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SmartAddresser 5Opens the Label Designer for editing of the current template. Clicking thisbutton will allow you to modify the content of your template, as well as resizingand reformatting the design. You can also set a default printer for use with thisspecific template.Allows you to browse to a different location to open a Label Template. Use thisfeature when you want to Edit a template from another location and Save it tothe SmartAddresser 5 5.0\Labels folder.Creates and opens a copy of the selected Label Template. Use this featurewhen you want to save the original Label Template and create a secondtemplate for editing purposes.Renames the selected Label Template.Creates a new label template. See Creating a New Label/Report Template formore information.TIP!You can enter a description for each Label Template that you use orcreate! Simply type the description into the Description text box and itwill be automatically saved.Select the scope radio button to define the scope of records that you would like toprint. For an explanation of each scope radio button, see Consistent Window Formats.Check the Pause Printing, Preview or Include Deleted check boxes if desired as describedbelow:Create PDF - Generates an Adobe Acrobat PDF format file in the Presort Directory (ifprinting from within a presort), named "eLabels.pdf", or the database location (ifprinting from List View), named . This file will have the same name as the database, butwill have a pdf extension instead of dbf. For example, the "demofile.dbf" used in ourtutorial would have a "demofile.pdf" PDF file in the database location.Printer Prompt - Displays the Windows Printer dialog after clicking the Printbutton. This allows you to redirect the printed document to a driver other than the onespecified within the label template. For more information on editing Label Templates,see Editing Label Templates.136

Preview - Displays a Preview of the data that will be sent to the printer.PrintingPrint Barcode - Prints the Barcode on the mail piece or label for automation mailings.Pause Printing - Pauses the printer between Containers or Packages when printingpresorted addresses, or even when data changes in a specified field.. When printing inList View order, printing can be paused using information in a specific field. See PausePrinting for more information.Include Deleted - Will include Deleted records in the list if you are printing in List Vieworder. This check box does not apply to Presorted records since Deleted records are notincluded in the Presort process.If you are starting to print from a specific record in the list and you need to locate it, usethe "Look in:" and "Find" text boxes to display the record in the displayeddatabase. While typing your desired search criteria in the "Find:" text box, you will seethe closest match shown in the Database pane.TIP!The displayed database is the actual data in your print file and all of thefields can be viewed by using the available scroll bars.Follow the steps below to locate a specific record within the database pane:Select a field to search in the "Look in:" text box.Type the information that you are looking for into the Find text box.Press Tab, or click the "Find Next Occurrence" button .SmartAddresser 5 will automatically find and select the first occurrence of the dataentered.To move to the next occurrence click the Find Next Occurrence button .Click Print.137

SmartAddresser 5Opens the Label Designer for editing of the current template. Clicking thisbutton will allow you to modify the content of your template, as well as resizingand reformatting the design. You can also set a default printer for use with thisspecific template.Allows you to browse to a different location to open a Label Template. Use thisfeature when you want to Edit a template from another location and Save it tothe SmartAddresser 5 5.0\Labels folder.Creates and opens a copy of the selected Label Template. Use this featurewhen you want to save the original Label Template and create a secondtemplate for editing purposes.Renames the selected Label Template.Creates a new label template. See Creating a New Label/Report Template formore information.TIP!You can enter a description for each Label Template that you use orcreate! Simply type the description into the Description text box and itwill be automatically saved.Select the scope radio button to define the scope of records that you would like toprint. For an explanation of each scope radio button, see Consistent Window Formats.Check the Pause Printing, Preview or Include Deleted check boxes if desired as describedbelow:Create PDF - Generates an Adobe Acrobat PDF format file in the Presort Directory (ifprinting from within a presort), named "eLabels.pdf", or the database location (ifprinting from List View), named . This file will have the same name as the database, butwill have a pdf extension instead of dbf. For example, the "demofile.dbf" used in ourtutorial would have a "demofile.pdf" PDF file in the database location.Printer Prompt - Displays the Windows Printer dialog after clicking the Printbutton. This allows you to redirect the printed document to a driver other than the onespecified within the label template. For more information on editing Label Templates,see Editing Label Templates.136

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