User Manual

User Manual User Manual
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SmartAddresser 5Piece SetupThe Class pull-downClass determines how your mail will be delivered. There are fouroptions to choose from: First Class, Periodicals, Standard Mail, andBound Printed Matter. Whichever class of mail you choose, you musthold a permit at your local post office for the selected class ofmail. First Class Mail gets top priority. However, when Periodical andStandard Mail is prepared as automation compatible delivery pointbarcoded, the mail will be processed with the First Class Mail.Whenever possible, you should choose to mail Standard Mail (A)automation instead of First Class automation. There are two mainreasons:* First Class and Standard Mail (A) automation compatible is processedat the same time.* Standard Mail (A) can weigh up to 3.367 ounces before you arecharged any pound rates, while First Class mail can only weigh up toone ounce. For everything over an ounce, you are charged additionalpostage.TIP!Periodical Mail and Bound Printed Matter preparation requires additional setupto adhere to postal regulations. See Preparing Periodical Mail and PreparingBound Printed Matter Mail for full instructions.The Status pull-downStatus determines what type of organization that the company is thatthe mailing is being prepared for. For Standard Mail, there are twooptions to choose from: profit or non-profit. If the mailing is beingprepared for a non-profit organization, you should have specialpermission from the post office to mail at these lower rates. ForPeriodical Mail, there are two other options, Classroom and Science ofAgriculture. Both must be pre-approved by the post office before themailing is submitted.The Size pull-down124

Preparing the MailThe size of your mail piece is determined by the length, width, andthickness. The class of mail you select will influence the choices youhave when deciding on the size of your mail piece. The size of your mailpiece is also determined by which way you apply the label or print thename and address on the mail piece. For example, a 6X9 envelope isconsidered a letter if the label is applied horizontally to the nine-inchwidth.In SmartAddresser 5, you can determine if your mail piece is a letter,flat, or card by using the Size Calculator in the Presort Setup window.Follow the steps below to calculate your mail piece size:• Click on the Size Calculator next to the Size pull-down.The Mail Piece Size Calculator will appear:• Enter the Height of the mail piece.• Enter the Length of the mail piece.• Enter the Thickness of the mail piece.• Click OK to update the Presort Setup window with thecalculated size.The program will determine the Size of the mail piece based on theinformation that you entered, and will update the Presort Setupwindow when you click OK. A check will be displayed next to the Size125

Preparing the MailThe size of your mail piece is determined by the length, width, andthickness. The class of mail you select will influence the choices youhave when deciding on the size of your mail piece. The size of your mailpiece is also determined by which way you apply the label or print thename and address on the mail piece. For example, a 6X9 envelope isconsidered a letter if the label is applied horizontally to the nine-inchwidth.In SmartAddresser 5, you can determine if your mail piece is a letter,flat, or card by using the Size Calculator in the Presort Setup window.Follow the steps below to calculate your mail piece size:• Click on the Size Calculator next to the Size pull-down.The Mail Piece Size Calculator will appear:• Enter the Height of the mail piece.• Enter the Length of the mail piece.• Enter the Thickness of the mail piece.• Click OK to update the Presort Setup window with thecalculated size.The program will determine the Size of the mail piece based on theinformation that you entered, and will update the Presort Setupwindow when you click OK. A check will be displayed next to the Size125

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