Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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enlightened. <strong>You</strong> are full of light then. GOD IS LIFE! If you understand this yourwhole life be<strong>com</strong>es full of light. His life be<strong>com</strong>es a light in your understanding.When His life is reflected within you, it be<strong>com</strong>es light.AND THE LIGHT SHINETH IN DARKNESS; AND THE DARKNESSCOMPREHENDED IT NOT.And the light is shining all around you. Life is all around you -- in the birds, inthe trees, in the river. Life is all around you, there is nothing else -- you are livingin the ocean of life. Out and in, within and without, only life is bubbling. A greatstream of life, and you are just like a fish in it.AND THE LIGHT SHINETH IN DARKNESS; AND THE DARKNESSCOMPREHENDED IT NOT.But you don't <strong>com</strong>prehend it. <strong>You</strong> are still identified with darkness, your eyesare still closed. <strong>You</strong> are blind.This is a beautiful thing to understand: THERE WAS A MAN SENT FROMGOD...This should be so. These are parables but I say they should be so, because howwill a man who has lived in darkness be able to <strong>com</strong>e to light by himself, alone?A Master will be needed.If you are fast asleep, how will you awaken yourself? -- it seems impossible.Somebody who is already awake will be needed to shake you out of your sleep,to give you a jerk, so your needle of unconsciousness jumps out of the grooveand takes a new route. For a single moment you open your eyes and you look.THERE WAS A MAN SENT FROM GOD, WHOSE NAME WAS JOHN.Unless God himself is going to do it, it seems almost impossible that you will beable to realize what is what. So all the religions of the world.... Hindus sayAVATARS; they say, "Man himself is so helpless that God has to descend."AVATAR means descendence of God. He has to <strong>com</strong>e himself to awaken you.This simply shows how deeply you are in sleep, nothing else -- not that you haveto make it a fanatic belief that God <strong>com</strong>es down. It simply shows that you are sofast asleep that unless God <strong>com</strong>es down, there seems to be no possibility for you.And if sometimes you awaken, it simply shows that God must have <strong>com</strong>e downto awaken you.THERE WAS A MAN SENT FROM GOD, WHOSE NAME WAS JOHN. THESAME CAME FOR A WITNESS, TO BEAR WITNESS OF THE LIGHT, THATALL MEN THROUGH HIM MIGHT BELIEVE.I am here. If you can look into me, you will <strong>com</strong>e to trust in things that you havenot been able to realize yourself. Through me, you can have a little glimpse ofthat which is still unseen.And God is the unseen. Somebody is needed who can be a witness, who can bearwitness, who can say, "Yes, I know Him," who can resound in your depths, whocan give you a taste, by his touch, that "Yes, God exists." God can never be just abelief, because a belief will be impotent. It will be intellectual, heady, but it will<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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