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User Manual User Manual
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SmartAddresser 5Using the column setting text boxes in conjunction with the diagram that appears to theright with any box active, it's very simple to set up the specific dimensions of yourtemplates. Description of the settings are found below:Number - Adjusts the number of columns on your label sheet.Height - Adjusts the height of each individual label.Width - Adjusts the width of each column. The setting is universal for all columns, soyou only set the width once.Spacing - Adjusts the spacing between columns, creating a "gutter" of unprintable areain case your label sheet has center dividers between the labels.Top Margin - Adjusts the margin from the top of the label sheet to the top of the firstrow.Left Margin - Adjusts the margin from the left side of the sheet to the left side of thefirst column.TIP!It's recommended to start with the left side of the Columns area to definethe number of columns and individual label size, and then move to theright side with spacing, top margin, and left margin. Start small, makingsure that your label dimensions are correct. After you're certain thatyour label measurements are accurate, you can then adjust theformatting of the sheet as a whole. This will help avoid confusion withmeasurements that "don't add up" on your paper size.From the "Template Layout" pull-down menu, select your desired label templateformat. For the purposes of this help guide, we're going to choose a standard 5161template, which is the most common 1" x 4" 2 column label format.142

PrintingAfter choosing your template, you'll notice the Columns section updates with theappropriate information. You can modify the settings as you see fit. The pre-createdAvery Label equivalents that are generated by default, however, will already have thecorrect column settings.DEFAULT ADDRESS BLOCK CREATIONCreating one of the standard address blocks within the Label Layout Assistant couldn'tbe easier. Choose your font, the pre-created address block of your choice, and that's allthere is to it! You can even modify the information after it's placed into the Mail MergeFields area to create a customized version of the default address blocks. Follow theinstructions below to create a basic address block:In the Default Address Blocks area, click on the Font buttonwill appear.. The fonts windowIf you desire a specific font, select it from the Font list. Choose the desired font styleand size, and then click OK.From the Default Address Blocks pull-down menu, choose your desired Addressblock. Descriptions of the address blocks are found below:Basic Address Block - Creates a simple, 3-line address block with First and Last, Address,and City-St-Zip. Useful for non-barcoded First Class Single Piece Labels for a residentiallist.Address Block with Company - Creates a 4-line address block with First and Last,Company, Address, and City-St-Zip. Useful for non-barcoded First Class Single PieceLabels for a commercial list.Address Block with Endorsement - Creates a 5-line address block with Endorse, Firstand Last, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip. A standard non-automation label for manyclasses of mail.Address Block with Barcode - Creates a 5-line address block with Barcode, First andLast, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip.Address Block with Endorsement & Barcode - Creates a 6-line address block withBarcode, Endorse, First and Last, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip.My Address Block - After modifying any address block settings, you can select thisoption to save it as the default "custom" address block, which can be recalled any timein the future by selecting My Address Block in the Label Layout Assistant.143

PrintingAfter choosing your template, you'll notice the Columns section updates with theappropriate information. You can modify the settings as you see fit. The pre-createdAvery Label equivalents that are generated by default, however, will already have thecorrect column settings.DEFAULT ADDRESS BLOCK CREATIONCreating one of the standard address blocks within the Label Layout Assistant couldn'tbe easier. Choose your font, the pre-created address block of your choice, and that's allthere is to it! You can even modify the information after it's placed into the Mail MergeFields area to create a customized version of the default address blocks. Follow theinstructions below to create a basic address block:In the Default Address Blocks area, click on the Font buttonwill appear.. The fonts windowIf you desire a specific font, select it from the Font list. Choose the desired font styleand size, and then click OK.From the Default Address Blocks pull-down menu, choose your desired Addressblock. Descriptions of the address blocks are found below:Basic Address Block - Creates a simple, 3-line address block with First and Last, Address,and City-St-Zip. Useful for non-barcoded First Class Single Piece Labels for a residentiallist.Address Block with Company - Creates a 4-line address block with First and Last,Company, Address, and City-St-Zip. Useful for non-barcoded First Class Single PieceLabels for a commercial list.Address Block with Endorsement - Creates a 5-line address block with Endorse, Firstand Last, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip. A standard non-automation label for manyclasses of mail.Address Block with Barcode - Creates a 5-line address block with Barcode, First andLast, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip.Address Block with Endorsement & Barcode - Creates a 6-line address block withBarcode, Endorse, First and Last, Company, Address, and City-St-Zip.My Address Block - After modifying any address block settings, you can select thisoption to save it as the default "custom" address block, which can be recalled any timein the future by selecting My Address Block in the Label Layout Assistant.143

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