Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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This is the meaning when we have said in the East that God is emptiness. Onlynothingness can be infinite; somethingness is bound to be finite. Only out ofnothingness is an infinite expanse of life, existence, possible -- not out ofsomethingness. God is not somebody: He is nobody or, more correctly,nobodiness. God is not something: He is nothing or, even more correctly, nothingness.He is a creative void -- what Buddha has called SUNYA. He is acreative void.What am I teaching to you? I am teaching you the same: to become creativevoids, non-doers, delighters in just being. That is why the question is bound tocome to everybody's mind sometime or other. You ask: "Sometimes I wonderwhat I am doing here." You wonder rightly -- you are doing nothing here. Yourmind may supply answers, but don't listen to them. Listen to my answer. You arenot doing anything here; I am not teaching you to do something. Your mind maysay that you are learning meditation: you are doing meditation, yoga, this, thator you are trying to achieve enlightenment, satori, SAMADHI -- all nonsense.This is your mind supplying because the mind is an achiever, the mind cannotremain without activity. The mind goes on creating some activity or other. Earnmoney; if you are finished with that, then earn meditation -- but earn. Achievesomething, do something.You become afraid when you are not doing anything, because then suddenly youare face to face with the creative void. That is the face of God. You are in a chaos,you are falling in an infinite abyss and you cannot see the bottom. There is none.Sitting before me, what are you doing? Just sitting. That is the meaning ofZAZEN. In Zen they call meditation 'zazen'. Zazen means just sitting, doingnothing. If you can just sit near me that is enough, more than enough; nothingelse is needed. If you can just sit without doing anything -- not even doingthinking or dreaming -- if you can just sit near me, that will do everything."Suddenly you are too.much for me," you say. Yes, if you just sit I will be toomuch -- because if you just sit, suddenly I will be flowing within you. If you justsit, you will immediately become aware of light and love, and then you will say,"I want to leave you," because you are afraid of love and light.You have become a denizen of darkness. You have lived in darkness so long thatyour eyes are afraid. No matter what you say -- that you would like to live in thelight -- your deep-rooted habits shrink and say, "Where are you going? " Youhave a great investment in darkness.All your knowledge is related to darkness. In light you will be absolutelyignorant. All your wisdom and experience is out of darkness; in light you will benaked, nude. All that you know belongs to darkness; in the light you will findyourself just like an innocent babe, a small child, not knowing anything.You have lived in bondage and now you are afraid to be free. You go on talkingabout freedom and MOKSHA -- absolute freedom -- but if you watch yourselfyou will know that whenever freedom comes your way, you escape. You becomeCome Follow To You Vol 1Osho

afraid. Maybe you talk about freedom just to deceive yourself; maybe it is asubstitute, the substitute Wagner is talking about.You are in bondage; you have never known freedom. You talk about freedom,you sing songs of freedom and through those songs you have a vicarioussatisfaction -- as if you have become free. It is an as-if freedom. But with me it isnot going to be as-if, it is going to be a reality. You become afraid of the reality.You go on asking for love, but when it comes you escape because love isdangerous. One of the greatest dangers in life J is love. The mind can becomesettled with marriage, but notwith love. t The mind always wants law, not love. The mind alwaysloves order, not the chaos that love is. The mind wants to remain in security, andlove is the greatest insecurity youcan come across. Whenever love comes you become afraid to the very roots, youshake and tremble, because that love, if allowed to enter in you, will destroyyour mind. The mindsays: "Escape! Escape immediately! " The mind is trying to save itself.You have lived too deeply in contact with the mind and you have become tooattached. You think that whatever the mind says is right; you are confident thatwhatever is security for mind is security for you. There is the wholemisunderstanding. The death of the mind will be life for you, and the life of themind is nothing but death for you.The identity has to be broken. You have to become aware that you are not themind. Only then can you be near me, only then will the effort to leave and escapedissolve. Otherwise you can find reasons to leave, but those reasons will all bephoney. The real reason will be this: that you were not able to let light come in,you were not able to let love come in and destroy your mind and destroy yourego and give you a rebirth.Question 3YOUR TEACHING SEEMS TO BE: TO BE ABSOLUTELY ONESELF. THIS ISBEYOND ME. HOW CAN ONE BE ONESELF IF ONE IS NOT ONESELF?Let me ask you another question: how can you not be yourself? You can believeit, but you cannot be anything other than yourself. You can think that you aresomebody else, you can imagine that you are somebody else, but all the time youare just yourself, nothing else.So whether you believe you are yourself or not is irrelevant. You remain, all thetime, yourself. You can go on running and chasing shadows, but one day or theother you will have to realize that you have just been doing an absurd thing.How can you be other than yourself7 How? You ask me how one can be oneself.I ask you how one can be other than oneself -- and in my questioning is theanswer. Nobody has even been other than himself; nobody can ever be otherthan himself. To be oneself is the only way to be, nothing can be done about it.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

afraid. Maybe you talk about freedom just to deceive yourself; maybe it is asubstitute, the substitute Wagner is talking about.<strong>You</strong> are in bondage; you have never known freedom. <strong>You</strong> talk about freedom,you sing songs of freedom and through those songs you have a vicarioussatisfaction -- as if you have be<strong>com</strong>e free. It is an as-if freedom. But with me it isnot going to be as-if, it is going to be a reality. <strong>You</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e afraid of the reality.<strong>You</strong> go on asking for love, but when it <strong>com</strong>es you escape because love isdangerous. One of the greatest dangers in life J is love. The mind can be<strong>com</strong>esettled with marriage, but notwith love. t The mind always wants law, not love. The mind alwaysloves order, not the chaos that love is. The mind wants to remain in security, andlove is the greatest insecurity youcan <strong>com</strong>e across. Whenever love <strong>com</strong>es you be<strong>com</strong>e afraid to the very roots, youshake and tremble, because that love, if allowed to enter in you, will destroyyour mind. The mindsays: "Escape! Escape immediately! " The mind is trying to save itself.<strong>You</strong> have lived too deeply in contact with the mind and you have be<strong>com</strong>e tooattached. <strong>You</strong> think that whatever the mind says is right; you are confident thatwhatever is security for mind is security for you. There is the wholemisunderstanding. The death of the mind will be life for you, and the life of themind is nothing but death for you.The identity has to be broken. <strong>You</strong> have to be<strong>com</strong>e aware that you are not themind. Only then can you be near me, only then will the effort to leave and escapedissolve. Otherwise you can find reasons to leave, but those reasons will all bephoney. The real reason will be this: that you were not able to let light <strong>com</strong>e in,you were not able to let love <strong>com</strong>e in and destroy your mind and destroy yourego and give you a rebirth.Question 3YOUR TEACHING SEEMS TO BE: TO BE ABSOLUTELY ONESELF. THIS ISBEYOND ME. HOW CAN ONE BE ONESELF IF ONE IS NOT ONESELF?Let me ask you another question: how can you not be yourself? <strong>You</strong> can believeit, but you cannot be anything other than yourself. <strong>You</strong> can think that you aresomebody else, you can imagine that you are somebody else, but all the time youare just yourself, nothing else.So whether you believe you are yourself or not is irrelevant. <strong>You</strong> remain, all thetime, yourself. <strong>You</strong> can go on running and chasing shadows, but one day or theother you will have to realize that you have just been doing an absurd thing.How can you be other than yourself7 How? <strong>You</strong> ask me how one can be oneself.I ask you how one can be other than oneself -- and in my questioning is theanswer. Nobody has even been other than himself; nobody can ever be otherthan himself. <strong>To</strong> be oneself is the only way to be, nothing can be done about it.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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