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SmartAddresser 5PRINTING CONTAINER TAGSPrinting container tags is simple with SmartAddresser 5.To print Container Tags you must have the Print Presort window open. This windowwill appear after the Presort process is complete. If you have presorted the mail, butclosed the Print Presort window, see Opening an Existing Presort for instructions onreturning to the Print Presort window.Follow the steps below to print the Barcoded Container Tags and a Tag SummaryReport:From the Print Presort window, click the Print Tags button. You will be presented withthe Container Tags window:Check the Print Container Tag Summary Report checkbox.The Tag Summary report is a single line listing of the tags that will actually print,including container quantity totals.Check the Print Container Tags check box.The Container Tags are required by the USPS for each tray or sack that is submitted formailing.From the Source pull-down menu, select Cut Sheet if you are printing to a laser printeror select Continuous if you are printing to a dot matrix printer.138

PrintingIf you're printing the container tags on plain paper and require guide lines to be printedfor cutting, check the "Plain Paper" box. If you do not require guides to be printed, donot check the box.From the Container Type pop-up, select Trays for letter size mailings, and Sacks for flatsize mailings. For First Class flat size mailings, select Trays.For printing Barcoded container tags, leave the "Print non-Barcoded Tags" boxunchecked. For non-automation mailings that require non-barcoded container tags,check the box.Click Print.The Container Tag Summary Report will print first followed by the Container Tags. Youwill be prompted to switch paper stock before the Container Tags print.You also have several other options available on the Container Tags window. They arenoted below:Preview - Checking the preview box and clicking the Print button will show you thepreview pane, without actually sending any data to the default printer. This will allowyou to view the tag content without physically printing it. You can use the previewcontrol bar to then print the tags or switch between pages as desired.Create PDF - Checking the Create PDF box will generate a file called "eTags.pdf" in yourPresort Folder location. To easily access the presort directory, close the Tags windowand go back to the Print Presort window. You'll see the line for the Presort Path is alink. Click the link to easily open the presort folder location, where you'll find theeTags.pdf file:Printer Prompt - Checking Printer Prompt will allow you to send the Container Tags to adifferent printer than your default driver. SmartAddresser 5 5.0 prints all reports andtags to the default printer automatically, but the Printer Prompt checkbox allows you toredirect the documents as they are printed.139

SmartAddresser 5PRINTING CONTAINER TAGSPrinting container tags is simple with SmartAddresser 5.To print Container Tags you must have the Print Presort window open. This windowwill appear after the Presort process is complete. If you have presorted the mail, butclosed the Print Presort window, see Opening an Existing Presort for instructions onreturning to the Print Presort window.Follow the steps below to print the Barcoded Container Tags and a Tag SummaryReport:From the Print Presort window, click the Print Tags button. You will be presented withthe Container Tags window:Check the Print Container Tag Summary Report checkbox.The Tag Summary report is a single line listing of the tags that will actually print,including container quantity totals.Check the Print Container Tags check box.The Container Tags are required by the USPS for each tray or sack that is submitted formailing.From the Source pull-down menu, select Cut Sheet if you are printing to a laser printeror select Continuous if you are printing to a dot matrix printer.138

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