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User Manual User Manual
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SmartAddresser 5objects.Send to Back - "Pushes" the active object away from you as viewed on themonitor, sending it behind all other objects on the template. Useful forbackground images and other objects that you wish to have in the background.MANUALLY MOVING AND RESIZING OBJECTSIt is possible to manually move text and objects as well as using the alignment tools toautomatically position them. To do so, the first thing you'll need to do is to select theobject by single-clicking it. When active, an object will appear with black resizehandles on the corners and sides. Here is an example of a selected object--in this case,the azEndorse line of a standard label template:Compare that to the inactive azEndorse line below, and you'll see the differences...theblack dots signify that any action you take using the toolbars or menus will affect thecurrently selected object.The first image has obvious resize handles on all edges and corners, whereas in thesecond image, they are noticeably absent. To move or resize any object, you'll first needto select it by clicking the Select Objects button from the Report Controls toolbar,and then single-clicking on the object that you wish to set as active.MOVING THE CURRENTLY SELECTED OBJECTOnce your object is active, you can simply click and hold the left mouse button inside ofthe object (not directly on a resize handle or edge) and drag the mouse to a newlocation. You'll see a dashed "outline" of the object's size to allow easier movement andjudgment on the final placement of the object, as shown:When you release the left mouse button, the currently selected object will snap to the"outlined" area. It's that simple!170

PrintingTIP!If you have Snap to Grid enabled from the Format menu, objects that youmove may "snap" several pixels on screen at a time. To override the Snap toGrid functionality, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard when initiating adrag. This will move the object smoothly, ignoring any Snap to Gridsettings. For more information on Snap to Grid, refer to the Snap to Gridarea of this topic.Resizing the Currently Selected ObjectResizing an object is very similar to moving an object. The main difference is that,instead of clicking directly in the center of an object, you will click on one of the resizehandles positioned on the edges of the object. When you click the left mouse button ona resize handle and drag the mouse, the dashed "outline" will resize based on theopposite edge of the object that you have clicked on.CHANGING OBJECT ATTRIBUTES - THE FORMAT MENUAll of the buttons in the Layout toolbar are also available under the Format menu. TheFormat menu also includes functions for the grouping and ungrouping of objects, theSnap to Grid feature, setting the Grid Scale, adjusting the font, and adjusting textalignment. Menu items that are not also found in the Layout toolbar are described indetail below:Horizontal Spacing - The Horizontal Spacing selection allows you to adjust thehorizontal spacing between multiple objects with a single click. Spacing may beincreased, decreased, or made equal between all objects from the sub-menu.Vertical Spacing - The Vertical Spacing selection allows you to adjust the vertical spacingbetween multiple objects with a single click. Spacing may be increased, decreased, ormade equal between all objects from the sub-menu.Group - Group joins multiple selected objects so that they can be manipulated as asingle object. If, for example, you have more than one object selected, you can chooseGroup from the Format menu. This will allow the objects to be positioned, cut, andpasted as if all objects in the group were a single object. You cannot change the fontsize or change the color of grouped objects.Ungroup - Ungroup separates previously grouped objects so that they may bemanipulated individually.Snap to Grid - Snap to Grid is the default setting for every template in the Label andReport Designer. When this option is checked within the Format menu, an invisiblealignment grid is toggled on so that objects are automatically aligned to the nearest grid171

SmartAddresser 5objects.Send to Back - "Pushes" the active object away from you as viewed on themonitor, sending it behind all other objects on the template. Useful forbackground images and other objects that you wish to have in the background.MANUALLY MOVING AND RESIZING OBJECTSIt is possible to manually move text and objects as well as using the alignment tools toautomatically position them. To do so, the first thing you'll need to do is to select theobject by single-clicking it. When active, an object will appear with black resizehandles on the corners and sides. Here is an example of a selected object--in this case,the azEndorse line of a standard label template:Compare that to the inactive azEndorse line below, and you'll see the differences...theblack dots signify that any action you take using the toolbars or menus will affect thecurrently selected object.The first image has obvious resize handles on all edges and corners, whereas in thesecond image, they are noticeably absent. To move or resize any object, you'll first needto select it by clicking the Select Objects button from the Report Controls toolbar,and then single-clicking on the object that you wish to set as active.MOVING THE CURRENTLY SELECTED OBJECTOnce your object is active, you can simply click and hold the left mouse button inside ofthe object (not directly on a resize handle or edge) and drag the mouse to a newlocation. You'll see a dashed "outline" of the object's size to allow easier movement andjudgment on the final placement of the object, as shown:When you release the left mouse button, the currently selected object will snap to the"outlined" area. It's that simple!170

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