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SmartAddresser 5• Check the desired check boxes in Show Duplicates window as explained below:Review Duplicates* Displays an independent Duplicate Records database on screen for you toreview after duplicate detection is completed. See Reviewing Duplicates formore information.Backup Duplicates* Creates a SmartAddresser 5 Database in the same directory as your maindatabase that will store the duplicate records. The file name will include thename of your main database, the date, and the time that the Duplicate Recordsfile was created.TIP!You cannot update the main database from the back up Duplicate Recordsfile. If you do not check Review Duplicates, the main database is updatedautomatically when you press Start. When you check Review Duplicates, youmust update the main database from the toolbar icon during the reviewprocess.All Records* If you have a selection of records on the screen prior to choosing ShowDuplicates from the Select menu, the All Records check box will be available foryou to check. If you are already showing all of the records prior to choosingShow Duplicates from the Select menu, the All Records check box will bedimmed.Auto Run* Auto Run is for Scripting and will only be available if you are running a script.The A.K.A. Dictionary - Enable* The A.K.A. Dictionary includes common match code references that aid induplicate detection. For example, Bob matched with Robert. For instructionson adding or changing the A.K.A. Dictionary see A.K.A. Dictionary.• Select the Priority Record that you want to keep after duplicate detection asdescribed below:108

Duplicate DetectionOriginal* Keeps the original/oldest record in the list. The program determines this fromthe record number.Newest* Keeps the newest record in the list. The program determines this from therecord number.Most Information* Keeps the record with the most information. The program determines this byadding up the total characters in all the fields in the database combined.Least Information* Keeps the record with the least information. The program determines this byadding up the total characters in all of the fields in the database combined.User Defined* Allows you to enter a FoxPro expression to define the Priority record. Forexample, if you would like to keep the record that has an account number inyour field named ACCT, your expression would be; !empty(acct). SeeCommonly Used Expressions for more information on writing Expressions.Order By:* Allows you to select a field that you would like to use to determine whichrecord is kept. For example, you could use a DATE type field that includedinformation about when the record was last modified. You could choose tokeep the oldest modification by checking Descending or the newestmodification by not checking Descending. This would only work if you alsochose the Original or Newest radio buttons accordingly.• Click Start.BASIC DETECTION109

SmartAddresser 5• Check the desired check boxes in Show Duplicates window as explained below:Review Duplicates* Displays an independent Duplicate Records database on screen for you toreview after duplicate detection is completed. See Reviewing Duplicates formore information.Backup Duplicates* Creates a SmartAddresser 5 Database in the same directory as your maindatabase that will store the duplicate records. The file name will include thename of your main database, the date, and the time that the Duplicate Recordsfile was created.TIP!You cannot update the main database from the back up Duplicate Recordsfile. If you do not check Review Duplicates, the main database is updatedautomatically when you press Start. When you check Review Duplicates, youmust update the main database from the toolbar icon during the reviewprocess.All Records* If you have a selection of records on the screen prior to choosing ShowDuplicates from the Select menu, the All Records check box will be available foryou to check. If you are already showing all of the records prior to choosingShow Duplicates from the Select menu, the All Records check box will bedimmed.Auto Run* Auto Run is for Scripting and will only be available if you are running a script.The A.K.A. Dictionary - Enable* The A.K.A. Dictionary includes common match code references that aid induplicate detection. For example, Bob matched with Robert. For instructionson adding or changing the A.K.A. Dictionary see A.K.A. Dictionary.• Select the Priority Record that you want to keep after duplicate detection asdescribed below:108

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