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SmartAddresser 5the field name. Whether it's an ALLTRIM, the "az" variable found within the defaultfields, or some other expression, you'll be using functions to trim the field down orotherwise streamline its appearance.Between those functions and fields, you'll have a plus sign, indicating that you're joiningthe field with something else. If you're joining it with a space, you'd have quote-spacequoteto tell it to print whatever is between the quotes--in this example, a space. Sincewe want it to print "Company #" between the quotes, we type exactly that, with a spacebefore the word "Company" so it doesn't print right next to the company name field:ALLT(company)+" Company #"+ALLT(STR(account))It's that simple! To complete the guide's instruction, we'll add the final "Expiring"message--again, with a space after the word to avoid printing it directly next to thedate. The entire expression, when completed, will read:ALLT(company)+" Company #"+ALLT(STR(account))+" Expiring "+DTOC(exp_date)That would print a line that looked like this (company is in red, static text is in black,account is in green, and the exp_date field is in blue).ABC Plumbing, Inc. Company #12345 Expiring 07/31/2007Again, some of this is using intermediate to advanced Visual FoxPro syntax for the labelexpressions, so if you're having trouble understanding it, feel free to contact theSmartAddresser 5 Technical Support Department, or review the usage of the LabelLayout Assistant.ADDING TEXT AND GRAPHICSIn SmartAddresser 5’s Label and Report Designers, it's easy to add static text and graphicimages to your labels and reports. Using the Report Controls toolbar (pictured below),you can easily add fields, lines, text, shapes, pictures, and more. Detailed descriptionsof the buttons and their uses are found in this topic.This Report Controls toolbar is located at the top of the Design View, and allows you tomodify the content found on your label or report. The individual button purposes are asfollows:Object and Shape Creation Tools164

PrintingSelect Objects - Allows you to select objects before moving or resizingthem. This feature is explained in Formatting Text and Objects.Label - Adds a static text object to the template. To use the tool, click on theLabel button and then click in the location where you wish to add the text.Field - Allows you to place fields from a database within the template. Forcomplete instructions on adding fields in the Label or Report Designer, seeAdding and Combining Fields.Line - Allows you to create custom lines within the Design View. To use the tool,click on the Line button to initiate the line controls. Click in the Design Viewwhere you want your line to begin, and drag the mouse to the desired endinglocation for the line. Release the mouse button, and the new line is created.Rectangle - Allows you to create a rectangle within the Design View. To use thetool, click on the Rectangle button to initiate the rectangle controls. Click in theDesign View where you want your rectangle's upper left-hand corner to be, anddrag the mouse to the desired location for the bottom right-handcorner. Release the mouse button, and the new rectangle is created.Rounded Rectangle - Allows you to create a rectangle with rounded cornerswithin the Design View. Use the same method that was described in theRectangle description above.Picture/OLE Bound Control - Allows you to insert an image file into the Label orReport Designer. To insert an image, use the following procedure:Click on the Picture/OLE Bound Control button .Position the mouse where you want the upper left-hand corner of the picture to appear.Click the left mouse button and drag to the lower right-hand corner of the desiredpicture location.Release the left mouse button and the Report Picture window appears:165

SmartAddresser 5the field name. Whether it's an ALLTRIM, the "az" variable found within the defaultfields, or some other expression, you'll be using functions to trim the field down orotherwise streamline its appearance.Between those functions and fields, you'll have a plus sign, indicating that you're joiningthe field with something else. If you're joining it with a space, you'd have quote-spacequoteto tell it to print whatever is between the quotes--in this example, a space. Sincewe want it to print "Company #" between the quotes, we type exactly that, with a spacebefore the word "Company" so it doesn't print right next to the company name field:ALLT(company)+" Company #"+ALLT(STR(account))It's that simple! To complete the guide's instruction, we'll add the final "Expiring"message--again, with a space after the word to avoid printing it directly next to thedate. The entire expression, when completed, will read:ALLT(company)+" Company #"+ALLT(STR(account))+" Expiring "+DTOC(exp_date)That would print a line that looked like this (company is in red, static text is in black,account is in green, and the exp_date field is in blue).ABC Plumbing, Inc. Company #12345 Expiring 07/31/2007Again, some of this is using intermediate to advanced Visual FoxPro syntax for the labelexpressions, so if you're having trouble understanding it, feel free to contact theSmartAddresser 5 Technical Support Department, or review the usage of the LabelLayout Assistant.ADDING TEXT AND GRAPHICSIn SmartAddresser 5’s Label and Report Designers, it's easy to add static text and graphicimages to your labels and reports. Using the Report Controls toolbar (pictured below),you can easily add fields, lines, text, shapes, pictures, and more. Detailed descriptionsof the buttons and their uses are found in this topic.This Report Controls toolbar is located at the top of the Design View, and allows you tomodify the content found on your label or report. The individual button purposes are asfollows:Object and Shape Creation Tools164

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