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SmartAddresser 5Container Setup128payment box on the mailing statement that corresponds to yourselection in the Pay Type pull-down menu.The Type pull-downThe Type pull-down allows you to specify the tray size that you'll beusing. The options are extensive in SmartAddresser 55.0, allowing youto choose from the following:MM TraysEMM TraysFlat TraysSacks (White)1' MM Trays Only2' MM Trays OnlyEMM Trays are two-foot letter trays that measure 21 3/4 inches long by11 1/2 inches wide (inside bottom dimensions) by 6 1/8 incheshigh. These trays must be used for letter-size mail that does not fit inregular MM trays. Select the EMM Trays Only item if your mail piecesize requires their use. If you used the Size Calculator, the program willautomatically select EMM Trays if your mail piece size is calculated torequire use of this type of tray. Refer to the applicable section of theDomestic Mail Manual for detailed container requirements for yourclass of mail.The Container Minimum and MaximumUse the Tray Calculator to calculate your tray minimum andmaximum per postal regulations. The minimums and maximums varydependent upon the size of your mail piece and the postal regulationsfor each class of mail. The Tray Calculator takes into consideration all ofthese factors, and will automatically update the Presort Setup windowbased on the information that you enter. You may also enter the Trayminimum and maximum manually. Standard and Periodical class flatsize mail minimums and maximums (as well as container type) will becalculated automatically based on the weight of the mail piece perpostal regulations. You may adjust the numbers manually, but cautionmust be exercised as to not adhere to the postal regulations for yourclass of mail.

Follow the steps below to use the Tray Calculator:Preparing the Mail• Click on the Tray Calculator in the Presort Setup window.The Tray Calculator will appear:• Enter the total amount of pieces that you have measured, and themeasurement in inches. The Tray Calculator will display the recommended trayminimum and maximum per the thickness.• Click OK to update the Presort Setup window with the calculated tray minimumand maximum.The program will then update the Presort Setup window. A check will bedisplayed next to the Tray Calculator indicating that the Tray Calculator wasused to determine the minimum and maximum pieces per tray.The Include Non ZIP+4 Records check boxCheck the Include Non ZIP+4 Records check box when you want toinclude records that do not have a ZIP+4 or barcode assigned tothem. When this box is checked, any records that have a valid 5-digitZIP code, but do not have a +4 assigned to them, will be presorted fornon-automation and will be included in the non-automation portion ofthe mailing statement (when applicable).The Include Carrier Route Level check box129

Follow the steps below to use the Tray Calculator:Preparing the Mail• Click on the Tray Calculator in the Presort Setup window.The Tray Calculator will appear:• Enter the total amount of pieces that you have measured, and themeasurement in inches. The Tray Calculator will display the recommended trayminimum and maximum per the thickness.• Click OK to update the Presort Setup window with the calculated tray minimumand maximum.The program will then update the Presort Setup window. A check will bedisplayed next to the Tray Calculator indicating that the Tray Calculator wasused to determine the minimum and maximum pieces per tray.The Include Non ZIP+4 Records check boxCheck the Include Non ZIP+4 Records check box when you want toinclude records that do not have a ZIP+4 or barcode assigned tothem. When this box is checked, any records that have a valid 5-digitZIP code, but do not have a +4 assigned to them, will be presorted fornon-automation and will be included in the non-automation portion ofthe mailing statement (when applicable).The Include Carrier Route Level check box129

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