securitisation law to allow sukuk.Earlier this year, Morocco agreed a $2.4 billionpackage with the IDB, under which it will receive$600 million each year from 2013 to 2016. It alsoraised $750m last month in a two-part reopening ofits $1.5bn bond.Morocco is considering other financial reforms,such as that of the pension and tax systems, as itgrapples with the fallout from the euro zone crisis.in its new website. The responsive web designallows the website to adapt itselfto any device accessing the site,whether it be mobiles, tablets,laptops or desktops, across allplatforms – Windows, Android,iOS, or Blackberry.The Communicator Awardshonour work that transcendsinnovation and craft and thoseprojects that make a lastingimpact, regardless of company oragency size.Founded nearly two decadesago, the awards receive over6,000 entries from companies andagencies.strategic outsourcing consultancy for privateand public entities alike.“All of our clients have come to realisethat our effective customer experiencemanagement methodologies have a directpositive impact on business growth,” saidMr Al Qaed.Launched in September 2010, Silahis a joint venture between Bahrain’seGovernment Authority and UK-basedMerchants.Now in its eighth year, the InsightsMiddle East Call Centre Awards is theregional benchmark for the contact centreindustry.Widely acclaimed as the most comprehensiveand rigorous contest in the region,the awards recognise performance in morethan 30 categories.n Mr JawaheryConstructionin spotlight atconferenceMANAMA:n Officials at the signing ceremonyLabour MinisterJameel Humaidan will inauguratethe Annual <strong>Gulf</strong> ConstructionConference 2013 today.The two-day event is organisedby the Bahraini Society forConstruction Contractors at the<strong>Gulf</strong> Convention Centre.This year, the conferencefocuses on the theme:“Challenges and FutureOpportunities in the Sector”,and is expected to be attendedby a large number of Bahrainiand <strong>Gulf</strong> officials, specialists,contractors, investors, directorsand supervisors in charge ofproduction lines from both theprivate and the public sectors inBahrain.Participants also discuss anumber of key issues pertainingto the construction sector inBahrain and the GCC, includingchallenges facing the industry.The importance of safety inthe industry will also be in thespotlight.Sukuk issue isa big successMANAMA: The monthly BD18million issue of Sukuk Al SalamIslamic securities has been oversubscribedby 150 per cent, theCentral Bank of Bahrain (CBB)said yesterday.The expected return on theissue is 0.72pc same as the previousissue. The tenure of the issueis 91 days, starting tomorrowand maturing on September 25.The securities are issued bythe CBB on behalf of the government.Advertisement dealMANAMA: The Bahrain Exhibition and Convention Authority (BECA)signed a partnership contract with Media Ways Company for marketing,promotion, supply, installation and management of all availableadvertisement locations within the Bahrain International Exhibition andConvention Centre (BIEC).Bahrain-based Media Ways responded to the public tender invitationannounced by BECA in September 2012 to bid for its advertisement andmedia services project.It will upgrade, develop and manage about 60 advertising locationstotalling to approximately 250 sqm of advertisement space within andalong the centre’s premises in co-operation with BECA.The goal of the project is to enhance the quality of advertisement andmedia facilities and services currently provided at the BIEC in order topromote and publicise exhibitions, conferences and other events beingheld there.

18 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Exchange Rates<strong>Gulf</strong> Interbank Rates1 US$ 1 UK Stg 1 SFR 100 YenBAHRAIN 0.3770 0.5830 0.4049 0.3867KUWAIT 0.2855 27.8363 0.3067 0.2928OMAN 0.3849 0.3583 0.4134 0.3948QATAR 3.6420 3.3907 3.9119 3.7354UAE 3.6730 3.4196 3.9452 3.7672SAUDI 3.7500 3.4913 4.0279 3.8462DollarCURRENCIESCOUNTRY SELL CASH SELL DRAFTAUSTRALIA (Dollar) 0.3552 0.3522BANGLADESH (Taka) 0.00493 0.00485CANADA (Dollar) 0.3673 0.3633CHINA (Yuan) 0.061100 0.0611DENMARK 0.0693 -EGYPT (Pound) 0.0536 0.0543EUROPEAN UNION (Euro) 0.5015 0.4990HONG KONG (Dollar) 0.04982 0.04942INDIA (Rupee) 0.00663 0.00644INDONESIA (Rupiah) 0.00004015 0.0003865IRAN (Tuman) 0.00021957 -IRAQ (Dinar) 0.000305 -JAPAN (Yen) 0.004000 0.003930JORDAN (Dinar) 0.5353 0.5350KOREA (Won) 0.00037645KUWAIT (Dinar) 1.3290 1.329MALAYSIA (Ringgit) 0.123200 0.1232NEW ZEALAND (Dollar) 0.2970 0.2960NORWAY (Krone) 0.0643 -N.Yemen - -NEPAL (Rupee) 0.00457 0.00401OMAN (Riyal) 0.98000 0.98300PAKISTAN (Rupee) 0.00392 0.00383PHILIPPINES (Peso) 0.00896 0.00864QATAR (Riyal) 0.10379 0.10374SAUDI ARABIA (Riyal) 0.10062 0.10065SINGAPORE 0.2990 0.2980SOUTH AFRICA (Rand) 0.03910 0.03900SRI LANKA (Rupee) 0.00330 0.00294SWEDEN (Krona) 0.0594 -SWITZERLAND (Franc) 0.4119 0.4089SYRIA (Pound) 0.002720TAIWAN (Dollar) 0.013000 -THAILAND (Baht) 0.012440 0.012310TURKEY (Lira) 0.2073 -UK (Sterling) 0.5880 0.5855UAE (Dirham) 0.102800 0.102800USA (Dollar) 0.37800 0.37800For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please call BahrainFinancing Company. Telephone: 17228888.GOLDOilCurrency June 24 PreviousEuro $1.3095 $1.3102Yen 97.63 97.78Swiss francs 0.9335 0.9365Canadian dollars 1.0539 1.0464Pound 1.5409 1.5387BFX FuturesBFX Market Statistics Report at 15:30 Hours Bahrain Time on 24 Jun 2013BFX Product Near Month Price Unit Open High Low Last % ChangeINR-USD Futures Jun 2013 INR-USD 167.44 167.53 166.92 167.20 -0.22%USD-INR Mini Index F. Jun 2013 USD-INR 59.6925 59.9025 59.6325 59.8675 0.22%BFX Market Statistics Report for 21 Jun 2013BFX Product Near Month Price Unit Open High Low Last Sett. % ChangeINR-USD Futures Jun 2013 INR-USD 167.21 168.73 167.21 167.57 0.50%Silver Futures Jul 2013 USD-troy oz. 20.015 20.015 20.000 20.010 1.39%USD-INR Mini Index F. Jun 2013 USD-INR 59.8200 59.8525 59.1725 59.7375 -0.43%l Courtesy Bahrain Financial ExchangeGold barsSellingRates are in Bahrain Dinars8gm coin 22k 126.5008gm coin 21k 119.0001gm (24 carat) 18.0002.5gm 43.0005gm 82.50010gm 161.50020gm 318.50050gm 788.500100gm 1,572.0001 ounce 492.5001 tola 187.0005 tola 916.00010 tola 1,821.0001kg 15,538.0001kg silver 266.0001/2kg silver 140.000• Courtesy Bahrain ExpressExchange Tel: 17-275-275Metal PricesLondon MarketsGold (per ounce) $1,286.75Silver (per ounce) $19.65Palladium $669.00Platinum $1,360.00(Three-month delivery)Aluminium ($ per tonne) 1,773.00Copper ($ per tonne) 6,682.00Lead (per tonne) $2,000.00Nickel (per tonne) $13,775.00Tin (per tonne) $19,650.00Zinc (per tonne) $ 1,818.00BOMBAYGold 24K (per gram) Rs2,450.59Gold (10g) 25,235.65Silver (1kg) 42,604.00Oil delivery prices (in dollars per barrel)June 24(close)IPE Brent $100.98Nymex crude $93.83Bahrain BoursePRICES at the close of trading yesterday:BAHRAIN ALL SHARE INDEX............................1,197.99..................-4.74Company......................................................Share Prices.. Change + or -BANKS SECTORAhli United Bank......................................................$0.665...............+0.005Al Salam Bank (Salam)..............................................0.094................-0.003Bahrain Islamic Bank.................................................0.140...............+0.004BBK............................................................................0.404................-0.004Ithmaar Bank............................................................$0.250................-0.010Khaleeji Commercial Bank (KHCB)...........................0.053................-0.001National Bank of Bahrain...........................................0.650..........................The Bahraini Saudi Bank.................................................. -Bank Muscat..............................................................0.824BANKS INVEST SECTORAl Baraka Banking Group BSC................................$0.770..........................Arab Banking Corporation..........................................0.350..........................Bahrain Commercial Facilities Co..............................0.570..........................Bahrain Middle East Bank.........................................0.056..........................<strong>Gulf</strong> Finance House.................................................$0.150................-0.010<strong>Gulf</strong> Monetary Group.................................................0.035..........................Inovest BSC.............................................................$0.300..........................Investcorp Bank...................................................$669.000..........................TAIB Bank................................................................$2.730..........................United <strong>Gulf</strong> Bank........................................................0.206..........................United <strong>Gulf</strong> Investment Corp.....................................0.124..........................INVESTMENT SECTORAUB Preference A....................................................$0.400..........................Esterad Investment Company....................................0.191..........................Global Investment House...........................................0.150..........................International Investment Group..................................0.301..........................United Finance Company SAOG...............................$0.37..........................Sensex slides 1.2 per centdone. Equities would start consolidatingif the rupee reverts to57 levels, Choksey added.The BSE Sensex fell 1.24pc,or 233.35 points, to end at18,540.89, marking its lowestclose since April 15.The Nifty declinedMUMBAI: The BSE Sensexfell yesterday to its lowestclose in more than two months,with blue chips such as ITCdeclining as foreign investorsremained sellers for nine consecutivesessions, sparkingfears of continued outflows.Falls also tracked globalshares on worries about China’seconomic and financial stabilityand the continued fallout fromexpectations the US FederalReserve will roll back its monetarystimulus later this year.Signs of foreign institutionalinvestors (FIIs) exiting theIndian market is keeping therupee near record lows, withinvestors on the edge.The NSE’s volatility index,DILBERTor India VIX, rose 10.4 per centto 21.01, its highest close sinceJune 25, 2012, reflecting therising volatility in optionsahead of the expiry of Junederivative contracts onThursday, said dealers.India VIX measuresthe cost of protectionvia optionsand is seen by someinvestors as a “fear”gauge.“It’s unfortunateto see negative aspects of therupee going overboard alongsideFII selling,” said DevenChoksey, managing director atKR Choksey Securities.The reaction seems over-SHIPPINGBOMBAYSTOCKSAlmoayed WilhelmsenImportsHanjin Belawan OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East June 27Wan Hai OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East June 28CSL Ride OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East July 1Wan Hai OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East July 3Hoegh Trident WWL/NMT due from Europe, US, Far East July 4APL New York OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East July 11MOL Promise OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East July 18Wan Hai OOCL/NVOCC due from Europe, US, Far East July 20Exports From BahrainAPL Tennesse OOCL to Far East, China, Southeast Asia, <strong>Gulf</strong> June 27Al Sharif GroupViking Emerald K Line due from Japan/ Far East todayUASC Samarra Hanjin due from Europe June 27Palena Hanjin due from Far East June 27Hanjin Los Angeles Hanjin due from US, Mediterranean June 27Hanjin Malta Hanjin due from US, Mediterranean June 27Viking Coral K Line due from Japan/ Far East June 29UASC Khor Fakkan Hanjin due from Europe July 4Hanjin Budapest Hanjin due from Far East July 4Hanjin Irene Hanjin due from US, Mediterranean July 4Hanjin Belawan Hanjin due from Inter <strong>Gulf</strong> July 4TS Singapore TS Line due from Far East July 8Hoegh Dubai K Line due from Japan/ Far East July 9Al Farahidi Hanjin due from Europe July 11Hanjin Tianjin Hanjin due from Far East July 11Hanjin Belawan Hanjin due from Inter <strong>Gulf</strong> July 11Fowairet Hanjin due from Europe July 18Hanjin Bremerhaven Hanjin due from Far East July 18Al Abeali Hanjin due from US, Mediterranean July 18Hanjin Belawan Hanjin due from Inter <strong>Gulf</strong> July 18TS Qingdao TS Line due from Far East July 22UASC Ramadi Hanjin due from Europe July 25essential guide to local and world markets1.37pc, or 77.40 points,to end at 5,590.25.Foreign institutionalinvestors have soldcash shares for ninestraight sessions, totalling77.60 billionrupees, as per exchange andregulatory data.Blue chips, which are traditionallyfavoured by foreigninvestors, were among theleading decliners on Monday.Total number of shares traded 2,069,863Total value of shares trades BD356,820SERVICES SECTORBahrain Ship Repairing and Engineering Co............... 2.000........................Bahrain Car Park Company......................................... 0.146........................Bahrain Cinema Company........................................... 1.060........................Bahrain Duty Free Shop Complex............................... 0.720........................Bahrain Maritime and Mercantile Intl........................... 0.735........................Bahrain Telecommunications Company....................... 0.370..............-0.002General Trading and Food Processing Co.................. 0.236........................Nass Corporation BSC................................................. 0.162........................Seef Properties BSC.................................................... 0.129........................Sudan Telecommunications Company......................... $1.75INSURANCE SECTORAl Ahlia Insurance Company........................................ 0.290........................Arab Insurance Group (ARIG)................................... $0.350........................Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company........................... 0.535........................Bahrain National Holding............................................. 0.340........................Takaful International Company.................................... 0.290HOTEL SECTORBahrain Family Leisure Company................................ 0.095........................Bahrain Tourism Company........................................... 0.286........................Banader........................................................................ 0.059........................<strong>Gulf</strong> Hotels Group........................................................ 0.660........................National Hotels Company............................................ 0.410........................INDUSTRIES SECTORBahrain Flour Mills Company....................................... 0.340........................Delmon Poultry Company............................................ 0.234........................IPOAluminum Bahrain BSC............................................... 0.525..............-0.005CLOSED COMPANY SECTORSecurities & Investment Co (Sico)............................... 0.310United Paper Industries BSC (UPI)............................. 0.420........................Cigarette maker ITC fell2.5pc, while engineering firmLarsen & Toubro ended 2.7pclower. Ranbaxy Laboratories fell6.7pc after the Business Standardnewspaper reported the US Foodand Drug Administration hadraised concerns about a plant innorthern India, citing unidentifiedsources.Shares of jewellery makersslumped on the back of recentgovernment measures to curbgold sales and falls in globalprices of gold.PC Jeweller slumped 9.7pc,Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri lost7.9pc, while Gitanjali Gems fellby its daily limit of 20pc.India has raised importduties for gold twice sinceJanuary 1, but the ReserveBank of India moves to tacklesupply, such as making jewellerspay for gold upfront, havehad more impact.Jaiprakash Power shares fell13.1pc after the company saidin a statement that it hasstopped production at its 400megawatt Vishnuprayag projectdue to unprecedented floods inthe northern Indian state ofUttarakhand.Dilmun Shipping AgencyQueen AceHyundai Glovis due from Far East tomorrowAsian Chorus Hyundai Glovis due from Far East June 27UASC Khor Fakkan CSCL due from Far East June 29Al Farahidi CSCL due from Far East July 6TS Singapore Emirates due from Far East July 8Clover Ace Hyundai Glovis due from Far East July 10Abu Dhabi CSCL due from Far East July 13Maersk Wave Hyundai Glovis due from Far East July 17UASC Ramadi CSCL due from Far East June 20<strong>Gulf</strong> Agency CompanyNYK Orion NYK due from Europe June 28Pucon CSAV/NOR due from Europe June 28Hanjin Budapest CSAV/NOR due from Far East June 29MSC Athens CSAV/NOR due from Europe July 6Hanjin Tianjin CSAV/NOR due from Far East July 6Mauel CSAV/NOR due from Europe July 12Hanjin Bremerhaven CSAV/NOR due from Far East July 13Hanjin Shenhen CSAV/NOR due from Far East July 19International AgenciesCMA CGM Magellan ANL due from Europe tomorrowNational ShippingAl QiblaCosco due from Far East todayCosco NingboCosco due from Far East todayYM FountainYML due from Far East tomorrowAbyanHDSL due from Far East tomorrowMSC Camille MSC due from Europe, Mediterranean June 28MSC Bettina MSC due from Europe, Mediterranean June 28CMA CGM Alexander MSC due from Europe, Mediterranean June 28MSC Nuria MSC due from Far East June 28CSL Stefanie MSC due from Far East June 28AS Poseidon MSC due from Inter <strong>Gulf</strong> June 28CSCL Uranus Cosco due from Far East July 2Cosco Beijing Cosco due from Far East July 2

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 19In association with www.tradearabia.comGermany on track as business sentiment risesFRANKFURT: The mood in the omy “is continuing to hold its course,” Germany is good news, coming after mist Andreas Rees.German economy, Europe’s biggest,is brightening data showed yesterday,fuelling hopes that the euro zone’s currentrecession may be nearing an end.The Ifo economic institute’s businessclimate index rose to 105.9 points inJune from 105.7 points in May.While the increase was much moremodest than the rise in the Ifo index seenin May, it showed that the German econ-insisted Ifo economist Kai Carstensen.Ifo calculates its headline index onthe basis of companies’ assessments oftheir current business and the outlookfor the next six months. The sub-indexmeasuring current business slipped to109.4 points in June from 110 points inMay. But the outlook sub-index jumpedto 102.5 from 101.6 points.The rise in business confidence inrecent data showing that consumer confidencein the euro zone as a whole isalso improving.“The improvement in business expectationsconveys a powerful message tofinancial markets. German companieshave been able to withstand the recentdownward pressure coming from theChinese economy. This is not a smallachievement,” said UniCredit econo-China is now the fifth most importantsingle export market for Germancompanies and both Chinese soft andhard data have kept on coming in on aweak note in the last few months, raisingconcerns about the negative effects onGerman exports.But Berenberg Bank economistChristian Schulz was confident thatGermany has put the worst of the cri-GIB boost as agencyreaffirms key ratingsMANAMA: <strong>Gulf</strong> International The ‘A1’ short-term rating is defined It noted that the bank’s strong capital recent years to lengthen the maturity profileBank’s (GIB) long-term and shorttermby the agency as reflecting superior cred-position provides a well-founded basisof liabilities and to reduce maturityforeign currency ratings have it quality and the highest capacity for for expansion, ongoing investment in mismatches,” it added.been affirmed at ‘A’ and ‘A1’ timely repayment of short-term financial retail banking and a strong buffer against “We regard this as a clear endorsementof our business strategy and therespectively by Capital Intelligence obligations that is extremely unlikely to eventualities.be affected by unexpected adversities. “The bank’s liquidity has remained actions we have taken to restructure the(CI).The rating agency said that GIB’s strong, with liquid assets held largely in bank over the last four years,” GIB chiefThe international credit rating agency exceptionally strong and supportive the form of short-term bank placements executive Dr Yahya A Alyahya said.said the bank’s financial strength rating ownership remains a key ratings driver and to a lesser extent, high rated debt “The bank’s efforts to deleverage andis also maintained at ‘BBB+’.and accordingly the support level of ‘1’ securities,” it said.de-risk the balance sheet have significantlyAll ratings have been assigned a stable was affirmed.“Sources of funding continued tostrengthened GIB’s financial positionoutlook.“The ratings reflect GIB’s solid capital diversify and concentration risks are and enhanced its capital adequacy ratios.The short-term rating of ‘A1’ is adequacy, strong liquidity, diversifying improving.“This has created a strong foundationthe highest rating granted by Capital sources of funds, and sound asset quality,”“In addition, funding risks have upon which the new retail bank can beIntelligence.CI said.reduced as a result of actions taken in developed,” headded.Essar Energyeyes strongperformanceLONDON: Essar Energy saidit expects another strong year,backed by continued improvementin refining margins andhigher demand from its coreIndian market.The London-listed power, oiland gas arm of privately ownedIndian conglomerate EssarGroup forecast demand for dieselto rise as much as seven percent, and petrol as much as 5pc,annually in India.The firm said it expects refiningmargins at its Vadinar refineryin the Indian state of Gujaratto run about $7 to $8 per barrelabove the International EnergyAgency’s Singapore benchmark.“We believe that refining marginsglobally will remain at currentlevels, or maybe, as we comecloser to the third quarter, willstrengthen a bit – that will havea very positive impact on ourbusiness,” chief executive NareshNayyar said.Essar Energy yesterday reportedbetter-than-expected full-yearearnings as increasing capacity atits Vadinar and Stanlow oil refineriespushed up margins.The firm’s earnings beforeinterest, taxation, depreciationand amortisation, on a currentprice basis, was $1.34 billion inthe year ended March 31, comparedwith a company-providedanalysts’ estimate of $1.17bn.Aviation issues to be probedMANAMA:Key challenges currentlyfaced by the aviation sector will comeunder the spotlight at the Aviation andMedia Summit 2013 which starts today inSalalah, Oman.More than 100 editors and media representativesfrom across the Arab worldare expected to gather for the three-dayevent.Themed ‘Aviation and Tourism:Enabler of Economic Growth,’ the summitis aimed at exchanging constructivedialogue between two key stakeholders– industry business leaders and the mediafraternity.Organised by Air Arabia in partnershipwith Oman’s Tourism Ministry,n Participants at last year’s forumAirbus, CNBC Arabia and CFM, theevent will be inaugurated by OmanPublic Authority for Civil Aviationchief executive Salem Nasser Said Aufiand Oman’s Tourism Ministry Under-Secretary Maitha bint Saif bin Majid AlMahrouqi.Ms Al Mahrouqi will also lead a highprofile panel of speakers discussing anddebating the challenges and opportunitiesfaced by the industry in the wider Arabworld.She will be joined by Oman’s PublicAuthority of Civil Aviation director ofaviation regulation and standards andchange management office Ahmed IssaSulaiman Al Zadjali, Oman Air chiefexecutive Wayne Pearce, Air Arabiachief executive Adel Ali, Airbus directorstrategic marketing and market forecastanalysis Andrew Gordon, IATA <strong>Gulf</strong>area manager Micheal Herrero, Amadeusvice-president Antoine Medawar, ICCAMiddle East regional representative andAl Ketbi Consulting president AwadhAl Ketbi, Simpliflying head of operationsand innovations Subhodeep Pal andCaveChalk social media managing directorAlan Devereux.Conceptualised and launched by AirArabia in 2011, the Arab Aviation andMedia Summit is the only aviation industryconference dedicated for media representativesin the Arab region.sis behind it. “With tensions in theeuro zone fading again after the earlyspring wobbles around Italy and Cyprus,Germany’s economy looks set to continueits healthy rebound,” he said.German gross domestic productexpanded by just 0.1 per cent in the firstthree months of this year, after contractingat the end of last year, but growth iswidely expected to gather momentumagain during the course of 2013.China urgeslenders tostrengthenliquidityBEIJING: China’s centralbank has urged lenders in thecountry to strengthen liquiditymanagement, according to anofficial note published yesterday,in a sign Beijing does notintend to loosen policy despite arecent credit crunch.“Currently, overall liquidityin the domestic banking systemis at a reasonable level,” said thestatement issued to banks.It was the first public commentby the People’s Bank ofChina since interbank borrowingcosts increased to recordhighs in recent weeks, raisingconcerns over a potential cashcrisis amid an already slowingChinese economy.Policy makers had refrainedfrom injecting more liquidity –owing to fears about a growthof bad debt – which has in turnweighed on the economy.In the statement, the centralbank repeated Premier LiKeqiang’s previous calls to“make active use of existingfunds” to support the economy.It asked lenders to “prudentlymanage liquidity risks that mayresult from overly fast creditasset expansion”.“All financial institutionsshould... maintain credit growthat a stable and moderate level,”it added. It also urged largecommercial lenders to “cooperatewith the central bank tostabilise the market”.Liquidity conditions furtheralleviated yesterday, with theseven-day repurchase agreementrate falling to 7.58 percent on a weighted-averagebasis, from 9.25pc at Friday’sclose.“The worries (over liquidity)have now escalated to worriesover a potential Chinesefinancial crisis,” Shen Jun, aShanghai-based analyst withBOC International, said.But he stressed that the centralbank statement indicatesauthorities will likely stay onthe sidelines and let banks dealwith the issue on their own.China’s economy recorded asurprisingly weak 7.7pc expansionin the first quarter thisyear.Goldman Sachs yesterdayrevised down its forecast forChina’s economic growth to7.4pc from the previous 7.8pcfor 2013, citing tight liquidity inthe banking system.

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 21Bahrain 5516.00 Quranic TopicsEncyclopaedia16.20 Cartoons18.00 Fingertips18.25 Very Odd Jobs19.00 The <strong>News</strong>19.30 Open Talk20.30 <strong>Daily</strong> Series21.35 Movie:23.00 The <strong>News</strong>23.15 <strong>Daily</strong> Series00.00 Sign Off06.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>06.30 HARDtalk07.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>07.30 World Business Report07.45 BBC World <strong>News</strong>08.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>08.30 World Business Report08.45 BBC World <strong>News</strong>09.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>09.30 World Business Report09.45 BBC World <strong>News</strong>10.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>10.30 World Business Report10.45 BBC World <strong>News</strong>11.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>11.30 HARDtalk (r)12.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>12.30 World Business Report12.45 Sport Today13.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>13.30 BBC World <strong>News</strong>14.00 GMT with GeorgeAlagiah14.30 GMT with GeorgeAlagiah15.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>15.30 World Business Report15.45 Sport Today16.00 Impact with MishalHusain16.30 Impact with MishalHusain17.00 Impact with MishalHusain17.30 HARDtalk (r)18.00 Global with Jon Sopel18.30 Global with Jon Sopel19.00 Global with Jon Sopel19.30 World Business Report19.45 Sport Today20.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>20.30 BBC Focus On Africa21.00 World <strong>News</strong> Today withZeinab Badawi21.30 World <strong>News</strong> Today withZeinab Badawi22.00 World <strong>News</strong> Today withZeinab Badawi22.30 World Business Report22.45 Sport Today23.00 Business Edition withTanya Beckett23.30 HARDtalk (r)00.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>America00.30 BBC World <strong>News</strong>America01.00 <strong>News</strong>day01.30 Asia Business Report01.45 Sport Today02.00 <strong>News</strong>day02.30 Asia Business Report02.45 Sport Today03.00 <strong>News</strong>day03.30 Asia Business Report03.45 Sport Today04.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>04.30 Asia Business Report04.45 Sport Today05.00 BBC World <strong>News</strong>05.30 Asia Business Report05.45 Sport Today06.30 Csi07.45 Hawaii Five-O08.15 Nikita09.00 The Mentalist09.45 Ncis10.30 Hawaii Five-O11.15 Car Warriors12.00 Top Gear13.00 Ncis13.45 The Mentalist14.30 Hawaii Five-O15.30 Never Back Down17.00 Wwe Raw18.30 Desert ForceChampionship Finals20.00 Mortal Kombat22.00 Top Gear23.00 Slave Hunters00.00 G.I Joe:The Rise OfCobra02.00 Slave Hunters03.00 Top Gear04.00 Mortal Kombat05.30 Top Gear06.00 Pretty Little Liars06.45 Entertainment Tonight07.00 Late Show with DavidLetterman07.45 Mike And Molly08.15 Royal Pains09.00 The Talk09.30 Days of our Lives10.15 Dr. Oz11.00 The Doctors12.00 Home Shopping13.00 Hekayat Banat13.45 Ayna Ebnaty14.30 Ishq Wa Jazaa15.15 Royal Pains16.00 Dr. Oz17.00 Project Runway18.00 Pretty Little Liars19.00 The Doctors20.00 Ishq Wa Jazaa21.00 Ayna Ebnaty22.00 Hekayat Banat23.00 Pretty Little Liars00.00 Project Runway01.00 Ishq Wa Jazaa02.00 Ayna Ebnaty03.00 Hekayat Banat06.05 Little Robots: Series 5 & 606.15 Green Balloon Club, The06.40 Little Human Planet06.45 Jackanory Junior07.00 The Large Family07.10 3rd & Bird: set 0107.20 Little Robots: Series 5 & 607.30 My Family: Xmas 2004 (2part version)08.00 Green Green Grass08.30 The Weakest Link: set 0409.15 Eastenders: Set 26909.45 Doctors: Set 110.15 Spooks11.05 Lark Rise To Candleford11.55 My Family: Xmas 2004 (2part version)12.25 The Weakest Link: set 0413.10 Green Green Grass13.40 Eastenders: Set 26914.10 Doctors: Set 114.40 Spooks15.35 Ray Mears’ NorthernWilderness16.25 The Weakest Link: set 0417.10 Eastenders: Set 26917.40 Doctors: Set 118.10 Lark Rise To Candleford19.00 My Family19.30 The Royle Family20.00 Upstairs Downstairs20.55 As Time Goes By21.25 Dad’s Army21.55 The Line Of Beauty22.55 After You’ve Gone23.25 My Family23.55 Lark Rise To Candleford00.45 Eastenders: Set 26901.15 Doctors: Set 101.45 Ray Mears’ NorthernWilderness02.35 After You’ve Gone03.10 The Royle Family03.40 My Family04.10 Lark Rise To Candleford05.00 Green Balloon Club, The05.25 Little Human Planet06.00 King Of California08.00 Ever After: A CinderellaStory10.00 The Man In The Iron Mask12.00 Deep Impact14.00 Paul Blart: Mall Cop16.00 True Grit18.30 Entertainment Tonight19.00 The Master Of Disguise21.00 The Invasion23.00 The Number 2302.00 The Omen03.00 Death Race07.00 Curious George08.30 Steel Magnolias10.30 Before The Devil KnowsYou’re Dead12.30 A Cinderella Story14.30 Scoop Summer Special15.00 The Tale Of Despereaux16.30 Omg! Insider17.00 Saving Sarah Cain19.00 City Of Angels21.00 The Young Victoria23.00 The Brothers Solomon00.45 Panic Room03.00 Steel Magnolias05.00 Before The Devil KnowsYou’re Dead06.30 The Tailor Of Panama08.15 The Rock10.00 Air Bud 411.45 The Marrying Man13.30 16 Blocks15.00 The Dark16.45 Air Bud 418.30 Run20.00 The Wendell Baker Story21.45 Oliver Twist23.30 Waiting01.15 The Rock03.00 The Wendell Baker Story04.45 The Marrying Man06.35 Coastal Kitchen07.00 Food Poker07.45 Planet Cake08.15 Phil Spencer - SecretAgent09.05 Bargain Hunt09.50 Antiques Roadshow10.45 Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition11.30 MasterChef Australia11.55 Come Dine With Me12.45 Tareq Taylor’s NordicCookery13.10 Food Poker13.55 Bargain Hunt14.40 Cash In The Attic15.25 Antiques Roadshow16.15 Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition17.00 Phil Spencer - SecretAgent17.55 The Hairy Bikers ComeHome18.50 Home Cooking Made Easy19.20 New ScandinavianCooking With Claus Meyer19.45 Come Dine With Me20.35 Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition21.20 Antiques Roadshow22.15 Bargain Hunt23.00 Phil Spencer - SecretAgent23.55 Food Poker00.40 Come Dine With Me01.30 MasterChef Australia01.55 New ScandinavianCooking With Claus Meyer02.20 Cash In The Attic03.05 Coastal Kitchen03.30 Food Poker04.15 Bargain Hunt05.00 Mitch And Matt’s Big Fish05.25 Mitch And Matt’s Big Fish05.50 Cash In The Attic06.10 Marshal Law07.45 What Did You Do In TheWar Daddy?09.40 Driving Me Crazy11.05 Support Your LocalSheriff12.35 A Touch Of Hope14.00 Frankie And Johnny15.25 Track Of Thunder16.50 The Private Life OfSherlock Holmes18.50 A Star For Two20.25 Cold Feet22.00 Miss America: Behind TheCrown23.30 The Hunting Party01.35 Fled03.10 Danielle Steel’s A PerfectStranger04.40 The Tempest01.20 Mgm’s Big Screen14.00 C.S.I.15.00 Glee16.00 Emmerdale16.30 Coronation Street17.00 The Ellen DeGeneresShow18.00 C.S.I.19.00 Royal Pains20.00 House Of Cards21.00 The Americans22.00 Banshee23.00 Greek00.00 Glee01.00 Banshee02.00 The Americans07.00 Flower Girl09.00 Water For Elephants11.00 I Don’t Know How SheDoes It13.00 Marley & Me: The PuppyYears14.45 Hugo06.00 The Situation Room07.00 World Sport07.30 African Voices08.00 World Report09.00 World Report10.00 World Sport10.30 Talk Asia11.00 World Business Today12.00 World One12.30 <strong>News</strong> Special13.00 Amanpour13.30 CNN <strong>News</strong>center14.00 Piers Morgan Live15.00 <strong>News</strong> Stream16.00 World Business Today17.00 International Desk18.00 Global Exchange19.00 World Sport19.30 <strong>News</strong> Special20.00 International Desk21.00 Quest Means Business22.00 Amanpour22.30 CNN <strong>News</strong>center23.00 Connect The World WithBecky Anderson00.00 Amanpour00.30 World Sport01.00 Piers Morgan Live02.00 CNN <strong>News</strong>room LiveFrom Hong Kong03.00 Anderson Cooper 36004.00 Piers Morgan Live05.00 Quest Means Business17.00 Water For Elephants19.00 Mission: Impossible -Ghost Protocol21.15 Chronicle23.00 The Sitter01.00 Another Earth03.00 Mission: Impossible -Ghost Protocol05.15 Marley & Me: The PuppyYears06.00 True Justice: Angel OfDeath08.00 Ip Man 210.00 Burden Of Evil12.00 Soldiers Of Fortune14.00 Ip Man 216.00 Boiler Room18.00 Soldiers Of Fortune20.00 Seconds Apart22.00 Doom00.00 Chain Letter02.00 Seconds Apart04.00 Ip Man 207.00 Planet Ocean09.00 A Fall From Grace11.00 The Wild ThornberrysMovie13.00 My Own Love Song15.00 The Stool Pigeon17.00 The Decoy Bride19.00 Underground: The JulianAssange Story21.00 We Need To Talk AboutKevin23.00 Project X01.00 The Decoy Bride06.00 Arctic Blast08.00 True Justice: Angel OfDeath10.00 Ip Man 212.00 Burden Of Evil14.00 Soldiers Of Fortune16.00 Ip Man 218.00 Boiler Room20.00 Soldiers Of Fortune22.00 Seconds Apart00.00 Doom02.00 Chain Letter04.15 Imago Mortis06.00 Bones06.40 Revenge07.20 The Simpsons07.40 How I Met Your Mother08.00 Detroit 1-8-708.40 Dirty Sexy Money09.20 Off The Map10.00 Revenge10.40 Detroit 1-8-711.20 Brothers And Sisters12.00 Bones12.40 The Simpsons13.00 How I Met Your Mother13.20 Detroit 1-8-714.00 Off The Map14.40 Dirty Sexy Money15.20 Brothers And Sisters16.00 Bones16.40 Revenge17.20 The Simpsons17.40 How I Met Your Mother18.00 Dirty Sexy Money18.40 Brothers And Sisters19.20 Off The Map20.00 Master Chef - Australia20.40 The Simpsons21.00 How I Met Your Mother21.20 Dirty Sexy Money22.00 Bones22.40 Castle23.20 Off The Map00.00 Castle00.40 Brothers And Sisters01.20 Off The Map02.00 Master Chef - Australia02.40 Castle03.20 Brothers And Sisters04.00 Dirty Sexy Money04.40 Off The Map05.20 Brothers And Sisters08.00 Raising Arizona10.00 Gabe The Cupid Dog12.00 Beethoven-FAM14.00 Scrooged16.00 Gabe The Cupid Dog18.00 Beethoven’s Second20.00 Hard Breakers22.00 The Angel’s Share00.00 Extract02.00 Hard Breakers06.00 Alpha And Omega08.00 Alex & Alexis09.45 Easter Egg Escapade11.30 The Great Bear13.00 Bushwhacked14.30 Tom Tom & Nana16.00 Rebound18.00 Easter Egg Escapade20.00 The Apple & The Worm22.00 Tom Tom & Nana23.30 Alex & Alexis01.00 Easter Egg Escapade02.45 The Apple & The Worm04.30 Moomins And TheComet Chase09.30 Neverland12.15 A Kiss At Midnight14.00 L’ Eleve Ducobu16.00 Neverland18.45 The Preacher’s Wife21.00 Out Of Sight-23.15 Troy02.00 Vincere06.00 Sunrise06.30 Sunrise07.00 Sunrise07.30 Sunrise08.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With CharlotteHawkins08.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>09.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With DermotMurnaghan09.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>10.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With DermotMurnaghan10.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>11.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With DermotMurnaghan11.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>12.00 Boulton & Co12.30 Boulton & Co13.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With KayBurley13.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>14.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With KayBurley14.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>15.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> With KayBurley15.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>16.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> At 5 WithJeremy Thompson16.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>17.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> At 6 WithJeremy Thompson17.30 Sky <strong>News</strong>18.00 Jeff Randall Live18.30 Jeff Randall Live19.00 <strong>News</strong>, Sport, Weather19.30 <strong>News</strong>, Sport, Weather20.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> At Nine20.30 <strong>News</strong>, Sport, Weather21.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> At Ten21.30 Sky <strong>News</strong> At Ten22.00 Sky <strong>News</strong> At 11 With06.00 Deadly Hope08.00 Crisis Point10.00 12 Dates Of Christmas12.00 The Big Year14.00 Do No Harm16.00 Crisis Point18.00 Frankenweenie20.00 1322.00 Albert Nobbs00.00 Do No Harm02.00 1304.00 12 Dates Of Christmas07.00 The V.I.P.S09.00 The Wheeler Dealers10.45 Grand Hotel12.35 Stay Away, Joe14.25 They Drive By Night16.00 Today We Live17.55 Stay Away, Joe19.40 Some Came Running22.00 Hit Man23.35 Wild Rovers01.45 Hit Man03.55 The Rounders05.20 The Wheeler Dealers07.30 Dhoondte Reh Jaoge11.00 Uphaar14.00 Salma17.00 Dulhan Hum LeJayenge20.00 Chandni Chowk ToChina23.30 Keemat02.00 Salma04.30 Dulhan Hum LeJayengeAnna Botting22.30 Press Preview23.00 Sky Midnight <strong>News</strong>23.30 Cbs <strong>News</strong>00.00 <strong>News</strong> On The Hour00.30 <strong>News</strong>, Sport, Weather01.00 <strong>News</strong> On The Hour01.30 Cbs <strong>News</strong>02.00 Sky World <strong>News</strong>02.30 Sky World Review &Business Report03.00 Sky World <strong>News</strong>03.30 Sky World Review &Business Report04.00 Sky World <strong>News</strong>04.30 Sky World Review &Business Report05.00 Sunrise05.30 Sunrise14.20 Food Factory14.45 Food Factory15.10 Thunder Races16.00 Nextworld16.55 Mega World17.45 Last Flight Of The SpaceShuttle18.35 The Gadget Show19.00 How Tech Works19.30 Scrapheap Challenge20.20 Prototype This21.10 Food Factory21.35 Food Factory22.00 Scrapheap Challenge22.50 Stuck With Hackett23.15 Stuck With Hackett23.40 Food Factory00.05 Food Factory00.30 How Do They Do It?01.00 Prototype This01.50 Stuck With Hackett

22 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 201306.00 Comedy Express (r)07.00 Comedy Stars Season 2(r)08.00 Morning Movie: GandhiNagar 2nd Street10.30 Serial : Kumkumapoov (r)11.00 Taste time11.30 Serial: Sthreedhanam (r)12.00 Chirikkum Thalika (r)13.00 Matinee Movie: RamaRavanan15.30 Sancharam16.00 Pranayaragangal16.30 <strong>Gulf</strong> Round Up (r)17.00 <strong>Gulf</strong> Greetings17.30 Serial: Paadasaram18.00 Serial: Amma18.30 Serial : Aardhram19.00 Ningalkkum AakamKodeeswaran 220.30 Serial : Kumkumapoov20.55 Munshi21.00 Serial: Sthreedhanam21.30 Comedy Express22.30 Nammal Thammil (r)23.30 Chirikkum Thalika01.00 Serial : Kumkumapoov (r)01.30 <strong>Gulf</strong> Greetings02.00 Serial : Aardhram (r)02.30 Serial: Sthreedhanam (r)03.00 Serial: Amma (r)03.30 Serial: Paadasaram (r)04.00 Tharavishesham (r)04.30 Cinema Diary (r)05.00 Devasangeetham05.30 BharthakkanmarudeShradhakku (r)06.00 Pularkalam Part 206.30 Upasana07.00 Nadopasana07.30 <strong>News</strong> – Malayalam08.00 Teleshopping08.30 Career Options09.00 Dream Haven09.30 <strong>News</strong> Headlines09.35 Teleshopping10.30 <strong>News</strong> – Malayalam11.00 Styles11.30 Boyzone Ilayanila12.00 Teleshopping12.30 Thirai Thendral13.00 Spandanangal Slot13.30 <strong>News</strong> Headlines13.35 Constituency Review14.30 Muttathe Mulla15.00 Mandalangaliloode15.30 Harithakeralam16.00 <strong>News</strong>-Malayalam16.30 Constituency Review17.30 Star chat18.30 Shubharatri19.00 Naleyude Vanampadikal06.00 NRL Premiership08.00 Trans World Sport09.00 ICC Cricket 36009.30 Live British & IrishLions11.30 International RugbyUnion13.30 ICC Cricket 36014.00 PGA Tour Highlights15.00 AFL Highlights16.00 British & Irish Lions18.00 NRL Full Time18.30 Futbol Mundial19.00 Trans World Sport20.00 PGA European TourHighlights21.00 ICC Cricket 36021.30 Cricket T2000.30 Super League02.30 Futbol Mundial03.00 Trans World Sport04.00 British & Irish Lions19.30 <strong>News</strong>-Malayalam20.00 Relax20.30 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>News</strong>21.30 Aawaaz22.30 Shubharatri23.00 Autograph23.30 Chungath GoldenDreams00.00 Thirai Thendral00.30 Sandralayam01.00 Swawamalika01.30 Vachanadeepthi02.00 Nalumani Poovu02.30 Nadopasana Songs03.00 Christian DevotionalSongs03.30 Devamrutham04.00 Vachanadeepthi04.30 <strong>News</strong> – Malayalam05.00 Pularkalam Part 105.30 English <strong>News</strong>06.00 Shoot & Track06.30 Super Chefs07.00 Vanitaratnam (r)07.30 Vanitaratnam (r)08.00 Favourites08.30 <strong>News</strong> Now09.00 Super Dancer Junior 609.30 Kasavu Thattam (r)10.00 Snehita10.30 Ucha Vartha11.00 Aarogya Vartakal11.30 Movie: Dum Dum Dum12.30 Edaneram13.00 Movie Continues: DumDum DumBahrain 96.5FM06.00-09.00 Breakfast Show with Ian Fisher (GoodMorning Bahrain) including 06.00 Headlines;06.30 <strong>News</strong> Summary; 07.00 Headlines; 080.0<strong>News</strong>; 08.30 Preview & Local Announcements;09.00 Headlines; 09.00-12.00 Mid-day Show withMarie Claire (AM to PM Show) including 10.00Headlines; 11.00 Headlines; 12.00 <strong>News</strong> Summary;12.00-15.00 Afternoon Show with Janahi (MiddayMadness) including 13.00 Headlines; 14.00 <strong>News</strong>;15.00 Headlines; 15.00-18.00 Evening Show withKevin (Drive Time) including 16.00 <strong>News</strong>Summary; 17.00 Headlines; 17.30 BSPCA PetReport; 18.00 <strong>News</strong>; 18.00-21.00 Night Show withKhalid (Evening Shade) including 19.00 Headlines;20.00 <strong>News</strong> Summary; 21.00 <strong>News</strong>; 21.00-24.00Late Night Show with Paul McGill (Tue Chillout)including 22.00 Headlines; 23.00 Headlines -Preview; 24.00 Summary; 00.05 All Night Non-Stop Music.Bahrain 99.5FM19.00 Headlines; 19.02 Zaman’s Kitchen; 19.15Under The Umbrella of Islam; 19.30 Short stories;;20.00 <strong>News</strong> summary; 20.05 Book Club; 21.00 <strong>News</strong>;21.10 Classical Hour; 22.00 Headlines; 22.05 Music;23.00 Headlines and Preview; 23.05 Melody Time;06.00 PGA European TourHighlights07.00 AFL PremiershipHighlights08.00 Futbol Mundial08.30 UK Open Darts12.30 Futbol Mundial13.00 British and Irish LionsTour15.00 Vidyabhyasa Vartakal15.30 <strong>News</strong> Track16.00 Sandhyadeepam16.30 Super Dancer Junior 617.00 Super Dancer Junior 617.30 Serial: Chumma - JustFun18.00 Vanita Ratnam18.30 Vanita Ratnam19.00 Kathayallithu Jeevitham19.30 Top 10 @ Ten20.00 Top 10 @ Ten20.30 Chirikkam NamukkuChirikkam21.00 The Truth21.30 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>News</strong>22.00 Shoot & Track22.30 Kathayallithu Jeevitham(r)23.00 Super Dancer Junior 623.30 Super Dancer Junior 600.00 Kerala Vartakal00.30 Tech Mantra01.00 Thiranottam01.30 Super Dancer Junior 602.00 Super Dancer Junior 602.30 Sandhyadeepam03.00 Sruthilayam (r)03.30 Vandanam04.00 Udayamritam04.30 Sruthilayam05.00 Bharathadarshnam05.30 Morning <strong>News</strong>06.00 Kismet Ke Sitaare06.30 International <strong>News</strong>Bulletin15.00 PGA European TourHighlights16.00 PGA Tour Highlights17.00 ICC Cricket 36017.30 Live Cricket InternationalTwenty2020.30 UFC The Ultimate Fighter21.30 British and Irish LionsTour23.30 WWE Smackdown01.30 WWE Bottom Line02.30 UFC The Ultimate Fighter03.30 NRL Full Time04.00 Cricket InternationalTwenty2007.00 Punar Vivah07.30 Narayan Sewa Sangh08.00 Badalte Rishton KiDastaan08.30 Rab Se Sohna Isshq09.00 Pavitra Rishta09.30 Sapne Suhane LadakpanKe10.00 Connected Hum Tum10.30 Qubool Hai11.00 Punar Vivah11.30 The Great Chefs of India12.00 Bollywood Business12.30 Trendsetters ofBollywood13.00 Hitler Didi13.30 Aaj Ki Housewife Hai..Sab Janti Hai14.00 Badalte Rishton KiDastaan14.30 Rab Se Sohna Isshq15.00 Pavitra Rishta15.30 Sapne Suhane LadakpanKe16.00 Connected Hum Tum16.30 Qubool Hai17.00 Punar Vivah17.30 Bollywood Business18.00 Aaj Ki Housewife Hai..Sab Janti Hai18.30 Hitler Didi19.00 Badalte Rishton KiDastaan19.30 Jodha Akbar (NEWLAUNCH)20.00 Pavitra Rishta20.30 Sapne Suhane LadakpanKe21.00 Qubool Hai21.30 Connected Hum Tum22.00 Punar Vivah22.30 Hitler DidiRADIO CHOICE23.30 Music; 00.00 <strong>News</strong> summary; 00.05 101 Joins96.5 All Night Non-Stop Music06.00 <strong>News</strong>;06.05 World Business Report; 06.15Sports Roundup; 06.30 The Idea Of The City;07.00The World Today; 08.00 The World Today; 09.00 TheWorld Today; 10.00 <strong>News</strong>; 10.15 Off The Shelf; 10.30Planet; 2000 11.00 <strong>News</strong>; 11.10 Pause For Thought;11.15 The Music Party; 12.00 <strong>News</strong>; 12.05 WorldBusiness Report; 12.15 To Be Continued; 12.30 PlaysIn Focus; 12.45 Sports Roundup; 13.00 <strong>News</strong>desk;13.30 On Screen; 14.00 <strong>News</strong>desk; 14.30 The Idea OfThe City; 15.00 <strong>News</strong>; 15.05 World Business Report;15.15 Britain Today; 15.30 Health Matters; 15.45Sports Roundup; 16.00 <strong>News</strong>hour; 17.00 <strong>News</strong>;17.05Outlook ;17.30 Multitrack: Hit List; 18.00 <strong>News</strong>; 18.05Sports Roundup; 18.15 Westway; 18.30 TheGreenfield Collection; 19.00 <strong>News</strong>; 19.15 GlobalWildlife ;19.30 Insight; 19.45 Britain Today; 20.00Europe Today; 20.30 World Business Report; 20.45Sports Roundup; 21.00 <strong>News</strong>desk; 21.30 One Planet;22.00 <strong>News</strong> Summary; 22.01 Outlook; 22.25 Pause07.00 Futbol Mundial07.30 World Cup Of Pool08.30 World Cup Of Pool09.30 Trans World Sport10.30 Golfing World11.30 Super League13.30 NRL Premiership15.30 Futbol Mundial16.00 AFL Premiership18.30 Super League20.30 NRL Full Time21.00 Futbol Mundial21.30 Trans World Sport22.30 AFL Premiership01.00 World Cup Of Pool02.00 World Cup Of Pool03.00 Trans World Sport04.00 Golfing World05.00 Champions TourHighlights23.00 Fear Files23.30 Fear Files00.00 Rab Se Sohna Isshq00.30 Pavitra Rishta01.00 Hitler Didi01.30 Badalte Rishton KiDastaan02.00 Qubool Hai02.30 Punar Vivah03.00 Connected Hum Tum03.30 Sapne Suhane LadakpanKe04.00 Baba Ramdev04.30 Baba Ramdev05.00 Dars E Hadith05.30 Yoga For you06.00 The Food Truck06.30 The Food Truck07.00 Globe Trekker08.00 Wild Camping09.00 Departures10.00 Bert The Conqueror10.30 Xtreme Waterparks11.00 Soul Seeker12.00 Flavours Of Colombia12.30 Flavours Of Colombia13.00 Sophie Grigson InJordan13.30 Sophie Grigson InJordan14.00 International HouseHunters14.30 International HouseHunters15.00 Inside Luxury Travel -For Thought; 22.30 Megamix; 23.00 <strong>News</strong>hour; 00.00<strong>News</strong>; 00.05 World Business Report; 00.15 BritainToday; 00.30 Meridian Live; 01.00 <strong>News</strong>desk 01.30Insigh;t 01.45 Sports Roundup; 02.00 <strong>News</strong>; 02.05Outlook; 02.30 Megamix; 03.00 <strong>News</strong>desk; 03.30Early Visions; 03.45 Britain Today; 04.00 <strong>News</strong>desk;04.30 Discovery; 05.00 <strong>News</strong>day; 05.30 MeridianLive.VOICE OF AMERICA03.00 Preview; 05.01 World <strong>News</strong>; 07.06 World <strong>News</strong>In Depth; 09.10 Regional <strong>News</strong>; 11.14 U.S. <strong>News</strong>;13.18 Sports; 15.22 U.S. Features; 17.28 StationBreak; 19.30 Preview; 21.31 World <strong>News</strong> in Depth;23.45 Science / Medicine / Environment; 23.49Business and Economic <strong>News</strong>; 23.53 Music Features;23.58 Station Break.104.2 YOUR FM06.00-09.00 (Morning Drive) Show with Hemangand Nyssha; 10.00-12.00 (Mid-Day Masala) showwith Moushmi; 12.00-16.00 (Kerala Kauseway) showwith Appunni and Aiswarya; 16.00-20.00 (ChillaxEvenings) show with Ahad and Moushmi; 20.00-22.00 (Time Machine) show with Yashpal.06.00 Ping Pong World07.00 US Bass Fishing08.00 NHL10.00 Mass Participation11.00 Mass Participation12.00 Mobil 1 The Grid12.30 WWE Experience13.30 Ping Pong World14.30 US Bass Fishing15.30 NHL17.30 Mobil 1 The Grid18.00 Prizefighter21.00 NHL23.00 Mass Participation00.00 Mass Participation01.00 UFC The UltimateFighter02.00 NHL04.00 WWE VintageCollection05.00 WWE NXTVarun Sharma16.00 Globe Trekker17.00 Soul Seeker18.00 International HouseHunters18.30 International HouseHunters19.00 Bizarre Foods America20.00 Jonathan Phang’sCaribbean Cookbook20.30 The Food Truck21.00 Extreme Chef22.00 Bizarre Foods America23.00 Inside Luxury Travel -Varun Sharma00.00 Departures01.00 Wild Camping02.00 Extreme Chef03.00 Bizarre Foods America04.00 Inside Luxury Travel -Varun Sharma05.00 Bizarre Foods America14.35 Border Security15.05 Auction Hunters15.30 Auction Kings16.00 Ultimate Survival16.55 Heroes Of Hell’s Highway17.50 Mythbusters18.45 Sons Of Guns19.40 Industrial Junkie20.05 How It’s Made20.35 Auction Hunters21.00 Storage Hunters21.30 Off The Hook: ExtremeCatches21.55 Off The Hook: ExtremeCatches22.25 Extreme Fishing23.20 Moonshiners00.15 Off The Hook: ExtremeCatches00.40 Off The Hook: ExtremeCatches01.10 Extreme Fishing06.30 LOOP: Michael Jackson07.30 The Playlist08.00 TOP 508.30 K-POP Star Hunt S209.30 Double Shot10.00 LOOP: Michael Jackson11.00 The Playlist11.30 TOP 512.00 KPOP Explosion13.00 Double Shot13.30 XO14.30 LOOP: Michael Jackson15.30 The Playlist16.00 TOP 516.30 K-POP Star Hunt S217.30 Double Shot18.00 LOOP: Michael Jackson19.00 The Playlist19.30 TOP 520.00 Videoscope21.00 Double Shot21.30 XO22.30 LOOP: Michael Jackson23.30 The Playlist00.00 Videoscope01.00 TOP 501.30 Double Shot02.00 LOOP03.00 The Playlist03.30 TOP 504.00 Videoscope05.00 Double Shot05.30 XO08.25 Hooked11.10 Inside Cocaine Wars12.05 Breakout13.00 Somewhere In China14.00 Mega Factories20.00 Air Crash Investigation20.50 Inside Cocaine Wars21.40 Breakout22.30 Mudcats00.10 Inside Cocaine Wars01.00 Breakout02.00 Mudcats02.55 Air Crash Investigation05.40 A New Age ofExploration06.00 American Dragon06.20 Kick Buttowski06.40 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors07.00 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors07.25 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors07.50 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors08.15 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors08.40 Kick Buttowski09.00 Zeke & Luther09.25 Zeke & Luther09.50 I’m In The Band10.15 The Super Hero SquadShow10.40 Suite Life On Deck11.05 Suite Life On Deck11.30 Pair Of Kings11.55 Phineas & Ferb12.20 Phineas & Ferb12.45 I’m In The Band13.10 Kid Vs Kat13.30 Kid Vs Kat13.50 The Suite Life Of Zack &Cody14.10 The Suite Life Of Zack &Cody14.30 Phineas & Ferb14.50 Zeke & Luther15.15 Kick Buttowski15.35 Pokemon Dp: SinnohLeague Victors16.00 I’m In The Band16.25 Suite Life On Deck16.50 Zeke & Luther17.15 Zeke & Luther17.40 Phineas & Ferb18.05 Phineas & Ferb18.30 Escape From ScorpionIsland18.55 Kick Buttowski19.20 American Dragon19.45 Aaron Stone20.15 Kid Vs Kat20.40 I’m In The Band21.05 The Avengers: EarthsMightiest Heroes21.30 Zeke & Luther21.50 The Suite Life Of Zack &Cody22.15 The Super Hero SquadShow

<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 231729911017293131Fax: 17293400E-mail: classifieds@tradearabia.netClassifiedFor the best response, seven days a week. Now online: www.gulf-daily-news.comLineage:300 fils per wordper day (Minimum10 words)Display B&W:BD7/- per singlecolumn(Minimum 3cms)Display Colour:BD13/- per singlecolumn centimetre(Minimum 30cms)Series discount:Four for the priceof Three, consecutive(unchanged)Deadlines:Lineage 11amDisplay 9amCancellations 1pmWorking Hours:Sunday to Thursday8am - 6pmSaturday 8am-2pmStorageAnnouncementsDOCUMENT CLEARING& PR- all governmentrelated jobs. HILTONPUBLIC RELATIONS. Tel.17514461, 39428094.htn26@batelco.com.bhSummer SchoolPilgrimageALFAROUQ UMRAH,Weekly campaign. Bookingstarted for Ramadan. Contact:17243490, 39334788,39303935.UMRAH TOURS for 3 daysBD75/- only! Contact36824042, 39279042Cars WantedVOLKSWAGEN USEDcars wanted! Call Kolyar on39677842, 17459985Car-HireDOHA AL-MUFTAH CARRENTAL, Dana Mall. Newcars and 4x2 / 4x4 ToyotaPick-ups available. Email:rac@rentacarbahrain.com;www.rentacarbahrain.comTel. 66331234, 17179190,66339190RAMEE SUMMER CAMP@ Ramee International Hotel, Juffair01 – July – 13 to 15 – Aug. – 13Activities: Swimming training, yoga meditation, aerobics,pilates, boxing , personality development, art &craft, music, sports and refreshment provided.Call Bijan 36270302, Manoj 34375102DINARCAR RENTAL offerslatest model Cars, SUVs,Pickups and Minibus. Tel.36044344, 36044545.AXIS RENT A CAR offerslatest model cars for short/long term lease & limousineservices. Tel: 37797753WE RENT-A-CAR: Available2013 model vehicles, sedan,4x4, Previa, Lexus LS460.Long & short term lease. Fordetails please contact. Tel.17001214, 17242181ELITE CAR RENTAL. ExhibitionTel. 17311883, AdliyaTel. 17714484. Juffair Tel.17728202, Airport Tel.17329299. Riffa 17770147,www.elitehiring.comTOORANCO RENT-A-CAR,Juffair. Latest models, D/cabinpick-up, door-to-door deliveryTel. 17728998, 17727771;www.tooranco.comTRANSGULF CARRENTAL, best rate, bestcars. 24 hours service. Tel:17329303, 39737400CarsAUDI R8, 2009, red,mounted with super chargerand Audi S8, 2007, grey.Call 39644732BMW 535i, 2011, white,38000kms, single owner.Call: 36448224BMW M6 2006, 75,000km.Lancer Evolution 20095000km BMW X6 5.0L2009, 81000km. PorscheCayenne-S 2005 96000km.Grand Cherokee 5.7L 201120000km. Tel. 17700773,36666448, 36360366BMW X5 3.0L 2009,62,000kms, black/ beigeleather, agent maintained,BD14,000/-. Tel. 33387780BMW X6 white 3.5Ltr V6,2008 model, black interior,dealer maintained, 21500kms, service contract tillMarch 2014. Call 39533826FORD RANGER Pickup2009 model (2Nos),BD2500/- each. Contactaddress: Six Construct -Rizzani De Eccher J.V. P.O.Box 50491 North ManamaCauseway Project BahrainBay, near Paragon utilitiesbuilding Manama, BahrainTel: +973 17522832HONDA ACCORD V62009, white, 54,000kms,full options, agent maintained,excellent condition,BD6900/-. Tel. 39650552JAGUAR XF 2011 sportssaloon, Dark maroon, offwhiteleather interior,14700kms, BD11900/- Tel.33514655KIA SORENTO 2011 AWD7 seater with dual A/C3600cc. Tel. 17592221LANCER 2005, 38000kms,single owner, very goodcondition. Tel: 39850196MAZDA 3, 2006, fully automatic,silver, VGC. Tel.33003067MERCEDES C250 AMG,2012, white, 25,000kms,immaculate condition. Tel.33337133NISSAN MAXIMA 2001,green, VGC, single user,leaving Bahrain. Tel.36878917NISSAN SENTRA SL 2013BD6995/-, Hyundai Sonata2012 BD5995/- Tel.17596626, 39457995 www.bahrainautoservices.comPORSCHE 911 Carrera S2010 36,000kms BD25900Call Porsche 17459911PORSCHE 911 Carrera S2013 7000kms BD44990Call Porsche 17459911PORSCHE 911 CarreraTurbo 2010 27000kmsBD35900/- Call Porsche17459911PORSCHE BOXSTER2007, 56,000kms, Atlasgrey terracotta leather,agent maintained,BD8000/- Tel. 33387780PORSCHE CARRERA2007, 38,000kms, white/red interior, VGC. Tel.33337133, 77144404PORSCHE CAYENNE GTS2013 7000kms BD35900/-Call Porsche 17459911PORSCHE CAYENNETurbo 2013 70000kmsBD49900/- Call Porsche17459911PORSCHE CAYMAN 201211000kms BD18900/- CallPorsche 17459911PORSCHE CAYMAN R2012 5000kms BD23900Call Porsche 17459911PORSCHE PANAMERA 4S2011 14000kms BD34990/-Call Porsche 17459911PORSCHE PANAMERAGTS 2013 3000kmsBD48500/- Call Porsche17459911PORSCHE PANAMERA S2013 2000kms BD39990/-Call Porsche 17459911RANGE ROVER Sport2009, white, 120,000kms,BD12,500/- Tel. 39600013TAHOE GMC LT, 2008, fulloption, leather, 70000kms,BD8800/-. Tel. 39615450VW BORA 2002, 51000kms,agent maintained, BD2100/-Tel. 33323376VW JETTA 1.6L- MY 2010,BD3,790/-. Call VolkswagenCentre on 39677842,17459985VW PASSAT 2.5L, MY2012, BD8990/- Call VolkswagenCentre on39677842, 17459985VW TOUAREG 2011,white, panoramic roof,brown leather interior, warrantyuntil 2016, 39000kms,BD15700/-. Tel. 38381199VW TOUAREG V8, MY2007, BD8,590/- Call VolkswagenCentre on39677842, 17459985BRANDED USED Cars.Accident free, lowest price,loan facility. Tel. 17245674,33744272, www.gulfseacarswll.comGOOD CONDITION usedcars like Yaris, Tiida, VWTouareg, Minibus, SUVs’ forsale. Contact: Budget CarRental (used car division).Tel. 39156482, 39333107,39400347.QUALITY CARS wanted-Latest models 2010onwards. Quick sale. Tel.17596626, 39457995 www.bahrainautoservices.comHealth & FitnessSTRESSED WITH thatextra kilo? One stop-weighthop! Contact 35582121,dietframe@gmail.comPetsSAAR KENNELS - Dog/cat boarding, dog grooming.Call Frieda 17792064DOGFATHER FOR professionalgrooming, all proceedsgo to rescued animals.Tel: Tony 39629889MusicBAHRAIN MUSIC INSTI-TUTE- Morning + eveningclasses, all ages, attractivefees. Tel. 17721999.MachineryPOWER GENERATORSrental, repair, parts, buying& selling, new/ used, 2-2500KVA, POWERLANDTel. 38410088, 39467745Leisure ClassesEXPERIENCED PERSON-AL Trainer/ Swimming Coachavailable for private/ groupclasses. Contact: 39268852,oneworld39@gmail.comServicesBAHRAIN PEST CON-TROL. The Bugsluggers!Your pests deserve the best.Simon Barton. Tel. 17713408.PERFECT CLEANING,carpet/ sofa/ curtain shampooingspecialist, tile/ marblepolishing, maintenance,painting, waterproofing. Tel.33717930, 39622171HOME CARE, Generalcleaning, carpet/ sofa shampooing& Housekeeping.Call: 17562400, 36994899MIC PEST CONTROL forcockroaches & bed bugs,guaranteed. Carpet/ Sofacleaning. Tel. 39425995REMOVAL SERVICE -Household, Office Furniturepacking Call NEW TECHTel. 36900436, 1724671024HRS CLEANING & PestControl, Carpet Shampooing,Sofa, Cleaning, Marble PolishingTel. 39697995, 39239098BAYAN AL BAHRAINCleaning. Sofa, carpet &rugs shampooing, Tiles &Marble polishing, Generalcleaning & pest control. Tel.39521427, 39229831.SPECIAL PRICE for sofa/carpet shampooing, generalcleaning; flats, villas,offices. Tel: 33797932RELIABLE DOCUMENTSClearance LMRA/ CPR/CR/ business visa/ residence+ more. Tel.36424239 Fax.13682876REMOVAL SERVICESHousehold/ office furniturepacking, moving & generalcleaning. ELITE PALACETel. 39728060, 17693660MRC PEST CONTROLdestroys all pests. NPCAmember, International standard.Tel. 17827128BASMA CLEANING specialisingin sofas, carpets,rugs Tel. 17729172ALTAWFEEK REMOVALS:Household, Office furniture.Free quotations. Experienced,professional packersTel. Toll-free: 80001130.ALTAWFEEK CLEANING.Carpet, Upholstery shampooing,Floor Cleaning,Removals, Emptying SepticTanks, Drainage Block Clearing,High Pressure Jetting,Skip/ Trash Disposal ServicesTel. Toll-free: 80001130.AL FATEH PEST CON-TROL. All kinds of Pest Control+ Anti termite treatment.Call 17830078, 36097327Al FATEH MEP & Generalcleaning services, all kindsof Mechanical, Electricalsolution. Tel: 17830078,36097302JOZ CLEANING & MAIN-TENANCE. General cleaning,glass cleaning, carpetshampooing and marblepolishing. Tel. 17223423,39290632.REMOVAL SERVICES:Household, office furniturepacking, moving, generalcleaning, shampooing &pest control. AL-JAMEELTel: 36524300, 17292034EXPRESS CLEANING,carpet/ sofa shampooing.Marble/ tiles polishing.General cleaning. Tel.36694406, 39178552VERMINEX Pest ControlProfessionals in Bahrain for32 years- the safest, governmentapproved productsused. Tel. 17280188www.verminexbahrain.comPEST CONTROL & Antitermitetreatment - memberNPMA (USA). NEW TECH36900435, 17246710MARBLE RESTORATION:Grinding, leveling, filling &crystal finish polishing. NEWTECH 17246710, 36803399

24<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013ClassifiedBeautyJOZ BEAUTY SALON &SPA, for all latest hair,Beauty & Spa Services,Juffair villa- 17369133,Awali- 17756449, DragonResort Amwaj- 16031120FLAWLESS SALON. For allyour beauty needs visit ustoday! 50% discount on alltreatments & services. ContactEvelyn @ 38096473 or77005586 for appointments.Block 318, Road 1805,Building 418, HooraSatelliteDREAMBOX 800SE HD hitechwireless. Fixing/ repairingsatellites, Dish TV,Sundirect. Airtel dish +decoder BD85/-. 15 Pakistani,Hindi, ChineseBD55/-, 20 Tamil, MalayalamBD65/- 1000 channels-English movies, <strong>News</strong>,Sport, Cartoons, German +French + Italian BD50/- Tel.33166445, 39031857.FASTTRACK CARGO:Unbelievable price to India(sea & air), best service-GCC, discount price toAddisababa. Tel.17325458, 33128881,bhfasttrack@gmail.comALLIED PICKFORDS foryour move. ProfessionalPacking/ Shipping ofhousehold effects/ vehiclesby sea/ air worldwide. Specialgroupage rates to theUK. Airconditioned storagefacility. Contact us today fora survey and good advice.Tel. 17735355, 17731752,email: info@alliedpickfords.com.bhFIRSTFREIGHT INTER-NATIONAL WLL for air/sea/ land import, export,packing, removals, door todoor, 374 offices worldwide.Contact David 39642636,17217523, Biju 39875636BLUE NILE CARGO &PACKING local & Worldwideremovals. Tel:17406044, 39334628Email: ashraf@bnc-bh.comGDN CLASSIFIEDS, thebest media to advertiseyour business services. Formore information on ourseries discounts and specialmonthly rates call17299110/ 17293131.NoticeCargoDYNAMIC FREIGHT-International moving &freight forwarding, air/ sea/road. For free estimation/consultation Tel. 39672230,17295858 Patrick.WRITER RELOCATIONSyour partner for packing,international & domesticrelocation, commercialmovement, storage, arthandling. Tel: 39957123,39958481AL MULLA CARGO/LOGISTICS Offers bestrates worldwide air/ seafreight, import, export,packing, local & internationalremovals, door-todoor.New office Tel.17811700 Fax: 17811707.LINK WORLD (the movingexperts) provides professionalservices, localremoval/ international relocationsTel. 17100090/39825024; info@linkworldbahrain.com www.linkworldbahrain.comHOMEPAC INTERNA-TIONAL local, GCC, 24hrs,removals, dismantling,packing & fixing. Tel.17710250, 38844100,Qatar: +974-44181800,Dubai: +9714-2399883,Riyadh: +966-14721122,bahrain@homepac.comCHOICE PACKERS &MOVERS. Professionalpacking, local & worldwiderelocation, GCC transport,storage. Tel. 38352001The Directorate of Purchasing & Supply hereby invites Suppliers / Contractors to the followingPublic Tenders:Tender No.1 2013-115-PP-EDDRFP20133924335362 2013-116-PP-EDDRFP2013392433592Project TitleSUPPLY & DELIVERY OF HVCABLE TEST VAN FOR EDD.SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF LVCABLE TEST VAN FOR EDD.InitialBond(BD)DocumentFees(BD)1000/- 25/-1000/- 25/-Closing Date24/07/20131:30 p.m.24/07/20131:30 p.m.• Tenderers who are eligible to supply / provide the goods / services / works specified above,are kindly requested to purchase the tender document online through the e-Tenderingportal at http://www.tenderboard.gov.bh .For any queries or assistance related to e-Tendering, please contact the Tender Board helpdesk on Tel: 17566617, e-Mail helpdesk@tenderboard.gov.bh .• Quotations should be deposited in the tender box provided at the Tender SubmissionOffice, 7thFloor, Tender Board Office at Al Moayyed Tower, before 1:30 After Noon on thetender closing date.• The following conditions should be complied with:1. An Initial Bond should be enclosed for the amount specified above or at a rate of 1% ofthe quotation's value, whichever of the amount is lesser, provided that no initial bond’svalue shall be less than BD 100/-. Ensure that the Initial bond is in the form of CertifiedCheque, Cash, Bank Guarantee or Insurance Policy, and valid for the duration specifiedin the tender documents.2. Enclose a copy of the Commercial Registration Certificate valid for the current year,and related to the subject tender.3. Submit the quotations on Form No. TB 02 - Tender Submission.4. Enclose a copy of Certificate of Compliance with the Employment Percentage forBahraini Manpower issued by Ministry of Labour.5. Ensure to stamp with the official seal on all the original documents and copies there-of,which form part of the offer.• This announcement is to be read as part of the Tender Documents.• All tenders / Auctions are in compliance with the Government Tendering & PurchasingRegulations issued in Decrees Nos. 36 & 37 of 2002 and it's executive regulations.• All public tenders related to the Purchasing & Supply Directorate are published on theAuthority’s website: http://www.mew.gov.bh as well as the Tender Board website:http://www.tenderboard.gov.bh

✁For 1st Class Service Call:17299110 / 17293131Now Online: www.gulf-daily-news.com<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 25BusinessOpportunitiesPARTNER REQUIRED forfirst class restaurant. Tel.33979262RESTAURANT FOR Sale.Tel 39650805A FRANCHISER in food andbeverage line is looking forFranchisee in Bahrain andGCC. Tel. 36336632, 33979262Dine-outSAHAR RESTAURANT,Dinner Buffet (20 dishes)BD2/- Sunday, Monday,Tuesday (except holidays).Tel. 17725117, 36045111.THAI & CHINESE deliciousfavourites. Reasonablerates. Homely atmosphere.SHADA RESTAURANT.Tel. 17721155ComputersDATA RECOVERY Specialistsfor Laptops, desktops,servers, cameras. Tel.TECHNOSERV 39609876EducationLEARN MICROSOFTOffice, C Programming,Oracle, Graphic & WebDesigning, AutoCAD,3DMax, Computer Hardware,Networking, CCNA atGlobal Institute. Call33909404SUMMER TECH ComputerCourse Special Packagefor school students at GlobalInstitute. For details call33909404ICM UK Diplomas: HRM,BMA, Advertising, Marketing,IT. Contact Dr. Jojo 35592496gulfacademy@gmail.comCAREER OPPORTUNI-TIES in Risk Management.Obtain an international qualificationin risk managementand open doors to a careerin many industries such asOil & Gas, Manufacturing,Banking and insurance,construction healthcare etc.<strong>Gulf</strong> Insurance Institute on+97316030303 or visitwww.giionline.netGDN Classifieds, the bestmedia to advertise yourbusiness services. Formore information on ourseries discounts and specialmonthly rates call17299110/ 17293131.For SaleSCHOOL FURNITURE,Office furniture, sofas,beds, cupboards & chairs.MANAMA AUCTIONS Tel.17274067, 17402441HOME & OFFICE furniture,piano, treadmill, cooker,W/machines, fridges, AC’s,barbeque, garden furniture.GULF AUCTIONS W.L.L.Tel. 17727011, gulfauctions@gmail.comBUYING & SELLINGoffice/ household furniture,bedroom, sofas, fridges,cookers/ W/machines, ACs.ARABIAN GULF AUCTIONW.L.L, Tel. 17273726,33322278, arabiangulfauction@gmail.comBARGAIN HASSELBLADH1D Camera with image bank& 2 lenses. Tel. 39421001AccommodationROOM + ATTACHEDbathroom for couple withKeralite family, Manama.Tel. 33947033, 36346967Overseas PropertyBRANDNEW VILLA,2,150sq.ft., in 5 cents, forsale at Trichur, Kerala. Tel.17261288 or email: renjithhr@masterconstco.comProperty for SaleABRAJ AL LULU, silvertower, 2BR apartment, FFfor sale. Tel. 33746590ABRAJ AL LULU luxuriousFF, 2BR, BD70000/-onwards. Tel. 33184488AMWAJ, MEENA-7, 1+study room, seaview,BD68000/-. Tel. 33184488ADLIYA: 2BR FF apartmentfor rent BD650/- inclusive.Tel: 36677260GARDENIA TOWER 2bedrooms apartment fullyfurnished, 150 sq.mtrs,Sale price BD83,000/-,39203702ABRAJ LULU 2 bedroomsapartment , 127sq mtrs,high flloor, rented out forBD600/-, Sale priceBD85,000/- , 39203702AMWAJ MEENA7, 2BRapartment plus study andmaids rooms, 186sqm, 2balconies, BD140,000/- Tel.34504327 - SarahAMWAJ MEENA7, 2BRapartment, 126sqm, balconywith lovely views ofpool and sea, BD115,000/-,Tel. 34504327 - SarahAMWAJ MEENA7, 1BRapartment plus study, 80sqm,balcony with lovely views ofpool and sea, BD77,000/- Tel.34504327 - SarahProperty for RentLABOUR ACCOMMODA-TION : Zinj,Tubli: 100 - 250person, Gufool: 2BR, FF,BD350/-. Tel:33040034.LABOUR ACCOMMODA-TION, new project with allfacilities, secured location.Tel. 39690307, 394583421/2/3 BEDROOM flatsdaily/ weekly/ monthly Tel.33313733THE ADDRESS TOWER.Fully fitted Offices at Seef128sqm to 148sqm for rentfrom BD800/-. Tel.17587997, 39661331.Email: info@al-matrook.comMAHOOZ NEW building, 6flats, 1 studio. Companyaccommodation, BD1800/-.Tel. 33445594DAILY/ WEEKLY/ Monthlysuper luxury flat, Juffair. Tel36661673, 33313733. www.apartmentsinbahrain.comLUXURY STUDIO, BD250/-only. Tel. 33313733TUBLI FLAT, 2BR, 3 bathrooms,kitchen, hall, store,BD220/-. Tel: 32229226VILLA AT Saraya II, 3BR,semi furnished. BD750/-negotiable. Tel. 39650805ABRAJ AL LULU luxuriousFF, 2/3/4BR, BD550/-onwards, inclusive. Tel.33184488RIFFA SHOPS, brandnew2BR/ 3BR flats for familyonly. Contact 38810870FLATS IN Hoora, near MidwaySupermarket, 2BR,including electricity. Tel.39877670, 36689993MAHOOZ STUDIO spaciousSF apartmentBD220/- inclusive. Adliya2BR furnished BD350/-inclusive. Call 36767837GUDAIBIYA, SALMANIYA& Gufool, SF/ FF flats,BD160/—- BD280/-. Tel.34353461AMWAJ: 1/2BR, FF apartmentfor rent, BD350/- toBD450/- inclusive. Tel.66377544, 33008311SANAD: 4BR 353sqm Villafor sale, BD170,000/- Tel.39958525, Enquire@FakhroEV.comHOUSE FOR rent, 9BR, 3kitchens, 5 bathroomsopposite Zayani Motors,Arad, BD900/-. Tel.39911300.COMMERCIAL 6BR villa, 6bathrooms, big hall, sittingdining Tel. 33445594UMM AL-HASSAM 2BRflats, FF with watchmanBD350/-. Tel. 39139323TUBLI NEW building 8Nos. 2BR flat for executivestaff accommodation. Tel.36794271OFFICES FOR rent in Seefwith commercial addressstarting BD100/- monthly.Tel. 33778788, 36685826UMM AL-HASSAM nearAsian School, 2BR, 2 bathrooms,hall, BD260/-. Tel.33466320.BUILDING FOR rent,capacity: 150 people. Company/staff accommodation.Tel. 39444313ARAD BRANDNEW flatsfor rent, 3 bedrooms, 3bathrooms, big hall,kitchen, BD350/-. Tel.39001559, 391180034 FLATS near Ramez,Riffa. One cheque required.Tel. 39578681SALMANIYA/ MUHAR-RAQ, 2BR, 2 bathrooms,hall, spacious flats available.Tel: 17253171AVAILABLE FOR rent,labour camp, warehouse,garage, offices, Salmabad.Contact: 39611161AMWAJ ALMARSA 2 bedroomfully furnished villa forrent. Tel. 36296629UMM AL-HASSAM nearKims Hospital, furnished 1BR.Tel. 39683030, 36942849ADLIYA, MAHOOZ, 2/3BRSF, FF, BD300/-, BD400/-,BD500/-, 3BR villa BD800/-. Tel. 33485623AMWAJ ISLAND Zawia-2,FF 2BR apartment, highfloor, magnificent views, allfacilities. inclusive BD800/-negotiable, Tala, FF 2BRapartment, seaview, beach,pool, tennis court, inclusiveBD650/- negotiable. PurpleProperties Tel: 39629209,39990939.MEDITERRANEANVILLA, Budaiya, 5BR,small compound, peaceful,pool, garden, sea, BD800/-inclusive Tel. 33848884,www.latifgarden.comJUFFAIR, 2BR, large livingroom, fully furnished, spaciousapartment, family residence,great location,BD400/- Tel. 17290737RIFFA: VILLA 5BRBD550/-, Flat 2BR BD280/-. Staff accommodation 4 villascompound 4BRBD2000/-. Jidali: 2BRBD250/-. Umm Al Hassam:Office BD650/- Tel.36384446, 17293553.LUXURY APARTMENTS,brandnew building in Galali,2BR- BD270/-; 3BR- BD320/-. Tel. 39605360, 39781781SAAR NEW villa 6 bedrooms,SP, near St.ChristopherSchool, BD950/- inclusive.Tel: 39666766FF 2BR flat for rent in Tala,Amwaj Island. DELMONESTATE Tel. 36406688 LisaJUFFAIR SPACIOUS 3BR,fully furnished, 3 bathrooms,internet, carpark,BD470/- inclusive. Tel33918044, 39640128OFFICES WITH Commercialaddress, BD100/- inclusive,@ Maz Business Centre,Amwaj. Tel. 16030646(9am-5pm)JUFFAIR LOVELY 2BR FFapartments, great facilities/view. BD650/- -BD750inclusive. Coryn@CBRE36715684. www.bahrainpropertyrentals.com.BUDAIYA QUIET cozy 3bedrooms villa on compound,fitted wardrobes, appliances,garden, garage, security.BD550/- inclusive, 39203702At last! An easy way to book yourclassified advertisement. Just fill in theform and fax, e-mail, post or deliver.Whichever is convenient for you!ClassificationPublication DatesExtra words can be given on an attached sheet.The following details are not for publication.NAMEADDRESSCPR NO.TEL.VISA MASTER AMEX DINERS CLUB INT’NL.CARD NO.EXPIRY DT.monthVILLA IN Amwaj, FloatingCity, 4BR, FF, 2 carpark,BD1,100/- inclusive. Tel:33449006 / 36137666SEEF 2BR flats, 2 bathrooms,near Dana Mall, FF,BD300/- inclusive. Tel:36137666, 33449006FLOATING CITYAmwaj, 2BRvilla, fully furnished, with boatmooring, BD1000/-, inclusive,Tel. 34504327 - SarahSAAR/ JANABIYA: 3BRSF compound villa, all facilities,BD650/- inclusive. Tel.36004402, 33008394yearSIGNATUREAMWAJ MEENA7, 1BRapartment, fully furnished, balconywith lovely views,BD500/- Tel. 34504327 - SarahAMWAJ ISLAND fully furnishedcozy 2 bedroomsapartment, satellite, internet,pool, kid’s play areas, security,BD630/- inclusive, 39203702Send in your coupon to: Fax: 17293400,E-mail: classifieds@tradearabia.netPost or deliver to: Exhibition Road, PO Box 1100, Manama, Bahrain.Sunday to Thursday 8.00am – 6.00pm. Saturday 8.00am – 2.00pm

26 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013ClassifiedProperty for RentContinuedGUDABIYA 4BR, 2 bathrooms,UF, spacious apartments,BD400/-. Tel:33822764, 33754229,33005308SEEF DISTRICT (nearby),2BR apartments, fully furnished,peaceful area,BD300/- inclusive. Tel.39655292JUFFAIR LUXURY 2 bedroomsexecutive apartment,satellite, internet,pool, gym, reserved carpark, security, BD550/-,inclusive, 39203702AMWAJ MEENA7, 2BRapartment, fully furnished,view of pool and sea,BD850/-, inclusive, Tel.34504327 - SarahERA TOWER luxury onebedroom furnished apartmentwith balcony, seaviews,covered parking, withexcellent facilities, BD399/-monthly. Call 36295050 oremail info@landmarkbahrain.comSERENE RESIDENCESanabis, 1BR very spacious,fully furnished apartments.Close to all amenities,dedicated parking,with all common facilitiesBD375/-, Call LANDMARKBAHRAIN, 17564600,Soma: 36465050 or email:info@landmarkbahrain.comBUDAIYA, INCLUSIVE 4bedrooms villa on maturedcompound, garden,garage, appliances, pool,gym, security, BD800/-inclusive, 39203702JANABIYA HIGHWAYclose to Saudi highway,schools and shopping, 3bedrooms villa , fittedwardrobes, kids play area,pool, tennis court, security,BD800/- Tel. 39203702AMWAJ MEENA7, 2BRapartment, plus study andmaids room, semi furnished,BD850/-, inclusiveTel. 34504327 - SarahADLIYA, JUFFAIR,Mahooz, Zinj, 2, 3 & 4BRvillas, semi & fully furnishedwith facilities from BD800/-,Tel. 34504327 - SarahFONTANA TOWER brandnew3BR, very spacious(200sq.m) exceptionallywell furnished apartmentwith large Jacuzzi, tworeserved car parkings andall common inhouse facilities,BD1150/- onwards.Call LANDMARKBAHRAIN, 17564600,Soma: 36465050 or email;info@landmarkbahrain.comHAMALA AMAZING 4bedroom villa on smallgated compound. Spaciousand modern with gardenand large private swimmingpool. Outside maidsand drivers quarters plusoutdoor kitchen and lots ofstorage, BD2000/- exclusiveTel 39722131- KathrynSAAR BRAND new 4 and 5bedroom villas on smallgated compound with communalswimming pool andgym. Large, modern executivehomes for BD3000/-plus,Tel 39722131- KathrynAMWAJ TALA Island, 2BRapartment, high quality,fully furnished apartment,balcony, BD650/-, inclusive.Tel 34504327 - SarahHAMALA LOVELY 3 bedroomvilla with good sized privateswimming pool. Modern,open plan and close toBritish school BD1200/-, Tel39722131- KathrynJANABIYAH 3 bedroom doublestorey house on compoundclose to expat clubs,with outside kitchen and maidsquarters, BD700/- inclusive,Tel. 39722131- KathrynSHOWROOM/ OFFICESvillas, flats, accommodation,warehouses, Seef,Adliya, East Zuwaid, Tubli.Tel: 39668272JANABIYAH 3 bedroomhouse on compound withcommunal facilities. Renovatedkitchens and bathroomsplus fabulous private pool andgarden. BD1000/- inclusive,Tel 39722131- KathrynSAAR BEAUTIFUL 5 bedroomhouse with privatepool, (with jacuzzi/ fountainetc). Fabulous kitchen, spaciousliving/ dining area,excellent bathrooms, closeto St Christophers school.BD1500/- negotiable, Tel39722131- KathrynHAMALA SPACIOUS andquaint 5 bedroom privatevilla close to the Britishschool. Beautiful swimmingpool, balconies, garden andample parking for severalcars, BD1750/- exclusive,Tel 39722131- KathrynNEAR ASHRAF: 1BR FFBD270/-, inclusive electricity.Tel. 36757712, 36686979AMWAJ 2BR FF apartment,2 bathrooms,BD500/- - BD600/-, swimmingpool. Tel: 39319227AMWAJ TALA Island 2BRin coral BD650/-. Tel37733486/ 39319227RIFFA & ADLIYA. FF flats,secured, carpark, new,central AC, security. Tel.34306959, 17760000JID ALI, 2BR, fully furnished,BD180/- inclusiveelectricity. Tel. 36394442ADLIYA 1/2/3BR, FF,BD275/-, BD350/——BD550/-, Umm Al Hassam5BR spacious villa, BD1000/-inclusive. Tel. 33405563ERA TOWER, Seef Area2BR fully furnished apartment,seaview 30th floor,gym, swimming pool, joggingtrack. Tel. 36030139WEST SAAR, completerefurbished 3BR family compoundvillas, large gardens,BD700/-. Mark 36067011,PROJECTS & PROPER-TIES Tel. 177257721BR FLAT, Umm Al Hassam,FF, BD330/- inclusive.Tel. 36733311ADLIYA SPACIOUS 3BRC.AC furnished apartment,pool, gym, covered parking,BD550/- inclusive. Tel.39457468.MUHARRAQ 3BR, 2 bathrooms,hall, 3rd floor, no lift.Tel: 39691464, 39108341(morning)MUHARRAQ, NEAR LastChance, 2BR spacious flat,balcony BD175/- Tel.36702735, 36097326.SAAR SPACIOUS privatevilla, 4 ensuite bedrooms,pool, garden, 2 x garage,BD700/- exclusive. Yvonne:39973405 Projects & PropertiesTel: 17725772www.carltonestate.com,you make the move, wehave the home, visit ourwebsite. Call Marie36504411, 17292827,marie@carltonestate.comSANAD, ALBA, Labouraccommodation upto 120 &350 persons, SF, FF. Tel:33163333, 36626008,17678105JUFFAIR, MAHOOZ 1/2BRfully furnished apartment withall facilities BD300/- BD450/-inclusive. FORTUNE PROP-ERTY MANAGEMENT SPC.Tel. 36667200Situations VacantREQUIRED EXPERI-ENCED Italian cuisine Chefand Waitresses for newlyopened restaurant. Call38888033ELECTRONIC TECHNI-CIAN for maintenance ofelectronic gyms, coffeemachines. Send CV toKarim Mansouri, P.O. Box5185EXPERIENCED SECRE-TARY/ Receptionistrequired for busy office.Must be fluent in Englishand skillful in customer relations.Email CV: ahbe1999@batelco.com.bhSECRETARIES FOR ManagingDirector. Career orientedand experienced.Send CV and references toKarim Mansouri, P.O. Box5185, Manama, Bahrain.PROFESSIONAL MAS-SAGE Therapist requiredfor an Opening Spa in a 4star Hotel. Contact35393112COSMETIC SHOPrequires Saleslady withgood selling techniquesand pleasing personality tosell products. Email CV toravishing666@gmail.com,Contact 33366310URGENTLY REQUIREDwith minimum 3 yearsexperience: 1. AC ChillerTechnician with knowledgeof Trane, Carrier, Yorkchillers repairing & otherAC’s; 2. Electrician; 3.Plumber. Send CV to arabianvacancies@yahoo.com,Tel. 17245630, 33604020RESERVATIONS/ TICK-ETING Staff required.Sponsorship available.Send your CV to: P.O Box24161 or Email:readyvisa@yahoo.comFEMALE WAITRESSESrequired for restaurant inAdliya. Must be experienced& professional.Good salary, sponsorship,free food & accommodation.Tel. 36824488SHAWARMA COOK &Pastry Pizza Cook requiredfor a new restaurant inAdliya. Must be experienced& professional.Good salary, sponsorship,free food & accommodation.Tel. 36824488REQUIRED EXPERI-ENCED Construction Foremanfor a company in UAE.Call 17298893, Fax CV to17296665 or Email: info@newagemarketingwll.comEXPERIENCED Driver forfamily. Visa available. Tel:39755441A CAFETERIA requires:Sandwich & Broasted Makerswith experience. Emailyour CV: s.alqassas@gmail.com or Tel:39980949ALUMINIUM FACTORYrequires: Fabricators, FinishingCarpenters, Electriciancum Plumber. Email:middleeastaluminum@gmail.com, Tel: 396509805,33065005 (8am-5pm)FLORIST REQUIRED forFlowers & Sweets Shop,with experience in flowerarrangement & gifts design.Applicants must be inBahrain. Tel. 33268268,36602958REQUIRED COOK for Arabfamily. Contact No. 17275220Fax: 17270696, email:sales@mhbaloosh.comFRENCH TEACHER andTeacher’s Assistant neededfor British CurriculumSchool, Manama. Send CV:admin@talentschools.comURGENTLY REQUIREDBurger Maker & BroastedMaker with experience forFastfood Restaurant. Localhire only, sponsorship provided.Tel. 33070069GRAPHIC DESIGNERrequired urgently for AdvertisingCompany. Email CV:masharek@live.comURGENTLY REQUIREDExperienced Sales Executivein stationery and officeequipment field. Pleasesend your CV to salman92@batelco.com.bhGRAPHIC DESINGER &Accountant required. Email:gmgulftrophy@gmail.comA LEADING Privately ownedfamily business urgentlyrequires: Executive Assistant(Fluent in Arabic & English):assistant to the companyprincipals and managers,prepare/ edit written materials,electronic records, manageappointments, courteous,presentable, minimum 6years of executive secretaryexperience & degree in BusinessAdministration and IT.Interested Candidatesshould email their detailedCVs, a recent photographand current salary toelwasmi@gmail.com notlater than June 30th 2013DYNAMIC, WELL presentedSalespersons requiredfor web and IT company.Experience in IT sales, anadvantage. Email CV withphotograph: bahrainjobz.2013@gmail.comEBENEZER PRIVATESCHOOL requires Teachersfor Maths/ Science/ English/French/ Kindergarten & PT forthe next academic sessionstarting from September 2013.Good command in English is amust. Interested candidatesmay Fax their CV to 17404236or email at info@ebenezerprivateschool.orgLEADING 4 star hotel islooking for experiencedReceptionist cum Cashier.Must be fluent in speaking& writing in English withfriendly & pleasing personality.Please forward CV toadminoff@batelco.com.bhEXPERIENCED TOURPackage Staff required fora Travel Agency. Email:traveltours2008@gmail.com

For 1st Class Service Call:17299110 / 17293131Now Online: www.gulf-daily-news.com<strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013 27OUTDOOR SALES Executive,Licensed Electricians,and Plumbers urgentlyrequired for Electrical TradingCompany. Tel.39446250REQUIRED EXPERIENCEDSandwich Maker, JuiceMaker, Waiters and Cook.Good salary offered. Contact:39000977, 33791119ACCOUNTANT OR Secretaryrequired for translationoffice. Tel. 39189075EXPERIENCED COOKrequired for fastfoodrestaurant. Tel. 39787191FEMALE ADMINISTRA-TOR with good English andComputer skills for an Institute.Arabic speaking willbe given preference. Tel:36640678, 39467017 (9amto 1pm), Email:apply@baitaltaleem.comDRIVER REQUIRED withvalid Bahraini drivinglicense urgently for reputedcompany in GCC. Email:aalradi@nadadairy.com,office: 17736322 mobile:36039324TECHNICIAN CUMCounter Salesmanrequired for mobile shop,Arabic & English speakingis a must. Attractive salary& sponsorship available.Send CV: online.phones.bh@gmail.comEMIB (www.emibahrainwll.com)is looking forexperienced ElectricalEngineer with license byMinistry of Electricity, kindlysend your CV toemib@batelco.com.bh3 FEMALE Security Staffrequired, 2 years contract(renewable). Companybenefits; visa, accommodation,transport, yearly vacation,meals on duty provided.Local hire only. Email:issjobsbh@gmail.comENGLISH LANGUAGEInstructors required (parttime& full-time), with UK/US qualification. Send CV:info@horizons-hrd.comCMA/ CIMA/ CPA/ ACA/CIA/ ACCA /CIPS/ CIMpart-time Instructorsrequired. Send CV:Info@horizons-hrd.com.REPUTED HVAC Companyrequires: 1. MEP/ HVACSupervisor, 2. Plumbing &Fire Fighting Supervisor, 3.A/C Technician, 4. BMSTechnician for testing, programming& commissioning.8 years experience &valid Bahrain drivinglicense for supervisors & 5years experience for Technician.Candidates whomeet the above requirementskindly send your CVto recruit.tes@gmail.comA CERAMIC & Sanitaryware Trading Companyrequires following candidates:(1) Draftsman withgood experience in Auto-CAD, 3DMax SketchUp,Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop.(2) Outdoor SalesExecutives with 5 yearsexperience, good computerknowledge and validBahrain driving license. (3)Showroom Sales Executiveswith 5 years experienceand good computerknowledge. Apply to:jobs.cgy@gmail.comA C C O U N T A N TREQUIRED with 2-3 yearsexperience. Send CV to:parc@batelco.com.bhAN INTERIOR & ContractingCompany is looking for thefollowing: (1) Sales Executives(2) Carpentry Supervisors(3) Interior fit-out Supervisor(4) Interior Designers(5) Finishing Carpenters. Toapply send your CV to:bhrcareers13@gmail.comDIAMOND SHOWROOMrequires Arabic speakingfemale Sales Executive.Email: jewelsbahrain@gmail.comEMIB (www.emibahrainwll.com) is looking for experiencedSales Manager- sponsorshipavailable and experiencedAccountant for 2months only. Kindly send yourCV to emib@batelco. com.bhCIVIL ENGINEERrequired, Diploma, minimum3-4 years <strong>Gulf</strong> experiencewith driving license.Email CV to: carrier_job2012@yahoo.comREQUIRED Part time JewelryDesigner. Fax:17585353. Email: employeeCVBH@gmail.comCANADIAN ManpowerCompany recruiting for Canada.Managers- hotel/ Construction,Engineers, Architects,Accountants, Cashiers,Doctors, Nurses, Cooks,Chefs, AC Technicians, Electricians,Plumbers, SecurityGuards, Drivers, Crane Operators,Waiters, Housekeeping.Free recruitment. Tel.17740525, 33132169;www.m98world.comREFRIGERATION TECH-NICIAN required withBahraini driving license.Contact: 39997644ELECTRICAL WIREMAN-4 Nos. Bahrain Licensedrequired for reputed ISO CertifiedGroup. Send your CV toEmail: jobs4ubah2013@gmail.com, Fax 17230054FMCG DISTRIBUTION COMPANY IN BAHRAIN REQUIRESVAN SALESMEN• Candidates should have 3 years experience in similar field• Skill in Selling• Valid GCC driving License.• Able to read & write English.All C.V’s to be sent toj.vacancy@batelco.com.bhFax: +973 17104177SALESMAN INDOOR/ Outdoorrequired for ceramiccompany, must be experienced& fluent in Arabic &English, local transfer only.Tel. 36685211, 33332387DRIVER REQUIRED withGCC & Bahrain heavy dutylicense. Tel. 38844100A LEADING Industrial ProductCompany in Bahrainrequires Sales Executives:Candidate should be Dynamic,aggressive with good communication& interpersonalskills. Sales experience wouldbe an advantage and holdingvalid Bahraini driving license isa must. Interested candidateshould forward their resume toemail: recruit625@gmail.comACCOUNTANT & RECEP-TIONIST required with aminimum of 2 years experience,Email CV to strandpropertiescv@yahoo.comor Fax 17828899

28 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Email: gdnsport@batelco.com.bhn General Organisation for Youth and Sports (Goys)signed a BD17,314 deal with JAS Group Trading andContracting Company to establish new fences atBudaiya Sports Club. The contract was signed byGoys facilities and projects director Engineer KhalidAl Haj and JAS official Sabari Nath, in the presenceof contracts engineer Batool Hassan and contractspecialist Nadeem Parker. The project, which isexpected to be ready within four months, is part ofGoys’ strategy to support different national clubs. Al Hajnoted the leading role played by Budaiya in developingmany talented athletes in various sports. He said hehopes the new project would boost the club’s efforts toprepare its teams for different sporting competition tobe staged in the near future. Right, Al Haj, second fromleft, signs the contract with other officials.BAHRAIN SPORTn Champions Albi with their trophy after the awardingOwen clinchestennis awardsOWEN Verbeek wasthe star of the night inthe Bahrain Tennisn A group of the award winners,Academy’s (BTA) 10thnominees and coachesannual end-of-season awards ceremony,held at Dilmun Club in Saar.Seven Player of the Year awardswere presented to the overall best pineach level, while 11 other awards werepresented for outstanding achievementsin various skill categories.Owen collected the Player of theYear Award for competitive players inaddition to topping five of the 11 skillscategories.It was then a family affair, withyounger brother Miles earning thePlayer of the Year award for the Y1-2level, and sister Boudica receiving thesame award for the Reception level.Selection of the award winners wasdone by BTA coaches, based on the students’performances in lessons, tournamentsand camps throughout the 2012-13 season.The selection process began withmore than 150 students being considered.The judging panel selected 10 to15 possible candidates for each awardand this was then narrowed down to thefinal five nominees in each category.The other nominees in each categorywere also presented with certificates.In addition, students present who hadachieved their Little Champ Award medal,a participation-based award system, werealso presented with their medals.BTA director Dan Barrie commented:“The awards represent a lot of hardwork by students, in some cases overthe course of several years. Obviouslyonly a few students will top their category,which is why we feel it is importantto also have a participation-basedawards system in which every studentcan be recognised for dedicating themselvesto the game for a period of time.“In this way, regardless of their level,we hope that all students will be motivatedto achieve their personal best.”For information on summer lessons orthe new term contact BTA at dan@bahraintennisacademy.comor 39697114.AWARDSBEST OF 2012/2013Best Forehand: Owen VerbeekBest Backhand: Emily SmithBest Volleys: Mohammed AbedBest Smash: Diptanshu ChakravartyBest Serve: Saad MohamedBest Footwork: Owen VerbeekMost Complete Player: Owen VerbeekMost Improved Player: Mohammed AbedBest Student: Owen VerbeekMost Dedicated Player: Owen VerbeekBest Sportsmanship: Mukulita ChakravartyPLAYERS OF THE YEAR 2012/2013KG Player of the Year: Lara NabilRec Player of the Year: Boudica VerbeekY1-2 Player of the Year: Miles VerbeekY3-6 Player of the Year: Ai AkiyamaCompetitive Player of the Year: OwenVerbeekAdult Player of the Year: Rebecca CombsTeen Cardio Tennis Player of the Year:Isaac RaneroAlbi claimT25 titleALBI CC werecrowned championsof the BFCsponsoredCricketBahrain Golden League T25Tournament.Albi won the title afterdefeating MWPS by two wicketsin the final.Put into bat, MWPS beganthe contest scoring 147 for 10,with Pravin registering 40 runsand Saleem contributing 23.Jeevan was the pick of theAlbi bowlers, taking threewickets for 16 runs. Sanu alsodid well, taking two wicketsfor 31 runs.In reply, Albi reached theirtarget of 148 for eight in 20.1overs. Sibi scored 43 runs andAmmad contributed 25. Sibiand Ammad had a fourth-wicketpartnership that helped produce38 runs.Following the final, theawarding ceremony took place.Apart from the trophies to thewinners and runners-up, severalindividual awards were alsopresented.A few Albi players wereamong those honoured, includingJeevan who was namedthe Man of the Final, Hamadwho was the Best Fielder andHimesh who was the Man ofthe Match in the first semifinal.Other winners included Ibrarof MWPS who claimed the Manof the Match for the secondsemi-final, Mohammed Khasifof Fiat CB who won the BestBatsman of the Tournament,Jegan Antony of Matrix whowas named Best Bowler ofthe Tournament, Paul Rai ofAJM Kooheji who was namedthe Best All-Rounder of theTournament and Venkat Sai ofIndian School Seniors who wasthe Most Wicket-Taker of theTournament.BD100HERE’S WHAT TO DOThe ball has been obliterated from the picture -right - Mark a Cross (x) with a ballpoint pen whereyou think the centre of the ball is.Five crosses per entry with a maximum 10entries allowedIt is important that full name, address and CPR card numberis given, or the prize may be invalid.WRITE YOUR NAME IN BLOCK LETTERSName:...............................................................................Address:............................................................................Telephone:.........................................................................CPR NO:...........................................................................ENTRIES TO REACH US NOT LATERTHAN SUNDAY EACH WEEKEMPLOYEES OR RELATIVES OF DAR AKHBAR AL KHALEEJ ARENOT ALLOWED TO ENTER THE COMPETITIONThe judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.Prizes must be collected within one calendar month.Despite 309 entries, no-one won this week’s BD50prize, which now rolls over to make next week’sprize BD100.All you have to do is place five crosses where youthink the exact centre of the ball is in theaccompanying picture. Original coupons only willbe accepted, not photocopies.Send your entry to Cross the Ball, <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong>,PO Box 5300, Manama, Bahrain.Last week’s competition with the ball showing

Email: gdnsport@batelco.com.bhBAHRAIN SPORT <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 201329Athletes leave for Asian Indoor GamesBAHRAIN’s delegation to the fourthAsian Indoor and Martial Arts GamesSunni, Fatma Yousufand May Al Doseri.The bowling teamswill be headed bylier this week, with Saud Al Ghenaimbeing the delegation director.(AIMAG), set to take place in Incheon, The teams will beBahrain Bowling The team, which also includes assistantSouth Korea, will be travelling today to travelling along withAssociation president director Hamad Al Baker and treasurerthe Far East.Bahrain BilliardsAbdulla Al Dossary. Mahmood Ashoori, arrived in Incheon toThe eight-day Games are scheduled and SnookerTwo of Bahrain’s finalise the delegation members’ registrationto get underway on Saturday. It providesFederation boardfinest swimmers willprocess and secure accommodation.a large-scale regional competitive member Hussainbe representing their The Games will be the first Olympicarena for a wide range of categories Bukhammas.nation in the Games. Council of Asia Games to combine thesuch as Muay Thai, dance sport, billiards,In bowling, n Al Hassan n Al Baker Promising junior Asian Indoor Games and the Asianfutsal and electronic gaming.Bahrain will be spearheaded by 29Bahrain is sendingeight of its bestFarhan Saleh Farajis due to competeMartial Arts Games. Featuring ninesports in all, the Fourth AIMAG willathletes in three sporting disciplines – players, namelyin the men’s 50m, be a high-profile test event for the 17thbilliards, bowling and swimming. Masood Saberi,100m and 200m freestyleAsian Games in Incheon next year.Bahrain Olympic Committee sportsaffairs executive director Noaman AlHassan is leading the kingdom’s delegationto Incheon.In billiards, the nationals will make uptwo teams. The men’s team consists of AliHassan, Saleh Ahmed, Ali Mohammedand Abdulla Isa. The women’s teamincludes Jumeya Al Doseri, Nahla AlAhmed Al Gaoud,Isa Abduljabbar andTaha Ebrahim, whoare all lined up inthe men’s division.The remaining four bowlers, namelyFatema Khalid, Noora Al Janahi, MajdaTaher and Layla Janahi are scheduled tocompete in the women’s section.events, while23-year-old SameeraAl Bitar will participatein the women’s50m and 100m freestyle contests, as wellin the 50m breaststroke. They are travelingalong with their manager Khalid Ahmed.Meanwhile, Bahrain’s administrativeteam to the Games left for Incheon ear-Nine venues will be specially preparedfor the Games, along with anAthletes’ Village and a planned recruitmentof 3,000 volunteers for the event.Venues include seven existing and twonew arenas for swimming and futsal,besides five for training. The openingand closing ceremonies will both takeplace at Samsan World Gymnasium.Bahrain to signSerbian coachBy PATRICK SALOMONhere in Bahrain, and we know they haveBAHRAIN is set to signn Coach Nikitovic … new signing good knowledge in the game.”Ali said that Nikitovic was one of fiverespected Serbian basketballcoaches being considered by the BBA,coach Sasa Nikitovic aswith other coaches being considerednational team head followingcoming from the US and elsewhere.the sudden U-turn of Bahraini tacticianSalman Ramadhan, who wastask as Bahrain coach will be leadingNikitovic has coached Serbia’snational team at the youth level. His firstearlier expected to take the helm.them to a solid finish in the highly competitiveThis was confirmed last night by2013 Fiba Asia Championship,Bahrain Basketball Association (BBA)which will be held in the Philippinetechnical director and national teamscapital from August 1 to 11.manager Ahmed Ali.Bahrain have been drawn in groupNikitovic will now sign a new deal of‘D’ for the competition alongsideundisclosed length, and he will be guidingKazakhstan, Thailand and India.Bahrain in the upcoming Fiba AsiaBahrain qualified for the continentalChampionship in Manila, scheduled toshowcase with their runner-up finishtake place in August.in the GCC tiff. They represent the“We have sent coach Sasa our contract<strong>Gulf</strong> alongside the Qataris and bronze-offer and we expect him to sign anymedallists Saudi Arabia.day now,” Ali told the GDN last night.Nikitovic will be yet another foreignRamadhan had earlier made a verbalnational taking over Bahrain’scommitment to signing with the BBAnational basketball team. Bahrainand returning as head coach of thewas guided to last season's GCC silverkingdom’s national team, but in a suddenmedal by Lithuanian tacticianand unexpected move, the veteranMindaugas Zukauskas, and before thatBahraini coach signed with Kazma Club turn down the national team at first, but “We have also asked around with our had American Erik Rashad in charge.of Kuwait instead.in the end, he thought about it and chose contacts in Serbian basketball, and they Nikitovic will be joining Bahrain's“We believe it was a case of him to stay in Kuwait.all spoke very highly of him. He has national team along with assistant coacheshaving multiple offers on the table and “We have found a replacement in plenty of experience in his country at all Hussain Qaheri and Hassan Makki, bothtaking the one he felt was best for him,” coach Sasa, and we have been very levels of basketball. We ourselves know of whom were originally set to assistAli said. “I’m sure he did not want to impressed with his CV.a few Serbian coaches who have coached Ramadhan but will now stay on.Youngsters attend orientation sessionBAHRAIN’S 22 best youngfootballers got their firsttaste of professional footballtraining with an orientationsession organied by VIVA.The event gives them a kick startinto their week-long trip to thehome of football, where they willbe trained under the supervisionof Manchester United coaches nextweek.The orientation session was conductedby football veteran HamadMohammed, and it focused on players’basic soccer skills, attributes andteam building exercises which is verysimilar to what the players wouldexperience at the Manchester UnitedSoccer Schools in the UK.The young footballers will undergoa week-long camp and learn thesecrets of professional football fromthe club that boasts extraordinarylegends like Denis Law and GeorgeBest, and play where the legendsn Youngsters duringtheir orientation sessionhave played in Carrington.For more information on the programme,visit viva.com.bh.n Sailors arrive forAl Bareh regattaTEAMS from across the MiddleEast started arriving in Bahrainyesterday ahead of the 20th AlBareh International Regatta 2013,which gets underway today atthe Bahrain Maritime SportsAssociation premises near AlJazayer Beach in Zallaq.Fourteen squads in total, comingfrom 12 countries, are set tosail their boats in four differentclasses during the four-day event.The participating sailors arecoming from Kuwait, Qatar, theUAE, Oman, Tunisia, Morocco,Algeria, Egypt, India, Pakistan andKazakhstan.Adding excitement to this year’sevent, sailors from Monaco andIndonesia are scheduled to maketheir debut along with Palestine›slone representative Iman AbuYousif, who received a specialinvitation to take part.They will be competing for gloryin four classes – Laser Radial,Laser Standard, Laser 4.7 and theOptimist, a category that is openfor young sailors.Today’s programme begins at 9amwith the general meeting of theparticipating teams at the racingvenue, where chief judge LucaBabini of Italy will be addressingthe sailors on the races route andthe competition rules.Babini is among a professionaljury that will run the races thisyear, which marks the 20th editionof the international championship.The Bahrain team, meanwhile,will head into this year’s challengemissing two of their finestmembers – Abdulrahim Abdullaand Abdulla Janahi, both takingpart in the Olympic ChampionProgramme being held in Europe.According to team coachKasem Ben Jemia, they are alsogearing up for this year’s WorldChampionship which will be heldin Muscat in November.n Geant score fine winGEANT defeated GCC SportsClub 3-1 (25-16, 25-22, 19-25,25-21) in the Geant KCA Indo-Bahrain Volleyball Tournament,currently being played at theKerala Catholic Association(KCA) premises.Eight teams are competing in theevent. They have been dividedinto two pools to play leaguematches in the first round. Thetop two teams from each groupthen move on to the semi-finals.Teams must be made up ofboth Bahraini nationals andexpatriates.Tournament action continuestoday with the BahrainVolleyball Spikers taking onKCA Synergy.n Muharraq face ManamaDEFENDING champions Muharraqwill be fighting for their basketballlives tonight when they take onManama in both teams’ concludingGolden Square game in the ZainBahrain Basketball League.The game is scheduled for an 8pmtip-off. Prior to the contest, AlAhli and Al Hala face off at 6pm.Heading into tonight’s action,Manama hold a 4-1 win-lossrecord, while Muharraq and AlAhli both own identical 3-2 mark.Hala are winless after four gamesand are bottom of the GoldenSquare standings on a 0-4 record.Only the top two teams after thisevening’s action move on to thebest-of-five championship series.According to the BahrainBasketball Association (BBA), acomplicated tie-break system willcome into play should any teamsfinish with similar records.

30 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Email: gdnsport@batelco.com.bhWORLD SPORTn Gay on way to victoryDES MOINES, Iowa: Tyson Gayflew to the year’s fastest 200m of19.74 seconds at the US athleticschampionships on Sunday to sethimself up for a World Championshipsprint double challenge.Gay, who notched the season’s fastest100m on Friday with a victory in 9.75,again demonstrated he is fit and ready totake on six-time Olympic champion UsainBolt and his fellow Jamaican sprinters atthe World Championships in Moscow onAugust 10-18.Gay refused, however, to be drawn intoGay runs year’s fastest 200many predictions as to how the US sprinterswould stack up when the world’s bestgather.“I am going to do the best I can,” Gaysaid. “I can’t speak for the other guys butI am going to go out there and give it mybest.”As for his four days’ work in DesMoines, Gay said he was satisfied.“I wish my 100 was a little bit better.I have enough time to work on that,”he said. “My 200 was just an indicationof my fitness. I’m definitely glad I wasvictorious.”Gay’s 200m time eclipsed the 19.79clocked by Bolt in Oslo on June 13 as thefastest in the world this year.Gay powered through the curve andheld on for the victory at Drake Stadium,with Isiah Young second in 19.86 andCurtis Mitchell third in 19.99.Veteran Wallace Spearmon, a formerworld championships bronze and silvermedallist, couldn’t book his Moscowberth, finishing fourth in 20.10.Gay, 30, has been hindered by a seriesof injuries since winning three gold medalsat the 2007 worlds.n Italy’sBalotelli,left, istackledby Brazil’sDavid Luizn Guardiola visitsBayern’s lockerroom inside theAllianz Arena inMunich yesterdayMUNICH, Germany: Newcoach Pep Guardiola yesterdayvowed to maintainthe treble success BayernMunich enjoyed under predecessorJupp Heynckes, as the Spaniard wasofficially unveiled as the ChampionsLeague winners’ new coach.Guardiola’s appointment, announced inJanuary, has created considerable hype inGermany, amid hopes that the man whotook Barcelona to 14 titles in four seasonswill bring glamour to the Bundesliga.“At the top clubs, you are alwaysunder pressure but I believe in myselfand I accept this challenge withouta problem,” the 42-year-old said inGerman, which he has been studying forthe last six months. “I will, of course,make changes, but I want to keep thelevel that Bayern has already achieved.”Guardiola has his work cut out tomatch last season’s achievements whenBayern won the treble of European, cupand league titles, plus the pre-seasonGerman Super Cup, under Heynckes.“I have had no contact with JuppHeynckes but I hope to speak with himin the next few days,” said Guardiola.“I have a lot of respect for hisachievements and it would be good tohave his opinion. It’s an honour to behis successor, especially after the wayhis team played last season.”Having only flown into Munich withhis family on Sunday night after hisyear-long sabbatical in New York,Guardiola spoke mainly German duringthe hour-long press conference, but alsobroke into Spanish, English and Italian.“I have lived for the last year in NewYork and it’s not the optimal place tolearn German but it’s a gift, a joy to behere,” he said.“The decision to come to the clubwas based on its history and its players.“It’s a fresh challenge for me, mytime in Barcelona was wonderful, but Ineeded a new challenge.”FRESHSTARTBarca and Real’s ‘boring’ dominanceLOOKING at the successin the shadow of Real Madridof the top two Spanishand Barcelona.clubs (Real Madrid C.F.From theImagine if a club like Malagaand FC Barcelona), you wouldwas able to produce playersthink that their developmentSidelinesthrough the youth systemsand success is matched withand keep a hold of them.By Mohammed HamzahSpain’s other clubs.Additionally, this can reduceYet, in the last twenty years (Follow me on Twitter: @FootballMH) the burden of relying on theonly in four occasions didtop two clubs to contributeclubs other than Real and sive European title, which I heavily to the national team.Barcelona win the Spanish consider is a warning to the By no means am I criticizingleague title. This can mean world that Spain wants to the success of the Spanishthat Spanish football may be continue to rule global football.Barcelona.system or Real Madrid andheavily reliant on the performanceof two clubs.When you look at theOn the contrary, what I amThe dominance of these starting lineup of the 2012 highlighting is that in order totwo clubs on Spain’s national European Championship final, move forward it can benefitteam selection is not somethingto ignore either.Mata are the only two players as title contenders. That wayFernando Torres and Juan Spain if other clubs emergedWhen you look at internationalfootball powers, Spain than Real and Barcelona. players from different clubs.currently play for clubs other Spain can diversify its pool ofhas emerged as one of the This fact highlights a potentialthreat for the remaining assume that a new directiveHypothetically speaking,contenders for the top prizesfor club and international clubs in the Spanish league, is introduced in one of thefootball.for they are under risk of losingout their star players to ily on buying foreign talent,top two clubs to rely heav-For years, Spain wereknown as Europe’s underachievers,and all thatMadrid. The effect would detrimental to the Spanishthe likes of Barcelona and then such a decision can bechanged when the current hamper the club’s potential National Team.crop of Spanish players was growth. Since the inception of Spain’s overall dominancegroomed for glory in the the Uefa Champions League, of football has been terrifyingto their competition, and2008 Uefa European Football not once did a Spanish clubChampionships.other than Real or Barcelona it is apparent that the plan isSince then, Spain has win it.to continue dominating in thegone on to win a WorldOn a recent trip of mine to coming years.Cup and another European Spain, I visited Malaga CF’s Personally, I wish to seeChampionship, while also La Rosaleda Stadium and I clubs other than Barcelonamaintaining a good record must admit that the facilities and Real Madrid grow, therebyproviding the world withwith the younger squads. of the stadium were remarkable.It made me think of a truly competitive leagueRecently, the Spanish U-21team won its second succes-Spanish clubs that have been where anything might happen.n Injured Balotellito miss Cup semisFORTALEZA, Brazil: Italy strikerMario Balotelli has been ruled out ofhis side’s Confederations Cup semifinalagainst Spain on Thursday witha thigh injury, the Italian FootballFederation said yesterday.“The examinations carried out thisafternoon in Fortaleza on MarioBalotelli showed a grade-one tearin the quadriceps muscle of theleft leg,” it said in a statement.“The player will not be availablefor the semi-final against Spain onThursday, June 27 and in the comingdays his condition will be evaluatedfor the match on the 30th (either thefinal or third-place play-off).”Italy coach Cesare Prandellihopes to have playmaker AndreaPirlo available after he missedSaturday’s 4-2 defeat to hostsBrazil in the final Group A gamewith a sore calf.n New South Korea coachSEOUL: South Korea yesterdaynamed former skipper HongMyung-Bo the new coach ofthe national side, tasked withpreparing the out-of-form teamfor next year’sWorld Cup inBrazil.The KoreaFootballAssociationsaid Hong,44, had beengiven a twoyearcontractn Hongto replace Choi Kang-Hee whoquit as manager last week afterSouth Korea scraped throughto qualify for its eighth straightWorld Cup.n Australia sack ArthurLONDON: Australia have sackedtheir coach Mickey Arthurand replaced him with DarrenLehmann just over two weeksbefore the start of the Ashes seriesagainst England.The team have endured a series ofpoor results, losing a Test series inIndia 4-0 this year, and there havebeen a number of disciplinaryissues in the squad.“We’ve made a tough decision,”Cricket Australia chief executiveJames Sutherland.BASEBALLMajor League Baseball onSunday (home team in CAPS):Minnesota 5 CLEVELAND 3TORONTO 13 Baltimore 5DETROIT 7 Boston 5NY Mets 8 PHILADELPHIA 0Colorado 7 WASHINGTON 6Tampa Bay 3 NY YANKEES 1KANSAS 7 Chi White Sox 6Atlanta 7 MILWAUKEE 4CHI CUBS 14 Houston 6Pittsburgh 10 LA ANGELS 9(10 innings)Miami 7 SAN FRANCISCO 2SEATTLE 6 Oakland 3(10 innings)LA Dodgers 3 SAN DIEGO 1Cincinnati 4 ARIZONA 2Texas 2 ST LOUIS 1

Email: gdnsport@batelco.com.bhWORLD SPORT <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 201331‘Rufus’ in action!LONDON: Record crowds lined up ing at the All England Club atfor day one of the 2013 Wimbledon Wimbledon that hosts the world’stennis championships yesterday as oldest tennis tournament.action got underway early on Centre This year, his handlers AnnaCourt with pigeon-scarer, Rufus the and Imogen Davis, are keepinghawk, clearing away pesky bird life close tabs on Rufus who was stolenand forecasts for a dry day.from their car overnight last yearWith his own Twitter account and was missing for three daysand Facebook page, Rufus has before being found, abandonedbecome one of Britain’s bestknownbirds, deployed from Wimbledon Common.in his transportation cage, on5am daily to clear pigeons roost-n DavisposeswithRufusDavis said she suggested usinghawks to clear the courts ofpigeons about 14 years ago while atWimbledon as a spectator and hasbeen coming every morning of thetwo weeks championship ever since.Action on the main showcourts(prefix denotes seeding)Centre Court(Starting at 3pm, Bahrain time)1-S Williams (US) v M Minella (Luxembourg)1-N Djokovic (Serbia) v F Mayer (Germany)4-D Ferrer (Spain) v M Alund (Argentina)Court One(Starting at 3pm, Bahrain time)A Ramos (Spain) v 8-J Del Potro (Argentina)10-M Kirilenko (Russia) v L Robson (Britain)M Klizan (Slovakia) v 7-T Berdych (Czech)TODAY’S ORDER OF PLAYCourt Two(Starting at 1.30pm, Bahrain time)H Watson (Britain) v M Keys (US)D Tursunov (Russia) v 13-T Haas (Germany)9-R Gasquet (France) v M Granollers (Spain)4-A Radwanska (Poland) v Meusburger(Austria)Court Three(Starting at 1.30pm, Bahrain time)A Schmiedlova (Slovakia) v 14-S Stosur (Australia)B Tomic (Australia) v 21-S Querrey (US)B Mattek-Sands (US) v 7-A Kerber (Germany)19-G Simon (France) v F Lopez (Spain)LIVE ON ESPN & ESPN2 and ABU DHABI SPORTS CHANNELSl Sharapova and Azarenka march onDOWNn Sharapova makes a return against Mladenovic. Below, Azarenkais attended to after taking a fall during her match with KoehlerBUTNOTOUT!MEN’S1st rd: Steve Darcis (BEL) bt Rafael Nadal(ESP x5) 7-6 (7/4), 7-6 (10/8), 6-4; Andy Murray(GBR x2) bt Benjamin Becker (GER) 6-4, 6-3,6-2; Lukasz Kubot (POL) bt Igor Andreev (RUS)6-1, 7-5, 6-2; Lleyton Hewitt (AUS) bt StanislasWawrinka (SUI x11) 6-4, 7-5, 6-3; StephaneRobert (FRA) bt Alejandro Falla (COL) 6-3, 7-6(7/5), 7-5; Benoit Paire (FRA x25) bt AdrianUngur (ROM) 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1; John Isner(USA x18) bt Evgeny Donskoy (RUS) 6-1, 7-6(7/5), 7-6 (7/3); Adrian Mannarino (FRA) btPablo Andujar (ESP) 6-1, 6-2, 6-3; GuillaumeRufin (FRA) bt Marinko Matosevic (AUS) 6-1,4-6, 6-4, 6-3; Jurgen Melzer (AUT) bt FabioFognini (ITA x30) 6-7 (5/7), 7-5, 6-3, 6-2; JulianReister (GER) bt Lukas Rosol (CZE) 6-3, 4-6,7-6 (7/5), 6-7 (4/7), 6-4; Roger Federer (SUIx3) bt Victor Hanescu (ROM) 6-3, 6-2, 6-0;Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA x6) bt David Goffin(BEL) 7-6 (7/4), 6-4, 6-3; Marin Cilic (CRO x10)bt Marcos Baghdatis (CYP) 6-3, 6-4, 6-4; ViktorTroicki (SRB) bt Janko Tipsarevic (SRB x14)6-3, 6-4, 7-6 (7/5); Andrey Kuznetsov (RUS) btAlbert Montañes (ESP) 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3; VasekPospisil (CAN) bt Marc Gicquel (FRA) 6-3, 6-2,7-6 (7/3); Mikhail Youzhny (RUS x20) bt RobinHaase (NED) 6-4, 7-5, 7-5DAY ONE COLLATED RESULTSWOMEN’S1st rd: Monica Puig (PUR) bt Sara Errani(ITA x5) 6-3, 6-2; Silvia Soler (ESP) bt MisakiDoi (JPN) 1-6, 6-4, 6-1; Lesya Tsurenko(UKR) bt Lara Arruabarrena (ESP) 6-1, 6-3;Eva Birnerová (CZE) bt Varvara Lepchenko(USA x26) 6-2, 4-6, 6-4; Camila Giorgi (ITA)bt Samantha Murray (GBR) 6-3, 6-4; SoranaCirstea (ROM x22) bt Stefanie Vögele (SUI)7-5, 7-6 (7/3); Lucie Safarova (CZE x27) btLauren Davis (USA) 6-4, 6-0; Karin Knapp(ITA) bt Lucie Hradecká (CZE) 6-3, 6-4; MariaSharapova (RUS x3) bt Kristina Mladenovic(FRA) 7-6 (7/5), 6-3; Carla Suárez (ESP x19)bt Lourdes Domínguez (ESP) 6-2, 6-2; MirjanaLucic (CRO) bt Sofia Arvidsson (SWE) 6-1,6-4; Eugénie Bouchard (CAN) bt GalinaVoskoboeva (KAZ) 5-7, 7-6 (7/5), 6-4; AnaIvanovic (SRB x12) bt Virginie Razzano (FRA)7-6 (7/1), 6-0; Jelena Jankovic (SRB x16)bt Johanna Konta (GBR) 6-2, 7-5; VesnaManasieva (SRB) bt Yanina Wickmayer (BEL)3-6, 6-2, 6-4; Alize Cornet (FRA x29) bt VaniaKing (USA) 4-6, 6-3, 6-1; Su-Wei Hsieh (TPE) btTatjana Malek (GER) 6-1, 6-0; Flavia Pennetta(ITA) bt Elena Baltacha (GBR) 6-4, 6-1; VictoriaAzarenka (BLR x2) bt Maria João Koehler(POR) 6-1, 6-2LONDON: Second seed VictoriaAzarenka fought through the painbarrier after a nasty fall that left herin shock to beat Maria Joao Koehler6-1 6-2 and reach the Wimbledonsecond round yesterday.The Belarussian had cruised through the first setagainst the Portuguese world number 106 and was onepoint away from going 2-0 up in the second when sheslipped behind the baseline while trying to reach a shotand almost did the splits.“It happened so quick in the second that my leg justkind of collapsed,” she told a news conference. “I feltlike my knee just turned to the other way and it wasjust so nasty.“I was in such shock. For two minutes I had such aconsistent pain that it just completely freaked me outwhat happened.”Azarenka screamed in agony as she lay on thegrass, with some spectators taking a moment to realisethe noise was pain rather than the usual shrieks thataccompany her every shot, and she received treatmentthere before taking a medical timeout.Her right knee was strapped and she walked gingerlyback to continue the match, serving two double faultsimmediately before eventually losing the game.On top of her injury, Azarenka was hampered by afaulty scoreboard flickering in her line of sight but sheovercame the distractions to break back immediatelyand then hold serve.Hobbling between shots and unable to run for anythingthat landed far from where she was standing,Azarenka managed to win games thanks to Koehler’serrors and her own power on the shots she could getbehind.Maria Sharapova put her bitter public feud withSerena Williams to one side to reach the second round.The 2004 Wimbledon champion was given a sterntest by France’s Kristina Mladenovic but the Russianthird seed eventually triumphed 7-6 (7/5), 6-3 onCentre Court.“I’m really pleased with this performance,”Sharapova said.“My opponent played extremely well so I’m reallyhappy to be in the second round.”Italian fifth seed Sara Errani became the first majorcasualty of this year’s Wimbledon when she slumped toa 6-3, 6-2 defeat to Puerto Rican teenager Monica Puig.Errani, a semi-finalist at the French Open earlierthis month and runner-up in Paris to Maria Sharapovain 2012, had gone into her first round clash carrying agroin injury which forced her out of Eastbourne lastweek.

32 <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>News</strong> Tuesday, 25th June 2013Murray makes Grand Slam ‘history’LONDON: Andy Murraymade history as the worldnumber two cruised into theWimbledon second roundwith a 6-4, 6-3, 6-2 victoryover Germany’s BenjaminBecker yesterday.Murray’s dominant display on CentreCourt made him the most successful Britishman in Grand Slam history as he surpassedFred Perry’s total of 106 matches won atthe four majors.The US Open champion will playBritain’s James Ward or Lu Yen-Hsun ofTaiwan in the next round.“I thought he played some solid tennisand didn’t give much away, but I just managedto get breakthroughs at the end of thefirst and second sets. Then I played betterin the third and pulled away,” Murray said.“It’s a good start. There are alwaysnerves before the first match at a GrandSlam, especially here for me. I’m glad toget it out of the way and keep improving.”SCREAMINGDISASTER!l Nadal falls to 135th-ranked DarcisLONDON: In one of Wimbledon’s greatest upsets, an ailing Rafael Nadal wasknocked out in straight sets yesterday by a player ranked 135th — the Spaniard’sfirst loss in the opening round of a Grand Slam event.Steve Darcis of Belgium stunned the two-time champion 7-6 (4), 7-6 (8), 6-4. Heended Nadal’s 22-match winning streak and eliminated one of the Big Four of men’stennis on the very first day of the grass-court Grand Slam.Nadal was sidelined for seven months with a left knee injury after losing in thesecond round of Wimbledon last year. He seemed to be struggling physically.He was unable to turn on the speed or use his legs to spring into his groundstrokes,limping and failing to run for some shots.Darcis was as surprised as everyone else with the result.“Rafa Nadal didn’t play his best tennis today,”the 29-year-old Belgian said. “The first matchon grass is always difficult. It’s his first one.Of course, it’s a big win. I tried to come to thenet as soon as I could, not play too far from thebaseline. I think it worked pretty good today.”Nadal was coming off his eighth championshipat the French Open last month but, onthis day, he never looked like the player whohas won 12 Grand Slam titles and establishedhimself as one of the greatest players of hisgeneration.l Sharapova and Azarenka winl Day One Collated Resultsl Today’s Order of Play– Page 31n Darciscelebrateshis victoryn Nadal reacts as he loses a point to DarcisIt’s the second straight early Wimbledon exitfor Nadal, who was ousted in the second roundlast year by 100th-ranked Lukas Rosol.After that loss, Nadal took the rest of the yearoff to recover from the knee problem. Sincereturning to action this year, he had made it tothe finals of all nine tournaments he entered,winning seven. After winning the FrenchOpen, Nadal pulled out of a grass-court tuneup in Halle, Germany. He came toWimbledon without any serious grass-court preparation.Darcis is the lowest ranked player to beat Nadal at any tournament sinceJoachim Johansson — ranked No. 690 — defeated the Spaniard in 2006 inStockholm. Gustavo Kuerten, in 1997, was the last defending French Open championto lose in the first round at Wimbledon.Darcis, who had won only one previous match at Wimbledon, played the matchof his life yesterday, going for his shots and moving Nadal from corner to corner.Darcis amassed a total of 53 winners, compared with 32 for Nadal.Darcis finished the match in style, serving an ace down themiddle — his 13th — as Nadal failed to chase after the ball.Earlier, Roger Federer began his bid for a record eighthtitle at the All England Club with the same dominance thathas defined his grass-court greatness.Ten years after his first Wimbledon championship,Federer opened the tournament on Centre Court bydismantling Victor Hanescu of Romania 6-3, 6-2, 6-0.Published and printed by Dar Akhbar Al Khaleej Press and Publishing House (WLL). Editorial: P.O. Box 5300, Manama. Tel: 17620222. Fax: 17622141. GDN Online: http://www.gulf-daily-news.com. Email: gdn1@batelco.com.bh. Advertising: P.O. Box 1100,Manama. Tel: 17299110/17293131. Fax: 17293400. Email: hilalpmg@tradearabia.net. Circulation Tel: 17290000. Founder: M AL MARDI. Chairman and Responsible Editor: ANWAR M ABDUL RAHMAN. Editor-in-Chief: GEORGE WILLIAMS

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