Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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een very easy: don't do this, do that; just change the periphery, change youracts.I am trying a totally different thing, a mutation -- not a change from one part ofthe periphery to another part of the periphery, but a transmutation from theperiphery to the center. The center is empty, it is absolutely void. There, youARE. There is being, not doing.It is bound to happen to you sometimes: sitting before me you will wonder whatyou are doing here. Nothing -- you are not doing anything here. You are learninghow to just be, not to do -- how not to do anything: no action, no movement... asif everything stops, time stops. And in that non-moving moment you are in tunewith the present, you are in tune with God.Actions become part of the past. Actions can be in the future, they can be in thepast, but God is always in the present. God has no past and no future. And Godhas not done a thing: when you think that He has created the world, you arecreating His image according to yourself. You cannot remain without doinganything -- you become too restless, it makes you too uneasy -- so you haveconceived of God also as a creator.Not only as a creator -- Christians say that for six days He created and on theseventh day, Sunday, He rested: a holiday. The Bible says God created man inHis own image. Just the reverse seems to be the case: man has created God in hisown image. Because you cannot remain unoccupied, you think: what will Goddo if He is not creating the world? And because you get tired by doing, you thinkGod must also have gotten tired after six days -- so on the seventh day He rested.This is just anthropomorphic. You are thinking about God just as you wouldthink about yourself. No, God has not created the world; the world comes out ofHis non-activity, the world comes out of His non-doing. The world is a floweringof God, just like a tree.Do you think a tree is creating the flowers -- making much effort, doing exercises,planning, asking the experts? The tree is not doing anything at all. The tree is justthere, absolutely unoccupied. In that unoccupied state, the flower flowers byitself. And remember, if some day trees become foolish -- as foolish as man is --and they start trying to bring the flowers, then flowers will stop coming. Theywill not come because they always come effortlessly.Just watch a flower: can you see anything of effort in it? The very being of aflower is so effortless, it simply opens. But we cannot conceive of it. The birdssinging in the morning: do you think they go to Ravi Shankar to learn? Do youthink they are doing something in the morning when they start singing? No,nothing of that sort. The sun arises, and out of their emptiness the song arises.The greatest miracle in the world is that God has created without doing a thing.It is out of nothingness.I was reading about the life of Wagner, a German composer and great musician.Somebody asked Wagner, "Can you say anything about the secret of why youhave created such beautiful music -- and how? "Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

Wagner said, "Because I was unhappy." He said, "If I had been happy, I wouldnot have written down a single note." He said, "People who are unhappy have tofill their lives with imagination because their reality is lacking something." Andhe is right in many ways. People who have never loved write poetry about love.It is a substitute. If love has really happened in life, who bothers to write poetryabout it? One would be a poem himself; there would be no need to write it.Wagner said, "Poets write about love because they have missed love." And thenhe made a statement which is tremendously meaningful. He said, "And I thinkGod created the world because He was unhappy." A great insight -- but theinsight is relevant to man, not to God.If you ask me, God created the world -- in the first place, He is not a creator but acreativity; but to use the old expression -- God created the world not because Hewas unhappy, but because He was so happy that He overflowed; He had somuch.The tree is flowering there in the garden not because it is unhappy. The flowercomes only when the tree has too much to share and does not know what to dowith it. The flower is an overflowing. When the tree is not well-fed, not wellwatered,has not received the right quota of sunlight and care and love, it doesn'tflower because flowering is a luxury. It happens only when you have too much,more than you need. Whenever you have too much, what will you do? It willbecome a heaviness, it will be a burden; it has to be released.;The tree bursts andblooms, it has come to its luxurious moment.The world is the luxury of God: a flowering. He has so much -- what to do withit? He shares, He throws it out, He starts expanding, He starts creating.But remember always, He is not a creator like a painter who paints. The painteris separate from the painting. If the painter dies, the painting will still live. God isa creator like a dancer: the dance and the dancer are one. If the dancer stops, thedance stops.You cannot separate the dance from the dancer, you cannot say to the dancer,"Give your dance to me, I will take it home. I am ready to purchase it." The dancecannot be purchased. It is one of the most spiritual things in the world because itcannot be purchased. You cannot carry it away, you cannot make a commodityout of it. When the dancer is dancing, it is there; when the dancer has stopped, ithas disappeared as if it never existed.God IS creativity. It is not that He created somewhere in the past and thenstopped and rested. And since then what has He been doing? No, He iscontinuously creating. God is not an event, He is a process.It is not that once He created and then stopped. Then the world would be dead.He is continuously creating, just like birds are singing and trees are floweringand the clouds are moving in the sky. He is creating -- and He need not take anyrest because creativity is not an act; you cannot be tired. It is out of Hisnothingness.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

Wagner said, "Because I was unhappy." He said, "If I had been happy, I wouldnot have written down a single note." He said, "People who are unhappy have tofill their lives with imagination because their reality is lacking something." Andhe is right in many ways. People who have never loved write poetry about love.It is a substitute. If love has really happened in life, who bothers to write poetryabout it? One would be a poem himself; there would be no need to write it.Wagner said, "Poets write about love because they have missed love." And thenhe made a statement which is tremendously meaningful. He said, "And I thinkGod created the world because He was unhappy." A great insight -- but theinsight is relevant to man, not to God.If you ask me, God created the world -- in the first place, He is not a creator but acreativity; but to use the old expression -- God created the world not because Hewas unhappy, but because He was so happy that He overflowed; He had somuch.The tree is flowering there in the garden not because it is unhappy. The flower<strong>com</strong>es only when the tree has too much to share and does not know what to dowith it. The flower is an overflowing. When the tree is not well-fed, not wellwatered,has not received the right quota of sunlight and care and love, it doesn'tflower because flowering is a luxury. It happens only when you have too much,more than you need. Whenever you have too much, what will you do? It willbe<strong>com</strong>e a heaviness, it will be a burden; it has to be released.;The tree bursts andblooms, it has <strong>com</strong>e to its luxurious moment.The world is the luxury of God: a flowering. He has so much -- what to do withit? He shares, He throws it out, He starts expanding, He starts creating.But remember always, He is not a creator like a painter who paints. The painteris separate from the painting. If the painter dies, the painting will still live. God isa creator like a dancer: the dance and the dancer are one. If the dancer stops, thedance stops.<strong>You</strong> cannot separate the dance from the dancer, you cannot say to the dancer,"Give your dance to me, I will take it home. I am ready to purchase it." The dancecannot be purchased. It is one of the most spiritual things in the world because itcannot be purchased. <strong>You</strong> cannot carry it away, you cannot make a <strong>com</strong>modityout of it. When the dancer is dancing, it is there; when the dancer has stopped, ithas disappeared as if it never existed.God IS creativity. It is not that He created somewhere in the past and thenstopped and rested. And since then what has He been doing? No, He iscontinuously creating. God is not an event, He is a process.It is not that once He created and then stopped. Then the world would be dead.He is continuously creating, just like birds are singing and trees are floweringand the clouds are moving in the sky. He is creating -- and He need not take anyrest because creativity is not an act; you cannot be tired. It is out of Hisnothingness.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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